Dear Abandonia visitors: Help us keep Abandonia free with a small donation. Abandonia is like an old gaming arcade with only original games. Abandonia helps you have fun four hours and years. If Abandonia is useful to you, please help us forget fundraising and get back to Abandonia.

When Abandonia was founded it was to collect and present all old games where the copyright protection had been abandoned, hence the term ’abandonware’ and the site name We are still keeping the site open and free and will appreciate your support to help it stay that way.

‐ Thank you from the Abandonia Team

We are trying to make it easy for people in every country to donate. Please let us know how we could make it easier for you.

Please give whatever you can to help us.

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Abandonia Competition #5
Hi everyone!
Great news, we have decided to run a much needed competition since we haven't had one in over a year! There are two limited edition Nintendo DS Lites bundled with Zelda up for grabs, so hopefully that will make it your worthwhile... Click on the title to read the details about the competition in the forums. I'll give you a hint - it involves music from old games. :) Good luck to all participants!

posted by Kosta // 19-02-2008 // permalink
a quarter of a century ago there was - JOUST
Yes, this game is already 25 years old, but it still has a bit of a charm :) It's one of those simple yet somewhat addictive classics. This time, you are invited to Joust!
posted by Sebatianos // 20-02-2008 // downloadable // game // Action // permalink
The Bards Tale II Box Scans

Vathras is a long time site visitor and a new contributing member with a huge library of original games. He has found some extra time to prepare text files, pdfs, scans and more to expand our games showcase.

The first game with new additions is The Bards Tale II - The Destiny Knight, which has received five scans.

posted by Romano // 21-02-2008 // box shots // permalink
Arkanoid 2 - The revenge of DOH
They say, revenge is a thing best served cold and oh boy, did DOH ever wait to get his revenge. It's now up to you , to stop him from succeeding and spoil his revenge in the second part of Arkanoid!
posted by Sebatianos // 22-02-2008 // downloadable // game // Action // permalink
Silpheed Extras

Our new associate The Coop is working hard lately, and as result the game Silpheed received seven box shots and three documents extra.

More extras are on their way!

posted by Romano // 23-02-2008 // extra // permalink
Gold of the Americas Box scans

Another extra update today. Ermuli, one of the most contributing members ever, supplied us with eight box-shots for Gold of the Americas - The Conquest of the New World game.

Take a look!

posted by Romano // 24-02-2008 // box shots // permalink
Eye of the Beholder 1 Box Scans
The second game with new extra today is Eye of the Beholder 1 and it has received three new scans. All thanks go to Paco.
posted by Romano // 24-02-2008 // box shots // permalink
The NGboo week starts with: Cyberlaw!!!

Ever heard of a game named Cyberlaw? I admit I haven't and it's a real shame. After NGboo sent it in, complete with the review, screenshots and even a manual he wrote himself I gave it a try and absolutely loved it.  That's why I decided to start the NGboo week with this great but unknown beat'em up game!

posted by Sebatianos // 25-02-2008 // downloadable // game // Action // permalink
B.A.T. II - The Koshan Conspiracy Box Scans

We will interrupt NGBoo game week with some new extras.

Ermuli supplied us with two box-shots for the game B.A.T. II - The Koshan Conspiracy.

posted by Romano // 26-02-2008 // box shots // permalink
Theatre of Pain
Isn't Wednesday the most painful day of the week? I thought so, and that's why today I'm delited to present to you what I think is the highlight of the NGboo Week, here is Theatre of Pain - a game to release your tensions by sensless beating of computerised opponents, complete with a manual provided by NGboo.
posted by Romano // 28-02-2008 // downloadable // game // Action // permalink
Protostar Box Scans
We would like to send out thanks to ShadowBlade for supplying three box scans for the game Protostar.
Take a look!

posted by Romano // 28-02-2008 // box shots // permalink
Completing the NGboo Week with: Overkill
Well, all good things must come to an end and Overkill is the last action/fighting game of the NGboo week, again with a manual he made himself. You must admit, he's really been spoiling us :)
posted by Sebatianos // 29-02-2008 // downloadable // game // Action // permalink
Kings Quest 5 Box Scans
Today we will add some extras. The first game with new additions is Kings Quest 5 - Absence Makes the Heart go Yonder. We can thank Paco for supplying two box scans.
posted by Romano // 02-03-2008 // box shots // permalink
The Lemmings Chronicles Box Scans
The second game with new additions today is The Lemmings Chronicles, which has received three box scans. All thanks go to Frodo.
posted by Romano // 02-03-2008 // box shots // permalink
Stunt Driver Box Scans
The third, and last extra update today is Stunt Driver. Vathras supplied us with four box scans for this game!

posted by Romano // 02-03-2008 // box shots // permalink
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