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Old 23-10-2010, 11:15 AM   #11
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ok, I got it, thx.

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I didn't play Sonny 2 yet, I still need to finish the first one. And I'm in a phase when playing it becomes very repetitive... the fact that I don't like the visual style and the "meh" plot ("...so, okay, there are those, like, alien mutant zombies from space, and, ya know, you are undead, but kinda cool undead, not braaaainzzz one, and...") doesn't help either.

I'm fairly new to this jRPG combat variation (I only watched my buddy play FF series, LOL), while I miss the tactical element of movement, it wouldn't be bad - if not for the stupid AI, both enemy and ally. Not going for the killing blow when the enemy is nearly dead and may restore his halth next turn? C'mon!

Oh yes, Sonny 1 had bad critics for its AI. And I agree its fights are ridiculous. But I did not want to leave it out and make a topic just for Sonny 2. (I with Sonny 1 stopped around mid-zone3, and have no intention to move further, and especially no will to visit the boss-zone what is without plot)

Sonny 2 is much more dynamic, and the opponents differ at least sometimes. Of course it is still just a flashgame, so it has its limitations.
Worth to mention, that at some "stages" in zones will come plot-encounters, and not necessarily just-another-fight. Makes the game more bearable I say.
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Old 23-10-2010, 09:49 PM   #12
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I started character on Heroic difficulty just to see how it is going.

The differences are obvious: a MUCH better AI the opponent has, and what will catch your eye immediatelly that you have limited time in every turn to decide what to do. Because if you don't, then your charcter won't do anything.

Also the first couple of fight can be done without spending any abilitypoints. The Twisted Experiment is the first fight what will become hard. Really hard. And if you did not train, you'll miss a lot.

I also looked for further builds outside the biological one, and for the hydraulic build I came up with two kind:

Strenght based build:
You want damage with this build. As all your skills related to your focus too, it is advised to put at least 2 points into regulate (it is not shown, but with every extra point this skill drains less hp from you), because the "hot blood" skill, what is a prerequesit too for two of your attacks drains your focus.
Your primary attacks will be: wreck (it's hidden effect is damaging the enemy for 80% of your strenght), demolish (it's hidden effect is giving you 12% strenght bonus), and decimate.
From the rest of your points buy other damage-incrising abilities. One for sure: get Lasting Pain. Warm neurology and Avenger form is much advised too.
I suggest also considering mind freeze and flash freeze, and to regain the focus they drain Dead man's plea - but it really seem to be personal preferance.

Instinct based build:
This is based solely on the skill shatter. For that, you'll have to be able to put 3 icecurses on enemies - mind freeze and flash freeze just offers themselves for two, and you can always find a third. Also Guardian form incrises your instinct even further, so get that too.
From the rest of the points buy buffs, debuffs, or healings - I didn't think that far
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Old 24-10-2010, 09:02 AM   #13
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I've made SOME progress with the hydraulic build on Heroic difficulty, and some thing seem to be obvious from this experience:

I'm going for the Legend achivement, so I did no training-fight, nor will do repeated bossfight as long as I'm able. I'm going with the strenght-based hydraulic build because it is an obvious build.

First thing first: you'll have to know your build. That what you are capable, and when you are capable - including your team. The most important part of this is the "last strike" issue: you should go and heal yourself further, or you will be able to strike hard enough to finish the fight before you will get killed (in a situation where without healing you're dead as a fish, and maybe even with healing).
Second: you'll have to know your enemy. This means repeatadly fighting the same fights over and over until you figure out what skills and in what order you should use - and maybe in what skills you should invest that 1 stored abilitypoint into.

Sadly, you will still have to rely on luck because of the random elements (chance to miss, chance to cause critical hit, and not for the least your company's behaviour). But Heroic is still only as hard as a "hard" difficulty in a regular game, so it is acceptable (yet).

My build currently uses Regulate (vapour cannon is simply not good enough for getting back focus. Oh, Regulate also lasts for 12 turns, what is very confortable, and with 2 points in it you only loose 2% life, what is no real issue. The removing buff also can help. Vapour cannon is only good to recover even more focus, and deal a little damage along it.), Wreck and Demolish as primary attacks, and Flash freeze for breathing (it gives free hits, time to heal - it is superb to bloodshed, what could even for 4 point only give 15% damage).
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Old 24-10-2010, 11:16 AM   #14
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Some team-controll issue:

If your character is dead, at the beggining of the turn the game won't stop and let you fiddle with the party-AI. Instead your team immediatelly starts to do buisness. So whatever you change will work FOR THE NEXT TURN. Keep this in mind.

And the reason for this post: I've found a complet list of equipments. Althugh the use of it is questionable, as below heroic you'd rarely load back in hope of a better gear, and in heroic you'd most likely be happy what you get anyway. But here it comes: link

Oh, and rumor is, many cost of abilities for the hydraulic build gets lowered when spending more points into the abilities. The most important seems to be Flash freeze: at level 4 this ability is told to be able to put twice in your ability-circle, and will cost nothing! Sounds interresting if you can afford it (or maybe worth starting the whole build with putting 4 point right into this. Don't know if it'd work well enough, but might worth a try). And the strenght of other abilities are also told to be incrised significantly, and just looking on the lvl 1 state of the abilities is misleading - well, who knows, maybe it'd worth to level up to 10 in Easy, and just respec until we get all the stats of all the abilities. (But I won't do that!)

EDIT: I've finished Zone1 with this build. I spent 4 points into speed to make me miss less, because that was one of the reasons why I could not defeat Felicity.
The fight against Felicity is tricky. She came from the cartoon Dragonball: changes forms at periods. She first transforms reaching below 2400 hp. Before that, she can cast "you won't be healed" spell on your team, and if she decide only attack you or your mate, your as good as dead. So wish for luck here.
During the second form she hits harder and receives less damage, so it is a good idea to stun her just before that point for some extra damage.
The third form of her is what is really lethal potentially. The combo she use is: shadow form - attack from 40 focus. So when she transforms either stun her, or take away all of her focus, or you'll suffer a hugh damage.
For this fight constantly watch over your mate's AI. Also I found it buggy: sometimes the AI for the fight just forgets about your switching of it - and you die becuase the lack of healing. Darn.

After beating Felicity you just reach level 7. When I'm allowed training, I'm usually level 11 at this point (to be able to buy stuff from Zone2 shop).

Last edited by twillight; 24-10-2010 at 01:47 PM. Reason: more info inserted
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Old 25-10-2010, 11:43 AM   #15
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I made SOME progress with the game, but mostly to the point where I have to decide whit what build shall I primaly go for the Legend achievement. So I tried to make a separate save of my states by copying the files into another folder and copying back - but it turned out it doesn't work.
I have no idea where the game stores its saved datas, but certainly not in the game's files.
This is uncomfortable.
The only thing what gives me some relief that I've found a step-by-step walkthrough for the biological build on the topic of this achivement, so if all else fails, I'll try that.

My problem with the hydraulic is currently, that I don't no where to put my point into? I have 3 abilitypoints, so I could take the Flash Freeze on lvl4, allowing 2 use on the ability-wheel, but the offensive power of mine might worth more. Hm, maybe because the progress of leveling is slow, and the Baron comes in the middle of Zone2, I should go with the freezing.

I also started the psyhological build, so I looked after some good guides. The whole build seems most simple in stats (just put everything you can into Instinct, get some electric piercing too, and if you have the patient gether in the "Poseidon's spear" (or something like that) weapon). Here are the builds I could figure out:

This focus on damage-during-time abilities, primaly on Epiphany. But many people says one of the key skills (Overtime) is bugged (doesn't work), so I won't bother with this build. Also it is told it requires tons of points to be effective, so it is not good for the story-fights (although this is advised for Zone 6 and Zone 7, but those are unlockable secret, nonstory zones, so ...)

This is actually not a build, but an ability in question. Some people think this worth using as a finishing-move, some even say with a combo of shock therapy (or something) is a good-enough regular attack skill - although some person reported that the buff/debuff it casues can not be removed by the shock-therapy.
This is also a shadow-damage spell, so again a negative point. I think it is personal preference, and if you have spare points what you don't know what do do with, invest here, you can't miss to much.

The "4-hit KO" build:
The idea behind this build is, to make the enemy heal itself 100%, then use Retrograde on it. The "build" uses High voltage, Choc Coma and retrograde in a very certain pattern: Hv - Hv - Cc - Cc - Hv - Hv - Retrograde.
The result is: the target will cause itself 100% damage of its health, no matter what.
This seems to be abusing a nonintended feature, but I will surly go for it if I will be stuck on a higher level.
As this "build" is doesn't do directly damage, put EVERYTHING to vitality and skills related to that. Well, it is true that you just have to be able to hold out long enough, and you'll simply win.

Actually only the core is fixed here, it is open to fiddling with it. So:
Use shock therapy as main attack skill (max it).
Use electrical storm to regenerate focus. 1 point might be enough in this.
To make sure you actually hit something, also for focus-recovery, and strenghtening your attacks Wraith Form is advised (although some say it is overdue).
Traumatize is again a must-have, mainly because of the Baron, but it's stun can also become handy. (Too bad it makes the target less vulnerable, but at least for mere 2 point you can equip it twice - not that that would have been ever advised.) Some say you should get Haunt by respec at the Baron, but I hope thats just overreacting.
Retrograde is also suggested when fighting the Baron - it would certainly circumwent the effect of Tick-Tack. But Free Will might just be enough, and that is more of an overall-skill.
Charged Blood is the passive that strenghtens this build, so go for it.
Lastly I mention one more skill: Salvation. This can make Verdaux a real healing-machine. Go for it if you feel the need, or go for another damage-spell, or whatever you have in mind. As I told, appart from maxing Shock Therapy, at least 1 point in electrical storm and maxing charged blood, not forgeting about tramuatise, this build is open to customisation.

The Untuchable:
I don't feel this build worked out to tell the truth, as only the core was presented. It is based on the combination of Ultimatum and Free Will. Ultimatum makes the character almost invulnerable at the cost of its health every turn. Not this side-effect is circumwent by the Free Will - as long as the shield-part is at place. This require recasting the shield before it is broken, else you'll have to wait until Free Will just stops working in every aspect (don't ask me why).
As this'd require counting out how much damage you can suffer from outside sources before you must recast the shield, I personally won't try to go for this, but it is obvious that - just like a bio-build with Toxicant Form - you shall have the lowest hp. As this is a defensive build, it is obviously slow - if working at all -, so prepare on that if you go for it.

I just wish people wouldn't think in just lvl 30 builds, but also guiding you through for the Legend achievment step by step! Especially that saves from points of progress are not allowed.

EDIT: PRIME INFO: When you start the game, the Tutorial part won't net you anything. Now after the first real fight (against one prison guard) hit respec! This will cost you 7$ (all the money you start with), AND GIVES YOU 19 STATPOINTS! I just found this info, tried it out and it works! These statpoints will be incredibly useful to anyone going for the Legend achivement, and valuable to anyone else plying this game! (I just don't know why this info must be hidden so deep and why it isn't common knowledge)

Last edited by twillight; 25-10-2010 at 01:23 PM. Reason: info inserted
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Old 26-10-2010, 01:18 PM   #16
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Woo-haa! I got the Black Magic achivement with the Biological class! This means beating Clemons, Zone 3's actboss.

First: know your enemy:
- he has 15K+ hp, and a lot of nasty abilities. The HP of monsters seem not to depend on difficulty as far as I can tell
- until you beat him down to somewhere between 10,500-10,000 hp, he'll only use the "unknown effect" thing on you. The effect either switches the healing and damage you receive, or not.
But more importantly when he cast it on you, and you don't have this debuff, it will heal you (it's damage is ca. 450). If you DO have the debuff already, then it damages you! And 450 dmg is not an easy task.
Don't even think on trying to circumwent this with an ability of the same kind of yours - they are bugged. First: only in the first turn they do what they advertise, in the second they "expire befor the debuffs on you". Keep this in mind in case you cast this for healing-purpose later. Second: it won't do anything with the "unknown effect" debuff - that'll keep damaging you despite the subversion effect on you.
The abilities he can cast this time on you are: "unknown effect", 2 version of damage-over-time effect, a debuff what lowers your shadow-defense (basically he'll damage you more), Nightmare (big damage what you will regenerate back over time), a healing-buff on himself.
- when you hit him below 4K hp, he'll have a full healing (this seems to be an action of him, so if you feel lucky you might try to cast subversion on him in hope he'll heal himself to death), but will receive +200% damage per turn (this ment I could have kill him with casting only Break with 150 str in every 5th turn, and still not run out from the 99 turn debuff on him). Also at this point he'll have ANOTHER ability: disrupt (dispells a buff on you and drains 100 focus). This disrupt-thing is anoying and you may not allow him to use if you follow this build.

Know yourself:
- I used respec for this fight, as it required the "Stunlock" strategy, and that is completly different from what I used until this.
- The way you can solve this fight is, that Biological build can do a constant stunlock on one target (and Clemons is alone in this fight, as well as you have to be to get the achivement). To be able to do this you'll need maxed Crystalisation AND Break. Basically you need nothing else: you cast break what damages and stuns the enemy, then cast crystalize and wait your break to cool down. To get back the focus you used, use Leading Strike (one of the basic abilities of this class) when Clemons is crystalized (you won't do any damage, but you will get the focus).
- This fight is either way ridiculously long, so get some more abilities I say.
First, when respec rise your speed to 100 (keep your str-equipment, I had 60 speed before spending any point on speed just from my regular equipemnt). This will allow you to - almost - never miss, and your strenght will be still high enough to do damage.
To rise your hit-chance even further get Shadow Blend. The cooldown-pattern allowed one more buff/debuff skill anyway, and this will fit nice.
Now as you have Shadow Blend, get Withdrawal! They are a good combo, can fasten the battle a lot, and you'll get used your hightened speed even more.
Any more points you have put into something that rises your physical damage (savagery seems perfect. Also as you won't use poison during this fight, you might consider changing your weapons in the shop too).
A small warning, although you shouldn't encounter this problem: Crystalization is a poison-debuff, so if you cast Withdrawal while it is on the target, it will be removed. So don't try to use Withdrawal as healing exclusivle - it won't work!
- Here are the abilitiewheels you have to use for the fastest progress:
When he is above 10K hp: break - leading strike - crystalise - leading strike - leading strike - shadow blend
When he is between 10K-4K (make sure your list strike in this phase won't lower his hp below 4K!): crysatlize - leading strike - subversion (only if needed, otherwise you just skip this turn) - shadow blend - break - withdrawal (if you're damaged, you will be healed by this)
When he is below 4K / got full heal: crystalie - leading strike - leading strike - shadow blend (only possible in every second circle. If not avaiable, skip this turn) - break.
This third section is what is extremly annoying, because if you miss with a break-attack (crystalisation is autohit, and you have 3 turns to use Leading Strike twice, so you're safe there), you're almost surly dead (he will destroy your focus, and although you can get back your focus if you use leading strike in the next two turns, you'll be at best be damaged highly).
I DID NOT try to cast Subversion on him, I just went and kept him stunlocked, so he never got the full heal. (In the trial before that he got that, and I only died, becuase for the last time my Break missed.)
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Old 28-10-2010, 11:17 AM   #17
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I made the Pacifist achivement.

For the first try I went with corrosion + envenom as attacks, but after I won, I did NOT get the achivement.

So I went safe for the next time, and did absolutly no damage myself.
On my wheel I had 2 crystalize (at the beggining I stuned both the Hydra and one of the Fire claws, then kept stunned the Hydra, lastly when only the Hydra stood I no longer used this skill), 1 disrupt (if you destory the Hydra's focus it spends a turn regenerating it), 2 reform (for healing), 2 adrenline (more focus and a little bit more damage for my crew), 1 leading strike (there is no other way to keep two things crystalised at once).

For stats I invested everything after respec to vitality and changed my gear too for this purpose.

With other abilities I went for maximising passives. Whatever You decide, do not leave out Integrity, that helps a lot.

Other things:
In Zone3 at the first fight you can already find annihilation. That is a superb weapon for Roald at that level.
The Host can damage almost 1500 with one of its attacks - this is a warning. He also has a nasty damage-incrisement, so bring a stun here too.

Zone 4:
Tunnel beast has an attack what will put a bishop-like iconed debuff on you. Make Veradux remove that, or in the next turn you'll be dead.
Vivian Vixen is not too hard anyway, but keeping her stunned until his basic buff expires can save you a lot of time.
Gregor can heal 1000 per round. I had high enough damage to not be bothered by it, but I let you know.
The Magical Monkey can use Veradux's electric shot. Keep that in mind.
Mokoshotar can change you a wolf. That means to every dmg-dealing ability of yours 6K dmg will be added. That's 10% of its life in itself.

If at any time one attack hurts you badly, don't forget that Roald can strenghten Veradux's healing. Good combo.

Well, this is it for now.
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Old 28-10-2010, 12:47 PM   #18
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Someone has or a lot of free time, or no-life .....

Nevermind, carry on.

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Old 29-10-2010, 09:35 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by dosraider View Post

Someone has or a lot of free time, or no-life .....
Oh, I just go to bed 2 hours after the rest, what gives me plenty of times, and I can't fall asleep earlier anyway.

Now I kept going with my hydro. Just one fight, but this count a lot I think. The two zombie + frost terror fight it was.
I spent 4 more poits on Speed (now I have 25) to avoid misses. The rest went onto Strenght.
At lvl 3 the freezing ability allowed me to quip it 2 times, what proved invaluable. The Frost Terror being capable of stun required being stunned.
My 1 remaining ability-point went to Wreck.

Currently I wish I've never had put point into Demolish, but oh well, needed the damage. And 1 point mediocrate misspoint can't be lethal even in a Legend-run, can it? We will see. If everything fails, I'll just use the bio-guide from the net.
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Old 29-10-2010, 05:48 PM   #20
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Tried to play Sonny 2 today. Almost the same visuals put me off... but that's not the worst point. After I upgraded (first level-up) my basic attack disappeared from the menu! What can be more discouraging?
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