Ever since the original Dungeons and Dragons board game came out, role playing games (RPG) captured the imagination. But with RPG board games there was always a lot of calculating, making notes, rolling dice, collecting cards… involved. There were many things you have to take care of, but would prefer to not have to. This is where computers came in.
The computer took care of all the complex calculations, of all the variables and the most important thing; you didn’t have to worry that it would try to cheat you – like some human players tend to. Thus the RPG genre got transferred to different computers quite early on.
The Bard’s Tale trilogy is one of such great RPG games, that people simply loved to play. The games got ported to PC a bit later still the complete trilogy is available.
Although Bard’s Tales are classical RPGs, they are somewhat different then the rest. First of, you don’t get to customize your characters. You need a party to go on a quest, like with every classical RPG, but you only get to select the race and the position of the party member. There are no skills, wisdom, magic or any other points you get to distribute either randomly or intentionally. You only create characters and make up a party to go on the quest. If you were satisfied with the characters you used in the previous part of the game, you can also import those, so you don’t need to create new party members.
After your victory over Mangar (in the first part of the trilogy), another evil magic user Lagoth Zanta starts causing trouble. He breaks the Destiny Wand into seven pieces and hides them all throughout the land. It is now up to you and your brave party to restore the Destiny Wand and bring the end to the chaos that has befallen the land, not to forget to defeat the evil Lagoth Zanta by becoming an arch mage yourself.
So if you’re looking for a classic RPG from the golden era of computer gaming, the original Bard’s Tale are the right thing for you!
Part of the The Bard's Tale Trilogy