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Old 15-07-2010, 02:07 AM   #1

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 10
Default Regalsin trolling Conflict - Middle East Political Simulator

Dumb game, the reason why USA never dropped the bomb was thanks to Israel from 1945. USA should take over Israel already, and make them share the land. I could see the Governator ( Haggar ) marching in there right now with his golden axe, to tear the land in twine. Half for him, half for her, half for everybody.

I betcha 100% that Jesus is the holy father known as Allah, or something like that. Then everybody got them mixed up thanks to the Kings James version of the bible. Somewhere along the way, the mob got invovled and changed all of that.

I was wondering where is the bomb Israel and send USA troops home button already. This simulator is 60 years too late. Bomb Israel and there million dollar electronic keyboard owning behinds.
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Old 15-07-2010, 02:55 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by RegalSin View Post
Dumb game, the reason why USA never dropped the bomb was thanks to Israel from 1945. USA should take over Israel already, and make them share the land. I could see the Governator ( Haggar ) marching in there right now with his golden axe, to tear the land in twine. Half for him, half for her, half for everybody.

I betcha 100% that Jesus is the holy father known as Allah, or something like that. Then everybody got them mixed up thanks to the Kings James version of the bible. Somewhere along the way, the mob got invovled and changed all of that.

I was wondering where is the bomb Israel and send USA troops home button already. This simulator is 60 years too late. Bomb Israel and there million dollar electronic keyboard owning behinds.
Okay stop right there, thats the stupidist thing I've EVER heard.

Fifthy, I know we're not supposed to go off topic, but i need to teach this boy a lesson

Why the US cannot take over Israel: Israel and the US have held a long lasting friendship since it's creation in 1947. Israel has been known to be a country with a fierce fighting force as well, you know WHY they are fierce? The day AFTER israel was created, Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon all invaded, but Israel stood strong, as it did numerous other times throughout the cold war and even today. The US would suffer thousands of casualties in just a week of fighting. Not to mention the US pretty much supplies the israeli's with everything they have; they'd be going up against their own machinery. And big deal if you defeat a nations army, its obvious the US cannot win in guerrilla warfare (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, all disasters) Not to mention israel is a religious disaster waiting to happen. The Palestinians and Arabs are going to break eventually (my philosophy is not if an arab country like Iran or Egypt is going to nuke Israel, it is WHEN; they all hate the israeli's to much to let Zion take over and let there Palestinian brothers be separated further) Countries that have no idea how the Israeili/Jewish vs Arab/Islam religious feuds have no right to try and govern countries that are pretty much ran by theocratic policies, it'd just cause more violence, NOT to mention the political back wash the US would get drowned in by the rest of the world who also likes Israel. Thats like saying China should invade Taiwan; they have no reason too, only the fact their thick headed and don't recognize it as a sovereign country.

The whole Jesus/Allah thing; Now I could go WAAAAY back to the beginning of monotheism with Zoroaster and all that but i don't want your puny little head to explode. Biblically, the Jew's or Israeli's are Gods chosen people, with Christianity being built off of Judaism, for those who accept that Jesus died and rose again (the Jews think he died and are still waiting for Jesus to return). Historically, Judaism was first, Christianity came second, then came Islam when a christian (mohammed) decided "wait just a tick" and went off to make his OWN religion stating Jesus was not the son of God but really just another prophet. So anyways, Islam spread quickly because of the fierce devotion of it's followers, its attractiveness religiously, and the fact that they Jihaded often. What they did when they took over a city was "assimilate" the population to Islam by following these rules;

If they are of no other religion, and dont join islam, kill them
If they are Jewish or Christian, let them pay a reasonable tax (which made the Muslims, Jews, and Christians actually like eachother caues they got along that way)

But as time went on the whole Jewish/Christian/Islam relationship fell apart completely thanks to the Catholic Church with things like the Crusades, and the Spanish Inquisition, etc which pwn3d Islam out of Europe until a resurge in the late 90's!

That being Said, Allah mean GOD, not JESUS. Allah ysalanvik (or something like that, it's jordanian) means God Bless you, Allah hu Ahkbar means God is Good or something like that, point is, its God, not Jesus, which is actually very important considering how Islam only acknowledges him as a prophet and not the Son of God like Judaism/Christianity. Allah is just the arabic form of God, where as we in the english part of the world just say God. Different religions emerged because of things like Zoroasterism which originally defined that first Good = Heaven bad = Hell idea which historically built into other religions, but your allowed to believe religiously how things came about as you please.


Please stop posting stupid anti-zionist posts now

Originally Posted by RegalSin View Post
Dumb game, the reason why USA never dropped the bomb was thanks to Israel from 1945.
what do you mean didn't? Havn't you heard of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.
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Old 15-07-2010, 06:08 PM   #3

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Okay, I agree that the above two posts represent exactly where nobody wants this thread to go. C'mon, Fubb, stay cool and don't feed the trolls.
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