Vathras is a long time site visitor and a new contributing member with a huge library of original games. He has found some extra time to prepare text files, pdfs, scans and more to expand our games showcase.
The first game with new additions is The Bards Tale II - The Destiny Knight, which has received five scans.
Our new associate The Coop is working hard lately, and as result the game Silpheed received seven box shots and three documents extra.
More extras are on their way!
Another extra update today. Ermuli, one of the most contributing members ever, supplied us with eight box-shots for Gold of the Americas - The Conquest of the New World game.
Take a look!
Ever heard of a game named Cyberlaw? I admit I haven't and it's a real shame. After NGboo sent it in, complete with the review, screenshots and even a manual he wrote himself I gave it a try and absolutely loved it. That's why I decided to start the NGboo week with this great but unknown beat'em up game!
We will interrupt NGBoo game week with some new extras.
Ermuli supplied us with two box-shots for the game B.A.T. II - The Koshan Conspiracy.