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Old 26-03-2005, 01:04 AM   #511
Game Phre|<
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I am loving this game, however When I run this bad boy everything works flawlessly until I do a ground mission, then I get that monitor click and it boots me out to the desktop like I was never playing I am using Win 2k with 256MB RAM and I am clicking on the Sun Icon for the game (as I read in another post.) HELP!

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Old 26-03-2005, 01:24 AM   #512
Abandonia nerd

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i get that problem too.... but not all the time... and it only happens when i click on my front person in the lander and i click to walk him/her out...

sometimes it closes the game but the majority of the time it runs fine
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Old 26-03-2005, 02:18 AM   #513
Abandonia nerd

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This has probably been answered somewhere in the miles of pages, but where can I get the DOS version?

The windows version runs -way- too fast on my computer.
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Old 26-03-2005, 07:52 AM   #514
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Yeah, I sometimes have a problem with the ramp too, mostly with tanks. It's really odd and doesn't happen anywhere in particular, which makes it very annoying.

And the DOS version comes with this game. If you want to slow it down then get a program called 'Turbo' which uses a lot of CPU energy, or even better, join the Abandonia Help Squad and get the United Devices number cruncher (it has another name, but it's what it does) which does the same, but helps research into cancer too.
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Old 26-03-2005, 09:38 AM   #515

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Originally posted by Ramidel@Mar 26 2005, 03:18 AM
This has probably been answered somewhere in the miles of pages, but where can I get the DOS version?

The windows version runs -way- too fast on my computer.
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Old 27-03-2005, 12:24 AM   #516
Juan Rayo

All is quiet in the American front... UNTIL...

man this game has a way of kicking the difficulty up in a second. My latest campaign is going pretty well, I have a well organized weapons/corpses traffiking ring that keeps my bases well equiped, my people ALL have personal armour and the great Laser Rifles, and I usually keep a rocket tank in every Sky Rangers to "flush out" the aliens. In the latest terror attacks I lost no soldiers. Why, I have even captured a leader allready! (with a Stunrod, too. Floater drooped like a ton of bricks, heh).

And SUDDENLY, China surrenders to the Alien menace, and 4 VERY LARGE crafts come out of nowhere and ALL LAND in USA! My 3 bases are scrambling their Sky Rangers to the sites as I write this (leaving Europe and Asia unprotected), while my suddenly diminished air force (lost 2 interceptors, bravely trying to oppose the monster's ships) patrol overhead, I can only imagine the pilots frustration, knowing that there is a full scale invasion going on and their interceptors can't to a damn thing about it.

So this is time to ask for some strategic help. I am only starting to build the, uh, thingy that lets me know what the alien missions are, so I am in the dark. All i know is 4 very large (battleships?) crafts have landed in my biggest contributor backyard! there is no way I can hit all of them, having only 3 Sky Rangers. I saved just before it happened, too, seeing as it was all pretty quiet.. Could they ALL or more than one be infiltrators? if so, I am very much screwed I think. What to do, what to do....

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Old 27-03-2005, 01:07 AM   #517
Abandonia nerd

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Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Mar 27 2005, 01:24 AM
All is quiet in the American front... UNTIL...

man this game has a way of kicking the difficulty up in a second. My latest campaign is going pretty well, I have a well organized weapons/corpses traffiking ring that keeps my bases well equiped, my people ALL have personal armour and the great Laser Rifles, and I usually keep a rocket tank in every Sky Rangers to "flush out" the aliens. In the latest terror attacks I lost no soldiers. Why, I have even captured a leader allready! (with a Stunrod, too. Floater drooped like a ton of bricks, heh).

And SUDDENLY, China surrenders to the Alien menace, and 4 VERY LARGE crafts come out of nowhere and ALL LAND in USA! My 3 bases are scrambling their Sky Rangers to the sites as I write this (leaving Europe and Asia unprotected), while my suddenly diminished air force (lost 2 interceptors, bravely trying to oppose the monster's ships) patrol overhead, I can only imagine the pilots frustration, knowing that there is a full scale invasion going on and their interceptors can't to a damn thing about it.

So this is time to ask for some strategic help. I am only starting to build the, uh, thingy that lets me know what the alien missions are, so I am in the dark. All i know is 4 very large (battleships?) crafts have landed in my biggest contributor backyard! there is no way I can hit all of them, having only 3 Sky Rangers. I saved just before it happened, too, seeing as it was all pretty quiet.. Could they ALL or more than one be infiltrators? if so, I am very much screwed I think. What to do, what to do....
That stuff happens every once in a while.. in my last Superhuman game, I lost three countries even WITH Hyperwave. I'm still not sure what happened; I guess a craft slipped by the cracks of my 8 Hyperwaves.

My advice: don't sweat losing countries.

Try not to lose too many countries, but I lost USA, UK, and one other one that I forgot.. France or something, but I had so many engineers cranking out so many laser cannons for sale that I hardly noticed. You can't let too many countries turn on you, or the XCOM project will shut down no matter how many tens or hundreds of millions you have generated from your legion of engineers. But you CAN win despite losing several XCOM sponsors.

Try to gang up on battleships with at least two Firestorms+Plasma Beams. Don't attack battleships with anything less than a Firestorm. Four Firestorms can quickly rip apart a Battleship and suffer only a few days' worth of repairs. You could take out a Battleship with one Firestorm if need be, but it'll probably be in the repair shop for a couple of weeks.

As for the interim missions, it's not that bad to fight Battleships that were not shot down. Just camp the gravlift and there will soon be a pile of alien bodies just outside the UFO doors. The goodies you get from those undamaged-battleship missions should ease the pain if you really do lose a country's funding.

Anyway, get Hyperwave ASAP. Run around a corner right into the chest of a navigator holding a stun bomb launcher and hopefully it stuns both of you with reaction fire. Use stun rods to beat up Panicked aliens. Do whatever. Just get it.

What you want to do is to have at least one (preferably two) Firestorm(s) per base armed with 2 Plasma Beams. For your third hangar, either have a Skyranger (or Avenger if you have tons of Elerium) or have another Firestorm (or even an interceptor for local patrols, if you're running low on Elerium) with laser cannons to chase down smaller UFOs without destroying their Elerium-containing engines; that will allow you to get more Elerium 115 to convert to more power/flying suits and plasma beams, as well as ensure that you have enough fuel for your fleet of Firestorms.
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Old 27-03-2005, 05:11 AM   #518
Juan Rayo

Thanks, I guess I really shouldn't worry too much about loosing countries... it just feels... wrong. After all, my second base is in there!

I am actually building the Hyperwaves in every base, but they are still some 20 days from completing them. Odly enough, the fact that it STILL happened to someone even with 8 Hyperwaves kinda makes me feel better :whistle:

I guess you are right, there are enough med students in the world to buy alien corpses it seems (at $20,000 each) and enough demand for my very finely made Laser Rifles to keep me going, even if I loose the USA. and If they get a base there, well, it would be close enough to AmeriCOM so I can shoot down their suply ships! So I can maybe turn this to my favor...
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Old 27-03-2005, 08:04 AM   #519
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Originally posted by Juan Rayo@Mar 27 2005, 05:11 AM
... even if I loose the USA. and If they get a base there, well, it would be close enough to AmeriCOM so I can shoot down their suply ships! So I can maybe turn this to my favor...
I've always had the impression the alien bases are always (meaning: even if you start a new game) at the same locations.
What I don't know is how many alien bases there are at the start, whether they're building more in the course of time, or if they just stick to the bases they started with?
What I mean is, I wouldn't know if they build any bases in countries they've "conquered".
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Old 27-03-2005, 09:22 AM   #520
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Alien bases are always in the same place, but appear at different times. If you know where one usually is, fly an empty Skyranger into the area and sometimes the purple square will come up. At this point, get a strike team together, because the aliens will get many points from having a base on earth.

I can only remember where a couple are and that is - Madagaskar (Island to the east of the African mainland) and one very close to the Russian border, about 800 km east of it and on the north tip.

Another tactic is to let the base stay and shoot down the Supply Ships carefully with an interceptor with 2 plasma cannons (damageless to the interceptor and no elerium needed to power it - works on Terror Ships too) and then kill off all of the aliens for a lot of Elerium + Alloys + Corpses and Weapons.

I personally do that a couple of times so that I get loads of Elerium, and then just attack the base before it starts sending out Terror Ships etc.
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