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Old 08-08-2017, 02:17 PM   #11

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Hi Nicheal,

I just wanted to say I sorry for Mystvan and myself offending you. We did not intend to. I understand if I had something to say and people ignored it I would be offended too. So hopefully we can all return the thread back to you now. Thank you again for letting us spend some time on your thread.
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Old 08-08-2017, 03:31 PM   #12
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That is not my thread! I am just the best Modder Ascendancy, and i succeeded finally doing that, what some lonely guys out there ever wanted: To get it much better.

It is just a simple side project to me, and i am just a small user Abandonia, with no interest here in other stuff at all, nor to chit chat endlessly in this thread. It just doesnt matter to me. I ll try to make my Mod perfect, if @Jordos or another guy could crack the ASCEND.EXE patch from 1996 to finally get that game perfect - nice! If not - fair enough!

But i am simply not that level of smiley polluted offtopic blah! Far off. Have a nice day!


tienk, if i d call you anything now, i d get banned instantly. You perhaps should just shut up, cause you dont do anything better, in your following comments! The same weakminded blah blah. I beg you to open up a whole new thread, to worship God, Jesus, and your parents, and to leave this Ascendancy thread alone, plus me, plus my bad attitude, cause i have no nerves for that kind of trollish, thnx.

Perhaps, i should wish you, to get a point in your life, so that you got at least one!

Last edited by Nicheal; 09-08-2017 at 08:14 AM.
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Old 09-08-2017, 05:39 AM   #13

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Jesus Christ! Nichael,

I will try to keep it on topic like you like. I am not very smart and outgoing sociably usually in person so I don't know if I can be successful at it. However I will try like my mom tells me to and my dad too. I am sorry for any misunderstanding.

I just want to keep it simple by congratulating you on your success! I know many times I work hard and succeed I need recognition for my accomplishments. However it also upsets me when no one appreciates my work.

Thank you for helping out. Hopefully kdb150 will not take offense on me speaking for him. I am sure he appreciates you on this thread since it is your expertise.

Originally Posted by Nicheal View Post
Hi Folks!

Has anybody in here ever played the Logic Factories 2011 Android Version?
The Graphics look better, seems buggy, but is the AI better now?
Would be a Reason for me getting an iPad...

Tried that Sojurn Mod, does not work. Downloaded both, the no-CD
Ascendancy Version and the Antagonizer Patch. Own the Game itself,
but no-CD is better for me and my DOS-Box...

That Antagonizer had two Problems once, i think: No Internet available 1995,
and it does nothing better, but even worse. Yes, all the AI Enemies make
War, not Love, with the Human Player, but they love each other it seems...
Logic Factory thought perhaps, that will cause huger AI Fleets cause no
Ships are destroyed AI versus AI, that will cause much more Planet Buildings AI,
cause the less Effort of Ship-Building, and that will cause much more Science.

Wrong thought. Its boring that the AI makes War only versus Human Player,
and War AI versus AI moderns the destroyed AI Fleets, and builds up huger
AI Empires by Extinction of the others... and THAT causes huger AI Fleets,
much more Planet Buildings while the other Planets build Ships, and much
more Science... the Antagonizer is much more aggressive, but its Diplomacy
fails at last, and its Ship-Building is even worse, cause of the many Colonizer-
and Invader-only Ships. That all is my Opinion.

But what i wanted to say to you all, which dream about a better Ascendancy.
Try the NotePad-Editor and the Modification of the Ascend00.COB File.
There you can easily modify the whole Ship-Stuff, the whole Planet-Stuff,
Solar System Names, much more aggressive Diplomacy and so on!!!

My Ascendancy Mod is quite finished and a damned aggressive and super Game.
And what i dreamed about since 1996 when i played that classic Game first,
came true: These Enemies are damned aggressive like in Antagonizer,
but damned aggressive all versus all. I managed to create an Ascendancy Mod,
in which the damned stupid AI is even better than the Human Player, and while
its Ships are still damned stupid, ... or far beyond of even damned stupid...
it is a bit nasty being beaten by a huge AI Fleet and Weapons far better than the own...

i wanted to tell all the Ascendancy Fans out there: It is possible to modify
Ascendancy to get a much much much much better!!! Game.

And if there would be a legal Way to share my Ascendancy Mod with you,
i would do, cause a Dream came true!!!

My Mod is damned heavy and a real Joy and Challenge for an Ascendancy Fan like me...

O yes, and by the way... i use the original Ascend.exe, the no-CD Ascend.exe, and it is really great!
Jesus Christ! Bless GOD, Jesus Christ, Mary, and The Holy Spirit# Then bless my real mom Huong Thi Vu. Honours to my real mom Vu Thi Thuyen Huong and my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy. Congratulations to my real two sisters Nguyen Khoa Thuyen and Nguyen Khoa Thi. I, Nguyen Khoa Tien, want to let you know thank you Nicheal. You did not always have a bad attitude. I see you were very happy here. Since it is a ESA protected game I could not share in your joy. However kdb150 has the game and both of you could talk about the mod since both of you know about it.

I see your post starts at #55/56.

Last edited by Japo; 10-08-2017 at 06:42 PM.
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Old 25-08-2017, 01:38 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post
Hi, Tien.

You really are a humble guy, cool and try to calm the moods of both parties. I sincerely hope you are promoted from Captien Bible to Field Marshal Tien.

In respect of you, I will no longer reply to our friend, though he has made references and insinuations of a low standard to our sexual preferences, to our knowledge beyond slang and swearing.

I did not claim he was crazy, but I did mention that his bellicose attitude was very similar to KrazeeXXL which literally was crazy in fighting (Super) Moderators and Administrators.

Even if I was wrong (partially), this does not justify reactionary, aggressive, inelegant and uncivilized attitudes. Besides not having a sense of humor.

But deep down, I think he had high hopes to join us in Second Life... If it is the case, you take care of the spiritual part , I take care of the mental part and he can take charge in the physical part, because the dance involves ability and great physical strength and endurance.

♩♪♫♬ Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it ♬♫♪♩

♩♪♫♬ “Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right…” ♬♫♪♩
Originally Posted by tienkhoanguyen View Post
hehe You are very funny Myst! I always like your plenteous smileys and creative spirit# I do not know what 2nd life is however in Buddhism we believe if we are good in this life we go to the next level of enlightenment in the next life. This is also true of The Holy Bible* So although you may be a guy I truly believe you are rewarded for your high standards.

*Note: The Holy Bible says even martyrs in this life are granted to be the judge in the next life!!!!!!!!!!!! In my dreams I see I have lived many past lives. Unfortunately I was more handsome in the past life so I had a girlfriend and not that desperate. hehe In this life I am old and may never have a family because I made a many mistakes in my life that brings my level down a notch. The Holy Bible says some people are rewarded according to their merits while they are alive instead of in "2nd life".

Do not worry Myst! Vive hoy..... no preoccupar manana hehe "Live today and don't worry about tomorrow." - but don't be reckless live according to perfect standards like The Holy Bible says!!!!!
Helloooooo! *echo*

Thank God. I am really glad these posts have been removed to the Trash Can. That means that the three of us can finally have the Second Life in the Trash Can.

Now all we have to do is define our roles in Second Life.

01) The Captien Bible has a powerful speech and can take responsibility for the spiritual part. In addition, he is possessed by a very powerful spirit called The Holy Spirit of Wisdom .

The Holy Spirit of Wisdom

02) I, as Poke-man , running away from the fearsome Professor Oak , perform the important role of discerning and understanding the reason for the absurd. Therefore, Poke-man can take responsibility for the mental part;

03) Now, as for Nichael... He even admitted that he was offended when I put Michael Jackson’s smiley in the middle of the other animated smileys. Does he then admit it is Nichael Jackson ? We can conclude that the all indications are very suggestive and point to a solution. In addition, I realized that Michael Jackson was part of the Jackson 5 in which it had 6 members:

Jackson 5

The power of dance is fantastic and unparalleled. So, Nichael Jackson will fit the physical part.

I will explain what dance consists of because there are several factors involved.

Dance component parts

With the merge of the three parts, we are able to form the incomparable Combiner / Gestalt far superior to the other rivals, because it is very fast with the power of Nichael Jackson , possesses spiritual powers thanks to the Captien Bible and acts in a disconnected and absurd way, confusing the opponents thanks to Poke-man .

Now, with the words and verdict of the great Professor Oak on my thesis:

What the Duck Am I Reading?

With all of this, I completed with praise my Nonsense 101, (Unfunny and Infamous Bad) Joke 101 and Puns 101 courses. The Professor Oak’s statement was more than enough to get my graduate degree.

Case closed!

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Old 25-08-2017, 11:08 AM   #15

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Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post
Helloooooo! *echo*

Thank God. I am really glad these posts have been removed to the Trash Can. That means that the three of us can finally have the Second Life in the Trash Can.

Now all we have to do is define our roles in Second Life.

01) The Captien Bible has a powerful speech and can take responsibility for the spiritual part. In addition, he is possessed by a very powerful spirit called The Holy Spirit of Wisdom .

The Holy Spirit of Wisdom

02) I, as Poke-man , running away from the fearsome Professor Oak , perform the important role of discerning and understanding the reason for the absurd. Therefore, Poke-man can take responsibility for the mental part;

03) Now, as for Nichael... He even admitted that he was offended when I put Michael Jackson’s smiley in the middle of the other animated smileys. Does he then admit it is Nichael Jackson ? We can conclude that the all indications are very suggestive and point to a solution. In addition, I realized that Michael Jackson was part of the Jackson 5 in which it had 6 members:

Jackson 5

The power of dance is fantastic and unparalleled. So, Nichael Jackson will fit the physical part.

I will explain what dance consists of because there are several factors involved.

Dance component parts

With the merge of the three parts, we are able to form the incomparable Combiner / Gestalt far superior to the other rivals, because it is very fast with the power of Nichael Jackson , possesses spiritual powers thanks to the Captien Bible and acts in a disconnected and absurd way, confusing the opponents thanks to Poke-man .

Now, with the words and verdict of the great Professor Oak on my thesis:

What the Duck Am I Reading?

With all of this, I completed with praise my Nonsense 101, (Unfunny and Infamous Bad) Joke 101 and Puns 101 courses. The Professor Oak’s statement was more than enough to get my graduate degree.

Case closed!

JESUS! Mystvan... that was not funny. Actually I am not a funny person and very serious much of the time so that could be why I do not find it funny# However I know that the female anatomy should come up in conversation between partners somehow. But you should not do that in public because it is rude!!! Even my two parents spanked me for watching porn when I was a kid. That is probably why I still stay within my parents home at 43 years old grown man. In Asian countries it is usual to marry and be with your family all in one household. In America you leave the house at 18 and say screw my parents I have my soulmate. I a grown man still love my mom and always will. It is not until she passes to Heaven do I grow up and get a child from my wife. Only when my parents both pass to Heaven do I be a grown up all greyed out. If you are Asian and joke like in this last post of yours then you are a spoiled bratt and are lucky.

Never say anything against the background of people. It could hurt their feelings. My mom tells me not all blacks, white, Asian, Mexican etc are bad people. It depends on their upbringing. We might stereotype because of our experiences. However just be wise and think to yourself even the best of us could fall from being an upright person especially with all the temptations around us.

I know I have fallen many times and need God of Heaven to help me be on the right path where my father and mother is proud of me again. It is hard to live being a person without the power of God of Heaven!

A stereotype is just that. It is a general assumption based on experiences that is *usually* true. However not all people fit that assumption? Anyways I just say be kind and you usually have people like you for a friend. I understand we are not a robot and have feelings that could be hurt.

If you are young and still single don't worry. I am 43 and still living at home. It took me until I was 43 to find a friend of the opposite sex that is my age. Until then I always felt alone so don't worry. The Holy Bible says it is God of Heaven who sets the timing. You have to wait until the right time. Don't rush it and do something you will regret like I did. You see I am Asian male 43. I have always wanted to marry female Asian 43. However all the online stuffs was a fake. I ended up meeting everything but Asian 43 before now. It took me until I live real life not SecondLife. I met my female Asian friend while I was doing everyday thing like going to the grocery, getting my haircut, going to church, etc. It is real life that is important. Online just helps to pass the time and you must always be cautious of who you meet.

My one cousin did find someone online but that is rare. The talked over the phone first both are Asian!

I don't know what Q.E.D. is however I could have gotten my G.E.D. hehe You are smart and witty Mystvan. Don't shortchange yourself by meeting some scumbag by accident online! However you could be lucky but The Holy Bible says don't gamble.

Last edited by tienkhoanguyen; 25-08-2017 at 11:59 AM.
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Old 25-08-2017, 02:42 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by tienkhoanguyen View Post
JESUS! Mystvan... that was not funny. Actually I am not a funny person and very serious much of the time so that could be why I do not find it funny# However I know that the female anatomy should come up in conversation between partners somehow. But you should not do that in public because it is rude!!! Even my two parents spanked me for watching porn when I was a kid. That is probably why I still stay within my parents home at 43 years old grown man. In Asian countries it is usual to marry and be with your family all in one household. In America you leave the house at 18 and say screw my parents I have my soulmate. I a grown man still love my mom and always will. It is not until she passes to Heaven do I grow up and get a child from my wife. Only when my parents both pass to Heaven do I be a grown up all greyed out. If you are Asian and joke like in this last post of yours then you are a spoiled bratt and are lucky.

Never say anything against the background of people. It could hurt their feelings. My mom tells me not all blacks, white, Asian, Mexican etc are bad people. It depends on their upbringing. We might stereotype because of our experiences. However just be wise and think to yourself even the best of us could fall from being an upright person especially with all the temptations around us.

I know I have fallen many times and need God of Heaven to help me be on the right path where my father and mother is proud of me again. It is hard to live being a person without the power of God of Heaven!

A stereotype is just that. It is a general assumption based on experiences that is *usually* true. However not all people fit that assumption? Anyways I just say be kind and you usually have people like you for a friend. I understand we are not a robot and have feelings that could be hurt.

If you are young and still single don't worry. I am 43 and still living at home. It took me until I was 43 to find a friend of the opposite sex that is my age. Until then I always felt alone so don't worry. The Holy Bible says it is God of Heaven who sets the timing. You have to wait until the right time. Don't rush it and do something you will regret like I did. You see I am Asian male 43. I have always wanted to marry female Asian 43. However all the online stuffs was a fake. I ended up meeting everything but Asian 43 before now. It took me until I live real life not SecondLife. I met my female Asian friend while I was doing everyday thing like going to the grocery, getting my haircut, going to church, etc. It is real life that is important. Online just helps to pass the time and you must always be cautious of who you meet.

My one cousin did find someone online but that is rare. The talked over the phone first both are Asian!

I don't know what Q.E.D. is however I could have gotten my G.E.D. hehe You are smart and witty Mystvan. Don't shortchange yourself by meeting some scumbag by accident online! However you could be lucky but The Holy Bible says don't gamble.
Dear Captien Bible . I am really sorry if you took offense and did not understand my joke.

I am sorry, dear Captien Bible

I will explain it clearly, so please do not pout.

Pouty Lips

When I referred to Combiners / Gestalts, I thought you would understand that it was about merging various robots from the Transformers Universe. I have no intention of making any jokes about gender, color, race, etc.

I will give some examples of Combiners / Gestalts:

Constructicons merge into Devastator;

Stunticons merge into Menasor;

Combaticons merge into Bruticus;

• And so on.

Two ways of merging to form Combiner / Gestalt

Now that the facts are clear and clear, we will close the case. And we appreciate the valuable participation of Miss Lulu_Jane Marple and Mr. Air-cule Parrot .

Case closed!


PS: Q.E.D. means Quod Erat Demonstrandum
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Old 25-08-2017, 04:28 PM   #17

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Smile I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

Dear Mystvan,

I'm not very smart or humorous. So I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Most of my understanding is either The Holy Bible or some programming. Even then although I have read in entirety The Holy Bible three times I have to go back and review. Although I am a baptized non-denominational Christian I am not a perfect person! Please know I am being serious right now however I am growing old and my sense of humor is for some reason not coming out right. It could be I am in a lot of stress and my parents are working a lot too so I am starting to grow up and thinking more seriously. I have lived on the streets so life has hardened me a bit. Don't mind me please! My mom works hard and I am disappointed in how things are right now because in my situation I cannot help her out. All I can do is pray and have faith# Now I am doomed..... (j/k = just kidding).

I have always thought you very funny and intelligent. Please don't get me wrong. I am a very serious person and now I have a friend that is a girl my age near by so I don't know what is going to happen.

In good news she went back to our homeland and got me a Hoi An shirt and Saigon cap! In addition I just got to see her recently so I am happy. I guess I miss my family now that I am alone. Thank you for understanding that I have been under a lot of stress right now spiritually too.
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Old 25-08-2017, 08:21 PM   #18
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What are you guys doing posting in the forum trash can o_o How is it even possible for you to do so... I have to fix the permissions... 9_9
Life starts every day anew. Prospects not so good...
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