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Old 21-07-2009, 04:40 AM   #181

Join Date: Jul 2009
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Hi! I have recently obtained the XP version and the game crashes at the beginning of the third level. Does anyone know a solution for this problem?

I already saw that there other people with this problem. Please don't tell me to download DOS version, I have been trying for hours to gewt it to work and I failed. I also never before used the DOS box, so I guess that's the part of the problem.

i'm sure this question was posed over 2 years ago, why not just embrace the dosness?

Being a dedicated rts gamer i have to say pg has really inspired me to delve into any other gaming gems out there!

Aside from the game glory i was a little confused about the fact that you can't seem to restart a level unless you save it from the beginning, if this is just an obvious mistake could someone please make it known?
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Old 07-12-2009, 01:54 PM   #182

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Does anybody know what the system requirements are to play PG1 in dos box? I have a 2.4 Ghz AMD single core with 3Gb RAM.

It stutters like crazy in fullscreen mode. CPU cycles in DosBox are max.

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Old 07-12-2009, 03:36 PM   #183
The Fifth Horseman
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On the contrary of what you might think, "max" is not the optimum value. The cycle autodetection it employs can sometimes work quite well and at others be entirely useless.
Set the cycles to an absolute value and tweak them manually until you get a speed you are satisfied with.

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Old 27-03-2011, 09:10 PM   #184

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Default Panzer General under XP

As far as I've played under XP, game runs OK.

I don't have to run the game in the DosBox. It runs properly.
Including the game mods like KaiserGeneral.
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Old 29-10-2011, 02:15 AM   #185

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Default Using fighter-bombers

Does anyone here playing PG use fighter-bombers?
Which aircraft do you pick? How many?

My choice would be FW190 but until it becomes available the Messerschmitts are OK. I don't use fighter-bombers a lot but having too many fighters would be less useful when air space is yours already to prey on ground units. I pick FW190g for its best fighter capability for this unit class and 7/7 attack values (the best after Ju87D). I plan to pair my fighter bombers and dive bombers at 1:1 ratio, total as many as my fighters and my level bombers. That would make my air force size large between 40-50% of max core unit number.

Fighter bombers have better initiative than Stukas. It's useful if you have to bomb AA units. You can drop bomb first before they shoot at your planes, unless you're bombing units next to them. Most AA have initiative value 2.
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Old 29-10-2011, 01:28 PM   #186

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Default Dive Bombers

It seems that there is no Ju87G in the game, the anti-tank Stukas, employed mostly in Eastern Front.

Some of the level bombers are actually dive bombers and torpedo bombers, that's why they have good Naval Attack rating. The stukas should have good naval attack rating too. I think they deserve more than 5 or 6, as they were that deadly as the level bombers. Stukas were successful against enemy naval targets historically.

Last edited by sergente; 29-10-2011 at 01:33 PM.
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Old 25-03-2012, 09:26 PM   #187
Default Capturing towns

I'm a little too lazy to go back and find the specific post, but back several pages someone complained they took a Polish town and was annoyed that the Poles kept building units there.

I think what probably happened is that the player moved a unit into the town but did not actually take it. An enemy town is not "taken" until the flag changes to your flag (or an allies', if the town is occupied by non-national supporting units.) Only certain unit types will cause the flag to change. I made a quick search of the manual and couldn't find the list of units that can capture towns; but if memory serves infantry, tank, recon and anti-tank units can capture towns, whereas air defense, artillery or air units can merely occupy the town without changing the ownership flag.
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Old 26-03-2012, 07:48 AM   #188
Default Air transport limits

Does anyone know how to find out what the air transport limits are for each scenario? I started a '41 West campaign, then bought a couple of paratroops thinking they would be great for capturing the Easternmost objective or two. But then when I moved the guys to an airfield they could not embark onto air transport. I assume the North Africa scenario simply has no air transport available. It would be nice if there were some way to find out if air transport is available without actually trying to embark units at airfields.
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Old 11-02-2013, 12:20 AM   #189
Der Panz

almost a year after the question, but at least there will be an answer. Click on an airfield and (if i remember it right) in the middle top part of the screen you see air transports available, just like clicking a port shows you how much sea transports you got.

Always smart to do: save at the very first start of a scenario, before you start upgrading troops. Once you find out you bought too much bridge engineers and the rest of the infantry has to walk cuz you lack the funds for trucks, you can go back to that file and start over again. Not realy 'cheating' like save/load attempts, in a real campaign a general would have time to redo the math to decide were he wants to spend resources.

One point i miss compeltely in all comments: trucks vs tracks. At the start i was a sucker for trucks, much faster then halftracks, and cheaper too! Months later i realized with a shock that it wasnt the enemy hindering the movement of my infantry, it was a lack of roads.... 4 hexes in open field, 2 in rough terrain and woods, and in the middle a long highlighted road...... (somewere near moskow when my eyes opened.....)

Tracks move as fast on open field as they do on roads, and twice as good on rough terrain and forests as trucks. Swamp.... it takes 4 moves for one hex, in a truck you use all 8.... a halftrack could drive through a swamp area and move 2 more open field hexes after that, or one forest. Later on you get an even better halftrack, with 7 movement, and no way any truck can beat that. Muddy weather also works half as bad on tracks as it is on trucks...

Infantry with 1 medal from poland/warsaw inside a halftrack is more then enough to charge into a norwegian infantry in the open, and with 2 medals and strength 12 you can have them charge full health nor.inf and see the other guys running.... hell, i sometimes even use my artillery to do that, pack it into the halftrack and attack some infantry without support. Gives a helluva lot xp, almost only way to give arty decent xp before campaign end. Experienced sfh can even hold their own against infantry attacks later on.

Another movement tip: if you cross rivers without a bridge, unload infantry and artillery before crossing, any unit crossing uses max fuel to pass, but the truck uses 8 fuel and walking infantry only uses 3 and arty just one......

Another prestige tip: after a battle ALL your core units under strength 10 recieve elite reïnforcements for free, so dont go waisting prestige in the last 2 rounds of battle.

Sneaky gunfodder tactic: if you are COMPLETELY CERTAIN of a victory in this round, (the last target city is empty and you just need to move a unit into town, and you got movement enough) you could let all other units make one last attack. No problem if they loose hard, or even got an attack broken off, as long as they survive. Any damage to the enemy grants you credits, every loss on your side gives some extra xp, and all replacements are free when the battle ends. Just drive that truck full of arty into a town with 9 soldiers in it, they can never kill all 10 arty...... unless they got arty backup of their own. When every single prestige counts, this could tip the scales.

Hard to kill enemy tanks? surround them, so they cant reïnforce. One unit stops one-third reïnforcements, and max the enemy strengh to 9. 2 units in contact stop 2/3 re, and max str to 7, and with 3 units in contact there will be no more extra for that enemy. planes also count for that.

All enemy airplaines down, and no good targets for your fighters? Check out any rivers. Units in a river are VERY vulnerable, even kv vs a messerschmidt can take quit a beating when he is in a river. Arty in water is just asking for it. Just dont kill them all, let the enemy waste prestige on buying reïnforcements every turn. See your fighters xp go skyhigh.... Even strategic/level bombers can score kills in a river. Popular rivers: around warsaw, tours, londen and stalingrad.

Fighers are also nice to dig out heavy entrenced soldiers/at guns. No pioniers around, too heavy dug in, or at guns in a trench hex? Strafe with a fighter, next turn, let the fighter strafe again and fly away, so a tac bomber can move in and give it a go, with 2 lvls entrencement less. Ground attack then has 3 levels less to face, and less enemy units as well.

Btw, pg got a counter, and every computer i got (5 by now) counts no longer in days played, not even in weeks, but in months total playing time.....

The guy with the captured polish city probably captured with an arty unit, and that one just blocks the town itself, or maybe he held warsaw while modlin was still polish and popping out extra's all around it, and therefor also into the direct zone of warsaw.

last comment: Panzer General rules, it even gave me my email adress 17 years ago :P

Peace and Respect, panzerjohnny
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Old 08-06-2014, 02:52 AM   #190

All I get is blank black screen using DosBox. Sometimes with a bit of background music playing depending upon what soundcard settings I put into it. And that's it. The version hosted on MyAbandonware.com is EXACTLY the same too!
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