Dear Abandonia visitors: Help us keep Abandonia free with a small donation. Abandonia is like an old gaming arcade with only original games. Abandonia helps you have fun four hours and years. If Abandonia is useful to you, please help us forget fundraising and get back to Abandonia.

When Abandonia was founded it was to collect and present all old games where the copyright protection had been abandoned, hence the term ’abandonware’ and the site name We are still keeping the site open and free and will appreciate your support to help it stay that way.

‐ Thank you from the Abandonia Team

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Face Off! - a hockey game.

As you may have noticed by now, we spend too much time working on the design and coding while neglecting the content! So, from now on it's just games games and games!


Today, we present you a hockey game Face Off! Enjoy!

posted by Romano // 09-01-2008 // downloadable // game // Sports // permalink
Bargon Attack

Well, things are starting to look up now and updating is returning to the usual regularity.


Here's a game called Bargon Attacks. The reviewer red_avatar did a good job describing why he dislikes the game, but apearently the Amiga version was better liked. Try it for yourself and decide!

posted by Sebatianos // 10-01-2008 // downloadable // game // Adventure // permalink
5th Fleet Box Scans

We have added some extras today. We can thank Ermuli for supplying 5th Fleet with two box scans.

posted by Romano // 11-01-2008 // box shots // permalink
Legends Box Scans
Another extras update today. Thanks to Frodo the game Legends has been enriched with three box scans!
posted by Romano // 14-01-2008 // box shots // permalink
Lemmings Chronicles, The

Is that a LEMMING sitting on the roof?


You bet it is! Thanks to JJXB we now have yet another Lemming game, this time it's The Lemmings Chronicles or Lemming 3 or All New World Lemming as the game is sometimes called.

posted by Sebatianos // 15-01-2008 // downloadable // game // Puzzle // permalink
MDK Box Scans

Today we will not add a new game, but thanks to bob-satan three box scans for the game MDK (Murder Death Kill).

posted by Romano // 16-01-2008 // box shots // permalink
SpellCraft: Aspects of Valor
Every once in a while a game comes along that completely catches me by surprise.  Spellcraft: Aspects Of Valor is one such game.  The game sat on my shelf as part of my collection for a couple of years before I decided to dust it off and give it a try.  I am glad I did.

If you are ready for a great real-time strategy with a twist give this one a try.

(Geezer aka. JMB)

posted by Romano // 18-01-2008 // downloadable // game // Strategy // permalink
Colonization Box Scans

Thanks to the continued contribution from our members, we are able to showcase box scans for yet another game on the site: Colonization.

Our special thanks and some cookies will be sent to Paco!

posted by Romano // 21-01-2008 // box shots // permalink
Double Dribble
I have to admit, I'm a real sport's fan. I love all the sports... where I don't sweat myself and coputerized sports are just a thing for me. So if you too like computerized sports, you will love this nice little basketball game, where you can slamdunk without ever getting up from your comffy armchair. Here is DOUBLE DRIBBLE!
posted by Sebatianos // 22-01-2008 // downloadable // game // Sports // permalink
Veil of Darkness Box Scans
A new day and new extras. Game with new additions is Veil of Darkness. We can thank JMB aka. Geezer for supplying three box scans!
posted by Romano // 23-01-2008 // box shots // permalink
American Gladiators

Who is old enough to remember a show called American Gladiators?

 For everybody who can't remember it, here's a quick crashcourse to learn about this (totally understandably) overlooked (not quite the) cornerstone of the television entertainments.


The rest just take a stroll down the memory lane and remember which of the lady gladiators you cheered for (and why). 

posted by Sebatianos // 24-01-2008 // downloadable // game // Sports // permalink
Oils Well Box Scans

A quick extras update today! Ermuli has sent us seven box scans for Oils Welll! Take a look!

Have a nice weekend!

posted by Romano // 25-01-2008 // box shots // permalink
BloodNet Manual

Thanks to the continued contribution from our members, we are able to add Manual for yet another game on the site: BloodNet. Now you have all you need to enjoy this game!

All thanks go to jasper.

posted by Romano // 28-01-2008 // extra // permalink
The Iron Cross

Here's another regular update (if per chance you haven't noticed, we're updating games on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so keep those contributions comming... please).


Today we're taking you back to the grim days of World War 2 and it's up to you to decide upon the outcome of it. Here's a game for all you strategy fans, although you might be somewhat dissapointed, since it'n nothing out of the ordinary. Still, the Iron Cross makes a nice addition in your war game collection.

posted by Sebatianos // 29-01-2008 // downloadable // game // Strategy // permalink
Instructions for Nightmare on Elm Street!

Thanks to Geezer, all of you who wanted to learn how to play this horrific game, now can!


Just don't get scared now! 

posted by Sebatianos // 30-01-2008 // extra // permalink
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