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Old 12-05-2009, 03:37 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Mjello View Post
Can anybody help with this problem? The game has been installed and is launcing without problems in dosbox 0.72. But when I enter the buildings or Sci tek menu this happens. Does anybody know how to solve this?

What is "this"? You say "this" happens but without any specific info, we can't help you. If I were to have a guess, you messed with the settings and now the game complains it can't find certain files. Redownload, and do not touch the settings!!! A rip is called a rip for a reason - files had to be dropped to save space and this includes the animations for buildings and blue prints. By activating them, you make the game look for files that don't exist in the rip.

To everyone else: most errors are caused by incorrect mounting. Do not mount the game folder itself as C drive - you need to mount the folder below FRAGILE. DOSBox is a closed program meaning that it should perform the same on all systems regardless of hardware and operating system (with some small exceptions) but buffer overflows and suchlike are caused by different settings or wrong mountings.

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