Alien Trilogy is a somewhat underrated shooter. Many of you won’t agree with the 4 mark that I granted to this game, but you should give it a second chance in order to get a glimpse of its better side.
Alien Trilogy is best described as a straightforward shooter. Despite the objectives that the game presents, there is no need to actually accomplish them. Just like in Doom, all you need to do is get to the exit point. This isn’t exactly a bad thing, as those that wish to blow some enemies away and carry on to the next level will be satisfied. Weapons are pretty nice, especially for those alien fans that always wanted a smart gun of their own. I quite enjoyed the simple gameplay myself, but others (looking for a deeper experience) will be disappointed.
Alien Trilogy does present some nice change of scenery every now and then, ranging from cargo holds, a cryogenic chamber, and the alien nest itself. There is little variety in the locals. Enemies look well enough to please you, but up close they become horribly pixilated, turning into some form of black and white mush. Explosions are quite nice and a joy to look at, but nothing special is overall present by the graphic quality.
Sound is suitable, but not amazing. There are sometimes problems, as running the game in XP will disable sound. Because of that, I recommend DosBox, although you’ll need a pretty fast PC. The sound or music won’t amaze you, but they’ll be adequate for your game playing experience.
The storyline is standard, you are lieutenant Ellen Ripley, your object is to kill the alien queens and save your human friends from extinction. Quite frankly, this game doesn’t need a good story, as most of the time you’ll be blowing things away.
There you have it, Alien Trilogy in my honest opinion is a great shooter that will satisfy your mindless cravings for violence against aliens. Enjoy blowing things up and wreaking havoc, because if you’re looking for a deep and plot oriented adventure, you’ll be disappointed.