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Can you hear that? That's the revving engine! Can you smell that? That's the powerful gasoline! That's right, today, in our effort to give you the fullest retro-gaming experience possible, the fast and furious Professor Oak has kindly provided us with the manual for Grand Prix Manager 2

This racing managerial and simulation game from Micro Prose is available right here on site, so get your engines started. It's time to get racing!

posted by Lulu_Jane // 02-12-2010 // extra // permalink
An Inconvenient Retirement
King Graham has aged considerably. After surmounting countless of trials in King's Quest and its sequel Romancing the Throne his heart is finally failing him, even though he stood on the sidelines for the entire third part of series. Thus, it's time for his daughter, Rosella, to take over the hat of adventure and her first task will be to save her beloved father.

Join her in this mystical adventure through the lands of Tamir, as she attempts to find a magical fruit and return to Daventry. Thanks to Eleima512 today we've added the manual for King's Quest IV: Perils of Rosella. If you fail in your quest then KQ5 never happened...

posted by TotalAnarchy // 04-12-2010 // extra // permalink
A Solar System Drama
From Base Kourou you depart towards the Pegasus Space Station. Your task is a simple one - to investigate the allegations made by Mission Commander according to which someone on board attempted to murder him. Even from this short introduction it's easy to understand that Murders in Space is a unique adventure. It's recommended to try it for the sole fact of checking some of the features implemented, such as space walks or solar eruption monitoring.

The newest game on Abandonia didn't gain much popularity at its time of release, but it's a gem because it doesn't strive to adhere to common adventure standards. Exclusive thanks go to Ermuli who offered us his archive, the three disk images and a set of boxshots.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 05-12-2010 // permalink

RSS Feeds - Glitch Solved

Our acclaimed technician Adnan solved an issue connected to our RSS feeds.

I invite you all to subscribe again! Just click the picture in order to receive news regarding our site updates!

Enjoy =)

posted by Dave // 06-12-2010 // permalink
It's time to bounce!
Because today the bounding Marko River has kindly provided us with the cheat sheet for Street Ball! This tricky little arcade game is available right here on Abandonia of course, so it's time to roll your sleeves up and get bouncing!

Now because we care about your gaming joy, and because we have made a few bug fixes in the last couple of days - we've also got two manuals available for Alien Legacy from the wonderful Geezer and the awesome Golan and it doesn't stop there! We also have the quick reference card waiting for you also from Geezer. Enjoy the retro-goodness you lovelies!

posted by Lulu_Jane // 07-12-2010 // extra // permalink
Our tech hero Adnan has solved a critical issue connected to translations, which made the addition of newposts pictures impossible to our translators.

No more horrible localized main pages!

All translators are invited to their respective forum sections, if you aren't one of them but you are interested in the project remember to check our forums! We are always looking for helpers.

Thank you all for you patience and happy translating =)

posted by Dave // 09-12-2010 // permalink
The Order's Forgotten Sins
The summer sun rises above the castle spires. You wash your face in the river's fresh water. The boots are in perfect condition and the armor happily reflects the azure of the sky. Finally, your faithful sword has been recently sharpened and anxiously awaits to bring justice to the dangerous lands beyond. You acknowledge that you're ready for the adventure of your life...

For all of you role-playing adventurers, the latest rumors tell of a new world in need to be rescued from the Ultimate Evil. WarWizard was the only game developed by MicroGenesis. It's a hidden gem for us retro gamers, and you're sure to find some satisfaction in it. This time, the honors go to Scatty who wrote a nice review for it and Zakhal, the one who has uploaded the archive.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 10-12-2010 // downloadable // game // RPG // permalink

Broken Compass
Eleima512 gives us the opportunity to once again visit the delightful world of Daventry by uploading a pair of scans that should provide a good read for every Sierra fan. First there's the manual for King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder. In it you'll find some tips on how to make King Graham relive his early adventurous days.

Prince Alexander returns as the main protagonist in King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow. His quest for love would be pointless if not for the Guidebook to the Land of the Green Isles. You can take a peak inside by downloading the tome from the extras section of the game.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 14-12-2010 // extra // permalink

I challenge you to Mortal Kombat!
Thanks to SpiDoL we now have Mortal Kombat Trilogy, a game that merges all the Mortal Kombat games before it. With more characters to play with and an AI that knows your moves before you do are you ready for some Mortal Kombat. To beat this game will take effort and skill do you have enough? Not much else can be said, get out there and play.

posted by DarthHelmet86 // 15-12-2010 // downloadable // game // Action // permalink

Race Against Duke Nukem!
At least that's what one of the ads for the title said. Death Rally is not your usual racing game. It's dirty, it's cruel, it's awesome. Battle your way through the underground rally championship using all the means necessary, including traps, shooting at your opponents, bribes and much more. The car combat genre is not as popular today for different reasons, but now you have the chance to experience what made it so fun.

Remedy debuted in 1996 with this memorable project. That's why probably they rereleased it for free in 2009 upgraded to run on modern OSs. bobson gets all the attention this time for his determination to be the first to review this classic. He also supplied a series of music tracks for the Abandonia Frequency.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 16-12-2010 // downloadable // game // Racing // permalink

FTP Server Is Online Again
Everything is back to normal and everyone can download the games again. Happy gaming!

Since I don't want to waste space with a small newspost, how about I direct your attention to a couple of incoming events? First, we're 1 title away from reaching the grand number of 1300 games on site. Another round and sexy milestone is the amount of likes we got from you on our Facebook page - only 4 more retro gamers and we'll reach 1000!
posted by TotalAnarchy // 18-12-2010 // permalink

Camelot in Crisis
After a short prosperous reign at the helm of England, king Constantine was traitorously turned into stone. Camelot was robbed of its treasures, including the Holy Grail and the enchantress Ninive, and all of them smuggled over to Spain. It's up to you to retrieve them and save the helpless king.

Vaul was very kind to scan the Vengeance of Excalibur manual, which contains detailed background information and tips to make your playthrough an enjoyable one. I also find it important to mention you can import your characters from the first title in the series. Not many RPGs have this feature.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 21-12-2010 // extra // permalink

Do you think you can Hack the Dungeon!
We now have another great RPG onsite, Dungeon Hack. Using a similar graphics style to Eye of the Beholder and Lands of Lore, but unlike those games Dungeon Hack is a story free RPG, a true dungeon crawl based on the AD&D ruleset. In fact it is using the rules almost to the letter, so watch out for all kinds of traps and tricks. The game also allows you to change the dungeon that it creates, and has almost an unlimited amount of dungeons allowing for unlimited replayablity.

Big thanks to Vanshilar for the Archive and Copy Protection codes and some more thanks to an Anonymous source who gave us the review and screenshots. But no time to wait treasure is waiting just around the corner.
posted by DarthHelmet86 // 22-12-2010 // not downloadable // game // RPG // permalink

Come play our Christmas MMO

Are you suffering from the Post-Christmas blues, do you want to play some good old fashioned games and do so online with your mates from Abandonia? If you do, well we have the answer for you.

One of the first MMO (massively multi-player online) games was published by Sierra, and it was called The ImagiNation Network. It had chat and many different games--from parlor to arcade and sports and a dungeon-crawling RPG--that you could play with your friends and anyone you met there. All this in 1991--incredible, huh?

Here you can see a small sample of part of the games and features (but the more people you play with, the more fun you'll have!):

This game is now not only in the past any longer, because it has been brought back to life by some dedicated people and can now be downloaded from our site. Moreover, this used to be very expensive in the 90s, but now it's free to play! We here at Abandonia want to show our thanks to the people who brought it back, and the best way is to have as many of us as we can log in and play some games with each other over the next week. We hope to see you there these holidays.

Click on the heading of this post to go into the multi-player section of our forums, where you can organize games and join them. (First download and install the game if you haven't yet.)

posted by Japo // 25-12-2010 // permalink
Behind the Wall of Flesh There is a... Patch
Doom II needs no introduction. Its legacy continues to live on as first-person shooters are slowly becoming the mainstream gamers' fast food. At the same time Abandonia keeps extending its extras database with more documents. Today we added the superb manual and a batch of boxshots for the well-known FPS, thanks to ltsajber.

In other (late) news, on 19th December, a new version for ScummVM was released, namely 1.2.1. It includes fixes for several bugs, including problems with classics Cruise for a Corpse, Lure of the Temptress, and The 7th Guest. Nothing new regarding other supported titles. This version is one more reason to give the software a try if you haven't done so.

posted by TotalAnarchy // 28-12-2010 // extra // permalink
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