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Old 04-01-2005, 09:04 AM   #1
Tom Henrik
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10

Join Date: May 2004
Location: Orlando, United States
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Let's see if we can get this thing on the roll.

We are still in the brainstorming phase. This means we have to come up with a usable plot, and then find the engine that fits the description best.
ViGERP AKA what I have been working on these last couple of years...
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Old 04-01-2005, 09:05 AM   #2
Tom Henrik
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10

Join Date: May 2004
Location: Orlando, United States
Posts: 4,787
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The FIRST draft.



NOTE: To make the plot as "real" as possible, I will play it like a RPG with the persons involved - with me as the Game Master. Those familiar with pen & paper RPG should understand what I am saying. Also... we should make the game Multiple Choice. Sort of like this:
Kosta and Titan has been added to the crew. Who would you try to locate next?
- FreeFreddy
- WendyMaree
- Tom Henrik
- Puffin

Congratulations! You have unlocked a new game! What do you want to do?
- Examine the game.(Only Kosta can do this. Find out the status of the game. The better result - the more info)
- Enter game immediately. (Wth the same team. HQ will be the Abandonia Forum, and characters not used will be here).
- Set up new party. (Go to HQ)


A disaster strikes at the server where Abandonia is located!
(Could be a meteor down-fall, an Indian hacker working for HOTU, a cargo of radioactive waste somehow gets into the server warping it... etc.)

The effect is that Abandonia.com becomes warped in between time, space and reality. This again sucks all the members into the site (Yes, they get physically transported THROUGH their screens and into the site itself. We have seen this before, it is an old DOS games fact. People CAN be sucked into their screens). Only a few, brave (or lucky) men and women have the skills and experience to free themselves and the rest of the members. (These are from now on called The Heroes...)


The plot is simple, and can be made as long as we want it. The Heroes will have to battle through all (yes, ALL) the games on the site in order to locate the members that are scattered around each game.

NOTE: Let me now make it clear that ALL the games will only include those games that we can actually re-create. With this I mean that we should make all games anew using engines, free game programs and such. More about this later.


The style of the game should be RPG. (Think Final Fantasy). You start with a little group, and this group gets bigger and bigger. Not all members will be a PC, most of our 800 members are NPC's (i.e. they get discovered, and disappears). This is the group I can think of as PC's:

- Kosta (One of the first to appear)
- Titan (One of the first to appear)
- Data (The first to appear. With his great knowledge of old DOS games, he will be able to adapt the quickest. Being trapped in a DOS environvent is like sleeping to him, and his first priority is to locate Kosta and Titan. He would probably have access to a READ MEM gadget, that lets him go through the history of the program he is in at every time)

All the below characters are added when the player wants to. He / she will first have to find them, of course.
- The Picard
- FreeFreddy
- Puffin
- The_Void
- Maikel
- Tom Henrik
- Braindead
- WendyMaree (She will be great for adding a story into the game. As she has personality that shines through the forum. A MUST have PC!)
- Stroggy (Will be great as a counterweight to Wendy)
- Omuletzu

The game interface should change depending on the game they are in. So that they will actually walk through levels, map or chapters taken from the games on the site. They will of course meet the characters (and monsters) from these games. The player should be able to select which game he / she wants to enter. Using some kind of transport you can move from game to game. Completing a certain scene or game will unlock a new game. (If anyone has played Kingdom of Hearts, they will not what I mean). Also the player should have to choose a team from the character list (again think Final Fantasy). There should also be some sort of leveling involved. And of course items, weapons, armours and potions. (You don't want to enter Doom II without a gun...). The player should also be able to swap between teams. In effect sending 1 team to Leisure Suit Larry 5, and another team to Abuse. Each team should have a limit of three or four characters, so that not every PC is used at all times.


The game should have several endings.
Here are a couple I can think of:
- The characters manages to fix the problem and the server will start to work like it should. Sending everyone out of the virtual world and into the real world.
- They fail in fixing the server, and gets trapped in the site for ever.
- They die.
- They adapt to the current setting. They do not try to fix anything, they just try to make the best out of what has happened.
ViGERP AKA what I have been working on these last couple of years...
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Old 04-01-2005, 09:17 AM   #3
Tom Henrik
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10

Join Date: May 2004
Location: Orlando, United States
Posts: 4,787
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First official discussion about the game

Tom Henrik sender:

Overf?ring av "ABANDONIA - The Game.rtf" er fullf?rt.

Tom Henrik sier:
I wrote this late yesterday night.
Tom Henrik sier:
Just an idea
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Let me read it!
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Kosta and Titan has been added to the crew. Who would you try to locate next?
- FreeFreddy
- WendyMaree
- Tom Henrik
- Puffin
hey, someone IMPORTANT is missing from the list
Tom Henrik sier:
Later down, my friend
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
I was thinking of Iron
Tom Henrik sier:
No way.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
RPG Maker 2000?
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
The idea of headquarters remembers me of Shining Force for Sega...
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Hell, sounds like a good start
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Should we rip some FF sprites?
Tom Henrik sier:
I thought about ripping all games possible.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
yes, but for the Pc and NPC
Tom Henrik sier:
I thought about using the design from every game.
Tom Henrik sier:
So that we would walk around like Larry in Larry 1.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
what about faces
Tom Henrik sier:
Our own
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
photo or pixel?
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
I can do the characters.
Tom Henrik sier:
(Since I have an idea )
Tom Henrik sier:
Hard to explain.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
I could write down some plot and dialogues
Tom Henrik sier:
I thought about using "real" sentences from the dialogue.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
real sentences?
Tom Henrik sier:
Sorry... from the forum FOR the dialogues
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
Give me a scene.
Tom Henrik sier:
A situation.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
WEll, some evil monster appears suddenly in the woods of King's Quest.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
What should happen in your opinion?
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
Kosta is booring
Tom Henrik sier:
Basically I just thought we should do a post search for each member to find a post that can be used in the scenario in the game.
Tom Henrik sier:
This will not work everytime, but it could be fun to implement sometimes in the game.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Yes, maybe some typical sentences.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Like freyja saying "Eg rokka"
Tom Henrik sier:
I also pictured Freddy telling a story...
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
What kinda?
Tom Henrik sier:

Well you see... it all happened like this....

*fade screen*
Tom Henrik sier:
*screen fade in*

....But there appeared another evid dude on the horizon already - Arachnotron, an evil spideric spawn from Hell.....

*fade out*
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
I see
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Well, do you know how to make this kind of game? It will have stats as well I hope.
Tom Henrik sier:
*fade in*

In the sea they discovered a hidden and strange building that led to somewhere deep inside

*fade out
Tom Henrik sier:
I will have stats.
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
So you should try to make a balanced team for every game.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Yes, but could we modify stats a bit? loike adding new ones
Tom Henrik sier:
Yes. The game wi not be serious. All characters should have "special attacks"
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Smurf Ray!
Tom Henrik sier:

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Cynical Beam!
Tom Henrik sier:

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Puffin's Death Beak
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Bite, not Beak
Tom Henrik sier:
Well... better.
Tom Henrik sier:
Remeber that in the HQ we are all humans.
Tom Henrik sier:
In the game we will mutate.
Tom Henrik sier:
Into an appropriate form to the game.
Tom Henrik sier:
Like pimps and hoes for Larry
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
This last things looks bit too complex for me to make
Tom Henrik sier:
Well, I can make the characters. You could try to make a basic story line. Just place a lot of ideas on a piece of paper.
Tom Henrik sier:
Have you played Kingdom Hearts?
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Sadly not
Tom Henrik sier:
If you get the oppurtunity, you should.
Tom Henrik sier:
Buy it. The game is EXCELLENT!
Tom Henrik sier:
And it gives the feel I have the idea of using.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Does it exist for PC?
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
Read the description and look at the screens
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
I don't have a ps2...
Tom Henrik sier:
Buy it!
Tom Henrik sier:

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Looks cool, very cool
Tom Henrik sier:
It is.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
But I'm in another game now...
Tom Henrik sier:
And they travel to different worlds, mutating to an appropriate form.
Tom Henrik sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Yeah, nice
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
But it'll require months
Tom Henrik sier:
Are you in a rush?
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
Personally I am thinking about living a couple of more years.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
The problem is, I don't like starting lots of new projects and not finish them soon....I think I never started a project I knew it would take LONg time...but this one is intriguing. I'm in.
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
You should get a PS2 and Kingdom Hearts. It is one of the best games EVER made. It will be worth the money. And it makes this idea easier.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
I'd like to...but there're 2 things preventing me from doing that...2 lacks, actually.
Tom Henrik sier:
Electricity and money?
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
1-Lack of time: I know starting a great game will steal even more time, and since December is the month I have a huge amount of exams, time is really precious to me.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
2-Lack of money: since my school is DIFFICULT, I don't really have time to do a part-time job, and money I get from other sources I use for travels and for buying everyday stuff
Tom Henrik sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
The free time i have, I use on extra-school projects or staying online. Not to mention Saturday evening which I consider sacred
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
We have school on Saturday morning btw, it's not that common in Europe
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
Well... no-one is hanging over you.
You do what you feel like, when you feel like it
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
You know what's funny
Tom Henrik sier:


Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
tell me
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
How many people are you involving in the game developing?
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
As many as possible
Tom Henrik sier:
All will have different assignments
Tom Henrik sier:
After all we need people who can do the different things.
Tom Henrik sier:
Mapping, designing, plotting, ripping and so on.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
I'm bit into mapping, if it's what I think you're saying
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
This is a perfect screenshot!
Tom Henrik sier:
(From Kingdom Hearts)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
So, planning the worlds?
Tom Henrik sier:
Let me talk you through it
Tom Henrik sier:
See gummi garage?
Tom Henrik sier:
That would be HQ
Tom Henrik sier:
aka Abandonia Forum.
Tom Henrik sier:
Here you can meet up with the others. Set up a team of players. Train in different abilities. And so on.
Tom Henrik sier:
Then by using a device (In Kingdom Hearts they used a spaceship) you can travel to different worlds (games in our case).
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
By completing a scene or game, you will unlock a new world.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
so, mapping is...
Tom Henrik sier:
That would be making a background.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
I drew a map once
Tom Henrik sier:
(I think
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
wanna see it.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
I think mapping is making backgrounds.
Tom Henrik sier:
Do you see the portals on that screenshot?
Tom Henrik sier:
yellow-brownish things.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
See them?
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
You can travel to a place far away with them, but you have to fly your spaceship through heavy resistance. Meteors, enemy ships and so on.
Tom Henrik sier:
So I thought we should use it as well, but use different games for the different portals. Like Tyrian 2000.
Tom Henrik sier:
What do you think?
Tom Henrik sier:
Like the idea?
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
It's getting everytime more complex
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
My only doubt is, if the idea won't fall down
Tom Henrik sier:
Yes. That is why we need many people.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Well, tell people them...You could start with Admi forum.
Tom Henrik sier:
I hope we can get people involved in it.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
I will.
Tom Henrik sier:
Gamers always tell the gaming industry how they should make games.

This is our chance to show them that we know what we are talking about.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
This would be quite a thing
Tom Henrik sier:
It would
Tom Henrik sier:
But I don't think it would be so big in terms of size.
Tom Henrik sier:
I was thinking about using scenes from old games. So the number of colours wouldn't be that big.
Tom Henrik sier:
For instance when you, Puffin and Stroggy (for instance) are warped to Zork 1.
Tom Henrik sier:
It would be black
Tom Henrik sier:
And you would only be communicating through text.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
I'd like the idea to do it with cool photos, Zork. Just to tell new 3d games can go *meep* arses
Tom Henrik sier:

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
"That's EXACTLY how I imagined it!!!"
Tom Henrik sier:
Also, I think it would be fun to make the characters mutate according to their stats.
Tom Henrik sier:
Take this as an example....
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Here is Zork http://wallpaper.net.au/wallpaper/abstract...%201024x768.jpg
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
I will just mention this game... not abandoned game, so it will not be used in the game. Hopefully you will get the idea
Tom Henrik sier:
You, Puffin and Stroggy are the party sent to Final Fantasy 7
Tom Henrik sier:
You have a high score in Weaponry
Puff has a high score in healing
And Stroggy has a high score in speed.
Tom Henrik sier:
You would mutate into a sort of Alberto-this
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
got it
Tom Henrik sier:
Puff would be a sort of Freyja-this
Tom Henrik sier:
And strog would be one of these...
Tom Henrik sier:
Thus creating a comic relief.
Tom Henrik sier:
And open the game to a great dialogue.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
Stroggy was just an example, but we should try to make it like that.
Tom Henrik sier:
If someone has a speed score over 150.... and enters the world of Final Fantasy.... then he should become a chocobo.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Pity there won't be FF
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
well, Endless Nova maybe
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
It has chocobos.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
What about Street Fighter?
Tom Henrik sier:
But that is just an idea.
Tom Henrik sier:
We have to look over every game we want to use, and decide how each one should mutate.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
I think it's more likely we should keep PC as they are
Tom Henrik sier:
That would be esiest.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
But everyone would have his own reaction and personality according to where he is
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
LOTS of dialogue
Tom Henrik sier:
I agree to that
Tom Henrik sier:
But I want to implement a scene where something goes wrong.
Tom Henrik sier:
And one turns out different. (A bug in the program)
Tom Henrik sier:
Like someone becoming a chocobo.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
likey that.
Tom Henrik sier:
Ever played Tekken Tag?
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
I played Tekken
Tom Henrik sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
Have you seen Tekken Tag? Or do you know what the Tag-system is?
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
2 players?
Tom Henrik sier:
One guy is in control of two players.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Tom Henrik sier:
These two can be swapped between.
Tom Henrik sier:
(Like wrestling, when one leaves the arena and another one comes in to kick some behind).
Tom Henrik sier:
When one is fighting, the other guy is resting - gaining HP.
Tom Henrik sier:
We could use that system as well in some games, like Abuse, where only one guy can be used at all times.

For adventure games and RPG games, we can use the whole team.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sier:
Do you have the first idea on how is this possible to code? Are we using a program?
Tom Henrik sier:
I am just launching ideas.
We need persons who can use different programs, and who can code and such.

There is a whole forum to use.
Tom Henrik sier:
I will start recruiting from the center and move out from there... Admins, Moderators.... VIP's.... Forum.... Friends....
ViGERP AKA what I have been working on these last couple of years...
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Old 04-01-2005, 09:25 AM   #4
Tom Henrik
10 GOSUB Abandonia
20 GOTO 10

Join Date: May 2004
Location: Orlando, United States
Posts: 4,787
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The second official discussion

Tom Henrik says:
Do you have PS2?

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
just the old one

Tom Henrik says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:
Kingdom Hearts

Tom Henrik says:
It is a MUST!

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
hm... is that the game with goofey and them all?

Tom Henrik says:
I want to make the Abandonia game in that image.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
i saw it on GameTV

Tom Henrik says:
I have it.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:
It has an age rating of 7.

Tom Henrik says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
I love Spiru

Tom Henrik says:
Worth every coin.

Tom Henrik says:
You do?

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
the dragon

Tom Henrik says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
he's so cute

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
my sister almost made me eat soap

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
told me it was a candy

Tom Henrik says:

Tom Henrik says:
Zoom in on every screen!

Tom Henrik says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
arg i hate sites that don't adjust to small screens

Tom Henrik says:
Kingdom Hearts is my favourite game EVER!

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
just rub it in

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
nah, i'll come visit you and play with ya one day

Tom Henrik says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
or... cheaper way:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
YOU come visit ME with your PS2 and Kingdom Hearts!

Tom Henrik says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
I have a widescreen tele

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
or the cheapest and most fun way:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
you just send the PS2 and the game to me!

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
you have to come to iceland one day and I'll show you the grand tour around my school.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
it sure is grand.

Tom Henrik says:

Tom Henrik says:
Just LOOK at that.
Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:

Tom Henrik says:
This is what I meant with the Game swapping

Tom Henrik says:
You should be able to pick where you want to go.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
ah ok

Tom Henrik says:
Kingdom Hearts is amazing in that aspect.

Tom Henrik says:
You are in FULL CONTROL of the game.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
i want kingdom hearts

Tom Henrik says:
Are you on that screen?

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:
See Gummi Garage? (at the bottom?)

Tom Henrik says:
That would be the HQ aka Abandonia forum

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
aah ok

Tom Henrik says:
So the player should be able to go there (pick up members, send others to train and so on).

Tom Henrik says:
And then choose where he want to go with his or her team.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:
After completing a scene, another will unlock.

Tom Henrik says:
Hidden worlds (games) that need certain things should also be in the game.

Tom Henrik says:
And the characters (us) should be shown as us in the forun HQ. And then we should mutate in the games.

Tom Henrik says:
So that for Larry (for instance) we would be pimps and hoes.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
i wanna be a pimp

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
a ho

Tom Henrik says:

Tom Henrik says:
My idea for the game is to make it a serious - unserious game.

Tom Henrik says:
So that WE are serious, but the plot isn't.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
yeah i understand

Tom Henrik says:
After all... we are trapped, and need to survive.

Tom Henrik says:
So personally I would take that serious.

Tom Henrik says:
But suddenly changing into a pimp, would be fun for the player. Although we would most definately NOT think so.

Tom Henrik says:
And so there are room for some great dialogues

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:
The game should have a stat-system. (And you should be able to train in the HQ).

Tom Henrik says:
So that the ones you don't have in a team, still will learn stuff.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
this is a great idea!!

Tom Henrik says:
I think so too

Tom Henrik says:
We always tell the gaming world how games should be.

Tom Henrik says:
Here is our chance to show them that we really know what we are talking about

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:
Everyone involved with the making of this game should have access to Kingdom Hearts, though.

Tom Henrik says:
It is the best and only example of this system.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
hehe i'll give kiddi it for birthday or christmas and use it myself!

Tom Henrik says:

Tom Henrik says:
He will like it

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
i remember when it came out, i saw it on gametv... i wanted it so badly!!!!

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
(correction: I WANT it so badly)

Tom Henrik says:
I also want the games (worlds) to be as they were.

Tom Henrik says:
So that it is the game, but we are in it.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
but don't we need some lisence for that?

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:
Not for abandoned games

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:
You still on that page?

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:

Tom Henrik says:
See those little yellow-brown circles at the bottom(still space)

Tom Henrik says:
Over Gummi and View world.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:

Tom Henrik says:
They are portals.

Tom Henrik says:
You can travel to other places far away in them.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
oh cool

Tom Henrik says:
When you are traveling inside them, you are flying a space ship.

Tom Henrik says:
And have to avoid stuffs, like meteors, alien spaceships and so on.

Tom Henrik says:
So I thought that for our portals, we could use other games.

Tom Henrik says:
Like Tyrian 2000 and so on.

Puffin | Je ne mange pas petit déjuener. Il fait toujours trés mal. says:
uhm... tyrian 2000?

Tom Henrik says:
ViGERP AKA what I have been working on these last couple of years...
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Old 04-01-2005, 09:31 AM   #5
Abandonia Homie

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The kindom hearts battle system was ok. I prefer the old FF ABS system. Umm why don't you try RPGMAKER 2003? It has a new battle system which is simmeler to FFs ABS system. (Instead of the first-person earthbound type system)
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Old 04-01-2005, 09:33 AM   #6
Tom Henrik
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Tom Henrik sier:
We are making an Abandonia Game. You want in?

FreeFreddy sier:
hmm, in what way?

Tom Henrik sier:

FreeFreddy sier:
well, right now there's not enough time, but how could I help there?

Tom Henrik sier:
You are part of the game

Tom Henrik sier:
One of the characters

FreeFreddy sier:
and? Tell me more

Tom Henrik sender:

Overf?ring av "ABANDONIA - The Game.rtf" er fullf?rt.

Tom Henrik sier:
We are throwing out ideas.

Tom Henrik sier:
On average 70 percent of the daily visits are made before 18:29. Based on the number of visitors of 30138 today so far, today your site may have 43041 page views (+/- 74).

FreeFreddy sier:
yeah, and today Abandonia is slow again

Tom Henrik sier:

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
I can send you some more files with ideas.

Tom Henrik sier:
Give you the idea.

FreeFreddy sier:
moment, I'm reading it yet

Tom Henrik sier:
I wrote that 2:00 yesterday night...

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
It started with me and TheVoid having a general idea.

Tom Henrik sier:
Today, me, him and Puffin has worked more on the idea. Forming it.

FreeFreddy sier:
heh, it looks interesting...

Tom Henrik sier:
Have you played Kingdom Hearts?

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
Do you have PS2?

FreeFreddy sier:
nope, too

Tom Henrik sier:

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
Buy it

Tom Henrik sier:
Worth every coin.

FreeFreddy sier:

FreeFreddy sier:
it wouldn't be possible now...

Tom Henrik sier:
And it is great for the feel the Abandonia game should have.

FreeFreddy sier:
so, how this game would work? Like usual game? Or just some roleplaying between us all?

Tom Henrik sender:

Overf?ring av "the_puffin_and_the_twonk.txt" er fullf?rt.

Tom Henrik sender:

Overf?ring av "Tom & The Void.rtf" er fullf?rt.

Tom Henrik sier:
More details about the idea

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
Hmm.... Start with the void.

Tom Henrik sier:
I must clean Puffin's. She made that one.

FreeFreddy sier:
moment I need to read it all and understand too

FreeFreddy sier:
not too fast

Tom Henrik sier:
Puffins is full of Off-Topic non-sense

FreeFreddy sier:

FreeFreddy sier:
that sounds weird, but could be loads of fun...

Tom Henrik sender:

Tom Henrik sier:
There... cleaned.

Overf?ring av "the_puffin_and_the_twonk.txt" er fullf?rt.

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
No non-sense. And you can actually read it.

FreeFreddy sier:
damn, I didn't read the original one yet...

Tom Henrik sier:
You wouldn't been able to.

Tom Henrik sier:
First of all.. it was a single line.

FreeFreddy sier:
ah, continuing for very long?

Tom Henrik sier:

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
You should open those links. So you know what we are talking about

FreeFreddy sier:

FreeFreddy sier:
only one bad point. I cannot get PS2 now, I'm saving money...

Tom Henrik sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
Do you know any programming that might come in handy for this?

FreeFreddy sier:
well, we started Programming in school with Turbo Pascal, but it's only at beginning yet...

FreeFreddy sier:
and I don't know much about programming languages at all, to propose one fitting...

Tom Henrik sier:
Well, you should still be a part of this, if only for the dialougues.

Tom Henrik sier:
You are the only one who will be able to relate to being Freddy

FreeFreddy sier:

FreeFreddy sier:
and I'll start to have enough time for it only on the Christmas vacations...

Tom Henrik sier:
Well. This idea will take a long time to finish. Games are not made in a week.

FreeFreddy sier:
yes, but they still need all the time dedicated to create them...

Tom Henrik sier:
Correct, but not in one go.

Tom Henrik sier:
It can be placed on the shelf, taken down... worked with again... ad so on.

Tom Henrik sier:
No-one will work 24-7 on this. It will go from person to person. Each one will do what
they can.

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
Even if this is only making a single comment at the plot.

Tom Henrik sier:
As long as people are giving things back, it will eventually be finished.

Tom Henrik sier:
Just like the site.

FreeFreddy sier:
well, I might be able to do little more... Not programming, not drawing graphically, but ripping (? ) or like...

Tom Henrik sier:
GREAT! And as long as you are available for comments, you are making the dialogues as well

Tom Henrik sier:
Have you read the dialogue between me and Void?

FreeFreddy sier:
reading, almost at nd now

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
Come to the chocobo-bit?

FreeFreddy sier:
ehmm, no?..

Tom Henrik sier:
oki.. Read on

FreeFreddy sier:

FreeFreddy sier:
ah yes, chocobo now

Tom Henrik sier:
This is how I would make the dialouges:

Tom Henrik sier:
Freddy, be sincere. This is you trapped in a computer. If you do not make it you will die.

Tom Henrik sier:
You, Titan and Kosta are going to FF - Endless Nova. You have no ideas of what to expect, or where you will land.

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
Titan and Kosta gets through ok, but something goes horribly wrong with you. You are turned into a chocobo.

Kosta starts laughing.


Tom Henrik sier:
Hi again

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
The phone-lines went down.

FreeFreddy sier:

Tom Henrik sier:
No. the whole thing

FreeFreddy sier:
ah ok

FreeFreddy sier:
well, this idea is really impressive. How it will start?

FreeFreddy sier:
and when?

Tom Henrik sier:
It has started.

Tom Henrik sier:
By making an idea. The ball starts to roll.

Tom Henrik sier:
When the idea is workable, one start to work with it.

Tom Henrik sier:
Did you get the idea for the dialogues?

FreeFreddy sier:
yep, and I'm in in any case

Tom Henrik sier:
ViGERP AKA what I have been working on these last couple of years...
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Old 04-01-2005, 07:55 PM   #7
Eagle of Fire
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Since I'm not in the list I refuse to help you... :bleh:

Seriously, do you think you can recreate all the games on the site? It would be a huge task.

How about making the game feel like an old playstation game I remember playing... You need to find piece of the world and when you find them you can place them as you wish on the map, appending it somewhere next to one of the other already placed pieces. And you would start the game with one piece which would be the HQ or "home" of the Heroes, then you find other pieces and venture forth as you place them.

I think the name of that game was "Secret of Mana", or something like that...

RP reason for this would be that you are on a HD which been wiped out, and when you find the mentioned pieces you either undelete them or download them again. I think it would make for a nice story.
I'm on a hot streak... Literally.
Proud member of The Abandoned since 2005.
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Old 04-01-2005, 08:04 PM   #8
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I'm not on the list and you haven't talked to me
I liked the old forum.. =/
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Old 04-01-2005, 08:14 PM   #9
Home Sweet Abandonia

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IM not on the list too but I want to help. (if i can)
Some men see things as they are and ask "why?". I dream things that never were, and ask "why not?".
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Old 04-01-2005, 09:37 PM   #10
Game Wizzard

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if there are areas in the brainstorming at this stage that perhaps i can add some extra ideas to i will help as well as bugtesting.

Has anyone considered adding a store / supplies area or areas to the game world later on ? if you going for a RPG and not a strategy game at this point.
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