[Preface: unfortunately, there are some games that I just do not have the manual for. I learned to play them by trial and error, so you can too. I apologize that this review will not have the background story as to why you are scouting about the planet, but the game is still fun anyway.]
S.C.OUT is so named, I have to assume, because you are scouting out the planet you crash landed on. S.C.OUT is an action-puzzle game, where you are tasked with completing the same objective on each level – blowing up a “robot face” - while fighting off enemies and solving increasingly difficult obstacles in do this.
I know, I know! You’re saying “What!?” right about now. I don’t blame you. Let me explain it in more simple terms. You control a vehicle (the scout), which has cargo space limited to carrying a single item. To complete a level you must carry an egg-shaped bomb to a specific game tile that just happens to be a cyborg-looking “face.” Once the bomb is in place, you must then fire the pre-existing, pre-positioned gun at the bomb to explode it.
To accomplish this task you use very straight forward controls: the arrows keys to move as expected, the space bar to fire, and the “get” key, which I defined as “X.” Options are provided to redefine the keys in whatever fashion you want. A joystick is supported, but not the mouse. Sounds are present and they do the job nicely, but there is no music during the actual game play, only a short “you won” song after you finish a level.
There are some tidbits that you should understand to reduce your frustration. Again, you can only carry a single item at a time, so that is used in many puzzles. You must learn what to carry and when. For example, you must drop the bomb to pick up a key that will open the lock that is blocking you way, then return and pick up the bomb.
Your gun can only fire a single rocket at a time, and you must be carrying the rocket, meaning you must drop the bomb to pick one up. In addition, you can only fire in the direction the rocket is facing when you pick it up! If the obstacle you need to remove is north of you, you must find a rocket that faces north and carry it.
There are many special squares and item, and I cannot list them all out quite frankly without playing each and every level to ensure I would see them all. You’re a big boy (or girl), so you can figure them out if you want to. One example is a small square etched on the ground that I suppose is a “monitor screen” or some such. When you drive over it, your vehicle “freezes” briefly and you can move the view around the level for a sneak peak of what lies ahead.
S.C.OUT is an interesting game with simple concepts, but complex puzzles. Thankfully, the game uses a password system that allows you to continue at the last puzzle you didn’t complete. There are some issues (see below), but the game is worth a look as you won’t find it at many other places.
VDMSound will not work at all. DOSBox will run the START program so you can watch a short into, but then it will abort out. You must launch GAME to actually play. I had the graphics get messed up and the game locked. I have not yet determine if lower cycles will correct this.