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Old 28-03-2010, 06:14 PM   #1
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Location: Swan River, Canada
Posts: 842
Default Everfrost

"The winter is coming, and soon all that will remain of human kind are the scorched roads and skeleton sky-scrapers"


A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Game

(Map:http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/a...frostmap-2.png )

The Year matters not, the day matters not. We have lost track of time, for there is no need of such in a place like this. 3 Years ago, the end, and the end went, uneventful for us, but we still felt the explosions as nuclear fire was rained down upon the cities far away, and we saw the lights cast by them though we were miles away. We were spared only because of location. The town of Oak Valley is situated in the middle of no where, with a low population, thus making us an un-strategic target, making it possible for us to have survived

It did not take long. Remnants of the Canadian Army set up shop in the town within the following week. The police and the local municipal governments were trying to keep things together, but the fallout was swift, luckily the soldiers had gear with them - gas masks, suits, and medicine. It was not enough, people were dieing quickly. Still, in this chaos, the army kept whatever order they could; sealing off the supermarkets to control rations, removing cars and other things that were hit with fallout to the junkyard, and taking care of looters.

Still, within the year, things turned bad. Now the animals were mutating, turning into strange monsters, each different then the next. Some just died, but some went on to flourish in their new bodies, and soon the town was under siege, as these mutants patrolled the streets at night, killing any. Locking oneself in the basement became the thing to do.

By the third year, the ash had mostly settled from the sky, making it crisp and clear once more, yet climate change was still in affect. Massive storms were quite common. Whatever was left of the army holed up in their fort outside of town, it was quite clear survival was impossible. Still, people who had managed to find weapons and gear flourished in their small groups. We are one such group, the Abandoned, hiding away in the local Co-Op super store. Here we have food, here we have water, but our rations are running out, and soon we'll have to take our sheet metal off of the giant windows and venture again into the outside world, a place we havn't been in a long time....

WELCOME TO EVERFROST! Some key points about the game;

-3 years after the nuclear war, takes place in Rural Manitoba, Canada in a town of about 6000, well, less then 1000 now, with everyone fending for themselves.
-Mutants are all different. No Mole-rats here, though their will be packs of wild dogs and what not. But things like a bear with 2 heads, or a dear with antler's jutting out of its body arn't goona be seen more then once. Except Beavers. Stay out of the river
-Food is important, just as medicine. The Canadian army is holed up in a fort outside of town and have the last of the anti-rad medicine, but raiding a local pharmacy could prove useful for normal medicine
-We shouldn't go out at night.
-There are also mutated humans, no not fallout styled, just weirded up'd people
-there are radioactive zones, marked with a red "!" on the map. These means the immediate and surrounding area is radioactive
-when I say 'Gear' I mean Stalker game type of gear; Masks, modified suits, etc
-We stick together in a group to provide more linear story rather then everyone going and doing there own shit which will result in the failure of this game, assuming it doesn't fail as it is.
-Winter is coming, a long, long winter, that will last many years. The point of this is to find a place where we could survive under ground for those years, with enough food, medicine, etc. Thats what the point of the game is. Oh, and survival of the human race, im still thinking of a mutant that could threaten the very existence of us, but i cant right now...
-Guns are hard to come by, just like ammunition as the army keeps most of it, so CONSERVE AMMO! Use a melee weapon
-Oh yea, and we just ran out of food, and nee dto leave the Co-op


Offer a short biography for your character, there age, sex (no 'yes please') and current gear. We're not goona have machine guns and stuff, at most we'll start out with hunting rifles and some ammunition. remember; MELEE weapons. Put your characters 2 specialitys too, like fist fighting, rifles, handguns, steady aim etc. All combat is goona be determined by me and what skills your character is good at, same thing for looting and what not.


Un armed
Machine guns (we don't start with them, mind you)
Scavenging (for looting through stuff)
Survival (You can survive longer without food or water, not allot longer though)
Charismatic (You have the ability to not get shot the minute another survivalist group see's you)
Thief (Sneaky!)
Night Eye (You can see better at night, making it less likely to run into those nasty muties!)
Steady Arm (better chance at hitting stuff)
Roach (you get radiated slower)

Inventory: We all start with a 'Sunrise Suit' which is basically modified Canadian army soldier gear (the type they'd wear in the field) to suit a radioactive environment, but has things like oxygen tanks on the back, weak bullet proof armor, and other stalker like stuff. We also each have a gas mask with incubators, cause the environment can be toxic. There will be storms sometimes, which will require the masks, but for the most part we can walk around normally without the mask. Other then that, we each have a weeks worth of rations, a melee weapon, a ranged weapon (hunting weapon, no deadly ass military guns) some ammo (like 10 or so) and a random item you may think is helpful, like a rope, a radio, etc. NOTE radio's flashlights and all that WILL require batteries! Melee weapons can also break, so you gotta go in depth how the melee weapon is made, and give it a 'Brittle, Hard, or Solid' strength

Very few mutants are out during the day, they prefer the dark nights. Most of them hide in the buildings during the day, in dark places (so be careful while running around buildings!) but at night they roam the streets. Here are some more common types of enemies

Dogs: Dogs have remained mostly un mutated, except for some minor things (some may have 3 legs, some may have 5, extra teeth, big heads, 2 tails, etc, minor things) but have grown feral and violent, usually roaming the streets. There are still some domesticated dogs though, with other humans (BUT WE DONT GET ANY!)

Beavers: Beavers are extremely dangerous, roving the rivers and swamps of the land in packs, able to devour things with their sharp teeth. If you've already been bit by the beaver, its too late, because its almost a guarantee there's goona be 5 more biting you at the same time

Cats, rats, mice:Aw, kitties are cute right? The domesticated ones are, the feral ones are afraid of humans, and should you get scratched, theres a good chance you could get a dangourous infection. DONT GET SCRATCHED! Same thing goes for rats and mice. All these animals have been barely affects.

Snork: Name given to any feral mutated human, whether they have 3 arms, 2 fingers, or 7 eyes; as long as they're mutated and violent, they're called a snork.

Homo Novus: The nest step in evolution. You'll find out about these guys when i get into the story.


note; Blue represents residential, purple = commercial, and yellow = infrastructural, while grey represents random places, and green represents fields, dark green represents forests. The Map is not really to scale as it is in real life, as the closest town (Kenneth) is actually about 12 kilometers away and Kanora is about 28, and Minit is also far (those arn't their actual names either btw) but i shortened them so they'd fit on the map! Yay!

1. Graveyard
2. High School
3. Hayes Elementary School
4. Junior High School
5. "The Good Ole' Days" Retirement home and Church
6. Minit (Small village with shop and school)
7. Kenneth (Small Village with Shop)
8. Kanora (Small village with school and shop)
9. red Forest (forest tree's turned red from radiation, used to be full of deer)
10. Super 8 Hotel
11. Police Station and Curling Rink down the street
12. Hospital
13. Co-Op Super Store(thats where we are!)
14. Extra-Food Super Store
15. Junkyard (RADIOACTIVE HOT!)
16. Airport (For farmers planes like little Cessna's, etc)
17. Fort Apache (Canadian military base)
18. Golf Course
19. Duncan Elementary School

Thats all I can think of now, traits are a work in progress, may add more later. EXAMPLE CHARACTER SHEET!

Well, mine actually.

Name: Fubbles
Age: 20
Sex: Yes Please Male
Appearance:tall (6'3") fairly lean muscular build from surviving all these years, dirty blond hair, greenish eyes

Biography: Was chilling outside the local ice cream joint when the bombs fell. One of the first to receive the Canadian army supplied gear, and then, due to the fact that his dad was a hunter, had access to many fire arms. Father died from radiation, and later Fubbles looted the streets, until he joined up with other survivalists and holed up in the co op.
Skills: Rifles, Charismatic


Sunrise Suit + Gas Mask
.30-06 Hunting Rifle + Scope
x10 .30-06 rounds
Improvised Spear (Brittle) (Lamp metal rod + rope + pointy metal = success! )
Short wave hand held Radio (with send/recieve abilities) with 1 set of half dead batteries
7 Days of Food + Water
I think I went in depth enough, START POSTING Char sheets, when i think we have enough, WE WILL PLAY! Remember, we're in a group in the co op, but need to leave because we've run out of nearly all our rations, and need to find a new place to live and holed up during nuclear winter, which could last many years.


Name: Fubbles
Age: 20
Sex: Yes Please Male
Appearance:tall (6'3") fairly lean muscular build from surviving al lthese years, dirty blond hair, greenish eyes

Biography: Was chilling outside the local ice cream joint when the bombs fell. One of the first to receive the Canadian army supplied gear, and then, due to the fact that his dad was a hunter, had access to many fire arms. Father died from radiation, and later Fubbles looted the streets, until he joined up with other survivalists and holed up in the co op.
Skills: Rifles, Charismatic


Sunrise Suit + Gas Mask
.30-06 Hunting Rifle + Scope
x10 .30-06 rounds
Improvised Spear (Brittle) (Lamp metal rod + rope + pointy metal = success! )
Short wave hand held Radio (with send/recieve abilities) with 1 set of half dead batteries
pack of Advil 4/4 full (cold/pain/flu medicine)
Jerry Can full of fuel
9 Days of Food + Water
Name: Tomekk / Alias: "Nightfire"

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Biography: Growing up as a gamer in the suburbs, Tomekk turned 18 just before the war broke out. He immediately volunteered into the army to help defend his country, but he since went renegade due to the fact that being in the army sucked.

Appearance: Tall build; long and messy darkbrown hair ; green eyes ; lots of pimples.

Tomekk likes: night-time operations, accurate guns and hot chicks.
Tomekk dislikes: mutants, running out of ammo, getting shot. ()

Skills: Rifles and Night Eye.

Sunrise gear + gas mask + ragged black cloak.
Barret M82A1 .50 BMG (12.7mm) with night vision scope + laser-pointer + x15 bullets.
A razor-sharp swiss army-knife with a miniature flashlight + batteries.
Binoculars with night-vision.
package of Ibuprofen 4/4 full (cold/pain/flu medicine)
Jerry Can full of fuel
9 days worth of food and booze water.
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.

Last edited by Fubb; 01-04-2010 at 03:00 PM.
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Old 28-03-2010, 07:30 PM   #2
Master of Orion
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Name: Tomekk / Alias: "Nightfire"

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Biography: Growing up as a gamer in the suburbs, Tomekk turned 18 just before the war broke out. He immediately volunteered into the army to help defend his country, but he since went renegade due to the fact that being in the army sucked.

Tall build; long and messy darkbrown hair ; green eyes ; lots of pimples.

Tomekk likes: night-time operations, accurate guns and hot chicks.
Tomekk dislikes: mutants, running out of ammo, getting shot. (LOL)

Skills: Rifles and Night Eye.

Sunrise gear + gas mask + ragged black cloak.
Barret M82A1 .50 BMG (12.7mm) with night vision scope + laser-pointer + x16 bullets.
A razor-sharp swiss army-knife with a miniature flashlight + batteries.
Binoculars with night-vision.
7 days worth of food and booze water.
"I want to be able to tell some poor girl i am going to feed off of, that she will see me in her dreams as a dinosaur" - DarthHelmet86

"that's what all jrpgs are about

0: intro
1: talk talk cry talk talk graphics talk talk,
2: boring jrpg generic turn based combat
3: walk map
4: goto 1 12390482309 times
5: outro"
- _r.u.s.s.
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Old 28-03-2010, 07:55 PM   #3
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well, you did say you were in the army, and the fact uo have little ammo left is good, approved!
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.
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Old 29-03-2010, 07:18 PM   #4
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WELL looks like its just me and Tomekk so far...

Fubbles and Tomekk carefully removed the massive pieces of sheet metal covering the lobby of the Co-Op, peeking outside and making sure there were no muties waiting for them

"So..." Fubbles said, heaving the last piece to the ground, "Where too?"

"I dunno. Its cold." Said Tomekk as the first frigid breeze greeted them, "Lets go somewhere warm."

"Yea." Said Fubbles, "Warm, like thats goona happen, we don't even know whats going on. We should try and find other people."

"We probably are the only people, where would everyone else get food? We had the food and now its gone too." Tomekk said stepping into the parking lot and looking around.

"Well...we need more medicine I guess" Said Fubbles, looking around. The once vibrant and colorful down was now nothing more then a bleak urban sprawl on a dieing landscape. Dead tree's plotted the ground, and a light snow was on the grass. "Reckon we only have a few months before winter, right?"

"Right.....so....medicine....hospital? Or raid a pharmacy?"

"Raid a pharmacy maybe, cause, well, look, there's one across the street." Fubbles said, pointing at 'Mr. Whites Drug Store' just across the road a ways

"Right on." Said Tomekk as the began to walk. Tomekk held his gun at the ready as Fubbles hoisted his Spear off his back. Just a precaution, mine aswell be ready if the mutants come.

While they had never actually fought any, they did always here mutants scratching at there barricades, and if they looked out the co-ops second floor windows at night, they would see there glowing eyes, but they were yet to have a confrontation, and were both quite anxious to not be killed on there first day out.

After reaching the pharmacy, they discovered it devoid of all medicine, except for some advil and ibuprofen that they pocketed for later us. They then eyed the rest of the things in the store. A few books were scattered on the ground, and useless magazines.

"Oh look, a condom" Said tomekk, picking up the package from the ground

"No." Said Fubbles

"But if we r-"

"Put it down, we don't need it."

They walked back outside, looking around.

"Well I say the next best bet is the hospital, right?" Inquired Tomekk

"Good thinking, we'd best hurry up though, it's almost night time."

Duun duuun duuun duuuuuuuun.

Well I mine aswell keep going, cause the story won't _REALLY_ start til we're there, then the players will actually get to do stuff!

It was true, it WAS almost night time. During the winter months, the sun was usually down by 6, which posed a problem for our wayward adventurers, who seemed to be easily distracted by every piece of possible loot on the road.

"Golly, look at all this stuff" Said Fubbles, looking at a bunch of molded old news papers in the bin of a bicycle trailer, "Look, this one was actually printed 5 days AFTER the war, about stuff that happened before the war. Isn't that awesome how the paper was so far behind date..?....Tomekk?"

"Screw stupid papers, I say we take this bike."

"But only one of us could fit on it at a time. Plus its probably also radioactive, i mean it's been sitting here for HOW long. radiation lives on non organic surfaces longer, mang"

"shit, really?" Tomekk yelped "Am I GOONA DIE?"

"your a idiot, dude, the radiation isn't allot, you know...just a tiny bit."

"Then why would you tell me it's not safe?"

Fubbles shook his head, then clue'd in on his surroundings. "Uh, we gotta go, look man, it's getting dark fast!"

"Oh crap, your right!" Said Tomekk "Hospitals only 2 blocks away..."

It was too late though. Still a block to go, and it was night out. Most nights were particularly clear, but this night was different; clouds had moved in over the moon, and it was pitch black out.

"Dude, use your flashlight, I can't see shit." Said Fubbles as he tripped over the curb.

"Just wait, just wait." Tomekk said, fumbling his flash light on, "Now the hospital's over there somewhere...what was that?"


"Shh! Listen!"

A quite panting could be heard to their left, and Tomekk, being a curious sort of guy, shawn the flashlight into the the nearby store, and old laundromat, washing and drying machines pulled out of the walls and strewn about the place.

"Uh, Fubb..."

"Theres something....oh GOD!" Fubbles shrieked as a pale little fleshy thing, about the size of a doberman dog, appeared. Heck, it may have been a dog at one point, but was different now. On second glance though, it almost resembled a human, blood seeping from it's brow, and foaming at the mouth though. It sat there, growling and looking at Fubbles and Tomekk, and suddenly about 5 more appeared behind him, some with a few less legs then the other.


"GAH!" Tomekk let loose a quick shot from his rifle, downing the front dog-human thing instantly, but the other 5 where are their tails, and Tomekk and Fubbles sped into the darkness, flashlight lighting a narrow path for them.

Tomekk, being used to working in the night, could naturally see better, and eyed left and right as they were running, and yelled "DON'T STOP, THERES MORE OF THEM COMING FROM THE BUILDINGS!"

"Shit!" Screamed Fubbles as they burrowed on into the darkness, until he tripped on the curb.


"Fubb nooo!" Tomekk screamed, when suddenly gun fire burst of some neaar by bushes, and a dark figure helped Fubbles up, as a double-door opened, engulfing them in warm, orange light as our two adventurers were dragged into safety, the heavy metal doors shutting behind them.

The barking of the things outside peristed for few seconds, until the mutants got bored and left, knowing they lost there prey.

Fubbles and Tomekk composed themselves, and eyed there new surroundings.

"Are you guys idiots?" Said a burly man, tall and very well built with a thick black beard, "Walking around at night'll get your ass killed!"

Party Gains;

Fubbles x1 pack of Advil 4/4 full

Tomekk x1 pack Ibuprofen 4/4 full

Party looses;

Tomekk x1 12.7mm Bullet


Current Loacation: Oak Valley Hospital; hosital has been converted into a veritable fortress, housed by about 50 people, including soldiers and civilians. They have a modified power generator generating electricity for 2 things; The lights, and the hospitals greenhouse, which they use to grow food (But they are almost out of gasoline for the generator). Other then that, they hunt dogs and other mutants for food, though supplies are beginning to dwindle, and if the generator dies they won't be able to grow food any more. The Leader is Alex Zurov, the black bearded man, and he explains to our wasteland n00bs that the hospital had been under siege by the mutants and can't afford to send men out and get supplies from the next closest human 'settlement' which is the junior high school at the south end of town, and that the hospital stands poised to fall.

Things that could be done here;

Offer to find fuel for Generator (+Good Fame in wasteland)
Offer to help against Mutants (+Good Fame in Wasteland)
Offer to get to the Junior High (+Good Fame in Wasteland)
Offer Spare Supplies (+ Good Fame in Wasteland, - all Ibuprofen and Advil)
Leave (No Fame Gain or Loss)

Now the Fame Gain im deciding is how people will know of you, e.g minor actions will make people say 'meh' but as your rep builds people will recognize you and like you, where as if you do bad stuff when its offered, people will be all "OMG GET THEM!"
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.

Last edited by Fubb; 29-03-2010 at 07:32 PM.
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Old 29-03-2010, 07:42 PM   #5
Master of Orion
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We should help to refuel that generator, then visit the high-school.
"I want to be able to tell some poor girl i am going to feed off of, that she will see me in her dreams as a dinosaur" - DarthHelmet86

"that's what all jrpgs are about

0: intro
1: talk talk cry talk talk graphics talk talk,
2: boring jrpg generic turn based combat
3: walk map
4: goto 1 12390482309 times
5: outro"
- _r.u.s.s.
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Old 29-03-2010, 08:14 PM   #6
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Tomekk and Fubbles told Alex they'd be willing to help refuel the generator, for a small fee of course, aswell as attempt to link up with the Junior High school afterwords.

"Well" Alex Suggested, "There's three places you can check out in town, you guys probably know them too. The First place is the Co-Op Gas Statio-"

"Nah theres nothing there, we've lived in the Co-Op for like, the past 2 years." Tomekk interrupted,

"Well, thats one down." Replied Alex, continuing, "The Other two places I would suggest is the Extra Foods gas station, or the Co-Op self serve station, by the Super 8 hotel on the east side of town. You could probably check both out, cause you just gotta follow the main street outta town to get to them..."

"Righto then. Extra Foods, and Self Serve by the Super 8. Lets move Tomekk." Fubbles Said as he stepped out of Alex's office

"Yep. And lets move quickly, cause, i mean, I don't wanna be outside again during the night time..."

As the left the hospital, the guards informed them they should have a fairly safe trip east along the road.

"Everyone uses the main street to get around," the guard pointed out, "and because of that, during the day it's usually quite safe, and don't worry about the things that attacked you last night, they hate sunlight, so they're not goona bother you today..."

"So then why don't you guys just go into the buildings one by one during the day and kill them?" Fubble inquired.


"Yea. Thats what I thought."

Fubbles and Tomekk followed the main street east, eyeing all the buildings. Paint chipping off of them, windows cracked or broken, and the doors, if not badly damaged, were completely broken down.

By mid-dayish, they had come across the Police station, an old, red brick building, that had been converted to a fortress by the locals. From what It appeared, the curling rink just down the road was a town center for the people. People hustled and bustled, and Eyed Tomekk and Fubbles as they walked by.

"What's there problem?" Fubbles asked

"I dunno, they look tired." Tomekk inquired. It was true, they all looked very tired, and worn out

"Well, we'll find out after we find that fuel."

As they came upon the Extra Foods parking lot, they eyed the super store.

"Wow." Said Tomekk. The store looked almost untouched, minus the chipping paint. No broken windows, or doors. It looked as it had before the war, "We should go in!"

"How...I don't get it, how can it be so untouched? How could people not go in it?" Fubbles said, eyeing the dark windows.

"I don't know, but there's probably lots of food in there!"

"Shouldn't we check the gas station first?"

"Nah man, lets get food!" Tomekk said as he began walking towards the store, "Well, unless of coarse theres mutants in it."

"Probably, why else would no one go in it?" Fubbles said, un-shouldering his hunting rifle.

As they reached the old electric sliding doors, they were surprised to find them locked, and a sign on the window that said 'HAUNTED: DO NOT ENTER' In black marker.

"Wow. Muties got the local populace wetting themselves." Fubbles said as he went to the other pair of old electrical doors, used for customers leaving the store, "Hey this pair is unlocked."

"Sweet Deal." Tomekk said as they slid the doors open.

They walked into the main foyer of the store, and already the emptyness was uneasy. The shelves were still stocked to the brim, and minus the smell of rotting meat and vegtables from the produce departments, the store was basically the same as it had been before the war.

"K...this is creepy..." Fubbles began

"Suck it up, lets just grab some food and leave." Tomekk said, walking towards one of the aisles that contained allot of canned food.

"I dunno man, this place gives me the creeps. Doesn't it bother you just a bit how it's full and no ones here?" Fubbles asked

"Yes, which is why I'd like to grab food fast." Tomekk said, turning around to face Fubbles, as he brushed into an old raffle ticket shuffler (like this; http://www.jtcasinogames.com/shop/im...ng/10-1521.jpg )

It gave off a loud screechy creek, because it hadn't been oiled in such a long time.

"It sounds like a fricking cat dieing man." Tomekk said, turning around

"I know...here we are, canned foods. Grab some soup and shit and lets get outta here!" Fubbles said, pulling cans off the shelf.

"Yes Yes..." Tomekk replied.

The two worked there way down the entire aisle, when a noise caught there attention. A loud screeching noise.

"What was that?" Fubbles asked, turning around.

"Sounds like the raffle ticket thing again...." Tomekk said, "Probably just the wind, man."

"Wind my ass, how could wind get in here?" Fubbles said, eyeing into the darkness.

"Stop being such a scared little prick!" Tomekk said as he got the last of his canned wants off the shelf, "Look we got our food, now we can leave."

*thunk* A Can fell off the shelf behind Tomekk.

"Uh. Right, leaving, on it, lets roll man." Tomekk said as the two quickly began walking out of the store

"I got...agh, im getting a bad head ache, man" Fubbles said as they got out of the aisle. They passed the old ticket shuffler, it was still spinning around now, but not making a sound.

"Holy shit, i feel dizzy..." Tomekk said.

It was quite clear the two of them were scared out of there mind now, as they began a very dissorientated run out of the store. They were both on the verge of fainting as the crossed through the Out Doors

"Close is close it close it!" Tomekk screamed as the two slid them shut.

They then put as much space between themselves and the store as possible, running across the parking lot.

"What the hell was that?" Screamed Fubbles

"Theres something in that store man." Tomekk said, shivering, "Something weird.."

"Lets just look for fuel and get outta here."

The good thing about having a supposed 'haunted' store is that no one seemed to want to go near it. This was evidently true, as the Gas station in the marking lot still had candies stocked on its counter, as Fubbles and Tomekk entered the back room.

"Cha-ching!" Fubbles said, eyeing the two Jerry cans, and lifting them up, "There full! Here man, you take one!"

They left the store, and headed west again. By the time they had reached the police station, it was around 3 o'clock.

"If we keep going, it'll be dark by the time we get back to the hospital, we have to stop." Fubbles suggested

"Yea" Tomekk said, eyeing the people outside the police station as they approached.

"Scuse me, we need a place to stay tonight."

"Go to the curling rink then." An armed guard said, "the locals don't like strangers, so it's best if you avoid them and go to where you want to go."

"Thank you sir." Fubbles said as they walked down the street.

The Curling rink had been fortified. The building was about 3 floors high, and every single window and door had been improvised; replaced with thick metal parts to keep the mutants out.

Our two explorers entered the Curling rink, and I'd around. the old ice sheets used for curling now appeared to be one massive trading/dining/living section, as there were tables for traders, beds, and everything else there.

Fubbles and Tomekk, after finding their room and hiding there fuel under there gear, eyed the place up...

Party Gains:

x2 Jerry Cans full of fuel.
Fubbles + Two Rations
Tomekk + Two Rations

Location: Curling rink: The Curling Rink has been converted into a massive trading hub by the looks of things. Its populated by close too 100 people. The people don't take kindly to strangers, unless they came to barter. The town makes it's living off of trading, which includes food. Outside the curling rink, in the old back alley, they've planted some vegetables, but the harvest from that would only be enough to feed a very small fraction of the populace. I think i see a design flaw in this town, which is if people stop trading food with them, the town would collapse.

Things that could be done here;

None, we don't know anything about the town yet, and we're already on our way back to the Hospital!

(The trader will work, if we have no money, by exactly that. Trading, but for something of high value, we need to give him something in return!)


Wants; Fuel, Rations


x4 batteries
x1 Remington 870 Shotgun (shotgun, 12 Gauge)
x17 12 Gauge shotgun shells
x4 .30-06 shells
x2 Glock 17 (pistol, 9x19mm)
x7 9x19mm cartridges
x1 Radio (send/receive capabilities)
x3 Random Electrical Parts
x5 Random Metal Parts

Metal and electrical parts will be implemented some, e.g if they need repairs for something, unless there are specific items needed, we can just use those!

Also, it's not really haunted, well, there arn't ghosts....but all this will be revealed later!
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.

Last edited by Fubb; 01-04-2010 at 03:18 PM.
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Old 25-04-2010, 01:49 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Fubb View Post
Also, it's not really haunted, well, there arn't ghosts....but all this will be revealed later!
"I want to be able to tell some poor girl i am going to feed off of, that she will see me in her dreams as a dinosaur" - DarthHelmet86

"that's what all jrpgs are about

0: intro
1: talk talk cry talk talk graphics talk talk,
2: boring jrpg generic turn based combat
3: walk map
4: goto 1 12390482309 times
5: outro"
- _r.u.s.s.
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Old 25-07-2010, 12:48 AM   #8
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Name: John / Alias: "Jiro"(The J is silent)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Biography: John was in his house when the bombs hit, fortunately, the building he was in was unharmed, unfortunately, his father was killed in the explosion. With nothing left to do, he gathered the nonperishable supplies and headed out. Years pass, and he wound up in a hospital at Manitoba with a few other survivors.

Appearance: 5'9, messy dirty blond hair, blue-grey eyes

Jiro likes: Killing non human things, proliferating supplies
Jiro dislikes: Explosions, non human things

Skills: Thief and Scavenging

Sunrise gear + Gas Mask + Partially torn Jacket
Marlon .22 Rifle w/scope(can hold up to14 .22LR bullets at any time)
Solid Bolt Action Mauser Rifle(as a melee weapon)
Worn Messenger Bag:
x24 .22LR bullets
Binoculars with 50x magnification
10 cans of miscellaneous foods
A rusty can opener

In depth stuff:
-The firing pin of the Mauser is destroyed, and the bolt is gone so it is useless as a gun.
-His movement should be hindered, because he has two rifles strapped to his body and a bag full of stuff.

If he gets approved, that is...

Last edited by Jironobou; 26-07-2010 at 09:58 PM. Reason: I messed a lot of stuff up
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Old 31-07-2010, 06:32 PM   #9
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Default Louis

Name: Louis
Age: unknown
Sex: Male
Appearance: 6'something? Black bald,

Bio:Louis had been working up the courage to quit his job as Junior Systems Analyst at his company's IT department when a virus showed up and downsized the world, he also saved a Uzi with a full mag(25 9mm). Now after that, comes this nuclear war.War, war never changes....

Likes: pain pills
dislikes: getting shot, zombies(well, he HAD to fight through HOARDS of them)

skills:Uzi can be considered as a sub-machine gun OR a machine pistol or either machine gun OR handgun and steady hand

Sunset suit with mask+ his white suit over it

Uzi with full 25 9mm mag (the two mag sizes are either 25 or 32 http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg17-e.htm, i would of done a AK but its a 'deadly ass military weapon')

a full 100 pill pain pill bottle, pre-war

since L4D1 didn't include melee weapons, baseball bat
flashlight with one set of full pre-war batterys

Jerry can full of fuel

9 days food and water supplies
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Old 31-07-2010, 11:25 PM   #10
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This is long dead
"I want to be able to tell some poor girl i am going to feed off of, that she will see me in her dreams as a dinosaur" - DarthHelmet86

"that's what all jrpgs are about

0: intro
1: talk talk cry talk talk graphics talk talk,
2: boring jrpg generic turn based combat
3: walk map
4: goto 1 12390482309 times
5: outro"
- _r.u.s.s.
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