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Old 23-10-2019, 02:14 PM   #461
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Default Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, Impossible Difficulty

Mission 10:

Rightclicking an equipment in your inventory will swap it for the current one.
Btw, this is another Walk To the Edge of the Earth mission

TIP: try to remember where extra ammo is, what kinda ammo is there, and try not to blast immediately every crate as they potentialy have +50 HP. Those do not overflow, but are your only source of realhelaing on this mission.

In one of the secrets you'll find a Combat Armor II. But while you should always be inarmor during this mission, you should still have plenty from the last Combat Armor, and the Power Armor too (this is our bestarmor currently, wear it last!).
Along the armor will be a free best-pistol-in-the-game too.

Mission 11:

best pistol: - (all pistols got unlocked, shop does NOT sell the tradable Mission 4 Prototype Pistol!)
best shotgun: Craft SP 200 (all shotguns unlocked. Shop does NOT sell Double Shotgun!)
best SMG: volcano
best explosive: -
best special weapon: -
best armor: -
supply: -
Invest into: mega medikit

Always wear armor and medikit. This is because until you filled the main objective, there is no healing. The mission isn't terrible though aside some half-hidden corridor, and the fact you see more of the screen horizontaly than verticaly, so use only the smallest medikits you found.

Current stats:
HP: 33 (base, +30 implant)
STR: 20 (base, +20 implant. This is way enough to carry around ammo, but in the nextmission the shop rolled a 50+, and that's definitely more thananyone would need)
Speed: 25
Special Perk, Economist: 66
ACC: 56, currently pumping it to 100

Mission 12:

best pistol: - (all pistols got unlocked, shop does NOT sell the tradable Mission 4 Prototype Pistol!)
best shotgun: - (all shotguns unlocked. Shop does NOT sell Double Shotgun!)
best SMG: -
best explosive: "Rain"
best special weapon: plasma minnigun (the shop DO sell the freezer, but I think do not sell PR-1500, which was available to be picked up in Mission 11)
best armor: -
supply: -
Invest into: mega medikit, plasma gatling

On implants in shop: determined when starting the mission. Restarting mission does not change them. Replaying previous mission might change them, but who'll take the effort for a reroll?
Either way, a 3 stat boost 80+ per stat implant is arund 80-100K $, if you care.

Reloading trick: changing weapon, then immediately changing back (using the mouse's roller is a miracle) reloads your weapon. Can be useful for slow reload weapons.

Notable items: you'll get a Flashlight III.

NOTE: whenever possible, let the drones get ahead of you, especialy when the lights are out (googles supposed to work, but my version definitely has them permanently disabled). On one corridor a BUNCH of mega-monsters reside, so you need cover. And while youwon't hit by your own blasts (so rocket launchers are 100% safe), I"m not sure about the bots, so energy weapons are pointed on.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

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Old 23-10-2019, 05:59 PM   #462
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Default Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, Impossible Difficulty

Mission 13:

best pistol: - (all pistols got unlocked, shop does NOT sell the tradable Mission 4 Prototype Pistol!)
best shotgun: Craft SP 200 (all shotguns unlocked. Shop does NOT sell Double Shotgun!)
best SMG: volcano GP5500 (I think no improvement, but only noticed therearetwo volcanos)
best explosive: -
best special weapon: G5000 ion cannon (all specials unlocked, PR-1500 isNOT sold in shop)
best armor: advanced power armor (all armor unlocked)
supply: - (all supplies unlocked a long time ago)
Invest into: mega medikit, possibly advanced power armor, possibly 3-stat implant

No healing, tons of enemy, only a CombatArmor II is found, so buy that power armor. The advanced might be way too expensive to what it can do, so you might settle for the enhanced power armor, but whatever. Ammo for pistol starts todeplet, and isn't regularon this level anyway.
There are NO telepods though, no matter how that fells like sometimes.

There comes a free BT-13 SMG too, which is a definite improvement over AKM.

Mission 14:

No shop. But you get a tank, which is practicaly the game letting you trying out the ion cannon. But it kicks down all mobs, and let's you run over the mega-monsters, so it's fine. Also, gazillions of exp here.

Mission 15:

best pistol: - (all pistols got unlocked, shop does NOT sell the tradeable Mission 4 Prototype Pistol!)
best shotgun: Craft SP 200 (all shotguns unlocked. Shop does NOT sell Double Shotgun!)
best SMG: atom (all unlocked)
best explosive: NTRO-40 S1 (all unlocked)
best special weapon: - (all specials unlocked, PR-1500 is NOT sold in shop)
best armor: - (all armor unlocked)
supply: - (all supplies unlocked)
Invest into: mega medikit, possibly advanced power armor, possibly 3-stat implant, the N(I)TRO rocket launcher, the plasma gatling (if youdid npot buy earlier).

NOTE: grenades and rockets ARE different type of ammo, just like fuel and batteries. You need a matching weapon to be able to see the ammo type (and sell the ones you do not use).

The monsters come from teleporters, so keep pushing when you suspect you reached one. Expect mega-monsters regularly (only rocket-ones with exception of a pair).

Mission 16:
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

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Old 26-10-2019, 10:31 AM   #463
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Default Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, Boxer, Easy Difficulty

The AI is noticably dumber, and hits less. Any maybe your hitbox is wider too?

Done Mission 4 with Male 4 character. HP is key, especialy at the start, and abuse of healing posts.
Breather enemies are a problem, they eat your HP fast. I lost all my small medikits and my leather armor during misison 4. Thought getting out of the sewer control will be the most trouble, but getting in was more of a problem because of breathers.

EDIT: Done with the first car-level. Using the atuo-turrets is highly advisable with this build. The self-destruct stage was interresting, but you CAN punch down those rocket-monsters eventualy.
Stats for this build are mainly useless: INTis useless here anyway, ACC only helps weapons, STR is only to carry ammo (not even all items, but simply ammo, and those are not that expensive to make you invest in it!). Speed is moderatly useful, but you'll never have to sprint, there are many monsters, so there'll be things to punch. HP is mandatory, but it can be risen via implants, so go that path. Spend all your levelup-statpoints into your special skill for faster tearing down of the bigger things.

EDIT: didn't mention, but it is ok to keep the laser-rifle to safely and fastly blow up those greenmine-blobs.

Mission 10:

Forgot to buy the power armor, and I was down to my last armor, so it was though, and ate up a lot of medikit, but I think I did fine.

Btw, I forgot my ownadvice,and didn't finish the freezer-gun,shame on me. On my impossible diff playthrough I forgot to destroy all eggs during the final mission. I Don't rly care as long as I'm passing.

Tactic: againstlarge ranged corwdes, head-first is a good tactic,although try tostrafe a bit until you get to the edge of the mob. It'd be funny if I could win this.

Mission 11:

If you run out of armor, buy the latest model, and repair if necessary.
NOTE: when you'll have access to the highest tier armor, BUY those pieces, because in the very last mission (16, ok, technicaly it is the last-but-one) you won't be able to repair.

Also buy medium medikits. Otherwise it is funny to scramble through hordes of enemies w/o stopping because youhave to eliminate the ranged ones

In Secret Room#2 is a +100 HPwhich you'll likely need for #3 as it is filled with nasties.
Don't forget to use the healing post wen you're ready to leave.

Mission 12:

In the southern portion, between the 2nd and 3rd data-spot is a medi-post.

NOTE: Combat Armor is where your armor deplets faster than your life (that's a good thing).
NOTE: the AI's pathfinder routine is dumb, so bigger monsters can get stuck behind doors/corridors. Use this toyour advantage.
NOTE: when going toe-to-toe against mega-mons, try going around them. They seems to fire less frequently (and if you manage to get behind them, they don't shoot at all).

Mission 15:

This is where you fly from one telepod to the next. Problem is, each telepod has a rocket-monster ot two, or more. With htis epxerience I say buy not just big medicits whenever possible (they do NOTaccumlate), but along them also the medium medikits too.

NOTE: leveling up also gives a full heal, just so you know.

Mission 16:

So, with this done, the game could actualy be ended. But let's try the alien boss.
Although I think the creators mixed up the endings. Whatever.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

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Old 30-10-2019, 04:38 PM   #464
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Default +5% codes for GoG

I'm not sure if I canjust pass them away, but we might try.

The +5% is above what they discount at the moment.

Games are (crap, I have to recall these from memory?):
- hollow knight
- blasphemous
- grim dawn
- and probably 2-3 more.

I don't care for these (ok, I'd care for Blasphemous, but I have no 64 bit system), so if youneed them, until nov. 4. I think this sale goes. Throw a PM or post here if u r interrested, and I'll check whatt he actual games are,and give you the code in PM.
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy
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Old 01-12-2019, 06:54 PM   #465
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Currently doing a poverty run in Baldur'sGate 1-2-ToB (details on GoG's forum, basicaly I play a sorcerer), then I have some stuff stored, namely:

- Alone in the Dark: A new nightmare (yes, I still run only a win 7, 32 bit system, and with GoG's black friday I said, wynaught)
- Noctropolis (looks hilariously bad)
- Grim Fandango (never played, sounded badly programmed, maybe the remater helped it)
- Obscuritas (I don't even know why I have this, maybe it was super-cheap, and made an emotional purchase)
- Dragonfire: The Well of Souls (hope it works)
- Crypt Killer (hope it works, and gives some fun)
- The House of the Dead (hope it works, the only roller-shooter I played was Die Hard Trilogy's 2nd act, and I'm curious why this game got so famous - btw, I liked the Uwe Boll movie, and its sequel too)

EDIT: I'm doing some progress with Baldur'sGate 1(+TotSC)-2-ToB poverty, sorcerer. You can read it here:
The important thing is the starting stats, where intelligence is dumpstat, and strength is more important then you'd think (some quest items are heavy, and yes, some story-relateditems toohave some weight),and as I do use limited wish, and wishseems to be a demand against Amelyssan, wisdom needs to be high too (though you get bonuses there).
Alignment is good to get a useful familiar (chaotic neutral is a nice thief/explorer),and that's kinda super-important with no gear on you, though mostly helps avoiding a great number of reloads.
As my game is merging all the "trilogy", exp-caps do not exist for me, so I might have some extra spells for the BG1 part.

Here is the spell list I found kinda demanded for such a play:

slvl 1:
1) find familiar (very convenient if it can stealth-explore)
2) identify (to use the Tome of stats, but you can pick whatever you want)
3) magic missile (essential)
4) prot. from evil (against summoned demons mostly)
5) prot. from petrification (it removes some important random rolls, especialy in BG1with all the basilisks,some being unavoidable)

slvl 2:
1) knock (locks are annoying, and I'm not entirely sure there are no story-related locked doors, especialy before Slayer Form what gives 25 STR whatis otherwise demanded in ToB fora story-related door)
2) melf's acidic arrow (justto have some more damage spell, if you feel like it you can pick something else)
3) mirror image (sometimes very very convenient, I strongly suggest this)
4) prot. from fear (very annoying if you don't have this)
5) ?

1) ghost armor (convenient early on, you might exchange it, but I hardly see a better alternative)
2) melf's minute meteors (essential)
3) skull trap (traps are overpowered at situations)
4) ?
5) ?

slvl 4:
1) improved invisibility (most mages won't even do anything if you have this,alsohelps against archers, avoiding fights etc.)
2) stone skin (essential)
3) spider spawn (cheap, effective summons, I love them)
4) ? (maybe minor sequencer for added casting number)
5) ? (maybe olulike's sphere, if it works on you, and doesn't prevent casting - unfortunately even yourself do a saving throw, most assuredly preventing the effect)

slvl 5:
1) sunfire (perfect offensive spell, though fire)
2) spell immunity (this can help imensly in certain situations. It can for starter win your fight against Sharevok in BG1, and later can protect from imprisonment/maze/charm from all kinds of sources)
3) ? (maybe cloudkill is a good idea)
4) ? (maybe protection from electricity - very convenient to have, unlocks the bottom level of Durlag's Tower if you want that, makes you avoid likely reload in the air room in Watcher's Keep, protects in thin trapped corridors, low level...)
5) ?

slvl 6:
1) death spell (convenient)
2) true sight (again convenient)
3) prot. from magic weapons (it is convenient and enough at times)
4) ? (maybe pierce magic)
5) ?

slvl 7:
1) limited wish (it is convenient, and has certain potentials)
2) mordekainen's sword (pretty good summon, although morea defensive thing than offensive)
3) sequencer (maybe. Added casting always good?)
4) ? (prismatic spray maybe, for the ToB drow tunnels?)
5) ? (maybe Khelben's wharding whip against infinite defensive buff enemies)

slvl 8:
1) ? (maybe pierce magic)
2) ? (maybe spell trigger for extra casting)
3) ? (maybe abi dhalzim for extra area damage,casting from cover of fog-of-war)
4) ? (maybe simulacrum)

slvl 9:
1) wish (because Amelissan pretty much demanded for the 1% chance for resetting HP and spells)
2) chain contignency for emergency casting if enemies ambush you at entering, also potentialy extra firepower (beware, that "when enemy sighted is NOT instantaneous when entering an area!)
3) ?
4) ?
Nothing has a meaning. You can't even say it has no meaning as that'd mean it has. - Godkiller, Defender of Anarchy

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Old 21-12-2019, 08:53 AM   #466
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Default Baldur's Gate 1-2-ToB Poverty Run notes

Things got darn difficult for this one, need to sort my notes. So:

- you totaly can throw away that basic quarterstaff.
- the main issue is causing damage. So you'll use Magic Missle a lot, and even unarmed fighting. If youthrew away thatquarterstaff, you'll need Magic Missle as a finishing move!
- there aren't many damage spells, and the other problem is the casting speed.
- the damage magic progression is something like this: magic missile, mel'f acidic arrow as supplementary spell (because of FireTrolls in ToB it is even unavoidable), Melf's minute meteors, summon planetar. And that's pretty much it.

- energy blades are fine, with the exception they don't bypass magic resistance. I still needed them against Darconis, but probably that wasn't optimal.
- being a sorcerer/ess ganing enough spell slot, I mean number of casting is a nuisance.
- because prime source of damage is weapon-dependent, you better have high dexterity and strength
- strenght is desperatly needed to carry around stuff, and possibly to bash locks
- stealth (from familiar in my case) helps immensly in BG1
- you can circumgo saving throws various ways, mostly sending out summons.
- mordekainen's sword is mostly a defensive summon, and a good one
- spiders are cheap summon still
- there are many spells, but useful spells are a rarity
- there are always quests around with easier opponents.
- removing the exp-cap (I mean having only the 8 mill cap) is convenient
- skull traps are higly unreliable,and are magic damage,and somehow can hurt mordekainen's sword
- improved invisibility can break most fights against casters
- there are plenty enough gold quest rewards, no need to pick up any
- doing a poverty run is extremly straightforward, no option for diversity in whatyou are doing, so do this only if you start get bored by the game anyway
- the mind shield from deckof many things is NOT permanent
- poverty run shown how perfectly measured the stat bonuses in the not-EE edition were.
- the mainattraction of the game is the fixed variety it offers. Partymembers, gadgets and abilities allwait to be collected. All of them are fixed, at fixed places, and they come in great quantities.
- magic golems can only be hurt with nonenchanted WEAPONS? Nonenchanted DAMAGE is not enough? You can avoid these either way,and you only meet them 2 times.
- the Death Spell is very convenient, and I mean strong, but usualy you just do raw damage obviously instead
- might be interresting to do a holy caster based run. I don't think I have enough in me for that though. Wonder what the key factors there would be, but obviously such never-used spells like holy hammer, and its counterparts will come into play
- I have no idea why certain enemies gostraight for the protagonist (maybe they'd be ok with party members?)
- Updated spell list:
lvl 1: 1) find familiar 2) magic missile 3) (identify) 4) prot from evil 5) prot from petrification
lvl 2: 1) knock2) melf's acidic arrow 3) mirror image 4) resist fear 5) (blur)
lvl 3: 1) ghost armor 2) melf's minute meteors 3) skull trap 4) - 5) -
lvl 4: 1) improved invisibility 2) stone skin 3)spider spawn 4) - 5) -
lvl 5: 1) spell immunity 2) (prot from electricity) 3) sunfire 4) (cloudkill) 5) -
lvl 6: 1) death spell 2) prot. from magic weapons 3) true sight 4) improved haste 5) (true sight
lvl 7: 1) mordekainen's sword 2) limited wish 3) (khelben's warding whip) 4) - 5) -
lvl 8: 1) pierce shield 2) abi dhalzim's 3) (simulacrum) 4) -
lvl 9: 1) chain contignency X) dragon's breath X) summon planetar 2) wish 3) time stop 4) improved alactricity
- don't realy have any idea for the current run against Abazigail, the Ravager, Amelyssan, and I'm not sure about Balthazar either (maybe he can be occupied by mordekainen).
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Old 21-12-2019, 11:16 AM   #467
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Default BG 1-2-Tob poverty theorycrafting non-mages

1) Monk, fighter, ranger, barbarian, paladin, bard, thief etc. rely way too heavily on company and/or items to be effective.
Yes, I think even monks are a no-go. Prove me otherwise. But monks lack the meat shields casters have, and I hold the belief based on evidence, they'd perish against things like Sharevok and other final bosses. I repeat: if you wanna debate this, do it in practice.

2) dualclass seems out of question, while multiclass might not. The main problem is, without items the bonuses extra classes can provide, are not that many. Extra points inweapon use? As summoned weapons don't use specifications, not worth a darn. Bonus AC? Sure,would be good to addition of armor, but poverty don't wear armor (aside the armor of faith, and necromantic armors of course).
Worthy additions might be ranger in the vanilla game for druidic spells (also stealth), and thief for various thief skills.

3) kits sounds as always the pure class way. But because of the circumstances their usefulnes changes.
Like priest of Lathender pretty much becomes useless, and priest of Thalos offers little. Helm on the other hand provides an easy solution to an obvious problem, namely the lack of enchanted attack source (holy hammer at best only rises to +3).
For druid, I'd probablypick Shapeshifter,as divine casters are slow casters anyway, so no direct battle spells I assume.

4) cleric alignment is better to not be evil, but given the very few (maybe only the first Forestof Tyr encounter) undeads in ToB, this playsno effect in the choice ofTears.

5) there's no bending the rules to get the Tomes with a divine caster.

6) druid dis/advantages:
- greater elemental summoning HLA
- slower and less variety in spells
- the extra useful-looking spells are: call lightning (outdoor only), summon insects, iron skins

7) cleric advantages:
- can multiclass, can pick race

- the extra useful-looking spells are: draw upon holy might (bashing locks, sleep-regeneration), spiritual hammer (that's +3 instead of the druid's +1, maybe +2 if shapeshifter form), animate dead (not that great, but comes sooner than animal summoning, which sucks either way right?), glyph of warding (it's not great, but still a trap), free action, restoration (devas can't do this!), false dawn (I know it is slow, so you need a meatshield to use, but still), gate (not a fan, but it exists)
- turn undead

8) cleric/mage won't be disucussed by me, asI think they are weak due to extremly slow leveling, and are mages anyway. One note though: evil alighment characters can create themselves an army of vampires through combining turn undead and limited wish.

9) only gnome and half-orc can be cleric/thief. Gnmes get -1 on wisdom what is bad (can compensate only in Watcher's Keep), but gain shorty-saves - but only to wands and spells. Half-orcs gain +2 max stat, but with Draw Upon Holy Might with minmaxed stats, that'll only mean +1 thac0 and +2 dmg,whilepoverty tries to avoid close combat.
Let's do proper math: 18 start (for gnome), +2 from Tear of Bhaal (evil path, vanilla game), +1 Machine of Lum +4 Draw Upon Holy Might => screw half-orcs by stat. Their advantage though is clear in mid-game for access to (more?) lvl 7 spells naturaly (info related to this is confusing, the restrictions might be eliminated by installing vanilla ToB, and in the enhanced edition of any kind).

10) cleric/thief still gains all the divine HLAs, so it's a pure bonus to multiclass.
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Old 22-12-2019, 08:20 AM   #468
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Default Alone in the Dark 4

I thought if I still use a 32 bit win 7 system, I might as well play this till it lasts.
Well, my initial impressions are mixed.

First, why people talk so rushed?
Second, why is there no save, only stupid Resident Evil Ink Ribbons?
Third, how should I know where to save if I'mfacing fake scares all the time?
Fourth: this is one of those weird french games with awkward controls,and weird camera angles.
Fifth: the game does no tolerate alt+tab.

All this points to picking up a walkthrough. It is realy a shame, because the game looks fantastic. But it gets crippled by the saving system. Gimme a map at least with all the bosses, or something.
Especialy as the previous games are notorious about their puzzles.
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Old 30-12-2019, 10:36 AM   #469
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Default Were all games like this? - Alone in the Dark 4

Without Alt+Tab I have to rely solely on the game. And that doesn't work here either.

Can't save whenever I want. And there are no waypoints. Why can't I just save as a normal person?

I can't see jack shit. There's no minimap, radar, the camera angles are weird, the area is HUGH, things pop out of nowhere, there are no clues whatdto do, and what there is is misleading.
I'll tell the whole story.

So I picked Carnby, because having a gun seemed easy mode for this. Starting the two characters at entirely different places was a very good idea considering replay-value.
The intro is... Long. And despite more than one scene, you skip the whole. At least it is skippable.
You start facing A DEAD END. Why? Who cares. Let's move on.
Is that a passage, or just bad level design? The answer is: YES. Ugh. There's some door that demands some code - my bet goes I'll have to return at the point I long forgot about it.
Whatever, move on. What are the controls? Who knows! Does my flashlight have infinite battery? It does! Then why can I switch it off? And why can I aim it? Pretty badly? Sure I confuse this aiming with the gun's...
Ah, girl radios to me. Why can I activate the radio by myself, manualy too? This leads to button-confusion, to the point even when I finaly learn the buttons, because the cutsceens don't have the wide screen feature implemented, I again think I messed up, and start to fiddle around, just to figure out I did nothing wrong. But the game teached me I did. This leads confusion, confusion leads to frustration, frustration leads to game abandoned.

I keep going still. Cutsceen says some dogs will attack me. Then cutsceen shows nah, some monster ate the dogs! So the dogs must be my friend, right?
Whatever the case, I WON'T go where the monster went, it looks scary. And I can't save. So, can I go another way? Yes, I can. Let's check out.
Wow, weren't these two dogs eaten just yet? Mustbe two other dogs? I sure have to shoot them! What? Not? These dogs are definitely friendly.
I pick up some ammo, and medikit, nothing to do but following the beastie. Well, maybe the unleashed dogs delt with it. There's a long stairs, so I'll definitely go up via cutsceen., Nah, that's for pussies. VERY slowly Carnby starts to emo up there. Where's the run button?
I get up there. I immediately get confused by the leveldesign. Why I dun have minimap? Why are dogs assaulting me? Is that dog hurting me, or stuck in the wall?
I shoot them down and move on. I have no idea what am I doing, but sure doing it. Radio alert. Did I misspress button again? Who cares, this time girly tells some clues. "Living shadows"? Well, justaround the corner I saw a transparent beastie, which after a time disappeared. I used some bullet on it, and didn't seem to get hurt... So maybe they are foreshadowing ghosts. Note to myself: do NOT shoot transparent beasties, they go away anyway, and can't be harmed.
Turning just the next corridor, a portal opens, transparent beasty comes through. Crap, it attacks me! I have noidea where I am, so try shooting? Hey, it got hurt! How much ammo it needs to deal with it? I meanduring the cutseen the girl shot twice, maybe thrice and obviously got away. Why doesn't THIS die, or what? Whatever, I shoot. Health-meter? Check, it's still blue. Beastie got up? How? Until now dogs (and this beastie) got stunlocked by being shot! What?! Life meter got red? What, I'm dead?

Just fok off, game.
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Old 01-01-2020, 07:35 PM   #470
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Default Cthulhu saves christmass

This is a fun game. With appropriate tutorial, and intuitive gameplay.

Whatit lacks is achievements/unlocks, like finishing the game at set difficulty, or using X item. Also would have been nice to give the item stats on the city screen (after every mission you visit the city for 4? 5? items).
The obvious walkthrough will have to concentrate on the possible items.
The game is frecsh though, so no item list for now. Actualy seems you do not need a list of items if you don't go above insane difficulty, which is probably supposed to be the normal mode.

Otherwise the game has the big advantage of very clever writing, good graphics, nice faces (being a JRPG,you know),and decent animation, nice colouring... I could use a skip talk option of course.

The biggestcomplaint comes around early midgame, where you realise, the random fights are more mandatory,there are no fixed-location fights aside the bosses unfortunately, so the whole thing feels very gimmicky. But it's relatively cheap (10$), and came in a boundle, so I feel I don't realy have the right to complain for anything.
The replay value will demand that item guide though.


Other games I still have and canplay later, which I did not play ever yet:
- Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition (also titled Kult: Heretic Kingdoms, a Diablo-clone with interresting background)
- Dex (let's hope it works)
- Noctropolis (it sounds so-bad-it's-good, and was very cheap)
- Obscuritas (how bad can a puzzle-game be?)
- Toonstruck (some oldschool adventure game, we'll seewhat I can do with it)
- Grim Fandango remastered (can be a cmplete disaster, or can turn out to be fun, who knows)

And unless I upgrade my computer (not likely if I can avoid), that'll be it.
I'd like to play beyond Beyond Divinity with that franchise, and there's an arcade shooter (why can't you get good shot'em'ups nowdays?), and there's Postal 2 too, and Tower of Time looks attractive for a trial, but I simnply lack the hardware. And I don't rly get the need of more and more energy-consuming hardwares either to be honest. Friggin Space Invaders, the same game now demands 64 bit system with graphic card - just why?
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