Wizardry III - Legacy of Llylgamyn

Wizardry III - Legacy of Llylgamyn


The year is 1983. What could a company with two famous and beloved titles do - other than release a third one? Guess what: Sir-Tech did so, and that choice is known today as Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn.


Lines, lines... why do I have to praise your bold beauty whenever I'm about to unfold the legend of the world you're building up? We're still in the 80s, and we can still count the number of colours used in the game on the fingers of one hand. And two of the four are still the ugliest ones: cyan and magenta. I wonder, how high were the guys who designed the technology which determined the look of PC screens for a decade? Let's just move on before I feel too depressed.




After the Staff of Gnilda was returned to the temple of Gnilda, everything seemed all right for years: peace, summer, and bunnies. But as people slowly forgot the terrible wars of the past, someone started to remind them of fear; and this wasn't someone they could easily mess with.

Lady Nature herself furiously destroyed cities with her army of earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanoes. The wise quickly found the only solution to this problem: a magical orb guarded by one of the great firespitting lizards. As usual, they won't go on the deadly journey themselves. Instead, they'll send YOU to face mortal dangers, to receive another medal if you succeed - which is not only not guaranteed, but barely possible. How thrilling! This time, the place of your sufferings will not be underground, but virtually in the skies. Well, the top of an active volcano is quite close to the sky, but really it's more like a hell, high above the world, than a heaven.


After importing your characters from Wizardry 2, you'll notice some changes in your party. Your band of fantasy reincarnations of Rambo are reset to level 1, and they've had their stuff removed. Their alignments are also reset to their possible defaults, because it will be very important on which side of the force you'll walk.

The new maze is actually something like the old ones upside down, since you'll have to fight your way up to the top of a volcano. The problem is that certain levels can only be accessed via parties of a certain alignment. The first level can be accessed by everyone, while levels 2 and 4 are restricted to Good parties, and levels 3 and 5 can only be accessed by Evil parties. Level 6 can also be entered by anyone. If you try to enter a level which you're banned from, then you'll be teleported back to the castle. Fortunately, there are some tricks to creating a mixed party (Google for them if you don't know them already).

There aren't many changes in the game, except the ones listed above. There may be a handful of new monsters and items, but you're still using your old set of spells and so forth. New challenges are represented by riddles, but since they're always the same, they won't be much of a problem after a while. The game itself is harder than the previous ones because it is more complex and because your characters are reset - you can't generate new ones. That's all.


If Wizardry is for you what cocaine was for Scarface, then Wizardry 3 will be perfect for you. There are some new things, and they get along well with the traditions of the series, but don't expect anything except new challenges. Legacy of Llylgamyn was solely meant for the hardcore RPG masters. I'll give it 4 points, since the quality is still high. So is the level of difficulty, which will only make a game bad if you're lazy.

Reviewed by: Tracker Download Wizardry III - Legacy of Llylgamyn | Abandonia

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