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Lulu_Jane 21-06-2011 09:38 AM

Abandonia's Birthday Competition 2011
Welcome to the Abandonia Birthday Competition! ...nyothin/12.jpg

To celebrate our 12th year of gaming goodness we're giving away $30 dollars worth of games from Good Old Games. The rules are simple, we want you to tell us in 50 words or less why you love Abandonia and retro-gaming. Make us laugh, make us cry, your answers are only limited by your creativity. So get writing, and $30 worth of games of your choice could be yours!

This competition is open to everyone excluding site Administration staff. Please submit your entries in this thread. You have two weeks, the competition will be closed on the 5th of July and the prize awarded shortly afterwards.

Please keep this thread only for competition entries. You can ask questions or comment on the submissions HERE.

NOTE: You need to be a REGISTERED USER so I can find you if you win. If you are not registered your entry will be discounted.

Have fun guys! :D

Nukem 21-06-2011 11:31 AM

Abandonia is not just old games.
Abandonia is golden age of PC gaming.
Abandonia is cherished childhood.
Abandonia is good memories brought back.
Abandonia is great community.
Happy birthday Abandonia!
May yesterday's joy keep echoing in all of us! Cheers to many years!

LostTrainDude 21-06-2011 11:38 AM

If I was a '80s-'90's developer, I'd love to see my own game here, with tons of thumbs up and down, comments and feedback. Who knows, maybe it will happen, circa 2035. But, until then, I'll love to do my part in this “philological” revolution, here at

mateo360 21-06-2011 12:28 PM

Abandonia is a great place to find those game which you just can't find being sold anymore. If it is being sold they are quick to point us in the right direction to let us legally buy it.

keron320 21-06-2011 12:37 PM

Why I love Abandonia!

I love Abandonia because that place has so many old games that my eyes will go shiny.. I am like a little kid in a candy store.There is so many memories hidden around that website!And even if not you might find new pearls here!
I love how the site is made .. the daily news about games to check out something!But sometimes it happens to see Buy Now too witch is sad .. but well mostly there is free games!

Happy Birthday Abandonia! :partytime:

Tank Girl 21-06-2011 01:12 PM

Happy Birthday!
To me, Abandonia celebrates a time when creativity was required. So many games today rely heavily on graphics and redundant gameplay. Abandonia opens the eyes of younger generations to games that truly entertain in a way very few games can do today. I am absolutely thankful to have found Abandonia.

megkrichards 21-06-2011 03:00 PM

Abandonia, my Descent into gaming paradise
Abandonia offers the densest form of purified gaming enjoyment, packable into very tiny system spaces, with real replayability and substance. Takes me, hubby, and kids, to our Happy Place! Goes great with homebrew and classic rock. Wish I could have a selective mindwipe and play through the first time, again!

LeKiller 21-06-2011 03:02 PM

Abandonia is a conduit to a side of gaming that most people today will have trouble finding anywhere else. It's vast archive of games include some of the best games that were ever made. Of course there are a few games missing here and there, but the bulk and gold of the retro era is here for everyone to enjoy. I personally have found most of the games I use with dosbox on Abandonia. That's another thing, everything you need to play the games abandonia has, is provided to you courtesy of Abandonia. :D
I love Abandonia for most of these facts along with the review system of critic to public and it's lovely system of showing you what you need to play the game, dosbox and some disc space, or just the os.
Yeah they're facts but they're good reasons to like this site,
I love old games
I love Abandonia
Happy 12th Birthday :D

Black_Hand 21-06-2011 03:45 PM

pruned version:

Im a masochist whos tries a gazzilion times to finally hit that vizier with that blue fireball.
I laugh my ass off while battling a boobed version of arnoid...finishing it with a banana.
I like killing kitties and rebels in space.
And finally: I love to be a stoned rabbit.

original is too long :( consider it a legacy code :).
Because Im a stuck up retard (more than appropriate in this case) who wont let go of the old games.
Im a masochist whos going to try a gazzilion times to finally hit that bastard vizier with that blue fireball.
I sacrifice as many soldiers as necessary to show them what "cannon fodder" means.
I laugh my ass off while battling a boobed version of arnoid the annihilator...finishing it with a banana.
I love getting ridiculous amounts of money for getting that damned coal from the mine to the power plant with my long haul train.
I like killing kitties and rebels in space.
I love insult sword fighting (preferably a naval one).
And finally: I love to be a stoned rabbit.

Thats what abandonia offers why the heck would anyone look puzzled as to why I love it?

Expack2 21-06-2011 03:48 PM

I love both Abandonia and retro-gaming because I can relive the part of my past I could have never really experienced, I can interact with true and original innovation, and because I can participate in a unique community of people who are united by their love (or like) of retro-gaming!

Also, outside of my 50 words, I'd just like to say I've really enjoyed working on the Abandonia staff as a Game Request Specialist (I prefer "Game Request Hunter" :lol: ). My job, as well as the other Game Request Specialists, helps to ensure Abandonia doesn't have games which violate Abandonia's Definition of Abandonware - a very stringent definition when compared to other abandonware websites, which is one of the many reasons I love Abandonia!

Happy 12th Birthday, Abandonia!

MortalDemon 21-06-2011 04:05 PM

Yay! Abandonia Birthday!
For those of us who long for games from many years ago.
For games of space and tigers, or games of spells and swords.
For games we know, and games we don’t, and games we thought were only dreams.
We need look no further than Abandonia.
And that is Awesome.

(Sorry it sounds so pretentious, but you get the gist.
I like abandonia! Happy 12th birthday!)

Capo 21-06-2011 05:16 PM

Why i love Abandonia ?
For the same reason i love the dawn and the sunset.
For the same reason i love the laugh of a child
For the same reason i love the scent of flowers in springtime
For the same reason i love the gentle voice of my beloved
For the same reason i love life

Aramazon 21-06-2011 05:22 PM

It's like when people say, "I liked Twilight before the movies came out!" well I played old games before GOG started, and it's all thanks to Abandonia. At a time in my life when new games no longer worked on my PC, this site saved me!

Jironobou 21-06-2011 05:31 PM

I like Abandonia because it has brought (and is still bringing) me back to the games that redefined my childhood, and the games I haven’t played that are defining my life now. I originally found this site for ONE game, but it’s the community that made me want to stay.

slx 21-06-2011 05:45 PM

I love it because it helps me to bring old memories back and I can have fun! :3:
I hate it because I feel myself so old... :cry:
I love it because I can translate the descriptions my favorite games! :D
I hate it because I can't write my opinions in the descriptions... :dislike:
I know I won't win but this is how I feel!

Anyway, :birthday:!!! :clap:

O Hansly 21-06-2011 06:52 PM

Why do I love Abandonia? Well the answer is simple, memories. Not only does Abandonia let me relive some of my most fond memories of the good old days, it has also given me plenty more from industry changing games that I did not have when I was young.

Darox 21-06-2011 06:57 PM

I love Abandonia as a piece of my soul...
It brings back memories. I'm always happy to see, people didn't forget where it has started.
If Abandonia wouldn't be here, I think I wouldn't be the same person...
Abandonia, the place for all of Us!
Happy birthday!

Tracker 21-06-2011 07:01 PM

We do what we love to do. Because we're the people who volunteer to save the glory of a past gone with the wind, to let the future generations remember our lives filled with simple means of having fun, which we thought couldn't be any better. We want to share the sheer joy of the very first experiences with computer games both in history and in a person's life.

cnquist 21-06-2011 08:59 PM

I love abandonia for its mission. To provide old games to those of us that would not have access to them otherwise. I love that when the game is sold, through GOG or some other source it is no longer available here. Also nostalgia.

eclipsespilce 21-06-2011 09:05 PM

What Abandonia is to me...
There were games I'd played, and loved. There were games I'd missed, and longed for. But, if it weren't for Abandonia, they'd just be memories, or missed opportunities. If only there were an "Abandonia" for all of life's special moments.

robofish7591 21-06-2011 09:27 PM

Happy Birthday!
I love Abandonia because they provide me with so many games that I will eventually put on my old Windows 3.1 computer (when I stop being lazy and finally get a floppy drive for my desktop :lol:,) also because I love old role playing games!

Madmaxwell 21-06-2011 09:32 PM

Ode To Abandonia
Once I was a boy running dos
now I am man running Dosbox
my heart is that of an adventurer
my goal to see it all play it all
a pixel perfect paradise. Thank you
for giving me 12 years of adventures
letting me live out my childhood all over again.

gumpy 21-06-2011 09:52 PM

Playing games like Future Wars, SimCity, Carmen Sandiego were a big part of my childhood. Abandonia is a like a time machine that lets me go back and re-live those thrilling days of yesteryear.

In simple terms:
Abandonia is stinking awesome. 'nuff said.

Catwafer 22-06-2011 12:00 AM

I wrote a haiku:

When you've got a love for DOS
It's sweet nostalgia!

(should "nostalgia" be 3 or 4 syllables? Either way, I just want to play some X-COM and Commander Keen!!)

rabadi 22-06-2011 12:47 AM

I like Abandonia because...
It isn't about money, Abandonia provides games for free.
It isn't about warez, Abandonia removes games still sold elsewhere.
It isn't about seniority, Abandonia is open for old and new members alike.
It isn't about files only, reviews are insightful and box shots fascinating.
It isn't about walking alone, member-made walkthroughs will see you through.
It is about random, a daily quiz a day keeps you knowledgeable along the way.
It is about the past, but Abandonia brings it back for us to cherish today.
Happy birthday, Abandonia!

Slightly longer than 50 words, I hope you do not mind.
However, if the rule for 50 words or less is really imposed, then please use the following shorten version:

It isn't about money, Abandonia provides games for free.
It isn't about warez, Abandonia removes games still sold elsewhere.
It isn't about files only, reviews are insightful and box shots fascinating.
It is about the past, but Abandonia brings it back for us to cherish today.

Abandonia username: rabadi
GOG username: tarangwydion

Whale_Biologist 22-06-2011 02:22 AM

Abandonia is awesome. It's full of great games. It has brought many people happiness. It is just plain awesome. I would know. I'm a whale biologist.

Not Jabba 22-06-2011 02:44 AM

All the lights have gone out. She hobbles, blind, withered. They have gone ahead, and she is left far behind. But out of the black she feels the strength of arms, and the air begins to glow with candlelight. “Come, old one,” says a voice. “You will be cherished here.”

themanofsteel 22-06-2011 03:33 AM

Abandonia (In 50 Words)
Congratulations on 12 years of bringing retro back!!

My entry:
Abandonia provides an escape from the modern doldrums of gaming. It seems as though the only gaming nowadays consist of “ultra, hardcore realism”. Abandonia is a museum, more than merely being a download repository, it provides evidence that games once innovated and challenged the player. Retro games will never die!!

Retronator 22-06-2011 05:02 AM

The first game I bought was Bullfrog's Theme Park
Before that I pirated Alone in the Dark
My boss has a ringtone from Ski or Die
In Aces Over Europe I've learned how to fly
SimCity, Albion and Elder Scrolls
Abandonia is the home to our nostalgic souls


MrLesion 22-06-2011 06:03 AM

Back when it mattered
Waking up and starring out the window…reminiscing…looking back on a time where games didn’t need multiple plots, customizable characters or mind-blowing graphics… A golden age some would say, but I call it the only age… Horny as Larry or in search of the Moonstones, I go to my beloved Abandonia.

Ore 22-06-2011 08:20 AM

Thank You
For the memories, the brotherhood, the caring. Everytime i visit i think my chest is going to burst, so i make sure i visit at least once a day.

Happy Birthday!

janosh73 22-06-2011 08:55 AM

Masterpieces of my youth
I love abandonia because when I was young I looked at these games but demos and trials were too big to download with my 33.6 kbit modem. Now it is the time to enjoy them.
I prefer old dos graphics but plot and playability to these new visual-without-heart masterpieces.

Abandoned Witch 22-06-2011 09:49 AM

Why I love Abandonia (in my poetic words)
Abandonia is the site that revolutionised old school gaming
and the memories we have played on our own
Abandonia is the site that kept everyone's favorites
and the classics the world have grown.

Abandonia is the site when the young, the teens
and the young at heart get together
Together we'll relive our past
and share the good old days we played forever

From Albion to Zork
These games, famous for their gameplay, are lost until today
until Abandonia came
and the world, including everyone, saw the light of day

In it's 12th birthday
We'll celebrate how our gaming memories have returned with grace
and what the 80's and 90's means to us
and how gaming was changed for today's human race.

Happy Birthday Abandonia!

camelz69 22-06-2011 11:14 AM

Happy Birthday
Dear Drones,

Of: New Archive-Abandonia
Really Do Venture
Aches Rots Kaos.

Happy Birthday!

shadowmirage 22-06-2011 01:30 PM

Happy Birthday Abandonia! :woot:
Abandonia has brought back long lost memories of my childhood and introduced me to countless amazing gems that I somehow managed to miss back in the day. Abandonia has converted my non-gamer girlfriend into a retro gamer. Thanks to you, we now have a shared passion and our bond is stronger than ever.
May you live to be a hundred years old and more! :D

I also love GOG, but Abandonia was there for me first <3<3<3.

aKiBa55 22-06-2011 09:08 PM

Why do I love Abandonia? Simple. This website is the place that introduced and reintroduced me to older games and has brought countless hours of enjoyment to the time I spent playing some of the games I got here. Congratulations and I hope you guys continue to keep up the very good work.

KoN 22-06-2011 09:35 PM

Happy Birthday!
Abandonia .. all time fav!

playing the games wich burned marks in ur memory...

lying in bed.. rainy sunday(or a bad headache).. netbook right beside ur pillow and playing these
gems.. or discovering new ones u heard of in the far past..

it´s simply great! please keep going!

Mystvan 22-06-2011 10:48 PM

If I have a true Heart of Abandonian...

• I must be a Treasure Hunter and start digging for the Abandonia treasures in the Lost Dutchman Mine. I am not afraid of Treasure Traps! I hope to find Crystals of Arborea and The Four Crystals Of Trazere there!

• Aha! I never feel Alone in the Dark while playing games!

• Whoops! Games from Abandonia are so addictive. Every time I play games, I lose track of time... Lost in Time?

• Whoa! On the other hand, I feel Dizzy with Happiness after playing games too much...

• Yippee! When I play games, I feel like going Back to the Past!

• Yahoo! After playing, welcome Back to the Present/Future!

• Oho? If you have problems starting or running games... Fear not! Our proud Abandonian Masters of Magic will solve any kind of technical issues! Just like magic. May the Force be with you!
Happy Birthday Abandonia! :cake:

Yippee! Let's start our Little Big Adventure/Party! :clap: :partytime:

I am very hungry... :drool: :hungry:
Besides playing games on Abandonia World, you may have hobbies like:

• Reading Comic Books: The Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man Special Edition, The Punisher, The Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, X-Men Special Edition

• Watching TV Programs: Mad TV, Nickelodeon Directors Lab, Charlie Chaplin

mondas 23-06-2011 12:50 AM

because the good ole days are back and so am I
Most new games are of the strait foreward "follow the green arrow" and though Mass Effect and Dragon Age have pretty decent dialogue it doesn't hold a candle to Quest For Glory, Ultima, or in some cases, King's Quest. VGA graphics are better because though they had fewer tools for one to work with it forced artists to do more with what they did have and for detail it was far better than 3d. You use technology as a tool:doh:, not a crutch.:headslap: The lower dated your graphics tools the harder you work.
nuff sed!

chris_doom_k. 23-06-2011 12:38 PM










Keep up the good work guys and girls and thanks for making me feel as a kid :rolleyes:

Kalrak 24-06-2011 07:06 AM

Old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule, old games rule !

LingonKungen 24-06-2011 05:19 PM

congrats and keep it strong.
Since the dawn of Nostalgia there has not been any site more glorous then THIS for the gamers of Ye old games. This is the reason i come back when ever i wanna flee to another realm of Wonders. I salute you and am forever your loyal Abandonia. Forever yours..



cdnp 24-06-2011 10:49 PM

Abandonia daily screenshot quiz!
I love Abandonia for their Abandonia daily screenshot quiz! It makes my day. I spend each day waiting the 25 hours :huh: (as per the site after I answer each day) for the next quiz.

KrazeeXXL 25-06-2011 01:07 AM

Well, I know I didn't pull off a brilliant performance as I stumbled over the "No 90" the first day I came in here... ;)

Just wanted to say: thx for not holding any grudge against me for what I've said after some blood-wines.
And another thx for keeping this haven up and alive with all the time and efforts you put in here.

It's always nice to come back here.


and happy belated birthday ofc (dang, almost forgotten this line - should let my hands of that bloodwine) ;)


oasis789 25-06-2011 06:55 PM

my entry
Once upon a time, a young boy wrote boot disks, configured expanded memory and sound blaster settings, and entered universes of infinite possibility: Xeen, Britannia, Lost Guardia, and many more. But the Windows to those worlds closed, and he lost precious memories of great adventures. Until now. Thank you, Abandonia.

LaFey 26-06-2011 07:50 AM

Abandonia dot com: It's either here or packed away in my parents attic. And I always disliked that rickety ladder...:whistling:

sandman 27-06-2011 09:38 PM

Because when i lose my ancient folder every once in three years, i can count that will provide me with almost every one of them. Let us pray that only a collapse of internet will provide an end to this vault.
Oh yes and: Moebius.

Sarioya 28-06-2011 04:01 PM

Abandonia is more than just a collection of old games, it's a treasure trove of history. Not just a history of games, but of gamers and developers as well. Thanks to Abandonia's library, we can live, or relive, that history and introduce it to others. These games are our origins.

UNlicensed PROfessional 28-06-2011 04:25 PM

I was born around 96'. I only got a rudimentary glimpse at PC gaming during this time. While some games have aged horribly, all deserve a playthrough. If only to see how gaming has changed and what can be improved. Abandonia allows anyone this second chance.

Professor Oak 28-06-2011 05:45 PM

I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.
To find them was my real test, to upload them is my cause.
I will travel across the land, searching far and wide.
Each abandoned game to understand, the power that's inside.

deadmeat1471 28-06-2011 11:22 PM

Old games make us laugh and cry and imagine and create and smile and frown and be inspired and think and scheme and backstab and die and die and die and die and sometimes win.

New games just make us cry.


DuncmanG 28-06-2011 11:32 PM

I love abandonia
Why I Love abandonia (with sound effects!):


Hear that? That's the sound of a DOS game without a home.

*beep* *boop*

That's the sound of a DOS game being played. It's an impossible sound without your help. They don't have DOSBox, but you do. Use it. Download a game from Abandonia - become a hero.

Eleima512 29-06-2011 09:45 AM

I've been gaming since I was a wee lass back in 1987. As you grow up, disks get lost, CD get scratched, and your beloved childhood friends fade away with each and every move, lost in the mayhem of cardboard boxes.
But that fate is no longer inescapable, thanks to Abandonia! Thank you for being one of the best sources for classic DOS games on the Internet.

MV75 29-06-2011 11:48 AM

I like abandonia for the daily quiz.

I like retro games because they are what I grew up with gaming with. Oh how I fell in love with SSI, Sierra and Origin.

Plus the competition ends on the 5th, my birthday is on the 6th. :max:

hiraghm 29-06-2011 05:00 PM

I like abandonia because it exposes me to games I never had the opportunity to experience, either because I couldn't afford all of them at the time, or because I didn't have the time to play them all, or because they wouldn't run on my Amiga.

Abandonia also educates me on the history of computer video games and the people who created them.

I look forward to the daily screenshot quiz, because it provides a lot of entertainment in trying to figure out which game from which it was taken, and making me aware of some games I might not otherwise have considered.
I almost always look up the game in the quiz after I get the solution.

Abandonia has been a fixture of my day, every day.

meveze 29-06-2011 05:24 PM

I love Abandonia because it is a space on the web where I actually can spend hours and hours just exploring the good old games that I have never had a chance to play.
I love Abandonia because I always feel free here.

saibot216 29-06-2011 09:51 PM

I love Abandonia and retro gaming because let's face it, current generation gaming just sucks. Abandonia is great for when I’m bored or looking for inspiration and just want to try something nice and old. Retro gaming is the best gaming.

sternhammer 30-06-2011 02:24 PM

Abandonia is a much loved friend of 12 years, who constantly reintroduces me to even older much loved games and their associated memories. Keeping the flame of retro gaming alive like the passionate 'living museum' curator you are is hugely sociologically important. I raise a glass to Abandonia's next 12.

Wicky 30-06-2011 04:07 PM

Abandonia is the retro-gaming website which are belongs to us! Whether you just want to chew bubble-gum or so you wanna be a hero, you will always find a forum user doing the three-headed monkey behind you, while the moderators help. Sadly some older members have quit to search their princess in another castle but have found, there is no cake over there. That's why we realized: Abandonia. Abandonia never changes. I wished, that unless our most beloved admin Kosta gets kidnapped by ninjas, Abandonia would stay a while, stay... forever!

CoarseDragon 01-07-2011 06:56 PM

Some of the giants have fallen :tumbleweed:
And we still hear their voices a callin' :sos:
Don't worry your head :zen:
These giants aren't dead :braindead:
Abandonia has kept these games flowin' :birthday:

Javasmom 01-07-2011 09:15 PM

I love Abandonia because as a late-blooming (found you at 50) adventure gamer I am discovering what I've been missing all these years!

Oh yeah, and I have one advantage over a huge percentage of your other fans: I'm playing them for the VERY FIRST TIME!

zirkoni 02-07-2011 01:18 PM

In Abandonia I can find many of my old favourite games but also some titles I had never heard of. And they come with excellent reviews, extras and a friendly community that can help if I ever have any problems with the games.

eXtinct 03-07-2011 04:50 PM

Whether you’re zapping slugs in Commander Keen, discovering the magical world of Kyrandia or pimpin’ your pixels in Leisure Suit Larry, you’re experiencing a timeless classic. Abandonia is the key that opens the door into the world of childhood memories allowing you to relive them or experience them for the first time.

Allerbmu 03-07-2011 06:56 PM

Abandonware has always been a "grey area" when it comes to legality but without a place like Abandonia, older PC games would die off and be forgotten. Video games are timeless and always entertaining as well as added nostalgia and Abandonia will keep their memories intact by allowing us to download and play these gems from times gone by.

ttarp 04-07-2011 06:42 AM

It's great to have a website devoted to the classic games, back when graphics alone didn't sell the game, but it had to be creative and challenging. Abandonia has given me a second chance at those games I just couldn't beat growing up. From Wing Commander and Quest for Glory to Tyrian2000 and Colonization, thank you guys for bringing these games back.

marco101 04-07-2011 08:44 PM

It's hard to explain in 50 words, but really its the way abandonia makes me feel, like i've swallowed a rainbow. I dont even care about the prize, just keep it and reward yourselves because abandonia is reward enough for me.

tolkiens legacy 04-07-2011 09:48 PM

competition entry
hello, i've been an abandonia user from 2006. since i forgot my old account details i created a new one so i can enter the competition. anyways heres my entry, hope you like it and happy birthday abandonia!!!

When i was a little stinker, I used to spend my time, watching in awe, as my bro was playing games like: :doom: , sid meyer's :pirate: ,:guybrush: and many other computer gems. But now, thanks to abandonia, i have the same feeling of awe playing those games myself.

LionXavier 04-07-2011 10:02 PM

Abandonia, our hope
Today's prospect is so hollow...
current games produce distress:
just a big arrow to follow,
push win-button to success.

We, true gamers were so lost
but here's the solution, at last!
our future is in the past,
with quality at no cost.

If present games make you mope,
they are worse than you can cope,
do not be a NextGen slave:
Abandonia is your hope,
the best true-gaming enclave.

Lulu_Jane 05-07-2011 11:22 AM

Aaaaaaaaand that's all folks! Judging will begin shortly, stay tuned and check the front page for the announcement of the winner in the next few days :D

Lulu_Jane 13-07-2011 10:34 AM

And the results are in:

CONGRATULATIONS megkrichards! We will be in touch shortly to organize your prizes :)

Congratulations are in order too for Kalrak, you have won yourself our consolation prize of any $5.99 game of your choosing on GoG. Again, we will be in touch shortly to get this to you.

Thank you to every single one of you who participated, it was a pleasure to read each one of your entries.

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