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3 Alternative Ways to Deposit Money at an Online Casino
Over the last few years, the online gambling industry has gone from strength to strength. In the USA, the American Gaming Association (AGA) recently released data from 2021 which showed that the 33 states (plus Washington DC) which allow online gambling in some form generated a cumulative $53 billion! That’s a significant improvement on the previous record of $43.7 billion, set in 2019. Of course, that eye-watering amount is comprised of millions of much smaller transactions made by individual players such as yourself. The most common method of depositing funds at an online casino are via wire transfer from a personal bank or through the use of credit or debit card information. However, these are not the only options on the table. If you’re looking for an alternative way to deposit money at your online casino of choice, the following three options might just be the right choice for you.


Trustly is a third-party payment system which has enjoyed huge popularity among the online gambling community of late. Essentially, Trustly acts as a middleman between your bank and the online casino operator, securely and quickly transferring the funds between the former and the latter. There’s no need to open an account with Trustly or input any information other than your online banking ID credentials, making it incredibly easy to use. What’s more, Trustly differs from most middlemen operations in that it doesn’t take a cut of the proceeds from the customer. The vast majority of online casinos which accept Trustly as a payment method don’t charge their customers for using it, meaning it’s cost-effective and efficient.


Another innovative way to deposit money at an online casino is via the use of cryptocurrencies. Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, a multitude of competitor cryptocurrencies have surfaced, many of which operate on principles of decentralization, meaning no central bank has control over the currency. Nonetheless, this does not mean that they are not secure methods of payment. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The sophisticated blockchain technology upon which most cryptocurrencies are based creates an unalterable but transparent ledger of all transactions. This means that your money cannot be stolen or lost during the deposit process, but neither can your sensitive data be accessed by a third party. What’s more, the process is generally much faster and incurs fewer overheads than alternative methods, making crypto and casinos a match made in heaven.

Phone payments

A relatively new addition to the list of casino deposit options, payment by phone allows gamblers to use their phone credit to make a deposit. Alternatively, for those on a pay monthly contract, the amount deposited can simply be added to their bill. This is a simple, quick and secure method of making a deposit, which is why it is growing in popularity. Despite this rising interest, however, phone payments are still quite novel and as such are not offered by all online casino operators. What’s more, the charges associated with phone payments can vary wildly, from completely free to as much as 10% of the amount deposited. As a result, it’s a good idea to check the terms and conditions of the casino in question before making a deposit. If you’re on the hunt for an alternative method of depositing funds at an online casino, one of the three options listed above might serve your purposes perfectly.

posted by admin // 10-03-2022 // permalink
Finansiella lösningar för konsumenter fungerar också för företag
Det går inte en dag utan att vi kan läsa om olika händelser på de finansiella marknaderna. Oftast handlar händelserna om saker som är svåra att förstå för gemene man, och det känns väl heller inte alltid som allting som rapporteras berör gemene man heller. Men det är faktiskt så att mycket av det som rapporteras i de finansiella nyhetsflödena är direkt relaterat till vad vi som konsumenter tar oss för, vilka beslut vi fattar och hur vi får in pengar, till exempel en kredit eller lön, för att betala för vår konsumtion. I den här artikeln ska vi gå igenom lite om finansiella lösningar för konsumenter men också hur dessa finansiella lösningar med fördel kan användas av företag, särskilt mindre företag.

Vad är ”finansiella lösningar för konsumenter”?

Innan vi går vidare måste vi reda ut vad som inbegrips i begreppet ”finansiella lösningar för konsumenter”? Vi kan kortfattat säga att det är lån för att finansiera allt från husköp till semesterresor samt alla former av tjänster för sparande. I den här artikeln fokuserar vi, som vi nämnt ovan, på krediter och andra sätt att finansiera konsumtion. De vanligaste typerna av krediter för konsumtion är lån mot säkerhet, som till exempel ett hus, och lån mot inkomst, som till exempel en konsumentkredit. Det är idag mycket enkelt att få konsumentkrediter för en person som har en fast inkomst. Det går fort att få en kredit och den kan användas till precis vad som helst. För ansvarsfulla konsumenter är detta en stor fördel eftersom krediterna ger tillgång till likviditet precis vid de tillfällen då de behövs som bäst. För små företag är det dock många gånger inte alls lika lätt att få krediter som det är för privatpersoner med fast inkomst.

Varför behöver små företag konsumentkrediter?

För små företag är det ofta svårt att få krediter. Detta beror på att kreditgivare allmänt anser att risken i små företag är för hög för att motivera de relativt små intäkter som kan genereras från att låna ut pengar till små företag. Detta medför i sin tur att det lilla företaget får svårt att växa och det får därmed än svårare att skaffa sig krediter. Det är lätt hänt att det blir en negativ spiral som är svår att bryta. Det är här som konsumentkrediterna kommer in, det finns sätt för småföretag att nyttja konsumentkrediter till sin verksamhet och därmed för att bryta den negativa spiralen som svårigheterna att få krediter kan innebära.

Hur kan småföretag ta konsumentkrediter?

Hur kan då konsumentkrediter användas för att finansiera småföretag? Jo det går till så att ägaren till det lilla företaget tar ut en privat konsumentkredit som sedan används i företaget, om ägaren själv inte tar ut en fast inkomst från företaget kan en närstående med fast inkomst ta krediten. Det är mycket enkelt för en företagare eller personer som står nära denne att ge företaget ett lån. Genom att det är så enkelt för privatpersoner att låna pengar medan det är så svårt för småföretag så är detta ett mycket bra sätt att finansiera småföretaget. Detta sätt att finansiera småföretag ska förstås kombineras med en sund analys av hur pengarna investeras, krediten ska inte användas till kortsiktiga inköp.

posted by admin // 27-07-2022 // permalink
DOS Casino Games

Over the years, gamers have enjoyed new technology that has greatly enhanced the gaming experience. One industry that has seen tremendous growth in the casino industry. Years ago, when DOS was the main operating system, games were basic and not overly innovative. There were some basic DOS casino games that had been developed and these were basically three-reel slot games, poker games or simple blackjack options.

These games were easy to play and made use of simple keyboard controls, just as with other DOS based games. While they did capture the essence of the casino game being played, they did not have much to offer in terms of graphics, animations or game features as players enjoy today.

Popular DOS Casino Games

When DOS was the main operating system players had no choice but to play the titles that were offered at the time. Those that had a love for gambling found there were a few great games that had been developed. For poker fans, some of the most popular game titles included Strip Poker and Ante Up at the Friday Night Poker Club. The latter offered versions of five-card stud, seven-card stud, and Texas Hold’Em.

Slot games were also available in DOS and some of the top games from the 1990s included Caesars Palace, Arcade Fruit Machines, Hot Slots, and Vegas Bandit. These games provided access to simple three-reel slots and while the graphics were extremely basic, the games did mimic slots found at land casinos.

Casino Games Today

Gamers who enjoy a retro feel will still be able to download many DOS casino games for free. However, compared to the games being created today, the DOS versions cannot hold a candle to the impressive graphics and gameplay that players are seeing now. The casino games that are being played on desktops and mobile devices are designed using state of the art technology. They deliver many great advantages and provide players with a feeling of actually being in a land-based casino setting. Let’s take a look at how the casino games of today offer more features and more exciting ways to play.

Enhanced Graphics and Gameplay

When you play casino games today. You will find they use the best graphics and animations to create a visual appeal. Many games offer 3D graphics and when playing, they offer animations that replicate what you would find in a real casino. With every new game that is created, better graphics are used and the gameplay is smooth. Games can also be accessed on desktops or mobile devices, allowing the convenience of being able to play at any time, anywhere.

More Game Titles

The software industry has grown over the years and there are now more companies creating top-notch casino games. You will find thousands of game titles being offered and many games can be instantly loaded through a web browser for immediate connections and exciting gameplay. Instead of being limited to a few slot selections and the basic card and table games, you will find that casino focused games offer hundreds of titles, many of which are actual games that are found on the gaming floors of popular casinos.

Online Casinos

Online casinos are the best way to enjoy any type of casino game and these casinos attract players from all over the world. They use outstanding graphics and animations and offer exclusive features that enhance the game. There is simply no comparison to the games found at the sites to those that were created for DOS.

With an online casino, players have the ability to play games for free without having to risk any money, but they can also place wagers and generate payouts, something that was never possible with older DOS games. The newest and best online casinos offer thousands of titles from various software providers like Microgaming, NetEnt, Playtech, IGT, Bally, NextGen, and many others. These games provide the feeling of real play and since plates have the chance to win payouts, these types of games have become a leading choice for players all over the world.

At an online casino, you will find all the popular game types, including three and five-reel slots, blackjack, baccarat, poker, craps, roulette, video poker, and even specialty games like Keno, Bingo, arcade style games, and lottery games. All of these can be played for various bet amounts to generate payouts. You will even find high paying jackpot games that can offer thousands or millions in payouts!

Perhaps the best way to experience online gambling is to access sites with live dealer games. These are simulcast from a land location and offer real-time play with professional dealers. These games are just like those found at land casinos and they offer social interaction, multiple camera angles, various betting limits, and even side bets that can generate more payouts.

Free Online Casino Games

You do not have to sign up at an online casino or risk any money to enjoy the best casino games today. There are many free software options that are available along with a number of gaming sites online that provide free play on some of the most exciting games. With these, players can enjoy a casual experience or they can use access to free games to learn game rules and develop strategies if they are planning on accessing an online casino for real money.

Free games can also be enjoyed on mobile devices and there are many casino apps that can be installed on mobile devices. You will even find popular social media platforms like Facebook featuring casino style games that can be played.

Over the years, the style and format of casino games have drastically changed. Gone are the block style graphics and slow gameplay. Now, you can enjoy fast and instant access to some of the best designed game titles in the industry and with the chance to play these for real money, the options are endless.

posted by admin // 01-11-2022 // permalink
Ninja Casino Games

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