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Download Dino - Lost in Bedrock

Dino - Lost in Bedrock
123 kb



OK, so it’s not a great game, it’s not even a pretty good game and it’s fun for only a little while. Still it’s one of the few games made for DOS which is based upon the Flintstones, the modern Stone Age family.

Hi-Tech Expressions usually made fairly simple side-scrollers. Still, this game is a let down. By the year 1991 graphics and sounds were already way ahead of what this game has to offer, so it’s easy to say this game was obsolete when it came out in 1991. There are 16 colors and there are some very simple sounds to it. It does support joystick, although the keyboard is more user friendly. The picture seems to be choppy and I don’t have the feeling it’s due to the emulation, it seems to be this bad for real. All in all this would be hardly anything more then a mediocre game if it would see daylight even half a decade earlier.

Now apart from the technical downsides the game hasn’t much of an upside either. It’s mildly amusing before it gets frustrating. You need to jump and duck over and under obstacles while avoiding or stoning (with real stones – they don’t call it the stone age for nothing) the animals which are trying to prevent you from finding Dino.

You can play either Fred or Barney, but that has no effect on the gameplay itself, or you can even select a two player option (hot seat) where each player plays on of the characters. Even that doesn’t really improve the game. Now the creators of the game were trying to capture the spirit of the cartoon Bedrock, so they added some prehistoric animals (like the ambulancesaurus of the fireplugosauphant) but they didn’t succeed at that either.

So unless you’re a big fan of the Flintstones and wish to add this one to your collection, or if you can view this game as a challenge you need to complete (so you can say there’s no game you could beat) there’s not really much point in downloading this one. The only reason I gave it a 2 not a 1 is that it’s not complete crap and that I’ve seen worse games out there (although there weren’t all that many).


Reviewed by: Sebatianos / Screenshots by: Sebatianos / Uploaded by: Sebatianos / share on facebook

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