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Old 17-02-2005, 05:41 PM   #1
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Default Albion

Feel free to comment and discuss this game here. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others! Thanks!

Review and download (if available)

Last edited by Luchsen; 23-01-2008 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 17-02-2005, 06:07 PM   #2

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Wow, now this is really a good game. I can remember playing this long ago and having no idea what it was called. An excellent game... I think it was this game that got me interested in rpg's... Thanks Blue Byte!
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Old 17-02-2005, 06:55 PM   #3
Abandonia Homie

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First RPG that i have trully finished!!!!And it is still best RPG ever made(for me)!!!
Abandonia is the Greatest
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Old 17-02-2005, 08:48 PM   #4
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Oh yeah! The only reason I haven't played this when it was released was because at that time Thalion was bought by Blue Byte, and they didn't deem it rentable to make an Amiga port. :not_ok: This is truly a fantastic game, you will be hard pressed to find a comparable RPG, and sadly they don't make games like this anymore...

Anyway, if you have problems running it, you probably have to mount the CDROM in DosBox. Not sure if Abandonia has the CD version, but the one I have is on CD so it might be the same case here.
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Old 17-02-2005, 10:53 PM   #5

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This game is just really great. Excellent visuals..
I`ll be back!
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Old 19-02-2005, 12:46 AM   #6
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Well, this is how I got it to work perfectly. (smoothly, with sound, music, everything) First, download the game from this site (duh). Next install VDM Sound. Now, for some people it'll say it cant install launchpad.dll, don't worry about it. You don't flippin' need it. After that's installed, go to the VDM Sound folder (eg. Program Files/VDMsound) and run dosdrv.exe It should say somethoung about a sucessful installation. After that, go into Albion's folder and right-click Albion.bat and select "Run with VDM Sound" and wham-o, you got yourself a smoothly running, sound-filled game. Anywho, thats how ~I~ made it work, and I run Windows 2000 Pro. You may need to go into setup.exe (or is it setup.bat?) and right click that and select "Run with VDM Sound, and select a Roland for music, and Soundblaster for sound, I dunno if you HAVE to do this though, butmost likely. I dont even have a Roland, or Sound Blaster (I have a Mad Dog II) but thats what VDM Sound is configured to run with by default.

Anywho, I may be mistaken as to WHY you have to do one of those above things, but thats exactly what I did (nothing more, nothing less) and it works like a DREAM. Didn't even have to touch it with DOSbox. I COULD get it to work with sound and stuff in DOSBox, but pumped it to 10000 with ctrl-F12.
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Old 22-02-2005, 12:11 AM   #7
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Originally posted by Mad-E-Fact@Feb 19 2005, 05:15 PM
Well, I have the CD, and there are only 2 videos on it, one is the intro and one are the credits that you can view from the main menu. I'm sure I could upload the intro on some free hosting site if people want to see it, so drop a line if you are interested.
I will download this game as soon as I'm done playing Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (still struggling with it). And yes, I would appreciate it much if you can upload the videos somewhere. Thanks in advance! k:
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Old 05-03-2005, 08:22 PM   #8
Althor Enchantor

Ugh... managed to get the game to work perfectly, but it took a lot of effort to pull off.

Now that I've played it for a while, I think it's safe to form an opinion on this game. Driven by all the positive press you guys gave it, I kept playing Albion, and am now in the 3D Dungeon part of infiltrating the Kenget Kamulos compound. That's precisely where I just finally gave up.

Honestly, this is a good game, and I absolutely LOVE the storyline, but as fantastic as the plot is, the actual gameplay is at least equally BAD. In other words, I'd personally have to give this game a 3 just because it's the average of 5 (for the story) and 1 (for the horrible, horrible gameplay). The controls are difficult and far from common sense, and I've actually gotten at least 5 times more game overs from unavoidable traps in the 3D dungeons than from all other sources combined, and when I say "unavoidable", I mean that I either don't see them coming, or they home in on you, or once you've been hit once it's impossible to move out of the way of being hit again, or else the horrible controls insist that there's some completely invisible and, indeed, nonexistant object that's blocking my path unless I move a couple in-game centimeters to the left or right, leaving me directly in the way of an oncoming fireball while I try to figure out just how many centimeters and in which direction I need to move. Hell, just today, in the 3D Kamulos dungeon, the game randomly decided that I'd walked through a solid wall into a heat-seeking fire spell-filled room that can only be opened from the outside, leaving me trapped within, my entire party killed within seconds except for Mellthas, who was wearing that Super-Druid's torque that granted him enough of a bonus to luck that traps had less than 10% or so chance of actually hitting him, allowing me to walk around long enough to verify that yes, it was impossible to open the doors to this room from the inside, and no, I hadn't saved since before I even entered the 3D part of the dungeon.

Honestly? I would have absolutely loved this game (as I still do the storyline and the 2D parts of the game) if only they had adopted a more conventional "FPS-style" control setup for the 3D parts of the game, or even far better yet, left the 3D parts out entirely, since, as far as I can tell, game designers hadn't figured out how to do first-person 3D games yet when Albion came out. Although, then again, I'm pretty damn sure Wolfenstein 3D and Doom were both out by 1996, so the mooks at Blue Byte really have no excuse.

Don't get me wrong: I love the 2D graphics and the Storyline, and the deep, rich setting of the game is one of the best I've ever seen, better even than a heaping majority of the games I've seen come out of *Squaresoft*! But everything else about the game makes me wish I had a joypad or at least a conventional mouse attached to my laptop so I had something to hurl against the wall...
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Old 05-03-2005, 10:59 PM   #9
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Originally posted by Althor Enchantor@Mar 5 2005, 10:22 PM
Ugh... managed to get the game to work perfectly, but it took a lot of effort to pull off.

Now that I've played it for a while, I think it's safe to form an opinion on this game. Driven by all the positive press you guys gave it, I kept playing Albion, and am now in the 3D Dungeon part of infiltrating the Kenget Kamulos compound. That's precisely where I just finally gave up.

Honestly, this is a good game, and I absolutely LOVE the storyline, but as fantastic as the plot is, the actual gameplay is at least equally BAD. In other words, I'd personally have to give this game a 3 just because it's the average of 5 (for the story) and 1 (for the horrible, horrible gameplay). The controls are difficult and far from common sense, and I've actually gotten at least 5 times more game overs from unavoidable traps in the 3D dungeons than from all other sources combined, and when I say "unavoidable", I mean that I either don't see them coming, or they home in on you, or once you've been hit once it's impossible to move out of the way of being hit again, or else the horrible controls insist that there's some completely invisible and, indeed, nonexistant object that's blocking my path unless I move a couple in-game centimeters to the left or right, leaving me directly in the way of an oncoming fireball while I try to figure out just how many centimeters and in which direction I need to move. Hell, just today, in the 3D Kamulos dungeon, the game randomly decided that I'd walked through a solid wall into a heat-seeking fire spell-filled room that can only be opened from the outside, leaving me trapped within, my entire party killed within seconds except for Mellthas, who was wearing that Super-Druid's torque that granted him enough of a bonus to luck that traps had less than 10% or so chance of actually hitting him, allowing me to walk around long enough to verify that yes, it was impossible to open the doors to this room from the inside, and no, I hadn't saved since before I even entered the 3D part of the dungeon.

Honestly? I would have absolutely loved this game (as I still do the storyline and the 2D parts of the game) if only they had adopted a more conventional "FPS-style" control setup for the 3D parts of the game, or even far better yet, left the 3D parts out entirely, since, as far as I can tell, game designers hadn't figured out how to do first-person 3D games yet when Albion came out. Although, then again, I'm pretty damn sure Wolfenstein 3D and Doom were both out by 1996, so the mooks at Blue Byte really have no excuse.

Don't get me wrong: I love the 2D graphics and the Storyline, and the deep, rich setting of the game is one of the best I've ever seen, better even than a heaping majority of the games I've seen come out of *Squaresoft*! But everything else about the game makes me wish I had a joypad or at least a conventional mouse attached to my laptop so I had something to hurl against the wall...
geee :blink: .As far as I can remember each trap is avoidable.The many dungeons are very difficult and confusing.And battles can be even harder

Just a few advices:
Sira is a BEST magician in the game.Thanks to her spell Frost Storm she can damage and paralyze for two rounds EVERY monster on the battlefield.And when enemy canr attack, many battles will be a little lighter
She will left your party but you can recuit her again when you return to Maine
Melthlas is second best magician,mainly becouse his support spells and demon exodus which can become quite handy when fighting,erm demons.
The best weapon is somewhere in 2D part of Kentget Kamulo dungeon(dont remeber exactly where ).It has attack of 25 is two-handed and can cast strongest spell in the game...
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Old 21-05-2005, 12:06 AM   #10
Contented but feeling sorta sill

Got it!
Right, for those of you who, like me, have been getting the "please insert cd" message over and over and have tried all the solutions offered here so far, I think I have an answer for you.
Use Winrar not Winzip to extract the files. Yes, it was that simple for me.
When you use winzip, all the files are extracted together in a big bundle, which is why you'll get the message "xxx file already exists, do you wish to replace it?". Winrar will extract the files into their designated subfolders.
From there, run setup with VDMsound and set digital to roland and midi to soundblaster. Then run the albion.bat file, using VDMsound again.
Problem solved (for me at least)
Hope it works for you too
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