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07-07-2011 12:46 PM
someone else
Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman View Post
You realise you can do that exactly using the properties dialog of a shortcut?

Hey there its me again (topicstarter).

Id made an mistake. I linked a file whic was with spaces between the words exampe: word" "word

This was the problem, cause dosbox wont work then. after i fixed that everythin runs smooth

thx guys for helpful answers!

im out
07-07-2011 08:24 AM
The Fifth Horseman
i use a .batch file to get .conf of my own
You realise you can do that exactly using the properties dialog of a shortcut?
07-07-2011 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by someone new View Post
i tried -userconf but doesnt work
Because the -userconf parameter loads the default configuration file. You should use the -conf parameter instead.

Originally Posted by DOSBox Manual
DOSBox will load configuration files that are specified with -conf. If none were
specified, it will try to load "dosbox.conf" from the local directory.
If there is none, DOSBox will load the user configuration file.
This file will be created if it doesn't exist.

Important!: In Windows Vista/7 the configuration file won't work correctly
if it is located in "Windows" or "Program Files" folder or their subfolders,
or directly on c:\, so the best place for storing extra configuration files is
for example: C:\oldgames
You can edit the shortcut in the Windows start menu or make a new shortcut. Works with a batch file also.
Change this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74\DOSBox.exe" -userconf
to this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74\DOSBox.exe" -conf "x:\path\DOSBox-0.74.conf"

Where "x:\path\" is the path to the conf file you want to use.
07-07-2011 06:07 AM
someone new

hey there,

-I use win7 64bit edition-

DOSBOx 074 gets .conf information from user folder in appdata folder. Is it possible to
a) change that folder or
b) delete these behaviour so, that dosbox dont grab standard .conf file?


i tried -userconf but doesnt work
i use a .batch file to get .conf of my own but it doesnt work if the conf isnt in standard dosbox folder from dosbox 074. With svn build no prob Wink

24-01-2011 12:21 AM
Japo NP. A little margin note:

Originally Posted by Japo View Post
We can mount always the same virtual hard drive by default--where all our games will be accessible in individual folders--in our default file, and leave the rest of the commands for the configuration files particular to each game or profile; that way if we start DOSBox with the default configuration only, we still don't have to type in the mount command every time. Be warned however, that if we include the mount command for a C: drive in the default configuration, we won't be able to start games by dragging them onto the DOSBox shortcut, as the basic tutorial describes. (Because this auto-mounts the concerned folder as the C: virtual drive, but if that letter is already taken, an error happens. So we can include the mount command in every custom file to leave it outside the default one--specially if it's not the case that we have all our DOS games hanging from the same parent folder--or include there a mount command for a drive with a different letter than C:--although this may cause problems with some games). It's a matter of personal preference; I'll describe the first approach, but by now you'll know how to adapt it. An ideal solution, if you want to continue being able to drag'n drop, may be copying the default configuration file to your custom files folder along with the others, and replace in the shortcut parameters "-userconf" with "-conf dosbox.conf" (if this custom default file is named "dosbox.conf"). That way you can edit your custom dosbox.conf, and leave the other file unchanged as out of the box; so drag'n dropping can still work alongside your shortcuts.
23-01-2011 10:11 PM
CorruptMylar I wondered about that -userconf. I saw it in the default shortcut. Thanks for the tip!
22-01-2011 08:36 PM
Japo In the newer versions, you can substitute
-conf "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\DOSBox\dosbox-0.74.conf"
and be sure that it will be the same configuration file that you can edit from the start menu, and you won't have to update the shortcuts every time you update DOSBox to change "dosbox-0.74.conf" to "dosbox-0.75.conf", etc.
22-01-2011 04:56 PM
CorruptMylar Oh jeez, I'm an idiot. I finally got it. Thanks everyone.

Of course it's in Appdata. I thought I had indexed everything and when the default config didn't show up when I searched for it I thought it was somehow hidden in the program.

And I didn't put the default .conf and then the mc2 conf to use the game settings in the shortcut.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74\DOSBox.exe" -conf "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\DOSBox\dosbox-0.74.conf" -conf "D:\DOSConf\mc2\mc2.conf"
22-01-2011 01:46 PM
The Fifth Horseman By using only that single config file, you are forcing DOSBox to fall back to its' backup config, which doesn't include your mount command.
Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74\DOSBox.exe" -conf <0.74 config file> -conf "D:\DOSConf\mc2\mc2.conf"
Will work.
22-01-2011 07:29 AM
Ohne Mitleid
Originally Posted by CorruptMylar View Post
I can't seem to make game shortcuts any more in Dosbox .74 I'm using it on win 7 x64.

The default .conf seems to be hidden now. To get to it you have to go to Start > Dosbox > Options > dosbox options. But I copied the text out of the file anyway and tried to set up my game conf.
The conf file for Win 7 x64 is now located at:

{system drive}:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\DOSBox\dosbox-{version}.conf

The 'AppData' folder is hidden, so if you don't have show hidden files set up, you wouldn't see it.

Originally Posted by CorruptMylar View Post
cd mc2

I have the mount c d:\dosgames\ and change to c: in the default options already.
Then I created a short cut with the following lines:

Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74\DOSBox.exe" -conf "D:\DOSConf\mc2\mc2.conf"

What am I doing wrong?
I don't know about setting the default options, but the DOSBox default config file shows:

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
# You can put your MOUNT lines here.

So it would seem that might be a place to try to put your mount lines. Did you verify the program would start without the shortcut first? I've had trouble with shortcuts before and it was usually something with my config file, not the shortcut. In order to solve this, I usually take the "long way"; run DOSBox without any autoexec lines, type in the mount, change to c:...do everything manually to verify it works.

Also, the Target setup looks okay.
Is the Start in: field for the shortcut set to:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74"

Just some thoughts. I am not an expert by any means.
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