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Old 28-10-2007, 11:39 AM   #221
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(_r.u.s.s. @ Oct 28 2007, 11:32 AM) [snapback]317521[/snapback]</div>
Hello Wendy. i request to edit the attachement (or delete and upload another one) where you REMOVE the site with a 'small fee'. cause the site is ignoring esa rules and offers protected games. then, it offers games for money, But, illegaly. they have absolutely no reason, game developers agreegement or moral rights to ask for money from you. they have just downloaded games from the internet like you do and offer them for money now. if you have already payed on the site, im sorry to say that you have been fcuked up and became a mass crowd puppet who gave them money for nothing. in addition, they steal reviews and screenshots from other abandonware sites like Abandonia and many others as well.

i have also reported the post to local forum moderator so he might remove it by himself

and once again, im sorry that if payed money on the site
Hello r.u.s.s.
Thanks a stack for your info. No, in my ignorance I was not aware at all that they are illegal downloads. As far as I knew, those games were not on offer elsewhere so I had presumed (apparently incorrectly) that they had licence/agreement from the old owners to do so, and had presumed a portion of the fees were going to the old owners. It seems I was a sheep in amongst the wolf-pack???
Yes, you are very welcome to edit my attachment or delete it and upload a new attachment - just please keep my other "legal" suggestions in there please.
Maybe still list the ESA ones too, but with a note that they are ESA and to buy second-hand if "findable", or something like that (?).
I presume as a moderator you have the access to do so, so go ahead.
Thanks for advising me (and for asking my permission to amend).
Much appreciated.
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Old 28-10-2007, 11:44 AM   #222
I'm not Russ
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i am moderator of troubleshooting forum so its not in my rights, but if you could, edit the post by yourself please. thank you
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Old 28-10-2007, 12:10 PM   #223
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New Table (thanks to Jasmin):

What to do****************************Points********Treasure******Merchandise

Level 0

take wood**************************** 0************ 0************ 0
take casket************************** 0************50************ 0
put wood in fire******************** 20************ 0************ 0
light torch with fire**************** 5************ 0************ 0
take steel lever**********************0 ************0************ 1
take gold key ************************0 ******** 1000************ 0
take whip**************************** 0************ 0************ 2
take shovel************************** 0************ 0************ 1
take bucket************************** 0************ 0************ 0
take silver coins******************** 0************10************ 0
open chest****************************0************ 0************ 0
look in chest************************ 0************ 0************ 0
take red key ************************ 0************ 0************ 0
remove thorn ************************20************ 0************ 0
unlock lock with key**************** 20************ 0************ 0
push slab with lever**************** 30************ 0************ 0
take fur******************************0************20************ 0

End Level 0**************************95**********1080************ 4

Level 1

take key-ring************************ 0************ 0************ 2
open jail-door with key************** 0************ 0************ 0
drop some stuff********************** 0************ 0************ 0
take gold nugget**********************0**********4500************ 0
put nugget in casket******************5************ 0************ 0
take stuff****************************0************ 0************ 0
remove mold************************** 5************ 0************ 0
read text**************************** 5************ 0************ 0
open jail-door with key**************10************ 0************ 0
drop some stuff********************** 0************ 0************ 0
knock Prytwen out********************50************ 0************ 0
search Prytwen************************0************ 0************ 0
take bronze key********************** 0************ 0************ 1
take Prytwen ************************10************ 0************ 0
close door****************************0************ 0************ 0 
take stuff****************************0************ 0************ 0**********
Prytwen wake up in Prison************30************ 0************ 0
open cabinet**************************0************ 0************ 0
look in cabinet********************** 0************ 0************ 0
take hydromel************************ 0************ 0************ 2
open chest with key****************** 0************ 0************ 0
take silver candlestick************** 0********** 100************ 0 
take gold chain **********************0********** 500************ 0
pull candelabrum******************** 40************ 0************ 0

End Level 1************************ 250**********6160************ 9

Level 2

take axe** ************************** 0************20************ 0
break door with axe******************10************ 0************ 0
look in nook**************************0************ 0************ 0
take shield************************** 5************10************ 0
kill dwarf (gray)********************10**** ********0************ 0
kill dwarf (brown)********************0************ 0************ 0
kill dwarf (blue)******************** 0************ 0************ 0
kill dwarf (red)**********************0************ 0************ 0
kill dwarf (gray)******************** 0**** ********0************ 0
take dagger********** ****************0************50************ 0
take gold dishes**********************0********** 400************ 0
take pitcher**************************0************ 0************ 1
swim in chaos rocks******************10************ 0************ 0
take parchment************************0************ 0************ 5
take diamonds************************ 0********** 400************ 0
read parchment********************** 20************ 0************ 0
drop torch****************************0************ 0************ 0
take board****************************0 ************0************ 0
take torch****************************0************ 0************ 0
tinhuel****************** ********** 40************ 0************ 0

End Level 2************************ 345**********7060 ********** 15

Level 3

run right ****************************0************ 0************ 0
kill dwarf (red)**********************0************ 0************ 0
kill dwarf (brown)********************0************ 0************ 0
take gold coins********************** 0************60************ 0
drop items****************************0************ 0************ 0
use board****************************20************ 0************ 0
look in crack************************ 0************ 0************ 0
take sword****************************0********** 200************ 0****
take emerald ************************ 0********** 400************ 0
drop emerald**** ******************** 0************ 0************ 0
drop sword****************************0************ 0************ 0
take board****************************0************ 0************ 0
take everything********************** 0************ 0************ 0
kill guard-dwarf**** **************** 0************ 0************ 0****
kill guard-dwarf**** **************** 0************ 0************ 0**** 
kill guard-dwarf**** **************** 0************ 0************ 0**** 
kill guard-dwarf**** ****************30************ 0************ 0
take crafted key**********************0************ 0************ 5****
open gate with key********************0************ 0************ 0
take ham******************************0************ 0************ 2
open floodgate************************0************ 0************ 0
climb down well**** **************** 30************ 0************ 0
open chest with key****************** 0************ 0************ 0
look in chest************************ 0************ 0************ 0
take wand**************************** 0**********1000************ 0
use "gift-Icon" on witch**************0************ 0************ 0
take dragon blood******************** 0************ 0************ 5
take gold ingot********************** 0********** 200************ 0
open book**************************** 0************ 0************ 0
read book****************************10************ 0************ 0
read book**************************** 0************ 0************ 0
Tehrehanan************************** 30************ 0************ 0
drink bottle**************************0************ 0************ 0
"walk on lava"************************0************ 0************ 0
drop emerald************************ 20************ 0************ 0
Minas disappeared********************40************ 0************ 0
take emerald**************************0************ 0************ 0
take talisman************************ 0**********2000************ 0
open steel door with key**************0************ 0************ 0
Ezhrimanath**************************30************ 0************ 0
drink flask************************** 0************ 0************ 0
open bars with key********************0************ 0************ 0
close bars with key****************** 0************ 0************ 0
drop ham******************************0************ 0************-2
open bars with key****************** 40************ 0************ 0
open portcullis with key**************0************ 0************ 0
step in kiosk**** ****************** 20************ 0************ 0
take crystal ball******************** 0**********2500************ 0
take cushions************ ************0************ 0************ 4
look in ball************************ 10************ 0************ 0
Sillerynn****************************30**********5000************ 0
wear crown************************** 50************ 0************ 0

End Level 3************************ 705******** 18420************29

Total****************************** 725******** 18720************31

Missing******************************20********** 300************ ?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jasmin @ Oct 27 2007, 10:50 AM) [snapback]317424[/snapback]</div>
Hey guys, thank you so much for being so concerned. I feel better. I hope I can re-play the game today and tomorrow. Hope you´re all well. Best wishes, Jasmin
P.S I know this has nothing to do with armaeth but I was wondering if you guys know some old adventure games kinda armaeth and kings quest. What are your fave adventure games (old and new)
Mein Lieblings-Adventure sind die von Sierra und Lucasfilm.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wendy JM @ Oct 27 2007, 01:13 PM) [snapback]317444[/snapback]</div>

Hi Mr Bill

Yep, they are still there, unfortunately!!!

where please? You said before that you didnt find any error? so why still there?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jasmin @ Oct 27 2007, 08:28 PM) [snapback]317488[/snapback]</div>
Hey Wendy, I don´t know exactly your score list but i think you got 0 points for reviving the fire. Well I got 20 score points for reviving the fire (stand as close as you can and type "put wood in embers" and 5 points for lighting the torch. Well that´s all. Best wishes Jasmin
gute Arbeit! nur noch 20 Punkte und 300 Treasure Punkte.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wendy JM @ Oct 28 2007, 06:01 AM) [snapback]317516[/snapback]</div>
Hi Jasmin
Great work!!! You are very observant! Thanks a million.
I gave up after dying many times trying to light the fire, but i did not use the work "embers" - you are very observant - the answer was there all the time, if only we had realised it!!!
Also what made me give up, was that the hints file itself said you could only light the fire by cheating - which put me off trying further.
Thanks so much for the info, I will try it myself for fun, and I will add it to the walkthrough in due course.
Best wishes, Wendy
"put wood in fire" also works. "Revive Fire" dont works.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Paco @ Oct 26 2007, 04:01 PM) [snapback]317357[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wendy JM @ Oct 25 2007, 07:20 PM) [snapback]317291[/snapback]
I re-played the dwarves using previous saved games - it seems you are correct re the 7 dwarves, plus definitely correct re 4 guard-dwarves. However, I got 10 points for killing a red dwarf!!! So it seems the game randomises which dwarf you get the 10 points for, in different people's games.[/b]
hmm. interesing.

@Sal your experince about this? can you tell us something?

@Sal + Jasmin please your Experience about this. thank you.


one more points of interest! I started a new game to test the Fire-Points but.... at the Start the Maximum Treasure Points are 13700 and not 18720. o_0

either it is






With the change from Bucket to crown the Maximum score go up from 13720 to 18720. What cause the change from 13700 to 13720? The Fur?
Legends will never die.

Check here for Maps i made
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Old 28-10-2007, 03:11 PM   #224
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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(_r.u.s.s. @ Oct 28 2007, 02:44 PM) [snapback]317548[/snapback]</div>
i am moderator of troubleshooting forum so its not in my rights, but if you could, edit the post by yourself please. thank you
Thanks r.u.s.s., I have now managed to edit it (fairly simple, once you have figured it out for the first time).
Regards, Wendy
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Old 28-10-2007, 03:37 PM   #225
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Hello Paco
1) Thanks for the new table with the latest "fire" score included.

2) Question marks in MrBillsAdventureland walkthrough :
No, at first I did not get a problem, it definitely displayed correctly with (') - I checked carefully throughout the document and it was fine, but then a couple of days later, when I went into the site again for about the 4th time in 2 days, it suddenly started showing question marks. Weird!!!

3) reviving the fire : thanks for your further words "put wood in fire" for reviving the fire. I tried "put wood in fire" way back when I first played, but now after reading that it worked for you Paco, I realise that (as Jasmin said), you also have to stand right close to the remaining small flames, which I did not do!!!

4) Treasure/fortune points: I think I noticed that the total maximum points jumped when I picked up the nugget (by more than the 4500 the nugget is worth). I cannot comment on the maximum points by the crown because of my game crash and having to change to Sal's saved game - hence I lost continuity of my accumulated points and of the maximum points.
Regards, Wendy
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Old 28-10-2007, 06:32 PM   #226

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Hello Sal, I read that you cannot play Legend of Kyrandia Malcolms revenge. Well I have figured out how to play it at the Dosbox 0.70

Insert your cd and open your dosbox
Z:\> mount c c:\
Z:\> mount d d:/ -t cdrom -usecd 0 -ioctl
Z:\> d:
D:\> install
then follow the install instructions
the game should start then.

Maybe you can try this and tell me if it works. Okay good luck and best wishes

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Old 28-10-2007, 06:40 PM   #227
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malcoms revenge is the worst one :P
(among kyrandias)
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Old 28-10-2007, 08:28 PM   #228
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Thanks Wendy,Jasmin , Paco and everyone for your input on Malcom's Revenge. I am going to try this when I finally finish Armaeth...You guys are soooo cool with this points thing..Maths was never my strong point and calculations drive me nuts... Has anyone played to the finish with all the points yet? I really want to know that when I put that bucket on my head the lights will go on and the bells will ring and EVERYONE will come to the coronation... Best wishes SAL

:wallbash: Hi Jasmin,
I went back up top and tried to light the torch as you said and Killian just kept walking into the fire and burning up.. I think I tried every darned angle I could think of but he still went up in flames. Where did you start from?...regards SAL

:brain: Wendy....I got them..I got those !@#$% sarhuls in the cage..All I did was to wait until they all went in!!!!!!!! it took ages and I almost fell off my chair when it happened!!!! Whoooooooooooeeeeeeeeee I am still lacking 300 points for the treasure and 60 points for the total score.. About the fire, when I went up top again the fire had definately died down in fact a couple of times I was told that the fire was dead. I am going to have another go later on.. I just don't know what I have missed (sigh).......SAL
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Old 30-10-2007, 11:16 AM   #229
The Fifth Horseman
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The [Edit] button, Sal... please...

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Old 30-10-2007, 02:20 PM   #230

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Hey Sal,
well about the fire, mhh I don´t know exactly where to stand, but you have to light the fire from the right side. Well you have to stand as close to the fire as you can. If Killian starts walking while reviving the fire, I guess you will die for sure. Sorry my explaination is worse, I know. But I just can´t tell you better. Well I really don´t know what you´re doing wrong, maybe you just stand to far away to revive the fire. And I revived it just at the start. The more wood you put in the embers, the bigger the fire will get. (I hope that was the correct grammar) Wish you good luck.
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