Quarantine II - Road Warrior

From the perspective or someone who has never played the game before, Quarantine II: Road Warrior has somewhat of a curve to get over before it can be really enjoyed. The controls are touchy, the graphics are dark and tend to jump out of that darkness at you, all of which make the racing levels quite difficult. But what Quarantine II: Road Warrior does offer is enough violence and subversive sex to encourage the average gamer to persist. Blood, racing, and the occasional dominatrix, what more could any completely healthy, slightly repressed, 16-25 year old male ask for?

The premise behind Quarantine II: Road Warrior is simple enough. You’re a cabby who in the first Quarantine game failed to escape the prison of a city that he called home, and now is at it again. It’s like Death Race 2000, Escape from New York, Running Man, Duke Nukem all rolled into one. To call it original would be fallacy. But that doesn’t mean it’s not amusing. Each arena you enter has pedestrians who inexplicably feel it’s their right to jay-walk. Some have guns and will attack you. All of them lose to the retractable spikes on your hood.

This isn’t Crazy Taxi. Pedestrians are not potential fares. Instead you accomplish missions by going to a specific point where your mission awaits. They will explain what you have to do next, and you do it in the allotted time. In every mission you are given a certain weapons load out. You don’t need to worry about upgrades or repairs either. Just do the task and move on. You’ve got over 100 levels to complete so you’d better get cracking!

This game tended to crash my computer in XP no matter what I did. Apparently it likes Win95, but for me I had to use DOSBox and crank up the clock cycles.

Reviewed by: guesst Download Quarantine II - Road Warrior | Abandonia

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