Its offically 2009 in Abandonia, as well as in most of the Europa! Despite we had downhills, debate's about the new site design and coup d'état's, we still had plenty of new-old games. And hopefully there's more to come! I'd like to remind that at the change of the year, some games have fallen off from the protection lists, which means we can host them!
For celebrations, we today bring one such game. The instant hit. The cold killer. The game that's seen on many platforms and even on the big screen.
Get it now, before Kano skewers you with his daggers and rips your heart out!
Also, for sports fans, NHL Hockey 93 has also become abandonware. I cant promise you any ripped hearts on that one, but Im sure some of you will love it too. It has its own kind of violence.
posted by TheChosen // 01-01-2009 // not downloadable // game // Action // permalink