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Old 03-11-2011, 05:25 PM   #1
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Default Baldurs Gate ToB solos barbarian run

BG2 + ToB Solo Barbarian Guide

Why this guide?
I recently took the "ultimate challenge" of Baldur's Gate: soloing the whole series with a single character from Baldur's Gate to Tales of the Sword Coast, then Shadows of Amn, with finaly Throne of Bhaal. I went with a thief/mage multiclass character, and I felt satisfaction with it, even though I could not win the first battle agains Melissan (but the game offers there a brief window to make Fake Talk working).
Anyway, after ending up with a chaotic-evil-good-god-of-death, I thought with all the traps, devas and spells maybe this character had a little bit of adventage compared to other possibilities - so I figured I need a fighter to compare. And a guide for barbarin only existed for Shadows of Amn.

My game, my rules...
Of course anyone would want to do BG1 even only for the statboosts. But when I thought through my possibilities and all the previous playthroughs I made, I wanted this time a Half-orc Barbarian.
Maybe you're aware that when importing between the games the kit-choice can be modified form vanilla to something. But this is not the case with races. So I decided something what is technically cheating, but otherwise just not accepting a handicap. So I cheated in some equipment from BG1, mostly the statboosting books - yes, to use all of them I needed another cheat, called "anyone can have a familiar", but if that's the way, then that's the way to get things working.
Along this I also "imported" some other items found in BG1, namely 2 ring of protection from fire (there are surprisingly little amount of good rings in the series), helm and cloak of Balduran, gold pantaloon - but only so much what can fit into my inventory, involving only identifying (and thus using) the staboosting books when some priest can help me out of my low lore (aka. carry all the books through Irenicus' dungeon).
I also gave myself a one-time large amount of gold, but that doesn't realy make a difference.
On the self-restriction side: I never "recharged" any limited charged items (selling shops and buying them back recharges those items to maximum charges)

Why barbarian?
First: I wanted a warrior. Check the possibilities with me. Monk I already played, and although one-time fun, I saw some problems. Pure fighter is both boring, both lacking. Dual and multiclass doesn't play this time. Blade and swashbuckler I prefer to see in a group. Kensai and Wizardslayer have too big disadventages for my liking. Pure Kensai is especially bad for solo, because at one point you HAVE TO do ranged kills (and the Wand of Wonders anything but trustable). So I though Berserker or Barbarian? Ugh, berserker becomes winded...

Barbarian for sure?
Ok, it looks the best choice, but does it seem good enough to even start, I asked myself. Well, Rage makes me immun to the nastiest things, and especially traps. (You still shouldn't mess with chests too much.) And gives damage and whatnot. And in the end you'll have so many charges you won't be able to spend 'em, so it is good. Immunity to backstab comes next. Well, some times enemy just LIKES to backstab you (remember thief-class characters drinking all those potions of invisibility?). So it is good too, and frees up an equipment-slot. Faster running: with a Boots of Haste you'll be at the enemy mages as fast as some mage's magic missiles, so it is also awesome! The extra HP is also handy, but the cherry on the top of the cream is the physical resistances. If you even scammed through the equipment list, you had to notice Defender of Eastheaven. While it is in itself not such a great boost (but still almost as good as a shield), and even for a normal fighter with Hardiness HLA means only 60% damage resistance (I don't see that much difference between 40% and 60%), for the barbarian you will end up with 80(!)% resistance to all physical attacks! That is certainly a lot! Things like an Adamantite Golem or Chromatic Demon has that much!
About the disadvantages: the loss of prophyciencies doesn't mean much in BG2, really (just check the official statistics). The loss of armor is again almost nothing. Most plate/fullplate armor comes with no abilities, so the rest of choices come close second at the beggining and at the end too. During the middle you'll be able to wear any drow equipment, so who cares that (there is most probably a definition-error, so barbarians can wear drow plate).

With a solo-run it is better to know where to get what in what order, even before starting to roll out the protagonist, so take a look on these.
What we'll need? 1) offensive power 2) defensive capabilities.
1) This means weapons and ability to deal out damage fast. So go for two weapon style (3 point is allowed). As you'll have prophiciencies for that you also might consider going for the Silver Sword for a time because of its vorpal effect. We'll choose a lot of Greater Whirlwinds too, but along it don't forget Improved Haste. It provided me 7 APR, or even 10 when shapeshifted to the Slayer (equalls with GWW!). So go for equipment with Improved Haste charges (namely Ring of Gaxx and the bracers from the Kuo Toa Prince - Improved Cloack of Protection +2 sadly not works with the armors).
Also good offensive weapons are the Flaill of Ages (for troll killing, even fire variants), Foebane (if only against the Fallen Solar at the very end), and upgraded Axe of Unyielding. Blackrazor if it works for you is also be mentioned here (for me it never uses its ablities, but I got it this time for rleplaying reasons).
Some diversion would also be good, so get any "1 charge per day" items you can lay hands on. This means you'll have to side Bodhi (for ring of Djinn Summoning), and kill the efreets in Trademeet (as you can not pickpocket. Leave the chieftain for the last, else the rest of the efreets just vanish). Oh, and above all do not forget the Helm of Vhailor (although you'll rarely need it if at all - just like the rest of these items).
Limited charged items can also come in handy, warriors can only use a few.
Don't forget to have something you can do ranged attack with - another reson to learn handling axes.
2) Most things go on the defensive of course. First cover traps: physical damage means little, just visit a temple if needed, and find something what provides regeneration. Heck, you might have a go against Kangaxx and the other liches early, as prot. from undead scrolls are so rarely a must, only if the Unseeing Eye quest wouldn't be in the way...
Anyway, onto posion. Both monsters and traps do that, so carry some Elixir of Health until you find that amulet of posion immunity, and finaly Kangaxx's ring.
There is the problem of leveldrain too. This is also done by traps (only when opening chests) and monsters (vampires and shadows mostly). The earliest solution is to have the Mace of Disruption - comes very early if you side Bodhi. Even if you don't have points in maces, just like me, it solves all problems until you finaly get Angurvadal upgraded.
The remaining problem is all the insta-death conditions, especially maze/imprisonment, against what you're allowed no savethrows, nor immunity-equipment, and against imprisonment Barbarian Rage does not save. So we'll have to gather magic resistances. Magic Resistance determines wether a certain spell will effect you or not, it does not weakens the consequences if the spell hits! For that there is the Belt of Inertal Barrier - what we'll use, as there are no good belts in the games, and we won't need strenghtboosting equipment (so don't even think on using Crom Faeyr!). More on Magic Resistance later.
What shall be the second ring beside Kangaxx? Well, if you play nice, and won't start Lawful Good for the pickpocketing familiar, you'll need something else then a second Kangaxx. That'll be Ring of Earth Controll for its charming, for its AC, and for its hidden boost on saving throws. If you don't like that you may consider cheating in Claw of Kazgaroth, but I'm against that (being cursed, and all).
What did I not mention yet? Ah, the armor! Well, first armor worth mentioning comes from the Adventurer's Mart - Aeger Hide. It is basically a slightly lesser version of Corthala's Family Armor - which will be your next target in armors. Yes, we'll kill Valygar for it. Yes, we'll be able to use it (it has certain requirements in stats, apart the "must be able to use leather armor" requirement what we already fulfill). When reaching Underdark any of the drow armors will do nicely, and after that the Crimson Chain is a good choice for AC. In ToB for AC the White Dragon Scales equalls with the best FullPlates. But mostly we'll use the Human Flesh Armor (I hope you belive in equality and has no prejudice against Evil alignment, heh). And to be honest the Big Metal Unit is better then any other armor on the field of AC (being -20 and all).

Equipment you should not use
It is a common misconception the Cloak of Sewers gives regeneration when shapeshifting to troll. It does not. Any shapeshifting hinders you, except the Slayer, but as Slayer you won't have a transformed statue in Trademeet, sry (it'll give the statue in your normal form. The proces how those statues made is interresting: the game makes a clone of you there, then cast flesh to stone on it - hm, maybe if the statue is created when you step out the door...).

Magic Resitance
Do we need it? Well, just think on the situation when some lich (requires magical weapon to hit) uses protection from magical weapons (thus becomes immun to every weapon), and in chains casts 3 times maze on you. I think I put my point.
So, we have Cloak of Balduran (what occasionally can be swapped with Cloak of Mirroring, as I noticed Hive Mothers and other such beholder's rays are not effected by the Shield of Balduran) = 25%. Add Ring of Gaxx = 35%. Also Human Flesh Armor = 55%. Again 2 weapons with 10% magic resistance each = 75%. Amulet of Seldarine (before that there is the 5% magic protection, then 10% from the amulet bought from the drow city) = 85%. 5% more from the Mad Machine in Watcher's Keep = 90%. If you sacrifice 1 DEX before Irenicus (it pains, but worthy), you end up 100% immunity! If you'll still hold the Deender of Eastheaven and activate Hardiness, while wearing the Belt of Inertial Barrier, you'll have 80% resistance to physical damage, 90% resistance to magic, and 50% resistance to magic damage! Doesn't that sounds attractive?
Oh, and if you think this concept is kinda limiting, just check the alternatives for all slots - there are surprisingly little amount of equipments when you give it a head.

Rolling Stats
What stats will we need? Well, 19 STR and CON to feel the good side of the Half Orc. 19 STR, and being Evil also means that with the statboost book imported from BG1 (+1), the Mad Machine from Watcher's Keep (+1), the Star card from the Deck of Many Things (+1), and the Tear of Sharevok (+3!) you'll permanently have 25 strenght without any equipment or ability! And no joke on Tear of Sharevok: the Door gives you +2, but if you really yell on Sharevok he too gives +1 STR, what during most playthroughs goes unnoticed as you wear STR-determining equipments, what hides this.
From DEX you should also go for maximum, while Charisma cares noone - use the Ring of Human Influence when making conversations (it can even be swapped during combat). Wisdom you better have 18 at least constantly for the save throw bonuses, but for Intelligence you can settle with so many you won't die from one hit of the illithids (they drain 5-6, so go for 7 at least, the more the better, with 13 you will survive 2 hits, but I never suffered that much).

Playing through the game
Irenicus' Dungeon should mean no threat to you. But good to know that ANY character can notice EVERY hidden door, so you don't need a thief on that. Also you don't have to keep Wands of Magic Missile, they don't worth the effort. Neither worth keeping Wand of Frost what a) you can't use b) the Limited Wish Adventure is out of your reach - what also means you should at a point go and whack the adventurers part of that quest, they are arrogant enough to start a brawl.
Coming out of the dungeons you are allowed to have as much gold you don't feel ashamed without risking to start Chapter 3, in case you're wondering. Too bad only thieves can "legally" have unlimited money right here. You should visit the nearest temple for reputation, the Adventurer's Mart for equipment, and finish the Circus quest, and maybe even Mencar Peeblecrusher in the local inn. But do NOT have 15K+ gold when you leave the Promenade first time!
After Chapter 2 started you should gather just enough stability to be able to do the first two (timed) quests in Chapter 3. Then you can stop worrying about things, and start to do as many quest you can for exp and equipment. Start with local quests with little or no fights, and only go outside Amn when you have the immunity / resistance you'll need at where you'll go (like confusion in De'Arnise Keep). In battles always try to eliminate mages first to avoid stun / hold / charm / maze and so on. Use your Rage when possible (be aware when it runs out). You won't need Breach or Dispel or other such things once you'll access (Greater) Whirlwind, and even until that weapons with elemental damage (like Flail of Ages, what is also good for its slowing) can provide that little you might lacking.
After a time all your throws will be in the negative at -5, so even the most brutal spells with +4 penalty will mean nothing to you - but maze and imprisonment will alway be a threat, so gather magic resistance and cast Rage until that. Sadly from Prot. from Magic scrolls only 2 exists in the entire game.
Very effective combo is this: Hardiness -> Rage -> Greater Whirlwind. Remember, that Hardiness lasts longer when you level up.
Do not forget that you can go to Watcher's Keep! A note for that: any key or wardstone (appart from the big one gained at the very start) becomes useless when you reach the next level. Also you don't have to do Watcher's Keep all at once. For me the first go was from Level 1 to Level 3, then I came back to Level 4, then went elsewhere again, and finally came back for Level 5. And even though it IS possible to finish the quest of Watcher's Keep, you won't gain with that any item, and I reached the exp-limit (8 million exp) before even opening any of the three part of the final seal still in Chapter 2 or 3!

Hard battles
Lilarcor: You don't need this sword. You don't even need the exp of the quest. But you might consider keeping the Staff of Strawberries (or what, from the kobolds) for its healing ability instead - as long as you don't aquire something with regeneration ability.
Chromatic Demon: I used some summons as distraction (Black Spider Figurine, Iron Horn of Valhalla) to gain time, while whirlwinding it to death hand to hand with a Simularcum from Vhailor's Helm. I also needed one time Hardiness when even my Simularcum died from the hits. It is a very hard battle.
Monsters with regeneration: you deal out damage fast enough not to worry. This is true even at Irenicus' Slayer Form.
Undeads: With a decent armor (something with AC5) you'll barely suffer a scratch. Undeads are simply not a threat in this game (and when they are, just whirlwind / hardiness). Liches are surprisingly less annoyance then expected if you can survive their symbol of whatevers - or just use a scroll of prot. from undead. There are 16 of those scrolls in the game (plus 2 at your Stronghold if you accept the priest), and only half a dozen liches in the entire game, so who cares for undead, seriously?
Mages: Whirlwind them to death. Yes, they many times go Mislead, but those have no protection, so die fast. Yes, they go invisible, but at the next casting they become targetable with weapon - so I certainly need not any dispel magic (although the Fireshields are annoying, even those aren't real threat). To avoid Time Stop just run away (catsing timestop takes time, so you'll notice if they do, and are fast enough to get out of visible range). Always do Rage though to prevent Maze (cast it before the fight).
Watcher's Keep, Level 5, Final Guardians: Divide and conquer. Before opening the seal summon things up (no matter what), then lure the Marilith (or whatever you prefer) with you to one of the siderooms, where you should close the door to prevent more things to follow. 2-3 monsters a time can be handled (especially with the Super Healing Potions you gathered).
If you have problems with these, or any battle in SoA before Bhaal's Plane with Irenicus, you can try to use the Mind Control Colars from the Illithid city. Just telling.
Demogorgon: Do not fight it. There is no reason to.
Siding Bodhi: You're glad you can't be backstabbed, don't you?
The Unseeing Eye: There is the demon during this quest what requires "love" instead of "hate". You're chance here is the Gauntlets of Healing.
Freeing the imprisoned Mage in the Underdark: you can't do this quest.
Dragons: Hardiness, Rage, then Whirlwind them to oblivion. They have no chance, you don't even need special equipment for them.
Irenicus at Spellhold: For your conveniance the mad ones remove his protections. Always.
Usth Natha: Simply avoid most of the quests. Good to know you don't need to fight the Balor if you're Evil. You don't have to participate in tavern duels. No reason to go to the Beholder City. No reason the fight the spawns of Demogorgon. Use the Tainted Tadpools at the Kuo Toas.
Illithid City: Take out the mindflyers first. Do not waste the Colars, instead turn to Slayer. With the Staff of Domination I could 100% dominate the Elder Brain.
Out of Underdark: Along the way, and in the elf camp do not stop at drow vs. elves battles, as elves randomly turn hostile, and that's not good to your health (the elf leader can get mad, and instakills you).
Suldanesselar: use the stairs to limit the golems' numbers.
Irenicus in Hell: Kill the demons first.
Throne of Bhaal mobs: I assume you chose the immunity to +1 weapons or less reward. When a mass attacks you, pay attention which ones are able to affect you, and kill those with priority. The rest just takes time.
Gromnir: Kill the mages first. And be sure you have a save before this fight, as there is a bug what can freeze the game here (or just give you 54million quest exp, like it did at me last time).
Halls of Yaga Shura: take adventage of the sorroundings. Hide, or try to make the giants stucked. And always eliminate the Elite ones first.
Yaga Sura: He shows up with delay, so be patient. Only attack HIM. The first time he runs away, that is the moment you should go back to the middle of the bridge for better position. Next time you should again only attack him, as with his death the battle ends, all the others disappear from the game.
When you must make the choice between Abizgail or Sendai, I suggest choose the one with more cool itemparts. The BMU lies at Abizgail's Lair, and works wonders in Sheindai's chambers!
Abizgail's lair: Here are dragons - AND? The dragon outside can summon things unlimited times.
Sendai's lair: use the BMU whenever you can, pay attention to your health and targets.
Sendai: The extra drows has fixed numbers and are not repleaced. Still, your biggest adventage is your Pocket Plane ability between her forms.
Pocket Plane Challenges: Most are a joke with this character, only the Ravager will be nasty. Be aware, and you'll win.
Melissan: Here comes play all the HLA-choices. GWW is nice, but Hardiness will prove essential - 1 for each serious battle here. That means 1 Hardiness for all forms of Melissan, AND one more at the final seal with the Deva. That last seal is hard, but if you know what you're doing (like casting improved haste for rised APR), then you have serious chance. Oh, and any monster Melissan summons, die with the actual forms of Melissan. Still, good to have that Human Skin Armor.

Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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