8088 Othello is a classical board game of stealing opponent’s pieces. The concept is very simple, yet quite brilliant.
To play this game you have to think about lines! To place a new piece it has to be in a line (either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal) with one of your previous pieces and you need to capture at least one opponent’s piece in between. Opponent’s pieces that you’ve captured become your pieces (by changing their color).
The winner is the player, who ends up having more pieces, unless you’re able to capture all of the opponent’s pieces and win.
It’s very simple to learn, but extremely difficult to master.
This computerized version has 5 levels of difficulty and trust me, the beginning level is already a challenge for the inexperienced players. The toughest level is really hard to beat. You place your pieces by typing in the letter and number of the position you wish to move to. Then see what happens and how the computerized opponent will react.
The game has no sounds, but the colors are quite nice (although it only has 4 colors - but it needs no more). Unfortunately you can’t play against a human opponent.
And last but not least, even the people with the slowest of all connections won’t mind downloading this one and giving it a try, because it’s the smallest game archive on the site thus far. The archive is little less then 3kb and if you ask me, it’s the best 3kb you can download (even some of the screenshots take up more space then the entire game).