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Old 01-01-2020, 07:35 PM   #470
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Default Cthulhu saves christmass

This is a fun game. With appropriate tutorial, and intuitive gameplay.

Whatit lacks is achievements/unlocks, like finishing the game at set difficulty, or using X item. Also would have been nice to give the item stats on the city screen (after every mission you visit the city for 4? 5? items).
The obvious walkthrough will have to concentrate on the possible items.
The game is frecsh though, so no item list for now. Actualy seems you do not need a list of items if you don't go above insane difficulty, which is probably supposed to be the normal mode.

Otherwise the game has the big advantage of very clever writing, good graphics, nice faces (being a JRPG,you know),and decent animation, nice colouring... I could use a skip talk option of course.

The biggestcomplaint comes around early midgame, where you realise, the random fights are more mandatory,there are no fixed-location fights aside the bosses unfortunately, so the whole thing feels very gimmicky. But it's relatively cheap (10$), and came in a boundle, so I feel I don't realy have the right to complain for anything.
The replay value will demand that item guide though.


Other games I still have and canplay later, which I did not play ever yet:
- Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition (also titled Kult: Heretic Kingdoms, a Diablo-clone with interresting background)
- Dex (let's hope it works)
- Noctropolis (it sounds so-bad-it's-good, and was very cheap)
- Obscuritas (how bad can a puzzle-game be?)
- Toonstruck (some oldschool adventure game, we'll seewhat I can do with it)
- Grim Fandango remastered (can be a cmplete disaster, or can turn out to be fun, who knows)

And unless I upgrade my computer (not likely if I can avoid), that'll be it.
I'd like to play beyond Beyond Divinity with that franchise, and there's an arcade shooter (why can't you get good shot'em'ups nowdays?), and there's Postal 2 too, and Tower of Time looks attractive for a trial, but I simnply lack the hardware. And I don't rly get the need of more and more energy-consuming hardwares either to be honest. Friggin Space Invaders, the same game now demands 64 bit system with graphic card - just why?
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