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30-01-2021 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by Smiling Spectre View Post
You can get the manual here, for example.
Sorry for Late Reply but Thank you very much for the Link
10-01-2021 06:31 PM
Smiling Spectre You can get the manual here, for example.
08-01-2021 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealShadowPresident View Post
Quote list for anyone interested...

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Now, somebody needs to whip up a single downloadable text file while I sleep... :whistle:
Links no longer work.

Where else can I find the Codes?
19-07-2014 12:12 AM
toybasher On cyberjudas gambit, how do you deal with those constant "NEWSWIRE says white house is compromised, details sketchy" etc messages. (some are differently worded and have bigger effect) They sap my approval rating and kill my leadership score, making me get impeached less then a month into my first term! The longest I've lasted is January 18th before being thrown out. Since all my stats drop I can't even get it back up because everybody hates me.

They often pop up several times in a row, making the effect even more traumatic!

How do I stop the press from getting at me? I wish I could assassinate my press secretary (You actually CAN assassinate cabinet members via the menu) but sadly there is no such secretary like there was in shadow president.

I've tried using certain crisis options when I find the unauthorized events like restrict press access or deny authorization but I still get a torrent of "DATA suggests the cabinet breach is bigger then first imagined" messages. Each one takes like 15 percent off of my approval rating and as I said I can get several in a row, leading to immediate impeachment. Even if I had the evidence to convict (Not relevant since I get my butt thrown out immediately before I can gather much.) since my approval rating is so low the charges wouldn't stick.

Please, help!

EDIT: I found out what was happening. If you intrude into the advisor's rooms, do NOT try to randomly guess the computer passwords. I was thinking you could just guess. Every time you get it wrong you're locked out of the session and it triggers the "Cabinet security issues" announcements with the popularity drop. Do NOT randomly hit the passwords. I remembered a few of them and noticed I lasted a full month without seeing a single one of those announcements.

So to put it simply, randomly pressing buttons hoping for the best WILL get you impeached very, VERY quickly, so don't do it!
24-11-2013 09:38 AM
The Fifth Horseman
Originally Posted by tinosotochgo View Post
Will one of you guys help me get a copy of this game??
You can download it from Abandonia right there: http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/579
Is there a problem with the download?
only question??? will this run on windows 8??
No. It will, however, run in DOSBox and DOSBox will run in Windows 8.
24-11-2013 05:04 AM
Where can i download?

Will one of you guys help me get a copy of this game?? I played this game for years and years until my pc crapped out on me and i lost my copy of the cd. I love this game and wish somebody would make a app for android with this game. I gladly pay for someone to send me a copy. only question??? will this run on windows 8??
19-03-2013 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by Al-Ibrahim View Post
Just press number keys on the keyboard. 5 is for fastest.
Didn't work in my version.
19-03-2013 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by conquer_everything View Post
An easy way to get infinite approval is to go to any country that has US troops and is a staunch ally (britain, germany, italy, japan, etc). Enter the troop menu and repeatedly click the button to change the troop levels without altering the number of troops first; each time you do this, if the country accepts, it will raise your popularity a little (1% to 1/3% per click, less the higher your popularity is already). It even works if the troop level is 0, as long as the country accepts. I used this trick to conquer the entire world except a couple of countries I couldn't select, while maintaining 90%+ approval and altering the budget to get vast economic growth. The only feature I found that interferes with the exploit is if you mess with countries' foreign aid packages, then the exploit may stop working. Also beware of lowering social spending too much - it seems like the popularity level may get stuck at 0 if it goes too far below 0 from a single budget change. Dropping to 5% each year with successive cuts and then exploiting back up probably works, though I just stayed in a bunker whenever I unpaused the game to avoid being assassinated.
I use this very same feature myself with freezing the timer and using the troop deployment feature--very useful during a world war. Me, I prefer to use this feature in Puerto Rico or other US controlled country to prevent from getting spammed with lots of Diplomatic talks. Also US ethic rating does have an impact on the effect of raising popularity.
5.0-6.0: Once you feel you made enough troop deployment requests, starting up the timer will move the popularity up.
4.0-4.9: The poll level raises instantly when deployment request is made, even while the timer is frozen.
3.0-3.9: Troop deployment requests have no effect on the polls.
1.0-2.9: Polls DROP with each deployment request!
Note: If polls are at zero percent, don't bother with deployments as they will have no effect in this case.
As for conquering countries you can't select, that's easy. Just hit the "?" key and scroll down on the ingame pop-up to the country you want.
21-02-2013 07:22 PM
RidleyReport.com This is a question about Cyber Judas rather than SP...

Can anyone tell me where to find an electronic copy of the manual? More specifically I want to know how to grant most favored nation trading status to a country? Right now the only way I see to do it is if one your advisors recomends it. But I seem to remember being able to do it manually or something back when I played this in the 90s....

Even just a list of controls would help. I did find C for controlling clock and / for changing country. F3 or F2 gives yes/noadvice from advisor...but how do I tell WHAT they are advising me for/against?
04-02-2013 12:49 AM
Popularity exploit

An easy way to get infinite approval is to go to any country that has US troops and is a staunch ally (britain, germany, italy, japan, etc). Enter the troop menu and repeatedly click the button to change the troop levels without altering the number of troops first; each time you do this, if the country accepts, it will raise your popularity a little (1% to 1/3% per click, less the higher your popularity is already). It even works if the troop level is 0, as long as the country accepts. I used this trick to conquer the entire world except a couple of countries I couldn't select, while maintaining 90%+ approval and altering the budget to get vast economic growth. The only feature I found that interferes with the exploit is if you mess with countries' foreign aid packages, then the exploit may stop working. Also beware of lowering social spending too much - it seems like the popularity level may get stuck at 0 if it goes too far below 0 from a single budget change. Dropping to 5% each year with successive cuts and then exploiting back up probably works, though I just stayed in a bunker whenever I unpaused the game to avoid being assassinated.
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