Another C64 memory brought back to life for me, this time with the name of Double Dribble!
The game was made by Konami, the same people that also made Blades of Steel (the hockey game), where I even found out about this one (they placed game ads during the breaks in that game). When I first played it on C64 I got really excited every time I was able to slam dunk, (even if I’d miss), because the regular screen switched to a nice little animation, showing the close up of the action. Looking in retrospect the whole thing seems less fabulous, but at the time it did impress me. The PC version is basically the same as the C64 one, with very similar graphics quality and everything. It features 16 color EGA graphics, with the same smooth animation, but slightly awkward graphics and similar close up cut scenes of the dunking. At the start up you get to select the one player or two player game. If you have somebody to play with I suggest you give the two player game a try (it’s always more fun then playing against the computer). Next is the selection screen where you get to pick out the teams (there are only four to choose from: New York, Boston, Chicago or Los Angeles) and the length of the quarter (from 5 to 30 minutes) and if in one player mode also the difficulty level. Then you get to play a solid basketball game, with 5 on 5 action and a full sized court (you can not see more than a half of it at a time). You can pass or shoot while holding the ball, or switch between player or try to steal the ball from the opponent (if you don’t have the ball). During intermission you’ll get to see both teams’ mascots and a little show provided by the cheer leaders, which is a nice addition, but doesn’t really help any. I’d suggest you play the game with a joystick (if you have it), but keyboard set up would do the trick as well. All in all a fun and solid basketball game you can enjoy yourself or with a friend.