Mines of Titan is an Adventure that could best be described as "OldSkool". By that, I am referring to the first-person-perspective that is often to be seen in games like Eye of the Beholder. This perspective, while it provides a very logical and simple map design, is in my opinion a bit bland, but still, Mines of Titan has the potential for a great game.
The controls are simple, really. At least in the map mode. You just move around the map and enter shops, bars, clubs, etc. Sometimes, you get held up by random enemies, which will then force you into a fight. If you don’t choose to run away, that is.
The fights are where it gets tricky – Mines of Titan has a very peculiar battle system. Though it looks like your average, everyday, run-of-the-mill battle system, it really isn't. There are some similarities to the attack system used in the Final Fantasy series, like with the commands, but the rest is rather tricky, like I said. It takes some time to get used to it, but with a little practice, you'll do fine.
The graphics are okay for their time, some people (including myself) might find them boring (VERY linear map design), others will feel at home because they liked Eye of the Beholder. Battles are not really animated, except for characters moving around and muzzle flashes (red dots basically) when somebody is shooting, but that's about it.
There is pretty much no sound at all, which adds to the boredom that will be spreading if you play this game too long. The upside about this is that you can listen to music while you're playing. But since this option didn't exist in the time of this game (at least not digitally), I will just ignore this upside.
In conclusion, I am kind of disappointed in the game – the sinister, futuristic setting could have made up a great game, but the developers wasted all their work because of some major downgrades like the battle system and lack of sound. But since I actually enjoyed the game in the start, I’ll give it 3 points.