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War Never Ended
Cold War's greatest naval battles... Even though they never took place in reality, you can now make them happen - in Harpoon, a realistic sea warfare simulation and our newest game on site.

Again, dkw perseveres in reviewing war games, which are not suited for everyone, due to their difficulty. Big thanks to hunvagy for giving us the archive and to garagod who scanned the boxshots.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 03-08-2010 // not downloadable // game // Simulation // permalink

The 7th Legion
Yes, it's not a very creative newspost title, but today I'm leaving the creativity up to you! The wonderful Geezer has provided us with the manual and boxshots for this MicroProse rts, 7th Legion. Thankfully this game is also available right here on Abandonia so it's time for you to get strategizing!
posted by Lulu_Jane // 04-08-2010 // not downloadable // game // Strategy // permalink
Let's get back to business!
Finally good news!

Our technicians have solved one of our most insidious bugs related to the Drupal translation module, thus I'm glad to announce to you that it's now possible to upload translations on gamepages.

All translators are invited to their respective forum sections to regroup!

Thank you all for you patience =)
posted by Dave // 05-08-2010 // permalink

We've got a good one for you today!
Oh yes we certainly do! The glorious Geezer has provided us with an abundance of extras for a game I know many of you love - Bioforge. Thanks to him we have for your pleasure the reference card, play guide, strategy guide preview and the field personnel file!

This game is available on Abandonia, so I'm not going to waste your time talking about it! Get your cyberpunk spacefunk on and get gaming!

posted by Lulu_Jane // 06-08-2010 // not downloadable // game // Adventure // permalink
The End of the Century Saviour
Too much knowledge can bring chaos and destruction upon the world. The wizard who sought the ultimate spell paid the price with his death, but his actions had terrible consequences. The planet is shattered, the people are in disarray. As his apprentice you must bring this world back to its former glory.

BEHOLD!!! A 3D first-person magical shooter on flying carpets! Magic Carpet... reviewed by Josefsson and supplied by Romano. Giddy up your carpet!
posted by TotalAnarchy // 07-08-2010 // not downloadable // game // Action // permalink

Delta Squadron take position
Terrorists have occupied the embassy, and you have to free the innocents from the building. Are you going to kill all of the terrorists or just sneak quietly inside the embassy to free the hostages without shooting? Make the choice and send your team inside.

If you have problems with the game called Hostage - Rescue Mission you should check out the manual supplied by Neville.

posted by bobson // 10-08-2010 // extra // permalink
The Rock aka Alcatraz
Many prisoners tried to escape from this prison, but your goal in a game called Alcatraz is the opposite. You have to sneak inside the Rock to arrest the leader of a drug cartel. How did he get there? How can you achieve your goal? You can find the answer to this questions and many more information in today's addition to the site - manual for Alcatraz contributed by myself :)

posted by bobson // 11-08-2010 // extra // permalink
Brigade Commander
Gary Grigsby is one of the most renowned developers of wargames, starting his career way back in the early 80s. One of the few guys that deserve to have their name in game titles, together with such industry veterans like Sid Meyer, Chris Sawyer, John Tiller, and soon Chris Taylor in his upcoming Kings and Castles, that is if we only limit ourselves to the strategy genre.

Grigsby worked on many games across the years, including the critically acclaimed World at War which was developed by his own studio, but the most known series with him in the team was Steel Panthers. Today we're adding the third part, and the last "classic" one. The series was kept alive in the next millenium by Matrix Games and Shrapnel Games.

In the fans' eyes Steel Panthers III was partially a failure, with boring battles and long turns. Give it a try and tell us your opinion. We're going to say a big thank you to dkw for reviewing two Steel Panthers games in a row, because now we have the complete original trilogy on site.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 12-08-2010 // downloadable // game // Strategy // permalink

Release the dogs of war!
Today, thanks to the heroic Suizul we have a kick-ass update for you - the Tiberia Campaign disk for 1989's Ancient Art Of War. Naturally the whole game is also available right here at your friendly neighbourhood Abandonia, so it's time to get gaming and take over the world!
posted by Lulu_Jane // 15-08-2010 // downloadable // game // Strategy // permalink
The Dangerous Adventures of Keef the Thief
As a studio, Naughty Dog made history by creating some of the most popular franchises exclusively on Playstation consoles, including Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter, and most recently the treasure hunter action adventure series Uncharted. In its dog days, however, it wasn't that popular, and the games weren't impressive either.

One of the better ones was the RPG/Adventure hybrid Keef the Thief: A Boy and His Lockpick, which is also the newest game added on Abandonia. You're playing as a daring thief that plans to steal the biggest treasures in the Merchant City of Mercon. You have access to a limited range of skills including lockpicking and alchemy.

Multiple contributors worked hard on this entry, and we're going to give them as much gold as they can carry. First, a big reward to Tracker who reviewed the game exclusively for us, and Dragom, who besides the archive has also offered his valuable manual and box scans. Important are also Ermuli's contributions: the Three Card Santi Copy Protection, the Command Summary Card, the disk images and some of his own boxshots.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 16-08-2010 // downloadable // game // Adventure // permalink

Power of Imagination
The fact is that christhecoolboy have submitted music to ImagiNation Network. We all thank him for the contribution, but it is time to use some more imagination, not just reading. So, click on the link and start listening. You can share on forum later, what have you imagined about :)

posted by bobson // 17-08-2010 // permalink
That's right! It's Dragonsphere, the 1994 adventure game from MicroProse - and today we have the copy protection codes PDF thanks to the glorious Geezer. Don't forget that this game is available for download right here at Abandonia so get moving, someone has to save Callahach!
posted by Lulu_Jane // 20-08-2010 // not downloadable // game // Adventure // permalink
Citizen Apocalypse
Civilization ended, but the fight goes on. After abandoning the safety of their fallout shelters, people started their race for survival. In this RPG/Simulation hybrid it's your goal to use the knowledge of the past in order to rebuild a once mighty civilization from the nuclear ashes. But first you must face the dangers of the wasteland...

The post-apocalyptic RPG Visions of Aftermath: The Boomtown was supposed to be the first in a series of games from various genres, however these plans never came to fruition. Lots of Canadian gold goes to our wasteland dweller Fubb, who reviewed this new title exclusively for Abandonia.
posted by TotalAnarchy // 21-08-2010 // downloadable // game // Strategy // permalink

Magic and Monsters!
Brace yourself Abandonians, because today we have an enchanting selection of extras for you. The magical Geezer has kindly provided us with the manual and boxshots for the 1992 adventure game, The Curse Of Enchantia. This is an odd little game that sometimes doesn't know whether it's a platformer or if it's a traditional adventure game, so luckily for you it's available right here on Abandonia. You can discover this world for yourself! So it's time to get gaming and have fun!
posted by Lulu_Jane // 24-08-2010 // extra // permalink
Empire of the Moon
The Emperor has been assassinated, and the Empire is in trouble! You have to hurry back home and find out who's behind the plot to destabilize the country. Worlds of Legend: Son of the Empire is an oriental-themed RPG, that uses the same engine as its predecessor, Four Crystals of Trazere. You lead a band of four heroes through the everyday perils of an adventurer, exploring various dungeons and cities, such as the capital Imperia.

This somewhat obscure game from Mindscape was reviewed by Tracker. munuainen was the one who supplied the archive, the disk images, and has also scanned the manual and the Quick Start Guide. We award them the highest imperial honors... in PoEs :p
posted by TotalAnarchy // 26-08-2010 // downloadable // game // RPG // permalink

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