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Download Risk - The World Conquest Game

Risk - The World Conquest Game
288 kb



Risk – a classic game of world domination (at least I believe that's what they said in the TV commercial for the original board game). Yes, it was originally a board game and this computer version is a faithful adaptation of the board game and a classic turn base strategy game that is definitely worth having.

The graphics are standard EGA (nothing breathtaking, but still quite nice). You control everything with a mouse, so the controls are really simple enough (only thing you can't click is the number of units – if you want to change it, you need to type it yourself). The game also features some weird beeps which should be the sound, but I suggest you turn those off and play some pompous music in the back (I played Carl Orff's Carmina Burana).

The best thing about this game is, that you can invite up to five friends to play with you, or you can play against the computer (it has three difficulty levels). Unfortunately you can't play the game via the modem, so you'll have to prepare some snacks if you plan to host this game.

So what do you have to do? Well it depends on what type of game you chose. You have the FULL game or SHORT game option (both US or UK). If you chose a full game you need to conquer the whole world and destroy all opponents. The short game on the other hand gives you a mission (like conquer some continents, capture 24 territories,…) and you win after you complete the mission. The difference between US and UK version of the game is of a different nature. Those who are familiar with the game already know that you have the RISK cards which you can trade for more units. You need either three cards of the same type (cavalry, artillery or infantry) or one of each category (you can also have a joker card). In the UK version you get a certain number of units for every set (infantry – 4, cavalry – 6, artillery – 8 and different cards – 10). The US version has a different system. Every time you change a set you get more units. So the more you change (doesn't matter what kind of a set), the more units you'll get.

But just how do you fight? Simple, you roll dice (just like in the board game).

Enough said, it's time to play this gem, which surely deserves at least a 4.


Reviewed by: Sebatianos / Screenshots by: Sebatianos / Uploaded by: Sebatianos / share on facebook

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