Ahhh, those cute wee Gruntz! Who could resist those little gooey critters?
They are out playing one day (Gruntz LOVE to play and have fun!), in their homeland of Groan, when they come across some purple switchez. Being the curious bunch that they are, they begin to investigate the switchez. The king is amazed to discover that those strange switchez actually open a wormhole!
Now, the evil Disgruntled (enemy Gruntz) were spying on them. When they saw the Gruntz were distracted by those switches, the Disgruntled attacked, forcing the poor Gruntz to flee for their lives through the newly-discovered wormhole.
Now, after being driven from their home through no fault of their own… the Gruntz find themselves lost in a strange new land, desperately seeking a way home.
Please… help the Gruntz find their way home!
The Gruntz's long journey consists of 9 Worldz (including an optional tutorial), and each World has 4 Sectionz. The aim is to travel through each section, find the Warpstone Piece, and take it to the King, who is in the fort. Once all 4 pieces of the Warpstone are found, the King will assemble them in order to open the wormhole to the next world. Of course, it's really a lot more complicated than that.
There are many, MANY obstacles the Gruntz have to contend with, as they search for a way home, and they have to work together in order to solve puzzles. Apart from the Disgruntled (who had followed them through the wormhole), there is lava, ice, water, acid, pitz, rockz, blockadez, switchez, slime monsters, spikez, arrows, and so much more! And you have to figure out how to get past each obstacle. Luckily, you can pick up toolz and toyz to aid you in your quest. Some of the toolz you will find are: Gauntlets (to break rocks, and also bash enemies), Spade (to dig holez or fill holez), Straw (to suck up goo, lol!), Dynamite (to blow up rocks), Boomerang (to attack enemies from a distance), Springs (allow the Gruntz to jump over holes), and Pink Gun (gotta love that pink gun!).
You can also collect toyz, to distract some of the tougher Disgruntled, allowing you to sneak past them. Some of the toyz are: Yoyo, Jack In The Box, Beach Ball, Go-Cart, and more, which you'll have a lot of fun discovering.
BUT, a Grunt can only carry one tool and one toy at a time, so you'll need to plan ahead. New Gruntz can even be baked in the oven, if you find 4 piles of goo, and a straw to suck it up.
In order to aid the Gruntz, you can use your mouse to interact with them and their world. Simply click on a Grunt to select it, and then click on the part of the screen you want him to walk to (push the mouse against edge of the screen, to see more of the map). Walking over a Toolz/Toy lets the grunt pick it up. Right-click lets you move, attack, or use a tool. You can Pause/Save/Load at any time, and there are also Checkpoints scattered throughout the game. There is an Easy Mode, and a Hard Mode. Hard Mode includes things like lava spurting out at you, Thunder clouds killing you if they pass overhead, birds attacking from above, platforms that break, and candles burning you. So if you want that extra challenge, untick the 'Easy' box from the main menu.
There is still a lot more to discover, but I'll let you have fun exploring, and trying different things.
As I said before, there a 9 worlds to find your way through, and each world has its own theme. Everything from a tropical paradise, to candy land, to a casino, to a mini-golf land… it's all here. But my favourite is probably the land of ice & snow.
A Grunt has an Explanation Mark (!) above its head when it's talking. A bar above the Gruntz head shows how much life it has, and its health can be replenished with a soda can. And when they're left alone for a while, they will more than likely make some sarcastic comment, reminding you they are there.
The Gruntz themselves are just incredibly cute! I love how they move, especially when using a tool. Watching a Grunt hop around on its springis just hilarious, with its 'Boing, Boing', Boing'!
I love the Gruntz, and their non-stop chatter. They have such funny phrases. They often complain about wanting to get on with the game or wanting to break stuff, but sometimes they'll sing. You'll have a good chuckle at some of the things they come out with.
The sound effects are also very… effective, making the worlds seem alive and brimming with life. Things like water flowing in the pools, birds calling in the distance, one-arm bandits. And the sound changes, as you move around the screen. But the 'squidge' as a Grunt walks around in a water-ring makes me giggle EVERY time.
Gruntz is one hilarious game, which you'll get addicted to very quickly. The story about them being driven from their home is sad, and you'll automatically want to help them. The tutorial is helpful, teaching you the basics of toyz and toolz, but you can just jump straight into the main game if you prefer. And although it starts off fairly simple, later levels get really complicated, with different Gruntz having to solve puzzles in completely different sections from each other. There is a huge amount of toolz and toys that will help you throughout the game, and some of them are hilarious! Where else can you travel on a spring? Or use a straw to suck up goo to create a new Gruntz? I love that each world has its own theme, and its own set of obstacles. Gruntz are cute, and the sound effects are fantastic. You'll never get bored playing this game!
Multiplayer is not available in this archive. Don't select it from the menu, or the entire game will freeze. Customz Levels from the Single Player Menu isn't available either.
The Easy Mode / Hard Mode toggle doesn't seem to work from within the game - you have to do it from Main Menu.
World 8 (Miniature Masterz), Stage 2 - it's actually easier to complete this in the 'Hard' Mode (you can switch back to Easy Mode afterwards, if you want). You need a 'Hole In One', and I don't think it's possible in the Easy Mode.
Simply unzip the game, and use Gruntz.exe to play. From the Main Menu, select Single Player, then Quick Start (starts at the last level you played at), Questz (the main game) or Battlez (try to take over the computer's fort).