Dear Abandonia visitors: Help us keep Abandonia free with a small donation. Abandonia is like an old gaming arcade with only original games. Abandonia helps you have fun four hours and years. If Abandonia is useful to you, please help us forget fundraising and get back to Abandonia.

When Abandonia was founded it was to collect and present all old games where the copyright protection had been abandoned, hence the term ’abandonware’ and the site name We are still keeping the site open and free and will appreciate your support to help it stay that way.

‐ Thank you from the Abandonia Team

We are trying to make it easy for people in every country to donate. Please let us know how we could make it easier for you.

Please give whatever you can to help us.

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The Modern Strategikon
If you seek to prove your military skills on the battlefield, you can't ignore this gem. Countless historical battles and "what if" scenarios are included in the package. The game avoids burdening you with micromanagement, and offers a more simple gameplay, compared to the hellish difficulty of the usual turn-based strategies.

An extras update this time. dkw scanned the Map Books, the Unit Information and additionaly supplied a pair of boxshots. If you master all of the challenges this game has to offer you are truly the Perfect General!
posted by TotalAnarchy // 02-11-2010 // extra // permalink

Look behind you, it's a three-headed extras update!
That's right folks, and I know you all know and love this game. The mighty pirate Zirkoni has taken a break from his wenching and pillaging and has kindly provided us with boxshots for a crowd favourite - The Secret Of Monkey Island!

Now unfortunately we can't provide you with a download to this game because it's currently being sold, and a special edition no less, over at Steam (for a very reasonable number of gold pieces.) However, we can provide you with a whole host of pirate themed games and humourous games with a similar vibe. So why not drink in the splendour of these boxshots, strap on your peg-leg and get gaming!
posted by Lulu_Jane // 03-11-2010 // box shots // permalink

Angry Mucoids and The Space Obliterator
XQuest is a game about your epic exploits around the universe: hunting for crystals and destroying the neverending Mucoids in countless levels of simple and addictive gameplay. This arcade shooter is pretty much an enhanced remake of the classic MAC title Crystal Quest, which was quite popular at the time and it even transgressed the decades with a remake for XBLA in 2006.

This newspost marks another nice addition to our site. All credit goes to Wicky who augmented the gamepage with a review and an archive.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 05-11-2010 // downloadable // game // Action // permalink

The Legend Returns
Now with double the fighters and double the power! Make some noise for Super Street Fighter II Turbo! Pfew, thought it was going to be Christmas before I'd finish saying the full title... No, ladies and gentlemen - don't be turned off by its name. As far as I'm concerned they can call it Panda Goes to Painting School. It can't change the fact that this game is pure awesome.

We already have the original Street Fighter II, but this version is better in so many ways that I will kindly ask you to download it and play it immediately. The full cast, including favourites Ryu and Ken, bad guys M. Bison and Vega, newcomers Cammy and Dee Jay - they're all waiting for the "final" challenger.

Are you the one who will claim the world this year? Big thanks to the virtual fighting enthusiast SpiDoL, for reviewing the game and sharing the archive with us.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 07-11-2010 // downloadable // game // Action // permalink

Is that a white polyester suit in your pocket...
Or are you just happy to see me? That's right, today is LARRY DAY! The groovy Luchsen has kindly provided us with the design documents for Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape Up Or Slip Out! Get the full Larry Laffer experience with this document! Sadly we can't offer you a download for this installment in Larry's adventures, however we do have the original game, Leisure Suit Larry In The land Of the Lounge Lizards right here and awaiting your gaming pleasure, so slip on your dancing shoes, it's time to go on the pull!
posted by Lulu_Jane // 09-11-2010 // extra // permalink
The Fuzz is here. I mean the the Police are here.
Well in this case you are the Police, and in a race..wether you are chasing someone is yet to be found out. Are you up to the challange to take one of two cars and race along these dangerous roads full of many obstacles put there only to crash and flip out? Racing through San Francisco streets, dodging everything that gets in your way, will you manage to be first? While not the best racing game ever it is a lot of fun and for once you are playing as the good guys, so go give this game a try.

Many thanks to Tracker,Paco and skillz for the review, screenshots and game archive. Cisco Heat is waiting for you, get out there and catch some scum.
posted by DarthHelmet86 // 12-11-2010 // downloadable // game // Racing // permalink

Commencing Obliteration Sequence...
I arrive with some small gifts today. Since we've amassed a nice number of solitary cd scans, I took the liberty of adding them in one day. First you need to pulverize waves of fierce mummies and medieval monsters in Chasm: The Rift. Your next journey takes you to planet Guardia, where you'll raid the most bountiful dungeons that Wizardry VII can offer. Both scans were provided by bobson

Preserving the first-person perspective continuity is the killer classic Doom II: Hell on Earth. Someone pressed the wrong button again and demon armies surged from the blazing depths in order to prevent the release of Duke Nukem Forever (seriously). This scan was contributed by our Abandonian soldier, te_lanus.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 13-11-2010 // box shots // permalink

A call to extra arms!
Greetings fellow Abandonian Warriors! Today I bring you a call to arms, to all you game collectors out there, WE WANT YOU! We are looking for more extras to complete your gaming experience, so we are interested in scans of your game boxes, manuals, copy protection, images of game discs, design documents, even old advertising related to DOS games.

What we are very specifically NOT looking for is these images taken from Moby Games, or GoG or any other website or similar source. We are interested in YOUR collections, not stealing other people's work.

So if you have some hidden gems and want to help us make our archives the best we can click through this newspost and make a thread for yourself (one thread per person) tell us what you've got and we will give you instructions for getting your gems up on the site.

Abandonia runs on the back of its community and we couldn't do any of this without you, so a big thank you from all of the staff and crew here!

posted by Lulu_Jane // 15-11-2010 // permalink
We have a nice little extra's update for you guys today - the ever vigilant, crime-fighting Neville has provided us with the manual for 1993's shooter, Narco Police. This little futuristic shooter is available on site for download as are the Amiga and C64 versions, so you retro-lovelies have no excuse! It's time to get shooting!
posted by Lulu_Jane // 16-11-2010 // extra // permalink
We've got him!
Our server hamster is safely back in his wheel now - All downloads should be working as usual now.

Thank you for your patience and we're sorry for any inconvenience this cause you lovelies :)

posted by Lulu_Jane // 17-11-2010 // permalink
Defeat Evil, Save Princess, Repeat
It would seem that a king without a throne would present little threat to humanity. Yet that's the main premise of the newest game on Abandonia. King Serak's mind was corrupted by Evil and he became a cruel ruler. After a revolt he was removed from the strings of power and imprisoned, however after some time he managed to escape... Is the fate of the world in danger?

Find out by surviving the Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian, a fantasy adventure game in the vein of the early Sierra classics. This overlooked title was reviewed by our fellow updater, DarthHelmet86.

posted by TotalAnarchy // 20-11-2010 // downloadable // game // Adventure // permalink
We're good at sports

So when your mom tells you not to spend so much time in front of the computer, remind her we now have:

- The manual for Budokan (the Martial Spirit), many thanks to Vaul. It was about time, the game is cool but those were some tricky controls.

- In case you're more interested in sports that don't involve any actual effort, we also have another extra course for Links 386 Pro, uploaded by Death Incarnate.

- And if you think it's not a sport if you can't be seated, some shots by te_lanus of the original floppy disks of IndyCar Racing.

posted by Japo // 21-11-2010 // extra // permalink
It's Hanging Time!
Grab your Hoops and Basketballs. For we are going 2 on 2!
Today we present you NBA Hang Time.
So come to the playing field and have some fun.

Thanks to SpiDoL who gave us the archive, the screenshots and the review. He also gave us cd case covers and the cd cover for your playing and viewing pleasure.

posted by GTX2GvO // 22-11-2010 // downloadable // game // Sports // permalink
It's time...
TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Our retro-warrior Bobson has provided us with some glorious boxshots today for the one and only Syndicate. This awesome little cyberpunk strategy title is available for download right here on Abandonia so after you've had a peek at the lovely new boxshots it's time to arm up your androids and make the whole world yours!
posted by Lulu_Jane // 23-11-2010 // extra // permalink
Our Magazine online!

Today we are excited to announce to you the arrival of a new feature that allows all of us to read our beloved retro magazine directly on Abandonia!

Abandoned Times - Issue 1 (powered by FlexPaper)

Abandoned Times is a project that had and still has many fathers and dedicated helpers, for this reason we felt the need to thank them all for their job by giving the Magazine the right amount of visibility.

I can't thank all of the contributors because the list is so long that I would probably forget someone, but this wouldn't have been possible without your help guys!

The implementation of this new way of viewing the magazine has been mainly performed by our long time user _r.u.s.s., a big thank you to him! (Remember to send him a huge piece of cake by mail =P)

Stay tuned because the ABTimes crew led by the editor TotalAnarchy and the designer red_avatar is currently working on the second Issue of the Magazine! Coming out before Duke Nukem Forever!? We will see =P

posted by Dave // 24-11-2010 // permalink
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