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Old 22-08-2009, 01:02 AM   #1
"I" in the Team
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Default Jagged Alliance 2: The Abandonia Corps


So you wanna be a mercenary eh? Well, it aint that easy kid. Sure, there's the perks like earning good money, travelling around the world, meeting new people and no two workdays are ever same. But then again, there's the problem of death and moral stuff, but that really depends on who shot first. Still, If you think you got what it takes, then join in Abandonia Corps! We travel around the world, fighting for our bank-checks. At this time were about to start a long campaign taking place on small nation of Arulco. Everyone involved will get a daily salary and there's gonna be a huge bonus after this all is over. So sign up now! Fight for others, fight for your paycheck!

What is this?
A forum game, similar to the X-com: Abandonia Apocalypse. The game were using is Jagged Alliance 2, a strategy game which shares lots of similarities with X-Com games, but is slightly more deeper.
This game will be played like the X-com ones; I play and post reports on my actions and results. You, the other people, can roleplay with your characters, provided that it doesnt affect too much of my gameplay. Sometimes I might give players some choices too, with the biggest one including weapons and some equipment.
Not all can join though. At the beginning, I need 4 mercenaries for my starting crew, which means 4 players. As the game gets bigger, however, I have to enlist more and more mercenaries.
Also, as some of you might know, the JA's mercenaries have their own unique personalities. The character behavior and name will be replaced by the ones forum memeber chooses. However, if mercenaries have habbits that affect gameplay, certain skills, hatred against some characters...etc, these will be implemented.

Choosing your mercenary
This will be the hardest part. As I cant modify any mercenaries (and I dont really want to), I will choose a mercenary based on what kind of character you want. Describe your character (more or less) and choose specific stats and skills you'd prefer;
- Several stats, including:
* Strength - the stronger, the harder. Basically, they can carry more stuff and hit harder
* Agility - How fast the mercenary is. Faster characters tend to run to cover more, well, faster.
* Dexterity - The reflexes of the character. Helps a bit with moving around, reacting and sneaking
* Leadership - Efficient for training people and keeping up the morale.
* Wisdom - The knowledge around war. Helps training and stuff.

There are 4 different skills. Some mercs are good or at least average in all or two of these, but most are either plain warriors or specialized in one.
* Marksmanship - Basically, how good shooter you are. Most A.I.M mercenaries have pretty good marksmanship, with the exception of couple of doctors so you dont really have to worry about this one.
* Mechanic - With good Mechanic skill and a tool kit, you can fix stuff and also build useful tools.
* Medic - The art of giving first-aid and healing wounds. This is the second most useful skill; no one will leave this country without a single bullet wound, so healing is must
* Explosives - Handling explosives and setting them up.
(note that grenades arent counted as explosives)
- Specific skills. They're not listed when buying characters. These help characters in some tasks. These include:
* Camouflage - Natural ability to use camouflage and blend in the enviroment like a chameleon. (That still doesnt make you invisible though)
* Lockpicking - Master of unlocking
* Hand to hand combat - You are well known from your fierce right hook
* Teaching - You know how to explain stuff and teach other people
* Night operations - Enchances your abilites to fight in night
* Throwing - You throw better than average person. Includes stuff like grenades, knives and light-sources.
* Knifing - You know really well how and where to stab someone
* Ambidextrous - You have wonderful ability to shoot two guns at the same time
* Sniper - Helps with handling sniping weapons and shooting from long distances
* Stealth - Sneaking around and being quiet
* Electronics - Ability to handle electronic stuff and extravagant equipment
* Auto weapons - Better handling with automatic weapons
* Heavy weapons - Better handling with bigger weaponry
You can also write a bit of background and your characters personality. This has little affect gameplay-wise or with character choosing, but this will help me more when I (or everyone else) write about your character.
(NOTE!: All mercs can only have two specific skills and some have only one. There are no combinations of every skill. Also note that couple of characters who know sniping and camouflage are expensive, so we dont have those at the beginning)
So, when thinking about your character, pick skills and stats that you would prefer. Dont go overboard and remember that you dont necessarily get as specific as you wanted.
More notes:
1. At the beginning: NO SUPER MERCS. These are Mercs that are good at anything and technically kill people with a blink of an eye. This is simply because I cant afford to hire these people.
2. If pick your skills by saying "average at everything, good in shooting", im going to take that as "I dont care", so watch out.
3. At the beginning, it is preferable that we need someone with medic skills. And no, this is not: Someone who has little bit of medic skill. Its dangerous out there and we need someone to pick a doctor character. Dont worry though: Lots of doctors can handle gun as good as well can handle a band-aid.
4. Realism! No talking spaceships or tigers as pets.
5. Male players get male characters and female players female characters.
6. Later on the game, I will get a choice to hire mercenaries from another company, M.E.R.C. These guys are cheap, but also pretty lousy and some arent really nice guys. However, they can be trained and will eventually gain better skills and their lousiness will bring more aspect to roleplaying.

Our mission and story
Our mission will be long and it will probably take time. Abandonia Corps has been hired by Enrico Chivaldori, a former ruler of small nation of Arulco. Aruclo used to be a prosperous mining-country, until he was overthrown by his own wife, Deidranna. Deidranna turned out to be a cold-hearted b**** and devilish dictator and soon the people started rebelling. However, people were silenced with her powerful army and now only handful of people dare to object her rule. Enrico himself had to fake his own death to escape the country, but promising that he will save it someday.
And that day has come. Enrico has called us for our services to free the country, either by killing Deidranna or forcing her to surrender. He has given us starting money and promised that all the money sources (mining companies) we recapture can be used to hire more fighters and buy equipment.
Again, Deidranna has a huge army. These soldiers arent amateurs and there's even elite forces. However, with good strategy, support, team-work and equipment, we can overcome this tyrant and free Alurco from her grasp.

Technical Details

1. I will be using Gold version of Jagged Alliance 2, which has been fan patched (or modded). The patch adds lots of new gameplay stuff, like new equipment carrying system, and tons of new items and weapons. All weapons are realistic (from Russian Makarov to Walter PPK to Suomi Machine gun) and there's literally hundreds of them.
2. The game is hard and brutal and since I dont want to disappoint people who are in, there will be reloading in case character dies in combat. Heavily wounded can be healed though (except Wisdom loses through head injuries and dexterity loss with limb-damage), as long as we have a medic available.
3. Money is a big issue here. As I mentioned at the beginning, we start with 4 characters (five when im counted), but as we get the first mine and start earning money, we can, and will have to eventually, hire more mercenaries. I'l keep you posted when I need more crew.
4. I have tendency to start out project and end them all of sudden, but this will probably go on, as 1. Im currently finishing school with not much work to do and I only have a part-time job. 2. Im pretty much addicted to Jagged Alliance 2 right now
5. If we, and hopefully we will, finish this game. We can later on import characters for another campaigns.
6. Sometimes I might ask players to make decisions, so be prepared to give answers.
7. Later on after we have captured airport, a in-game website will open where we can buy weapons and equipment. I decided that people in the game can choose guns and specific equipment that they want their characters to use. Remember though that resources are limited, guns need ammo, store has limited number of stuff for sale, you cant carry tons of stuff (not without gun-holsters and backpacks) and you need to stay alive, not to mention that we sometimes have to do sacrifices for the team.
When possible, I will try to list available equipment.
We can also buy stuff from other sources.
8. If you know any story-related stuff, please, do not post spoilers. Lots of stuff happen in this game and there are couple of cool surprises.
9. Write roleplay. Its fun for you and fun for others. Just stay in the level of realism and please, no GTX'ing (I got power armor,I got talking spaceship/base, Im worlds renounced hired killer and technically Jesus of the mercenaries). Remember that this is not a scifi game.
10. There will be no cheating.
11. There will be no regular schedule.
12. The game will be played on novice mode. Im not expert on these games and I like to have shorter battles. Plus, this will mean less reloading.
13. As mercenaries tend to have personalities, it might happen that some mercenaries just dont like each other. Sometimes this leads to dismissal of one mercenary or just separating these two from the crew. I dont know all the character conflicts, but I try to avoid as much as I know.
14. More game mechanics will be explained when its necessary.

Hired mercenaries

Col. Jesse "Chosen" Ojala
A grizzly veteran and leader of the Abandonia corps. Has fought lots of battles, got lots of scars but still just cant stop fighting for little people. Thanks to good Finnish military training, he has high marksmanship. Also, he learned up few skills while working couple of years on a electronics shop, fixing computers and VCR's.
Speciality skills:
Night Operations

Agility: 71 Dexterity: 71 Strength: 50 Leadership: 85 Wisdom: 78
Level: 2 Marksmanship: 86 Explosives: 0 Mechanic: 70 Medic: 0

HK-MP5 Machine Gun (with two magazines left)
Insight LAM-200 (attached to HK-MP5)
Extended Ear - Listening equipment
Kevlar Armor
Night Vision Goggles, Gen II (attached to steel helmet)
Steel Helmet
Camouflage kit
Metal Detector
LBE Gear
TIMS Combat Pack
(NOTE: Chosen is the only character in the game which was self-created. This is done via specific thing and cant be done repeatedly.)

Cpt.Lepedus"Tomekk" Tamás
Hyperactive, bad tempered and curious. Just like a teenager.
Being a member of the United States Army, Captain Tomekk fought many battles in the Middle-East, from the Gulf War to Iraq. He got kicked out of the army after he directly disobeyed orders and attempted to save civilians, which ended pretty badly. Nowadays, he's a mercenary and just decided to join his old buddy, Chosen, in his "crusade for money".

Speciality skills:
Lock Picking

Agility: 60 Dexterity: 88 Strength: 90 Leadership: 24 Wisdom: 79
Level: 4 Marksmanship: 84 Explosives: 78 Mechanic: 63 Medic: 11

SPAS-12 Shotgun (with 1 package of regular shells)
Locksmith kit
Leather Jacket
Steel Helmet
LBE Gear

Weekly paycheck: 10,000$

SGT. Mikail "Fubbles" Brown

Began as a Mercenary helping Serbs in Croatia. After the violent wars ended in late 1990, he found himself out of a job. Enter the Abandonia Corps! He was an acting combat medic for Serbs in battle, but learnt as he went. Days out of the field have made him lose some ability and has skill with the AK-47.
Has accepted death. If your friends bleeding to death right beside him, he won't care. He saves the ones who can be saved.

Speciality skills:
Martial Arts

Agility: 94 Dexterity: 87 Strength: 82 Leadership: 6 Wisdom: 75
Level: 3 Marksmanship: 79 Explosives: 31 Mechanic: 23 Medic: 51

Sig P226R pistol (with two extra clips)
Throwing knife
Combat Knife
First-aid kit
Flack Jacket
Holster Rig

Weekly paycheck:

Lt./Dr. Eyuil Sratas Gpwak

An honorably discharged US marine, currently doing freelance work. Being an honorable sort, Eyuil joins Chosen's forces.
Speciality skills:
Night Operations
Martial Arts

Agility: 92 Dexterity: 81 Strength: 73 Leadership: 26 Wisdom: 91
Level: 3 Marksmanship: 63 Explosives: 20 Mechanic: 19 Medic: 87

Type 85 Machine Gun (with two extra clips)
Laser Sight (attached to Type 85 Machine Gun)
Flack Jacket
Steel Helmet
Throwing Knife
3 Medical Kits
Holster Rig

Tactical Tailor 3-Day pack

Weekly paycheck:

Andy "The Panther" Panthro
A veteran of war, with lot of knowledge about fighting and combat. Patient teacher, but has tendency to act sarcastic. Also a source of tons of war stories.
Speciality skills:

Agility: 83 Dexterity: 86 Strength: 85 Leadership: 22 Wisdom: 76
Level: 3 Marksmanship: 81 Explosives: 40 Mechanic: 65 Medic: 48

HK UMP45 Machine Gun (with two extra magazines)
Foregrip (attached on HK UMP45)
Kevlar Vest
Steel Helmet
Tool Kit

LBE Gear
Tactical Tailor 3-Day pack

Weekly paycheck
: 8000$

Ira Smythe
A former member of the American humanitarian group which was send to Arulco to help its people, Ira later joined with the rebels so she could help free the country. Now member of Chosens group.
Speciality skills:

Agility: 72 Dexterity: 91 Strength: 55 Leadership: 14 Wisdom: 83
Level: 2 Marksmanship: 55 Explosives: 2 Mechanic: 8 Medic: 40

HK P7M8(with two extra clip)
Steel Helmet
Two first-aid kits
Medical Kit
LBE Gear
Tactical Tailor 3-Day pack
Revolver Holster
TNT (with detonator)

Weekly paycheck
: None (Ira is a rebel, and works for free to save the country)


Last edited by TheChosen; 06-05-2010 at 09:55 PM.
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Old 22-08-2009, 01:42 AM   #2
Master of Orion
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Captain Tomekk
Being a member of the United States Army, Captain Tomekk fought many battles in the Middle-East, from the Gulf War to Iraq. He got kicked out of the army after he directly disobeyed orders and attempted to save civilians, which ended pretty badly. Nowadays, he's a mercenary and just decided to join his old buddy, Chosen, in his "crusade for money".
Hyperactive, bad tempered and curious. Just like a teenager. Can get really mad when asked about his former military career...especially failures.

Strength - Heroic (10/10)
Agility - Excellent (7/10)
Dexterity - Very Good (6/10)
Leadership - Fair (4/10)
Wisdom - Poor (3/10)


Specialist skills:

Equipment:(Well, I'd like to get something like this when possible)
Kevlar Armor;
M4A1 Carbine with scope and laser sight;
Dual Desert Eagle .50s;
Tool kits;
2X Flash Grenades, 2X Smoke Grenades, 2X HE Grenades.
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Old 22-08-2009, 02:25 AM   #3
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Sergeant. Fubbles

Began as a Mercenary helping Serbs in Croatia. After the violent wars ended in late 1990, he found himself out of a job. Enter the Abandonia Corps! He was an acting combat medic for Serbs in battle, but learnt as he went. Days out of the field have made him lose some ability and has skill with the AK-47

Has accepted death. If your friends bleeding to death right beside him, he won't care. He saves the ones who can be saved.

Specialty skills:
Auto Weapons


Agility: 70 Dexterity: 82 Strength: 50 Leadership: 50 Wisdom: 70
Level: 1 Marksmanship: 80 Explosives: 0 Mechanic: 30 Medic: 78


AK-47 (with 2 magazines left)
Soviet Style Kevlar Vest
Steel Helmet
Camouflage kit
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.

Last edited by Fubb; 22-08-2009 at 02:29 AM.
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Old 22-08-2009, 02:28 AM   #4
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Let's see If I remember correctly...
Lt./Dr. Eyuil Sratas Gpwak (use Dr. Q)

Eyuil Sratas Gpwak is an honorably discharged US marine, currently doing freelance work, being an honorable sort, Eyuil joins Chosen's forces.

Honorable, and loyal.

Skillsor rather what to increase)
Increase marksman & agility ASAP.

Equipmentwanted equipment)
Uzis or similiar SMGs (or a Steyr AUG)
Glock 18
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Old 22-08-2009, 03:15 AM   #5
"I" in the Team
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We still need one more to start this up. After that, we dont recruit any in yet, but they will join in later on.

If you havent understood it yet, I cant edit or modify any character stats. I have about 60 different mercenaries each with their own stats and stuff and I choose one which represent closely what you wanted.

And also, I cant edit starting equipment either so stop wishing for those.

And esgmaster: Dr. Eyuil is already quite fast, but yes he has bit problem with shooting. We will look possibilities to increase this ability or just use him in other fields.
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Old 22-08-2009, 07:24 AM   #6
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Just have him practice his marksman whenever the team has spare time.
I also noticed that he is so far, the second highest leadership (although 26 isn't considered 'leadership') so I presume he will be aiding in creating militia? (unless of course someone gets somebody with a leadership higher than 26, although there aren't a lot if I remember correctly)
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Old 22-08-2009, 11:08 AM   #7
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I'd love to join in!

Andy "The Panther" Panthro

Essentially use Shadow or Wolf (depending on cashflow)

Rifles preferred, especially sniper rifles.

Likes to stay back and pick off the enemy before they can get a shot in.

Also, good at repair. Can just about bandage a wound, but is no doctor.

Good at training/teaching others, lots of patience, but vents his frustration with a good amount of sarcasm.

Full of tales of old war stories, which can either be endearing or annoying depending on the other characters.
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Old 22-08-2009, 05:20 PM   #8
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Small Diner in New York. 12:00 PM
We see Chosen sitting at the table on the corner of the place, staring the front door. He's had his third bottle of cola already and he's getting a bit nervous. Then, finally, Cpt. Tomekk enters and walks to him.
Chosen: Captain...
Tomekk: Cut the formalities. I was kicked out last week.
Chosen: I know. Thats why I called you. Sit down.
*Tomekk sits at the opposite of him*
Tomekk: So, I've heard you need some help with work. Whats the story?
*Chosen digs out a folder from his bag and throws it to Tomekk*
Chosen: Ever heard of Arulco?
Tomekk: Not really. Some third world country?
Chosen: It is right now. The country's former ruler was overthrown and its now ruled by a dictator. He's hired us to take the country back.
Tomekk: Sounds like an awfully long mission
Chosen: Its a campaign
Tomekk: Right, and how were supposed to take out a whole country?
Chosen: Thats for us to figure it out. Were gonna start this slow and easy: Im building a small task-force with which we can get a foot-hold on the country. It might not be easy, but if the people in the group are experienced enough, we can get the job done. There's also a locals and rebel movements who will probably help us.
Tomekk: What about payment?
Chosen: Each of you will be hired and given weekly payment based on your skills and status. I myself will take care of all the money handling. Its all in the file.
*Tomekk stands up*
Tomekk: So? What are we waiting for?
Chosen: We need to build up rest of the team first. With you and me, I figured we'd need at least 3 more people, one of those who would be a medic.
Tomekk: A medic? Heh, I think I know just a crazy enough person who could help us with that.
Chosen: Great. Where does he live?
Tomekk: Canada

*after a short flght to Canada....*
Both guys are standing at the porch of a white wooden house. Tomekk rings the doorbell. Sounds of moving, shuffling and yelling can be heard from inside and finally door opens, revealing the scruffy face of Fubbles.

Fubbles: Yeah?
Tomekk: Sergeant Fubbles. *salutes* How have you been?
Fubbles: Uh, pretty darn well thanks. Do I know you?
Tomekk: Its me, Tomekk. We served some time together at Gulf War remember?
Fubbles: Sorry, my memory aint so great back from those days. I got that Gulf War syndrome or something, from those frigging chemicals.
Tomekk: Uh, yeah. Well, me and my friend would like to hire you for a little job. It pays well, but it takes some time. Interested?
Fubbles: Uh, come in.
*Later, everyone is sitting in a dark living room. Not much light coming through the windows and old grandfather clock is ticking at the corner. Chosen has explained the mission*
Fubbles: Yeah, so I will help you kill and give first aid or something, and get paid?
Chosen: Along other stuff, yes.
Fubbles: Okay, swell. I've been pretty much doing nothing since the Gulf War and I've been hankering to get back to action, but none of those A.I.M guys never contacted me. I did have short stint at a minor conflict around the Nevada desert, but I was dismissed early.
Chosen: Why is that?
Fubbles: Uh, for some reason. I was giving first aid and when I tried to dig out bullet with a knife, people went all insane and everything. Okay yeah, my knife slipped a little and I accidentally cut a deep wound but I was little messed up back in those days.
Chosen: Um, okay. So everything is allright now?
Fubbles: Oh yeah, of course. Im better than ever.
Fubbles: Hey, you guys would like some cake?
*both nod, without saying anything. Fubbles disappears to the kitchen, but not before accidentally tripping on something*
Chosen: This is your medic? You want this guy to take care of your wounds?
Tomekk: Hey, he himself said he's alright. I believe him. This guy saved my ass back in one day so I know...
Fubbles: *from the kitchen* Hey! Could either of you fetch some band-aid and some morphine from the bathroom?! I accidentally cut my arm!
*Chosen and Tomekk look at each other*

Tomekk: Okay, how about we hire a real doctor?

*later, after a flight to Los Angeles*
We see Chosen and Tomekk standing on a lobby of a hospital, talking to a receptionist

Tomekk: Just tell Dr. Eyuil that his old war buddy is there to see him. Its a matter of life and death.
*receptionist makes a quick phone call, and later they're both greeted by an oriental man in doctors jacket and pair of quite bloody gloves.
Eyuil: Dr. Eyuil Sratas Gpwak. Forgive me If I dont shake hands. I just finished surgery and things got little hectic there.
*Eyuil notices Tomekk*
Eyuil: Ah, capt...
Tomekk: Cut the formalities. I got kicked out.
Eyuil: Oh, I feel you there. Dont forget that I was discharged too. So anyway, what brings you here? I heard its about life and death.
Chosen: Yeah, of others. Me and Tomekk here are putting up a team of mercenaries. Were going to Aruclo and we could use a doctor.
Eyuil: Back to war? I apologize, but I've done enough bloodshed or this country, and Im not really eager about the idea to fight some evil dictator.
Chosen: So you've heard of Arulco?
Eyuil: Yeah. I was actually once offered a spot to join in a group and go there help people, but then we were threatened by the women herself. She would have shot us down. I'd never work for her. Besides, Im quite satisfied with my position here, helping people.
Chosen: Were not gonna fight for her. Former ruler has hired us to free the country, so were fighting in the good side.
*Chosen hands Eyuil a folder with the info about the country and operation. He quietly removes his bloody gloves and takes the folder*
Eyuil: I'l contact you when I've made my decision
*Chosen and Tomekk walk out of the hospital*

Tomekk: He's in
Chosen: You sure?
Tomekk: Definitely. He's a good guy and all he wants to do is to help people. If were gonna save a whole country, he's definitely in.
Chosen: Okay, we got two men and we need one. What do you think?
Tomekk: Well, we have one doctor and one guy still full of Husseins chemicals, plus you and me. I'd say we could use another gunman.
Chosen: I agree. You got any more friends from the army days?
Tomekk: Yes, either dead or in prison.
Chosen: Okay then, plan B...

*back in the hotel*
Chosen's sitting near table typing something on laptop. Tomekk is seeing talking on the phone. He hangs it up.

Tomekk: Good news. We got a doctor. Told him where we will pick him up.
Chosen: Great. I've just logged in the A.I.M. Im pretty sure they'l have someone we can use.
Tomekk: Whats this A.I.M anyway?
Chosen: Its a mercenary organization. They hire people so other people would hire them. I've worked with some of these guys and they're really professional.
*Chosen reaches out at the end of table and pulls up a webcam.*
Tomekk: Where do you need that for?
Chosen: Oh, for video conversation. The company's into these hi-tech things for some reason.
*Chosen clicks up laptop couple of more times before getting a someone's old face on the screen*
Person: A.I.M, how can we help you?
Chosen: Yeah, hello. Im looking for some good men to fight overseas. Its going to be a campaign and were planning to take back a whole country.
Person: I see. What kind of person you would be interested with? Gunman? Stealth-expert? Fixer? Teacher?
Chosen: *covers up the computers microphone* Teacher....
Tomekk: What?
Chosen I've just figured we could use someone with lots of knowledge. I was thinking that we could teach people themself's to use weapons which could ease up our job.
Tomekk: Hey, that sounds brilliant! Ask for a teacher!
Chosen: *to computer* Yeah, uh...I think were in need of someone's who's expertized on weaponry and warfare, has lots of knowledge about these things and can teach people about this stuff. We'd also like him to be a pretty good at handling guns.
*Face disappears from the screen. Then, a profile pops up*
Chosen: Andy Panthro, "The Panther". Hey, I've worked with this guy once.
Tomekk: How was he?
Chosen: Oh, he's genius. He tought me lots of stuff about handling guns, and even while we were in middle of a firefight!
*Chosen types in laptop little more, then there's dialing done. Then, the video connection to Panthro opens up. In the backround we can hear sounds of figting*

Panthro: Panthro here. Im a little busy right now, so make it quick
Chosen: Hey, its me, Chosen. Remember?
Panthro: Oh yes, the Fin. Yeah, how are you doing?
Chosen: Great, thanks. Yeah, listen, Im putting up a team together and we could use someone as experienced as you. Its gonna be a long campaign, but you'l get your paychecks and all.
Panthro: Sure, of course. I was just about to finish this job, so Im available soon. Hey, where are we headed?
Chosen: Arulco
Panthro: Good. When youre heading there, stop by at Afganistan. I'l join you up from there.
Chosen: Okay, in meantime, I'l email you the rest of the info about our operation. Read it when you got time.
Panthro: Roger that. Now, If you'l excuse me...
*Panthro's face disappears from the screen. Sounds of battles, gunfire and some screams can be heard from the laptop speaker. Chosen closes the laptop*
Chosen: Call the airport, find us a helicopter ride, contact Fubbles and Dr, Eyuil, and make sure you packed extra socks. Were going to Arulco baby!
Tomekk: Right on! *high-five*

*Long time later, we see all five people grammed up in helicopter. All seem to be calm and cool, each doing their own stuff and sometimes casually giving glances at each others. Dr. Eyuil finally breaks the silence.*

Eyuil: Mr. Fubbles, I couldnt help but notice that you've brought along a first-aid kit. Are you a doctor too?
Fubbles: Yeah, yeah I am. Took a military course and all that. Although that sometimes might not seem like it, cause Im specialized in unorthodox treatments.
Eyuil: Interesting. Say, what do you recommend for removing and healing up shrapnel wounds?
Fubbles: Well, you must avoid touching the shrapnel with your bare hands as much as possible, so you need a magnet to take it out. Then you cauterize the wound hot iron.
*there's a moment of silence*
Fubbles: Im also good with knifes
*Chosen leans up to Tomekk*
Chosen: From what injury this guy saved you up anyway?
Tomekk: Food poisoning
*both stare at Fubbles, who's digging dirt under his fingernails with a knife*
*Then the silence is broken again by helicopter pilot*

Pilot: Approaching Alurco! We will be landing in about 20 minutes!
*Chosen waves at pilot and takes out his laptop.*
Chosen: Alright people. Party's about to start and were doing the catering, so listen up. Im about to explain our situation.
Panthro: *to himself* I've heard better military-speak
Chosen. Hey, this headset enhances my hearing, so no mumbling behind my back.
Panthro: Im right at front of you.
Chosen: Not my point, now pay attention everyone.
*Chosen types in the laptop and it brings up a map*

Chosen: Our main objective is to take over Alurco for its rightful ruler, and our client, Enrico Chivaldori. Its a small nation, with only seven towns, as you can see from map.
Fubbles: What about that one dot, Estoni?
Chosen: No idea what that place. Our intelligence located a building around there, but were not sure about what it is. We will investigate further.
Chosen: Man capital is located at south, the city of Meduna. This is of course location of Deidranna's base of operation and will probably be the place of our final showdown. Other points of interest include Drassen, which is the location of airport (The second airport is at the capital), Camberia, which has a hospital, and Chitzena, wich are the location of ruins of ancient civilization, a tourist attraction. We will be landing on sector A9, in abandoned town on Omerta.
Fubbles: Why?
Chosen: When I talked to Enrico last time, he told that we should find a person named Miguel. Miguel leads the country's only resistance movement against Deidranna and the base of operation is rumored to be located arond there. The town was bombed several times because of that, hence why its abandoned. I have this letter here from Enrico which will helps us to convince Miguel that were the good guys.
Fubbles: Sure, but why dont we just fly straight to capital and blow the she-devil into pieces?
Chosen: Its not that easy. There are several SAM-sites located in the country. Any unauthorized flight will be blown to smithereens. And unfortunately, our intelligence tells me that one of these SAM-sites is located in the heart of the capital.
Chosen: As I've told you, this will be a long term operation. This will take even more than a month. I will, of course, make sure you all will receive your weekly payment as per standarts. The starting payment has been taken care of by Enrico and in future, I will take care of this, as soon as we have captured some mines.
*Chosen types in the laptop again, switching maps*

Chosen: Computer shows locations of six well-known mines, five of which are still operational. Enrico promised that once we've recaptured mines, we can use the profits we gain from them to pay your salary and buy equipment. The mines are full of rich minerals like gold and silver, so there's no worry about losing funding anytime soon.
*Chosen closes the laptop*
Chosen: We have no information about size of the Deidranna's army, except that its huge and armed. Troops range from average grunts to elite forces, there are patrol everywhere and all the city-sectors have guards. Deidranna doesnt expect resistance, not to mention any hired help, so surprise will be our advantage at the beginning. Rest assured though, once she realizes that were serious business, I assume she will do everything she can to take us out.
Chosen: Thats our main stuff. Basically, we go in, we fight and get paid. However, there's other stuff than fighting. Panthro will explain this.
Panthro: Yes. Because Deidranna has a huge army, its only natural that she will take back cities we liberate. Therefore, I have designed a educational program for the people of Alurco. Because we cant be everywhere at all the time, we will have to train the people to defend themselfs. Teach them how to use arms, Art of War, military tactics...that sort of thing. I will be in charge of this thing and depending on time, I will ask one of you to assist me.
Chosen: In many cases, thats usually going to be me. As Im the leader of this group, its also my job to keep up with their morale. In any case, If we get the people behind us, we dont have to worry about Deidranna all the time.
Chosen: One more thing. Remember to look after each other. I dont want to send anyone home in a body bag. Dr. Eyuil will take care of wounds and Fubbles will assist him if necessary. And finally, I want no Dirty Harry's or Rambo's. Keep working as a team and obey my orders, unless you have a damn good reason to act against me.
*Suddenly, helicopter pilot peeks up from the cockpit*
Pilot: Arriving at Arulco! Everyone check for their luggage and get ready to jump out! And be quick about it then! I dont want any missiles after me when I leave!
*Panthro looks outside and mumbles*
Panthro: Damn. We're flying so that I have to look up to see the squirrels.
*Finally, after couple of very slow minutes, helicopter stops moving forward.*
Pilot: Okay, you're on your own now! Good luck out there!
*One by one men jump out of the chopper. Chopper then leaves, leaving the men standing in the ruins of the city.


Coming up next: First battle report; When the mercs meet the welcoming committee.
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Old 22-08-2009, 05:40 PM   #9
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*Starts chasing Tomekk wiht pitchfork*
Tomekk: Can I just shoot the bastard?
Chosen: No, we don't need extra attention
*Farmer stops chasing Tomekk and watches sadly he's house*
Farmer: You wrecked my house...
*Farmer runs inside old wooden shack, 5 minutes pass and finnaly he comes out with brand new sniper*
Tomekk: HIT THE DECK!!
Farmer: Calm down, I just need to get rid of it.
*He throws sniper in the woods and goes back to shack and starts fixing*
<T-Wolf> man, my girlfriend left me for some f*ggot named robert
<RdAwG20> you don't live in Hope mills do you?
<T-Wolf> ya, why man?
<RdAwG20> lol, just wondering, was her namne alisson?
<T-Wolf> you mother f*cker

Last edited by aarne; 23-08-2009 at 08:58 PM.
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Old 22-08-2009, 11:49 PM   #10
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Location: Swan River, Canada
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Uh...aarne thats not how the game works....we actually do need TC to dothe levels so that we can loot weapons off of dead people, its not full RP, its still relying on the game.

Fubb: So where's this guy again?

Chosen Around. We all have legs, we can look for him

Fubb We can call him, i've practiced this military signal...

Chosen Don't...

Fubb Ca Caw! Ca Caw! Ca Caugh-
*Chosen punches Fubbles in the gut

Chosen Thats the worst crow call i've ever heard

Fubb uuuuuuuuuuusp....
* gasping for air*

Chosen Ok, ladies, mount up and move out! check your gear and keep alert...
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.
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