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Submitted by TotalAnarchy on 4. January 2010 - 19:34.
Crimson in the Black Sea
Strategically, the Black Sea was always an important geographical object. It connects the Orient with Europe, the North with the South, and lies in the center of many trade routes. A lot of empires tried to transform this sea into their own lake, but noone succeeded.

But the most important role was played by the Bosphorus strait, a water bridge between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara, separating Europe from the Anatolian peninsula. It is said that who controls Constantinopole (Byzantion, Istabul) controls the entire world. And indeed many emperors conquered this fort: from Darius the I of Persia, to Mehmed II The Conqueror of the Ottoman Empire.

Lots of military conflicts had at stake the control of the Bosphorus strait, among the last were the Crimean War (1853-1856), the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) and the Battle for Gallipoli (1915). But anyways, you're not gathered here to listen to my long and boring story. We've added a new game, which, in fact is not related to neither of those conflicts, and it's more of a fictional sea war between Russia and Ukraine, probably taken from that period's (1992) context - the fall of USSR and Russia's struggle to maintain a strong influence in the region.

Thanks Nick for giving us the opportunity to bully Ukraine, by uploading Battle on the Black Sea, but it would've been much nicer if the bullying was mutual. :D
posted by TotalAnarchy // 04-01-2010 // downloadable // game // Strategy // permalink

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