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Old 12-10-2015, 06:50 AM   #151
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 1221

_NODE 2 (1ac).
_NODE 12210.
A councillor hurries into the court, carrying a letter sealed with

{My liege, a young man gave me this message to be given only to
you. Before I could invite him to speak with you personally, he
departed, and, though I ran after him, I could not find him.

{Majesty, I do not recognize the imprint on the wax that
seals this letter. As you can see, the imprint is an eye, a sigil
unknown to me.}

Do you:
[a] read the letter.
[b] have your men hunt down the courier immediately.
_NODE 2a.
_NODE 12211.
The letter says, {Your man Etienne found us, and he lived long
enough to betray our secrets to you. While we of the Ancient
Oriental Order of Light had wished to remain unknown, Etienne has
forced our hand. Since you know of us already, we wish to
parley with you. An emissary of our powerful and secret Order
shall come to your gardens on midnight thirty days hence,
there to meet with you privately and to invite you to accept
our aid in your attempt to become the king of all Bretagne.
We have much power, and have decided to support you, if you
are of a mind to cooperate with us.}

Do you:
[a] have your guards seek the courier who brought this message.
[b] carry on with other matters.
_NODE 2aa.
_NODE 12212.
After an hour, your Captain of the Guard comes to your court and
tells you that the courier cannot be found.
_NODE 2b.
_NODE 12213.
While waiting to hear whether the courier is
captured, you have time to read the letter that
he brought.

The letter says, {Your man Etienne found us,
and he lived long enough to betray our secrets to you.
While we of the Ancient Oriental Order of Light had wished
to remain unknown, Etienne has forced our hand.
Since you know of us already, we wish to parley with you.
An emissary of our powerful and secret Order
shall come to your gardens on midnight thirty days hence,
there to meet with you privately and to invite you to accept
our aid in your attempt to become the king of all Bretagne.
We have much secret power, and have decided to support
you, if you are of a mind to cooperate with us.}
The Captain of the Guard comes to your court.
Behind him are three guards escorting a young man
in manacles.

{My liege,} says the Captain, {this is that man who brought
you the letter. He says his name is Dominic.}

You observe as Dominic is questioned. He says that he
knows nothing of any secret society. He merely runs errands
for a mysterious man who he knows. He offers to lead you to
that man, if you spare his life and freedom.

Do you:
[a] imprison him.
[b] have him lead your men to his masters.
[c] execute him.
The Captain of the Guard comes into your court and
reports that all attempts to locate and capture the courier
have failed.
_NODE 2ba.
_NODE 12214.
_NODE 2bb.
_NODE 12215.
Your best spy reports to you in your private chambers.

{My liege, the young man named Dominic had
promised to lead us to his master, but he tried to
lead my men into a trap. Luckily, my men were wary, and
they recaptured Dominic and escaped with their lives.}

Do you:
[a] execute Dominic.
[b] throw him in a dungeon.
Your best spy reports to you in your private chambers.

{My liege, the courier Dominic
has betrayed us. Some of my best men were led into
a devilish trap. Not only did Dominic escape, but several
of my best men shall never return.

{My liege, I know not who opposes us with such clever
trickery, but I am not ashamed to say that I respect
their cunning. I only wish that they were under my employ!}
_NODE 2bba.
_NODE 12216.
The execution is swift and secret.
_NODE 2bbb.
_NODE 12217.
{Very good, my liege. In the dungeon, his tricks shall avail him not.}
_NODE 2bc.
_NODE 12218.
The execution is quick and secret, causing not a ripple in your court.

Cluster: 1222

_NODE 3.
_NODE 12220.
According to the letter you received some days ago,
tonight at midnight the emissary from the Ancient
Oriental Order of Light will be coming to your garden to
speak with you.

Do you:
[a] wait for him in the garden alone.
[b] wait for him in the garden with guards present.
[c] have your men capture him when he comes to the garden.
[d] ignore the meeting altogether.
_NODE 3a.
_NODE 12221.
Sometime near midnight, as the first quarter moon has just set,
someone slips into the garden. The dark, cloaked figure makes his
way among the shrubs and fountains to you.

{Greetings, One who would rule this realm.

{Call me Jerome, of the Ancient Oriental Order of Light. Since your
spy, Etienne, told you about us, we have decided to come forward,
so that your power and ours can combine to rule all of Bretagne.}

Do you say:
[a] {Bah! All you offer is impertinence!}
[b] {I suppose you are prepared to prove such a bold claim.}
[c] {What do you want of me?}
_NODE 3aa.
_NODE 12222.
{Scoff if you wish, Majesty. Our knowledge and power are not suitable
for common souls, and perhaps you are a common soul after all.}

He disappears into the garden and is gone into the night.
_NODE 3ab.
_NODE 12223.
{Proof, you wish? Very well, you shall have it.
Fortunately, I come prepared for such skepticism.
Come closer and look at the bauble I carry in my pocket.}

Jerome reaches into a pocket and pulls out a ring that you
recognize to be that of Duke Henri of Anjou.

{Poor Henri does not know it yet, but he is wearing a worthless
replica of this ring on his finger. If we can steal a ring
from a duke's finger, imagine what else we can do.

{Now let me tell you how your forces and mine can
cooperate for the betterment of us both.}
{Proof, you wish? Very well, you shall have it.
Fortunately, I come prepared for such skepticism.
Come closer and look at the bauble I carry in my pocket.}

Jerome reaches into a pocket and pulls out a ring that you
recognize to be that of Count Charles of Valois.

{Poor Charles does not know it yet, but he is wearing a
worthless replica of this ring on his finger. If we can
steal the ring of the great Lord of Valois, you can well
imagine what else we can do.

{Now let me tell you how your forces and mine can
cooperate for our mutual betterment.}

Do you:
[a] ask what they wish of you.
[b] scoff at Jerome and his Order.
_NODE 3ac.
_NODE 12224.
{We of the Ancient Oriental Order of Light seek greater
things than mere power, but to have a king who counts us as an
ally could well make our enlightened quests easier to conduct.
We want you to be king of all Bretagne, provided that you can help
our cause as well. For now, all that you must do is oust a certain
councillor from your court, the one named Germaine. He is
secretly an initiate of our Order. He is trying to take
control of the Order and use us for his own ambitious ends.

{He has no chance to succeed, though his presence in your court
gives him dangerous sway among certain other initiates. If you oust
him, our Order will be unified and fully behind you.
Then we shall be in a position to aid you in your goals.}
{We of the Ancient Oriental Order of Light seek greater
things than mere power, but if we were to have a king who
counted on us as an ally, it would make our enlightened quests
easier to conduct.
We want you to be king of all Bretagne, provided that you can help
our cause. First, you must release
Jerome, our courier, who brought you our message. Then you must
oust a certain councillor from your court, the one named Germaine. He is
secretly an initiate of our Order, and he is trying to take control
for his own ambitious ends.

{He has no chance to succeed, though his presence in your court
gives him dangerous sway among certain other initiates.
Then we shall be in a position to aid you in your goals.}

Do you:
[a] agree to his terms.
[b] pretend to agree to his terms.
[c] scoff.
_NODE 3aca.
_NODE 12225.
{Excellent, O wise king. You shall see that your actions are not

The emissary fades back into the shadows and is gone.
_NODE 3acb.
_NODE 12226.
{A most wise decision. I assure you that our cooperation shall be
greatly to your benefit.}

Jerome backs away into the shadows and leaves by unseen means.

Do you:
[a] confront Councillor Germaine about what he knows.
[b] ignore the issue.

Cluster: 1223

_NODE 3c.
_NODE 12230.
Though the emissary is very crafty, your guards manage
to capture him, and they bring him to you in chains.
The emissary proves too crafty for your guards,
and he escapes under cover of darkness.
_NODE 3d.
_NODE 12231.
Your guards report spotting someone skulking in the garden just
after midnight, but they were unable to apprehend him.

Cluster: 1224

_NODE 4.
_NODE 12240.
You have captured Jerome, an emissary from the {Ancient Oriental
Order of Light.}

He refuses to talk, even under duress. He claims
that, unless he is released, the Order will wreak a terrible
vengeance upon your lands.

Do you:
[a] execute him.
[b] hold him in a secure dungeon.
[c] free him.
_NODE 4a.
_NODE 12241.
The execution is carried out swiftly and secretly.
_NODE 4b.
_NODE 12242.
Jerome's curses echo through the halls as your men drag
him to your deepest dungeon.
_NODE 4c.
_NODE 12243.
{King, since you have proved reasonable and prudent
in freeing me, I shall tell you why I sought you,
though these words are meant for a king's ears only.}

In you private chambers, he continues.

{We of the Ancient Oriental Order of Light seek greater
things than mere power, but if we were to have a king who
counted on us as an ally, it would make our enlightened quests
easier to conduct.
We want you to be king of all Bretagne, provided that you can help
our cause. First, you must release
Jerome, our courier, who brought you our message. Then you must
oust a certain councillor from your court, the one named Germaine. He is
secretly an initiate of our Order, and is trying to take control
for his own ambitious ends.
{He has no chance to succeed, though his presence in your court
gives him dangerous sway among certain other initiates. If you
oust him, our Order will be unified and fully behind you.
Then we shall be in a position to aid you in your goals.

{Also, we ask that you release our courier, Dominic, the
one who originally brought my message to you.
He is harmless and knows nothing.

{So, Majesty, how do your respond to our offer?}

Do you:
[a] agree to his terms.
[b] pretend to agree to his terms
[c] scoff.
{You know my reason for seeking you, and what we wish of you.
My sincere advice is that you satisfy our request, for it
shall be in your best interest to do so.}

Do you:
[a] agree to his terms.
[b] pretend to agree to his terms
[c] scoff at his nerve.
_NODE 4ca.
_NODE 12244.
{Excellent, O wise ruler. You shall soon see that your actions do not
go unrewarded.}

With that, Jerome leaves your castle.
_NODE 4cb.
_NODE 12245.
Jerome leaves with your assurance that you shall do as the Order
asks, and you chuckle to yourself about his gullibility.
_NODE 4cc.
_NODE 12246.
{Such a tragedy it is that your forces and mine cannot work

With that, Jerome leaves your castle.

Cluster: 1225

_NODE 5.
_NODE 12250.
You release the courier, Dominic, and he leaves your castle
for parts unknown.

Do you:
[a] have Councillor Germaine dragged out of his bed in the middle
of the night and thrown into your deepest dungeon.
[b] bring him to trial on trumped up charges.
[c] simply dismiss him from your court.
_NODE 5a, 5ca.
_NODE 12251.
The other councillors grow nervous, and you find them
less eager to voice their own opinions. They are obviously
worried that they might be imprisoned with little cause or
_NODE 5b.
_NODE 12252.
You jail Councillor Germaine and prepare to try him
for treason.
In the past few days, your men have found some strange
items hidden carefully in Councillor Germaine's chambers.
These items, such as a robe, a bizarre candelabra, and
scrolls with indecipherable writings on them,
provide adequate evidence that Germaine was a heretic.
The bishop is glad to help you convict him.
The symbol of the eye, which you first saw on the seal
of the letter that Dominic brought you, is found repeatedly
on the items.

In court, Councillor Germaine makes some nasty accusations
against you (some of them true), but few pay his words
any heed.
_NODE 5c.
_NODE 12253.
Councillor Germaine accepts his dismissal stoically.

{My liege, I cannot disagree with you if you say that your court
would be better without my presence, but in regard for my years of
faithful service, I ask for pay of 3000 marks to help me as I seek
gainful employment elsewhere.}

Do you:
[a] imprison him outright.
[b] pay him in full (3 Gold).
[c] offer him 2000 marks (2 Gold).
[d] offer him 1000 marks (1 Gold).
[e] dismiss him without pay.
_NODE 5cb.
_NODE 12254.
{Thank you, gracious liege. I shall continue to serve you in spirit,
if not in body.}

With that, Councillor Germaine leaves amicably.
_NODE 5cc.
_NODE 12255.
{Thank you, gracious liege.}

With that, Councillor Germaine leaves your court.
A councillor comes to you with rumors
that Councillor Germaine has been speaking ill of you to the

{Surely, my liege, these are wicked lies, but the bishop
is not unswayed by them.}
_NODE 5cd.
_NODE 12256.
{Thank you, gracious liege.}

With that, Councillor Germaine leaves your court.
A councillor comes to you, reporting rumors that
Councillor Germaine has been speaking to the bishop at great
length of your faults.

{Surely, my liege, these are wicked lies, but the bishop
is not unswayed by them.}
_NODE 5ce.
_NODE 12257.
{Very well, my liege.}

Holding fury within him, Councillor Germaine leaves your court.
A councillor comes to you with bad news.

{My liege, word has come that Councillor Germaine
went straight to the court of
Count Charles of Valois.
Duke Phillip of Burgundy.
No doubt he is filling the count's ear with
words of our weaknesses.

{In addition, he has proven to have some sway over the clergy,
even the bishop. He is using this power to spread vile lies
about your rule, and about you personally.

{I fear that this bodes ill for you, my liege.}

Cluster: 1226

_NODE 6.
_NODE 12260.
Councillor Germaine asks to speak with you privately. Once in your
private chambers, he begins.
_NODE 6a.
_NODE 12261.
{My liege, the time has come to tell you of
those who may help you gain the crown
of Bretagne.

{I am an initiate in a strange and secret brotherhood
known as the Ancient Oriental Order of Light. They have esoteric,
vague, and sometimes even ludicrous metaphysical goals, but they
also have some measure of covert political power.

{My liege, I have joined their number, and now know how to turn
them to our side in the contest for Bretagne.

{You have spurned their early attempts to contact you. Jerome,
their emissary, has been a major opponent of mine in intrigues within
the Order.

{All you need do now is oust a certain knight, Sir Montsegur, from
his lands. For reasons I do not fully understand, Sir Montsegur is
an enemy of the Order. I have seen to it that the Order will fall
behind you in your claim to the throne of Bretagne once you make
this show of good faith.}

Do you:
[a] imprison Councillor Germaine for treason.
[b] dismiss him from your service.
[c] bring him to trial for treason.
[d] simply refuse the request.
[e] oust Sir Montsegur from his lands.
_NODE 6ad.
_NODE 12262.
{As you wish, my liege.}

Do you:
[a] report these goings on to the bishop.
[b] keep them to yourself.
The Order never bothers you again.

Cluster: 1227

_NODE 7.
_NODE 12270.
How do you justify or carry out the eviction of Sir Montsegur?

Do you:
[a] compensate him with gold.
[b] rely on your royal authority.
[c] frame him for some convenient crime.
{My liege, we cannot afford any expense.}

Do you:
[a] rely on your royal authority.
[b] frame him for some convenient crime.
_NODE 7a.
_NODE 12271.
You judge that 5000 marks would be fair, but, as a king, you
can probably get away with less.

How much do you offer him?
[a] 1000 marks.
[b] 2000 marks.
[c] 3000 marks.
[d] 4000 marks.
[e] 5000 marks.
You cannot afford that much.
Sir Montsegur accepts the loss of his lands,
though he is obviously unhappy.
Sir Montsegur concedes his lands, but he curses your
name and spreads discontent among your other military
leaders. The loyalty of your commanders is compromised.
_NODE 7b.
_NODE 12272.
Sir Montsegur is outraged, but unable to keep his lands from you.
He does, however, curse your name and spread the story of this
injustice among his friends, who are military leaders in your lands.
The loyalty of your commanders is compromised, and the people
express distress at your unjust treatment of Sir Montsegur.
_NODE 7c.
_NODE 12273.
You begin preparations for the trial.
Your men find heretical writings and paraphernalia in Sir
Montsegur's private quarters (and Councillor Germaine lets you
know that the Order helped arrange this find). With this
evidence, Sir Montsegur is easily convicted of treason and
narrowly escapes execution as a heretic.

The people praise you for bringing this {criminal}
to justice.
You successfully prosecute your case against Sir Montsegur,
but the clergy and the common people suspect that
Montsegur is actually innocent, and support for your reign
declines among them.

Cluster: 1228

_NODE 8.
_NODE 12280.

Cluster: 1229

_NODE 10.
_NODE 12290.
A councillor brings a letter to you.

{My liege, this letter was found in a council room today.
It bears instructions, saying that it is to be opened
and read only by you.}

When you take the letter, you see that the seal is imprinted
with the {eye} symbol of the Ancient Oriental Order of Light.
The letter says that the Order is prepared to offer you one of three
boons, with more aid to follow in the future. You are simply told
to leave a message at the base of a statue in your garden to tell
the Order what you want.

They offer to give your spies secret information about your enemies,
to damage the political position of one of your enemies,
or to influence the guilds in your lands to support you.

Do you want:
[a] information for your spies.
[b] to damage an enemy's political position.
[c] extra support from the guilds.
_NODE 10a.
_NODE 12291.
The head of your spy network comes to you.

{Majesty, I wish to report that our men have had unusual success
over the past two fortnights. We have made great progress in
identifying our enemies' weaknesses and have even discovered a
traitor within our number. You should be happy to hear that my
men are in a much better position to serve you than they were
just two weeks ago.}
_NODE 10b.
_NODE 12292.
Which enemy do you ask the Order to damage?

Do you indicate:
[a] Count Charles of Valois.
[b] King Ramiro of Aragon.
[c] Duke Phillip of Burgundy.
[d] Duke Henri of Anjou.
Do you indicate:
[a] King Edward of Albion.
[b] King Ramiro of Aragon.
[c] Duke Phillip of Burgundy.
[d] Duke Henri of Anjou.
Do you indicate:
[a] Count Charles of Valois.
[b] King Edward of Albion.
[c] Duke Phillip of Burgundy.
[d] Duke Henri of Anjou.
Do you indicate:
[a] Count Charles of Valois.
[b] King Ramiro of Aragon.
[c] King Edward of Albion.
[d] Duke Henri of Anjou.
Do you indicate:
[a] Count Charles of Valois.
[b] King Ramiro of Aragon.
[c] Duke Phillip of Burgundy.
[d] King Edward of Albion.
_NODE 10ba.
_NODE 12293.
A councillor brings news to the court.

{My liege, good news. Count Charles of Valois is suffering from
political problems on many fronts. The guilds are refusing to
cooperate with him, neutral rulers have spoken out against him,
and even the clergy have been heard to question his suitability
as a king of Bretagne.

{This disfavor with Valois reduces the competition you face
in your claim to the throne.}
_NODE 10bb.
_NODE 12294.
A councillor brings news to the court.

{My liege, good news. King Ramiro of Aragon is suffering
from political problems on many fronts. The guilds are refusing to
cooperate with him, neutral rulers have spoken out against him,
and even the clergy have been heard to question his suitability
as a king of Bretagne. This disfavor reduces the competition you
face in your claim to the throne.}
_NODE 10bc.
_NODE 12295.
A councillor brings news to the court.

{My liege, good news. Duke Phillip of Burgundy is suffering from
political problems on many fronts. The guilds are refusing to
cooperate with him, neutral rulers have spoken out against him,
and even the clergy have been heard to question his suitability
as a king of Bretagne. Burgundy's disfavor reduces the competition
for the throne.}
_NODE 10bd.
_NODE 12296.
A councillor brings news to the court.

{My liege, good news. Duke Henri of Anjou is suffering from problems
on many fronts. The guilds are refusing to cooperate with him,
neutral rulers have spoken out against him, and even the clergy have
been heard to question his suitability as a king of Bretagne.
It is said that his dear mother is having quite a fit.}
_NODE 10be.
_NODE 12297.
A councillor brings news to the court.

{My liege, good news. King Edward of Albion is sorely
troubled. The guilds are refusing to cooperate with him, neutral
rulers have spoken out against him, and even the clergy have been
heard to question his suitability as a king of Bretagne. Albion's
disgrace reduces the competition you face in your claim to the throne.}
_NODE 10c.
_NODE 12298.
One of your councillors brings good news: the stonemasons' guild
has offered more generous terms for work that you may need.
More good news: a councillor reports that the armorers' guild
has reduced the interest it will charge on loans to you,
as a means of helping you in your goal to become king of Bretagne.
A councillor reports that the miners' guild has voluntarily
increased its standard work-day for projects under your
orders, as a goodwill gesture.
The merchants' guild has offered to make special arrangements
to help you transport goods and people throughout your lands.
They hope that this gesture will be remembered when you become
king of Bretagne.

Cluster: 1230

_NODE 11.
_NODE 12300.
You send word to the bishop that you wish a private
conference with him.
The bishop arrives at your court and, after some political
niceties, comes to your private council chamber.
There you tell him what you know of this {Ancient Oriental
Order of Light}.

{There are only two actions that a good Christian ruler who
would be king of all Bretagne can undertake,} says the

{If your resolve is strong and your spirit daring, you may attempt
to infiltrate this Order and report all that you find to me.
If you are worried for the safety of body and soul in the
company of these evil conspirators, then swear that you shall have
nothing more to do with anyone in this order.}

Do you:
[a] swear never to have anything to do with the Order.
[b] vow to infiltrate the Order.
_NODE 11a.
_NODE 12301.
The bishop blesses you, then asks you to kneel and swear upon the
sliver of the True Cross that he carries that you will
have nothing more to do with the Ancient Oriental Order of Light.

When that is done, he says, {Your first step, naturally, must be
to imprison this Councillor Germaine. Agreed?}

Do you:
[a] back off your pledge.
[b] imprison your councillor.
_NODE 11aa.
_NODE 12302.
{Majesty,} says the bishop, surprised, {breaking a holy vow
is not an action befitting a just ruler.}

Do you:
[a] imprison Councillor Germaine.
[b] refuse the bishop's command.
_NODE 11aab.
_NODE 12303.
With hardly another word, the bishop leaves your chamber and
your castle.

Word soon spreads through the clergy that you have broken an oath
made on a sliver of the True Cross, and naturally they are
outspoken against you.
Time has passed since the Pope publicly denounced you as a holy
oathbreaker. The clergy have done everything they can to convince the
people of your deceptive nature, and the people have begun to believe

The clergy say that if you cannot be trusted to fulfill a holy vow,
you cannot be trusted to fulfill your just duties as king.

Do you:
[a] call for the bishop and promise to fulfill your vow.
[b] carry on with other concerns.
The bishop returns, has you swear once more, and
demands that you imprison Councillor Germaine.
Two more fortnights have passed.

Discontent continues to grow among your people.
_NODE 11ab.
_NODE 12304.
You imprison Councillor Germaine, and the bishop sees to it
that no one questions the decision.

The Order apparently learns of the bishop's
visit, and they do not contact you again.
_NODE 11b.
_NODE 12305.
{A daring and virtuous decision, Majesty.

{Have Councillor Germaine arrange for you to learn more
of this Order.}

With that, the bishop blesses you and draws the meeting to a close.
He spends the rest of his visit consulting with the local clergy.

How long do you wait before talking with Councillor Germaine about
joining the Order?
[a] 15 days.
[b] 30 days.
[c] 45 days.
[d] 60 days.
Apparently, Councillor Germaine suspected that something
was amiss, because he took his valuables and fled in the

Protective of their secrecy, the Order makes no further attempts
to contact you.

Cluster: 1231

_NODE 12.
_NODE 12310.
You arrange to speak with Councillor Germaine in private. You tell
him that you wish to learn more about the Ancient
Oriental Order of Light.

{My liege, I have already spoken with others in the Order, and
have convinced them that you should be allowed to learn more before
choosing whether to accept their support. As you can see, my
membership in the Order is much to your advantage.

{Thinking that I am on their side, and not realizing how loyal I am to you,
they have agreed that I can reveal certain secrets about their
dealings and beliefs. Once you know these things, you will be
invited to a small and secret meeting.

{Is this to your liking?}

Do you:
[a] agree to Germaine's terms.
[b] insist on meeting the initiates immediately.
_NODE 12a.
_NODE 12311.
That night, Germaine reveals the names of many people who he knows
to be members of the Order, some of whom are members of your enemies'
families or officials in their courts.

He also reveals some of the strange, mystical teachings of the Order.

Do you:
[a] have Germaine imprisoned and take this news to the bishop.
[b] wait until you are admitted to an actual meeting.
_NODE 12aa.
_NODE 12312.
{But, my liege, all this I have done for your benefit,} screams
Germaine as he is dragged off to the dungeon.

You arrange to for the bishop to come and learn what you know.
At last, the bishop arrives. He shows great interest in the list of
members that Germaine gave you.

{My men shall investigate these matters. It shall please the Pope
that a man of your virtue wishes to be king of Bretagne.}
A message arrives from the bishop, saying that his men could find no
evidence about the people who Germaine named that would link them to the Order.
It would seem that you have been tricked. No one in the Order
attempts to contact you in the future.
_NODE 12ab.
_NODE 12313.
Councillor Germaine meets with you privately, and says,

{My liege, I have told other initiates in the Order that you are
making great progress in understanding their metaphysical
doctrines, and that you are eager to join. I have arranged to bring
you to a meeting twenty-five days hence.}
During the day, Councillor Germaine reminds you that you are
to attend a meeting of the Order later that night. He tells you that the
meeting will take place in a certain abandoned mill some five miles from
your keep. He adds that he has sworn to the others not to tell you
the precise location of the meeting.

{My liege, I believe I have them fully convinced that I am more
loyal to them than I am to you.}

Do you:
[a] have guards arrest those found in the mill.
[b] attend the meeting.
_NODE 12aba.
_NODE 12314.
Your men capture almost a dozen members of the Order, as well
as Councillor Germaine. Only time will tell the true value
of these prisoners.
Under duress, only one of your captives from the Ancient
Oriental Order of Light will give details of the Order, but his
words are enough to convict many initiates in various lands,
including a few in your service. Unfortunately, he also says
that there are many more initiates who he does not know, and that
they wield enough power to make life difficult for you.
Somehow, someone must have gotten wind of your order,
because Councillor Germaine disappears without a trace, and no
one shows up at the mill that night.

Careful about their secrecy, the initiates of the Ancient
Oriental Order of Light never contact you again.
_NODE 12abb.
_NODE 12315.
That night, you and Councillor Germaine slip out of the castle
and ride to the mill.

The evening starts with a strange ritual during which the
participants wear masks of cloth. When that is over, however, they
remove their masks and show you great honor. They are obviously
excited about having a man of your power and prestige among them,
and they are rather free about naming people from other lands who
are also initiates.

In time, the meeting is called off, and the initiates scatter into
the night. You and Councillor Germaine head back to your castle.

Do you:
[a] report what you now know to the bishop.
[b] wait until you learn more.
_NODE 12abba.
_NODE 12316.
You send a message with what you know about the Order to the bishop.
A councillor brings a message from the bishop into into your court.
It directs you to arrest several people on suspicion of heresy,
Councillor Germaine among them.

Your men capture some of these suspects, including Councillor
Germaine, but others escape. The bishop shall see to it that
canonical trials are arranged as soon as possible.
The trials of the initiates in the Ancient Oriental Order
of Light are swift and sure. Unfortunately, many of the initiates
were unknown, or escaped your men. You hope the damage that these
men can do to your reign is limited.

Cluster: 1232

_NODE 12b.
_NODE 12320.
{Very well, my liege. It shall be arranged.}
A councillor enters your court, looking concerned.

{Majesty, I bring news that I do not understand. Councillor
Germaine was not found in his chambers this morning, and his
valuables are missing. We suspected kidnaping or other foul play,
but there is no sign of a struggle. We found nothing unusual,
except for this sealed letter, bearing your name and a strange
'eye' sigil in the wax.}

You take and read the letter, which says,

{Majesty, I have come to doubt your motives for meeting with the
Ancient Oriental Order of Light. I am afraid that all of the work
that I had done to unite your power and ours to a common end has
come to naught. You shall not hear from us again.}

Cluster: 1233

_NODE 13.
_NODE 12330.
A confused councillor brings an anonymous letter to you.
It bears the now familiar sigil of the eye on its seal.

The letter reads, {Majesty, the High Council of the Ancient
Oriental Order of Light has determined that we are to consider
giving you our full and total support in your attempt to gain
the throne of all Bretagne. No more will our services be limited
to petty displays. Come to the abandoned mill five miles northwest
of your castle at midnight thirty nights hence. There we shall
determine whether you are indeed to gain our support.

{If you are not deemed worthy, fear not, for no harm shall come to
you, and you shall still be counted as an ally among us.}

Do you:
[a] plan to attend the meeting.
[b] turn against the Order and have your men capture those who
attend the meeting.
[c] ignore the invitation.
_NODE 13a.
_NODE 12331.
Tonight you are to meet with the Ancient Oriental Order of Light.
Late at night, you slip out of the castle and ride to an abandoned
mill five miles away.

At the mill, you find a strange gathering of masked men. You are
given a mask, then led through a strange ritual with a mystical,
Arabic feel to it. When the ceremony is over, the participants
unmask themselves, and an old man with a long white beard strides up
to you.

{You who would be king of Bretagne, and would enjoy the support of
our enlightened Order, we have judged your strengths, your weaknesses,
and your actions. Now we ask but one more thing of you.

{Why was Man created?}

Do you answer:
[a] to worship God and bring Him pleasure.
[b] humanity created itself as worms create
themselves from old cheese.
[c] so Man could be happy.
[d] the Devil created Man to have something to torment.
[e] why not?
_NODE 13aa.
_NODE 12332.
_NODE 13ab.
_NODE 12333.
_NODE 13ac.
_NODE 12334.
_NODE 13ad.
_NODE 12335.
_NODE 13ae.
_NODE 12336.
The old man stares into your eyes for a moment and then
screams, {Cheat! Swindler! Charlatan! Your spy, Etienne the
Swift, bore those words to you! How dare you pretend to have
wisdom that is not yours!}

The old man raises one arm and makes a gesture, and the other
initiates close in on you, overwhelm you, and hurl you out the
door of the mill. As you flee on your horse, you see behind you
that the others are scattering into the night.

Upon your return to the castle, you hear that Councillor
Germaine has disappeared, apparently of his own accord,
as there are no signs of struggle in his empty room.

Do you:
[a] report what you know to the bishop.
[b] leave well enough alone.
_NODE 13b.
_NODE 12337.
Your men capture several of the initiates, but many others

Your men also apprehend Councillor Germaine before
he can escape with damaging information about you.

The bishop will be happy to hear of these events.
Under questioning, you have learned much about the Order and
its initiates. The bishop visits you personally to congratulate
you on this blow against heresy. With many of the initiates
still at large, however, you hope that they do not have the
power to do serious harm to you.
The initiates must have heard word of your betrayal,
for no one comes to the mill that night.

Furthermore, Councillor Germaine managed to escape
under cover of darkness.

You report what you know to the bishop, though it is not much.
The bishop thanks you for coming forward about the Order,
though he seems suspicious about your former cooperation with
_NODE 13c.
_NODE 12338.
That night, Councillor Germaine escapes under cover
of darkness.

You never hear from the Order again.
_NODE 13aea.
_NODE 12339.
That night, Councillor Germaine escapes under cover
of darkness.

Your men capture Councillor Germaine before he
can escape justice.

You send word to the bishop of what you have found.
In the last few days, your soldiers have sought the men whose faces you
recognized at the meeting, but they have had no luck in apprehending

The bishop comes to visit you personally. He takes great interest
in your news of this Order, though he is suspicious of your
involvement in it. Nevertheless, he thanks you for the information.

You hope that the Order is not powerful enough to wreak vengeance
against you.

Cluster: 1234

_NODE 14.
_NODE 12340.
_NODE 14a.
_NODE 12341.
The old man looks deep into your eyes, and then a smile comes to his

{My fellow initiates,} he proclaims, {we have in our midst the King
of all Bretagne!}

The initiates all fall to one knee and, in unison, they say, {All
Hail the King of Bretagne!}

The old man produces a strange crown that bears the {eye} symbol from a
large bag, and crowns you in a simple ceremony. He explains that the
entire Order now considers you the rightful King of Bretagne, and
shall strive to make it so in the minds of all.

{For your Majesty's safety, we shall not meet in person again,
but rest assured that we shall be supporting you secretly.}

Back in your castle, you wonder how much these people can
truly help you.
Word comes that the guilds are proving to be more supportive of your
reign, and more willing to negotiate generously with you. They bring
you gifts of gold, iron, grain, and timber as proof of their
good intentions.
Your head spy reports:

{Majesty, we have received a great deal of information of late. We
have discovered military and diplomatic weaknesses of your enemies
that we can certainly exploit.

{If this continues, our victory is certain!}
One of your councillors speaks with you:

{Majesty, like a great sea breeze, the winds of our fortune have
changed. People now speak with certainty of the day when we rule
Bretagne and transform it into the greatest power Europe has seen
since the days of Charlemagne. It is wonderful.}
_NODE 14b.
_NODE 12342.
The old man looks deeply into your eyes, then smiles.

{Very good, your Majesty.}

{In the name of the Ancient Oriental Order of Light, I hereby pledge
our service to you. May our aid help your rule extend through all
of Bretagne.}

He and the other initiates fall to one knee and the old man says,

{You must go now, for being found with us may damage your
reputation in the eyes of the closed-minded. Even though we cannot
risk meeting with you again in person, know that we are working for
your benefit, secretly.}

Back at your castle, you wonder just how much these strange people
may be able to help you.
Word comes that the guilds are proving to be more supportive of your
reign, and more willing to negotiate generously with you.
Your chief spy reports:

{Majesty, we have received a great deal of information of late. We
have discovered military and diplomatic weaknesses of your enemies
that we can certainly exploit.

{If this continues, our victory is certain!}
_NODE 14c.
_NODE 12343.
The old man looks into your eyes, then smiles a conspiratorial smile.

{Excellent, my liege.

{In the name of the Ancient Oriental Order of Light, I pledge our
support to you. While we cannot risk meeting with you in person
again, know that we will be helping you in our own secret ways.}

The initiates rejoice as they lead you out of the mill and watch
you ride off. Back at your castle, you wonder what these strange
people may be able to do for you.
A councillor comes to report that Councillor Germaine has
apparently fled in the middle of the night, leaving only a
sealed letter addressed to you.

The letter reads, {I am sorry, my liege, but the Order
has seen fit to look elsewhere for a more enlightened
and cooperative ruler.

{I wish you well in your endeavors, but we shall not be
in contact with you again.}
It has been forty days since your meeting with the
Ancient Oriental Order of Light, and nothing has come
of it.

You are beginning to suspect that you have been tricked.

Cluster: 1235

_NODE 3b.
_NODE 12350.
Sometime near midnight, as the first quarter moon has just set,
someone slips into the garden. The dark, cloaked figure makes its
way among the shrubs and fountains to you.

{Greetings, king. By the presence of your guards, I see you do
not trust me. I hope that you trust your guards, for they shall hear
what few men know.

{Your spy, Etienne, survived long enough to tell you
about our secret Order, so I may as well tell you more
and explain how we can work together.}

Do you:
[a] scoff at his impertinence.
[b] ask for proof of the Order's power.
[c] ask what the Order wants from you.
[d] order your guards to capture him.
_NODE 3bb.
_NODE 12351.
{Proof, you wish? Very well, you shall have it.
Fortunately, I come prepared for such skepticism.
Come closer and look at the bauble I carry in my pocket.}

Jerome reaches into a pocket and pulls out a ring that you
recognize to be that of
Duke Henri of Anjou.

{Poor Henri does not know it yet,
but he is wearing a worthless replica of this ring on his finger.
If we can steal a ring from a duke's finger,
Count Charles of Valois.

{Poor Charles does not know it yet,
but he is wearing a worthless replica of this ring on his finger.
If we can steal a ring from a count's finger,
you can well imagine what else we could do.

{Let me tell you how your forces and mine can
cooperate for the betterment of us both.}

Do you:
[a] ask what the Order wants from you.
[b] scoff at Jerome's impertinence.
[c] order your guards to capture him.
_NODE 3bc.
_NODE 12352.
{We of the Ancient Oriental Order of Light seek greater
things than mere power, but if we were to have a king who
counted on us as an ally, it would make our enlightened quests
easier to conduct.
We want you to be king of all Bretagne, provided that you can
help our cause.

{For now, all you need do is
oust a certain councillor from your court, the
one named Germaine.
He is secretly an initiate of our Order. He is attempting to gain
control of the Order, to use it for his own ambitious ends. He has no
chance to succeed, though his presence in your court gives him
dangerous sway among certain other initiates.

{If you oust him, our Order will be unified and fully behind you.
{First, you must release unharmed the courier, Jerome, who
brought you my message.

{Then you must
oust a certain councillor from your court, the
one named Germaine. He is secretly an initiate of our Order.
He is trying to take control of it and use us to further
his own ambitious ends. He has no chance to succeed, though his
presence in your court gives him dangerous sway among certain
other initiates.
Then we shall be in a position to aid you in your goals.}

Do you:
[a] agree to his terms.
[b] pretend to agree to his terms.
[c] scoff at him.
[d] have your guards capture him.
_NODE 12abbb.
_NODE 12353.
A councillor comes to your court with strange news.

{My liege, Councillor Germaine left in the middle of the night
with no word to anyone. We would suspect foul play, but there were
no signs of a struggle. Apparently, he left this letter, sealed
and addressed to you.}

The letter reads, {My liege, please excuse my rudeness in not
bidding you farewell, but I believe it may be safer for me
away from your court.}

You shall never hear from the Order again.

Do you:
[a] send word of what you know to the bishop.
[b] tell the bishop you know nothing of value.
_NODE 12abbba.
_NODE 12354.
The bishop reports that he is able to use the information you
provided about the Ancient Oriental Order of Light to capture a
handful of heretics, and he thanks you for your service.

You hope that any revenge the Order can exact will be small.
_NODE 12abbbb.
_NODE n12355.
You hear nothing more of the Ancient Oriental Order of Light.

Cluster: 1750

Your last harvest yields a surplus! More grain is added to your
Elvis the Troubadour is not really dead. People rejoice!
The Pope discovers that you're a long lost descendant of St.
Timothy. Your prestige increases with the Pope.
A treasure is found in the Sierra Padre mountains. Your treasury
is the chief beneficiary.
Your jester finally learns some new jokes. People celebrate!
Your cook's pet goose lays golden eggs!
Some iron that was sent to the bottom of a lake by a saboteur has
been recovered. Your stocks increase!
A beaver dam breaks, sending extra logs to your foresters. Timber
stocks increase!
Your new royal fashion statement is a success. Everyone wants to be
your friend. Relations with other factions improve!
The kingdom's bakers realize that a dozen is {twelve}, not {thirteen}.
You pick up surplus foodstuffs!

Cluster: 1751

Hideous statuary toppled and shattered in a wind storm. You salvage
it and add to your iron stocks!
A forest mysteriously grows in a remote vale. You add to your timber
You give a speech on the economy: {Read my lips, someone's gotta
pay taxes.}

You collect 2,000 marks (2 Gold) in extra taxes.
Bureaucrats learn how to use abacuses imported from the Orient.
Productivity doubles!
The legislative assembly is flooded. Politicians are exposed to
the real world for the first time! Efficiency improves!
You discover ways to make more comfortable army boots. Your army's
effectiveness improves!
Your knights win a tournament at Wimbledon. You win a small cash
Your army finally gets a decent cook. Archers and infantry sign up
The Fifth Estate publishes an expose on your misdeeds. People never
believe the press anymore. Your popularity increases!
An eccentric merchant leaves his fortune to his cats.
Your newly passed surtax on cats brings an extra 2,000 marks.

Cluster: 1753

A wandering merchant is willing to trade you two Grain for one

Do you:
[a] agree.
[b] refuse.
{Sorry, can't afford it. And you call yourself a
Your food supply is increased.
You pass over an opportunity to make a profit.
A dying count is willing to give you the right to fell timber in
his forest, if you'll donate 2,000 marks (2 Gold) to his favorite

Do you:
[a] agree.
[b] refuse.
{Sorry, can't afford it. And you call yourself a
Your timber supply is increased.
You pass over an opportunity to make a profit.
Two units of mercenary archers offer their services to you, if you
pay them 1,000 marks (1 Gold).

Do you:
[a] hire them.
[b] refuse.
{Sorry, you can't afford it. And you call yourself a
You hire two units of archers.
You pass over an opportunity to add reinforcements.
A professor from the Academy offers his services to you for 5,000
marks (5 Gold).

Do you:
[a] hire him to improve your administration.
[b] hire him to lecture your politicians.
[c] hire him for military advice.
[d] ignore his offer.
{Sorry, can't afford it. And you call yourself a
Your administration improves.
{Sorry, can't afford it. And you call yourself a
Your diplomats actually improve.
{Sorry, can't afford it. And you call yourself a
His advice is quite useful.
The professor nods, and leaves.
Some rowdy infantry return to duty. The people are not glad to see
them return.
Old carpenters retire. New carpenters work for less. More gold stays
in your treasury!
The royal nutritionist says that he knows a way to feed
your troops wood.

Unfortunately, you have no timber!
He is found dead shortly after the troops are fed, but
at least you save yourself some of your grain.
A local monastery names you {Ruler of the Year}. No one else cares.
A peasant bitten by a mad dog sues you, but dies before the case
can come to court. You discover the dog wasn't mad, just upset.
A very talkative bishop gets laryngitis. You are not disappointed.
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Old 12-10-2015, 06:52 AM   #152
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 1754

A ferry crossing the river Seine burns down, but everyone uses the
bridge, so it's not a major loss.
After all these years, you finally beat the bishop in a game of
After all these years, you finally beat the bishop in a game of
Brigands take your annoying cousin Hubert hostage. You feel sorry
for them.
A representative of the troubadour's guild says the guild will make
fun of you unless you pay them 1,000 marks.

Do you:
[a] agree to pay.
[b] refuse.
You don't have the funds. You become the object of
satire and ridicule.
You are poorer, but no less unpopular, for the
You become the object of satire and ridicule.
Your army is getting bored.
An argument breaks out between your archers and your infantry.
A unit of archers is killed!
Rumors that you have no gold spread about Europe. Your
subjects are embarassed.
Your investments in Venetian blinds do not pay off. You
lose 1,000 marks (1 Gold).
You receive word that one of your enemies found a treasure in an
abandoned cave.
Rumors that you have no gold spread about Europe. Your
subjects are embarassed.
Annoying relatives visit you. You are forced to give them
1,000 marks to go away.
Rumors that you have no infantry spread about Europe. Your
subjects are embarassed.
A unit of your infantry gets a better offer from one of your
enemies and defects!

Cluster: 1756

Rumors that you have no cavalry spread throughout Europe. Your
subjects are embarassed.
Some of your cavalry's horses are bitten to death by horseflies!
One of your counsellors ridicules {the Pope's silly headdress.}
His Holiness is NOT amused.
Your Lord Treasurer is an embezzler... hey, what happened to your
Someone lit a campfire close to your timber stocks. Oops!
Someone spread vicious rumors about you. And the people BELIEVED
More politicians enter your diplomatic service. Your political rating
Your iron stocks have suffered from rust!
One of your top administrators dies in a carriage
accident. A good replacement is hard to find these days.
Elvis the Troubadour plays for every contender for the Bretagnese
throne except you! Everyone else is happy.
Your ship came in! Unfortunately, you were loading your grain
reserves onto it, and it sank!

Cluster: 1757

Your army tests confusing new manuevers. {But they work for the
Swiss!} Your military rating goes down.
Your last party was a complete disaster! Everyone is too embarassed
to be seen associating with you. Relations plummet!

Cluster: 1830

_NODE 1.
_NODE n18300.
One of your councillors reports on the state of the kingdom.

{Majesty, the people are discontented. I have met with assorted leaders,
church, state, and the military, and have received council on how to
restore your lands to their usual state of bliss.

{First, the chapel of the great cathedral of St. Simone was damaged in
a recent siege. Repairing the cathedral will please the Church.

{Second, the peasants have had little cheer of late. One of the mayors
suggested that we hold a festival to bring them cheer.

{Finally, the army has been very busy of late. Perhaps if we gave
them a furlough, a chance to rest and enjoy themselves, morale would improve.}

Do you:
[a] renovate the cathedral.
[b] throw a festival.
[c] furlough troops.
[d] ignore the discontent.
_NODE 1a.
_NODE n18301.
{The Cathedral was badly damaged, Your Majesty. I shall get an estimate
of what funds will be necessary. It may take time.}
Your councillor returns with an estimate of the damage to the
Cathedral of St. Simone.

{Majesty, the Cathedral will require at least 1,000 marks (1 Gold)
to repair, perhaps more.
This repair also provides us with the opportunity to improve on the original
cathedral, if you are willing to authorize the expense.}

How much do you spend?
[a] 1000 marks (1 Gold).
[b] 2000 marks (2 Gold).
[c] 3000 marks (3 Gold).
_NODE 1aa.
_NODE n18302.
{Very good. I will meet with the stonemasons at once.}
{Unfortunately, my liege, our treasury cannot support
such an expense.}

Do you:
[a] furlough troops.
[b] dismiss the problem from your concerns.
_NODE 1ab.
_NODE n18303.
{Very good. I will meet with the stonemasons at once.}
{Unfortunately, Majesty, our treasury is not so rich.}

Do you:
[a] spend 1000 marks (1 Gold).
[b] furlough troops.
[c] stop worrying yourself over your subjects' happiness.
_NODE 1ac.
_NODE n18304.
{I am certain that we will get excellent results, my liege!}
{A generous gesture, Majesty, but one that the treasury
cannot support.}

Do you:
[a] spend 1000 marks (1 Gold).
[b] spend 2000 marks (2 Gold).
[c] furlough troops.
[d] abandon this plan.
_NODE 2.
_NODE n18305.
Your councillor returns from the stonemasons' guild with a sad look
on his face.

{Majesty, the stonemasons dispute our estimate of the cost of
repairing the cathedral of St. Simone. They claim it will cost at
least 2,000 marks more than we estimated.

{Majesty, the stonemasons have become lazy and greedy of late. 'Tis
no wonder that the stonework is so much better now on Teutonic castles,
even though Bretagnese castles were once the envy of Europe!

{Still, the stonemasons' guild is powerful. In these delicate
times, a confrontation may not be prudent.}

Do you:
[a] pay the sum (2 Gold).
[b] offer half the sum (1 Gold).
[c] threaten the Guild with force.
[d] imprison Guild leaders, and force them to complete work.
_NODE n18306.
{The work will begin at once. I promise.}
{Majesty, remember that promise to reduce taxes on the
barons? I fear that they have come back to haunt us. Our
treasury is not very full.}

Do you:
[a] offer half the sum (1 Gold).
[b] threaten the Guild with force.
[c] imprison Guild leaders, and force them to complete work.
_NODE 2b.
_NODE n18307.
Your councillor returns from the stonemasons' guild.

{Majesty, I have done my best to persuade the Guild.

{They have decided that our offer is fair, and they have
already begun the repairs on St. Simone.}
{They scoffed at our offer, and refuse to work for us
on this project.}

Do you:
[a] pay the requested sum (2 Gold).
[b] threaten the Guild with force.
[c] use force.
_NODE 2ba.
_NODE n18308.
_Masons think the king's a wimp.
After a brief discussion with the masons' guildmaster, your
councillor returns.

{Majesty, the stonemasons have agreed to finish the work, as
promised. They did seem a trifle insolent.}
{We cannot afford this sum, my liege!}

Do you:
[a] threaten the Guild with force.
[b] imprison Guild leaders, and force them to complete work.
I shall tell them at once.
I shall tell them at once.
_NODE 2baa or 2bb.
_NODE n18309.
The air is thick with tension. You and the stonemasons wait to see
who will be the first to back down.

{Good news, my liege! The Guild has agreed to finish the
cathedral for the original price!}
{Bad news, Majesty. The Guild members continue to defy us.}

Do you:
[a] imprison the Guild leaders.
[b] let the cathedral remain unfinished.

Cluster: 1831

_NODE 2baaa.
_NODE n18310.
You await the messenger nervously.
Will the stonemasons relent under
the threat of imprisonment? Your messenger arrives...

{Majesty, your threat has worked! The masons' guild will
complete the cathedral without further cost!}
{Majesty, I regret to say the masons will risk imprisonment
rather than bend to you in this matter.}

Do you:
[a] pay the full original amount requested.
[b] let the cathedral fall apart, and forget about it.
_node 2baba.
_NODE n18311.
Your councillor returns from the Guild.

{They promise to finish the repairs soon, Majesty.}
{Majesty, we cannot afford this!}

The cathedral remains unfinished.
_NODE 2c.
_NODE n18312.
The Guild considers its options.
A messenger comes from the masons' guild.

{Majesty, the masons did not understand the urgency or
importance of this project. Naturally, we are happy to lend
our services, especially to one who will remember us well.}
{Majesty, we will not bow to threats.
The masons' guild is not accustomed to being treated
in this manner, not even from a king, and will not accept

Do you:
[a] pay the full amount (2 Gold).
[b] imprison the Guild's leaders.
[c] abandon the restoration.
_NODE 2cb.
_NODE n18313.
A messenger is sent from the masons' guild.

{Majesty, the masons did not understand the urgency or
importance of this project. Naturally, we are happy to lend
our services, especially to one who will remember us well.}
{Majesty, we will not do this work for you unless you pay
us the two thousand marks that were requested.}

Do you:
[a] pay 2,000 marks (2 Gold).
[b] forget about repairing the cathedral.
_NODE 3.
_NODE n18315.
A messenger arrives at your castle. He is wearing the red and gold
livery of Sir Renau, a noble and well-respected knight in your

{Your Majesty,} he begins, {my lord, Sir Renau, bids me to bring
you bad tidings.

{Brigands are terrorizing the peasants and merchants in his lands,
and he dares not attend the unveiling ceremony of the Cathedral
of St. Simone.}
{He further bids me to say that, were he to be provided with a large
contingent of men, he would be able to attend the unveiling
without fear for the safety of his people.}

This news disturbs you, for Sir Renau is held in high regard
by your people, and his presence at the unveiling would improve
the morale of your subjects.

Do you:
[a] provide the soldiers (1 Military).
[b] do without Sir Renau's presence.
_NODE 3a.
_NODE n18316.
{I thank you, and Sir Renau thanks you, for your
generosity, a virtue for which rightful rulers are known.}
A councillor whispers in your ear, {My liege, we have not the
the soldiers to spare.

{I fear we must do without Sir Renau's presence.}

The messenger bows and says, {I shall carry this sad news
back to Sir Renau. I am certain that he wishes the best for your

Cluster: 1832

_NODE n18320.
A councillor comes to you and says:

{Excellent news, my liege. The Cathedral of St. Simone is fully
repaired and is indeed beauteous to behold. The clergy and many
knights and nobles have come for the unveiling.}

You attend the unveiling, and the cathedral is indeed magnificent.
Priests and nobles speak about your generosity and your concern for
the church.

Sir Renau, in brilliant red and gold livery, attends the
ceremony, and the crowd greets him with cheers.

He takes the opportunity to deliver a moving speech about
the great things you have done for your people, and about
the need for all to support you in the struggle to claim what
is rightfully yours.

Sir Renau makes an especially strong impression on the
unmarried women in attendance.
At the end of the day, when you have returned to your court,
a councillor comes to you, looking downcast.

{My liege, the clergy are impressed by your willingness to
repair the cathedral, but the people remain discontented.
We must allow them time to see what a great and
noble ruler you are.}
At the end of the day, when you have returned to your court,
a councillor comes to you.

{My liege, the clergy are impressed by your willingness to
spend your time and wealth on repairing the cathedral.
In addition, the people are happy to have such a generous king.
The spirits of the people have been lifted by your wise actions,
though I must say that many of your councillors were hoping
for a stronger response.}
As the unveiling ceremony concludes, the mighty cheers that
rise up from the assembled crowd assure you that they are
indeed impressed by the ceremony and by your show of

As you prepare to leave the ceremony, the bishop approaches
you, smiles, and says, {Do not think that the Pope has not heard
of your generosity toward the Church.}
As you conclude your address to the assembled crowd,
you must pause often to let the wild cheers of your audience
die down.

As you look about you, you see the smiling faces of loyal
subjects: monks, priests, merchants, peasants, artisans,
and soldiers.

Obviously, you have won their hearts.

As you prepare to leave the ceremony, the bishop approaches
you, smiles, and says, {Do not think that the Pope has not heard
of your generosity toward the Church.}
Your soldiers have returned from Sir Renau's lands,
along with a messenger who brings thanks from Sir Renau
for seeing to his needs and allowing him to attend the
the unveiling of the cathedral.
_NODE 5.
_NODE n18325.
The councillor who advised you to repair the cathedral of St.
Simone has finally worked up enough nerve to talk with you.

{Majesty, the unrest in the kingdom is still a problem. Perhaps
we should try something else...}

Do you:
[a] throw a festival.
[b] furlough troops.
[c] throw the councillor into your deepest dungeon.

Cluster: 1833

_NODE 11 (1b).
_NODE n18330.
{An excellent decision, my liege. How much do you intend to spend
on the festival?}

Do you spend:
[a] 1000 marks (1 Gold).
[b] 2000 marks (2 Gold).
[c] 3000 marks (3 Gold).
_NODE 11a.
{A prudent decision, Majesty.}
{A prudent decision. I shall see to it immediately.}

The councillor leaves, but returns in a few minutes and
says, {My liege, bad news brings me back.
The treasury cannot support even that expenditure at
this time.}

Do you:
[a] furlough troops.
[b] give up and let the people grumble.
_NODE 11b.
_NODE n18332.
{Very good, my liege.}
{A noble gesture, my liege, but we do not have enough }
enough gold to make it so.}

Do you:
[a] spend 1000 marks (1 Gold).
[b] furlough troops.
[c] throw the councillor into your darkest dungeon.
_NODE 11c.
_NODE n18333.
{A most generous decision.
Surely the festival will be one to remember.}
{A generous gesture, my liege, but we do not have enough }
enough gold to make it so.}

Do you:
[a] spend 1000 marks (1 Gold).
[b] spend 2000 marks (2 Gold).
[c] furlough troops.
[d] let your people suffer.
_NODE 12.
_NODE n18335.
A messenger arrives at your castle. He is wearing the red and gold
livery of Sir Renau, a noble and well-respected knight in your

{Your Majesty,} he begins, {my lord, Sir Renau, bids me to bring
you bad tidings.

{Brigands are terrorizing the peasants and merchants in his lands,
and he dares not attend the festival you are planning. He bade me
further to say that, were he to be provided with a large contingent
of men, he would be happy to attend the festival, as he would not
then fear for the safety of his people.}

This news disturbs you, because Sir Renau is held in high regard
by your people, and his presence at the festival would improve
the morale of your subjects.

Do you:
[a] provide the men (1 Military).
[b] do without Sir Renau's presence at the festival.
_NODE 12a.
_NODE n18336.
{I thank you, and Sir Renau thanks you, for your
generosity, a virtue for which rightful rulers are known.}
A councillor whispers in your ear, {My liege, we have not the
the soldiers to spare.

{I fear we must do without Sir Renau's presence.}

The messenger bows and says, {I shall carry this sad news
back to Sir Renau. I am certain that he wishes the best for
your festival.}

Cluster: 1834

_NODE 13.
_NODE n18340.
A councillor comes to you and says, {My liege,
the preparations for the festival are progressing admirably.
A councillor comes to you and says, {My liege,
I am happy to report that preparations for the festival
are proceeding according to plan.
A councillor comes to you and says, {My liege,
I am delighted to report that the preparations for the
festival are proceeding perfectly, and all those
involved believe that it shall be a glorious spectacle.
{And allow me to remind your Majesty that
the festival will go on as scheduled in but twenty days.}
_NODE 14.
_NODE n18345.
The day of the festival has arrived. With your loyal guard in
their finest dress, you ride to the festivities. Vendors and
troubadours from across the land have come to entertain the
people and to sell them elegant clothes, flashy scarves,
delicious wines, and all manners of enjoyments.

Cluster: 1835

_NODE 15.
_NODE n18350.
While you are sampling some fine food and drink in a pavilion
that has been erected for you near the festival grounds,
an agent from your {intelligence} services comes to you.

{My liege,} he says breathlessly, {we have caught three ruffians
who had intended to sabotage your festival. They were caught with a
poison that they intended to introduce into the ale, and they had lamp
oil with which they planned to start a conflagration.

{This may come as no surprise to you, but we
have strong reason
to believe that they were sent by your sworn enemy, King
Edward of Albion.}
have strong reason
to believe that they were sent by your sworn enemy, Count
Charles of Valois.}
are sure that they were
sent by that vicious schemer, Duke Phillip of Burgundy.}
{My liege, though we have apprehended these men, rumors are still
being spread throughout the festival that cutthroats or saboteurs
are about. These rumors threaten to mar this glorious festival.
The people need to know that you can keep them safe.}

Do you:
[a] execute the ruffians, publicly and immediately.
[b] brand them and send them back to their lord
as a show of confidence.
[c] imprison and question them.
_NODE 15a.
_NODE n18351.
You bring swift justice to the saboteurs, and the crowd
cheers. Their fears are now allayed.
_NODE 15b.
_NODE n18352.
Before the jeering and cheering crowd, you have the
saboteurs branded. Then, bound securely, they are set on a
wagon and carried off toward their homeland.
The crowd is overjoyed to see that their king is graced with
mercy, confidence, and a sense of humor.
Before the jeering and cheering crowd, you have the
saboteurs branded. Then, bound securely, they are set on a
wagon and carried off toward their homeland.
The cheers of the crowd, however, turn into mumbles of
bewilderment, as the saboteurs are allowed to live.
The short speech you give explaining your actions
does little to impress the crowd.
Obviously your royal motives are beyond the understanding
of your people.
_NODE 15c.
_NODE n18353.
The crowd cheers when you present the villains,
but when you take them off to the dungeons, you hear
murmurs of disapproval. Obviously, the people expected an execution,
and they do not understand how much damage you can do to your enemy by
questioning his agents.
_NODE 16.
_NODE n18355.
While sitting in your pavilion near the festival, you hear a commotion.

Stepping outside to investigate, you see smoke rising from the
festival and hear the confused cries of a crowd. One of your
guards is running toward you.
{My liege,} he says, gasping for breath, {saboteurs have struck
the festival. They set fire to a vendor's tent, and
poisoned another vendor's ale with herbs that have made several people

You assure the people that there is no more danger. Your men
put out the fire and tend to the ill, but your festival
has been marred.

Cluster: 1836

_NODE 17.
_NODE n18360.
Night falls, and the festival-goers begin to leave. The
people are quiet, and some are frustrated.

A councillor accompanying you says:

{While I thought that this festival was one of the best in
my memory, your Majesty should know that some have been
heard to say that the people were disappointed.
There is talk that the festival raised hopes that were not satisfied,
and perhaps it would have been better if you had never had
the festival.}
Night falls, and many festival-goers begin to leave.
The people are smiling, laughing, and talking happily
among themselves.

A councillor accompanying you says, {While I thought that
this festival was one of the best in my memory, your Majesty
should know that some have been heard to say that they had
hoped for more. Still, there is no denying that the people's
spirits have been lifted.}
A guildmaster of the clothiers guild comes to your pavilion
and compliments you on the incredible success of the festival.
As you are enjoying the compliments, however, you hear yelling
and riotous laughter coming from the festival.

A councillor enters the pavilion and says, {My liege, the
revelers are becoming rowdy. They have enjoyed the festival so
much, they may get carried away.

{The clergy express dismay at the prospect of this celebration
turning bawdy and excessive, but a high-spirited revel may be
exactly what the people need.}

Do you:
[a] allow the festival to run its rowdy course.
[b] have your men cool the situation down.
_NODE 17a.
_NODE n18361.
Soon enough, the revelers have become drunk, boisterous,
and even belligerent.

Fights break out, and the revelers damage
the booths of many vendors.
Your men manage to quell the riot, but not before
many people are hurt and several booths
are damaged. The priests say that a good king would not
have allowed such raucous behavior, and that these excesses have
ruined what would otherwise have been a joyous festival.
The revelers are loud and boisterous, a few fights break out,
and a few businesses suffer some damage at the hands of
drunks, but overall the problems are few and isolated.
Most of the people consider this to be the best festival
in their memory.

The priests, however, make known their disappointment
at seeing a healthy festival turn carnal and profane.
The men you sent to protect Sir Renau's lands return,
along with a messenger who thanks you on Sir Renau's
behalf for your generosity.
_NODE 17b.
_NODE n18362.
The crowd refuses to be quieted, perhaps in part because
your men themselves partook of the wine and revelry.
The revelers are drunk, boisterous, and

Fights break out, and the revelers damage
the booths of several vendors.
Your men eventually put down the riot, but not before
many people are hurt and businesses
damaged. The priests say that a good king would not have allowed
such a raucous celebration, and that these excesses have ruined
what would otherwise have been a joyous festival.
Your men move among the celebrants, quieting the rowdiest,
while allowing others to have their fun. They manage to keep
the peace and prevent the celebration from getting out of

The bishop lets you know that he is pleased with your handling
of the problem.
The men you sent to protect Sir Renau's lands return,
along with a messenger who thanks you on Sir Renau's
behalf for your generosity.
_NODE 21.
_NODE n18365.
{Very good, my liege. I shall see to it immediately.}

The councillor leaves, but returns within an hour,
saying, {My liege, after consulting with the other councillors
and your generals, we have concluded that you cannot
spare the soldiers at this time.}

Do you:
[a] throw a festival.
[b] have your guards throw the councillor out of your court.
{Very good, my liege. I shall see to it immediately.}

The councillor leaves, but returns within an hour,
saying, {My liege, the furloughed may appreciate some extra
pay to bring home to their homes and families.}

How much do you spend on their {furlough pay}?
[a] nothing.
[b] 1000 marks (1 Gold).
[c] 2000 marks (2 Gold).
_NODE 21a.
_NODE n18366.
{Very prudent, my liege.}
As per your order, troops are now being furloughed,
only a few at a time, so as not to reduce your fighting force

Cluster: 1837

_NODE 22.
_NODE n18370.
A councillor comes to report on the progress of the
furlough program.

{My liege, I am happy to report that your wise decision to
furlough troops has met with great results.
The troops are glad for the rest,
and their families are delighted to see them back from the

{The troops are impressed with your generosity,
and have been heard to sing your praises in
the taverns.}
{The troops are grateful to you for their bonus pay, and
their families are glad to see their men so well-treated.}
{Surely this show of generosity will show your people
how fortunate they are to have you as their ruler.}
_NODE 23.
_NODE n18375.
A councillor comes to report on the progress of the furlough

{My liege, I have grave news. It seems that the commoners you employ
in your army are not worthy of your generosity. Many troops are
deserting or staying too long on furlough.
Those still in the field resent the good fortune of those who have
gone home.

{The money given to furloughed troops
may even be exacerbating the problem,
as it compounds the envy of those still serving you
in the field.

{Morale among the troops has fallen to a new low, and the
changes in personnel make it difficult for your captains to
maintain proper discipline and order.}
Do you:
[a] cancel the furlough program.
[b] accelerate the furlough program to appease
disgruntled troops.
[c] use politics to bring order to the furloughs.
[d] hope the problem will solve itself.
Do you:
[a] cancel the furlough program.
[b] use politics to bring order to the furloughs.
[c] hope the problem will solve itself.
_NODE 23a.
_NODE n18376.
{Very good, my liege. The troops shall be returned to the
It is disheartening that the men were not worthy of your generosity.}

You wait for things to return to normal.
A councillor reports that the troops have returned from
furlough and the army is back at full strength.

Your treasurer reports that only half the gold
allotted to the furlough program can be recovered.

Your treasurer reports that the gold allotted to the furlough
program cannot be recovered.

Do you:
[a] hold a festival.
[b] imprison those responsible for this fiasco and turn your attention
to other affairs.
_NODE 23b.
_NODE n18377.
A councillor comes to report on the results of accelerating
the furlough program.

{My liege, I bring happy news, as your wisdom has once again
brought success to our endeavors. More troops are being furloughed,
and the morale and order in the remaining troops has improved
_NODE 23c.
_NODE n18378.
A councillor enters your court to bring news of the furlough
program. You can see by his lively step that he brings good

{My liege, once again your firm hand has brought order
to a difficult problem.

{Your men have seen to it that the furloughs are orderly
and proper, and the morale of the troops has improved.}
A councillor enters your court to bring news of the furlough
program. His pace is somber and slow.

{My liege, your men have had little success in restoring order
to the troops.

(In fact, in many cases, they have proven so incompetent as
to intrude on the authority of the captains, to irritate
the soldiers, and to make the problem even worse.}

Do you:
[a] cancel the furlough program.
[b] accelerate the furlough program to appease
the disgruntled troops.
[c] let the problem solve itself.
[a] cancel the furlough program.
[b] let the problem solve itself.

Cluster: 1838

_NODE 24.
_NODE n18380.
A messenger arrives at your castle, wearing the red and gold livery
of Sir Renau, a noble and well-respected knight in your service.

{Your Majesty,} he begins, {my lord, Sir Renau, bids me to bring
you bad tidings.

{Brigands are terrorizing the peasants and merchants in his lands,
and he cannot afford to furlough troops as the other commanders
are doing.

{He humbly requests that you issue a proclamation exempting men
under his command from the furlough, until such time as the
bandits have been captured.}

Do you:
[a] issue the proclamation that Sir Renau requests.
[b] insist that he furlough troops as the other commanders have.
_NODE 24a.
_NODE n18381.
A councillor comes into the court bearing several letters and
looking a bit frantic.

{My liege,} he begins, {I carry here letters from nearly ten
commanders who have heard that Sir Renau is not furloughing his

{They all request that you exempt their men as well.}

Do you:
[a] grant their requests.
[b] grant the requests only of those with the best reasons.
[c] deny their requests.
[d] deny their requests, and insist that Sir Renau likewise comply.
_NODE 24aa.
_NODE n18382.
A councillor enters your court with bad news.

{Majesty, discontent has grown in the ranks of your commanders.
Some accuse you of playing favorites; the commanders who
avoided sending their soldiers on furlough have more privileges
than they.

{I am glad that the furlough program will end soon.}
_NODE 24ab.
_NODE n18383.
A councillor enters your court with news of the furloughs that
your troops have been enjoying.

{My liege, the commanders
are complying with your orders in regards
to the furlough of their troops.
While those whose requests you refused were at first
disappointed, they generally now agree that your choices were
wise and just, as befits a rightful king.}
A councillor enters your court with news of the furloughs that
your troops have been enjoying.

{My liege, the commanders
are complying with your orders in regards
to the furlough of their troops.
Those whose requests you refused, however, feel that you have
treated them unjustly.
Even some of the lords who made no requests are saying
that the land might fare better under a king with
a better eye for justice.}
_NODE 24ac.
_NODE n18384.
A councillor enters your court with news of the furloughs that
your troops have been enjoying.

{My liege, the lords whose requests you have denied have
accepted your ruling as loyal lords should.
If you could be among your troops, you would see
that they have all heard of your ruling.
"Exaggerated in the retelling, the story of your standing up for "
the lowly foot soldier has spread through your lands, and the
people are happy to have a king who supports them.}

The lords grumble at your unfairness, but nothing comes
of it.
Your people learn of your defense of the soldiers, and
you learn that they greatly appreciate the gesture.
_NODE 24ad.
_NODE n18385.
A councillor enters your court with news of the furloughs that
your troops have been enjoying.

{My liege, the lords accept your hard stance, but the troops
are happy that you have turned down the lords' request.
Exaggerated in the retelling, the story of your standing up for
the lowly foot soldier has spread through your lands, and the
people are happy to have a king who supports them.}

The lords are heard to grumble at what they call your
stubborn stance, but at least the soldiers are
happy that you sided with them.
_NODE 24ab.
_NODE n18386.
Sir Renau's messenger returns to your castle.

{Sir Renau acknowledges your authority to call for a furlough of
his troops, and he says he shall deal with the brigands
as best he can.}
A councillor returns from visiting Sir Renau.

{Majesty, although Sir Renau is complying with your orders, he
believes that you have been unreasonable. He would not say
so in public, of course.

{Sir Renau is held in high regard by his fellow lords,
and many of them are unhappy about the way Sir Renau has been

{At least the problem seems to have settled itself.}

Cluster: 1839

_NODE 25.
_NODE n18390.
A councillor comes to you with the last word on the furloughs
that you have provided to your troops.

{The furlough program is over, Majesty, and the last of the
troops have returned to their stations.
Your forces are back once again to full strength.

{While back home, many soldiers told such tales of glory
and honor that more young men have decided
to join the ranks of your army.
The morale of your troops has improved noticeably}.
{The furlough program is over, Majesty, and the last of the
troops have returned to their stations.
Your forces are back once again to full strength.}
_NODE 31.
_NODE n18395.
A councillor hurries into your court, agitation plainly written on
his face.

{My liege, I came as soon as I heard. Terrible times have come.
The discontent that the people have expressed has worsened,
and some lowly commoners have even said that these
lands might be happier with a different ruler on your throne.

{As of yet, these traitorous malcontents have not yet taken action
nor publically opposed you,
but I worry that, unless you take some action,
these troublemakers will be emboldened to cause grief
to your lands and loyal subjects.}

Do you:
[a] locate and speak with the leaders of this insurrection.
[b] send spies to discredit them.
[c] send spies to locate and imprison them.
[d] use military force to crush them quickly.
[e] take no action.
_NODE 31a.
_NODE n18396.
A councillor comes into your court and says,
{My liege, your men have identified some of the men who
have been outspoken about your rule's supposed failings.}

Three men are brought in under guard; they wear the dress of
artisans, common townsfolk.
Though they are slow to speak and afraid of your wrath,
they eventually relate that the struggles with other kingdoms
have hurt their lands.
Gold that could have been spent to repair roads and bridges
has been used to wage wars,
and many able-bodied men have returned from the wars maimed,
or not returned at all.

Do you:
[a] imprison them.
[b] intimidate them into ceasing their opposition.
[c] offer them 1000 marks (1 Gold).
[d] offer them 2000 marks (2 Gold).
[e] promise them that their future will improve.
_NODE 31ab.
_NODE n18397.
The malcontents vow loyalty, thank you for
sparing them, and promise to cease speaking out against you.
Since your men have already found them once, they can find
these men again, and your threats prevent further problems
among your subjects.
The malcontents vow loyalty, thank you for
sparing them, and promise to cease speaking out
against you.
_NODE 31ac.
_NODE n18398.
Your treasurer whispers to you, {Majesty, you cannot
afford this gesture.}

Do you:
[a] imprison the malcontents.
[b] threaten them.
[c] promise them that their future will improve.
Relief and surprise show plainly on the faces of the
men. They thank you profusely for your generosity, and
assure you that they will never more speak out against
your just and generous rule.
_NODE 31ad.
_NODE n18399.
Your treasurer whispers to you, {Majesty, you cannot
afford this gesture.}

Do you:
[a] spend 1000 marks (1 Gold) to see to their needs.
[b] imprison the malcontents.
[c] threaten them.
[d] promise them that their future will improve.
Relief and surprise show plainly on the faces of the
men. They thank you profusely for your generosity, and
assure you that they will never more speak out against
your just and generous rule.

Cluster: 1840

_NODE 31ae.
_NODE n18400.
The leaders of the malcontents take your speech to heart
and are visibly relieved not to be threatened or imprisoned.
They vow loyalty, and assure you that they shall bring
the spirit of your words back to those who have opposed you.
Though they are too frightened to speak out, you can tell
that these men are not impressed by your words.

Do you:
[a] imprison them.
[b] threaten them.
[c] offer 1000 marks (1 Gold) to see to their needs.
[d] offer 2000 marks (2 Gold).
_NODE 31b.
_NODE n18401.
One of the spies who was seeking out malcontents visits your

{My liege, I bring good news. My men have located those
who have spoken out against your just rule.
With judicious use of threats, lies, and silver, we have
thwarted the budding insurrection with no one becoming
the wiser.

You can once again rely on the loyalty of your subjects.}
One of the spies who was seeking out malcontents visits your

{My liege, I bring news both good and bad. My men have located
those who speak out most loudly against your rightful rule,
but we have found them to be far too determined
to be thwarted without using more force than we have been
authorized to apply.}

Do you:
[a] offer to speak with the leaders of this insurrection.
[b] send spies to locate and imprison the leaders.
[c] use military force to crush them.
[d] hope that the problem goes away.
_NODE 31d.
_NODE n18402.
A councillor comes into your court.

{My liege, I bring news about those who have, of late,
criticized your rightful rule. Your men have made quick work
of the poorly armed trouble-makers.

{As is to be expected in such maneuvers, some loyal civilians
were unfortunately injured and slain. And, of course, many of
the trouble-makers leave widows and children who now face
poverty and peril. But we sure showed them, my liege!}

Do you:
[a] make a public proclamation to explain this act to your
[b] let the issue pass.
A distressed councillor comes into your court.

{My liege, terrible news. Your soldiers have killed many
malcontents, but the assault caused a riot, and your men were
forced to retreat.

{Word of this attack will no doubt spread and make the
people even more unhappy with your rule.}
_NODE 31da.
_NODE n18403.
Your proclamation calms the people and assures them that the
violence was necessary, and that it is over. Though you have
not won their love, you have at least prevented the
dissatisfaction from growing.

Perhaps only time can improve your image in the eyes of your
The people cheer at your proclamation, but later your
councillors let you know that dissension is still spreading
through your people.
_NODE 32.
_NODE n18405.
The head of your {intelligence} services comes into
your court,
followed by several guards who are escorting a rag-tag
band of men.

{My liege, these are the men responsible for spreading
dissatisfaction with your rule, darkening the good hearts
of your loyal subjects.

{As you have ordered, they will now be taken to the
dungeon, and we shall see what becomes of their petty
opposition to your just a rightful rule.}
Your incompetent spies haul some peasants and
townsfolk before you, but they are not leaders
of a rebellion by any stretch of the imagination.
You will need a different approach to deal with those
who speak out against you, one that does not rely on your

Do you:
[a] let it be known that you would speak with the leaders of
this insurrection.
[b] use military force to crush the malcontents before they
gain more support.
[c] hope the problem goes away.
_NODE 32a.
_NODE n18406.
A councillor enters the court, smiling broadly.

{Excellent news, my lord.

{It seems that the malcontents who, just three weeks
ago, were spreading ill words about your rule have lost
their spirit. Deprived of their leaders and afraid of more
violent reprisals, the dissenters have quieted their
talk, and while a small group still harbors resentment
toward you, their opposition no longer spreads through the
A councillor enters the court, frowning.

{My liege, it seems that imprisoning the malcontents has not
had its intended effect. While opposition to you is quieter,
it is spreading through the populace.}

Cluster: 1841

_NODE 33.
_NODE n18410.
A councillor enters the court, wringing his hands in worry.

{M-my liege,} he begins, {opposition to you has spread through
your lands, and it shows little sign of abating on its

{We councillors are of the opinion that something must be done
about this rising tide of unjust opposition to you rule.}

Do you:
[a] attempt to regain support of your populace through
military and political force.
[b] ride out the storm and try not to make it worse.
_NODE 33a.
_NODE n18411.
A councillor reports that your men have identified
many of the insurrectionists' leaders and imprisoned
or intimidated them.
A councillor reports that an armed mob of people
opposed to your rule has been routed by your soldiers.
A councillor reports that many civilians loyal to you
have taken to burning the businesses of those who
oppose you.
A councillor comes into your court, wearing a weary
but happy expression on his face.

{Majesty, the insurrection has been put down.
No one is heard to speak out against you,
and all organized resistance to you has been crushed.
While you may not have earned the love of the people,
you have at least regained control over them.}
A councillor reports that your men have identified
a fair number of the insurrectionists' leaders and imprisoned
or intimidated them.
A councillor reports that an armed mob of people
opposed to your rule has been routed by your soldiers,
but many loyal subjects were injured in the fighting.
A councillor reports that civilians are fighting in the
streets over the issue of your rule. They will let you
know if anything else occurs.
A councillor enters your court, a weary expression on
his face.

{My liege, vocal opposition to your rule has ceased, and
to that extent we have won this contest,
but many people harbor resentments in their hearts
for the violence that the last three weeks have seen.
I fear that your workers and soldiers may be less
enthusiastic about their duties than you have known
them to be in the past.
You have not won the people's love, but you have regained
your rightful control over them.}
_NODE 33b
_NODE n18412.
A weary councillor comes into your court.

{Majesty, our worst fears have gone unrealized.
While many people remain unjustly dissatisfied with your wise reign,
no organized opposition has presented itself.
I worry that your people are less enthusiastic about fulfilling
their lawful duties to you, but your rule is in no danger.
We can only hope that, with time, the people will come to
see that their discontent is unfounded, and you shall be loved as
greatly as you deserve.}
_NODE 21b.
_NODE n18413.
Your treasurer speaks up and says, {Majesty,
while I applaud your generosity, you should know
that the treasury would be drained by such expense.
The troops will have to be furloughed without extra pay.}
{Very good, my liege.}
As per your order, troops are now being furloughed,
only a few at a time, so as not to reduce your fighting force

In addition, they are being given small bonuses as they leave.
_NODE 21c.
_NODE n18414.
Your treasurer speaks up and says, {Majesty,
while I applaud your generosity, you should know
that the treasury would be drained by such pay.}

You must furlough the troops without pay.

Would you like to:
[a] furlough troops without pay.
[b] distribute 1000 marks (1 Gold) among the troops.
[c] let the people be unhappy.
{Very good, my liege.}
As per your order, troops are now being furloughed,
only a few at a time, so as not to reduce your fighting force

In addition, they are being given generous bonuses
as they leave.

Cluster: 1857

_NODE 1.
_NODE 18570.
At the last council meeting, you notice Lord Chassaine, one of
your late father's best friends and supporters, shifting uneasily.
When you get a chance to corner him, you raise an eyebrow.
{It is rather minor, Your Majesty. I have been receiving reports of
mysterious movements in the forests near my keep. Some of the people
believe that they are wild men: poachers, bandits or their like. Since I
have few soldiers, I have been reluctant to waste them digging about
in the woods, but now some of the woodcutters are becoming leery of
working there, and the merchants are hesitating to use my trails.}
Do you:
[a] offer Lord Chassaine a troop of Infantry to patrol the woods.
[b] send a few trusted scouts to investigate the matter.
[c] tell Lord Chassaine to keep you notified, but ignore it.
_NODE 1a,
_NODE 18571.
{Ah, you do not have the men to spare. I understand, my lord;
I shall struggle onward without your assistance.}
One of your advisors brings you a problem.

{Your Majesty, the forces that you have sent to Lord Chassaine report that
they are having great difficulties. They are managing to keep work and
trade going in the area, but only under constant harassment. Sir
Marvain, their commander, requests that you send him a unit of archers.
Otherwise, he says, they may soon have great trouble on their hands.}

Do you:
[a] send a unit of archers to Sir Marvain.
[b] send trusted men to investigate.
[c] ignore the matter.
_NODE 1b.
_NODE 18572.
One day, one of your agents quietly returns to you.

{Sire, I believe that this matter in Lord Chassaine's lands is more
serious than he suspects. The men lurking in the forest near his castle
do not appear to be simple bandits.
Perhaps you should send soldiers into
the area to control the situation.}

Do you:
[a] send a unit of Infantry.
[b] send a unit of Infantry and a unit of Archers.
[c] tell your agent to keep you informed, but take no action.
_NODE 1c.
_NODE 18573.
A messenger comes to you.

{Your Majesty, the shadow of banditry casts its evil pall over the
lands of Lord Chassaine.

{A shipment of lumber being
brought from Lord Chassaine's lands has been attacked, and
the wood stolen or burned!}
{A shipment of gold being
transported across Lord Chassaine's lands has been attacked, and
the gold stolen!}

Do you:
[a] send for Lord Chassaine.
[b] send a unit of Infantry to pursue the bandits.
[c] set out yourself with a sizable body of troops.
{Majesty, we do not have the infantry. We must send for
Lord Chassaine.}
_NODE 1aa.
_NODE 18574.
You receive a visitor. He is Sir Marvain, the knight commanding
your forces near Lord Chassaine's lands.

{Your Majesty, thank you for the archers. Without them, all would be lost.}
{Unfortunately, we can do little better than hold our ground. We are plagued
by intermittent ambushes, sabotage, and missing men. We have also
detected signs that the problem is spreading. I do not know what to
suggest, my lord, but I fear that we cannot solve this problem

Do you:
[a] demand that Sir Marvain solve this problem at all cost.
[b] send more spies to investigate.
[c] lead a force yourself.
_NODE 1ab.
_NODE 18575.
One of your trusted agents returns from his mission.

{Your Majesty, I have discovered one cause of the
difficulties on Lord Chassaine's lands.

{A band of rebels is lurking in the forest there,
slowly building strength. They appear to be led by
one named Corinn, a man of whom I have been able to discover little else.
{I know not from whence he draws his strength.
Although the struggle for Bretagne has caused some grumbling, the locals have no
grievance with you.}

Do you:
[a] order your agent to kill Corinn.
[b] have your agent arrange a meeting with Corinn.
[c] send Sir Marvain a unit of Archers.
[d] take forces and look into the matter yourself.
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Old 12-10-2015, 06:53 AM   #153
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 1858

_NODE 2.
_NODE 18580.
You set out with your forces to investigate the disturbances
in Lord Chassaine's lands.

When you arrive, you find that the reports of the terrain are accurate
enough: a mixture of forests and marshes, with rolling hills rising into
mountains toward the borders of your lands. Finding those who are hiding
here will challenge even the keenest of your scouts.

Do you:
[a] keep your forces together and conduct sweeps.
[b] concentrate most of your forces, deploying reconnaissance
parties on their perimeter.
[c] break up into squads and do an extended sweep of the local lands.
_NODE 1a.
_NODE 18581.
A runner bursts into your tent. His demeanor betrays his message
even before he begins his sad recitation.

{My lord, I have bad news. While we have been patrolling
this part of the land, bandits attacked a caravan to the
east, which was carting timber. It is lost, my liege.}
east, which was carting grain. It is lost, my liege.}
east, which was carting gold. It is lost, my liege.}
east. Fortunately, they had already made their delivery.}

Do you:
[a] set your spies to locating the bandits.
[b] concentrate most of your forces, deploying reconnaissance
parties on their perimeter.
[c] break up into squads and do an extended sweep of the local lands.
_NODE 2b.
_NODE 18582.
After a month of searching, you have failed to find the rebels.
They always seem to be one step ahead of you; you find
their camps several times, once with an abandoned cooking fire still
blazing. You have accomplished nothing. Other demands for your
attention and the services of your soldiers are becoming increasingly strident.

Do you:
[a] continue with the patrols.
[b] summon Lord Chassaine.
[c] command your trusted agents to locate the bandits.
_NODE 2c.
_NODE 18583.
The shaft of an arrow, expertly placed, grazes your cheek as you lead
your knights on patrol. The sharp report of its impact into a nearby
oak tree reverberates through the sun-dappled forest.

Your trained eye now notices the large number of unfriendly traveling
companions who surround you. They easily outnumber your men by at least
three to one.

A voice speaks from the shadows,

{Surrender to me, you who would be king of Bretagne! Surrender, lest the
blood of your good men be spilled here today!}

Do you:
[a] surrender to the bandits.
[b] fight.
You surrender to the bandits. Although a few of your men attempt to
resist, you sharply command them to cease. Your arms are
bound, you are blindfolded, and your horse is led
away over some distance.
You and your men attempt to resist, but
your men are felled by arrow fire, and you are brought
low with clubs. You are bound and blindfolded,
set upon your horse, and led away.
At last, the horses draw to a halt. You are pulled roughly from your horse. Your
blindfold is removed, and you stand in a clearing surrounded by a party of
heavily armed brigands.

In front of you is a slim, sharp-featured man, dressed no differently
than the others.
{Good afternoon, Your Majesty,} he says, bowing with just a hint of
mockery. {I am pleased that you are able to attend this meeting. We have
much to discuss.}

Do you:
[a] curse him.
[b] tell him to get on with it.
[c] stand silent.
[d] ask him what he means.
_NODE 1aa.
_NODE 18584.
One of your agents returns.

{Sire, I believe that I have located the leader of the rebels, a
man named Corinn. He does not remain in any one place for long, however.
If you wish to take action against him, it must be swift.}

Do you:
[a] order your agent to kill Corinn.
[b] have him attempt to set up a meeting with Corinn.
[c] send a squad of your men to capture the rebel.
_NODE 2ba.
_NODE 18585.
Many weeks of patrols pass. You notice disturbing signs that the
rebel forces you are chasing are growing in size, but since you are
still managing to thwart their raids, you are not concerned,
assuming that soon the brigands will lose their strength.
Terrible news comes to you: Lord Chassaine's keep has been
overrun. Apparently, the forces that you pursued kept you so
busy that news of the attack did not reach you until too late.
Now one Lord Stefan of Caldun, little more than a mountain bandit
himself, has taken your liegeman's castle.

Do you:
[a] ride immediately to Chassaine's rescue.
[b] call for the rest of your armies, then ride to his rescue.
[c] send a message to Lord Stefan asking him what he wants.

Cluster: 1859

_NODE 3.
_NODE 18590.
{Your Majesty, we have unfortunate news. One of your agents
has been found hanged from a tree, with the word {cutthroat}
scrawled on a scarf about his neck. Further,
another of our lumber shipments has vanished.}
another of our food shipments has vanished.}
another of our gold shipments has vanished.}
another of our weapon shipments has vanished.}

Do you:
[a] summon Lord Chassaine.
[b] take forces and look into the matter yourself.
[a] summon Lord Chassaine.
[b] continue with your patrols.
Your spy returns.

{Your Majesty, it is done. The man is dead. I am certain
that, without him, his brothers in arms will drift away.}
_NODE 3.1.
_NODE 18591.
Your spy returns to you with news.

{Sire, the rebel Corinn has agreed to a meeting one month hence on
Bright Hill, east of Lord Chassaine's keep. He will permit you six
guards, and no more, else he will not be there when you arrive.}

Do you:
[a] go to the meeting with just the six guards.
[b] go with six visible guards, but have others creep up in hiding.
[c] go alone.
_NODE 3.2.
_NODE 18592.
The captain of the squad that you sent in pursuit of the rebel Corinn

{I am sorry, my lord. His woodsmen are too skilled; by
the time we located the camp described by your agent, the filthy
brigands were gone.}

Do you:
[a] summon Lord Chassaine.
[b] continue with your patrols.
Your squadron returns triumphantly with Corinn, leader of the
rebels. He is somewhat battered but alive. Your men throw
the slim, sharp-featured man down in front of you.

{So, you have proved cannier than I, after all. Finish it,
then, what the bedamned Charles began. May he burn in hell!}

He looks at you for a long moment after you demand an explanation
for his outburst.
One of your men edges forward, eager to prod him with a
spear haft, but you wave him away. Corinn then speaks again.
{I am the son of Peter of Bretagne, grandson of Fredric of
Bretagne, through whose blood and bones Charles the Usurper walked
to gain his throne. I shall not apologize for being
willing to sacrifice you, Sire, to win back that precious throne.}

Do you:
[a] have him executed.
[b] offer him freedom, if he will renounce any
claim to the throne.
[c] offer him a title, and the hand of your niece, if he
will renounce his claim and support your bid for the throne.

Cluster: 1860

_NODE 4.
_NODE 18600.
He smiles humorlessly. {Perhaps I shall, Your Majesty. Until that dark day,
however, you shall remain my prisoner.}

You are led away to a hidden cave in the hills, where you are subjected
to rough but tolerable conditions of imprisonment.

Do you:
[a] wait to be rescued.
[b] try to escape late at night.
[c] try to bribe your guard.
_NODE 4.1.
_NODE 18601.
{Perhaps. But the cost will be dear, Your Majesty. A minimum of 8,000
marks, or its equivalent in food and goods, I would think. Is your freedom
worth that to you, Your Majesty?}

Do you:
[a] agree to pay the 8 Gold or equivalent.
[b] try to get him to take 5 Gold.
[c] try to get him to take 3 Gold.
{Very well, then. If you will write a message, we will send it
to your family and arrange for the exchange.}

{It seems that your supplies are not up to your needs,
Your Majesty. Apparently, you shall remain my prisoner.}

Do you:
[a] tell him that he will pay for this outrage.
[b] challenge him to single combat.
[c] ask if there is not some sort of a deal that you can
{Even as a prisoner, you insist on being in control, Your
Majesty?} Corinn asks sardonically. {Very well. I shall permit you
this small victory. 5,000 marks, then. You must write
a letter, and I will see it conveyed to your family.}
{Evidently, your supplies are insufficient for your needs,
Your Majesty. Apparently, you shall remain my prisoner.}

Do you:
[a] tell him that he will pay for this outrage.
[b] challenge him to single combat.
[c] ask if there is not some sort of a deal that you can
{Bargaining like a common merchant, Your Majesty? I had
thought better of you. I shall forget about ransoms, then.}

Do you:
[a] tell him that he will pay for this outrage.
[b] challenge him to single combat.
[c] ask if there is not some sort of a deal that you can make.
_NODE 4.2.
_NODE 18602.
{And why should I fight you, my lord? What value is there in it? What

Do you tell him:
[a] that a true warrior would not be afraid to let you fight for your
[b] that if he wins, you will support him in his bid for the throne;
that if you win, you expect him to
join you and support your struggle for the throne of Bretagne.
{A pretty sentiment, Your Majesty, but one which has no place
in my life; I can ill afford such fine points of honor. My
prisoner you shall remain.}

Do you:
[a] tell him that he will pay for this outrage.
[b] offer to ransom yourself.
[c] ask if there is not some sort of a deal that you can make.
Corinn slowly smiles. {All or nothing, is it, my lord? How
can I refuse, given the imbalance of the wager?}
The next few minutes are a dance of flashing swords, of blood
and of pain. When it is done, however, you stand with your sword
at the rebel's throat, ever aware that it would be easy for
his men to feather you now.

Corinn slowly lifts his hands. {I cry for mercy, my lord. And I
am a man of my word.}

He looks suddenly concerned. {But I did not leave
you unmarked, my lord! You are wounded!}

You realize for the first time that he speaks the truth.

Corinn of Bretagne rides in to join your forces. You soon
have a new knight, and some very fine archers and scouts.
Unfortunately, several weeks will pass before your wounds heal
sufficiently to permit you to exercise your full capabilities.
_NODE 18603.
Minutes pass, as Corinn eyes you suspiciously. {What sort of a deal, Your
Majesty? We are in opposition, even if not coming from equal
positions. That which helps one of us hurts the other. Under
those circumstances, what sort of a deal can be made?}

Do you:
[a] offer to help Corinn work within one of the other
contenders' lands.
[b] offer him and his men positions within your army, if he will
renounce his claim.
{Even were I willing to abandon my claim, I could not
trust a promise made under these conditions, Your
Majesty. No, you shall remain my prisoner.}

Do you:
[a] tell him that he will pay for this outrage.
[b] offer to ransom yourself.
[c] challenge him to personal combat.

Cluster: 1861

_NODE 5.
_NODE 18610.
Do you:
[a] send spies to investigate Stefan of Caldun.
[b] send a messenger to him, demanding that he explain his involvement
in this matter.
[c] march your forces up to his as a sign of your
_NODE 5a.
_NODE 18611.
One of your spies returns from investigating Stefan of Caldun.

{Your Majesty, Lord Stefan has been recruiting mercenaries
and building war engines at his mountain fastness for several months.
He may attempt to move at any moment.}

Do you:
[a] warn to Lord Stefan to leave your lands
or face your wrath.
[b] march immediately to confront him.
[c] have your spies monitor him, but focus
on controlling other matters in the kingdom.
_NODE 5b.
_NODE 18612.
A messenger arrives.

{Your Majesty, Lord Chassaine is under attack! Lord Stefan of Caldun
saw your inaction as a sign of weakness. By now, he has
probably captured Lord Chassaine's keep.}

Do you:
[a] ride with a small force to his rescue.
[b] gather your full armies, then ride to his rescue.
[c] ask Lord Stefan what he wants.
_NODE 5c.
_NODE 18613.
Your forces march for several days before reaching the mountain fortress
of Lord Stefan of Caldun. The terrain is steep and rocky.
Your cavalry will be of little use in a fight.

Do you:
[a] hail out Lord Stefan for a meeting.
[b] attack immediately.
Lord Stefan, a genial, bucolic fellow, comes out to meet you.

{Attack Lord Chassaine? Why, I would not even consider such a
thing. Way too much trouble, don't you know. These mercenaries
are here to help me sweep the mountains clear of
an annoying gang of brigands that has been troubling me.}

Do you:
[a] return to your home.
[b] insist on searching his castle.
[c] attack immediately.
{Certainly, my lord. Let me announce your arrival
so that preparations may be made. Life can
be somewhat untidy out here in the fringes.}

Lord Stefan strolls hurriedly back into his castle.
Soldiers and villagers alike scurry busily about, making
preparations for your arrival. Suddenly, you notice that their
activities are not those of welcoming hosts, but of
soldiers preparing for combat.
Clearly, Lord Stefan is readying himself for a siege!
_NODE 5aa.
_NODE 18614.
{Your Majesty, I bear a message from Lord Stefan of Caldun. He is outraged
that a great lord such as yourself would threaten a mere lordling.
He insists that he has done nothing to you and
yours, and has no intention of doing so.}

Do you:
[a] set out a force to ambush him should he try to proceed out of his
[b] march on him immediately.
[c] await events.
_NODE 5ac.
_NODE 18615.
The spy assigned to watch Lord Stefan rides in hurriedly.

{M'lord, Stefan of Caldun's forces are on the march! I believe that they
plan to attack Lord Chassaine!}

Do you:
[a] march your forces immediately to reinforce Chassaine.
[b] intercept Lord Stefan along the way.
[c] wait until he attacks Lord Chassaine, then ambush him.
_NODE 5ca.
_NODE 18616.
In a blare of trumpets and flick of pennons, your forces attack!
You overwhelm the forces of Lord Stefan, despite his familiarity
with the land.
You find the rebel, Corinn, in Stefan's castle, and
he is slain in the ensuing battle. After destroying
the war engines and releasing the mercenaries on their word
to leave the area, you empty Lord Stefan's coffers and return
home. You are certain that the Lord of Caldun will not soon
trouble you again.
Lord Stefan is a skilled defender, and he repels your forces
at some loss to you.

Do you:
[a] attempt to besiege him again.
[b] proceed home and recoup your losses.
_NODE 5aaa.
_NODE 18617.
A messenger comes to you.

{Your Majesty, I have good news. The small force that you set in the passes,
on the chance that Lord Stefan should prove treacherous, has managed to head off
his attempted strike! Even better, we managed to surprise the rebel
band, which was working with them, and destroy it!}

Cluster: 1862

_NODE 6.
_NODE 18620.
{I bring a message from Lord Stefan of Caldun, my liege.}

{He says that he has seized Lord Chassaine's land both to avenge an old insult
from Lord Chassaine to Lord Stefan's father, and to secure his border.
However, he says he might consider the matter
settled and remove his troops if you ally with him and supply
him with 5,000 marks for his defense.}

Do you:
[a] send the 5,000 marks (5 Gold).
[b] send 3,000 marks (3 Gold) and tell him to address any
complaints to your army.
[c] gather your army and attack him.
{My lord, we do not have that much gold. I am
afraid we must free Lord Chassaine by force.}
{My lord, we do not have that much gold. I am
afraid we must free Lord Chassaine by force.}
_NODE 6.1.
_NODE 18621.
Your forces arrive in brave array, pennants blowing, horns blaring.
Lord Stefan's forces await you, along with what you recognize as some
of the brigand archers. The battle is joined.
With difficulty, you overwhelm the forces of Lord Stefan.
You find the rebel, Corinn, in Stefan's castle,
and he is slain in the ensuing battle. After destroying
the war engines and releasing the mercenaries on their word
to leave the area, you ransom Lord Stefan. Much of this will
be needed to repair Lord Chassaine's keep. You are certain
that the Lord of Caldun will not soon trouble you again.
Lord Stefan is a skilled defender, and he repels your forces
at some loss to you.

Do you:
[a] attempt to besiege him again.
[b] acknowledge him as the new owner of Lord Chassaine's lands.
_NODE 6.2.
_NODE n18622.
Your small force rides hard to arrive at the keep of Lord Chassaine.
To your pleasant surprise, you find the area still in a state of
disarray; Lord Chassaine had given a good showing indeed. Perhaps there
is a chance...
With surprise, good fortune, and God on your side, you triumph!

You find the rebel, Corinn, in the castle, conferring with Stefan.
Corinn is slain in the battle for Lord Chassaine's keep.
After releasing the mercenaries on
their word to leave the area, you ransom Lord Stefan. Much of this
gold will be needed to repair Lord Chassaine's keep. You are certain that the
Lord of Caldun will not soon trouble you again.
Unfortunately, this success is at a cost. The wounds you receive in
battle will leave you bedridden for many weeks, during which your
ability to direct your kingdom will be reduced.
Your surgeon visits you.

{Majesty, I am pleased to say that your wounds have healed. You may
now resume your kingly duties.}
_NODE 6.4.
_NODE n18623.
Your forces arrive in brave array, pennants blowing, horns blaring.
Lord Stefan's forces await you, along with what you recognize as some
of the brigand archers. Lord Chassaine's forces gratefully welcome you.
The battle is joined.

With difficulty, you overwhelm the forces of Lord Stefan.
You find the rebel, Corinn, in the castle
with Stefan. Corinn is slain in the fierce battle. After disarming
and releasing the mercenaries on their word to leave
the area, you ransom Lord Stefan. You are certain that
the Lord of Caldun will not soon trouble you again.
Lord Stefan is a skilled defender, and he repels your forces
at some loss to you.

Do you:
[a] attempt to besiege him again.
[b] acknowledge him as the new owner of Lord Chassaine's lands.
_NODE 6.5.
_NODE n18624.
Your forces arrive in brave array, pennants blowing, horns blaring.
Lord Stefan's forces await you, along with what you recognize as some
of the brigand archers. The battle is joined.
With difficulty, you overwhelm the forces of Lord Stefan.
You find the rebel, Corinn, with
Stefan. Corinn is slain in the fierce battle that follows.
After disarming
and releasing the mercenaries on their word to leave the
area, you ransom Lord Stefan. You are certain that
the Lord of Caldun will not soon trouble you again.
Lord Stefan is a skilled defender, and he repels your forces
at some loss to you.

Do you:
[a] attempt to besiege him again.
[b] acknowledge him as the new owner of Lord Chassaine's lands.

Cluster: 1863

_NODE 1ac.
_NODE n18630.
A ragged and bloodied figure comes into your great hall.
The leader of the infantry that you dispatched to Lord
Chassaine's lands, Sir Marvain, throws himself at your feet.
{My lord, I have failed you. While patrolling the woods,
we were ambushed by many skilled archers. Only I
and a handful of my men survived. These brigands are far more dangerous
than we had imagined.} He looks up at you. {Even worse, I heard as I
passed through a nearby town that a shipment of
weapons and armor had been hijacked while we were lost in the
Do you:
[a] order Sir Marvain executed.
[b] give him a force of infantry and archers and tell him to handle
this problem at all cost.
[c] take a force and look into the matter yourself.
{Thank you, my lord; I shall not fail you again.}
_NODE 1bc.
_NODE n18631.
A messenger comes to you:

{Your Majesty, I bring bad news. A shipment of lumber being
brought from Lord Chassaine's lands has been attacked, and
the wood stolen or burned!}
A messenger comes to you:

{Your Majesty, I bring bad news.
A shipment of gold being
transported across Lord Chassaine's lands has been attacked, and
the gold stolen!}
Later that day, one of your agents returns to you.

{Your Majesty, I have discovered one cause of the
difficulties on Lord Chassaine's lands.

{A band of rebels is lurking about in the woods, slowly
building their strength. They are led by a man named Corinn,
though I can discover nothing else about him.
{I do not know from whence he draws his strength; the locals
have no grievance with you, though there is always some
grumbling because of the struggle for Bretagne. I have seen nothing

Do you:
[a] order your agent to kill Corinn.
[b] have your agent try to set up a meeting with Corinn.
[c] muster your guards and look into the matter yourself.
_NODE 1ca.
_NODE n18632.
Lord Chassaine rides in, responding to your summons.

{My liege, I do not know what to say. I had been receiving hints
of disturbances in my lands, but I had no indication they had reached such

{I have done my best to determine the cause of this trouble. I firmly
believe that the blame should be laid at the door of Lord
Stefan of Caldun. He appears to be backing these so-called rebels...
bandits and mercenaries, if I may say so. He knows that
he can launch an attack on me with impunity while Your Majesty is distracted by
his raids. Perhaps he even plans to
take my lands and then make a deal with you.}
_NODE 1aca.
_NODE n18633.
After the execution of Sir Marvain, one of your advisors privately
comes to you.

{The execution was perhaps... ill advised... Your Majesty. Marvain had many
friends among the nobility. There are those who say that, had he
received the aid he needed, his forces would not have been lost.
Regardless of this, the execution has not solved the problem.}

Do you:
[a] take a force and look into the matter yourself.
[b] send for Lord Chassaine.
_NODE 2ca.
_NODE n18634.
The man's smile fades. {Little better than I expected. And you have
the nerve to think that you should sit on the throne of Bretagne!}

He walks around the clearing, looking you over with a faintly sardonic

{But perhaps you are modeling yourself on that paragon of virtue,
'good' King Charles. Did you ever hear how this great monarch came to
the throne?} He pauses, his jaw tightening. {He walked through the
blood and over the bones of King Fredric and Prince Peter and their
{The blood of my father and grandfather.}

He turns back to face you. {Legend has it that I am dead. But
some have enough loyalty to protect the son of their prince, even at
the risk of their own lives.}
He looks at you contemptuously. {You are no worse than the others,
chasing the prize of Bretagne. But in your lands I will make my
stand. Even if I must gnaw away, like a rat, at each of the great lords, the crown
of my grandfather will once again be mine.

{As a hostage, I am sure that you will be of great assistance, Your
Majesty. But with you, or without you, I shall be victorious.}

Do you:
[a] tell him that he will pay for this outrage.
[b] offer to ransom yourself.
[c] challenge him to single combat.
[d] ask if there is not some sort of a deal you can make.

Cluster: 1864

_NODE 3.1a.
_NODE n18640.
Your small knightly party rides up onto the hill and looks around.
Clearly, Bright Hill gained its name from the sun reflecting
off the pond at its base.

Suddenly, at least two dozen men surround the
hill. You are confident that you could break free if need be, so you
maintain a calm face.

The leader of these men is slim, sharp-featured, intense. He walks
around the clearing looking you over with a faintly pensive expression.

{This meeting is a waste of time, Majesty. I hold
nothing particularly against you, no desire to do you and your liegemen
harm, even though you participate in the wretched scramble for a throne
that is not yours to claim.
{At least you do not model yourself on that paragon of
virtue, 'good' King Charles. Did you ever hear how this great monarch
came to the throne?} He pauses, his jaw tightening. {He walked through
the blood and over the bones of King Fredric and Prince Peter and
their families.}

{The blood of my father and grandfather.}

He turns back to face you. {Legend has it that I am dead. But
some have enough loyalty to protect the son of their prince, even at
the risk of their own lives.}
He looks you over, thoughtfully. {In a way, it is a shame. You are no worse than
the others, chasing the prize of Bretagne. But in your lands I will make my
stand. Even if I must gnaw away, like a rat, at each of the great lords, the crown
of my grandfather will once again be mine.}

Do you:
[a] point out that he is merely slowing you down; that even if he
is successful, he will simply win the throne for others.
[b] threaten death to him and his followers if he does not abandon
his harassment now.
Abruptly, more men, concealed in pits in the ground, spring up.
Before you can even draw your swords, your men are felled.
You are pulled from your horse and bound.
{You will find that difficult, Majesty. You will
make a fine hostage.}
Do you:
[a] tell him that he will pay for this outrage.
[b] offer to ransom yourself.
[c] challenge him to personal combat.
[d] ask if there is not some sort of a deal you can make.
He looks at you again, for a long moment, and then his face
seems to sag.
{There is truth in what you say, Your Majesty. But I owe
a debt to these men, who follow me and believe in me. I
cannot abandon them now.}

Do you:
[a] offer him and his men pardon and a position with your
forces if they cease raiding now.
[b] offer to support him in harassing another contender.
[c] offer him a title, and the hand of your niece, if he
will support your bid for the
{I must think on this, and speak to my people, Your
Majesty. A place of honor with you is
better than death to my men and the passing the crown to
another claimant.}

He and his men disappear as quietly as they appeared.
You watch your new soldiers join your army. A smile
is on your face, a rare expression these days.

{I Corinn, count of Bretagne, swear fealty...}

You have a new commander, and some very fine
archers and scouts. This has been a good day.
_NODE 3.1b.
_NODE n18641.
You arrive at Bright Hill and wait a long time. Evidently,
your deception has been detected. Worse, when you return, you find
that another
lumber shipment has vanished.
food shipment has vanished.
gold shipment has vanished.
weapon shipment has vanished.

Do you:
[a] summon Lord Chassaine.
[b] take forces and look into the matter yourself.
[a] summon Lord Chassaine.
[b] continue with your patrols.
Your men successfully ambush Corinn's forces. In a
battle to the death with the rebel leader, it is you
who remain standing. Without their leader, the rebels will drift away.

Cluster: 1865

_NODE 4a.
_NODE n18650.
Days pass. You wait for rescue.
Finally, when you think it will never come, the sound of fighting is
heard in the distance. Your guard draws his sword, keeping one
eye on you and the other on the doorway.

Do you:
[a] attempt to jump the guard when his attention wanes.
[b] try to slip past him.
[c] wait to see what happens next.
With desperate fury, you leap upon the guard when his head
is turned away and manage to fell him, but not
without first taking a deep stab to your side. Bleeding, you
stumble from the cave and see one of your men. He quickly
pulls you up on his horse, and rides away with you to safety.

Your people rejoice at your escape and treat you as a hero.
Unfortunately, your wound proves to be fairly serious, and
you cannot resume your duties for several weeks.
You dismiss your surgeon with a scowl. Your seneschal
smiles as he enters.

{It is good to see you well once more, Majesty. There is
little news. Strangely enough, that brigand Corinn does not
appear to have caused any more damage during your recovery.}

[a] summon Lord Chassaine to discuss this matter.
[b] go to Lord Chassaine's lands and see if you can determine
the cause of the quiet.
You watch for your opportunity. When the guard looks away,
you carefully slide away into the shadows. When he looks back and
notices that you are missing, he steps away from the doorway
to look for you. Taking the opportunity, you dash past the
guard out the entrance, the man in hot pursuit.
Outside, you quickly spot one of your own men. He rides toward you,
cutting down the guard, then taking you to safety.
"A month has passed since your escape. Your seneschal enters:"

{Majesty, that brigand Corinn has not struck in the last
month. 'Tis most peculiar.}

Do you:
[a] summon Lord Chassaine to discuss this matter.
[b] go to Lord Chassaine's lands and investigate.
You wait, straining to hear the sounds of battle. They slowly
die away.

The guard turns mockingly toward you. {Your rescuers have
failed, Your Majesty.}
_NODE 4b.
_NODE n18651.
You bide your time. Finally, one evening, you notice that the guard near the
cave entrance seems to be distracted.

Do you:
[a] quietly sneak around near the entrance, and try to creep out while
the guard's attention is elsewhere.
[b] charge straight past him, bowling him over if he gets in your way.
[c] leap on him by surprise and try to take him down.
You watch for your opportunity. When the guard looks away,
you carefully slide away into the shadows. When he looks back and
notices that you are missing, he steps away from the doorway
to look for you. Taking the opportunity, you dash past the
him and out of the entrance, the man in hot pursuit.
"A month has passed since your escape. Your seneschal enters:"

{Majesty, that brigand Corinn has not struck in the last
month. 'Tis most peculiar.}

[a] summon Lord Chassaine to discuss this matter.
[b] go to Lord Chassaine's lands and investigate.
The guard spins as you charge him, bringing his sword around
swiftly. With a crash, it slams into your head, sending you
into unconsciousness.

When you awaken, your legs are tied, and the opportunity to run does
not again present itself.
With desperate fury, you leap upon the guard when his head
is turned away and manage to fell him, but not
without first taking a deep stab to your side. Bleeding, you
stumble from the cave and see one of your men. He quickly
pulls you up on his horse, and rides away with you to safety.

Your people rejoice at your escape and treat you as a hero.
Unfortunately, your wound proves to be fairly serious, and
you cannot resume your duties for several weeks.
You dismiss your surgeon with a scowl. Your seneschal
smiles as he enters.

{I am pleased to see you well once more, Majesty. There is
little news. Strangely enough, that brigand Corinn does not
appear to have caused any more damage during your recovery.}

[a] summon Lord Chassaine to discuss this matter.
[b] go to Lord Chassaine's lands and investigate.

Cluster: 1866

_NODE 6.5.
_NODE n18660.
Your forces arrive in brave array, pennants blowing, horns blaring,
Lord Stefan's forces await you, along with soldiers who you recognize as some
of the brigand's archers. Lord Chassaine's forces gratefully support you.
The battle is joined.
With difficulty, you overwhelm the forces of Lord Stefan.
You find that the rebel Corinn had been secretly
aiding Stefan. Corinn is killed in the fighting. After disarming
and releasing the mercenaries on their word
to leave the area, you ransom Lord Stefan, though some of the
gold will be needed to repair Lord Chassaine's keep.
The Lord of Caldun will not soon trouble you again.
Lord Stefan is a skilled defender, and he repels your forces
at some loss to you.

Do you:
[a] attempt to besiege him again.
[b] acknowledge him as the new owner of Lord Chassaine's lands.
_NODE 6a
_NODE n18661.
You sit back to consider recent events.

Lord Stefan has taken his money and quietly returned to his mountain keep.
Surprisingly, he is a man of his word; he does not again trouble your
lands. Perhaps he genuinely felt threatened by Lord Chassaine.
The fate of Corinn is more uncertain. Some rumors say that he has taken
his men elsewhere; others that Lord Stefan recognized a threat and
killed him; others that he died in taking Lord Chassaine's keep.
You may never know.

In any case, your kingdom settles back to normalcy.
_NODE 6b
_NODE n18662.
Lord Stefan turns out to be a surprisingly agreeable neighbor. He does
not again trouble your lands. Perhaps he genuinely felt threatened by
Lord Chassaine. But Lord Chassaine and the others are not pleased by
capitulation, and it makes you appear weak.
The fate of Corinn is less certain. Some rumors say that he has taken
his men elsewhere; others that Lord Stefan recognized a threat and
killed him; others that he died in taking Lord Chassaine's keep.
You may never know.

In any case, your kingdom settles back to normalcy.
_NODE 2cb.
_NODE n18664.
The man smiles. {You have courage, at least. But that is not
all one needs to sit on the throne of Bretagne!}
He walks around the clearing, looking you over with a faintly pensive

{At least you do not model yourself on that paragon of
virtue 'good' King Charles. Did you ever hear how this great monarch
came to the throne?} He pauses, his jaw tightening. {He walked through
the blood and over the bones of King Fredric and Prince Peter and
their families.}
{The blood of my father and grandfather.}

He turns back to face you. {Legend has it that I am dead. But
some have enough loyalty to protect the son of their prince, even at
the risk of their own lives.}
He looks you over, thoughtfully. {In a way, it is a shame. You are no worse than
the others, chasing the prize of Bretagne. But in your lands I will make my
stand. Even if I must gnaw away, like a rat, at each of the great lords, the crown
of my grandfather will once again be mine.}
{As a hostage, I am certain that you will be of great assistance, Your
Majesty. But with you, or without you, I will win.}

Do you:
[a] tell him that he will pay for this outrage.
[b] offer to ransom yourself.
[c] challenge him to single combat.
[d] ask if there is not some sort of a deal you can make.

Cluster: 1867

_NODE 3.1c.
_NODE n18670.
You ride up onto the hill and look around. It is clear that the name of
Bright Hill comes from the sun reflecting off the pond at its base.

Abruptly, at least a dozen men surround the hill.
{You do not lack bravery, Your Majesty; perhaps some good sense, however,}
says the slim, sharp-featured man leading the rebels.

{This meeting is a waste of time, Your Majesty. I
have nothing against you, no desire to do you and your kinsmen
harm, even though you participate in the wretched scramble
for a throne that is not yours to claim.
You are, at least, a man of some honor, unlike that paragon of
virtue, 'good' King Charles. Did you ever hear how this great monarch
came to the throne?} He pauses, his jaw tightening. {He walked through
the blood and over the bones of King Fredric and Prince Peter and their
{The blood of my father and grandfather.}

He turns back to face you. {Legend has it that I am dead. But
some have enough loyalty to protect the son of their prince, even at
the risk of their own lives.}
He looks you over, thoughtfully. {In a way, it is a shame. You are no worse than
the others, chasing the prize of Bretagne. But in your lands I will make my
stand. Even if I must gnaw away, like a rat, at each of the great lords, the crown
of my grandfather will once again be mine.}
Do you:
[a] point out that he is merely slowing you down; that even if he
is successful, he will simply win the throne for others.
[b] threaten death to him and his followers if he does not abandon
his harassment now.
Corinn slowly smiles. {All or nothing, my lord? How
can I refuse, given the imbalance of the wager?}
The next few minutes are a dance of flashing swords, of blood
and of pain. When it is done, you stand with your sword
at the rebel's throat, ever aware that it would be easy for
his men to feather you now.

Corinn slowly lifts his hands. {I cry for mercy, my lord. And I
am a man of my word.}

He looks suddenly concerned. {But I did not leave
you unmarked, my lord! You are wounded!}

You realize for the first time that he speaks the truth.

Corinn of Bretagne rides to join your forces. You soon
have a new knight, and some very fine archers and scouts.
But it will be some weeks before your wounds heal
sufficiently to allow you to govern your realm.
He looks at you again, for a long moment, and then his face
seems to sag.
{There is truth in what you say, Majesty. But I owe a
a debt to these men who follow me and believe in me. I
cannot abandon them now.}

Do you:
[a] offer him and his men pardon and a position with your
forces if they cease raiding.
[b] offer to support him in harassing another contender.
[c] offer him a title, and the hand of your niece, if he
will support you in your bid.
{I must think on this, and speak to my people, Your
Majesty. But a place of honor with you is
better than death to my men and surrender of the crown to
another claimant.}

He and his men disappear as quietly as they appeared.
You watch your new soldiers join your army. A smile
is on your face, a rare expression these days.

{I Corinn, count of Bretagne, swear fealty...}

You have a new commander, and some very fine
archers and scouts. This has been a good day.
_NODE 3.2a.
_NODE n18671.
The rebel faces his execution calmly, and does not try to incite the
people; but still there is muttering, and there are those who will not
forget this act. But at least your shipments are safe.
_NODE 3.2b.
_NODE n18672.
The man looks up at your for a long, intense moment, and then shakes
his head.

{Thank you for offering me my life, Your Majesty; it is gracious of
you. But not while I live my life will I turn from my quest.}

Reluctantly, you conclude that the man must die.
Today, the rebel Corinn dies.

Just before the execution, Corinn surprises you. He makes a
final speech, but it is not one of condemnation. He admits to his
crimes, and refers to your actions as {those things that a king must
do.} This seems to mollify the people so that they
react well enough to the rebel's death.

Cluster: 1868

_NODE 4c.
_NODE n18680.
Over the next several days, you cultivate a civil relationship with
your guards, feeling them out, looking for a venal streak. Finally, you
think you have found it, in a big, bluff fellow with a somewhat weak

Do you:
[a] offer him knighthood, and position in your army.
[b] offer him 1,000 marks (1 Gold).
[c] offer him 2,000 marks and a pardon for his actions.
{I'd not know what to do with those fancy folks, and they'd
not likely forget where I come from. I'll thank you to keep
offers to yerself in the future.}
The man quietly arranges for your escape. One evening, the
two of you ride away on stolen horses.

When you arrive at your castle, do you:
[a] pay the man his fee and let him go.
[b] have him arrested for banditry.
You pay the man and let him go. There is much talk
that comes to your ears about rewarding a bandit for
his crimes.
The bandit hollers about betrayal, but no one, even
the common people at his trial, seems to have much
sympathy for him. After all, you never promised him
pardon, and this man betrayed his leader.
The next month passes. Strangely enough, Corinn does not
appear to have caused any more damage.

[a] summon Lord Chassaine to discuss this matter.
[b] go to Lord Chassaine's lands and investigate.
The man quietly arranges for your escape. One evening, the
two of you ride away on stolen horses.

When you arrive at your castle, do you:
[a] pay the man his fee and let him go.
[b] have him arrested for banditry.
You pay the man and let him go. There is much talk
that comes to your ears about rewarding a bandit for
his crimes.
The man screams of betrayal at his trial, and many
people seem to sympathize with him, even though he
betrayed his leader. After all, you did promise him a
The next month passes. Strangely enough, Corinn does not
appear to have caused any more damage during this time.

Do you:
[a] summon Lord Chassaine to discuss this matter.
[b] go to Lord Chassaine's lands and investigate.
_NODE 4a.1.
_NODE n18681.
You are traveling quickly cross-country to Lord Chassaine's hold. The
countryside seems quiet. Your force is of a moderate size.
Terrible news comes to you: Lord Chassaine's keep has been
overrun. Apparently, the forces that you were following have kept you so
busy that news of the attack did not reach you until it was too late.
Lord Stefan of Caldun, little more than a mountain bandit
himself, has taken your liegeman's castle.

Do you:
[a] ride immediately to his rescue.
[b] call for the rest of your armies and then ride to his rescue.
[c] send a message to Lord Stefan asking him what he wants.
_NODE 4fail.
_NODE n18682.
The next day, Corinn and his men come and take you away. You are led
by the back ways, blindfolded. Finally, you are unmasked.

You have been turned over to forces of the Pope.
Needless to say, they soon release you. But the bishop in charge of the
lands where you have been released chides you for handling Corinn so
poorly. The Church succeeds in convincing Corinn to abandon his claim,
and take holy orders.

Your lands return to normal, but this is an embarrassing incident that
you know has not improved the Pope's opinion of you.

Cluster: 1869

_NODE 3.2c.
_NODE n18690.
"He looks at you for a long moment, surprise upon his face. {This is what "
you offer to the ragged scion of a line that could some day oppose you?
You are both a brave and generous man, Your Majesty. I have told myself
that I would seek my birthright to the end of my breath. Even if I reached
the throne, however, there would always be those saying that I lied about my
heritage. Perhaps there is more honor in serving an honorable man
than in grasping a heritage too tightly.}
It is a good day; the day of the marriage of your niece Elena (who
proved to be much less resistant to the idea than you feared) and the
new Count Corinn. It seems that the Count's lineage was clearer than
he had thought; the old clergyman who marries them recalls meeting his
father years ago, and the prince looked enough like him for them to be
twins. Rather than the hostility you expected, most of your nobles
seem to have taken well to the new count, and his military talents
will certainly help in the days ahead.

It is a fine day to be King....
_NODE 3harass.
_NODE n18691.
Corinn looks at you thoughtfully. {While perhaps a bit self-serving,
Your Majesty, that has merit. If I am not to get the crown, I would prefer
that you gain it, rather than any of the others who compete with you. I
need money and supplies to get started, but I would be
willing to at least start my war elsewhere. I will need a ton of
food and 1,000 marks (1 Gold).

Do you:
[a] agree.
[b] agree, but tell him you do not have it right now.
{I believe that the master of Valois shall
soon be enjoying my presence. Good luck,
Your Majesty, and thank you.}
One of your advisors has heard a rumor that
Valois is suffering from a serious bandit problem
at the moment....
{I believe that the master of Anjou shall
soon be enjoying my presence. Good luck,
Your Majesty, and thank you.}
One of your advisors has heard a rumor that
Anjou is suffering from a serious bandit problem
at the moment....
{I believe that the master of Aragon shall
soon be enjoying my presence. Good luck,
Your Majesty, and thank you.}
One of your advisors has heard a rumor that
Aragon is suffering from a serious bandit problem
at the moment....
{I believe that the master of Burgundy shall
soon be enjoying my presence. Good luck,
Your Majesty, and thank you.}
One of your advisors has heard a rumor that
Burgundy is suffering from a serious bandit problem
at the moment....
{I believe that the master of Albion shall
soon be enjoying my presence. Good luck,
Your Majesty, and thank you.}
One of your advisors has heard a rumor that
Albion is suffering from a serious bandit problem
at the moment....
{Since you do not have the necessary supplies, I
will return in one month, Your Majesty. Then we may proceed.}
Corinn meets you at the place you previously arranged.
{I believe that the master of Valois shall
soon be enjoying my presence. Good luck,
Your Majesty, and thank you.}
One of your advisors has heard a rumor that
Valois is suffering from a serious bandit problem
at the moment....
{I believe that the master of Anjou shall
soon be enjoying my presence. Good luck,
Your Majesty, and thank you.}
One of your advisors has heard a rumor that
Anjou is suffering from a serious bandit problem
at the moment....
{I believe that the master of Aragon shall
soon be enjoying my presence. Good luck,
Your Majesty, and thank you.}
One of your advisors has heard a rumor that
Aragon is suffering from a serious bandit problem
at the moment....
{I believe that the master of Burgundy shall
soon be enjoying my presence. Good luck,
Your Majesty, and thank you.}
One of your advisors has heard a rumor that
Burgundy is suffering from a serious bandit problem
at the moment....
{I believe that the master of Albion shall
soon be enjoying my presence. Good luck,
Your Majesty, and thank you.}
One of your advisors has heard a rumor that
Albion is suffering from a serious bandit problem
at the moment....
{Your Majesty, my men cannot live on promises forever. I will
return one more time...and then I will do what I must.}
You hear that the rebel Corinn has been accidentally killed by a
runaway wagon. It is not the solution you would have preferred,
but it will do.
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Old 12-10-2015, 06:57 AM   #154
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 1873

_NODE 1.
_NODE n18730.
After a council meeting, one of your younger advisors, Sir Estes
comes up to you.

{Your Majesty, I have discovered an opportunity that demands
your attention. I met a fellow named Karl Mercurato...Spanish or
some such...who made an interesting discovery that
might be of use to us in our preparations for coming times.}
{He claims to have acquired a map to the kingdom of the great holy king,
Prester John.}

Do you:
[a] tell him that you are not interested.
[b] order him to arrange to buy the map from Mercurato.
[c] command him to set up a meeting with this Mercurato.
_NODE 1a.
_NODE n18731.
{As you will, Your Majesty, but I believe that we are allowing a
priceless opportunity to pass us by.}
Sir Estes comes to speak with you again.

{Your Majesty, perhaps you should reconsider your decision. The man
Mercurato is wandering about these lands, attempting to finance an
expedition to the Kingdom of Prester John.
Building an alliance with such a great king surely would be to our benefit.}

Do you:
[a] tell him to stop bothering you.
[b] tell him to keep an eye on Mercurato and report back to you.
[c] order him to arrange a meeting between you and Mercurato.
_NODE 1b.
_NODE n18732.
Sir Estes returns to speak with you.

{I have spoken again with Mercurato, Your Majesty. He will sell the map
to us for 2,000 marks. His original price was higher, but
I convinced him to be more reasonable. I do not believe that
he will negotiate further.}

Do you:
[a] pay the 2,000 marks (2 gold).
[b] tell Sir Estes you want to meet with Mercurato.
[c] tell the knight to forget it.
You do not have sufficient gold.

Do you:
[a] tell Sir Estes you want to meet with Mercurato.
[b] tell the knight to forget it.
{Very good, Majesty. I shall have it within
a fortnight.}
Sir Estes returns with the map. It appears to be old,
though done with a skilled hand, and shows the
kingdom of Prester John to be located in the fabled
land of Africa.

Do you:
[a] spend 3 Gold, 3 Timber, 3 Food and send two
Infantry units and one unit of Archers to investigate.
[b] spend 1 Gold, 1 Timber, 1 Food and send one unit of
Infantry for a small expedition.
[c] wait until you have more resources available.
[d] forget about the map.
_NODE 1c.
_NODE n18733.
Sir Estes returns with Karl Mercurato.

{Greetings, Your Majesty,} the man says, bowing. {I am Karl Mercurato,
explorer and man of science. As your good Sir Estes has no doubt told
you, I possess an antiquity of great value: a map to the kingdom
of the great king and priest Prester John.}
{Your Majesty doubtless knows that this holy king is said to rule a
kingdom greater than any in Christendom. It is supposed to be a place
of great wonders, some, no doubt, left from the days of ancient
Atlantis. My map reveals this land to be located amidst the lands of
{I propose to put together an expedition to travel to this land and
make contact with this great kingdom. Surely, Your Majesty can see the
advantages of making an alliance with such a great power.

{I would, of course, need proper funding to do this. I believe 5,000
marks would be sufficient.}

Do you:
[a] pay the 5,000 marks (5 Gold).
[b] pay 3 Gold.
[c] pay 1 Gold.
[d] tell him you are not interested.
I see that you do not have enough gold.
_NODE 1aa.
_NODE n18734.
One of your advisors comes to speak with you.

{Majesty, we have a problem. This Mercurato has been speaking to various
nobles and merchants, and has acquired funds to search for Prester John.
That would not be a problem, except that his preparations are causing
shortages in the wood and supplies that we need for our current
campaign. In addition, several nobles are being rather lax about
paying their taxes because of their investments, and we are having
great difficulties recruiting new soldiers.}

Do you:
[a] order Mercurato to cease and desist.
[b] summon Mercurato to speak with you.
[c] have Mercurato arrested.
_NODE 1ab.
_NODE n18735.
Sir Estes visits you again.

{Karl Mercurato has been passing among the nobility and the richer
merchants, Your Majesty.} He looks uncomfortable. {I am
afraid that, if he continues, he may well divert vital materials
and cause trouble among the nobles.}

Do you:
[a] tell Mercurato to cease his efforts.
[b] exile him from your kingdom.
[c] offer to support his efforts yourself.
Karl Mercurato, and his mysterious map, ride out of your
kingdom, never to be seen again. You manage to reclaim most
of the monies he had begun to spend for his expedition.
Your nobles are not happy at what
they perceive to be interference in their personal affairs.

Cluster: 1874

_NODE 2.
_NODE n18740.
You do not have enough gold.

Do you:
[a] spend 1 Gold, 1 Wood, 1 Food and send one unit of
Infantry for a small expedition.
[b] wait until you have more resources available.
[c] forget about the map.
You do not have enough wood.

Do you:
[a] spend 1 Gold, 1 Wood, 1 Food and send one unit of
Infantry for a small expedition.
[b] wait until you have more resources available.
[c] forget about the map.
You do not have enough food.

Do you:
[a] spend 1 Gold, 1 Wood, 1 Food and send one unit of
Infantry for a small expedition.
[b] wait until you have more resources available.
[c] forget about the map.
You do not have enough infantry.

Do you:
[a] spend 1 Gold, 1 Wood, 1 Food and send one unit of
Infantry for a small expedition.
[b] wait until you have more resources available.
[c] forget about the map.
You do not have enough Archers.

Do you:
[a] spend 1 Gold, 1 Wood, 1 Food and send one unit of
Infantry for a small expedition.
[b] wait until you have more resources available.
[c] forget about the map.
Your expedition is organized. The worthy Sir Estes is placed in
charge, and he sails off to find Prester John.
A messenger comes, with a letter from Sir Estes, which reads,

{My liege:
'We have safely reached the coast of Africa. The locals, though
heathen savages, are friendly enough, and speak of a great
king who dwells in the heart of the land. When shown the map,
they agree that it is there where he lives. But we need more gold
to pay for guides and smaller boats to travel inland.'}

Do you:
[a] send Sir Estes another 1,000 marks (1 Gold).
[b] tell him to proceed as best he can.
[c] tell him to abandon the quest and return.
You do not have any gold to send.

Do you:
[a] tell him to abandon the quest and return.
[b] tell him to proceed as best he can.
_NODE 2.1.
_NODE n18741.
You do not have enough gold.

Do you:
[a] wait until you have more resources available.
[b] forget about the map.
You do not have enough wood.

Do you:
[a] wait until you have more resources available.
[b] forget about the map.
You do not have enough food.

Do you:
[a] wait until you have more resources available.
[b] forget about the map.
You do not have enough infantry.

Do you:
[a] wait until you have more resources available.
[b] forget about the map.
Your expedition is organized. The worthy Sir Estes is placed in
charge, and he sails off to find Prester John.
_NODE 2.2.
_NODE n18742.
You come across the map to the kingdom of Prester
John, and it occurs to you that you now have enough
men and materials to follow up on it, if you wish.

Do you:
[a] spend 3 Gold, 3 Wood, 3 Food and send two
Infantry units and one unit of Archers on a full
[b] spend 1 Gold, 1 Wood, 1 Food and send one unit of
Infantry for a small expedition.
[c] wait until you have more resources available.
[d] forget about the map.
You still have insufficient resources to
mount the expedition to seek Prester John.
If you continue to gather
resources, you may soon be able to launch this profitable
_NODE 2a.
_NODE n18743.
You dispatch another 1,000 marks with the messenger.
A messenger arrives with another letter from Sir Estes.

{My liege:

{I have good news, and bad news. The good news is that I have found the
great king of which the locals speak. The bad news is that he is not
Prester John. In fact, he seems to be of the paynim faith! I need your
guidance, Your Majesty.}

Do you:
[a] tell him to attempt diplomatic contact with the Islamic king.
[b] order him to abandon his mission and return.
[c] command him to attack the foreign king.
[d] suggest that he keep looking for Prester John.
_NODE 2b.
_NODE n18744.
Many months pass before you receive a messenger. He reveals the
fate of your expedition. Without guides or boats, your men were forced
to travel overland. They fought with savages, died of fever, and
lost men to wild animals. Finally, the dispirited remnants of the party turned back
when Sir Estes was lost in a battle with natives.
_NODE 2c.
_NODE n18745.
The expedition to Africa returns. It was costly, and produced no result,
but your people are still proud of such an effort that no other local lord
would make.
_NODE 2.1a.
_NODE n18746.
A messenger comes to you.

{Your Majesty, I do not bring good tidings. Your expedition has ended
in disaster. The forces accompanying Sir Estes were too small. The
locals appear to have attacked and overrun them. If any escaped, they
likely are lost in that strange land.}

Cluster: 1875

_NODE 3.
_NODE n18750.
You discover that your treasury is not up to your intentions.

Do you:
[a] pay 3 Gold.
[b] pay 1 Gold.
[c] tell him that you are not interested.
{You do not even have that much Gold, Sire.}

Do you:
[a] pay 1 Gold.
[b] tell him you are not interested.
{Surely you can afford more, Your
Majesty? No? Ah, well, I shall make do with
what you offer.}
{Very good, Your Majesty. I will begin preparations
_NODE 3.1
_NODE n18751.
Mercurato returns to speak with you.

{Your Majesty, I have discovered a great deal of unrest
in the timber markets. It is impossible for me to purchase wood.
I will need you to supply me with this commodity.}

Do you:
[a] send him 5 Wood.
[b] send him 3 Wood.
[c] tell him he has received all the support you have to give.
{Since you lack sufficient resources, I shall
obtain my supplies elsewhere.}
{Very good, Your Majesty, I will return to my work
{Since you lack sufficient resources, I shall
obtain my supplies elsewhere.}
{Are you sure that you cannot afford a bit....
Oh, very well, I suppose that I can struggle onward.}
{If you lack sufficient resources, Your Majesty, I shall
obtain my supplies elsewhere.}
_NODE 3.2.
_NODE n18752.
{I am sorry, Your Majesty, but that simply will not do. I shall
seek funding elsewhere.}
_NODE 3.3.
_NODE n18753.
{As you will, Majesty. I have other means of obtaining
these resources.}
_NODE 3a.
_NODE n18754.
Karl Mercurato returns to speak with you again.

{Your Majesty, my ships are completed and I have hired their crews.
I have another problem, however. With all the military
activity, it is proving impossible to find the mercenaries who I will need
to insure the safety of the expedition. I need at least three units of
infantry and two of archers.}

Do you:
[a] supply him with the 3 Infantry and 2 Archers.
[b] give him 2 Infantry and 1 of Archers.
[c] tell him to make do with 1 Infantry.
[d] tell him you have no forces to give him.
{As you do not have sufficient forces, Your Majesty,
I fear that this expedition is impossible. Perhaps we
can try again after things have settled down.}

Mercurato stays about and becomes a regular at your
court. His wide range of learning proves valuable,
and he teaches you much that proves useful in the
daily administration of your realm.
{As you do not have sufficient forces, Your Majesty,
I fear that this expedition is impossible. Perhaps we
can try again someday after things have settled.}

Mercurato stays about and becomes a regular at your
court. His wide range of learning proves valuable,
and he teaches you much that proves useful in the
daily administration of your realm.
{Very good, Your Majesty. After a few more
preparations, we shall be ready to embark.}
{As you do not have sufficient forces, Your Majesty,
I fear that this expedition is impossible. Perhaps we
can try again someday after things have settled.}

Mercurato stays about and becomes a regular at your
court. His wide range of learning proves valuable,
and he teaches you much that proves useful in the
daily administration of your realm.
{As you do not have sufficient forces, Your Majesty,
I fear that this expedition is impossible. Perhaps we
can try again someday after things have settled.}

Mercurato stays about and becomes a regular at your
court. His wide range of learning proves valuable,
and he teaches you much that proves useful in the
daily administration of your realm.
{Are you certain that you cannot spare a few more troops,
Your Majesty? We will be well out of reach for... Oh,
very well, perhaps these will be sufficient. Thank you, Your
Majesty. I should be ready to leave shortly.}
{Your Majesty, I am afraid that simply is not enough.
{Your Majesty, I understand your situation.
Perhaps we can try this again some day, when your forces are free.}

Mercurato stays about and becomes a regular at your court. His
knowledge proves valuable, and he teaches you much that proves
useful in the daily administration of your realm.
_NODE 3aa.
_NODE n18755.
Mercurato comes to see you yet again.

{Your Majesty, I am sorry to say that we have run into yet one more
snag in our plans. The food supplies for which I arranged have disappeared
mysteriously, and the merchants involved have vanished. I will need
to replace them before we can start.}

Do you:
[a] give him the 3 units of Food he requests.
[b] give him 3 Gold and tell him to purchase food.
[c] tell him that you have given him all the supplies you can afford.

Cluster: 1876

_NODE 4.
_NODE n18760.
A messenger arrives with another letter from Sir Estes. It reads,

{My liege:

{As you requested, I have made contact with the Muslim King of this
strange place. He is an odd man, this Addas Qalati. He is arrogant,
bombastic, sly, and espouses the most appalling anti-Christian

{He can also be jovial, generous and tolerant of those not of his own
faith. Rumor says that he is also brave on the field of battle.}

{I have made initial contact, but he is still somewhat reserved and
distant. My guide suggests that a gift from you would perhaps smooth
our path.}

Do you send him:
[a] a golden necklace set with a large ruby (1 Gold).
[b] a collection of well-made composite bows (1 Wood).
[c] a variety of local foodstuffs and delicacies (1 Food).
[d] a set of fine swords, helms and bucklers (1 Iron).
[e] nothing, except your best wishes.
_NODE 4.1.
_NODE n18761.
A weary messenger arrives at your keep.

{Majesty, your expeditionary force has been destroyed. While Sir
Estes did his best, and your forces were better equipped than
the foreign king's, the enemy were very well trained, brave, and knew
the land far better than did our troops.}
{There is quiet whispering about the foolishness of
attacking a king so far away with so little reason. Also, Sir Estes'
family cannot help but feel that he was used and thrown away.}
_NODE 4a.
_NODE n18762.
There is not enough gold to purchase the necklace.

Do you send:
[a] a collection of well-made composite bows (1 Wood).
[b] a variety of local foodstuffs and delicacies (1 Food).
[c] a set of fine swords, helms and bucklers (1 Iron).
[d] nothing, except your best wishes.
A letter arrives from Sir Estes.

{Your Majesty, King Qalati was unimpressed by your gift.
Apparently, he has much gold, and gemstones are not rare in
places with which he trades. He does not harm us, but he no
longer pays us any heed.}

Do you:
[a] tell him to make one more attempt to ally with the king.
[b] order him to continue searching for Prester John.
[c] command him to abandon the quest and return.
_NODE 4b.
_NODE n18763.
There is not enough wood to produce the bows.

Do you send:
[a] a golden necklace set with a large ruby (1 Gold).
[b] a variety of local foodstuffs and delicacies (1 Food).
[c] a set of fine swords, helms and bucklers (1 Iron).
[d] nothing, except your best wishes.
Another letter comes from Sir Estes.

{Your Majesty, King Qalati is delighted with your gift. These
people do not use the bow, but he could see the value in it
once some of our bowmen demonstrated it for him. He now has our
archers teaching his elite guard the use of the bow.
{I think that his temper is now right for talk of alliances.}

Do you:
[a] tell Estes to try forming a political alliance.
[b] have him form a trade pact.
[c] have him set up both an alliance and a trade pact.
_NODE 4c.
_NODE n18764.
There is not enough food to produce the delicacies.

Do you send:
[a] a golden necklace set with a large ruby (1 Gold).
[b] a collection of well-made composite bows (1 Wood).
[c] a set of fine swords, helms and bucklers (1 Iron).
[d] nothing, except your best wishes.
Another letter comes from Sir Estes.

{Your Majesty, King Qalati enjoyed your gift. It seems
that the fellow has quite a taste for sweets, so
the confections that you sent were well received.

{I think that his temper is now right for talk of alliances.}

Do you:
[a] tell Estes to try forming a political alliance.
[b] have him form a trade pact.
[c] have him set up both an alliance and a trade pact.
_NODE 4d.
_NODE n18765.
There is not enough iron to produce the weapons.

Do you send:
[a] a golden necklace set with a large ruby (1 Gold).
[b] a collection of well-made composite bows (1 Wood).
[c] a variety of local foodstuffs and delicacies (1 Food).
[d] nothing, except your best wishes.
Another letter comes from Sir Estes.

{Your Majesty, I am afraid that King Qalati was rather lukewarm
about your gift of arms. He seemed to appreciate the craft
that went into them, but the weather here is too hot and
moist for iron to be very practical. We spend much of our
time scrubbing our armor and weapons to keep them free of rust.
This land is as bad as I have heard of the Holy Land when it
comes to wearing armor in this heat.}
{The King may still retain enough interest for talk of an
alliance to be possible. I seek your guidance.}

Do you:
[a] tell Estes to try forming a political alliance.
[b] have him form a trade pact.
[c] have him set up both an alliance and a trade pact.

Cluster: 1877

_NODE 5a.
_NODE n18770.
A messenger comes, sent back by the explorers.

The message he bears is from Sir Estes.

{Greetings, Your Majesty. We have reached the African lands,
with some small trouble, as our ships were blown slightly off
course. While we have reached the general area of the map,
it is large. We have heard three sets of rumors that may show
us the way to Prester John. The first is a story of a place
where great constructions have been seen from afar. The second
is of a place known as 'the place of the cross'. The people
say that it is a place of foreign gods. The last is a rumor of a
place where a great warrior dwells. Mercurato thinks that this is
merely a tribal chief, but I am not so sure.}

Do you tell Sir Estes to pursue:
[a] the place with the great construction.
[b] the place of the cross.
[c] the land of the great warrior.
The message he bears is from Mercurato.

{Greetings, Majesty. We have reached the African lands,
with some small trouble, as our ships were blown somewhat off
course. While we have reached the general area of the map,
it is large. We have found a pair of possible clues to the
land of Prester John. The first is a story of a place
where great constructions have been seen from afar. The second
is of a place known as 'the place of the cross'. The people
say that it is a place of foreign gods.}

Do you tell Mercurato to pursue:
[a] the place with the great construction.
[b] the place of the cross.
_NODE 5a.
_NODE n18771.
Another messenger from your explorers returns.

The letter he bears is from Sir Estes.

{Your Majesty, we have made a great discovery. It is not the
kingdom of Prester John, but perhaps almost as important.

{We found a place of great pyramids, columns and structures,
almost covered by mud and vines. Mercurato thinks it may be a
far southern branch of ancient Aegyptos, almost untouched
for centuries. We cannot be sure why there are no people,
though some ancient change of waterway seems to have flooded
the area. Mercurato thinks there may be great things to find
inside these buildings, but we will need wood and tools to
break into them.}

Do you:
[a] send 1 Timber and 1 Iron to the explorers.
[b] order them to go to the place of the cross.
[c] order them to seek the great warrior.
[d] recall them.
You do not have enough wood.

Do you:
[a] tell them to go to the place of the
[b] order them to seek the great
[c] recall them.
You do not have enough iron.

Do you:
[a] tell them to go to the place of the
[b] order them to seek the great
[c] recall them.
The letter he bears is from Mercurato.

{My lord, we have made an amazing discovery. It is not the
kingdom of Prester John, but perhaps almost as important.

{We found a place of great pyramids, columns and structures,
almost covered by mud and vines. It can be nothing but a
far southern branch of ancient Aegyptos, almost untouched
for some time. We cannot be sure why there are no people,
though some ancient change of waterway seems to have flooded
the area. I am certain that there are great things to find
inside these buildings, but we will need wood and tools to
break into them.}

Do you:
[a] send 1 Wood and 1 Iron to the explorers.
[b] order them to seek the great warrior.
[c] recall them.
You do not have enough wood.

Do you:
[a] tell them to go to the place of the
[b] recall them.
You do not have enough iron.

Do you:
[a] tell them to go to the place of the
[b] recall them.
_NODE 5b.
_NODE n18772.
Sir Estes himself rides in to meet you, with a battered
unit of your soldiers!

{It was terrible, Your Majesty! The 'place of the cross' was
a land of hideous heathens who slew any who entered and put
captives up on the cross as in ancient Rome. We were lucky
that any of us fought free. Poor Mercurato was captured, and
I shudder to think of his fate.}
Your folk are not happy about the loss of your soldiers, but
the heroic tale of the last fight of your surviving
soldiers inspires them.
A messenger rides to meet you.

{A terrible tale comes to us, Your Majesty! The 'place of the
cross' was a land of hideous heathens who slew any who entered
and put captives up on the cross in the manner of ancient
Rome. We would know none of their fates had not a single
archer escaped.}
Your people are not happy about the loss of your soldiers.

Cluster: 1878

_NODE 6.
_NODE n18780.
A messenger brings another letter from Sir Estes.

{I am afraid that I have failed you, my liege. I attempted to
convince King Qalati that we would be good, if distant, allies
for him, but I seem to have angered him instead. He has
ordered us out of his land, never to return.}

Do you:
[a] tell Sir Estes to return home.
[b] tell him to teach King Qalati respect with force of arms.
[c] tell him to return to the search for Prester John.
{My liege, King Qalati seems to be of two minds about our
proposal. Perhaps another gift would sway him?}
{I send glad tidings, my liege! King Qalati sees great
possibilities in an alliance with your royal person. I and
most of my men will be returning soon with a treaty for you
to sign, while the remainder set up a small enclave here for
your representative when you choose one.}
It is a great moment for you.

Sir Estes returns with the treaty. After signing it, you send
a copy back with that worthy knight, who you have chosen to be
your representative. While the Church is not completely
pleased by this alliance with an Islamic king, Qalati has
subtle and far-reaching contacts, and he helps you greatly.
In return, you provide contacts throughout
Europe and assistance with his military needs.
_NODE 6.1.
_NODE n18781.
A messenger brings another letter from Sir Estes.

{I fear that I have failed you, my liege. I attempted to
convince King Qalati that we would be good, if distant, allies
for him, but I somehow seem to have angered him instead. He has
ordered us out of his land, never to return.}

Do you:
[a] tell Sir Estes to return home.
[b] tell him to teach King Qalati respect with force of arms.
[c] tell him to return to the search for Prester John.
{My liege, King Qalati seems to be of two minds about our
proposal. Perhaps another gift would sway him?}
{I send glad tidings, my liege! King Qalati sees great
possibilities in a trade pact with your royal person. I and
most of my men will be returning soon with a treaty for you
to sign, while the remainder set up a small enclave here for
your representative when you choose one.}
Sir Estes returns with the treaty. After signing it, you send
a copy back with that worthy knight, who you have chosen to be
your representative. Great trade opportunities are now open
to you.
_NODE 6.1.
_NODE n18782.
A messenger brings another letter from Sir Estes.

{I am afraid that I have failed you, my liege. I attempted to
convince King Qalati that we would be good, if distant, allies
for him, but I somehow seem to have angered him instead. He has
ordered us out of his land, never to return.}

Do you:
[a] tell Sir Estes to return home.
[b] tell him to teach King Qalati respect with force of arms.
[c] tell him to return to the search for Prester John.
{My liege, King Qalati seems to be of two minds about our
proposal. Perhaps another gift would sway him?}
{I send glad tidings, my liege! King Qalati sees great
possibilities in an alliance and trade pact with your royal
self. I and most of my men will be returning soon with a
treaty for you to sign, while the remainder set up a small
enclave here for your representative when you choose one.}
Sir Estes returns with the treaty. After signing it, you send
a copy back with that worthy knight, who you have chosen to be
your representative. While the Church is not as happy as it
could be about this alliance with an Islamic king, Qalati has
subtle and far-reaching contacts, and he helps you in many
ways. In return, you supply him with a line of contact
in Europe, and with some assistance with his military needs.

In addition to the political advantages, Qalati offers many
trade opportunities. The following are the rates of
exchange he will give for each of them:
_NODE 6.retry.
_NODE n18783.

Do you send him:
[a] a golden necklace set with a large ruby (1 Gold).
[b] a collection of well-made composite bows (1 Wood).
[c] a variety of local foodstuffs and delicacies (1 Food).
[d] a set of fine swords, helms and bucklers (1 Iron).
[e] nothing, except your best wishes.
_NODE 6.trade.

For 4 Gold he will give 2 Iron, 2 Food or 1 Wood.

For 2 Iron he will give 4 Gold, 1 Food or 1 Wood.

For 1 Food he will give 3 Gold, 1 Iron, or 1 Wood.

For 1 Wood he will give 4 Gold, 2 Iron, or 1 Food.

Do you wish to trade:
[a] 4 Gold.
[b] 2 Iron.
[c] 1 Food.
[d] 1 Wood.
[e] Nothing.
Are you certain that you wish to trade nothing?

[a] yes.
[b] no.
_NODE 6.gold.
_NODE n18785.
You do not have enough gold.
Do you want to trade for:
[a] Iron.
[b] Food.
[c] Wood.
Do you wish to trade more?
[a] Yes.
[b] No.
_NODE 6.iron.
_NODE n18786.
You do not have enough iron.
Do you want to trade for:
[a] Gold.
[b] Food.
[c] Wood.
Do you wish to trade more?
[a] Yes.
[b] No.

Cluster: 1879

_NODE 1aaa.
_NODE n18790.
{Your Majesty, I am afraid that a few of your nobles are ignoring your
order to Mercurato, and are going ahead with construction on his ships.
He seems to be taking this as encouragement to ignore you.}

Do you:
[a] order Mercurato arrested.
[b] have the explorer exiled from your kingdom.
[c] take over his patronage yourself.
Karl Mercurato, and his mysterious map, ride out of your
kingdom, never to be seen again. You manage to reclaim most
of the monies he had begun to spend on his expedition,
but not all. Your nobles are not happy with what
they perceive as interference in their personal affairs.
_NODE 1aab.
_NODE n18791.
Karl Mercurato comes to speak with you again.

{I am not trying to cause you difficulties, my lord. But I must
assemble this expedition soon; otherwise, surely you great lords
shall make it impossible for me. This is the chance of a lifetime!}

Do you:
[a] throw Mercurato in jail.
[b] exile him from your lands.
[c] offer him a position in your court, and promise that when you are
King of Bretagne he shall have his expedition.
You throw Mercurato into your dungeons. While he disobeyed
you, this punishment is felt to be excessive by those who know the
man, and you are seen as something of a tyrant.
Karl Mercurato, and his mysterious map, ride out of your
kingdom, never to be seen again. You manage to reclaim most
of the monies he had begun to spend to put his expedition
together, but not all. Your nobles are not happy at what
they see as interference in their personal affairs.
Mercurato is honored by your offer, and accepts it. He
becomes a loyal advisor, teaching you much that is useful in the
day-to-day management of your kingdom.
_NODE 1aac.
_NODE n18792.
Karl Mercurato is brought before you.

{Have mercy, Your Majesty! I meant no harm! I am driven by my curiosity
over all things, and it drove me past sense in this pursuit of Prester

Do you:
[a] have him thrown in the dungeon for disobeying you.
[b] free him with his promise to forget about the map.
[c] exile him from your lands.
You throw Mercurato into your dungeons. While he disobeyed
you, this punishment is felt to be excessive by those who know the
man, and you are seen as something of a tyrant.
You free Mercurato, and he is grateful. He stays in the
kingdom and becomes a loyal advisor, teaching you much that is useful
in the proper governance of your kingdom.
Mercurato and his map leave your kingdom, never to return.
Before he leaves, he repays his lenders as best he can.
While a few merchants are unhappy, he is soon forgotten.
_NODE 1abc.
_NODE n18793.
Mercurato claims he will need 3,000 marks.

Do you:
[a] pay the 3,000 marks (3 Gold).
[b] pay 2 Gold.
[c] pay 1 Gold.
[d] tell him that you are not interested.

Cluster: 1880

_NODE 2.1ad.
_NODE n18800.
A messenger arrives at your castle.

{I bring greetings from Sir Estes, Your Majesty. As you have
requested, he has continued the search for Prester John. So
far, he has had little success. His supplies and funds for
guides and material grow low. He asks to know your

Do you:
[a] send him another 1 Gold and 1 Food.
[b] command him to return to you.
{You do not possess enough supplies, Your
Majesty. I will tell Sir Estes to return.}
{Very good, Your Majesty. I will arrange for
the shipment.}
{Very well, Your Majesty. I will tell Sir Estes to
{I bring good news, Your Majesty! Sir Estes has found a place
where much ivory lays about. He is having his men gather such
as they can, and they shall return with the bounty.}
As promised, Sir Estes returns triumphantly with much ivory.
The realm's coffers are filled and the people are thrilled with
the stories of the man's travels.
_NODE 2.1ada.
_NODE n18801.
{Your Majesty, I have good news! Sir Estes and his men have found a
source of diamonds! They are trading with some of the natives for
help in collecting them, and will soon return.}
Sir Estes arrives, haggard, and with only a fragment of his force.

{Even in success, we find failure, Your Majesty. We collected many of
the diamonds to be found upon a certain beach, and began to
travel back. It was not until reaching our ships that we discovered
that our men had caught a fever from the natives. Soon, all of us grew
deathly ill. Only a remnant recovered.}
The diamonds help to fill your coffers, but the terrible story of the
fever makes many question whether the expedition was worth the cost.
_NODE 2.1adb.
_NODE n18802.
{Dreadful news, Your Majesty. The explorers encountered a tribe of man-eating
savages, and only a few escaped. I am sorry to report that Sir Estes was not
among them.}

Cluster: 1881

_NODE 3aaa.
_NODE n18810.
You do not have enough food.

Do you:
[a] give him 3 Gold and tell him to purchase food.
[b] tell him that you have given him all the supplies you can
You do not have enough gold.
{Your Majesty, I understand your situation.
Perhaps we can try this again some day, when
you are more able to spend on exploration.}

Mercurato stays about and becomes a regular
at your court. His knowledge proves
valuable, and he teaches you much that
proves useful in the daily administration
of your realm.
{Very well, Your Majesty; if I cannot find
it all here, perhaps I can buy enough to survive
until a trading opportunity arises.}
{Your Majesty, I understand your situation. Perhaps
we can try this again some day, when you are more
able to fund such nonessentials.}

Mercurato stays and becomes a regular at your
court. His knowledge proves valuable, and he teaches
you much that proves useful in the daily
administration of your realm.
{Very good, Your Majesty. I hope that this will be the last
problem in setting up this matter. I should be ready to leave
at some time within the next two weeks.}
_NODE 3aab.
_NODE n18811.
You do not have enough gold.

Do you:
[a] give him 3 Food.
[b] tell him that you have given him all the supplies you can
You do not have enough food.

{Your Majesty, I understand your situation.
Perhaps we can try this again some day, when
you are able to focus on such exploration.}

Mercurato stays and becomes a regular
at your court. His knowledge proves
valuable, and he teaches you much that
proves useful in the daily administration
of your realm.
{Very good, Your Majesty. I hope that this
will be the last problem with setting up
my expedition. I should be ready to depart
within two weeks.}
{Your Majesty, I understand your situation. Perhaps
we can try this again some day, when you are more
willing to invest in nonessentials.}

Mercurato stays and becomes a regular at your
court. His knowledge proves valuable, and he teaches
you much that proves useful in the daily
administration of your realm.
{Very good, Your Majesty. Even if I cannot buy all that I need
here, surely this will allow me to purchase the food we
will need along the way.}
_NODE 3aac.
_NODE n18812.
{Your Majesty, I understand your situation. Perhaps we can try this
again some day, when you are more free to use your resources on exploration.}

Mercurato stays and becomes a regular at your court. His knowledge
proves valuable, and he teaches you much that proves useful in the
daily administration of your realm.
_NODE 3fin.
_NODE n18813.
Mercurato comes to you, smiling triumphantly.

{Your Majesty, we are finally ready! We can sail within days, to seek
Prester John!}

Do you:
[a] wish him Godspeed and tell him to keep you informed.
[b] send Sir Estes to accompany him.

Cluster: 1882

_NODE 4e.
_NODE n18820.
A rider comes in to see you.

{Terrible news, Your Majesty! This paynim king took your lack of a gift
as a great insult! Your men fought bravely, but only a scattering of them

As might be expected, the people are very dispirited by this event.
_NODE 4aa.
_NODE n18821.
A rider comes in to see you.

{Terrible news, Your Majesty! This paynim king became annoyed at the
persistence of Sir Estes! Your men fought bravely, but only a
scattering of them escaped!}

As might be expected, the people are very dispirited by this event.
_NODE 5c.
_NODE n18822.
A messenger comes from your explorers, bearing word from Sir Estes.

{Greetings, my liege. It seems that both I and Mercurato were right in
a way. The 'great warrior' is indeed a tribal chieftain, named Tulak.
But, while no Prester John, he is an unusual man. Although his men are only
equipped with short spears and hide shields, they show discipline and
bravery that I wish I could see in our own men. They also show a sense of
tactics that the Romans would have respected.}

{He is very interested in our archers and their bows, and wants me to
leave them to train his men in how to make and use a bow.}

Do you:
[a] tell him to leave the men with Tulak.
[b] order him to look into the {place of the cross}.
[c] order him to find the place with great buildings.
[d] tell him to return to you.
_NODE 5a-fin.
_NODE n18823.
A great mob of excited people comes out to greet the approaching folk.
It is the expedition. They return...leading wagons full of gold and

The pyramids and edifices of the lost land contained jewelry and
many of the books of the ancient Aegyptians, showing their engineering
arts. Mercurato says that, with study, he is certain that many of the ideas
may be applied to your works. Your nobles are pleased, and the
people are excited.
_NODE 5c-fin.
_NODE n18824.
You come out on your balcony to investigate a great commotion below.
You discover a long line of fighting men coming up the road. Most you
recognize as your own men...the explorers! But who are the
dark-skinned warriors with them?

In a few minutes, you are speaking to an excited Sir Estes.
{...I thought at best they would send us home with some ivory, Your
Majesty, but Tulak felt that, if the great chief was to
leave his warriors with Tulak, it was only fair that Tulak send some of
his warriors to the great chief. I know that there are those who will not
like having these savages among us, but they are actually quite well
disciplined...I heard Tulak tell them to obey you 'unto death and
beyond' before we left...and look at the size of them! Once we teach
them about armor and how to use a sword properly, they will make infantry
like no one has ever seen...}

Cluster: 1883

_NODE 6.food.
_NODE n18830.
You do not have enough food.
Do you want to trade for:
[a] Iron.
[b] Gold.
[c] Wood.
Do you wish to trade more?
[a] Yes.
[b] No.
_NODE 6.wood.
_NODE n18831.
You do not have enough wood.
Do you want to trade for:
[a] Iron.
[b] Food.
[c] Gold.
Do you wish to trade more?
[a] Yes.
[b] No.
_NODE n18832.
_NODE n18833.
One of your advisors comes up to you.

{Majesty, I have heard many people saying that you are spending too
much time with foreign affairs and this so-called Prester John
person. You should devote more time to things that are closer to

Reluctantly, you put the African matter behind you, and await new

Cluster: 1884

_NODE 1.
_NODE n18840.
After a council meeting, a small, officious-looking fellow in
church regalia comes up to you.

{Your Majesty, could you spare a few moments of your time? I wonder,
do you recall which of my brethren handled the paperwork for the
demolition of the old chapel to build the new wing of your castle.}
With furrowed brow, you give him a puzzled stare. Frowning, he
squints with a faintly suspicious air.

{Surely you spoke with a Church representative before demolishing the
chapel. Without official approval, the new wing technically
would be on a piece of
land owned by the Church...and the consequences of that
could be grave!}

Do you:
[a] tell the clerk to leave and stop bothering you with this trivial
[b] tell him you will look into the matter, but actually dismiss it.
[c] ask him to find out what you need to do and report his findings.
_NODE 1a.
_NODE n18841.
{As you will, Your Majesty!}
A courier arrives with a rather blunt message from the local bishop.
He demands that you come to the cathedral at once to
answer the serious charge of stealing church land!

Do you:
[a] tell the bishop that he must come to you.
[b] visit the bishop to unravel this mess.
[c] write the bishop a letter explaining the situation.
_NODE 1b.
_NODE n18842.
{Very well, Your Majesty. But you must attend to this matter;
if not, your relations with the Church could suffer severely!}
You receive a visitor...Cardinal Victor, a friend from childhood.
The pleasant visit lasts for some time, since you have not seen
the old gentleman in years.
Finally, he slowly arises from his chair, saying,
{...or so I told him, at least. By the way, dear boy, one of my nephews
is a bookkeeper for the Bishop. He mentioned that there had been some
irregularity about that fine new tower of yours being built on Church
land. You have dealt with the problem, no doubt?}

Do you:
[a] admit that you have been negligent.
[b] say that you have taken care of the situation.
[c] tell him you have investigated, but have not been able to uncover
_NODE 1c.
_NODE n18843.
{I shall be more than happy to investigate, Your Majesty.}
The Church clerk returns, and requests an audience with you.

Do you:
[a] grant him an audience.
[b] tell him you have no time to speak with him.
[c] have your seneschal tell him that you are unavailable.
_NODE 1aa.
_NODE n18844.
Your bishop comes to visit you, scowling.

{What is this business about building on Church property? Do you not
realize that you threaten your stature with the
the Church? Perhaps you feel that a great lord such as yourself
has no need for the Church! Well, God shall make you see otherwise!}

Do you:
[a] attempt to pacify the bishop, and explain the situation.
[b] tell him he cannot speak to you in that manner,
and have him thrown out.
[c] coldly explain the situation with no apologies.
_NODE 1ab.
_NODE n18845.
You find you must dispense with several tasks before you have time
to visit the bishop.
You gather a small party one misty morning, and ride over
the nearby hills to the cathedral. Upon arrival, you stride
confidently into the bishop's chambers.

{Ah, Majesty, I assume you are here to explain why you have decided
to construct your new tower on Church property.}

Do you:
[a] patiently explain how the situation has become overblown.
[b] ask when the Church's permission became a requirement to build
on your own land.
[c] explain that you had no indication that such a problem existed.
_NODE 1ac.
_NODE n18846.
You send the messenger on his way with your letter to the bishop in
The bishop's courier returns with further communication.

{Your Majesty:}
{Profound apologies for my previous note; my clerk had implied that you
were being willful on this matter. I will speak to him about

{However, this matter does require your attention. Some
within the Church would consider this a deliberate slight on
your part.}

Do you:
[a] draft a letter to the Pope.
[b] entreat the bishop to write to the Pope on your behalf.
[c] forget about the matter.
_NODE 1ba.
_NODE n18847.
The cardinal shakes his head sadly.

{How can one in your position be so casual? You must
be more heedful in such matters. The property technically
belongs to the Church, just as the new chapel does. You may
feel that, since you have effectively given the Church the new area,
that all scores have been settled. I warn you, some in the Church
would disagree.}

Do you:
[a] write a letter to the Pope explaining the situation.
[b] ask your bishop to write a letter to be delivered by the Cardinal.
[c] forget about the matter.
_NODE 1bb.
_NODE n18848.
The Cardinal gazes upon you with a hint of sadness,
indicating that he is well aware of your lies.
Yet he breaches the subject no further.

Cluster: 1885

_NODE 2.
_NODE n18850.
{Thank you for your time, Your Majesty. I have determined that the
bishop normally handles land dealings of this magnitude.
However, since you did not make arrangements with the Church before
"beginning construction, several members of the Church must be "

Do you:
[a] ask the clerk to go to the Pope on your behalf.
[b] ask your local priest to handle the matter.
[c] tell one of your more pious knights to handle it.
_NODE 2a.
_NODE n18851.
{Very good, Your Majesty. I will need a document with your signature,
assigning me the right to act and make decisions in your name.}

Do you:
[a] generate the paperwork and dismiss him.
[b] tell him that you will not give him such authorization.
{Very good, Your Majesty. I will attend to the matter at
{I simply CANNOT proceed further without that document, Your

Do you:
[a] give him the document.
[b] send your priest instead.
[c] send one of your more pious knights instead.
{Very good, Your Majesty. I will attend to the
matter at once.}
_NODE 2b.
_NODE n18852.
Father Jenre, your personal priest, enters your chambers.

{Majesty, I understand the situation and am more than willing to
help. The trip will keep me away for some time; thus, I have made
arrangements with
Father Klein to take care of the spiritual needs of your court.
He is a good man, if a trifle overzealous.}

He turns to leave, hesitates, and faces you once again.
{Ah, I had almost forgotten. Sire, I believe a document authorizing
me to act on your behalf may prove useful.}

Do you:
[a] give him such a document.
[b] tell him such papers are unnecessary and send him on his way.
_This is a marker letting me know if the priest has the document
_NODE 2c.
_NODE n18853.
Sir Ranchone arrives.

{I have ever wanted to include the Papal See on my pilgrimages,
my liege. Thank you for this opportunity. Is there naught else
to attend to, ere I depart?}

Do you:
[a] give him a document authorizing him to act in your name.
[b] simply send him on his way.
_This is a marker letting me know if the priest has the document
_NODE 2aa.
_NODE n18854.
The church clerk returns to you from the Pope.

{Your Majesty, after lengthy discussion, the authorities and I were
able agree on terms for settlement of this issue.
If you send the Church 5,000 marks
to indicate your contrition, your reputation with the Church will
be redeemed.}

Do you:
[a] pay the 5,000 marks (5 Gold).
[b] refuse to pay anything.
[c] imprison the clerk for exceeding his authority.
_NODE 2ba.
_NODE n18855.
As you explain the matter...
One of your advisors comes to you.

{Your Highness, the new priest, Father Klein,
has been annoying the nobles to no end, criticizing
their ways, and telling them they are certain to go to
Hell. One baron came within a hair's breadth
of throttling him.}

Do you:
[a] summon Father Klein and insist that he be less
[b] tell the nobles not to be so sensitive.
[c] ignore the situation.
_NODE 2ca.
_NODE n18856.
{I am proud and honored to serve Your Majesty in this.}
{Your Majesty! A small army is approaching your lands,
and they do not appear to be on a mission of friendship!}

When you ride out to investigate, a
herald of the force rides up to you.

{I speak for Earl Malvin of Kasinon. Earl Malvin has been
insulted and attacked by a knight bearing the name
Ranchone, who claims that he acts in your name. You will
pay for this indignity, either in blood or gold!}

Do you:
[a] pay the 5 Gold Malvin is asking.
[b] tell him that Ranchone was acting on his own,
and Malvin may exact any punishment on him that he sees
[c] battle Malvin's army.
_NODE 2aaa.
_NODE n18857.
You lack sufficient gold to pay the fee the Church
requests. The bishop is sympathetic, but you are
still in bad graces with the Church.
The Pope is reportedly very pleased with this sign of
piety on your part. Further, word of your adept handling
of this delicate situation travels
among your nobles and the people.
_NODE 2aab.
_NODE n18858.
{You realize that the Church will not be pleased.}

{However, if that is your will, Sire.}

While there are no obvious repercussions from your unwillingness to
pay the fee, you get the distinct impression that you are not in
favorable standing with the Pope.
_NODE 2aac.
_NODE n18859.
{What! But, Your Majesty, I did as you bid!
You gave me leave to make such decisions! No! Please...}

You have your guards grab the clerk firmly on each arm and escort him
to your dungeon for exceeding his authority.
The Church is not happy with this action, and even
some of your nobles consider it unjust.
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Old 12-10-2015, 07:00 AM   #155
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 1886

_NODE 3.
_NODE n18860.
Although he was visibly angry at first, the bishop calms down
after hearing your explanations.

{Perhaps I have misjudged you, my lord. This matter is not as serious
as I had been led to believe. You should dispatch a representative to
the Pope to clarify the situation, however.}

Do you:
[a] tell the bishop that you really cannot take time out to give much
attention to something as trivial as this.
[b] ask the bishop to take care of the matter for you.
[c] tell him that you will send your own personal priest to handle the
_NODE 3.1.
_NODE n18861.
{You will pay dearly for this slight to the Church, you who seeks the
throne of Bretagne!}
A man comes riding to your keep. He wears the regalia of a Papal
courier, and carries a message of an ominous nature.

The message reads, {Your treatment of my bishop was not justified.
I insist that you apologize to him and make a proper penance.}

Do you:
[a] immediately draft a letter of apology to the bishop.
[b] send the Pope an explanation of your actions,
stating that you intended no affront to the Church.
[c] explain the situation, and send a gift of 2,000 marks
(2 Gold) to be used for Good Works by the Church.
_NODE 3.2.
_NODE n18862.
Once you explain the matter to the bishop,
his expression slowly changes from
one of anger to one of chagrin.

{I was led to believe the situation was worse than it is,
and I apologize for my behavior. The man who supplied me with such
misinformation should be disciplined.
Would Your Majesty prefer that I deal with the punishment?}

Do you:
[a] warmly tell him that he has your permission to do so.
[b] coolly agree that he should handle these matters.
[c] sternly indicate that you are uninterested.
{As you wish.}
The bishop has dealt with the dispute.

He thanks you for the chance to make reparations
in your relationship.
Still, he remains subdued for some time around you.
Still, he never forgets your treatment of him
in this situation.
_NODE 3a.
_NODE n18863.
The bishop looks at you sadly.

{As you wish, Your Majesty. But remember, that which you find trivial
now may prove all too important in the future.}
A reply comes from the Pope, regarding the ownership of chapel land...

{The matter of the disputed land is settled. I would advise you to
address clergy in a less cavalier manner. Such disrespect is not good
for one's spiritual well-being.}
_NODE 3b.
_NODE n18864.
{I am more than happy to take care of the matter for you, Your
Majesty. I understand that other matters consume your time.}
After a good deal of time, the bishop reports on his meeting with
the Pope.

You hear that the bishop has not only taken care of the question of
the Church land for you to assuage his guilt, he has
praised you highly in his audience with His Holiness.
_NODE 3c.
_NODE n18865.
{Very well, Your Majesty, perhaps that would be best.}
_NODE 3.1a.
_NODE n18866.
You receive a reply from the bishop. He is not
particularly mollified by your apology, but agrees to
draft a letter to the Pope if you publicly apologize
for slighting the Church. You do so to avoid further
conflict, but relations with the bishop remain cool.
Some of your nobles mutter about your impotence in
dealings with the Church.
You receive a letter from the bishop, indicating that he
is mollified by your apology. Some of your nobles complain
about your weakness, but the placation of the Church is some
_NODE 3.1b.
_NODE n18867.
You receive another message from the Pope. He apologizes for the
bishop's behavior and promises that you will hear no more about the
affair. You suspect the settlement stems mainly from
his embarrassment over the triviality of the affair.
_NODE 3.1c.
_NODE n18868.
You receive another communication from the Pope. The words virtually
burn through the paper.

The letter wags the Church's rhetorical finger in your face for not
only disregarding the matter of the Church property and insulting a
bishop, but compounding the insult by trying to buy the Church's good
graces. You are told in
no uncertain terms that the Pope is not pleased with you.

Cluster: 1887

_NODE 4.
_NODE n18870.
As the bishop listens, he briefly looks confused and
embarrassed. As you finish speaking, his expression hardens.

{Your intentions may not have been evil, Your Majesty,
but you have not acted appropriately in this affair.
You must send communications
to several departments, and I must file the proper paperwork on your
behalf. We both have much letter-writing to do in the next year.
I will send instructions and names
to you at the earliest opportunity.}
A packet from the bishop arrives. It contains nearly fifty Brothers,
Fathers, and even a few Sisters who require information
regarding the chapel construction. This will take a great deal of

Do you:
[a] order the purchase of more quills and ink and begin writing.
[b] assign one of your administrators to deal with the matter.
[c] set the packet aside.
_NODE 4.1.
_NODE n18871.
The bishop's expression turns frosty.

{The chapel is NOT yours to dispose of as you will, Your Majesty. It
is Church property, and you should have consulted the Church
before beginning construction on the land.}

Do you:
[a] tell him that this whole affair is ridiculous, and you will
waste no more of your time with it.
[b] say that you expected Father Jenre to take care of this matter,
and did not think any further on it.
[c] tell him that, if he is concerned about it, he should handle it
_NODE 4.2.
_NODE n18872.
The bishop looks at you blankly, then his expression clears.

{I believe Father Jenre, your priest, has been serving your family
since before your birth. That explains it. Your father was an
enthusiastic builder of castles, as you no doubt know. As such, he
was well-versed on the rules surrounding such activity.
Father Jenre must have assumed your father's wealth of knowledge had
been instilled in you. But you have never built on Church land
before, so you certainly would not know what must be done.

{This gives a different complexion to the matter. Still, you must
take action on this situation, Your Majesty.}

Do you:
[a] tell the bishop that you are too busy to give much
attention to problems as trivial as this one.
[b] ask him to take care of the
matter for you.
[c] tell him you will send your own personal priest to handle the
_NODE 4a.
_NODE n18873.
After consuming a month's time filing volumes of paperwork
on the matter of the chapel,
you realize this process is having a serious impact on your
ability to run your kingdom.

Do you:
[a] sigh and attack the latest round of letters with more fervor.
[b] assign one of your own administrators to deal with the matter.
[c] throw the papers into the air in disgust, and be done with the
whole affair.
Finally, all of the paperwork is complete. All
that your require now is a response from the Pope.
_NODE 4b.
_NODE n18874.
After about a month of reports of your administrator filing volumes
of paperwork on the matter of the chapel,
you realize this process is
having a negative impact on your ability to run your

Do you:
[a] send the administrator an encouraging word and continue the
paper war.
[b] tell the administrator to concern himself no more with the affair.
Finally, your administrator reports that the
paperwork is complete. All that is required now is
a response from the Pope.
_NODE 4a.1.
_NODE n18875.
A courier comes, wearing the livery of the Pope.

The message is a cordial one, penned by the Cardinal who has been
your friend since you were a boy. He thanks you for
straightening out this matter of the chapel, and calls you
a dutiful son of the Church.

Cluster: 1888

_NODE 5.
You get a cordial letter from the Pope addressing your problem. The
writer is an assistant to the Pope and indicates that His Holiness is aware
of your attention on this matter.

It also contains a list of nearly fifty Brothers, Fathers, and a few
Sisters who require information regarding the chapel construction.

Do you:
[a] order more quills and ink and begin writing.
[b] assign one of your administrators to deal with the matter.
[c] set the letter aside.
_NODE 5.1.
_NODE n18881.
{Very well, Your Majesty, I will do that as soon as possible.}
You get a cordial letter from the Pope addressing your problem. It
indicates that the bishop clarified the matter, and that the Church
absolves you of blame.

It also contains a list of nearly fifty Brothers, Fathers, and a few
Sisters who require information regarding the chapel construction.

Do you:
[a] order more quills and ink and begin writing.
[b] assign one of your administrators to deal with the matter.
[c] set the letter aside.
_NODE 5.2.
_NODE n18882.
A messenger bears a letter from the Pope!

{It has come to Our attention that you have neglected to properly
arrange for the transferal of property held in the name of the Church,
upon which you recently constructed a portion of your keep. We are
are most displeased by this, and summon you forthwith to
explain yourself.}

You can hardly afford to leave your realm at
this time.

Do you:
[a] send one of your nephews with an explanation.
[b] attempt to convince the bishop to go in your stead.
[c] write a letter apologizing and explaining the situation, and asking
what you can do to make amends.
_NODE 5.2a.
_NODE n18883.
Your nephew Faren is more than willing to go; the idea of visiting
the Pope excites him, even if it does mean having to deal with the
uncomfortable fact of possible papal wrath. You also know that Faren is
a born diplomat, and probably will deal with the matter better than you
would. You assign him a small group of knights and he sets forth.
Your nephew, Faren, returns from his meeting with the Pope.

{I wish I could say that it went well, father, but His Holiness was
very irate, and your sending me rather than coming yourself did not
improve his mood. I think I convinced him that you meant no harm or insult
to the Church, but he is still angry, and he told me to tell you his eye
shall be on you from now on.}
_NODE 5.2b.
_NODE n18884.
The bishop comes to listen to you, and frowns.

{Your Majesty, you have truly caused trouble for yourself. But you are my
countryman, so I must do what I can for you. I will leave to
go to the Pope as soon as possible.}
The bishop returns from his visit to the Pope.

{Your Majesty, I wish I could say my meeting with His Holiness went
better than it did. I did manage to convince him that it was only your
busy schedule and lack of understanding of the importance of this
situation that produced this result. He is still unhappy with you, however,
and indicated that he would be keeping an eye on you from now on.}
_NODE 5.2c.
_NODE n18885.
Another Papal messenger arrives with a letter from His Holiness.

{We are not pleased with your behavior in this matter, nor in your
defiance of our order to speak of this in person. However, we
do understand the situations that can arise in the life of a monarch.
These are no excuse when it comes to dealing with matters that pertain
to the Most High. But, in this case, perhaps no harm was done. If 5,000
marks were to be contributed to the Church for good works, we might be
inclined to let the matter rest.}

Do you:
[a] send the 5,000 marks (5 Gold).
[b] tell the Pope that you regret your inability to extend funds to the
Church at this time.
_NODE 5.2ca.
_NODE n18886.
You do not have enough Gold to send to the Pope.
You receive another message from the Pope.

{While the duties of a king to his subjects are of great
import, do not permit them to distract you from your
Christian duties to God or His Church. I pray that I
need not remind you of this again.}
_NODE 5.2ca.
_NODE n18887.
A letter comes from the Pope.

{I have encountered such stubbornness before, and never in a good
Christian. Why can you not perform your Christian duties? I find
myself highly frustrated. Kings have been excommunicated for less. I
shall consider this matter further.}

Cluster: 1889

_NODE 6.
_NODE n18890.
Father Jenre returns.

{Your Majesty, the matter is resolved. There was some attempt to
charge you a penalty fee, but I would not tolerate such nonsense,
since it would have been handled properly if I had only told you what
to do. Several of my brothers in the cloth were quite impressed that
you elected to give me your full authority.}
_NODE 6.1.
_NODE n18891.
Father Klein comes to see you. As you explain the complaints of your
nobles, he grows progressively more tight-lipped. When you
finally get to the point of requesting him to stop annoying them, his
speech virtually bursts from him.

{Surely you cannot expect me to tolerate this rampant immorality and
unholiness! It is my duty as a shepherd of the Faith to strike at
evil wherever I see it! The nobility of the land must hold to a higher

Do you:
[a] let the matter pass.
[b] demand that he leave the nobles alone.
[c] ask him to let the matter go until you have become ruler
of Bretagne.
_NODE 6.2.
_NODE n18892.
There is some grumbling from the nobles, but they stop complaining after
a time.
Father Jenre comes and goes several times, needing your approval and
signature on various papers. On one occasion, your nobles come
to you again and demand that you do something about Father Klein. One
threatens to cut the man's head off unless you take action.

Do you:
[a] command them as their lord to tolerate the situation.
[b] order Father Jenre to abandon his task and return to ministering
to the castle dwellers.
[c] tell Father Klein to stop bothering them.
_NODE 6.3.
_NODE n18893.
Father Jenre comes and goes several times, needing your approval and
signature on various papers. Once, trouble erupts. Father
Klein chastises one of your knights too strongly, and the man strikes
him. The matter is brought to you; the nobles say it is the priest's
fault for his insulting behavior; the priest demands that the knight
be punished for striking a man of God.

Do you:
[a] chastise the attacker, and command the nobles to tolerate the
[b] order Father Jenre to abandon his task and return to ministering
to the castle dwellers.
[c] tell Father Klein that he instigated the attack, and order him
to stop bothering your people.
_NODE 6.1b.
_NODE n18894.
Father Klein's expression hardens.

{As you would, Your Majesty. But I will ensure that the Pope
hears of this.}
Father Jenre returns after several more visits, the last of the
paperwork done. He says that you will hear no more about it. He also confirms
that Father Klein has followed up on his threat to complain to the Pope.
_NODE 6.1c.
_NODE n18895.
Father Klein continues to look at you, tight-lipped.

{I cannot compromise my holy duty because of your mundane
obligations, Your Majesty.}

Do you:
[a] let the matter pass.
[b] demand, as his ruler, that he leave the nobles alone.
Father Klein listens to you and then slowly nods.

{I understand your situation, Your Majesty. I will endeavor
to be patient with these heathens,
rather than contribute to the strength of your enemies.}
After several fortnights, Father Jenre finally returns.

I am pleased to report that the matter is settled. You should
not be troubled again by it.
_NODE 6.2a.
_NODE n18896.
Your nobles sullenly comply with you. You cannot help but feel that
they resent you permitting the priest to ride roughshod over them.
After several more fortnights of travel, Father Jenre finally returns.
He tells you that the matter has been resolved, and should trouble
you no further.
_NODE 6term.
_NODE n18897.
{As you will, my lord. But I should warn you: there will
be consequences from this.}

Cluster: 1890

_NODE 7.
_NODE n18900.
After many days of traveling back and forth to get your approval and
signature on various items of paperwork, Sir Ranchone returns for the
final time, to announce that the matter has been resolved. He says that you
should receive no more trouble regarding it.

Later, you hear that there were some in the Vatican who were quite
taken with the pious and energetic knight, and this reflects well on his
_NODE 7.1.
_NODE n18901.
You do not have enough gold to pay the ransom. Angry at
your deception, Lord Malvin attacks.
A chagrined Sir Ranchone is returned to you. As the
story comes out, it was mostly the fault of the
impulsive knight. Lord Malvin made a passing, mildly
profane comment, followed up by a somewhat slighting
reference to your royal self. Even if it did cost you, you
cannot find it in your heart to punish the man for piety
and loyalty.

Do you:
[a] send Sir Ranchone back to the Pope without paperwork,
saying that he acts in your name.
[b] send Father Jenre, again, without the paperwork.
[c] send Father Jenre with the paperwork.
[d] forget about the matter.
_NODE 7.2.
_NODE n18902.
{Very well; any lord who would abandon his men is not worth dirtying
our swords over.}

Later on, you hear that Sir Ranchone has been locked away in Malvin's
dungeon, never to be heard from again. There is much muttering among
your nobles, particularly Ranchone's family.

Do you:
[a] send Father Jenre to the Pope without the paperwork.
[b] send Father Jenre with the paperwork.
[c] forget about the matter.
_NODE 7.3.
_NODE n18903.
You join battle with Sir Malvin!
You are victorious! Lord Malvin ransoms himself, returns
Sir Ranchone, and slinks away into the night. Your nobles
are jubilant.

Do you:
[a] send Sir Ranchone back to the Pope without paperwork,
saying that he acts in your name.
[b] send Father Jenre without the paperwork.
[c] send Father Jenre with the paperwork.
[d] forget about the matter.
You are defeated. Lord Malvin rides contemptuously away,
leaving you to attend to your dead and wounded. Sir Ranchone
is lost to his dungeons, and your people are disheartened.

Do you:
[a] send Father Jenre to the Pope without the paperwork.
[b] send Father Jenre with the paperwork.
[c] forget about the matter.
_NODE 1bc.
_NODE n18905.
{Could you not have asked your bishop, or even written me a
letter? If you felt it was too much trouble, you should simply have said

{You must take action on the matter. The property was
technically Church property, as is your new chapel. You might
think that, since you have effectively given the Church the new area,
nothing more need be done. But some in the Church
would disagree.}

Do you:
[a] write a letter to the Pope explaining the situation.
[b] ask your bishop to write a letter to be delivered by the Cardinal.
[c] forget about the matter.

Cluster: 1891

_NODE 1.
_NODE n18910.
During a meeting, one of your advisors presents some disturbing

{Your Majesty, on my way into the meeting today, I heard some disturbing
news that you should know. Apparently, the nearby village of Clouseu is
suffering from an outbreak of fever. The fever seems to be growing, and people
are not recovering as quickly as they normally would.}

Do you:
[a] order the royal physician to investigate.
[b] ask the bishop to bless the
village and help it deal with this infestation of devils.
[c] order troops to quarantine the area.
_NODE 1a.
_NODE n18911.
The royal physician, Doctor Pilard, returns from his visit to the
fever-inflicted village.

{Your Majesty, I have examined the village of Clouseu. The people are
afflicted with a mysterious fever. Many of them
have been sick for more than one week. Only one has died, an old man who was
already not well. I would suggest that you post guards to warn travelers
away from the village and to prevent the villagers from going
to town, then wait to see what
occurs next.}

Do you:
[a] follow the doctor's suggestions.
[b] have the area completely sealed off.
[c] follow the doctor's suggestions, but have him monitor the
area closely.
_NODE 1b.
_NODE n18912.
Father Jenre, your priest, comes to you with a worried expression.

{Your highness, I have received news that the bishop appears to
be suffering from some sort of fever. You may recall that he went to
Clouseu to bless the people there. Apparently, he has brought their
illness back with him. One of his assistants also seems to be growing ill.}

Do you:
[a] suggest that he speak to Dr. Pilard about the situation.
[b] visit the bishop yourself.
[c] offer your condolences, but do nothing else about the matter.
_NODE 1c.
_NODE n18913.
One of the merchants of your realm comes to see you.

{Your Majesty, I must protest! Our main trade route passes through
the village of Clouseu. We cannot send or receive the shipments of goods
which are the basis of our livelihood. Please, allow us to pass through this
town. We promise not to tarry there.}

Do you:
[a] permit the merchants to travel through the village, so long
as they do not stop.
[b] give them leave to divert their caravans through your
private forest preserve.
[c] tell them that they must learn to accept this temporary situation.
{As you say, Your Majesty.}
_NODE 1aa.
_NODE n18914.
{Your Majesty, I have heard some of our guards speaking about the
village of Clouseu. Nearly
all of the villagers have had the fever. Many seemed
to get better, only to fall ill once more!}

Do you:
[a] summon your physician.
[b] summon the bishop.
[c] tell the soldiers to keep an eye on the matter and report to you.
_NODE 1ab.
_NODE n18915.
{Your Majesty, our troops in Clouseu are reporting
trouble. Some of the healthy villagers are
attempting to leave. In addition,
merchants are complaining about the road blockage, and panicked residents
of nearby towns want to burn the village.}

Do you:
[a] reinforce the troops in the area.
[b] ask the doctor to examine the area again.
[c] leave things as they are for the moment.
_NODE 1ac.
_NODE n18916.
Dr. Pilard comes riding back from his observation of the
village of Clouseu.

{Your Majesty, I am convinced that something must be done about this
village. This fever does not seem very deadly; only two people have
died of it, and both were already frail. After the residents recover,
however, they are afflicted once again. As people regain their health,
perhaps we should remove them from the village.}

Do you:
[a] send recovering villagers to a nearby town.
[b] have them sent to a temporary city of tents.
[c] simply leave them where they are and wait.
_NODE 1ba.
_NODE n18917.
Dr. Pilard comes to see you.

{Your Majesty, Father Jenre has spoken to me about the bishop. I think that
it was a great mistake not to have controlled the spread of this fever. The
bishop and his folk caught it from just an hour or two among the
villagers--perhaps just from touching an ill one. Unless you control
this, I believe that we will have illness everywhere soon.}

Do you:
[a] order the area completely interdicted.
[b] have your soldiers prevent people from leaving, but allow merchants
passage, and have you physician keep an eye on them.
[c] burn the village and send the people into the lands of one of your

Cluster: 1892

_NODE 2.
_NODE n18920.
A yeoman comes to see you.

{Y'majesty, I'm from Rachine, the town nearest Clouseu. A lot of us
have relatives that live in Clouseu, and we're worried about 'em. If
they's all sick in there, pretty soon they's gonna be out of food.
It's not right to just let 'em starve in there, m'lord.}

Do you:
[a] permit the people of Rachine to deliver food to the
villagers as long as they maintain their distance.
[b] arrange to deliver food to them yourself.
[c] tell them that your strict policies are for the best.
_this is to let me know the decision on this one, later.
{As you say, yer highness.}
_NODE 2a.
_NODE n18921.
_NODE 2b.
_NODE n18922.
A messenger from the merchants comes.

{Your Majesty, we have been traveling through Clouseu, and have noticed
something that you should know. Something is very wrong. Although every one
of the villagers has had the fever, and many seemed to recover,
now they are getting sick again!}

Do you:
[a] summon your physician.
[b] summon the bishop.
[c] tell the soldiers to keep an eye on the matter and report to you.
_NODE 2c.
_NODE n18923.
{Your Majesty, I have been receiving reports that many of the merchants
are very unhappy about the situation with the road through Clouseu.}

Do you:
[a] permit the merchants to travel through the village as long
as they do not stop.
[b] give them leave to divert their caravans through your
private forest preserve.
[c] tell them that your actions are for the good of all Bretagne.
_NODE 2aa.
_NODE n18924.
{Your Majesty, there are rumors that some of
the people of Rachine now suffer from the fever first felt in Clouseu.}

Do you:
[a] order them to stop taking food to the village, and send
those who are ill to Clouseu.
[b] order those who are ill to be sent to
Clouseu, and take over the job of sending food yourself.
[c] order those who are ill to be sent to Clouseu, but allow the people
of Rachine to continue their deliveries of food.
_NODE 2aaa.
_NODE n18925.
A messenger comes riding in with great urgency.

{This is dreadful, Your Majesty! The people of Rachine are rioting because
of your poor treatment of their cousins in Clouseu. The merchants are
supporting them because you closed the road!}

Do you:
[a] send troops to put down the riot and take control of the situation.
[b] speak to the people and try to calm them.
[c] ask the Church to intervene on your behalf.
_NODE 2aac.
_NODE n18926.
Over many weeks, the fever slowly fades away. Your people seem relieved
that the losses are slight, and give credit to your handling of the
affair. The Church also sends word that they
appreciate your merciful manner during the crisis.

Cluster: 1893

_NODE 3.
_NODE n18930.
Doctor Pilard comes to see you. When he hears of the situation, he says
that he must examine the village before he
can make any suggestions.

Do you:
[a] send him to the village.
[b] send for the bishop.
[c] forget about the matter.
_NODE 3a.
_NODE n18931.
Your royal physician returns.

{Your Majesty, I believe that the best solution is to remove
people from the village as they recover, then burn the village.
Once they recover, the people experience a short period of good health before they
fall ill once again. Removing them from their diseased surroundings may help.}

Do you:
[a] do what the physician asks.
[b] burn the village and send the diseased people to one of your
[c] wait to see what occurs.
_NODE 3aa.
_NODE n18932.
Time passes, and the people of Clouseu slowly regain their health. Some
of the locals are not particularly happy at how you handled the matter,
but your nobles feel that your actions were appropriate. You have learned valuable
lessons about the administration of your kingdom.

Cluster: 1894

_NODE 4.
_NODE n18940.
The bishop comes to see you. After hearing about the situation, he

{Your Majesty, this village is clearly infested with devils.
It would be best if I were to go to Clouseu and conduct an

Do you:
[a] tell the bishop to go ahead and exorcise Clouseu.
[b] summon your royal physician.
[c] do nothing.
_NODE 4a.
_NODE n18941.
A messenger comes riding in. He reports that the village is
no different than before the exorcism.

Do you:
[a] call for the bishop again.
[b] call for the royal physician.
[c] wait to see what happens.
_NODE 4aa.
_NODE n18942.
The bishop returns to speak with you.

{Your Majesty, this is a frightful sign. A human infernal agent must be
working in Clouseu. We must root out this evil presence before the village can

Do you:
[a] assist the bishop in searching for the evildoer.
[b] tell him to forget it.
_NODE 4ac.
_NODE n18943.
{As you will, Your Majesty. But remember what I have told you.}
A messenger comes with word that the bishop is ill.

Do you:
[a] send Dr. Pilard to see him.
[b] visit the bishop yourself.
[c] offer your condolences, but do nothing about the matter.
_NODE 4aaa.
_NODE n18944.
Word comes to you that the search for an infernal agent has located
a woman, believed to be a witch, living near Clouseu.

Do you:
[a] try the woman as a witch.
[b] exile her from your lands.
[c] order that she be left alone.
_NODE 4aca.
_NODE n18945.
Dr. Pilard returns from his visit to the bishop.

{Your Majesty, our good bishop seems to be holding up under the fever
fairly well, though as usual he is not as appreciative of my efforts as
I could ask. I have been thinking about Clouseu. I believe that the
best approach is to remove people from the village as they get
better, then burn the village.
Once they recover, the people experience a short period of good health before they
fall ill once again. Removing them from their diseased surroundings may help.}

Do you:
[a] follow Dr. Pilard's suggestion
[b] wait on events.
_NODE 4aaaa.
_NODE n18946.
The woman is convicted of witchcraft and is hanged. Even at the end,
she claims to be innocent.
_NODE 4aaab.
_NODE n18947.
You banish the woman from your lands. The people seem satisfied by this
_NODE 4aaac.
_NODE n18948.
There are mutterings and complaints about the release of the suspected
witch, but they die down quickly.
_NODE 4aaac.
_NODE n18949.
One of your advisors reports to you:

{Majesty, I regret to say that the fever situation in Clouseu has not

Cluster: 1895

_NODE 5.
_NODE n18950.
A soldier comes from Clouseu.

{Majesty, this matter is becoming critical. People in
neighboring villages and towns speak of
taking action against us. You must not allow that to happen.}

Do you:
[a] order the village burned and the people sent in exile to the lands
of one of your enemies.
[b] order the people put to the sword and the village burned.
[c] let events take their course.
_NODE 5b.
_NODE n18951.
With the village eliminated, the danger of the fever is gone. But the
relatives of the villagers will not forget this. Moreover, your nobles
are horrified, and the Church is not pleased.
_NODE 5c.
_NODE n18952.
Your people burn out the village.

The fever is gone, but your lack of control in your realm is obvious.

Cluster: 1896

_NODE 6.
_NODE n18960.
The villagers manage to overrun your troops and escape from the Clouseu
area. Your populace degenerates into pandemonium.

Do you:
[a] send more troops into the region to maintain control.
[b] tell the populace to report any cases of fever that they see.
[c] let events take their course.
_NODE 6a.
_NODE n18961.
Your troops manage to keep matters partially under control, but
great unrest persists in the area.

Do you:
[a] tell the soldiers to get matters under control at any cost.
[b] send the clergy to locate the ill and separate them out.
[c] let matters take their course.
_NODE 6b.
_NODE n18962.
Your order brings the ill out of hiding, but only at the cost of a
nearly hysterical hunt for the fevered. While this allows you to
prevent the spread of the fever, and helps bring the epidemic
to an end, it leaves much disquiet in your kingdom.
_NODE 6aa.
_NODE n18963.
Your soldiers bring the situation under control, but only at the
price of many deaths. The epidemic slowly ends.
_NODE 6ab.
_NODE n18964.
The clergy manage to separate off the sick from the general populace
without too much disruption and fear. As the epidemic fades, the people
are grateful for this care, and Church appreciates that you trusted them
in this matter.
_NODE 6ac.
_NODE n18965.
The epidemic and chaos near Clouseu fades, but not before the people have
mourned the deaths of many villagers.

Cluster: 1897

_NODE 7.
_NODE n18970.
Rumors abound of fever in the lands of Valois.
The fever seems to have left Valois. Rumors of
your involvement reach the Church. The
Pope is not pleased.
Rumors abound of fever in the lands of Anjou.
The fever seems to have left Anjou. Rumors of
your involvement reach the Church. The
Pope is not pleased.
Rumors abound of fever in the lands of Aragon.
The fever seems to have left Aragon. Rumors of
your involvement reach the Church. The
Pope is not pleased.
Rumors abound of fever in the lands of Burgundy.
The fever seems to have left Burgundy. Rumors of
your involvement reach the Church. The
Pope is not pleased.
Rumors abound of fever in the lands of Albion.
The fever seems to have left Albion. Rumors of
your involvement reach the Church. The
Pope is not pleased.
_NODE 7.1.
_NODE n18971.
Your troops gradually bring the situation under control, and the fever
slowly fades. But the people are not happy with your actions.
_NODE 7.2.
_NODE n18972.
The angry mob does not listen to you, and drags you away.
Your loyal nobles rescue you, and the unrest slowly resolves
itself as the fever fades...without any further action on your part.
You manage to calm the unrest, largely on raw force of
personality, and the epidemic slowly fades away.
_NODE 7.3.
_NODE n18973.
The Church manages to help you keep matters under control until the
fever epidemic fades. The Church is pleased to offer its assistance,
but some feel that this makes you appear weak.

Cluster: 1898

_NODE 8.
_NODE n18980.
Panic rages in the streets throughout your desmesne.

Rumor spreads that you have caught the fever yourself.

The rumor is true.

Do you:
[a] let one your nephews take control while you are ill.
[b] let Sir Kyle, one of your best knights, handle matters for you.
[c] keep trying to manage by yourself.
_NODE 8a.
_NODE n18980.
You have recovered your health. One of your advisors enters your

{I am glad to see you well again, my liege. Phillip handled matters
as well as he could, but I am afraid that some of your enemies
took advantage of his inexperience. Still, he is a handsome boy,
and the people loved him well.}
_NODE 8b.
_NODE n18982.
Sir Kyle handles things to the best of his abilities, but some unavoidable
confusion occurs.
_NODE 8c.
_NODE n18983.
You manage to maintain control during your illness, though not as
well as you would prefer.
_NODE 8fin.
_NODE n18984.
Your illness comes to an end, and the epidemic fades.

Cluster: 1899

_NODE 9.
_NODE n18990.
You notice that illness is beginning to appear among
your knights and courtiers. Obviously, the fever will soon be rampant

Do you:
[a] order ill people to be isolated with others of their kind until they
are better.
[b] keep the fever victims separated from healthy individuals and from one another.
[c] let the fever follow its own course.
_NODE 9a.
_NODE n18991.
After several weeks, the signs of fever begin to disappear. Keeping all of
the ill together has made them easy to treat, and limited exposure to
others, while still allowing the doctors to separate them as they regained
their health.

The epidemic is over.
_NODE 9b.
_NODE n18992.
The fever drags on, but finally begins to abate. Keeping the
individual sufferers separated makes it harder to keep them isolated,
and increases deaths by making it hard for doctors to be in attendance. But it is
still better than no solution, even if there is some muttering.

The epidemic is over.
_NODE 9c.
_NODE n18993.
The fever seems as though it will never go away. With no action taken
on it, people catch and re-catch the illness, nearly bringing the kingdom
to a halt. When the fever finally passes, rumor says that your people blame
you for taking no action.

The epidemic is over.
_NODE 1bb.
_NODE 18995.
You visit the bishop and offer your condolences. The old man
does not seem to be in pain, but his attention wavers, and he is
very weak. His hand has no strength when he grasps yours in gratitude for
your visit.
_NODE 1bc.
_NODE 18996.
Several weeks have passed. You notice an alarming trend.
A number of your knights take ill, and even some of the servants are
unable to do their tasks. The fever is slowly spreading
to an extent that you would not have thought possible.

Cluster: 1900

_Bad MIN MAX in Diplo Interaction
An emissary from %t
(Relations:%d) comes with a diplomatic mission.

{I hope this is the beginning of a long and prosperous
era of peace for us both.}
{Peace is a matter of trust. May we conduct our affairs
with unblemished honor.}
{I look forward to the day when we are the closest
of friends.}
{Your friendship is cherished. May our improved
relations last a long time.}
{This is a moment of great joy for us both.}
{Let us toast our alliance, and the defeat of our
{His Holiness thanks you, and offers continued
prayers for better relations.}
{Thank you, lord. There is nothing better than Church
and State united under God's guidance.}
{Glory to thee, lord. Do not forget who is the King
of Kings, the One who is the Liegelord of all who
{Well, would you rather give us %d Gold?}
{Maybe you would sign a new friendship agreement.}
{Would you accept a gift of %d Gold to improve our relations?}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
{I bow to your diplomatic skills!}
{You need to be humbled. God is very good at
destroying the proud.}
{This lack of devotion is unfortunate. I do hope
you will prove more accomodating in the future.}
{You sadden me, lord, for I had thought thee a good
and faithful servant of God. Even kings must sacrifice
for the needs of the All-Mighty.}
{I should have expected this from one such as
you. Perhaps you would prefer our soldiers to
our diplomats. If so, we shall oblige.}
{Arrogant fool! If you will not accept our
generosity, then blood shall soon flow!}
{If you are not prepared to compromise, then I
am wasting my time. Good day to you!}
{It is unfortunate that you take our
friendship so lightly. Good day.}
{Well, perhaps some other time, you will be
in a more amiable mood.}
{Alas! I had thought our alliance was
beyond reproach! Mayhap you will change your
{Your staff informs me that you cannot afford to keep this bargain.
I can assure you that broken promises will not improve our relations.
Good day to you.}
{But, Majesty, this crime will raise everybody against you!}

Do you:
[a] Let him go.
[b] Behead him!
You are so wise to let him go and tell everybody about
your power to master your feelings!
{Truly your heart is black and full of evil! History has
shown that the blood of Saints only strengthens the Church.
May God forgive thee for this crime.}
{We shall be avenged for this unspeakable atrocity!
Every man, woman and child in Europe will learn what
a bloodthirsty savage you are!}
{Your name shall be accursed! It shall be a bitter
thing that few will speak willingly, even when a
score of centuries have passed!}

Cluster: 1901

{We have been enemies for too long. Give us %d Gold
and we may have peace.}
{The hostilities between us might destroy us both.
Accept our offer of friendship and give peace a chance.}
{We really shouldn't be enemies. Why not accept our generous offer
of %d Gold and allow peace to flourish.}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Kill him.
{In spite of your treacherous nature, we want to give you
a chance to show your goodwill.
Give us a mere %d Gold and we may improve our relations.}
{The hatred between us must end. Accept our offer
of friendship and show that you are civilized.}
{I have seen your evil intentions toward us;
do you have the courage to make peace?
We offer you %d Gold as a gift of friendship.}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Kill him.
{It is always good to visit a neighbor.
If you would offer us a gift of %d Gold,
I am certain our relations will be even closer.}
{We wish to improve our relations. We hope that you will
accept our message of friendship and peace.}
{Would you accept a gift of %d to improve our relations?}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Kill him.
{Thank-you for greeting us, your lordship. I am aware that our
relations could be better; a gift of %d Gold from you
would demonstrate your goodwill.}
{We have come to offer you a message of peace and friendship.
Will you accept it?}
{We have come to offer you a gift of %d, in the hopes
that we may both prosper and become better friends.}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Kill him.
{Your lordship, we are good friends and strong allies, but you can
never have a friendship that is too strong. Perhaps an offer of %d
Gold would prove that you do not take us for granted.}
{It is wonderful to greet such a noble ally. Accept our friendship
pledge, and celebrate the brotherhood of princes.}
{Greetings, lord! It is sometimes the habit of strong alliances to
crumble; we offer you a gift of %d in the spirit of eternal
friendship, and a love that can never be destroyed!}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Kill him.
{Your lordship, we have been the best of friends and allies, but
that time may be coming to an end. Please remove these doubts
with a generous offer of %d Gold.}
{Please accept our offer of
friendship. After all, we are friends, aren't we?}
{Welcome, friend! So that you do not forget our glorious alliance
we give you a gift of %d Gold, as a salute to your greatness! Long
may you live!}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Kill him.
{You are apostate, sundered from Christ by excommunication.
But his capacity to forgive is infinite. Give us %d Gold
and show your willingness to live with God.}
{You have been laid low by his Holiness's righteous. However, he
wishes you to know that he prays for you constantly.
Will you accept his best wishes?}
{His Holiness means you no malice, even in your disgrace.
He offers a gift of %d Gold, to show his
hope for your redemption.}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Kill him.
{Welcome, lord. Your sins have not gone unnoticed, but the Pope will
take penance and grant thee an Indulgence for %d Gold.}
{Greetings Lord. The Pope will improve his relations with you,
provided that you promise to strive to be a true Christian prince.}
{His Holiness has watched your attempts to be a goodly Christian.
He offers a gift of %d Gold, to demonstrate his faith in you.}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Kill him.
{Greetings, lord. The Church is in desperate need, and it is the
duty of its friends to help it. Your gift of %d Gold will advance the
cause of Christ.}
{Greetings Lord. The Pope wishes to offer you a benediction of faith
and friendship, in honor of one who serves Christ well.}
{Thou art the pearl of Christendom,
and likely to be a great Christian King.
His Holiness wishes to aid thy cause, with a gift of %d Gold.}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Kill him.

Cluster: 1910

_Bad MIN MAX in Merchant Interaction
A merchant from %v wishes to trade
some of his %t for some of your

Do you wish to see him?

[a] Yes.
[b] No.
{Greetings Majesty! I have %d
%t to offer you.
Will you give me %d
%u for it?}

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
{I am glad to be of service to your majesty. I hope we can do
business again!}
{Well, will you give me %d
%u for the

[a] Accept.
[b] Refuse.
{You drive a hard bargain!}
{If you are as merciless to your enemies as you are to this humble
merchant, all of Christendom will soon fall to you!}
{I trust this bargain is fair, if not as rich as I had hoped.}
{Your terms are not acceptable for us. Good day to you!}
{This offer would leave me without profit. I cannot accept this.
Perhaps one of your rivals would be more reasonable.}
{You drive too hard a bargain. I cannot agree to this.
Good day, majesty.}
{Majesty, what have I done to deserve these lies? Your records
clearly state that you cannot keep your promises!}
{Your records indicate that you cannot keep your promise. I have
no tolerance for liars, whether they be king or commoner!}
{Alas, majesty, your seneschal says that you cannot meet your
promise at this time. I cannot feed my family on promises alone.
Perhaps your word will be more reliable another day.}
{Majesty, your merchant has
returned and says that %t does not own
that land anymore.}

Cluster: 1920

{Majesty, our troops are at the border of %t
and ready to attack the local lord.}
and ready to attack %u. All we need is your order.}
{Majesty, our troops are ready to attack %t
and append it to your realm.}
and defeat the army of %u.}
{Majesty, our forces are positioned near %t
and await your command.}
and are ready to attack the army of %u.}

[a] Proceed.
[b] Recall them.
{Majesty, our garrison at %t has sent word to us!
%u is invading our lands. Battle will soon be joined.}
{Majesty, a messenger has come to us from %t.
The army of %u is attacking us!}
{Majesty, %u vows that
%t will be his within days.
His armies are attacking us!}
{Majesty, I regret to bring you bad news,
but %t was lost.
%u has beaten us, for now.}
{Majesty, we have been beaten.
We were too weak for the army of %u.
%t has been denied to us.}
{Majesty, our attempt to invade %t has failed.
%u is now celebrating his victory, while we bury our dead.}
We did not expect the local lord to be so strong!}
The Pope
is angered by your attack.
are angered by your attack.
{Good news, majesty!
%t honors you, the rightful ruler of Bretagne. We have
defeated the army sent by %u!}
{Majesty, the army of %u
has been vanquished. %t remains, proudly, under your banner!}
{Majesty, I am pleased to report that %u did not succeed to
seize %t. Their army was defeated.}
{Good news, majesty! We have won a great victory
against the army of %u.
The barons of %t have sworn allegiance to you.
and %t is now in your hands.}
{Majesty, %u has abandoned the land of
%t to our forces. Victory is ours!}
{Majesty, the land of %t has been abandoned
to our forces. Victory is ours!}
{People will long remember this day, my liege. We have wrested %t
from our enemy, and soon all of Bretagne will follow!}
%u was completely defeated. He is now living
in exile far away from these lands.
The Pope
is angered by your attack.
are angered by your attack.
{Majesty, I bring bad news. %t is now under the
control of %u. The battle has been lost.}
{Lost! Lost! %t now belongs to them,
%u of a thousand curses! Let the dead sleep! They are
more blessed than we!}
{Majesty, we have...
lost control of %t.
It is occupied by %u, but I am certain
we will return it soon to its proper rule.}
Given your willingness to act as a true Christian
and your generous and humble offerings, His
Holiness, Pope Innocent Benedict, has pronounced
your absolution. All censures have been lifted.
May God guide you all the days of your life.
For your sinful acts against God and His allies,
His Holiness, Pope Innocent Benedict
hereby excommunicates you from the Church. You are
denied the holy sacraments. No Christian may treat
with you. May God grant you the wisdom to repent of your sins.
{Majesty, people of %t have turned against you
and their realm is no longer in your power.}

Cluster: 1940

{Majesty, your castle in %t is now complete.}
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Old 12-10-2015, 07:04 AM   #156
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 1941

{Majesty, the saboteur you sent to %t found nothing to destroy.}
{Majesty, the saboteur you sent to %t was successful in
destroying some grain.}
burning some of their timber reserves.}
sending some of their iron to the bottom of a lake.}
stealing some gold.}
poisoning some of their infantry.}
burning down one of their barracks, killing some of
their archers.}
killing some of their knights in their sleep.}
damaging their castle.}
{Majesty, the saboteur you sent to %t has been caught by their guards.}
{Majesty, a saboteur has visited us. He was successful
in destroying some of our grain.}
in burning some of our timber.}
in taking some of our iron.}
in stealing some of our gold.}
in poisoning some of our infantry units.}
in killing some of our archers.}
in killing some of our knights.}
in damaging our castle.}
{Majesty, a saboteur from %t has been caught by our guards.}
{Majesty, your saboteur has
returned and says that %t does not own
that land anymore.}
{Majesty, the saboteur you sent to %t
was struck by lightning.}
lost his money and could not continue his journey.}
was robbed by some bandits.}
took pity on a lass, and decided to marry her.}
was eaten by a bear and is not likely to return in the near future.}
broke his leg, so he abandoned his mission.}

Cluster: 1942

{Majesty, the spy you sent to %t was successful.

{He reports that %t has
%d territories, and an army
%d unit strong.
%d units strong.
The happiness of the people is %d.}
{Majesty, the spy you sent to %t has been captured by their guards.}
{Majesty, I have bad news. Do you remember that spy you sent to
%t? The guards used him for target practice yesterday.}
{Majesty, a messenger from %t has returned the spy that we sent to
him. Unfortunately, his head was no longer attached to his body.}
{Majesty, the key to the box of state papers has gone missing.
I fear that a spy has struck against us.}
{Majesty, last night one of the manservants saw a shadowy figure
rifling through some documents. It would appear that one of your
enemies has sent a spy against us.}
{Majesty, several of our guards report that they were drugged last
night. These were guards who were guarding your records. It is
almost certain that a spy is carrying critical information to our
{Majesty, one of your servants was seen travelling away from your
lands. I fear he was a spying for the enemy.}
{Majesty, do you remember that band of travelling gypsies that
performed for us last week? We have good reason to believe they
were spies!}
{Majesty, a spy has been caught. We have questioned him, and
determined that he comes from %t.}
{Majesty, we found a spy fleeing from our guards. He has eluded
them, but he was travelling toward %t when he lost them.}
{Majesty, you may have noticed the decoration on the tower bridge.
It was the head of a spy from %t that we recently caught.}
{Majesty, those swine from %t have the nerve to send a spy against
us! Fortunately, we have caught and killed the scoundrel.}
{Majesty, something must be done about %t. They sent not one spy, but
two spies against us. They were caught and slain, but we may need to
hire another executioner if these vermin continue to trouble us.}
{Majesty, your spy has
returned and says that %t does not own
that land anymore.}
{Majesty, the spy you sent to %t
said that the enemy was too heavily guarded and could not discover
what you needed to know.}
fell in love with your enemy's niece and abandoned your cause.}
came back with information that is clearly false. His report is
broke his leg fleeing from the dogs that your enemy keeps in his
estate, and never got close enough to find out any secrets.}
was arrested for vagrancy, escaped from the dungeons, and is now
living as a beggar on the streets of Paris. He had no useful
was being followed by our enemy's spies, and was forced to return
to escape their notice. He had learned nothing.}
discovered that the enemy pays their spies twice what pay ours, and
now refuses to divulge any of his information.}

Cluster: 1943

{Majesty, the diplomat sent to %t has returned.
He was unable to make a deal with them.}
He was told that they don't deal with pariahs.}
{Majesty, your envoy to %t has returned. We could not reach
an affordable bargain with them, and the deal has been
{Majesty, I regret to inform you that the diplomat we
sent to %t was convicted of spying, and executed.
%t is now a murderer as well as a usurper!}
{Majesty, the diplomat has returned and says that %t does
not own that land anymore.}
{Majesty, the diplomat has returned and says that %t does
not deal with you since you have claimed the throne.}
{Majesty, your diplomat sent to %t returns.}
{We have improved relations, and received a gift of
%d gold.}
{We have improved relations by giving them a gift of
%d gold.}
{We have signed an agreement of mutual friendship and
{Majesty, the merchant sent to %t has returned.
He was told that they don't deal with pariahs.}
He was unable to make a deal with them.}
{Majesty, the merchant has returned and says that %t does
not own that land anymore.}
{Majesty, the merchant sent to %t has returned.
He was unable to make a deal with them.}
{Majesty, your merchant sent to %t returns.
He was able to get %d
%u from them.
He paid them %d
It is time to pay the troops.
Payment for your %d troops
is %d gold.
The troops return for payment.
Payment for your %d troops
is %d gold.

[a] Pay them.
[b] Delay a month.
You do not have enough gold.
The troops will return in a month.
It is time to feed the troops.
Feeding your %d troops
will require %d food.
The troops return for food.
Feeding your %d troops
will require %d food.

[a] Pay them.
[b] Delay a month.
You do not have enough food.
The troops will return in a month.
Player Ranks:

All territories are safe.
%y is the only territory near revolt.
%d territories are near revolt.
%y is the most likely to revolt.

Families at War:
The word flows like fire around the land.

The Pope is considering backing %t to the throne.
The word flows like fire around the land.

The Pope has reached a decision: {%t is the new King!}
The Pope has decided not to back %t as the new king at this time.
{Majesty, Lord Byon of California has returned.

{His Lady Lara has given birth to another son, Sir Tim,
and his first born, Sir Scott, has sent us many gifts.

{The Garrabrant family wishes you luck in your quest.}

73 de KD6BCH
{Sire, Baron Sorin of Walachia comes to you,
running from political turmoil in his lands.
Lady Roxana and his son Andrei accompany him.

{You receive their best wishes and part of their treasure as a gift.}
{Your Highness, Cindy the Alchemist and her apprentice
William discovered a means of transmuting the straw
in your courtyard into gold. They added the fruits of
their labors to your treasury.

Unfortunately, their notes
were destroyed in the ensuing commotion, and they cannot
remember all of the steps in the process.}
{One side effect, however, is that their pet parakeet
was transmuted into an enormous six-foot-high bunny rabbit.
While this has incredible military potential, the annual feed
costs exceed your entire budget, so the rabbit weapon is
unlikely to be used in battle.}
Duke DeNardo has just purchased a new watchdog. Her name is Sasha.
The people rejoice. Your happiness goes up.

Cluster: 1950

{Thank you, Majesty. May your quest for King be
short and successful.}
{There are many bad rumors surfacing about you, Majesty.
I fear your quest for King will come to a quick demise.}

Cluster: 1951

_CP 1.
One of your advisors visits you.

{The man in the tin mask has escaped from the dungeon! Since he
looks exactly like you, I must ask you a question to determine
whether you are the real king!

{Where would Edward of Albion like to place his wife?} (Page 37)

Do you answer:
[a] in a nunnery.
[b] in Hell.
[c] on the throne of Aquitaine.
[d] in a kitchen.
[e] in a nursery.
[f] Edward has no wife.
_CP 2.
One of your guards sounds the alarm.

{My apologies, my liege, but the troubadour Daniel de Quaille
has escaped from the dungeon, and he is a master of disguise. I
must ask you a question to be certain that you are really my

{Who is the real power in Anjou?} (Page 40)

Do you answer:
[a] Queen Catherine.
[b] Lady Marie.
[c] Pere Goriot.
[d] Duke Henri.
[e] Arinseault.
[f] Count Merose.
_CP 3.
One of your councillors brings shocking news.

{Majesty, I regret to inform you that software theft has reached
epidemic proportions in the land. To combat this vile practice,
which the ignoble call piracy (to give it romantic connotations
that are most undeserved), I must ask you a question:

{How many points must a castle be to keep a province from revolting?}
(Page 13)

Do you answer:
[a] 50 points.
[b] 75 points.
[c] 100 points.
[d] 150 points.
[e] 200 points.
[f] castles don't keep provinces from revolting.
_CP 4.
One of your councillors brings shocking news.

{Majesty, I regret to inform you that software theft has reached
epidemic proportions in the land. To combat this vile practice,
which the ignoble call piracy (to give it romantic connotations
that are most undeserved), I must ask you a question:

{What is required to be able to build a catapult?} (Page 49)

Do you answer:
[a] a Military Rating of 4, and one unit of food, iron, and timber.
[b] a Military Rating of 5, and one unit of iron, timber, and gold.
[c] a Military Rating of 5, one unit of iron and timber, and one
Infantry unit.
[d] a Military Rating of 6, and one unit of iron, timber, and gold.
[e] a Military Rating of 6, one unit of timber and iron, and a
previously built ballista.
[f] a Military Rating of 7, and one unit of food, timber, and gold.
_CP 5.
One of your guards brings bad news.

{Majesty, a traveller from the East has come and will not leave
until you answer the following question:

{Who in Bretagne objects to the Bible being written in Latin instead
of Aramaic?} (Page 42)

Do you answer:
[a] Father Klein.
[b] Father Jenre.
[c] Cardinal Velchamps.
[d] Bishop Winslow.
[e] Pope Innocent Benedict.
[f] The Archbishop of Limoges.
_CP 6.
One of your councillors brings shocking news.

{Majesty, I regret to inform you that software theft has reached
epidemic proportions in the land. To combat this vile practice,
which the ignoble call piracy (to give it romantic connotations
that are most undeserved), I must ask you a question:

{Which was the third great victory for England in the Hundred Years
War?} (Page 23)

Do you answer:
[a] Agincourt.
[b] the siege of Orleans.
[c] Poitiers.
[d] Crecy.
[e] the siege of Calais.
[f] Harfleur.
_CP 7.
One of your councillors brings shocking news.

{Majesty, I regret to inform you that software theft has reached
epidemic proportions in the land. To combat this vile practice,
which the ignoble call piracy (to give it romantic connotations
that are most undeserved), I must ask you a question:

{What French King beheaded two English knights just before an agreed
truce came into effect?} (Page 32)

Do you answer:
[a] Charles III.
[b] Henri II.
[c] Louis Augustus.
[d] Francis I.
[e] Louis XI.
[f] Phillip VI.
_CP 8.
One of your advisors visits you.

{The man in the tin mask has escaped from the dungeon! Since he
looks exactly like you, I must ask you a question to determine
whether you are the real king!

{When was the Estates-General first called together?} (Page 36)

Do you answer:
[a] 1953.
[b] 1302.
[c] 1313.
[d] 1317.
[e] 1337.
[f] 1600.
_CP 9.
One of your advisors visits you.

{The man in the tin mask has escaped from the dungeon! Since he
looks exactly like you, I must ask you a question to determine
whether you are the real king!

{How many English soldiers fought at the battle of Agincourt?}
(Page 23)

Do you answer:
[a] 5,000.
[b] 8,000.
[c] 13,000.
[d] 16,000.
[e] 22,000.
[f] 50,000.

Cluster: 1952

_CP 10.
One of your guards brings bad news.

{The man in the tin mask has escaped from the dungeon! Since he
looks exactly like you, I must ask you a question to determine
whether you are the real king!

{Who would argue that the late King's claim to the throne was
rather dubious?} (Page 37)

Do you answer:
[a] Aragon and Albion.
[b] Valois and the Pope.
[c] Albion and Burgundy.
[d] Anjou and the Empire.
[e] Albion and Anjou.
[f] Burgundy and Aragon.
_CP 11.
One of your advisors visits you.

{The man in the tin mask has escaped from the dungeon! Since he
looks exactly like you, I must ask you a question to determine
whether you are the real king!

{What teachings of the Pope does Phillip, Duke of Burgundy,
dislike?} (Page 39)

Do you answer:
[a] his teachings about kindness to peasants.
[b] his teachings against greed.
[c] his teachings about Papal supremacy.
[d] his teachings against womanizing.
[e] his teachings against lying.
[f] his teachings about obeying one's parents.
_CP 12.
One of your guards sounds the alarm.

{My apologies, my liege, but the troubadour Daniel de Quaille
has escaped from the dungeon, and he is a master of disguise. I
must ask you a question to be certain that you are really my

{According to the official record of the Danes, where are the Danes
located?} (Page 41)

Do you answer:
[a] south of Vikingdom.
[b] east of the Empire.
[c] west of Hungar.
[d] north of the Empire.
[e] north of Bretagne.
[f] east of Flanders.
_CP 13.
One of your councillors brings shocking news.

{Majesty, I regret to inform you that software theft has reached
epidemic proportions in the land. To combat this vile practice,
which the ignoble call piracy (to give it romantic connotations
that are most undeserved), I must ask you a question:

{What is the Empire's chief goal?} (Page 41)

Do you answer:
[a] to place a puppet on the throne of Bretagne.
[b] to maintain control of the Mediterranean Sea.
[c] to keep Constantinople from falling to the Saracens.
[d] to defeat Genoa and the renegade Italian states.
[e] to destroy the Danish fleet.
[f] to prevent quarreling princes from destroying the Empire.
_CP 14.
One of your councillors brings shocking news.

{Majesty, I regret to inform you that software theft has reached
epidemic proportions in the land. To combat this vile practice,
which the ignoble call piracy (to give it romantic connotations
that are most undeserved), I must ask you a question:

{What relation is Count Charles of Valois to the late King Charles?}
(Page 37)

Do you answer:
[a] nephew.
[b] adopted son.
[c] brother.
[d] illegitimate son.
[e] cousin.
[f] Charles claims to be related, but they were not.
_CP 15.
One of your guards brings bad news.

{Majesty, a traveller from the East has come and will not leave
until you answer the following question.

{From what country did the saying: 'Zeal without knowledge is a
runaway horse.' originate?} (Page 29)

Do you answer:
[a] England.
[b] France.
[c] Germany.
[d] Spain.
[e] India.
[f] Arabia.
_CP 16.
One of your guards brings news.

{A hermit says that all hope of becoming King of Bretagne will fade
unless you can answer the following question.

{What battle saw one of the first uses of gunpowder by the English?}
(Page 21)

Do you answer:
[a] Agincourt.
[b] the siege of Orleans.
[c] Poitiers.
[d] Crecy.
[e] the siege of Calais.
[f] Harfleur.
_CP 17.
One of your guards brings news.

{A hermit says that all hope of becoming King of Bretagne will fade
unless you can answer the following question.

{How many points are required before you can petition the Pope to
declare you King of Bretagne?} (Page 34)

Do you answer:
[a] 6,000.
[b] 7,000.
[c] 7,500.
[d] 8,000.
[e] 10,000.
[f] points have nothing to do with being declared king.
_CP 18.
One of your advisors visits you.

{Majesty, you have been nominated for the {Philosopher-King of the
Year} award! Unfortunately, you must make the short list to have any
hope of being named King of Bretagne, and to make the short list you
must answer the following question:

{What lessens your chances of being cheated on the Black Market?}
(Page 11)

Do you answer:
[a] a Military Rating of at least four.
[b] policing the realm.
[c] being blessed by the Pope.
[d] an Administrative Rating of at least six.
[e] a Military Rating of at least six.
[f] none of the above.
_CP 19.
One of your guards brings a problem.

{Majesty, the bishops want to know your opinion on who is the
true Anti-Pope. Only by answering this question can you hope to
obtain the throne.

{Who is the Anti-Pope?} (Page 40)

Do you answer:
[a] Peter.
[b] Henry Robert.
[c] Innocent Benedict.
[d] Pius.
[e] Benedict Innocent.
[f] Christopher.

Cluster: 1953

_CP 20.
One of your guards brings bad news.

{The writer Victor Jugo is claiming that you are too ignorant to
be the real king. To prove him wrong, you must answer the following

{What happens when you cede a territory with a castle on it to the
Pope when you are not excommunicated?} (Page 27)

Do you answer:
[a] your relations improve by 2 points.
[b] your relations improve by 3 points.
[c] the Pope will allow you to claim the throne of Bretagne.
[d] the Pope auctions the territory to the highest bidder.
[e] your relations with everyone improves by 2.
[f] the Pope will excommunicate anyone of your choice.
_CP 21.
One of your guards brings bad news.

{Majesty, the abbot of Abbey Chanteuset needs your help with a very
important question.

{Who said: 'Four things come not back: the spoken word, the spent
arrow, time past, the neglected opportunity?'} (Page XX)

Do you answer:
[a] Victor Hugo.
[b] Ibn Al-Khattab Omar.
[c] Geoffrey Chaucer.
[d] Solomon, in Proverbs 6:13.
[e] Louis IX, after the Battle of Crecy.
[f] Francois Rabelais.
_CP 22.
One of your guards brings news.

{A hermit says that all hope of becoming King of Bretagne will fade
unless you can answer the following question.

{How many times was Rouen destroyed due to floods between 1200 and
1225?} (Page XX)

Do you answer:
[a] three times.
[b] five times.
[c] eight times.
[d] ten times.
[e] never, but it was burned down six times.
[f] Rouen was not built until 1275.
_CP 23.
One of your guards brings news.

{A hermit says that all hope of becoming King of Bretagne will fade
unless you can answer the following question.

{Who did Phillip IV rob from?} (Page XX)

Do you answer:
[a] Burgundy, Aragon and the Church.
[b] The Rich (but he didn't give to the poor).
[c] No one. He was known as Phillip the Good.
[d] Saracens, Pilgrims, and the Moneylenders.
[e] The Jews and the Templars.
[f] Henri, Duc du Vichy.
_CP 24.
One of your guards sounds the alarm.

{My apologies, my liege, but the troubadour Daniel de Quaille
has escaped from the dungeon, and he is a master of disguise. I
must ask you a question to be certain that you are really my

{Who said, 'The use of force alone is but temporary?'} (Page XX)

Do you answer:
[a] Charles de Gaulle.
[b] Edmund Burke.
[c] Karl Von Clausewitz
[d] Napoleon.
[e] Thomas Paine.
[f] Mao Tse Tung.
_CP 25.
One of your guards brings bad news.

{Majesty, a traveller from the East has come and will not leave
until you answer the following question.

{Between what years did the Black Death kill one-fourth of Europe's
population?} (Page XX)

Do you answer:
[a] 1346-1349.
[b] 1347-1348.
[c] 1347-1350.
[d] 1348-1352.
[e] 1349-1352.
[f] 1349-1354.

Cluster: 2000

_Rules: looking at player %d with relations > 8

Cluster: 2100

_Rules: looking at player %d with relations > 8

Cluster: 2200

_Rules: looking at player %d with relations > 8

Cluster: 2300

_Rules: looking at player %d with relations > 8

Cluster: 2400

_******** POPE Forgives Valois
_******** POPE Forgives Burgundy
_******** POPE Forgives Albion
_******** POPE Forgives Aragon
_******** POPE Excommunicates player %d

Cluster: 2500

_Rules: looking at player %d with relations > 8

Cluster: 2600

_Plague Plot Part I node n26000
_Plague Plot Part I node n26001
An archer from your army enters clinching his stomach. He
complains of shooting pains in his stomach.

{Sire,} he gasps, {The army seems to have been poisoned.
The maidens-in-training class offered to prepare a meal for the men.}

He gasps.

{Shortly thereafter, the men became violently ill.}

Do you:
[a] Fire the headmistress.
[b] Send for the headmistress.
[c] Tell him to be a good soldier and endure this hardship.
Thea, the assistant headmistress, comes to complain
about the firing of her superior.

{Sire, you are a inconsiderate boor. Elma has
served you well for many years. How can you dismiss her
so swiftly, without even so much as speaking with her?

{Elma is crying bitter tears. Have you no concern for her

{Please reinstate her. The girls would be so happy.}

Do you:
[a] Refuse to reinstate the headmistress.
[b] Agree to reinstate the headmistress.
[c] Have Thea killed for her impudence.
{Sire, I must warn you that this will make many
people very unhappy. Especially Elma!}
{A thousand garlands of flowers at your feet,
O gracious one!}
{Sire! Please do not judge me so rashly. I only wish
the best for the kingdom.}
{I shall bring her to you, Sire.}
{Sire, may I interest you in a doggie bag?}
_Plague Plot Part I node n26002
Elma, the headmistress, arrives. Her eyes are red and swollen.

{Sire, after all I have done for you, how could you consider firing
me? If I had known that the mushrooms were spoiled, we would have
prepared stuffed zucchini instead.}

Her eyes fill with tears, and she begins to sob.

{I beg of you, Sire, do not cast me aside. I have a family to feed.}

Do you:
[a] Fire her, since she is obviously lying.
[b] Force her to pretend to resign instead.
[c] Allow her to stay.
{Sire, you are truly a heartless man!}
{Sire, I will resign, because you leave me no choice.}

Her tears now stream down her cheeks.

{This action will devastate my family.}
{Thank you, Sire. Truly, I am not worthy to remain in
your majestic presence.}
_Plague Plot Part I node n26003
Sir Derek, one of your army commanders, brings
a report on his men.

{Sire, you must fire the headmistress. This incompetent
woman is the source of this evildoing! The stomach pains of
my men continue to afflict them.

{The men will never be the same again! You must make an
example of her!}

Do you:
[a] Fire her.
[b] Force her to pretend to resign instead.
[c] Allow her to stay.
[d] Tell him that he is causing you too much pain.
{Smart move, O Great One! I am pleased that you are so sensible.}
{A clever tactic, Sire. I know that the maidens
will be fooled, for they are a silly lot. I will tell
Elma you wish to speak with her immediately.}
{You will be sorry, you moron! This woman is a menace.}
{I will return, but I fear that my message will not change. Stalling
will only worsen the situation.}
_Plague Plot Part I node n26004
Elma, the headmistress, arrives to discuss your proposition.

{So you want me to 'voluntarily' resign?

{Why should I sacrifice my reputation?

{1 Gold could persuade me to agree to this charade.}
{But, if you refuse, I will reveal to the world that you are a swine and
cannot be trusted.

{So, what will it be, big boy?}

Do you:
[a] Fire her.
[b] Allow her to stay, but do not pay her the Gold.
[c] Pay the 1 Gold and accept her resignation.
{Sire, remember that 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'.}
{Thank you. You do have some common sense, after all.}
{Very wise, Sire. You do not want to see me angry.}
_Plague Plot Part I node n26006
Thea, the assistant headmistress, arrives.

{Oh Sire, I am thrilled to tell you all is well with the troops. The
girls felt so bad about all that has happened they personally
nursed to men back to health.

{Strange, it seemed to take some of the more handsome
men a little longer to get better than some of the more
homely boys. But I guess that is neither here nor there.

{Furthermore, the girls and I would once again like to
thank you for supporting us in this dark time.}

She bows politely and then leaves.

Cluster: 2601

_Illness: node 26010
A messenger arrives, pale and shaken

{I have dreadful news, Sire.
A terrible plague has hit the village.
Many are ill and some are near death.
Even the men in the army have been affected.}

Do you:
[a] Let them suffer.
[b] Donate used clothing for the sick.
[c] Give him 2 Gold for healing potions.
The village doctor comes to you, pleading for help.

{Sire, you must reconsider. People are dying. Even your top
military commander is ill. He may not survive the week unless
he receives proper treatment. We need gold to buy it for him.}

Do you:
[a] Apologize and give him blankets.
[b] Give him 2 Gold.
[c] Tell him to go away and stop wasting your time.
{Thank you, O generous one.}

As he leaves, he mutters,

{Fool, fool! Does he think an apology will heal the afflicted?}
{Thank you, thank you, O gracious ruler!}
{You shall be sorry.}
{Even such small gestures are appreciated. Thank you.}
{Sire, you are so generous! This will surely help.}
You don't have enough grain.

You don't have enough wood.

You don't have enough iron.

You don't have enough gold.

Your skill as a diplomat and leader is without peer.
Your people are pleased.
Congratulations on your fine management of your domain.
Your people grow happier by the day.
News is spreading about the glorious achievements of your
people under your rule. Their contentment is growing.
_Happiness went up (%d)
_Total is now %d.
People are questioning your skills as diplomat and leader.
Your people are losing faith in you.
Rumors are rife of trouble within your lands.
Your people are growing restless and uneasy.
Sadly, your image in the eyes of your people is becoming
tarnished. Their contentment is decreasing.
_Happiness went down (%d)
_Total is now %d.
_Illness: node 26012
The plague continues to devastate the village. A local doctor comes to visit you.

{Sire, you have been helpful in the past and we are in need of your
gold... er... aid again. Your top military commander has taken
ill. We need to buy healing potions.}

Do you:
[a] Donate supplies.
[b] Offer to pray for him.
[c] Give him 2 Gold.
{Is that all you can afford, Sire? Truly, these are dark times.}
{Sire, we need more than prayers.}
{Thank you, Sire. I must hurry now.}
_Illness: node 26013
One of the villagers brings a report on the plague.

{Sire, more gold is still needed to stop this gruesome plague. I hate to
ask, but could you spare a pittance for your people?}

Do you:
[a] Tell him you have given as much as you can give.
[b] Donate blankets.
[c] Give him 1 Gold.
{Sire, I am begging you. Please reconsider! Now is not the time to be stingy.}

Do you:
[a] Give 2 Gold.
[b] Have him ejected.
[c] Donate 2 horses.
{You will not regret this act of kindness. Thank you.}
He struggles with the guards as he is dragged from the room.

{You will regret this deed,} he bellows.
{You will be sorry!}
{Thank you. We will keep you informed.}
{Very well, Sire. Your gesture is welcome.}
{May God smile down upon you, Sire. Thank you.}
_Illness: node 26014
One of your army commanders arrives.

{Sire, I have grave news. Our commander has died! To whom do we turn?
What shall we do?}

Do you:
[a] Provide 1 Gold to hire a new commander.
[b] Provide 3 Gold.
[c] Tell him to plan a military funeral.
{I will do my best. However, most experienced commanders
expect more than you are willing to offer.}
{Thank you. Your wisdom in this matter shall not be forgotten.}
{A funeral? What about our leadership?}

The messenger is struck by one of the guards for his lack of respect.

{I apologize, Sire. I shall watch my tongue. I would be honored
to help with the funeral arrangements.}
_Illness: node 26015
A beautiful maiden from the village arrives, bearing good news.

{Sire, the potions seem to be working. Most are getting better
and your commander is almost out of danger! If only we had
a few more vials, all would be well once more.}

Do you:
[a] Tell her to be gone.
[b] Donate pillows.
[c] Give her 1 Gold.
{Sire, I am begging you. Please reconsider, for many lives
are at stake.}

Do you:
[a] Order her to leave.
[b] Give her 1 Gold.
[c] Give her 2 Gold.
She slumps to the floor in tears, and is dragged from the room.

{You will be sorry,} she says.
{You will be sorry!}
{Thank you,} she mutters.

{Sire, you were once so generous.}
{Your generosity shall bring great joy to your people, Sire.
Thank you.}
{Thank you,} she mutters.
{I hope they are feather pillows!}
{Thank you. You are truly a gracious ruler.}
_Illness: node 26016
A young boy offers news of the plague.

Sire, people are getting weller and weller. Thank you for
helping us. You are swell.}

Do you:
[a] Give him a toy.
[b] Tell him thanks and ask him to get out.
[c] Give him 1 Gold.
{You are not as bad as my father says. Thank you.}
{Thanks a whole lot, Mister.}
{Thank you, Sire. My family needs the money.}
_Exit Plague: node 26019

Cluster: 2602

_Excess of Grain detected
_Excess of Timber detected
_Excess of Iron detected
_Excess of Gold detected
_Lack of Military detected
_Lack of Iron detected
_Lack of Grain detected
_Excess of Military detected

Cluster: 2603

_Illness: node 26037
A beautiful maiden arrives.

{Sire, the plague has passed. The village is happy again. Thank
you for your support.}
_Illness: node 26038
One of your army commanders arrives.

{Sire, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the
plague has finally passed. The bad news is that many have died.
The village will not soon forget this tragedy.}

Cluster: 2610

_Locust: node 26100

A breathless messenger comes with news from the fields.

{O great one, a swarm of locusts is attacking our crops.
If you do not act to stop them soon, we shall have nothing to harvest.}

Do you:
[a] Spend 1 Gold for pesticide.
[b] Send for Sir Zapit, the exterminator.
[c] Tell him to stop bugging you.
{Very well, I will do my best. But 1 Gold will not buy much.}
{A wise idea, Sire. I hear Sir Zapit is the best in the kingdom.}
{Surely, you jest.}

The messenger storms out of the room mumbling,

{Such flippant behavior shall be his undoing.}
_Locust: node 26102
A local farmer enters with news about the locusts.

{Sire, the locusts are slowly dying. However, some of the farmers grow
ill from the pesticide.}

Do you:
[a] Tell him to stop pestering you.
[b] Give him 1 Gold.
[c] Send for Sir Bugoff, the exterminator.
{Sire, I am not the pest! These locusts are our mutual enemy. I
think you should reconsider.}

Do you:
[a] Order him to leave.
[b] Reconsider and give 1 Gold.
[c] Reconsider and send for Sir Bugoff, the exterminator.
{I shall return, Sire!}
{Your generosity shall surely bring an end to this infestation.}
{Sir Bugoff? Well, I suppose his services may be of some use.}
{Your generosity shall surely bring an end to this infestation.}
{Sir Bugoff? I suppose that we could call on him.}
_Locust: node 26103
{I am Sir Zapit. I hear you have a bug problem. You have come to
the right man. There is even a special on locust exterminations today!

{1 Gold will provide very effective results, but the procedures are not
quite as safe as those that can be purchased with 2 Gold.
Which would you prefer?}

Do you:
[a] Barter 10 percent of your Food for the 1 Gold package.
[b] Spend 2 Gold for the safer procedures.
[c] Send for Sir Bugoff.
{Sire, I see that you are a little stingy today. But I will
take your offer.}
{May God smile down upon you, Sire. Thank you.}
{Sir Bugoff? He is a fraud. However, I shall respect your
_Locust: node 26104
Another villager arrives with news of the locusts.

{Sire, I have grave news. There is no end in sight to this locust
infestation. The farmers and their families grow desperate.
What shall we do?}

Do you:
[a] Send for Sir Zapit.
[b] Provide 2 Gold for pesticide.
[c] Tell him you will pray for a swift end.
{Sir Zapit? I will find him.}
{Thank you. Your generosity shall not be forgotten.}
{As you wish, Sire. I am sure, though, that the news will be the same
on my return unless you take action.}
_Locust: node 26105
A beautiful maiden from the village comes bearing good news.

{Sire, the locusts are leaving in swarms and the villagers are
feeling better and better every day. I have come to ask for your
support in the recovery efforts. We need aid for the farmers.}

Do you:
[a] Dismiss her.
[b] Donate brooms.
[c] Give her 1 Gold.
{Sire, I can see that you are not in a good mood today. I shall return
when you are feeling more generous.}
A beautiful maiden from the village comes to visit you.

{Sire, has your heart softened to the plight of your poor,
suffering villagers? Will you help us
with their recovery efforts?}

Do you:
[a] Dismiss her.
[b] Donate brooms.
[c] Give her 1 Gold.
{The morale in town is low enough. Must you contribute to the
people's unhappiness?

{I hope that this decision has left you in good spirits,} she says.
{Thank you.

{Brooms?} she mutters as she leaves the royal chambers.
{We need seeds, fertilizers, and Gold. Yet he provides
mere brooms.}
{Your generosity shall bring great joy to your people, Sire.

{Thank you.}
{Thank you.

{Brooms?} she mutters as she leaves the royal chambers.
{We need seeds, fertilizers, and Gold. Yet he only provides
us with brooms.}
{Thank you. You are truly a gracious ruler.}
_Locust: node 26106
{I am the famous Sir Bugoff, known throughout the land for my
methods of stopping pests from bugging you.

{Today, and today only, I have a special on locust extermination.
For the low, low price of 30 percent of your food supply, I will
rid you of these annoying pests forever.

{Or, for 1 Gold, I can do the job with some of
my less-skilled help. For 2 Gold, I will use my most experienced

Do you:
[a] Trade for 30 percent of your current food supply.
[b] Spend 1 Gold.
[c] Spend 2 Gold.
{Sire, you certainly have an eye for a bargain. We will
begin immediately.}
{Very well, Sire. We will do what we can.}
{May God shower you with ten thousand blessings, Sire. Thank you.}

Cluster: 2611

_Locust: node 26117
A tired but happy farmer arrives.

{Sire, the locust destruction is almost a distant memory. The
villagers are themselves again. If I might trouble you, though,
we could use just a little more help.}

Do you:
[a] Tell him that you are tired of the people whining.
[b] Donate dirt.
[c] Give him 1 Gold.
{It is sad that you show so little respect for your people, Sire.

{May a thousand pigeons perch on your parapets.}
{Thank you,} he mutters.

{Dirt? Very well, Sire.}
{Your steadfastness shall not be soon forgotten, Sire.
Thank you.}
_Locust: node 26118
A beautiful maiden arrives.

{Sire, I have wonderful news. The locusts have departed and all is
well with the villagers. There is light at last, now that we have
reached the end of this dark ordeal. Thank you for helping us
in our time of need.}

She leans over and gives you a polite kiss on the cheek.
_Exit Plague Part II: node 26119
A rough-looking villager arrives.

{Sire, the locusts have vanished and all is well with the villagers.
However, there are some who feel that you did not give your full
support in one of their darkest times.
Some day, they will be able to forgive you. But, for now, you should
avoid venturing out after dark without a stout retinue of guards.}

Cluster: 2620

_Termites: node 26200
A worker from the lumber mill arrives with alarming news.

{Sire, termites have invaded our timber supply.
They have eaten through nearly a fourth of our supply already.
Our stockpiles are turning into worthless sawdust.}

Do you:
[a] Spend 1 Gold for poison pellets.
[b] Send for Sir Mandible.
[c] Say, {Don't worry, they can't eat much more.}
{Very well. I shall pay a visit to the alchemist.}
{Sir Mandible is a fine choice, Sire. I will fetch him.}
{Will not eat much? Sire, they are devouring everything in

The messenger shuffles out of the room, mumbling,

{Even Peter's wooden leg is just a pile of wood shavings.}
_Termites: node 26202
One-Legged Peter limps in with news about the termites.

{Sire, the termites are starting to slow down.
Either the poison has started to work, or they have had their fill.

{However, some of the foresters accidentally ate the
poison. They mistook it for sugar.

{We need to buy some medicine to alleviate their pain.}

Do you:
[a] Tell him that he is being a pain.
[b] Give him 1 Gold.
[c] Send for a tree doctor.
{Sire, I am appalled! Your lack of concern will not be
looked upon kindly. I will grant you one more chance to redeem
yourself and change your mind.}

Do you:
[a] Order him to leave.
[b] Reconsider and give 1 Gold.
[c] Reconsider and donate brooms.
{Sire, you are worse than the termites!}
{Thank you for reconsidering. The foresters
will be grateful.}
{Brooms? They are ill, not dusty!}
{Gold! You are truly a wise man. Thank you.}
{A tree doctor? I shall trust the wisdom of my leader, although
I cannot be sure that I trust even my own ears.}
_Termites: node 26203
{I am Sir Mandible. I despise termites. I love to kill them.

{My fees are as follows:
1 Gold will provide an effective extermination, but we
have had some side effects. Do not trouble yourself with that, however.
They are not permanent.

{For 2 Gold, we have a procedure that is completely safe.
It kills the termites on contact.

{What is your pleasure today, your Majesty?}

Do you:
[a] Barter 10 percent of your timber for the 1 Gold package.
[b] Spend 1 Gold.
[c] Spend 2 Gold.
[d] Send for the tree doctor.
{Ah, a fine dealmaker you are.
You have made a very sensible and affordable choice.
Of course, I will make certain that the timber you give
to me is free from termites before I accept your offer!}
{I know that you will be satisfied with my efforts.
Please do not worry about the side effects. As I said before,
they are only temporary.}
{Very well, the safe method it is. I admire your concern
for your people.}
{The tree doctor? He is but a pagan and a charlatan.}

Sir Mandible flips his cape and leaves in disgust.
_Termites: node 26204
A weary forester arrives.

{Sire, the termites have spread further into the village.
Some houses are falling down. There are almost as many piles
of rubble as homes.}

He sighs heavily.

{People are homeless and desperate. What shall we do?
What shall we do?}

Do you:
[a] Send for the tree doctor.
[b] Provide 1 Gold for poison.
[c] Tell him to remove himself from your presence.
{Splendid idea! I have heard wonderful things about him.}
{Thank you. Your generosity knows no boundaries, Sire.}
{Your coldness is very unbecoming. I will return to
remind you of your responsibilities to the people.}

As he leaves, he turns and glares,

{Your inaction shall be punished.}
_Termites: node 26205
One-Legged Peter arrives with his new leg and good news.

{Sire, we have a leg up on this termite thing. The pesky devils
are running for the borders, and reconstruction of the village
is going well.

{Nonetheless, we are in need of hammers and nails. These will cost
1 Gold.}

Do you:
[a] Tell Peter to take a hike.
[b] Donate screws.
[c] Give him the 1 Gold.
{I shall return when your mood is more receptive.}
Peter reappears, as promised.

{Sire, how is your mood today? We could still use those
hammers and nails. What say you?}

Do you:
[a] Growl at him.
[b] Donate screws.
[c] Give him 1 Gold.
{I suspect, Sire, that your royal lineage has perhaps been
tainted by an excess of inbreeding.

{Good day.}
{Thank you. But what can I do with screws, Sire?

{Use my imagination?}
{Thank you. Your bark is truly worse than your bite.}
{Thank you. But what shall we do with screws, Sire?}

{I sense that you are not altogether pleased.}
{Now you are barking up the right tree.}

Cluster: 2621

_Termites: node 26216
Sir Wattle, the tree doctor, bursts into the room, eager to help.

{I am pleased that you have sent for me, Sire. I recently
branched out into foliage pathology, and my reputation is
growing rapidly.

{For 5 percent of your timber supply I can apply my timber ointment
to your stockpiles. This will kill the termites, but its effects
will not be apparent for several weeks.

{Or, for 1 Gold, I can surgically remove the little critters
by hand. This is the most effective means at my disposal.}

Do you:
[a] Use 5 percent of your current timber supply.
[b] Spend 1 Gold.
[c] Send for Sir Mandible.
{Bark ointment it is. I will start the treatments today.}
{I shall summon my assistants and begin the surgery immediately, Sire.}
{You sap! Sir Mandible is not as knowledgeable as I.}

Sir Wattle recoils and falls to the floor after being struck
by one of the guards.

His tone and demeanor change.

{Sire, I apologize. I respect your decision.}

He turns to the guard and sneers,

{Was that better?}
_Termites: node 26217
A gorgeous maiden sashays in to visit.

{Sire, the termite frenzy is reaching a swift conclusion.
Our efforts have borne fruit. Nevertheless, we are still
in need of your assistance.}

She bats her sparkling blue eyes at you.

{We need Gold to buy supplies. Can you find it in your heart to

Do you:
[a] Ask how badly she wants the Gold.
[b] Donate dust pans.
[c] Give her 1 Gold and a wink.
{How about if I give you a kiss?}

Do you:
[a] Accept her offer and give her 1 Gold.
[b] Decline and donate dust pans.
[c] Decline and give her 1 Gold.
She leans over and gives you a small peck on the cheek.

{Thank you for your generosity.}
{Dust pans? You must be shy. Thank you nonetheless.}
{No kiss? You may stop blushing now. Thank you for
the Gold.}
{Dust pans?} she exclaims.

{No Gold? Am I not worth Gold?}

She rolls her eyes and storms out.

{You certainly have a way with women.}
She winks back and blows a kiss.

{Oh, Sire, thank you. The Gold will do much good.}
_Termites: node 26218
Cheers are heard from the village.

{The termites are gone! The termites are gone!}

A young girl visits to tell you the good news.

{Sire, Sire, the termites are gone. The villagers are planning
a festival to celebrate. Will you please join us?}

{Goody, goody! See you soon!}
_Exit Plague Part II: node 26219
A rough-looking villager arrives.

{Sire, the termites have been exterminated. Nevertheless, the
morale of the village is low due to your disinterest. I suggest
that you watch your back until this cloud of hostility passes.}

Cluster: 2630

_Drought: node 26300

A serious drought has plagued the village for months without reprieve.

A farmer comes with news about the crops.

{Sire, the drought has taken its toll on our food supply.
The crops are withering rapidly instead of offering
to us the bountiful harvests to which we are accustomed.

{Even worse, one quarter of our current food stockpile has spoiled.
If rains do not bring relief soon, I fear that we will be too late to
save the harvest.}

Do you:
[a] Send for Thor the Rain Maker.
[b] Send for the Bishop.
[c] Tell him he is all wet.
{A shrewd idea, Majesty. I hear that the Rain Maker has magical
powers and can make the very clouds weep.}
{A holy man such as the Bishop may just have the right
connections to get the rain we need.}
{Sire, I am far from wet! I do not think it is wise
for you to be so cavalier about the situation.}

The farmer sneers as he is leaving.

{You will regret this waffling.}
_Drought: node 26302
Chanting is heard outside the door.

Hopping around in circles, a man wearing an unusual
headdress meanders into the room.

{Oh Great One, I am Thor the Rain Maker. I have come to put
an end to this dreadful drought that is tormenting your village.

{My fees are very reasonable.

{For 2 Gold, I will perform the Sacred Rain Dance.
For 1 Gold I can give you some very simple instructions and you
can try the Dance yourself.

{Of course, since I am a professional, I have a better chance of
influencing the powers that be.}

Do you:
[a] Barter 10 percent of your food and do the Dance yourself.
[b] Pay 2 Gold.
[c] Send for the Bishop.
Thor smiles and chuckles to himself.

{I accept your offer, as I am somewhat hungry. And I will
also enjoy seeing you in this headdress.}

{I shall return on the morrow to begin the lessons.}
Thor returns, ready to start your Dance lessons.

{Hop on your left foot two times, then your right foot
three times. Come, follow me.

{Very good. Practice that a couple of times.}
{Excellent! Now, let us add the chant. As you hop,
lift your face to the heavens and intone, in a loud voice:
Rain, Rain,
Come Today.
Don't stay away
Another day.

{Go ahead and try the pattern a few times.
{To ensure the best results, you should repeat this for
two hours. And the Dance works best in front of a large number of
spectators, say about one hundred.}

Do you:
[a] Do the Dance, knowing that you will be humiliated.
[b] Pay him the 2 Gold to have him do the Dance.
[c] Send for the Bishop.
He slaps you on the back.

{I like your enthusiasm! I am sure the villagers
will enjoy the show.

{Just remember: left, right, then turn your face heavenward.}
{For heaven's sake, Sire, the Dance is not that hard.

{However, since you seem to be so shy, just give me the
gold and I will be happy to do the Dance.}
{A holy man? And what do you expect him to do that I cannot?}
{Shrewd move. I have had good luck in
the past. I am certain that I will be successful.}
{The Bishop? You are certainly not as adventurous as I

As he leaves, he rolls his eyes in disgust.
_Drought: node 26303
Quiet falls over the room as the Bishop enters.

{Sire, I have been informed of this tragic drought that
is plaguing your village.

{I am sure that God will look kindly on you and your plight
if the church receives a generous donation.

{God loves those who give freely of themselves.}

Do you:
[a] Make a donation of 10 percent of the food supply.
[b] Donate 1 Gold.
[c] Send for Thor the Rain Maker.
{Food will help feed many who are hungry. Thank you.}

{The church will ask for God's blessing on your endeavors.}
{Gold is always a wise choice. The church will be pleased.}

{I will pray for a swift end to your nightmare.}
{A Rain Maker? That is sacrilegious.}

As the Bishop makes a hasty exit, he mumbles,
{I must leave before this room is struck by lightning!}
_Drought: node 26304
The drought drags on.

A maiden from the village comes to plead for help.

{Sire, the drought has destroyed another 5 percent of our food
supply. The farmers are beginning to panic.

{The once fertile soil is turning to dust.}

A tear rolls down her cheek.

{Please, Sire, we need your guidance.}

Do you:
[a] Send for the Bishop.
[b] Send for Thor the Rain Maker.
[c] Promise her that the rain will come soon.
She wipes the tear away.

{Very well, I will go and find the Bishop.}
She wipes the tears from her eyes.

{Thor the Rain Maker? Yes, Sire.}
The tears start to stream down her face.

{I wish I had your faith, Sire. But I fear things will
continue to get worse.}

As she leaves, her sobs become louder.
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Old 12-10-2015, 07:07 AM   #157
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 2631

_Drought: node 26315
A slightly damp farmer arrives with news.

{Earlier today, clouds rolled in and rain began to fall. Cheers
were heard throughout the village. But our hopes were dashed,
as the rain lasted for one brief hour.

{Sire, we must continue to fight.}

Do you:
[a] Send for Thor the Rain Maker.
[b] Try doing your own rain dance.
[c] Donate 1 Gold to the church.
{I will locate the legendary Thor and bring him to you.}
Thor arrives, grinning broadly.

{Sire, I was told you wished to hear more about my services.

{I have recently learned a new rain dance that has proven highly
effective in some of the other villages.

{For 2 Gold, I will perform the dance for you.}

Do you:
[a] Offer him 1 Gold.
[b] Do your own dance.
[c] Donate 1 Gold to the church.
{You drive a hard bargain.}

He ponders the offer for a moment.

{Very well, I accept your offer of 1 Gold.}
{Sire, without proper instruction, you could hurt yourself.}

The guards are motioned to remove him from your presence.

{Sire! Surely you need not be so harsh!}
{Sire, gold cannot buy you rain from God! I, however,
may provide some help or, at least, some entertainment.
{Do your own dance? What an idea! This shall surely
be worth seeing.}
{Sire, do you truly believe that a donation to the church will
help you get into God's good graces?

{I hope and pray that you are correct!}
_Drought: node 26316
The rain fell steadily for two days, but the moisture only penetrated the
surface of the soil. A farmer comes with a report on the fields.

{I am pleased to report that spirits are high. We were
able to save 2 percent of the food supply that we believed
to be lost.

{However, the rainfall was sadly insufficient to
eliminate the drought.

{Please, Sire. Will you provide further assistance to us?}

Do you:
[a] Try doing the rain dance yourself.
[b] Tell him that he should be grateful.
[c] Donate 1 Gold to the church.
[d] Donate 2 Gold to the church.
{Magnificent! The villagers truly enjoy seeing you dance.}

He begins to snicker, then to laugh loudly.
The guards rush him out the door.
{Sire, I would recommend rest to brighten your mood.}

He storms out of the room.
{May God bless you, Sire, and respond to your prayers.}
{May God bless you, Sire. The Lord loves a cheerful giver.}
_Drought: node 26317
Tiffany, a local beauty, comes to visit.

{Sire, our efforts to end the drought are succeeding.
Still, we suffer from the lingering effects of the drought.}

Looking into your eyes, she gently touches your hand.

{Please, we need your help.}

Do you:
[a] Tell her to come back when she has good news.
[b] Donate 1 Gold to the church.
[c] Tell her to do the rain dance.
She pulls her hand away and looks askance at you.

{I will be back, but perhaps not with good news!}
Tiffany enters your chambers once again.

{Please, Sire. Will you help, or
are you content to see your faithful people starve?}

Do you:
[a] Apologize and give her 1 Gold.
[b] Donate 1 Gold to the church.
[c] Apologize and ask if she will do the rain dance.
She leans over and gives you a big kiss on the cheek.

{I accept your apology. Thank you for your generosity.}
{A donation to the church? Very well, thank you.}

Tiffany looks confused as she leaves.

{Gold for the church? I must be losing my touch!}
{Dance? Me? I could not. It would be so... immodest.}
{Then again, perhaps I could.}
{Yes, I will do it.}
{A gift to the church? Very well, thank you.}

Tiffany looks confused as she leaves.

{For the church? I must be losing my touch!}
{Dance? Me? Would that not be unbecoming for a gentle maiden such as I?}
{Perhaps I should, since the situation is so grave.}
{Yes, I will do it.}
_Drought: node 26318
Rain has fallen for days and days on end.

A soaked Tiffany arrives.

{Sire, Sire, the villagers are singing in the streets!
Thank you for bringing the rain.}

She kisses your hand, then returns to the celebration.
_Exit Plague Part II: node 26319
Rain has fallen for days, seemingly without end.
Your prime agricultural land is flooded.

The villagers are thrilled about the rain, but dejected about
its overabundance.

The floods have destroyed a small fraction of your food supply.

Cluster: 2650

_Mining Accident: node 26500
A dusty, dirty miner arrives with tragic news from the foundry.

{Sire, one of our mine tunnels collapsed today. Some of the men
were injured while they were trying to escape.

{Regrettably, some of the miners are still trapped.

{The foundry is shut down, and we have lost nearly a quarter of our
iron supply.}

Do you:
[a] Donate shovels.
[b] Send men to help in the rescue efforts.
[c] Tell him to stop moaning and get back to the foundry.
{Thank you. I am sure that the shovels will come in handy.
I will keep you informed about the rescue efforts.}
The miner who spoke to you last week comes back with a status report.

{We were able to shovel out most of the trapped men.
However, we are in need of further help.}

Do you:
[a] Donate blankets.
[b] Give him 1 Gold for rescue supplies.
[c] Tell him you have nothing for him.
{Thank you, Sire. Anything that you can spare is helpful.}
{Sire, thank you. This will allow us to buy much-
needed supplies. We are ever grateful.}
{Nothing? You have nothing? I cannot believe that you are so
{I will gather a group of strong men to accompany me.}
{You are truly heartless.}

He slowly leaves, his head bowed in disbelief.

{You will regret turning your back on us.}
_Mining Accident: node 26502
A cloud of dust surrounds a strapping young man as he enters the
royal chambers.

{Sire, my father asked me to come and inform you that the men trapped
in the mine are now freed. But the tunnel completely collapsed, and
the vein to which it led is no longer accessible. It was the richest
vein we had.

{We feel that we may be able to unblock it if we can afford to hire
more workers. This will cost 1 Gold.}

Do you:
[a] Donate shovels and wheelbarrows.
[b] Pay 1 Gold.
[c] Tell him not to waste his time with the blocked tunnel.
{I am saddened by your lack of interest, Sire.}
{A very shrewd move, Sire. That vein contains a massive amount
of iron.}
{Sire, I will do as you wish. However, I must remind
you that we may lose even more iron in the future.}
_Mining Accident: node 26503
A distraught woman comes to see you,
sobbing uncontrollably.

{Sire, another tunnel in the mine has collapsed. Many men are trapped.}

She takes a deep breath and continues,

{My husband is among them. I beg you, please send help!}

Do you:
[a] Disregard her pleas and have her removed.
[b] Give 1 Gold.
[c] Send men with shovels to help.
She is dragged from the room.

{I will be back, and I will keep coming back until
my demands are satisfied.}
{God bless you. You are a wonderful man. Thank you.}
{Thank you for the assistance, Sire.}
_Mining Accident: node 26504
The mining accident continues to strain the community.

News from the foundry arrives with a woman from the town.

{Sire, falling debris has destroyed another fraction of our
iron supply. The situation is looking very bleak.

{The foundry is engulfed in a tremendous cloud of dust.}

Her expression becomes very intense.

{Please, Sire, we desperately need your guidance.}

Do you:
[a] Donate shovels, picks and wheelbarrows.
[b] Order her removed from your presence.
[c] Give her 1 Gold.
{Thank you. Supplies are much needed.}
She smiles.

{Oh, Sire, I love it when you talk that way.}
{Thank you for your donation. We will spend it wisely.}

Cluster: 2651

_Mining Accident: node 26515
A very dirty miner strolls into the room. He is smiling from
ear to ear.

{Earlier today, there was another mine collapse. When the dust settled,
we discovered a new vein of iron. It is worth 3 Gold.}

He begins to dance around the room.
{3 GOLD! 3 GOLD! 3 GOLD!}

The guards stop him from knocking over a bust of your head.

{Sire, I also wish to petition you for additional supplies
to allow us to complete our cleanup and return to a normal routine.}

Do you:
[a] Decree a day of rest.
[b] Tell him to stop celebrating and return to work.
[c] Give 1 Gold to hire extra men.
{This will be a day of great joy and celebration, Sire!}
The celebration has continued for two days without ceasing.

An older woman comes to complain about the noise.

{Sire, I hate to complain, but this celebration
has lasted far too long. Please tell these rude men
to get back to work!}

Do you:
[a] Tell her you will do your best.
[b] Have her thrown out.
{I knew that you would see it my way.}
{You are as bad as the villagers.}

The guards are motioned to remove her from your presence.

{Sire! There is no need to be rough.}
{Very well, Sire.}

He sulks as he leaves.

{What a party pooper!}
{Thank you. You are so thoughtful. More men will ease the workload
for all.}
_Mining Accident: node 26516
A blacksmith comes to complain.

{Sire, I have been unable to obtain iron from the foundry.
The workers refuse to work until the conditions are improved.
They say the mine is unsafe. Production has
come to a complete stop. You must do something.}

Do you:
[a] Tell him to stop wasting your time with his petty complaints.
[b] Send men to help with the cleanup.
[c] Give him 1 Gold to buy supplies.
{Sire, many feel these are not 'petty' complaints. I think you
should reconsider this rash decision.}

He stomps his feet as he is leaving.
You notice that the guards are watching him very closely.
{Thank you for your support.}
{Supplies will help ease the strain of the cleanup. Thank you.}
_Mining Accident: node 26517
Tiffany, a beautiful young maiden, brings news from the foundry.

{Sire, the foundry is slowly recovering from all the
stress of the recent accidents. Nevertheless, your assistance
is still needed to complete the reconstruction and cleanup.}

She moves closer to you.

{We just need Gold, supplies or anything else that can be spared.}

Do you:
[a] Tell her you have given all that you plan to give.
[b] Give her 1 Gold to buy supplies.
[c] Donate buckets.
{Sire! Where is your community spirit?
I will return in a day or two to see if you have changed
your mind.}
Tiffany is back

{Have you reconsidered, Sire? Will you help us?}

Do you:
[a] Apologize and give her 1 Gold.
[b] Give her 1 Gold for supplies.
[c] Apologize.
{I accept your apology. Now I must go shopping.}
{No apology?}

Tiffany looks angry as she leaves.

{At least we can use the gold!}
{An apology, but no more?

{Are you sure you did not forget something? Perhaps a
financial contribution to the cause?}

She sneers and departs abruptly.
{Thank you. Now I must go shopping.}
{Buckets? Is that all you can spare?}

{I must be losing my touch.}
_Mining Accident: node 26518
The foundry is back in operation.

The foreman from the foundry arrives with a status report.

{Sire, we are back at full operation. Because of all the work
done, we have increased productivity enormously. Thank you
for your help through these rough times.}
_Exit Plague Part II: node 26519
The foundry is back in operation.

The foreman from the foundry arrives with a status report.

{Sire, we are back at full operation. However, there was damage
to some of the tunnels, and we are not able to repair them. Our
productivity will remain down for some time.}

Cluster: 2660

_Explosion: node 26600
A loud explosion is heard in the distance.

Suddenly, one of the guards comes running in with news.

{Sire, there has been an explosion at the foundry.

{Many workers have been injured, and there is an enormous fire.

{The foundry foreman believes that approximately twenty percent of
the iron supply has been lost.}

Do you:
[a] Order him to leave.
[b] Send men to help put out the fire.
[c] Tell him to investigate further and bring a status report.
{You are truly heartless.}

He slowly leaves, his head bowed in disbelief.

{You will regret being so insensitive.}
{I will gather a group of strong men to take with me.}
Your guard returns with a status report on the foundry accident.

{Sire, I wish I had better news. The foundry is in a
state of chaos. There are many small fires, collapsed tunnels,
and injured workers.}

Do you:
[a] Send men to help with the rescue and fires.
[b] Give him 1 Gold for rescue supplies.
[c] Tell him you have nothing for him.
{I will leave at once. Thank you.}
{Sire, thank you. This will allow us to buy
much-needed supplies.}
{Nothing? You have nothing? I cannot believe that you are so
_Explosion: node 26602
You are handed a charred piece of paper with a message on the
foundry's status.

{Fires almost under control.

{Rebuilding underway.

{Need more men.

{Please send gold to hire fresh men.}

Do you:
[a] Order some young boys from the village to help.
[b] Send 1 Gold.
[c] Return it to the sender, pretending that you
never saw it.
A hysterical woman is heard screaming from the window,

{You cannot send my son to that dangerous place. Who
ordered this?

{Even a King would not send young children!}
The sound of a man's voice is heard bellowing through the

{Did you hear? My son is man enough to be sent to help
with the mining explosion.

{What a wise leader to recognize the strength of my son!}
A strongbox containing 1 Gold is sent to the foundry to hire
new workers.
The messenger returns the note to the foundry under protest.
_Explosion: node 26603
A distraught woman comes to see you.
She is sobbing uncontrollably.

{Sire, while cleaning up from the first foundry disaster, another
explosion was triggered. Many men are hurt and more damage
has been done to the foundry. I heard that still more iron
has been lost.}

She takes a deep breath and continues,

{I implore you to please send help!}

Do you:
[a] Disregard her pleas and have her removed.
[b] Give 1 Gold for aid.
[c] Send some of your strongest men to help.
She is dragged from the room, screaming and shaking her fists.

{You cannot silence me so readily! I will have my satisfaction!}
{Thank you, Sire. You are a decent man.}
She begins to smile.

{Strong men. I love strong men! I adore the way you think.}
_Explosion: node 26604
A hefty miner, nicknamed Moose, arrives with news.

{The foundry reconstruction is proceeding steadily.
Progress is slow, however, and we cannot determine when
the work will be completed.

{Our efforts will be more effective if you permit us to
hire additional workers. The cost would be 2 Gold.

Moose looks you straight in the eye.

{So, what will it be?}

Do you:
[a] Donate shovels, picks and wheelbarrows.
[b] Order him removed from your presence.
[c] Give him 2 Gold.
{Sire, thank you, but we need men to use these tools.}

Moose is struck in the back of the head.

{Ouch! You have a serious attitude problem!}

He leaves in disgust.
He smirks.

{A strong man! I respect a man who stands up for himself.}
{I shall hire new workers posthaste.}

Cluster: 2661

_Explosion: node 26615
A man is heard singing outside of your window.

{Happy days are here again.}

He begins to dance around the room.

{Iron! A new vein of iron! Worth 2 Gold!}

{Sire, Sire! Another explosion has led us to a new vein of iron.
It is estimated to be worth 2 Gold.

{But, in the excitement, someone knocked over a torch and set off a
small fire. Alas, our cleanup efforts have been further delayed.}

Do you:
[a] Give the miners a day off at a cost of 1 Gold.
[b] Tell him to stop singing and get back to work.
[c] Send extra men to help.
{Festivals! Gold! Maidens! Time to go; time is a-wasting!}
The revelry has continued for two uninterrupted days.

An old woman from the village comes to complain
about the noise.

{Sire, I hate to be seen as a wet blanket, but this celebration
is trying my patience. Please tell these rude men
to get back to work!}

Do you:
[a] Tell her you will do your best.
[b] Tell her that they deserve this reward for their hard work.
{I knew you would see it my way.}
{You are no better than the villagers.}

The guards are motioned to remove her from your presence.

{Sire! No need to be rough.}
{But... but what about celebrating? Please, Sire!}

He mumbles under his breath as he leaves,

{What a party pooper!}
{Your offer is welcome, although we would much rather be granted a
brief respite from our labors.}
_Explosion: node 26616
Moose, as he is known around the foundry, arrives with news.

{Sire, the entrance supports have collapsed. Some men are
still inside. We need help to rescue them.}

Do you:
[a] Tell him to stop wasting your time.
[b] Send men to help with the rescue.
[c] Give him 1 Gold to buy supplies for the rescue.
{The responsibility will be yours if lives are lost, Sire!}

He stomps out of the room, his contempt plain for all to see.

The guards watch him closely as he leaves.
{Thank you for your support.}
{Supplies certainly will help the cleanup. Thank you.}
_Explosion: node 26617
Tiffany, a beautiful young maiden, brings news from the foundry.

{Sire, the men have asked me to tell you that all goes
well. The foundry is almost ready to resume full

She leans closer to you.

{They were wondering if you...if you could send
some... wine... to them. They could use some recreation.

{Only 1 Gold, and you will ensure their happiness!}

Do you:
[a] Tell her to lift their spirits herself.
[b] Give her 1 Gold to buy the wine.
[c] Donate books for them to read instead.
{Sire! Where is your community spirit?
I shall return on the morrow to see if you have changed
your mind.}
Tiffany returns, as promised.

{Will you help us now, Sire?}

Do you:
[a] Apologize and give her 1 Gold.
[b] Give her 1 Gold for wine.
[c] Apologize.
{I accept your apology. Now I must leave and purchase a few
vats of wine.}
{No apology?}

Tiffany's gentle features twist into an unbecoming scowl as
she mutters,

{At least he parted with some Gold!}
{An apology, and naught else?}

{Have you not forgotten something, perhaps
a small monetary gift?}

With an unpleasant look on her face, she abruptly departs.
{Thank you. I must go. I can hear the men whining, even at
this distance.}
{Books? Do you think these men can read?}

{I must be losing my touch.}
_Explosion: node 26618
The foreman from the foundry arrives with a status report.

{Sire, the foundry is finally back in operation.
In fact, due to the repairs, we were able to increase
our productivity for the month.

{Your staunch support through this very frightening time will not
be forgotten. Our heartfelt gratitude to you, Sire.}
_Exit Plague Part II: node 26619
The foundry is back in operation.

The foreman arrives with a status report.

{Sire, the foundry is slowly resuming full
operation. During the next several weeks, we expect that
productivity will be significantly impaired.
This situation should be temporary. We expect to return to normal
operation soon.}

Cluster: 2670

_Killer Bees: node 26700

A villager comes running past the guards into the room.

{Oh Great One, a swarm of killer bees is attacking our people.
The village is in chaos.}

Do you:
[a] Spend 1 Gold for nets to catch the bees.
[b] Send for a beekeeper.
[c] Tell him to buzz off.
{Very well, Sire.}
{I know just the man for the job.}
{Sire, please do not dismiss this problem so hastily.
These bees have been known to kill.}
_Killer Bees: node 26702
A young girl arrives, carrying a large net.

{Sire, thank you for the nets to trap the bees. There is a problem
with them, however.
The holes are so big that these nasty bees are able to escape
through them.}

She holds up her arm to show you the stings she has

{My father asked me to see if you
could give us more Gold so we can pay the netmaker to fix them.}

Her bottom lip begins to quiver.

{Please. Please, Sire.}

Do you:
[a] Tell her to make do.
[b] Give her 1 Gold to fix the nets.
[c] Send for the beekeeper.
A tear wells up in her eye.

{We are simple farmers, Sire. We just wanted some new
nets. That is all. Just some new nets.}

She turns to leave as the tears roll down her cheeks.

Do you:
[a] Let her leave.
[b] Reconsider and give 1 Gold.
[c] Reconsider and send for the beekeeper.
Her father steps into the room to take his little girl home.

He turns briefly toward you, bearing a look of contempt,
then gently comforts his daughter as they step from the room.
Her tears stop as her face brightens. She runs over and gives
you a delicate kiss on the cheek.

{Thank you! You are a kindly man!}
{I know him. He lives a short walk down the road from my house.}
{Thank you, thank you. Now we can catch those
mean old bees.}
{I know him. He lives very near to me.}
_Killer Bees: node 26703
A man wearing a huge hood and large gloves arrives.

He removes the hood and politely bows to you.
{Sire, I am Buzz the beekeeper. I have come to help you with your
bee problem.

{For 1 Gold, I will chase them from the town. But I cannot guarantee
that they will stay away.

{But, for 2 Gold, I will purge the village of the bees and dust it
with my bee dust. It prevents the bees from coming back.}

Do you:
[a] Pay 1 Gold and hope the bees do not come back.
[b] Spend 2 Gold to eliminate them.
[c] Send for the bee charmer.
{Sire, remember that I cannot guarantee that the bees will stay
away. I will do my best.}
{That is a wise idea. This sort of bee is very dangerous.
It is best to eradicate them all.}
{The bee charmer? He has not had the successes I have had.}

Buzz turns to leave and a swarm of bees follows him.
_Killer Bees: node 26704
Another villager arrives. His arms are obviously covered with
bee stings.

{Sire, the bees are attacking more viciously than ever. The more
frail villagers grow ill from the bee stings.

{We need help to get rid of these horrible pests before someone

Do you:
[a] Tell him to go away.
[b] Provide 2 Gold to purchase herbs to ward off the bees.
[c] Send for the beekeeper.
{The bees will never leave unless you take action, Sire.
I will keep returning until you make a decision.}
{Thank you. Your generosity shall not be forgotten.}
{Buzz is a friend of mine. I will suggest that he arrange an
audience with you.}
_Killer Bees: node 26705
A handsome young squire with a red and blotchy face enters the room.

{Sire, our bee stings are beginning to heal. The village is
slowly returning to its familiar routine.

{However, there is still a need for your assistance. We need
ointment to help with the bee stings. Also, not all of the bees are
gone yet.}

Do you:
[a] Order him to leave.
[b] Donate wine to ease their pain.
[c] Give him 1 Gold.
{I do not give up easily. I have a responsibility to
the people of the village. I will be back.}
The young squire returns, hat in hand.

{Sire, I have granted you ample time to reconsider your position.
Will you help the village?}

Do you:
[a] Order him to leave.
[b] Donate wine to ease their pain.
[c] Give him 1 Gold.
{You are heartless, Sire. The village has looked to you
for help and you have turned your back. They will not
soon forget this.}
{Your wine will certainly help to distance the villagers
from the pain of their travails.}
{I can see that the light of reason guides you. Thank you.}
{A mug of mulled wine certainly sounds grand to me. Thank you!}
{Sire, you are truly the gracious leader I have heard you to be.}

Cluster: 2671

_Killer Bees: node 26716
{I am Sir Bee Tranquil, the bee charmer. I can cast a spell on
any bee in the land.

{My services include the following:

{For 2 Gold I will hypnotize the bees and purchase special
traps that will almost certainly keep the bees from escaping.

{For 1 Gold I will hypnotize the bees, but I will not be able to
purchase the traps.}

Do you:
[a] Spend 2 Gold.
[b] Spend 1 Gold.
[c] Send for the beekeeper.
{I will place the order for the traps immediately. It
is a pleasure doing business in your fine kingdom, Sire.}
{I will dispose of these annoying bees with all dispatch.}
{You are obviously not open to the latest in bee control.}

He shakes his head in disbelief as he leaves.
_Killer Bees: node 26717
The young squire arrives with news of the bees.

{The good news is that we have not seen a bee in days.
Alas, the bad news is that the bee stings have accentuated the
tempestuous behavior of the villagers. They are in need of some good cheer.
I have some ideas, but I need Gold for my purchases.}

Do you:
[a] Tell him that you are tired of his demands.
[b] Donate wine.
[c] Give him 1 Gold.
{Sire, this sort of treatment will not win you many friends!}
{Wine! What a fine idea.}
{Thank you for your generosity. This will make the
villagers very happy.}
_Killer Bees: node 26718
A beautiful maiden arrives.

{Sire, the village is back to its normal routine.
Thank you for helping us through this stinging ordeal.}

She leans over and whispers,

{I would be happy to demonstrate the depth of my gratitude to you.}
_Exit Plague Part II: node 26719
The young squire is back. He looks somewhat disgruntled.

{Sire, the bees are all gone, and all is well with the villagers.

{Nonetheless, your neglect is still fresh in their memories. It would
be wise for you to have a food taster present at your every meal.}

Your royal taster, fork in hand, pales and slumps to the floor.

Cluster: 2680

_Weapons: node 26800
Sir Gunny, the local weapons salesman, arrives.

{Sire, I have some new weapons to show you today.

{What would you like to examine?}

Do you:
[a] Look at the Super Catapult.
[a] Look at the Automatic Bow and Arrow set.
[b] Look at the infamous Stink Bomb.
[b] Look at the Flaming Pigeon starter kit.
[c] Tell him to go away.
{Excellent choice. The Super Catapult is always a
popular item wherever I go. I shall bring you
a sample in a few days.}
{Ah, the Automatic Bow and Arrow set.
This little number is moving quickly.
I shall revisit your lovely castle in a few days.}
{The Stink Bomb is a wonderful choice, Sire.
I shall have a sample for you in a few days.}
{Flaming Pigeons. Ah, yes, a splendid choice.
I will return shortly to demonstrate this hot new item.}
{Sire, I can see you are a busy man. Perhaps you will have
more time to talk in a fortnight or so.}
_Weapons: node 26802
Sir Gunny returns with the Super Catapult.

{Sire, I have brought some men to show you what a wonderful
addition this weapon will be to your arsenal. A large animal has
been readied as a demonstration of the projectile weights that
may be employed by this fine weapon.

{Ready, Fire!}
A massive, confused cow flies through the air, mooing plaintively.

{As you can see, this Super Catapult can be of great assistance to
you when in the heat of battle. Just imagine the plague and pestilence
that you could spread with one well-placed cow.}

Do you:
[a] Run a test on it.
[b] Buy it.
[c] Ask to see another weapon.
{Very well. Please feel free to test it yourself.}
{As you wish. I will return to discuss my price.}

As he leaves, he does a little dance.

{I might make Salesman of the Month yet!}
{Now I can buy that new cart that I have been eyeing!}
{What an easy target, this one!}
{I shall return with more samples.}
_Weapons: node 26803
Sir Gunny arrives with the Automatic Bow and Arrow set.

{Sire, this represents the state of the art in automatic weapons.

{It will improve your firing speed. Other customers have
been impressed with the results.}

Do you:
[a] Run a test on it.
[b] Buy it.
[c] Ask to see another weapon.
{Test it?}
{As you wish. But be careful. This is not a toy!}
{Marvelous! We can discuss an equitable price when I return.}

Just before he disappears from sight, you see him take a little
leap into the air. He mumbles to himself,

{I cannot believe he went for it! I am brilliant!}
{Watch out! I am on a roll!}
{No one will believe this! What a soft touch!}
{Very well, I will return with more samples. I am sure that you
will find something to your liking, Sire.}
_Weapons: node 26804
Sir Gunny brings the infamous Stink Bomb.

{Sire, do not let the innocent look of this little box fool you.
This is an exceedingly potent weapon.

{We use a secret formula that contains items such as
dung, skunk oil, garlic, and ram's bladder extract.}

Do you:
[a] Run a test on it.
[b] Buy it.
[c] Ask to see another weapon.
{Very well, but do so at your own risk.}
{Many who have used it incorrectly have had their friends
desert them.}
{Excellent selection! We may negotiate a price at our next meeting.}

As he leaves, he smiles slyly to himself, saying,

{Now I can pay off that bothersome bill collector
and secure the release of my family!}
{What a soft touch! I should come here more often!}
{Gracious, that was much easier than I thought!}
{I understand. Stink Bombs are not for everyone. I will
return with less noxious samples in a few days.}
_Weapons: node 26805
Sir Gunny returns, ready to show you the Flaming Pigeons.

{This demonstration is not for the faint of heart,
so leave if you feel you must.}

A group of twenty people draws closer. No one leaves.

{Let us begin the demonstration.}
{Flaming Pigeons provide a perfect means of distracting an enemy.
As the pigeons fly overhead, your enemy will look skyward. This
will make them easy prey to your attack.

{Do not hesitate. This is our hottest item!}

Do you:
[a] Run a test on it.
[b] Buy it.
[c] Ask to see another weapon.
{Very well. But be careful not to burn yourself on the wings.}
{Thank you, Sire. I will return to make the financial arrangements.}

As he leaves, he does a little dance.

{I cannot wait to tell the guys back at the home castle!}
{Now I can go on that dream vacation to Camelot!}
{That sale just put me into the Gold Club!}
{I shall fetch my samples.}

Cluster: 2681

_Weapons: node 26815
{Which weapon do you wish to examine?}

Do you:
[a] Look at the Super Catapult.
[a] Look at the Automatic Bow and Arrow set.
[b] Look at the infamous Stink Bomb.
[b] Look at the Flaming Pigeon starter kit.
[c] Tell him to go away.
{Excellent choice. The Super Catapult always
makes a big impact wherever I go. I will return with
a sample in a few days.}
{The Automatic Bow and Arrow set.
This little number is a fast mover.
I will return with a demonstration in a few days.}
{The Stink Bomb is a wonderful choice, Sire.
I will return with a sample in a few days.}
{Flaming Pigeons. A splendid choice.
I will return in a few days to show this hot new item.}
{You are a most difficult customer, Sire. I shall return
once more. Perhaps you will be more receptive then.}
_Weapons: node 26816
A delighted messenger arrives with news from the weapon test.

{Sire, the test was a huge success. All who were present were
impressed with the results. We grant it our hearty approval!}

Do you:
[a] Buy it.
[b] Don't buy it.
[c] Ask to see another weapon.
Sir Gunny enters your chambers, and says,

{Thank you, Sire. I will return to discuss the price.}

As he leaves, he does a little dance.

{Wait until I tell the guys back at the home castle!}
{Now I can go on that dream vacation to Camelot!}
{That sale just put me into the Gold Club!}
{Sire, you are a hard man to impress.
I will return in a few days to see if you have
changed your mind.}
{As you wish. I shall return in a few days.}
_Weapons: node 26817
A dazed messenger brings the results of the weapon test.

{Sire, the test was not successful. Perhaps this was
a bad unit.}

Do you:
[a] Buy it.
[b] Don't buy it.
[c] Ask to see another weapon.
Sir Gunny enters your chambers, and says,

{I see that you are a wise man, and can see beyond this minor
setback. When I return, we can negotiate a fair price.}

As he leaves, he does a little dance.

{Now I can pay off that bothersome bill collector
and secure the release of my family!}
{What a soft touch! I should come here more often!}
{Amazing! This shall not be my last trip to this fine kingdom.}
{I see. Nevertheless, I shall return once more in the hope that
you will have a change of heart.}
{Thank you, Sire. I will return with wonderful offerings for you.}
_Weapons: node 26818
Sir Gunny returns to discuss the cost of the new weapon.

{Sire, my prices are fair and reasonable. Of course, you must
remember that the price determines the quality of the goods.}

Do you:
[a] Barter.
[b] Pay 1 Gold.
[c] Pay 2 Gold.
{You want to deal. What commodity do you wish to trade?}

Do you barter:
[a] Crops.
[b] Timber.
[c] Iron.

How much:
[a] 5 percent.
[b] 10 percent.
[c] Change your mind.
{Five percent sounds reasonable.}

As he leaves, he leans over to his assistant,

{We will give him the seconds.}
{Ten percent sounds reasonable.}

As he leaves, he leans over to his assistant,

{We will give him the ones that have been tested.}
{Changed your mind?}

How much:
[a] 5 percent.
[b] 10 percent.
[c] Change your mind.
{5 percent sounds reasonable.}

As he leaves, he leans over to his assistant,

{We will give him the seconds.}
{10 percent sounds reasonable.}

As he leaves, he leans over to his assistant,
{We will give him the ones that have been tested.}
{Changed your mind?}

How much:
[a] 5 percent.
[b] 10 percent.
[c] Change your mind.
{Five percent sounds reasonable.}

As he leaves, he leans over to his assistant,

{We will give him the seconds.}
{Ten percent sounds reasonable.}

As he leaves, he leans over to his assistant,

{We will give him the ones that have been tested.}
{Changed your mind?}
{Thank you Sire. I can see that you are watching your purse.}

As he leaves, he leans over to his assistant,

{Good! Now we can dispose of our old inventory.}
{Thank you, Sire! I will ensure that you receive the best units
in my inventory.}

As he leaves, he leans over to his assistant,

{Make sure that he gets the ones that have been tested.}
_Exit Plague Part II: node 26819
Sir Gunny is back.

{Sire, can I interest you in any of my wares?}

Do you:
[a] Tell him that you really mean {NO!}
[b] Ask him to show you what he has.
{As you wish. Your message is quite clear.}
{Very well. I shall fetch them from my cart.}

Cluster: 2690

_Camouflage: node 26900
Sara Thimble, the local camouflage sales representative, arrives.

{Sire, I have the most extraordinary camouflage for your
men. My girls have been sewing their fingers to the bone to
bring you some new designs.

{What would you like to see?}

Do you:
[a] Look at the nun outfits.
[a] Look at the tree outfits.
[b] Look at the enemy uniforms.
[b] Look at the horse outfits.
[c] Tell her to go away.
{Splendid choice. This is an excellent habit for
you to develop. I shall be back with
a sample in a few days.}
{The tree outfits.
These little numbers truly grow on you.
I can have a sample for you in a few days.}
{The enemy uniforms are a sly choice, Sire.
I shall have a sample made up for you in a few days.}
{Horse outfits. I am sure that these shall become a mane-stay
of your men. I can be back in a few days with a sample.}
{Sire, I shall come back in a week when you have
more time to talk.}

She murmurs under her breath,

{Give a guy a throne, and he thinks he can act like a King!}
_Camouflage: node 26902
Sara Thimble returns with the nun outfit sample.

{Sire, I have the nun habit for you to look over.

She hands over a fine black habit.

{As you can see, this is entirely handmade. It is a direct copy of
what the nuns are issued.

{Your men can wear these over their combat gear and sneak
up on your enemy. No one would suspect a group of nuns on
a walk. Right?}

Do you:
[a] Try it on.
[b] Buy it.
[c] Ask to see what else she has.
{Very well, try it out and see what your men think.}
{As you wish. I shall return to discuss the price.}

As she leaves, she does a little dance.

{I haven't lost my touch!}
{Now I can buy that new loom that I have coveted!}
{That sale just put me into the Golden Spool Club!}
{I shall fetch more samples.}
_Camouflage: node 26903
Sara Thimble arrives with the tree outfits.

{We finally finished sewing the leaves on the branches.

{This is one of our most successful items. If your men
wear these, no one will see them coming.

{I shall 'leaf' you to your own decision. Heh heh. A little humor
that I picked up from the tree doctor.}

Do you:
[a] Try it on.
[b] Buy it.
[c] Ask to see what else she has.
{As you wish, Sire. I shall have one of my girls help with the
{Tremendous! We can discuss the price when I return.}

As she leaves, she does a little dance.

{This guy is starting to grow on me!}
{Thank God! I went out on a limb with this one.}
{I guess the leaf joke worked!}
{Very well, I shall return with more samples.}
_Camouflage: node 26904
Sara Thimble arrives with the enemy uniforms.

{Sire, it is best that you do not know where I obtained this design.

{Let me just say that my girls have many talents.

{These uniforms have obvious benefits. If your men wear these,
your enemy will be blamed for whatever your men do.}

Do you:
[a] Try it on.
[b] Buy it.
[c] Ask to see what else she has.
{As you wish.}
{But I suggest you do this in private. You might say this is a
hot item.}
{Excellent selection! When I return, we can discuss the price.}

As she leaves, she does a little dance.

{This will pay for that new thatched roof on the house!}
{I just might be able to afford that new dining set!}
{Now I can go shopping!}
{I understand. Enemy uniforms are a bit risky. I shall
return with some more conventional samples in a few days.}
_Camouflage: node 26905
Sara Thimble returns, ready to show you the horse outfits.

{This costume requires two people: the front end and the
back end. I know you have the wisdom to be able to assign
these positions.

{Horse outfits provide a perfect means of distracting the enemy.
Your men can act like a herd of horses.
When they get close enough, they can attack.

{Do not wait. This item is going fast! Even the monks have ordered
a dozen.}

Do you:
[a] Try it on.
[b] Buy it.
[c] Ask to see what else she has.
{Very good, I shall be here to help put on the head.}
{Thank you, Sire. I shall see you soon to discuss the price.}

As she leaves, she does a little dance.

{Wait until I tell the girls about this one!}
{It is getting harder and harder to earn gold today.}
{That sale just put me into the Golden Spool Club!}
{I shall fetch my samples.}

Cluster: 2691

_Camouflage: node 26915
Sara Thimble returns, hoping to show you more items.

{Sire, I hope you are ready to be dazzled. I have my latest and
greatest designs to show you.}

Do you:
[a] Look at the nun outfits.
[a] Look at the tree outfits.
[b] Look at the enemy uniforms.
[b] Look at the horse outfits.
[c] Tell her to go away.
{Superb choice. The nun outfits are quite
habit-forming. I shall have a sample in
a few days.}
{The tree outfits. Excellent choice! Even the bark is real.
I shall be back with a sample in a few days.}
{The enemy uniforms are a wonderful choice, Sire.
I should be able to mock up a sample in a few days.}
{Horse outfits are always a crowd pleaser.
I shall return in a few days to show you a sample.}
{I see that you are not ready to make a decision. I shall come
back in a few days.}
_Camouflage: node 26916
A young squire, pursued by an anxious Sara Thimble, arrives.

{Sire, the men have voted! They all agree that this costume
would be superb in battle. They recommend that you buy it.}
{Sire, the men agree that using this costume would be a cunning
strategy. Thumbs up!}
{Sire, these costumes are the best thing since swords! When can
we get them?}

Do you:
[a] Buy it.
[b] Don't buy it.
[c] Ask to see what else she has.
{Thank you, Sire. I shall return shortly to discuss the price.}

She seems quite pleased.

{It is getting harder and harder to earn gold today.}
{I just might beat out that pesky dung salesman for
Wheeler-Dealer of the Month!}
{And I thought this was going to be a hard sell!}
{Sire, I will give you several days to mull it over.
I shall return to see how you are doing.}
{As you wish. I shall return in a few days.}
_Camouflage: node 26917
A young squire, pursued by a concerned Sara Thimble, arrives.

{Sire, the men have sent me here to find out what
ails you. What made you think that this was
a good idea?}
{The men have sent me here to ask you...ARE YOU CRAZY?}
{Sire, this costume is quite possibly the worst idea you
have ever had.}

Do you:
[a] Buy it anyway.
[b] Don't buy it.
[c] Ask to see what else Sara has.
{Excellent selection! When I return we can discuss my price.}

Sara smiles,

{Now I can pay off that annoying bill collector
and get my head seamstress out of debtor's prison!}
{What a soft touch! I should come here more often!}
{This will get me into a new flat in the good part of town!}
Sare frowns,

{I see. Still, I will see you once more. Perhaps you will have
a change of heart.}
She says,

{Thank you, Sire. I shall return with wonderful offerings for you.}

Cluster: 2700

_Camouflage: node 27008
Sara Thimble is ready to talk business.

{Sire, I am flexible on the cost. My girls can work within your
budget. But remember that they are more motivated if the price is

Do you:
[a] Barter.
[b] Pay 1 Gold.
[c] Pay 2 Gold.
{I can work with you. What do you have to offer?}

Do you barter:
[a] Crops.
[b] Timber.
[c] Iron.

How much:
[a] 5 percent.
[b] 10 percent.
[c] Change your mind.
{Five percent sounds very reasonable.}

As she leaves, she leans over to her assistant,
{Get the returns out. It looks like we
have found a buyer.}
{Is this guy cheap, or what? He will learn
to pay for quality if he wants it.}
{Time to clear out the old inventory!}
{Ten percent sounds very reasonable.}

As she leaves, she leans over to her assistant,
{We shall give him the newest ones.}
{I suppose we had better give him the good ones.}
{We had better make some good ones this time.}
{Typical man. Can never make up his mind.}

How much:
[a] 5 percent.
[b] 10 percent.
[c] Change your mind.
{Five percent sounds very reasonable.}

As she leaves, she leans over to her assistant,
{Get the returns out. It looks like we
found a buyer.}
{This guy sure is a cheapskate. Maybe someday he will
{learn to pay for quality if he wants it.}
{We shall give him the seconds.}
{Ten percent sounds very reasonable.}

As she leaves, she leans over to her assistant,
{We shall give him the newest ones.}
{I think we should give him the good ones.}
{We should try to make some good ones this time.}
{Changed your mind?}

How much:
[a] 5 percent.
[b] 10 percent.
[c] Change your mind.
{Five percent sounds very reasonable.}

As she leaves, she leans over to her
{Get the returns out. It appears that we have
found a buyer.}
{What a loser! He will learn his lesson some day.}
{We shall give him the seconds.}
{Ten percent sounds very reasonable.}

As she leaves, she leans over to her assistant,
{We shall give him the newest ones.}
{I want to give him the good ones.}
{Perhaps we should actually try to deliver the goods, eh?}
{Changed your mind?}
{Thank you, Sire! I see that you are on a tight budget.}

As she leaves, she leans over to her assistant,

{Get the returns out. It appears that we have found a buyer.}
{Is this guy cheap, or what? He will learn
{to pay for quality if he wants it.}
{We shall give him the seconds.}
{For you, Sire, only the best! It is a pleasure doing
business with you.}

As she leaves, she leans over to her assistant,
{He will probably expect decent quality. We had better get busy!}
{No seconds for this guy.}
{We may actually have to make some new ones.}
_Exit Plague Part II: node 27009
Sara Thimble appears once more.

{Sire, have you changed your mind about my wares?}

Do you:
[a] Say {NO!} and erect a No Solicitors sign.
[b] Ask her to show what she has.
{Sire, I detect a subtle hint of disapproval in your voice.
I will leave.}
{Very well. I shall be but a moment while I
retrieve them from my cart.}

Cluster: 2710

_Fertilizer: node 27100
Sir Vincent, the local fertilizer salesperson, arrives
to peddle his dung. It is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

{Your Majesty, I have a fine selection of dung for you today.

{Which type would you like to experience?}

Do you:
[a] Inspect the Premium Dung.
[b] Inspect the Economy Dung.
[c] Inspect the Plain Wrap Dung.
[d] Tell him {No, thanks.}
{Splendid choice. The Premium Dung always
makes an impact. I will be back with
some samples in a few days.}
{The Economy Dung is an apt choice, Sire.
I will be back after I let it ferment for a day or two.}
{Plain Wrap Dung, as you wish.}

As he leaves, he murmurs under his breath,

{What a cheap dunghead!}
{Sire, I will return in a week when you are not so busy.}

As Sir Vincent leaves, he murmurs under his breath,

{Obviously, a throne does not a great King make.}
_Fertilizer: node 27102
Sir Vincent returns with a Premium Dung sample.

{This is the creme de la creme of dung. Sire, this will make
your tomatoes robust, your zucchini long and hard, and your
foliage large and leafy.

{Who could turn down an offer like this?}

Do you:
[a] Ask to see the other choices.
[b] Buy it for 2 Gold.
[c] Tell him to go away.
{As you wish. I will not force you to buy. But I cannot be
deterred quite so easily.}

As Sir Vincent leaves, he mumbles,

{This is a much harder sale than I had anticipated!}
{So much for the burgeoning merchant classes once destined to
bring an era of unprecedented growth and prosperity to the
European continent.}
{This job stinks!}
{I smell a deal yet!}
{Excellent selection! What an nose for a deal you have, Sire.}

Sir Vincent dances out of the room, babbling,

{Chump! He fell for ye olde Premium Dung trick.}
{Now I can afford to get those dung stains removed
from the floor!}
{That shipment will allow me to breathe easier!}
{What? Doth your dung not stink? I will be back.}
_Fertilizer: node 27103
Sir Vincent arrives with the Economy Dung.

{The Economy Dung is our most popular grade.

{This will make your crops grow at a slightly higher rate,
if used in the proper proportions.}

Do you:
[a] Ask to see the other choices.
[b] Buy it for 1 Gold.
[c] Barter.
[d] Tell him to go away.
{I see that you like to shop around. Very well.
In a few days, I shall bring to you another prime pile of dung.}

He mumbles as he leaves,

{Bummer! Now I have to get my dung together again.}
{Same dung, different day.}
{I suppose that is how the dung falls.}
{Sire, what a thrifty choice. The Economy Dung is just
the ticket for a man such as yourself.}

As Sir Vincent leaves, he snickers audibly,

{Who says this job pays like dung?}
{This sale could put me into the Dung
Slingers Hall of Fame!}
{Whoopee! Now I can afford to buy that state-of-the-art
dung shovel!}
{A wheeler-dealer. I like that. I will present my offer forthwith.}
{I can understand not wanting my dung. But must you be
so gruff? I will call again, Sire.}
_Fertilizer: node 27104
Sir Vincent is back with the Plain Wrap Dung.

{Sire, the Plain Wrap Dung is our most cost-effective dung.

{It is highly popular with my economically disadvantaged customers.}

Do you:
[a] Reconsider and ask to see other choices.
[b] Buy it for 1 Gold.
[c] Barter.
[d] Tell him to go away.
{As you wish. I will scrape up some samples.}

{It's a dung deal!}
{Peddling this dung is getting really old!}
{Another day, another pile of dung to sell.}
{Such an eye for a bargain. How gold-wise you are, Sire.}

As Sir Vincent leaves, he smiles to himself and whispers,

{Now I can get rid of the big pile of dung
from the stable!}
{I cannot wait to tell the folks back at the
home castle about this!}
{Now I can afford to take a bath.}
{That Dung Mover of the Year award is still within reach!}
{So, you want to deal? I will be ready to bargain in a few days.}
{Sire, does my dung offend you? I will leave for now, but
not forever.}
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Old 12-10-2015, 07:09 AM   #158
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 2720

_Fertilizer: node 27203
Sir Vincent enters, this time with his accountant.

{I can work with you. What do you have to offer?}

Do you barter:
[a] Iron.
[b] Timber.
[c] Change your mind.

How much:
[a] 5 percent.
[b] 10 percent.
[c] Change your mind.
{Five percent is acceptable.}

As Sir Vincent leaves, he leans over to his accountant,

{Get the ripe dung out. It seems that we have
found a buyer.}
{This guy drives a hard bargain. But I know my dung, and
he will get what he paid for.}
{We will give him the dog dung.}
{Ten percent should be quite sufficient.}

As he leaves, he leans over to the accountant,

{This guy knows his dung. We might actually have to give him
the good stuff.}
{Do you know what this means? We can buy those
shovels now!}
{Perhaps we can finally ship those cow patties.}
{You certainly are fickle. I will return in a few days.}

How much:
[a] 5 percent.
[b] 10 percent.
[c] Change your mind.
{Five percent is acceptable.}

Sir Vincent turns to his companion, saying,
{Get the ripe dung out. It looks like we
found a buyer.}
{This guy drives a hard bargain. But I know my dung, and
he will get what he paid for.}
{Be sure to throw in plenty of sawdust.}
{Ten percent. Hmmm. I suppose that will be adequate.}

He turns to his accountant as he leaves,

{This guy knows his dung. We might have to give him the
good stuff.}
{Why do I always get stuck with the intelligent ones?}
{Perhaps we can ship those cow patties.}
{What an indecisive person! I will return in a few days.}
{Sire, sooner or later you must make a decision.}
_Fertilizer: node 27204
Sir Vincent returns, hoping to show you more items.

{Sire, my dung is the best you will find this side of heaven.
I know that you are a busy man, but please honor me with a moment of
your valuable time. I guarantee that you will not regret it.}

Do you:
[a] Inspect the Premium Dung.
[b] Inspect the Economy Dung.
[c] Inspect the Plain Wrap Dung.
[d] Tell him {No, thanks.}
{The Premium Dung is a outstanding choice. I shall have a sample
for you in a day or two.}
{The Economy Dung is a tried-and-true choice.
I will bring a sample in a few days.}
{The Plain Wrap Dung is a economical choice, Sire.
I should be able to scrape together a sample in a few days.}
{I see that you are not ready to make a decision. I am sure that
matters will be different in a few days.}
_Fertilizer: node 27205
Sir Vincent returns, ready to show his dung.

{Now, Sire, I know that you were not interested on my previous visit,
but I thought that the aroma of this fresh dung would persuade you to
give me another chance. I have some lovely filth here.

{What do you think?

{Honestly, have you ever smelled dung this pungent before?}

A guard pales, then drops face first into Sir Vincent's dung sample.

{What better endorsement can I find?

{Now will you please reconsider and let me show you my goods?}

Do you:
[a] Say yes.
[b] Say no.
{Thank you, Great One. Do not fret about this mess. I will
get some dung remover from my cart and have it cleaned up
in two shakes of a lamb's tail.}
{You do not have to beat me over the head. I will leave.}

As he leaves, he mumbles

{Let him clean it up, then.}
{He had better watch where he steps. My dung is everywhere!}
{Dung happens!}

Cluster: 2730

_Fertilizer: node 27303
Sir Vincent is back. The dung is certainly well seasoned today.

{Sire, you must buy today.}

The guards drag him from your presence.

{The dung is going to hit the wall now! Just you wait!}
{He had better watch where he steps. And perhaps he should warn
the others in his household as well.}
{Me thinketh thou art a dunghead!}
_Fertilizer: node 27304
The head cook comes with dung news.

{Sire, that dung you purchased has become the seasoning
of choice among the most elite.

{Thank you for your generous gift. You have made the nobles very happy.}
_Fertilizer: node 27305
A villager comes to visit. He is wearing a scarf around his face.

{Sire, that dung you bought truly stinks!

{The aroma has driven most of the villagers to the hills. They are
in a fine state over this matter.}
_Fertilizer: node 27306
A farmer comes to inform you of how the dung fared in the fields.

{Sire, this is superb dung! The zucchini have never
been bigger.}
{You certainly know your dung, Sire! The crops are
{Sire, that new dung really works. The tomatoes are rounder and
juicier than I have ever seen in my life!}
_Fertilizer: node 27307
A farmer comes to inform you of how the dung fared in the fields.

{That dung was not very potent. I think you must have
received a spoiled batch. There was no significant
change in the crops. Next time, smell it first.}
{That dung was old dung. Next time, try
smelling it first.}
{Sire, thou hast been dealt a rotten hand. That dung
was worthless, and did almost nothing for us. I think you got a bad
pile this time.}
_Fertilizer: node 27308
A farmer comes to inform you of how the dung fared in the fields.

{Sire, that dung was defective. It killed part of our harvest.

{It was much too hearty for our delicate crops.

{Please be more careful next time.
Remember, you cannot trust a man who sells dung.}
{Sire, that dung really stank. It killed part of our crops.

{It is a sad world in which one cannot even find good dung!}
{That dung you bought was bad news. It killed part of our
most fruitful crops.

{Sire, do you not know how to find a trustworthy dung dealer?}
_Exit Plague Part II: node 27309
A farmer comes to inform you of how the dung fared in the fields.

{Sire, I have terrible news. The crops were scorched by that
dung you bought.

{Next time, try throwing it against the wall.
If it sticks, it is good dung. Otherwise, send it back.}
{Sire, that dung dealer is as worthless as his product.

{That shipment of dung massacred our harvest.

{I only hope that we will be able to salvage a portion of the crops.}
{The dung ruined some of our most fertile fields.

{That dung dealer must have done a tremendous sales job
on you to make you buy that pile.

{Next time, do us all a favor and leave the dung-buying to the

Cluster: 2740

_Genetic Engineer: node 27400
Dr. Snodgrass, a botanical genetic engineer, arrives.
He is considered to be the best in his field.

{Sire, I have developed some breakthrough techniques for
the cultivation of plants. For many years, I have
refined these skills. Now I wish to offer my services to you.
I can teach your farmers how to improve their crops
and produce the most fertile harvest in history.

{Which technique would you like me to describe?}

Your choices:
[a] Twice as Fast but Half as Pretty.
[b] Twice as Tasty but Half as Big.
[c] Twice as Big but Half as Tasty.
[d] Tell him that you are not interested.
{The TFHP (Twice as Fast but Half as Pretty) method
is a fine decision. I will return with the information
you requested. Thank you for your time.}
{Thank you, Sire. I will return with information on
the TTHB (Twice as Tasty but Half as Big) method.
I thought you might like the tasty method. It is a popular
{Very well. The TBHT (Twice as Big but Half as Tasty)
leaflet is being reprinted. I will be back when the ink has
dried. Thank you for your interest.}
{I see that you need some time
to get comfortable with this new technique.
I will be back in a week.}

As Dr. Snodgrass leaves, he murmurs under his breath,

{I am sure the idea will grow on him.}
{What a relief! The ink on the leaflets is not dry yet!}
{I had better write that down on my calendar.}
_Genetic Engineer: node 27402
Dr. Snodgrass arrives with a brochure on the
{Twice as Fast but Half as Pretty Method.}

{Sire, this method results in plants that grow twice as fast
as normal. However, they are not as attractive.

{If you want volume and are not worried about the
appearance of the produce, this is the method for you.

{Would you like me to start the treatment?}

Do you:
[a] Say no and ask to look at the other choices.
[b] Buy it for 1 Gold.
[c] Barter.
[d] Tell him to take a hike.
{Very well, I will come back when you have more time
to discuss the other choices.}

As Dr. Snodgrass leaves, he mumbles,
{He is not as open-minded as I thought!}
{What a relief! The ink on the leaflets is not dry yet!}
{I had better write that down on my calendar.}
{Wonderful! I will begin the process today.}

Dr. Snodgrass dances out of the room, babbling.

{Superb! I have been dying to try this technique in
this climate!}
{Now I can afford those new row markers for the garden!}
{Finally, a chance to experiment with this technique!}
{So, you like to barter.}
{Did I mention that I was once a used cart salesman?
Oops, perhaps I forgot. I will be back to deal.}
{Take a hike? Sire, there is no need to be rude.}
_Genetic Engineer: node 27403
Dr. Snodgrass arrives with a handbill on the
{Twice as Tasty but Half as Big Method.}

{This method is popular with many villagers,
especially those with a taste for fine foodstuffs.
The farmers, however, do not appreciate the low yields.

{If you like fabulous food in small quantities, this is the method
for you!

{Shall I begin the process, Sire?}

Do you:
[a] Say no and ask to look at the other choices.
[b] Buy it for 1 Gold.
[c] Barter.
[d] Tell him to take a hike.
{Very well. I will return with my product sheets.}

He is mumbling as he leaves,

{Gosh, I had hoped that this transaction would yield more for me.}
{Good, now I can go home and water.}
{Oh well, back to the lab for me.}
{I see you are a man who likes good food.}

Dr. Snodgrass has a bounce in his step as he leaves,
mumbling to himself,

{I had better get my secret ingredient
from the dung dealer.}
{This just might put me in the running for
Cultivator of the Year!}
{Wonderful! Now I can try engineering that
cherry tomato strain.}
{Ah, a monarch who likes to barter.}
{Did I mention that I once sold used carts? I will be back to deal.}
{Sire, I see no reason why I should wish to take a hike.
I am quite fit already.}

Cluster: 2750

_Genetic Engineer: node 27502
Dr. Snodgrass arrives with a leaflet on the
{Twice as Big but Half as Tasty Method.}

{This method results in crops that are enormous,
but it has a significant drawback. Despite its size, the produce
does not have as pleasant a taste.

{If you like tremendous vegetables that taste like dirt, this
is the method for you.

{Shall I begin, Sire?}

Do you:
[a] Say no and ask to look at the other choices.
[b] Buy it for 1 Gold.
[c] Barter.
[d] Tell him to take a hike.
{As you wish. I will return to discuss the
other methods that I can offer.}

Dr. Snodgrass turns to leave and mutters,

{Now I can get back to my experiments. I hate these
castle-to-castle sales trips.}
{I hope I remember to come back in a week. I think
the chemicals are ruining my memory.}
{Come back? Does this guy think I have nothing
better to do than to come back here?}
{As you wish. I will start my procedures today.}

Dr. Snodgrass struts out, whistling, and whispers,

{This will be a breeze!}
{How refreshing! Someone who is willing
to try my methods!}
{I cannot wait to tell the fellows back at the lab!}
{I see that you like to barter.
{Did I mention that I was formerly a used cart salesman?
Ah, it must have slipped my mind. I will be back to deal.}
{I think I will go for a walk. Thank you for your fine
_Genetic Engineer: node 27503
Dr. Snodgrass returns.

{Sire, are you ready to negotiate? I am!}

Do you barter:
[a] Iron.
[b] Timber.
[c] Or change your mind and do not barter.

How much:
[a] 5 percent.
[b] 10 percent.
[c] Change your mind and do not barter.
{5 percent is acceptable.}

As Dr. Snodgrass leaves, he thinks aloud,

{This will be a breeze!}
{How refreshing that someone is willing
to try my methods!}
{I cannot wait to tell the fellows back at the lab!}
{10 percent? That should be quite sufficient.}

As Dr. Snodgrass leaves, he thinks aloud,
{Time to get my secret ingredient
from the dung dealer.}
{This just might put me in the running for
Cultivator of the Year!}
{Wonderful! Now I can try engineering that
cherry tomato plant.}
{I will return in a few days and see if you have
made a decision.}

How much:
[a] 5 percent.
[b] 10 percent.
[c] Change your mind and do not barter.
{5 percent is acceptable.}

As Dr. Snodgrass leaves, he thinks aloud,
{Good. I need some timber to make flower boxes.}
{These castle-to-castle sales are finally paying off.}
{Timber is very useful in my business.}
{10 percent! That should be quite sufficient.}

As Dr. Snodgrass leaves, he thinks aloud,
{I have to get busy! First thing to do is get the
secret ingredient. Now...what was it again?}
{Magnificent! Now I can get get my hands dirty.
I love the feeling of dirt under my fingernails.}
{Fabulous! I can try out my latest experiments.}
{I shall return.}
{Sire, try to open your mind to this new concept.}
_Genetic Engineer: node 27504
Dr. Snodgrass, the Genetic Engineer, returns.

{Sire, will you reconsider and allow me to
work with your farmers to improve your crops?

{On which technique would you like more information?}

Your choices:
[a] Twice as Fast but Half as Pretty.
[b] Twice as Tasty but Half as Big.
[c] Twice as Big but Half as Tasty.
[d] Tell him that you are not interested.
{The TFHP (Twice as Fast but Half as Pretty) method
is a fine decision. I will return with the information
you requested. Thank you for your time.}
{Thank you, Sire, I will return with information on
The TTHB (Twice as Tasty but Half as Big) method.
I thought you might like the tasty approach. It is a popular
{Very well, the TBHT (Twice as Big but Half as Tasty)
leaflet is being reprinted. I will be back when the ink has
dried. Thank you for your interest.}
{I see that you need some time
to get comfortable with this new technique.
I will be back in a week.}

As Dr. Snodgrass leaves, he murmurs under his breath,
{The idea will certainly grow on him.}
{What a relief! The ink on the leaflets is not dry yet!}
{Now, if I could just remember to write that down
on my calendar.}
_Genetic Engineer: node 27505
Dr. Snodgrass returns to discuss his services.

{Sire, I hope that you have had a change of heart. My methods
are very successful, with little risk.

{Will you please reconsider?}

Do you:
[a] Say yes.
[b] Say no.
{Sire, thank you for this opportunity. You will not regret
this change of heart.}
{Sire, I will not bother you again.}

He hangs his head in disbelief and turns to leave. He mumbles,

{Some people do not have the vision I possess!}
{He would not know an E. coli if it bit him!}
{Perhaps now I will have time to
weed the garden!}

Cluster: 2760

_Genetic Engineer: node 27603
Dr. Snodgrass returns for one last attempt.

{I fervently wish that the seed of hope that I planted in your head has
grown. Have you reconsidered my offer?}

The guards move in to remove him from your presence.

{I see that your mind has no fertile ground for such new ideas!}
{No need to get rough! By God, you really are
as hard-headed as an oak tree!}
{Sire, I will leave under my own power, thank you!}

As Dr. Snodgrass leaves, he turns to you.

{May your crops dry up and wither away!}
_Genetic Engineer: node 27604
The head cook arrives carrying a basket of fresh vegetables.

{Sire, Dr. Snodgrass is a miracle worker.

{The fields are even more fertile than some of our young
{The foliage has never been so green and leafy!
And the farmers' wives are truly happy with
the size of their melons.}
{The vegetables have never been so tasty.
The villagers are walking on air and feeling healthier.}
_Genetic Engineer: node 27605
A very tired farmer comes to visit.

{Sire, whatever that Dr. Snodgrass did to the crops has worked too well!

{The plants are producing so much that the farmers must work
overtime to harvest the fruit before it rots on the vine.}

He yawns.

{I speak for all when I say that we do not relish this drudgery!}
_Genetic Engineer: node 27606
A farmer comes with news from the fields.

{Sire, this Snodgrass fellow is truly outstanding in his field.
The crops have grown beyond anything we could have ever

{One farmer grew a four-foot zucchini...er, I think it was
a zucchini.

{At any rate, thank you.}
{Sire! The crops have truly flourished!

{Dr. Snodgrass certainly has a green arm!

{Or maybe he was just wearing a green shirt.

{No matter. He surely has a way with plants!}
{Sire, thank you for sending Dr. Snodgrass!

{The crops have never looked so voluptuous!
The knights are volunteering to help harvest the
the tomatoes!}
_Genetic Engineer: node 27607
A farmer comes with news from the fields.

{Dr. Snodgrass was not as impressive as we thought.

{Although our yields did improve, the result was barely
more than we would normally expect.

{He is not as good as he imagines himself to be.}
{Snodgrass is a pleasant enough fellow, but he is not the
miracle worker he claims to be. Our yields did improve,
but only slightly.}
{Dr. Snodgrass puts on a good show, but the results were
just not as impressive as he claimed they would be. The
yields showed a slight improvement, but not as much as we had
_Genetic Engineer: node 27608
A very tired farmer comes to visit.

{Sire, Dr. Snodgrass' methods did not work. In fact, he
even destroyed some perfectly good corn.

{I think you were hoodwinked by a smooth-talking salesman.}
{Sire, that Dr. Snodgrass is a charlatan of the highest order.

{We saw no change in the yields. And
he even ruined a field that was producing well.

{You should be more careful in the future, and check
the references of those you would hire.}
{What a charlatan that Snodgrass turned out to be!

{Not only did he fail to enhance our yields, he actually ruined
a perfectly good field of tomatoes.}
_Exit Plague Part II: node 27609
A very tired farmer comes to visit.

{Sire, I have good news and bad news.

{The good news is that Dr. Snodgrass was a huge success.

{The bad news is that the crops have grown so much that
the farmers cannot keep up with their work. They
will be unable to bring in all the crops.}
{Additionally, because the farmers are so exhausted,
they have not brought their harvest to us. Our stockpiles
are being depleted.}
{Sire, that Dr. Snodgrass is possessed of extraordinary talents.

{The crops have flourished with his methods, but we
do not have the manpower to bring this bountiful harvest home.
And we will lose some of the crops that we already have.

Disheartened, he hangs his head and leaves.
{That Snodgrass is singularly successful!

{The crops flourished because of his methods, and now
there is no way for the farmers to finish their harvesting.
Worse yet, the farmers are too tired to tend to the current inventory,
so some has been lost.}

Cluster: 2770

_Dowser: node 27700
Madame Zelda, a dowser from a faraway village, arrives with an
interesting proposition.

She flips open her cape and stomps her foot.

{I am Madame Zelda!

{I have been summoned to this place by a great power.
I sense there is much wealth beneath the soil.
Please let me help you find these underground riches.
She pulls the hood away from her face. With a mysterious
lilt in her voice, she begins to speak.

{I am Madame Zelda.

{A very powerful feeling has brought me here.
My instincts tell me there is much wealth under this land.
I must find it. I MUST!
The old crone hobbles to your side. She slowly pulls back
her hood and begins to whisper in your ear.

{I am Madame Zelda. I feel that there is much wealth here.
For the right price I can tell you where to find it.

{My terms are as follows:

{For 2 Gold, I will use my powerful dowsing rod. It has
been very good to my previous clients. Very good indeed!

{For 1 Gold, I can use an ordinary broom, but you take your chances.
I am very powerful, even with a broom, although it is not as effective as
my enchanted dowsing rod.}

Bowing slightly, she says,

{It is your decision, Sire. I am at your disposal.}

Do you:
[a] Pay 2 Gold and have Madame Zelda use the dowsing rod.
[b] Pay 1 Gold and have Madame Zelda use a broom.
[c] Find your own stick and send your own men to do it.
{Excellent. Excellent! I will start this afternoon.}

Madame Zelda closes her cape as she leaves. She is
heard muttering to herself,
{I have a good feeling about this man!}
{I had better find a stick in a hurry!}
{Hee, Hee, HEE! Wait until I tell the girls back
at the castle!}
{As you wish, Sire. Of course, you will need to provide the broom.

Madame Zelda adjusts her hood to cover her head and part
of her face. She leaves mumbling,

{The broom? This man must think I am a witch!}
{The broom again! Well, at least I can sweep up when
I am done digging!}
{I can really clean up with this broom idea!
It is sweeping my patrons away!}
{Sire, dowsing should be left to professionals such as myself.}

Madame Zelda is escorted out of the room,
shrieking as she leaves,

{For your safety and that of your villagers,
I beg of you to reconsider!}
{Sire, this is most dangerous! You will enrage the powers that be.}
{You know not what you do, Sire! Please reconsider!}
_Dowser: node 27702
Douglas, a young man from the village, comes bearing news.

{Sire, Sire! A new vein of iron has been found. The village is
all abuzz about the find. Although it is only a small amount, about
ten percent of our current supply, it gives hope that more can be
found. Please, Sire, continue to look!}

Do you:
[a] Try it again.
[b] Quit.
{Thank you, Sire. THANK YOU! I will send for Madame Zelda.}

He dances from the room, bellowing,

{Let the dowsing continue!}
Jumping up and down, he runs from the
room gleefully, yelling,

{He said yes! He said YES!!}
The young man cannot contain his excitement. He
leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek.

{You are truly a grand leader. Thank you!}
{But... but Sire, how can you say no? We did rather well the
first time. Why not give it one more try? Please?}

He is removed from the room by the guards.

{Sire, I am sure that the entire village will feel the same
disappointment that I do.}
He is asked politely to leave.

{I will leave, Sire. But let me express to you how
truly dejected this will make the villagers. They were
so encouraged by the find.}

He hangs his head and slowly slinks out of the room.
He hangs his head and slowly shuffles out of the room.

{Sire, I think that you do not realize how excited
the villagers were about this remarkable occurrence.
They will be very disappointed that you have dispensed with
this magical resource so swiftly.}

Cluster: 2771

_Dowser: node 27713
Emily, a young maiden from the village, comes bearing news.

{I have extraordinary news, Sire! The dowsing has worked!

{A new vein of iron has been discovered. It is worth about a
quarter of our current supply. The villagers can talk of nothing
else. Even the most skeptical are amazed by the results.

{Please, allow the dowsing to continue! Please, Sire!}

Do you:
[a] Try it again.
[b] Quit.
Emily falls to her knees and kisses your hand.

{Sire, you are a most glorious leader! Thank you!

{I will send for Madame Zelda.}
{Sire, Thank you! You are so generous!

{I will send for Madame Zelda. She is most helpful.}
{Sire, I am so happy that you feel the same as we do!

{I will find Madame Zelda and send her to you.}
Emily begins to sob quietly.

{Sire, everyone will be truly disheartened by this

Emily turns to leave, wiping the tears from her face.
{As you wish. I hope you realize that
the villagers will be disappointed by this decision. But it
is your choice.}
She wipes a tear from her cheek.

{This is very disheartening, Sire. But, if this is what
you desire, I will pass the news onto the villagers.}

Emily continues to sob and blow her nose as she
slowly shuffles from the room.
_Dowser: node 27714
Madame Zelda returns from her dowsing mission.

{Sire, sometimes things do not go as planned, as I am sure you
know. No new minerals have been found to date.

{But, if you are willing give me another chance, I shall return shortly
to review the arrangements with you.}

Do you:
[a] Try it again.
[b] Quit.
Madame Zelda nods in agreement.

{As you wish, Sire. I am enchanted to have the
opportunity to serve you.}
{Majestic idea, Sire. I shall return when the powers tell
me that the time is right.}
{Thank you for your faith in my powers. I will return
when I sense that the time is right.}
Madame Zelda coils up like a cat ready to attack and hisses,

{You do not realize how you have upset the powers! You
will regret my dismissal.}
{Sire, you are clashing with very powerful forces!}
{You are very stubborn! I sense that you will regret
this action.}
_Dowser: node 27715
Madame Zelda returns to discuss her dowsing services.

She slowly opens her cape to reveal a dowsing rod
strapped to her hip.

{I, Madame Zelda, have returned!

{The powers tell me that this is the optimal time to look for
minerals in your soil.
She reveals a dowsing rod to you. Thunder rumbles and
a chill falls upon the room. Madame Zelda scowls.

{I have great powers! They can serve you...or work
against you. It is your decision.
She flips open her cape, pulls out her dowsing rod,
and points it directly between your eyes.

{I am Madame Zelda. I sense there is great wealth
beneath this ground. Allow me to use my powers to find it.

{My terms are as follows:

{For 2 Gold, I will use my powerful dowsing rod. It has
been very good to my previous clients. Very good indeed!

{For 1 Gold, I will use an ordinary broom.
My powers are potent, even with a broom. However, a broom may not
be as effective as my enchanted dowsing rod.}

Bowing slightly, she says,

{I will do as you wish.}

Do you:
[a] Pay 2 Gold and have Madame Zelda use her dowsing rod.
[b] Pay 1 Gold and have Madame Zelda use a broom.
[c] Find your own stick and have your men do it.
{Wonderful, Sire. I will start this afternoon.}

Madame Zelda mutters to herself,

{I hope this old stick does the trick!}
A cracking noise is heard. Madame Zelda hurries out the door.

{Oh, no! I had better find another stick}
Madame Zelda mutters to herself,

{Goodness gracious, I am getting too old for this shtick!}
{The broom is such an unusual choice, Sire.}

Madame Zelda adjusts her cape and leaves. She mutters
to herself,

{The broom? I cannot believe he picked the broom! This
guy is a lot more chintzy than I thought!}
{The broom again! Well, at least I can sweep up when
I am done digging!}
{The broom. An excellent choice -- I suppose.}
{Sire, dowsing is not for amateurs. It should be left to
professionals such as myself.}

Madame Zelda is ordered to leave.
As she is escorted out of your presence, she shrieks,

{For the well-being of all,
I beg you to reconsider!}
{Sire, I must register my protests! Such actions
could enrage the forces that be!}
{Sire, be careful, for you know not what you do!}

Cluster: 2781

_Dowser: node 27815
William, a local villager, comes bearing phenomenal news.

{Sire, Gold was found! While dowsing, we found
gold! I bring you this treasure.}

He hands you a bag filled with gold dust worth 3 Gold.

{Sire, the village is so thrilled with this discovery. Thank you
for your faith.}
{Can you believe it? Gold! Thank you for believing, Sire!}
{The village is buzzing with the news. All know of your
support. Thank you!}
_Dowser: node 27816
Richard, a local villager, dashes in to bring you news.

{Sire, we had such a surprise. The dowsing has led us to
gold. Not iron, but gold! It was only a meager amount,
but I am sure that you will gladly enrich your treasury with this.}

He hands you a bag with gold dust worth 1 Gold.
_Dowser: node 27817
Emily, a young maiden from the village, arrives in high spirits.

{I have extraordinary news, Sire! The dowsing has worked!

{It led us to a new vein of iron. The find is worth about a
quarter of our current supply.

{Thank you for keeping the faith.}
{The villagers are grateful for your support!}
{Sire, we all wish to express our heartfelt
gratitude for your support.}

Cluster: 2790

_Dowser: node 27907
Madame Zelda returns to say farewell.

{Sire, I have enjoyed my experiences here. I hope that you will
think of me in the future. In fact, I sense that you will.}
{It has been an enchanting experience! Please call on me again
if the forces possess you.}
{I do believe that this has been a most fortuitous experience!
I sense that we will meet again.}
_Dowser: node 27908
Walter, a local farmer, arrives.

{Sire, the dowsing has met with success. However, it is
not quite what we expected. We found water.

{The villagers are disappointed. We need iron and gold,
not mere water!

{Ultimately, the people will understand that you did your best. For
now, however, they are disillusioned.}
_Exit Plague Part II: node 27909
Emily, a young maiden from the village, dances joyfully into your presence.

{I have incredible news, Sire! The dowsing has worked!

{It has lead us to a new vein of iron. It is worth nearly
half of our current supply. Is this not the most wonderful news?}

Cluster: 2800

_Plague Plot Part I node n28007
Sir Derek, an army commanders arrives. He looks a little green.

{Sire, there has been another outbreak. This was no accident.

{Rumors are flying that Elma, the headmistress, is angry about
the way you have treated her.
The rumor mill says she might be responsible.}

Do you:
[a] Refuse to reinstate the headmistress.
[b] Agree to reinstate the headmistress.
[c] Have Elma, the headmistress, killed.
{Although this will not be very popular with the people,
it is probably for the best.}
{Reinstate? Are you crazy? This woman is a health hazard
to the community. Or at least anyone who eats her cooking!}
{On the other hand, she is a sweet old woman! I can see
why you would not want to throw her out on the streets.}
{Killed? Is that not slightly harsh? Why not make her do
dishes for the rest of her life instead?}
{Good idea? You like that dishes idea?

{What a relief! I will cancel the orders to have
her killed. This will make the people much happier.}
_Plague Plot Part I node n28008
One of the maiden in training comes to visit.

{Sire, I am Elizabeth. I have come on behalf of my whole class.
We wish to apologize for the mix up with the spoiled mushrooms.
Thank you for being so understanding.}

She bows her head slightly and bats her big brown eyes at you.

{To help make the men feel better, the girls and I have been
waiting on them hand and foot. I fear they like it too much.
However, they are almost back to normal.
Too bad, I like big, brawny, vulnerable men!

{Now Sire, I hope that you do not blame poor Elma. This is
not her fault. She feels terrible about this whole mess. In
fact, it was her idea to care for the men.

{We believe that she deserves a raise of 1 Gold. She is truly
a diligent worker with your best interest at heart.}

Elizabeth winks at you.

{So what do you say big boy?}

Do you:
[a] Send your deepest gratitude to the girls but no raise.
[b] Agree to pay the 1 Gold raise.
[c] Tell her it will take more than a wink for you to pay 1 Gold.
Rolling her big, brown eyes in disgust.

{Thanks a whole lot, Sire.

{You know money talks louder than words!}

She flips her hair and struts out of the room.
{Thank you, Sire. I will be back tonight to show you how
I appreciate your generosity.}
{Oh yeah? What would it take? You cranky old man!}

Elizabeth is fuming as she leaves.
_Exit Plague Plot Part I node n28009
Sir Derek, an army commander, is back.

{Sire, the men are slow to recover. This food poisoning has really
taken a toll on their health and well being. Some are still not
well yet.}
{And I hate to mention it, but some more took ill this very morning.

{Sire I pray we will be back to normal soon. We have just one
request. PLEASE keep the girls away from the pots and pans
for a while!}

Cluster: 2901

_Mother May I? Charles
_MMI Cha: node 29011
Queen Catherine calls on you.
{Count, I have three fair daughters of marrying age. I know you are
a rogue, but I still offer you the eldest, Prunella. Marrying her
would certainly increase your popularity. Do you accept my offer?}

[a] Yes.
[b] Ask for another daughter.
[c] No.
She smiles shrewdly.
{Your reputation as a poor businessman is clearly
unfounded. Prunella will soon come to call.}
{Marriages should not be arranged in haste. I shall contact
you when I have an answer.}
{But Count, even one as boorish as yourself must realize
your people are unhappy. You must at least pretend you are

[a] Agree to marry Prunella.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{Count, you are smarter than people say.}
She sniffs in disdain.
{Mark my words, Prunella will someday rule alongside
the King of Bretagne. Good day.}
_MMI Cha: node 29012
A messenger delivers a box of candied cherries.
{Sire, Queen Catherine offers this appeasement for her rude
behavior during her last visit. She also says Prunella is still
available, but you must act quickly.}

Do you:
[a] Accept the gift.
[b] Give it to the messenger.
[c] Send it back.
[d] Agree to marry Prunella.
He gives you the cherries and leaves.
He kneels.
{Sire, your graciousness is as uncommon as the rarest jewel.
I shall savor every bite.}
He nods.
{I shall return them to Queen Catherine.}
{Sire, let me be the first to congratulate you. I shall
inform Queen Catherine at once.}
_MMI Cha: node 29013
After wolfing down Queen Catherine's cherries, you suffer
a blinding headache. Finally, a good trephining relieves your
_MMI Cha: node 29014
A messenger you've never seen before enters.
{Sire, I am your new messenger, Geofrey. Your former messenger
was found dead this morning, face down in a box of candied
_MMI Cha: node 29015
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{Friends do not return peace offerings. You shall hear from me.}
_MMI Cha: node 29016
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Prunella, to
Phillip, Duke of Burgundy, the future King of Bretagne.}
Ramiro, King of Aragon, the future ruler of Bretagne.}
Henri, Duke of Anjou. He is more a man than thou.}
_MMI Cha: node 29017
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased that you have come to your senses. Prunella will soon
come to call.}
_MMI Cha: node 29018
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never do business with you again. Not even
in Hell.}

Cluster: 2902

_MMI Cha: node 29021
Princess Prunella arrives. She is voluptuous, with
breasts like jutting turrets.
{Sire, I have heard so much about you. I hope it is all true.
I must say you are very handsome, too. May I stay at the castle
while the engagement parade is prepared?}

[a] Let her stay.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Prunella bows, showing ample cleavage.
{I look forward to every minute.}
Prunella's face drops.
{Your wish is my command. I shall await my summons.}
Prunella cries:
{How can you treat me this way? Am I not lovely?
Am I not influential? Am I not agreeable? Sire, you
are lowlier than rat droppings. Good day!}
_MMI Cha: node 29022
Prunella enters. She is crying.
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Phillip of Burgundy.
Please free me so I may marry him.}
{Sire, I still find you very attractive, but I have fallen
in love with Ramiro of Aragon. Please set me free.}
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Henri of Anjou.
Please free me so I may be his wife.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
Prunella beams.
{Oh Sire, I shall always remember your kindness!}
{Oh Sire, I just want to die!}
_MMI Cha: node 29023
Queen Catherine visits.
{Count, you can forget the engagement. Your kingdom is practically
worthless. Certainly not worthy of Prunella! If you again rise to
power, I may call on you again.}
_MMI Cha: node 29024
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I request that you free Princess Prunella. For her, I will
give you a chest of jewels.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Count, if you free the fair Princess Prunella, I will give
you 100 hard-working serfs. What is your reply?}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{I must bother you because I'm blue. You see, I love Prunella true.
I would be your friend for life if you will let her be my wife.}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A chest of jewels and a message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Prunella. Enjoy the jewels, for
I need them not. I have the brightest gem of all.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{As promised, I am sending 100 serfs to your kingdom.
I hope you will be as happy as myself.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{I, for one, shall never call you a miser. You hath
given me my heart's desire.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I cannot believe you will not free Prunella. I am very
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{You are both selfish and a fool for keeping Prunella
against her will. This has severely damaged our
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{A man who keeps Prunella from me will forever be my enemy.}
_MMI Cha: node 29026
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with trained doves costs 2 Gold. One featuring 100
white stallions costs 1 Gold. What is your wish?}

[a] Doves.
[b] Stallions.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
He gasps.
{But Sire! If you don't have a parade, the people may
riot. They are very restless these days.}

Do you choose:
[a] Doves - 2 Gold.
[b] Stallions - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He sighs in relief.
{Sire, I am sure you made the right decision.}
He smiles.
{Excellent, Sire.}
He sighs.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Cha: node 29027
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I do not understand why you sent Prunella home. If this
engagement is to continue, you must plan the traditional parade
at once.}

Do you:
[a] Ignore her.
[b] Plan the parade.

Cluster: 2903

_MMI Cha: node 29031
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss flowers at you and your blushing betrothed, then
proceed to throw a merry riot. Prunella is thrilled.
_MMI Cha: node 29032
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The surly
villagers hurl turnips and dung at you and Prunella. The mob turns
into a riot, and the royal procession must flee to the castle.
_MMI Cha: node 29033
Prunella enters. She is crying.
{Count, the people are taunting me because you haven't held a
parade in my honor. Won't you please show them you love me?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She kisses you on the cheek.
{Oh, thank you! You are truly kind.}
She falls to her knees.
{Oh Count, I just want to die!}
_MMI Cha: node 29034
Queen Catherine arrives. Her nostrils flare with fury.
{How dare you have no parade? Prunella must be honored! Now!!}

[a] Agree.
[b] Scoff at her.
She glares.
{I look forward to the ceremony.}
She bares her sharp teeth.
{You will regret this!}
_MMI Cha: node 29035
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Count, a parade with trained falcons costs 2 Gold. One
with jugglers costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

[a] Falcons.
[b] Jugglers.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{Very well. I shall commence preparations.}
He nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
{But Sire, surely you knew a ceremony would cost something.
Why not have a small parade?}

Do you choose:
[a] The small parade.
[b] Nothing.
{I am glad you reconsidered. It shall be done.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Cha: node 29036
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Prunella. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing,
but still be quite touching.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Excellent. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
He smiles.
{I thought that might appeal to you.}
He smiles.
{I see. Very well.}
_MMI Cha: node 29037
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Prunella. You can forget
about my other daughters, too, you dog.}

Cluster: 2904

_MMI Cha: node 29041
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Prunella ate some green kumquats this morn, and now she is
feverish and delirious.}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows, revealing ample cleavage.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows, revealing ample cleavage.
{Yes, Sire.}
_MMI Cha: node 29042
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Prunella is gone! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I cannot accept the dreadful destiny of being your
Queen. Farewell and good luck.'}
_MMI Cha: node 29043
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Prunella is dead! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I could not endure the thought of our marriage. With
death, I find solace in being close to God. Say hello to Mother.'}
_MMI Cha: node 29044
Prunella's nurse enters.
{Prunella is greatly recovered, but she could use a spiritual
boost. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very well, Sire.}
Her eyes avoid yours.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Cha: node 29045
Prunella's nurse enters.
{Prunella is dead. With her last breaths, she asked for you to
remember her. Shall I call the royal ceremony planner?}

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She glares.
{As you wish.}
She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Cha: node 29046
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{To commemorate Princess Prunella, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost only 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very good, Sire.}
He smiles.
{I thought you might like that. A song it shall be.}
He smiles.
{I see.}
_MMI Cha: node 29047
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You have gone too far. I hope you roast in Hell.}

Cluster: 2905

_MMI Cha: node 29051
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Count, your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done, my liege.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done, my liege.}
He frowns.
{As you wish, my liege.}
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people joyously throw rotten potatoes and dung.
Prunella chokes back a sob with a fierce smile. She exclaims:
{I shall never forget this day!}
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The jeering people throw prunes. The mob turns into a rioting
Horrified, Prunella gasps:
{I want to go home to mother!}
_MMI Cha: node 29059 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2911

_MMI Cha: node 29111
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
second daughter, Griselda. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Cha: node 29116
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Griselda, to
Ramiro, King of Aragon.}
Henri, Duke of Anjou.}
Phillip, Duke of Burgundy.}
_MMI Cha: node 29118
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{Count, you are a scoundrel. I shall never do business with
you again.}

Cluster: 2912

_MMI Cha: node 29121
Princess Griselda arrives. She has the face of a horse and the
body of a pig. She smells about as good, too. She says:
{Count, I am sure our union will be a profitable one. Indeed, I
cannot wait for you to lavish me with my first gift.}

[a] Throw her a trinket.
[b] Laugh at her.
[c] Promise her anything.
You give her a golden goblet. She spits on it.
{A goblet? What use have I for such a thing? Jewels would
certainly be more appropriate.}

[a] Give her jewels.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Smiling, she slips a sapphire bracelet on her wrist.
{I think we shall get along very well.}
She stomps her foot.
{How dare you treat me like a child? Count, you are
a swine!}
She laughs.
{Ha! I wouldn't have married you anyway. You have the face
of a dog, the body of a boar, and you smell like a
She spits.
{How dare you! Queen Catherine shall hear about this!}
She laughs.
{Promises are sweet, but worthless. I trust you will soon give
me something more tangible.}
_MMI Cha: node 29122
Griselda comes to see you. Her tiny eyes glow with determination.
{Count, I love Ramiro of Aragon. His business acumen thrills
me beyond words. You must free me.}
{Count, I am love with Henri of Anjou. I know he is scrawny
and weak, but I love him anyway. You must free me.}
{Count, we must sever our engagement. I love Phillip of
Burgundy. He is so romantic, unlike thou.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She laughs.
{Count, for the first time, I actually like you!}
She sneers:
{Count, you are a snake. I hope someone crushes you.}
_MMI Cha: node 29123
Queen Catherine visits.
{Count, the engagement is off. Your kingdom is worthless,
but Griselda is not. If you ever rise to power again, maybe then
I shall call on you.}
_MMI Cha: node 29124
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Free Princess Griselda, and I shall give you 200 of my
finest wenches. What is your reply?}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Please give Griselda to me, for our love is one of destiny.
I will e'er stick by your side if you will let Griselda be my bride.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{If you free Princess Griselda so that we may wed, I shall
give you my entire wine cellar.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{As promised, I am sending 200 wenches. I hope you
will be as happy as myself.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Thank you for setting Griselda free. You shall
always get respect from me.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Griselda. Enjoy the wine, for
I need it not. I have the richest intoxicant of all.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{You are a fool to keep Griselda against her will.
This has severely damaged our relationship.}
A message arrives from Henri, Duke of Anjou.
{You will not let Griselda go, so I shall be
your mortal foe.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I am very disappointed that you will not free
Griselda. I thought we were friends.}
_MMI Cha: node 29126
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with fireworks costs 2 Gold. One with magicians
costs 1 Gold. What is your desire, Sire?}

[a] Fireworks.
[b] Magicians.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Count, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
{But Sire! The people already complain that they scarcely
see you. You must show you are thinking of them.}

Do you choose:
[a] Fireworks - 2 Gold.
[b] Magicians - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I am very pleased. It shall be done.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Cha: node 29127
A messenger arrives.
{Count, Queen Catherine is distressed that you sent Griselda home.
She says you must plan the traditional parade in honor of the engagement

[a] Refuse.
[b] Plan the parade.
{I shall deliver the message, Sire.}
{I shall notify the royal ceremony planner.}
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Old 12-10-2015, 07:12 AM   #159
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 2913

_MMI Cha: node 29131
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss flowers at you and your betrothed.
Griselda grumbles:
{I would think they could throw something of value!}
_MMI Cha: node 29132
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The jeering
villagers hurl rotten potatoes at you and Griselda. She spits
on them and shouts:
{Laugh now, fools, for I shall tax you until you until you die
horrible deaths! Ha ha!}
_MMI Cha: node 29133
Griselda enters.
{Count, the people are scoffing at me because there has been no
parade. What sort of a man are you anyway? Where is my parade?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{I am glad you came to your senses.}
She sneers:
{You are such a fool.}
_MMI Cha: node 29134
Queen Catherine enters.
{How dare you have no engagement parade? You must treat Griselda
with respect!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She grimaces.
{Count, you are very wise.}
She shakes her fist.
{You will be sorry!}
_MMI Cha: node 29135
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with elephants costs 2 Gold. One with 1,000 choirs
costs 1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Elephants.
[b] Choirs.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{But Sire! Why then, did you call me? You simply must
have a parade. It is tradition.}

Do you choose:
[a] Elephants - 2 Gold.
[b] Choirs - 1 Gold.
[c] To dismiss him.
{Count, I am glad you reconsidered. It shall be done.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Cha: node 29136
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Griselda. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your taste is excellent. It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{A song it shall be.}
{I am sorry to hear this, my liege.}
_MMI Cha: node 29137
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Griselda for you have
proven to be unworthy of her.}

Cluster: 2914

_MMI Cha: node 29141
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Griselda is gravely ill. She drank some ancient Bordeaux,
and now we cannot awaken her.}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Cha: node 29142
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire, Griselda is gone! She left a note. It says:
'What did you expect, you snake?'}
_MMI Cha: node 29143
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Griselda is dead! She left a note. It says:
'Count, I wish I were you.'}
_MMI Cha: node 29144
Griselda's nurse enters.
{Sire, Griselda is greatly recovered, but she could still use a
lift. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
{As you wish.}
_MMI Cha: node 29145
Griselda's nurse enters.
{Sire, Griselda is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Make him pay...Make him pay...' Shall I call the royal ceremony

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She nods.
{As you wish.}
She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Cha: node 29146
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold to commemorate Princess Griselda.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{A song it shall be.}
{Very well, my liege.}
_MMI Cha: node 29147
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You shall pay, Count. You shall pay.}

Cluster: 2915

_MMI Cha: node 29151
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song, nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
{It shall be done, my liege.}
{Very well, my liege.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Cha: node 29152
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people ooh and ah.
Griselda laughs.
{What fools! I can't wait to dominate them.}
_MMI Cha: node 29153
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw old soup bones. The mob turns into
a rioting throng.
Griselda laughs.
{Finally, I'm having some fun!}
_MMI Cha: node 29159 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2921

_MMI Cha: node 29211
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
third daughter, Priscilla. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Cha: node 29216
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Priscilla, to
Ramiro, King of Aragon. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
Henri, Duke of Anjou. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
Phillip, Duke of Burgundy. It is unfortunate
you missed your chance.}
_MMI Cha: node 29218
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am sorry my daughters do not meet your high standards. I
shall never offer you anything again.}

Cluster: 2922

_MMI Cha: node 29221
Your newly betrothed Priscilla arrives. She has the face of a
goat and the body of a child. At least she smells terrific.
{Sire, together, we shall make this kingdom great. Let us lower
taxes and liberate the people! They will be forever loyal.}

[a] Agree.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Priscilla kisses you on the brow. She sighs:
{Count, you are noble indeed!}
Priscilla flushes.
{I thought you were kind. Now I don't know what to believe.
Good day.}
Priscilla flushes.
{I understand.}
_MMI Cha: node 29222
Priscilla enters. She holds her chin high.
{Henri of Anjou and I are in love. Please show your love and
free me.}

{Sire, I must go. Phillip of Burgundy and I love each
other very much, and we wish to wed.}
{Sire, I am sorry, but I am in love with Ramiro of Aragon.
I must be with him. Please free me.}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She kisses your hand.
{Bless you, Sire, and farewell.}
She turns white.
{Sire, I am devastated.}
_MMI Cha: node 29223
Queen Catherine visits.
{Count, the engagement is off. Your lowly kingdom is not worthy of my
fair Priscilla. Good day.}
_MMI Cha: node 29224
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{I love Priscilla and Priscilla loves me. Won't you be
kind and set her free?}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I request that you free Princess Priscilla. For her, I will
give you 100 of my fastest steeds.}

A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{If you free Princess Priscilla, I will give you my reknowned
art collection. What is your reply?}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Henri, Duke of Anjou.
{Count, thou are truly great. We shall soon set our
wedding date.}
A message arrives from Phillip, Duke of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Priscilla. The steeds are
on their way.}
A message arrives from Ramiro, King of Aragon.
{As promised, I am sending my treasured art collection.
I hope you will be as happy as myself.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{You will not let Priscilla go, so I shall be
your mortal foe.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I am very disappointed that you will not free
Priscilla. I thought we were friends.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{You are both selfish and a fool for keeping Priscilla
against her will. This has severely damaged our
_MMI Cha: node 29226
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with mimes costs 2 Gold. One with dancing dogs costs
1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Mimes.
[b] Dogs.
[c] Nothing.
{Excellent choice, Sire. It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
{But Sire, the people love Priscilla. They eagerly await
a parade.}

Do you choose:
[a] Mimes - 2 Gold.
[b] Dogs - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{I am very pleased. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very well, my liege.}
He sighs:
{I understand, my liege.}

Cluster: 2923

_MMI Cha: node 29231
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss roses at you and your betrothed.
Priscilla shouts:
{Rejoice, o' people of Valois! When I am Queen, we shall all
share alike. All men will be equal! And no more taxes!}
Your stomach churns as you watch the villagers go berserk. A riot
_MMI Cha: node 29232
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The villagers hurl
rotten potatoes at you and Priscilla. She shouts:
{You may despise me now, but when we eliminate all taxes, you
shall love your Queen!}
The people jeer. Your glare goes unnoticed by Priscilla.
_MMI Cha: node 29233
Priscilla strides in.
{Sire, the people are unhappy because there has been no parade.
Isn't it time to have one?}
Do you:
[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{You are kind indeed.}
She looks you in the eye.
{I pray your people don't turn against you.}
_MMI Cha: node 29234
Queen Catherine arrives.
{How dare you have no parade? Priscilla is very popular and
influential. She must be honored!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She laughs.
{I cannot believe how tiresome you are.}
{Count, you will regret this!}
_MMI Cha: node 29235
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with costumed ponies costs 2 Gold. One with trained monkeys
costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

Do you choose:
[a] Ponies.
[b] Monkeys.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{Very good.}
He bows his head.
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Cha: node 29236
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{A tower commemorating Princess Priscilla would cost 2 Gold, a
statue, 1 Gold. A lovely song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Your taste is excellent. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very good, Sire.}
He smiles wryly.
{A song it shall be.}
He frowns.
{I am sorry to hear this, my liege.}
_MMI Cha: node 29237
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Priscilla. Count, you hath
lost all.}

Cluster: 2924

_MMI Cha: node 29241
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Priscilla is gravely ill. She ate some apples this morning,
and now we cannot awaken her!}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Cha: node 29242
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Priscilla is gone! She left a note. It says:
'My soul guides me elsewhere. Farewell, Sire.'}
_MMI Cha: node 29243
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Priscilla is dead! She left a note. It says:
'Farewell, cruel world. I loved you so.'}
_MMI Cha: node 29244
Priscilla's nurse enters.
{Priscilla's fate is still uncertain. A spiritual boost would help.
Perhaps you could commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very well.}
She nods.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Cha: node 29245
Priscilla's nurse enters.
{Priscilla is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Don't pity me. It is lovely here. So bright...'
Do you wish for a commemoration?}

[a] No.
[b] Yes.
She nods.
{As you wish.}
{I shall send for one.}
_MMI Cha: node 29246
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I suggest commemorating Princess Priscilla with a tower. It would
cost 2 Gold. A statue would cost 1 Gold, and a song would
cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
He nods.
{Very good.}
He frowns.
{A song it shall be.}
He frowns.
{Very well, my liege.}
_MMI Cha: node 29247
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never forget you were responsible for this.}

Cluster: 2925

_MMI Cha: node 29251
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I recommend commemorating the princess with a bridge costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song costs nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{It shall be done.}
He frowns.
{It shall be done.}
{But Sire! Princess Priscilla will be so hurt. Please

Do you choose:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{I am very pleased.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done.}
He nods.
{As you wish, my liege.}
He frowns.
Very well, Sire.
_MMI Cha: node 29253
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people react with resounding oohs and ahs.
Priscilla beams.
{These truly are my people!}
_MMI Cha: node 29252
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw old soup bones. The mob turns into
a rioting throng.
Priscilla sighs.
{Someday they will love me!}
_MMI Cha: node 29259 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2931

_Mother May I? Ramiro
_MMI Ram: node 29311
Queen Catherine calls on you.
{Sire, I have three fair daughters of marrying age. I know you are
a shrewd businessman, so I offer you the eldest, Prunella. Marrying her
would certainly increase your popularity. Shall it be done?}

[a] Yes.
[b] Ask for another daughter.
[c] No.
She smiles.
{You are a man with taste. Prunella will soon come to call.}
{That is an interesting proposal. I shall contact you when I
have an answer.}
{But Sire, Prunella is so desirable and you will certainly
have to wed some day. Why not take the best while you can?}

[a] Agree to marry Prunella.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{Your judgment is supreme.}
She scowls.
{And I thought you had a brain!}
_MMI Ram: node 29312
A messenger delivers a box of candied cherries.
{Sire, Queen Catherine offers this appeasement for her rude
behavior during her last visit. She also says Prunella is still
available, but you must act quickly.}

Do you:
[a] Accept the gift.
[b] Give it to the messenger.
[c] Send it back.
[d] Agree to marry Prunella.
He gives you the cherries and leaves.
He kisses your feet.
{You are benevolent indeed!}
He nods.
{I shall return them to Queen Catherine.}
{I shall inform Queen Catherine at once.}
_MMI Ram: node 29313
After sampling Queen Catherine's cherries, you suffer
violent cramping. Finally, a good leeching relieves your
_MMI Ram: node 29314
A messenger you've never seen before enters.
{Sire, I am your new messenger, John. Your former messenger
was found dead this morning, face down in a box of candied
_MMI Ram: node 29315
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{It is not good business to return peace offerings. You shall hear
from me.}
_MMI Ram: node 29316
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Prunella, to
Phillip, Duke of Burgundy. He has good sense.}
Charles, King of Valois. He has good sense.}
Henri, Duke of Anjou. He was desparate.}
_MMI Ram: node 29317
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You have made the right decision. Prunella will soon
come to call.}
_MMI Ram: node 29318
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never do business with a dog like you again.}

Cluster: 2932

_MMI Ram: node 29321
Princess Prunella arrives. She has the face of an ox and the body
of a pig.
{Sire, I hope we shall be happy. May I stay at the castle
while the engagement parade is prepared?}

[a] Let her stay.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Prunella bows.
{Thank you, Sire.}
Prunella's face drops.
{As you wish.}
Prunella cries:
{How can you be so cruel? I shall tell the kingdom about this!}
_MMI Ram: node 29322
Prunella enters. She is crying.
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Phillip of Burgundy.
Please free me so I may marry him.}
{Sire, I still find you very attractive, but I have fallen
in love with Charles of Valois. Please set me free.}
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Henri of Anjou.
Please free me so I may be his wife.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
Prunella beams.
{Oh Sire, I shall tell the kingdom of your kindness!}
{Oh Sire, I just want to die!}
_MMI Ram: node 29323
Queen Catherine visits.
{Sire, you can forget the engagement. Your kingdom is practically
worthless. Certainly not worthy of Prunella! If you again rise to
power, I may call on you again.}
_MMI Ram: node 29324
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I request that you free Princess Prunella. For her, I will
give you a chest of jewels.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Sire, if you free the fair Princess Prunella, I will give
you 100 hard-working *****s. If you don't, I shall slay you.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{I must bother you because I'm blue. You see, I love Prunella true.
I would be your friend for life if you will let her be my wife.}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A chest of jewels and a message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Prunella. Enjoy the jewels, for
I need them not. I have the brightest gem of all.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{The *****s are on their way. Kiss them for me.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{I, for one, shall never call you a miser. You hath
given me my heart's desire.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I cannot believe you will not free Prunella. I am very
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Enjoy your last breaths.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{A man who keeps Prunella from me will ever be my enemy.}
_MMI Ram: node 29326
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with blackbird pie costs 2 Gold. One featuring 100
minstrels costs 1 Gold. What is your wish?}

[a] Pie.
[b] Minstrels.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
He gasps.
{But Sire! It is impolite not to have a parade. Think
of your image.}

Do you choose:
[a] Pie - 2 Gold.
[b] Minstrels - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He sighs in relief.
{Sire, I am sure you made the right decision.}
He smiles.
{Excellent, Sire.}
He sighs.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Ram: node 29327
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I do not understand why you sent Prunella home. If this
engagement is to continue, you must plan the traditional parade
at once.}

Do you:
[a] Ignore her.
[b] Plan the parade.

Cluster: 2933

_MMI Ram: node 29331
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss gold at you and your blushing betrothed.
Prunella looks wistful, but smiles at you.
_MMI Ram: node 29332
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The surly
villagers jeer at you and Prunella. She sighs:
{I cannot wait to become Queen.}
_MMI Ram: node 29333
Prunella enters. She is crying.
{Sire, the people mock me because you haven't held a
parade in my honor. Won't you please show them you love me?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She kisses you on the cheek.
{Oh, thank you! You are truly kind.}
She falls to her knees.
{Oh Sire, I just want to die!}
_MMI Ram: node 29334
Queen Catherine arrives. Her nostrils flare with fury.
{How dare you have no parade? Prunella must be honored! Now!!}

[a] Agree.
[b] Scoff at her.
She glares.
{Thank you, Sire.}
She bares her sharp teeth.
{You will be sorry!}
_MMI Ram: node 29335
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, a parade with trained parakeets costs 2 Gold. One
with fire dancers costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

[a] Parakeets.
[b] Dancers.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{Very well. I shall commence preparations.}
He nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
{But Sire, surely you knew a ceremony would cost something.
Why not have a small parade?}

Do you choose:
[a] The small parade.
[b] Nothing.
{I am glad you reconsidered. It shall be done.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Ram: node 29336
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Prunella. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing,
but still be quite touching.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Excellent. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
He nods.
{Very well.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Ram: node 29337
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Prunella, and my other daughters
shall never be available for you.}

Cluster: 2934

_MMI Ram: node 29341
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Prunella ate some curds and whey this morn, and now she cannot
stop twitching!}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{Yes, Sire.}
_MMI Ram: node 29342
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Prunella is gone! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I cannot accept the dreadful destiny of being your
Queen. Farewell and good luck.'}
_MMI Ram: node 29343
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Prunella is dead! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I could not endure the thought of our marriage. With
death, I find solace in being close to God. Say hello to Mother.'}
_MMI Ram: node 29344
Prunella's nurse enters.
Prunella is greatly recovered, but she could use a spiritual
boost. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very well, Sire.}
Her eyes avoid yours.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Ram: node 29345
Prunella's nurse enters.
{Prunella is dead. With her last breaths, she asked for you to
remember her. Shall I call the royal ceremony planner?}

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She glares.
{As you wish.}
She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Ram: node 29346
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{To commemorate Princess Prunella, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost only 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very good, Sire.}
He smiles.
{I thought you might like that. A song it shall be.}
He smiles.
{I see.}
_MMI Ram: node 29347
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You have gone too far. I hope you roast in Hell.}

Cluster: 2935

_MMI Ram: node 29351
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done, my liege.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done, my liege.}
He frowns.
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Ram: node 29352
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people joyously throw gemstones and rosebuds.
Prunella chokes back a sob with a fierce smile. She exclaims:
{I shall never forget this day!}
_MMI Ram: node 29353
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The jeering people throw stones.
Horrified, Prunella gasps:
{I want to go home to mother!}
_MMI Ram: node 29359 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2941

_MMI Cha: node 29511
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
second daughter, Griselda. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Ram: node 29416
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Griselda, to
Charles, King of Valois.}
Henri, Duke of Anjou.}
Phillip, Duke of Burgundy.}
_MMI Ram: node 29418
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{Sire, you are a disappointment. I shall never do business with
you again.}

Cluster: 2942

_MMI Ram: node 29421
Princess Griselda arrives. She is sharp and stylish, with long,
chestnut hair. She says:
{Sire, I am sure our union will be a profitable one. Indeed, I
cannot wait for you to lavish me with my first gift.}

[a] Give her a bauble.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Promise her anything.
You give her a golden harp. She spits on it.
{A harp? That is a plaything for servants. Jewels would
certainly be more appropriate.}

[a] Give her jewels.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Smiling, she dons a diamond tiara.
{I think we shall get along very well.}
She stomps her foot.
{How dare you treat me like a child? Sire, you are
a lout!}
She laughs.
{I wouldn't have married you anyway. You have the face
of a horse and the body of a pig!}
She spits.
{How dare you! Queen Catherine shall hear about this!}
She laughs.
{Promises are sweet, but worthless. I trust you will soon give
me something more tangible.}
_MMI Ram: node 29422
Griselda comes to see you. Her green eyes glow with determination.
{Sire, I love Charles of Valois. He is a true leader who will
someday be King of Bretagne. You must free me.}
{Sire, I am love with Henri of Anjou. I know he is not very
smart, nor powerful, but I love him anyway. You must free me.}
{Sire, we must sever our engagement. I love Phillip of
Burgundy. He is so romantic, unlike thou.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She smiles.
{Sire, you are thoroughly decent.}
She sneers:
{Sire, you show poor judgment indeed.}
_MMI Ram: node 29423
Queen Catherine visits.
{Sire, the engagement is off. Your kingdom is worthless,
but Griselda is not. If you ever rise to power again, maybe then
I shall call on you.}
_MMI Ram: node 29424
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Griselda, and I shall give you 200 of my
finest *****s. If not, I shall slay you.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{If you free Princess Griselda so that we may wed, I shall
give you my entire wine cellar.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Please give Griselda to me, for our love is one of destiny.
I will e'er stick by your side if you will let Griselda be my bride.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{I am sending 200 *****s. You shall live
for now.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Griselda. Enjoy the wine, for
I need it not. I have the richest intoxicant of all.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Thank you for setting Griselda free. You shall
always get respect from me.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You are a fool to keep Griselda against her will.
This has severely damaged our relationship.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I am very disappointed that you will not free
Griselda. I thought we were friends.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{You will not let Griselda go, so I shall be
your mortal foe.}
_MMI Ram: node 29426
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with virgin sopranos costs 2 Gold. One with magicians
costs 1 Gold. What is your desire, Sire?}

[a] Virgins.
[b] Magicians.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
{But Sire! The people already complain that they scarcely
see you. You must show you are thinking of them.}

Do you choose:
[a] Virgins - 2 Gold.
[b] Magicians - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I am very pleased. It shall be done.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Ram: node 29427
A messenger arrives.
{Sire, Queen Catherine is distressed that you sent Griselda home.
She says you must plan the traditional engagement parade

[a] Refuse.
[b] Plan the parade.
{I shall deliver the message, Sire.}
{I shall notify the royal ceremony planner.}

Cluster: 2943

_MMI Ram: node 29431
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss gold coins at you and your betrothed.
Griselda beams:
{I cannot wait for all this gold to be mine!}
_MMI Ram: node 29432
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The jeering
villagers hurl epithets at you and Griselda. She spits
on them and shouts:
{Laugh now, fools, for all you own shall soon be mine!}
_MMI Ram: node 29433
Griselda enters.
{Sire, the people are scoffing at me because there has been no
parade. What sort of a man are you anyway? Where is my parade?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{I am glad you came to your senses.}
She sneers:
{And I thought I loved you.}
_MMI Ram: node 29434
Queen Catherine enters.
{How dare you have no engagement parade? You must treat Griselda
with respect!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She grimaces.
{Sire, you are very wise.}
She shakes her fist.
{You will be sorry!}
_MMI Ram: node 29435
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with flaming pigeons costs 2 Gold. One with flaming
cake costs 1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Pigeons.
[b] Cake.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{But Sire! Why then, did you call me? You simply must
have a parade. It is tradition.}

Do you choose:
[a] Pigeons - 2 Gold.
[b] Cake - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, I am glad you reconsidered. It shall be done.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Ram: node 29436
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Griselda. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your taste is excellent. It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{A song it shall be.}
{I am sorry to hear this, my liege.}
_MMI Ram: node 29437
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Griselda for you have
proven to be unworthy of her.}

Cluster: 2944

_MMI Ram: node 29441
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Griselda is gravely ill. She ate some strange-looking truffles
and now we cannot awaken her.}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Ram: node 29442
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire, Griselda is gone! She left a note. It says:
'What did you expect, you miser?'}
_MMI Ram: node 29443
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Griselda is dead! She left a note. It says:
'Sire, I hope you pay.'}
_MMI Ram: node 29444
Griselda's nurse enters.
Sire, Griselda is greatly recovered, but she could still use a
lift. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
{As you wish.}
_MMI Ram: node 29445
Griselda's nurse enters.
{Sire, Griselda is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Make him pay...Make him pay...' Shall I call the royal ceremony

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She nods.
{As you wish.}
She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Ram: node 29446
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold to commemorate Princess Griselda.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{A song it shall be.}
{Very well, my liege.}
_MMI Ram: node 29447
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You shall pay, Sire. You shall pay.}

Cluster: 2945

_MMI Ram: node 29451
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song, nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
{It shall be done, my liege.}
{Very well, my liege.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Ram: node 29452
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people ooh and ah.
Griselda laughs.
{What fools! I cannot wait to subjugate them to my will.}
_MMI Ram: node 29453
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw old soup bones. The mob turns into
a rioting throng.
Griselda laughs.
{Finally, I'm having some fun!}
_MMI Ram: node 29459 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2951

_MMI Cha: node 29511
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
third daughter, Priscilla. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Ram: node 29516
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Priscilla, to
Henri, Duke of Anjou. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
Phillip, Duke of Burgundy. It is unfortunate
you missed your chance.}
Charles, King of Valois. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
_MMI Ram: node 29518
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am sorry my daughters do not meet your high standards. I
shall never offer you anything again.}

Cluster: 2952

_MMI Ram: node 29521
Your newly betrothed Priscilla arrives. She has the face of a
goat and the body of a child. At least she smells terrific.
{Sire, together, we shall make this kingdom great. Let us lower
taxes and liberate the people! They will be forever loyal.}

[a] Agree.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Priscilla kisses you on the brow. She sighs:
{Sire, you are noble indeed!}
Priscilla flushes.
{I thought you were kind. Now I don't know what to believe.
Good day.}
Priscilla flushes.
{I understand.}
_MMI Ram: node 29522
Priscilla enters. She holds her chin high.
{Henri of Anjou and I are in love. Please show your love and
free me.}

{Sire, I must go. Phillip of Burgundy and I love each
other very much, and we wish to wed.}
{Sire, I am sorry, but I am in love with Charles of Valois.
I must be with him. Please free me.}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She kisses your hand.
{Bless you, Sire, and farewell.}
She turns white.
{Sire, I am devastated.}
_MMI Ram: node 29523
Queen Catherine visits.
{Sire, the engagement is off. Your lowly kingdom is not worthy of my
fair Priscilla. Good day.}
_MMI Ram: node 29524
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{I love Priscilla and Priscilla loves me. Won't you be
kind and set her free?}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I request that you free Princess Priscilla. For her, I will
give you 100 of my fastest steeds.}

A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Priscilla, and I will give you my reknowned
***** collection. Otherwise, you shall die.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Sire, thou are truly great. We shall soon set our
wedding date.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Priscilla. The steeds are
on their way.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{My *****s are on the way. Enjoy the rest of your short
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{You will not let Priscilla go, so I shall be
your mortal foe.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I am very disappointed that you will not free
Priscilla. I thought we were friends.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You shall die for keeping Priscilla from me.}
_MMI Ram: node 29526
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with roast boar costs 2 Gold. One with dancing cats costs
1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Boar.
[b] Cats.
[c] Nothing.
{Excellent choice, Sire. It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
{But Sire, the people love Priscilla. They eagerly await
a parade.}

Do you choose:
[a] Mimes - 2 Gold.
[b] Dogs - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{I am very pleased. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very well, my liege.}
He sighs:
{I understand, my liege.}

Cluster: 2953

_MMI Ram: node 29531
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss roses at you and your betrothed.
Priscilla shouts:
{Rejoice, o' people of Aragon! When I am Queen, we shall all
share alike. All men will be equal! And no more taxes!}
Your stomach churns as you watch the villagers go berserk. A riot
_MMI Ram: node 29532
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The villagers hurl
rotten beets at you and Priscilla. She shouts:
{You may despise me now, but when we eliminate all taxes, you
shall love your Queen!}
The people jeer. Your glare goes unnoticed by Priscilla.
_MMI Ram: node 29533
Priscilla strides in.
{Sire, the people are unhappy because there has been no parade.
Isn't it time to have one?}
Do you:
[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{You are kind indeed.}
She looks you in the eye.
{I pray your people don't turn against you.}
_MMI Ram: node 29534
Queen Catherine arrives.
{How dare you have no parade? Priscilla is very popular and
influential. She must be honored!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She sighs.
{I am glad you changed your mind.}
{Sire, you will regret this!}
_MMI Ram: node 29535
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with acrobats costs 2 Gold. One with singing monkeys
costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

Do you choose:
[a] Acrobats.
[b] Monkeys.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{Very good.}
He bows his head.
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Ram: node 29536
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{A tower commemorating Princess Priscilla would cost 2 Gold, a
statue, 1 Gold. A lovely song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Sire, your taste is excellent. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very good, Sire.}
He smiles wryly.
{A song it shall be.}
He frowns.
{I am sorry to hear this, my liege.}
_MMI Ram: node 29537
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Priscilla. Sire, you are
no businessman at all.}

Cluster: 2954

_MMI Ram: node 29541
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Priscilla is gravely ill. She ate some green cheese this morning,
and now we cannot awaken her!}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Ram: node 29542
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Priscilla is gone! She left a note. It says:
'My soul guides me elsewhere. Farewell, Sire.'}
_MMI Ram: node 29543
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Priscilla is dead! She left a note. It says:
'Farewell, cruel world. I loved you so.'}
_MMI Ram: node 29544
Priscilla's nurse enters.
Priscilla's fate is still uncertain. A spiritual boost would help.
Perhaps you could commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very well.}
She nods.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Ram: node 29545
Priscilla's nurse enters.
{Priscilla is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Don't pity me. It is lovely here. So bright...'
Do you wish for a commemoration?}

[a] No.
[b] Yes.
She nods.
{As you wish.}
{I shall send for one.}
_MMI Ram: node 29546
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I suggest commemorating Princess Priscilla with a tower. It would
cost 2 Gold. A statue would cost 1 Gold, and a song would
cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
He nods.
{Very good.}
He frowns.
{A song it shall be.}
He frowns.
{Very well, my liege.}
_MMI Ram: node 29547
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never forget you were responsible for this.}

Cluster: 2955

_MMI Ram: node 29551
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I recommend commemorating the princess with a bridge costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song costs nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{It shall be done.}
He frowns.
{It shall be done.}
{But Sire! Princess Priscilla will be distressed. Please

Do you choose:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{I am very pleased.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done.}
He nods.
{As you wish, my liege.}
He frowns.
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Ram: node 29553
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people react with resounding oohs and ahs.
Priscilla beams.
{These truly are my people!}
_MMI Ram: node 29552
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw old shoes.
Priscilla sighs.
{Someday they will love me!}
_MMI Ram: node 29559 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2961

_Mother May I? Phillip
_MMI Phi: node 29611
Queen Catherine calls on you.
{Sire, I have three fair daughters of marrying age. I offer you the eldest,
Prunella. Marrying her would certainly enhance your image.
Shall it be done?}

[a] Yes.
[b] Ask for another daughter.
[c] No.
She smiles.
{You are a charming man. Prunella will soon come to call.}
{That is an intriguing proposal. I shall contact you when I
have an answer.}
{But Sire, marriage is so vital to one's image. And your
people must expect you to have an heir.}

[a] Agree to marry Prunella.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{Your judgment is supreme.}
She scowls.
{Your image shall suffer for this!}
_MMI Phi: node 29612
A messenger delivers a box of candied cherries.
{Sire, Queen Catherine offers this appeasement for her rude
behavior during her last visit. She also says Prunella is still
available, but you must act quickly.}

Do you:
[a] Accept the gift.
[b] Give it to the messenger.
[c] Send it back.
[d] Agree to marry Prunella.
He gives you the cherries and leaves.
He bows.
{You are so kind!}
He nods.
{I shall return them to Queen Catherine.}
{I shall inform Queen Catherine at once.}
_MMI Phi: node 29613
After sampling Queen Catherine's cherries, you go blind.
Finally, the doctor's humming bird soup revives your sight.
_MMI Phi: node 29614
A messenger you've never seen before enters.
{Sire, I am your new messenger, Leonard. Your former messenger
was found dead this morning, face down in a box of candied
_MMI Phi: node 29615
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You were rude to return my peace offering. You shall hear
from me.}
_MMI Phi: node 29616
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Prunella, to
Charles, King of Valois. His people are rejoicing.}
Ramiro, King of Aragon. He is rejoicing.}
Henri, Duke of Anjou. His people are rejoicing.}
_MMI Phi: node 29617
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You have made the right decision. Prunella will soon
come to call.}
_MMI Phi: node 29618
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never do business with a joker like you again.}

Cluster: 2962

_MMI Phi: node 29621
Princess Prunella arrives. She has the face of an ox and the body
of a pig, but her feet are very nice.
{Sire, I hear you are very kind. I hope we shall be happy. May I stay at
the castle while the engagement parade is prepared?}

[a] Let her stay.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Prunella bows.
{Thank you, Sire.}
Prunella's face drops.
{As you wish.}
Prunella cries:
{How can you be so cruel? I shall tell the kingdom about this!}
_MMI Phi: node 29622
Prunella enters. She is crying.
{Sire, I still find you very attractive, but I have fallen
in love with Charles of Valois. Please set me free.}
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Ramiro of Aragon.
Please free me so I may marry him.}
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Henri of Anjou.
Please free me so I may be his wife.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
Prunella beams.
{Oh Sire, I shall tell the kingdom of your kindness!}
{Oh Sire, I just want to die!}
_MMI Phi: node 29623
Queen Catherine visits.
Sire, you can forget the engagement. Your kingdom is practically
worthless. Certainly not worthy of Prunella! If you again rise to
power, I may call on you again.}
_MMI Phi: node 29624
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free the fair Princess Prunella, or I will disembowl you.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{I request that you free Princess Prunella. For her, I will
give you a cart full of jewels.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{I must bother you because I'm blue. You see, I love Prunella true.
I would be your friend for life if you will let her be my wife.}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You were wise to choose to live.}
A cart full of jewels and a message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Thank you for freeing Prunella. Enjoy the jewels.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{I, for one, shall never call you a miser. You hath
given me my heart's desire.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{I will crush you for keeping Prunella from my side.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{I cannot believe you will not free Prunella. I am very
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{A man who keeps Prunella from me will ever be my enemy.}
_MMI Phi: node 29626
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with singing magpies costs 2 Gold. One featuring 100
feather dancers costs 1 Gold. What is your wish?}

[a] Magpies.
[b] Dancers.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
He gasps.
{But Sire! The people will think ill of you if you don't have a parade.}

Do you choose:
[a] Magpies - 2 Gold.
[b] Dancers - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He sighs in relief.
{Sire, I am sure you made the right decision.}
He smiles.
{Excellent, Sire.}
He sighs.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Phi: node 29627
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I do not understand why you sent Prunella home. If this
engagement is to continue, you must plan the traditional parade
at once.}

Do you:
[a] Ignore her.
[b] Plan the parade.

Cluster: 2963

_MMI Phi: node 29631
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss gold at you and your blushing betrothed.
Prunella looks wistful, but smiles.
_MMI Phi: node 29632
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The surly
villagers jeer at you and Prunella. She sighs:
{I hope this is not a mistake.}
_MMI Phi: node 29633
Prunella enters. She is crying.
{Sire, the people tease me because you haven't held a
parade in my honor. Won't you please show them you love me?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She bows.
{You are truly kind.}
She falls to her knees.
{Oh Sire, I just want to die!}
_MMI Phi: node 29634
Queen Catherine arrives. Her nostrils flare with fury.
{How dare you have no parade? Prunella must be honored! Now!!}

[a] Agree.
[b] Scoff at her.
She glares.
{Thank you, Sire.}
She bares her sharp teeth.
{You will be sorry!}
_MMI Phi: node 29635
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, a parade with fire eaters costs 2 Gold. One
with dancing goats costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

[a] Fire eaters.
[b] Goats.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{Very well. I shall commence preparations.}
He nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
{But Sire, surely you knew a ceremony would cost something.
A small parade will still make a good impression.}

Do you choose:
[a] The small parade.
[b] Nothing.
{I am glad you reconsidered. It shall be done.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29636
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Prunella. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing,
but still be quite touching.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Excellent. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
He nods.
{Very well.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29637
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Prunella, and my other daughters
shall never be available for you.}
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Old 12-10-2015, 07:13 AM   #160
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Los Angeles, United States
Posts: 81

Cluster: 2964

_MMI Phi: node 29641
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Prunella ate some porridge this morn, and now she cannot
stop eating soap!}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{Yes, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29642
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Prunella is gone! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I cannot accept the dismal destiny of being your
Queen. Farewell and good luck.'}
_MMI Phi: node 29643
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Prunella is dead! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I could not endure the thought of our marriage. With
death, I find solace in being close to God. Say hello to Mother.'}
_MMI Phi: node 29644
Prunella's nurse enters.
Prunella is greatly recovered, but she could use a spiritual
boost. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very well, Sire.}
Her eyes avoid yours.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Phi: node 29645
Prunella's nurse enters.
{Prunella is dead. With her last breaths, she asked for you to
remember her. Shall I call the royal ceremony planner?}

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She glares.
{As you wish.}
She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Phi: node 29646
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{To commemorate Princess Prunella, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost only 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing, but still
seem sweet.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very good, Sire.}
He smiles.
{I thought you might like that. A song it shall be.}
He smiles.
{I see.}
_MMI Phi: node 29647
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You have gone too far. I hope you grow warts on your nose.}

Cluster: 2965

_MMI Phi: node 29651
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing,
but still show you care.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done, my liege.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done, my liege.}
He frowns.
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29653
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people joyously throw gilded peas.
Prunella chokes back a sob with a fierce smile. She exclaims:
{I shall never forget this day!}
_MMI Phi: node 29652
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The jeering people throw boiled peas.
Horrified, Prunella gasps:
{I want to go home to mother!}
_MMI Phi: node 29659 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2971

_MMI Cha: node 29811
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
second daughter, Griselda. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Phi: node 29716
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Griselda, to
Ramiro, King of Aragon.}
Charles, King of Valois.}
Henri, Duke of Anjou.}
_MMI Phi: node 29718
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{Duke, you are a disappointment. I shall never do business with
you again.}

Cluster: 2972

_MMI Phi: node 29721
Princess Griselda arrives. She is sharp and stylish, but has the
face of a horse. She says:
{Sire, I am sure our union will be a profitable one. Indeed, I
cannot wait for you to lavish me with my first gift.}

[a] Give her a bauble.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Promise her anything.
You give her a golden music box. She spits on it.
{A music box? Jewels would
certainly be more appropriate.}

[a] Give her jewels.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Smiling, she dons a diamond and ruby tiara.
{I think we shall get along very well.}
She stomps her foot.
{How dare you treat me like a child? Sire, you are
a leper!}
She laughs.
{I wouldn't have married you anyway. You have the mind
of a gnat!}
She spits.
{How dare you! Queen Catherine shall hear about this!}
She laughs.
{Promises are sweet, but worthless. I trust you will soon give
me something I can wear.}
_MMI Phi: node 29722
Griselda comes to see you. Her beady eyes glow with determination.
{Sire, we must sever our engagement. I love Ramiro of
Aragon. He is not as handsome as thou, but he hath brains.}
{Sire, I love Charles of Valois. He is a true leader who will
someday be King of Bretagne. You must free me.}
{Sire, I am love with Henri of Anjou. I know he is not very
smart, nor powerful, but I love him anyway. You must free me.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She smiles.
{Sire, you hath done a good deed.}
She sneers:
{Sire, you show poor judgment indeed.}
_MMI Phi: node 29723
Queen Catherine visits.
{Duke, the engagement is off. Your kingdom is worthless,
but Griselda is not. If you ever rise to power again, maybe then
I shall call on you.}
_MMI Phi: node 29724
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Free Princess Griselda, and I shall give you 100 hard-working
serfs. What is your reply?}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Griselda or I shall cut off your head.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Please give Griselda to me, for our love is one of destiny.
I will e'er stick by your side if you will let Griselda be my bride.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Bless you for freeing Griselda. As promised, the serfs
are on the way.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{As promised, I am sending 200 *****s. I hope you
will be as happy as myself.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Thank you for setting Griselda free. You shall
always get respect from me.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{You are a fool to keep Griselda against her will.
This has severely damaged our relationship.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You shall soon pay the penalty for not freeing Griselda.}
A message arrives from Henri, Duke of Anjou.
{You will not let Griselda go, so I shall be
your mortal foe.}
_MMI Phi: node 29726
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with virgin sopranos costs 2 Gold. One with magicians
costs 1 Gold. What is your desire, Sire?}

[a] Virgins.
[b] Magicians.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
{But Sire! The people already complain that they scarcely
see you. You must show them you care.}

Do you choose:
[a] Virgins - 2 Gold.
[b] Magicians - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I am very pleased. It shall be done.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29727
A messenger arrives.
{Sire, Queen Catherine is distressed that you sent Griselda home.
She says you must plan the traditional parade in honor of the engagement

[a] Refuse.
[b] Plan the parade.
{I shall deliver the message, Sire.}
{I shall notify the royal ceremony planner.}

Cluster: 2973

_MMI Phi: node 29731
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss gold coins at you and your betrothed.
Griselda beams:
{This gold is even lovelier than thou!}
_MMI Phi: node 29732
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The jeering
villagers hurl epithets at you and Griselda. She spits
on them and shouts:
{Laugh now, fools, for you shall soon be my slaves!}
_MMI Phi: node 29733
Griselda enters.
{Sire, the people look down on me because there has been no
parade. What sort of a man are you anyway? Where is my parade?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{I am glad you came to your senses.}
She sneers:
{You art a pea brain.}
_MMI Phi: node 29734
Queen Catherine enters.
{How dare you have no engagement parade? You must treat Griselda
with respect!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{You are very wise for such a small man.}
She hisses:
{You will be sorry!}
_MMI Phi: node 29735
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with brandied pigeons costs 2 Gold. One with brandied
cake costs 1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Pigeons.
[b] Cake.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{But Sire! Why then, did you call me? You simply must
have a parade. It is good manners.}

Do you choose:
[a] Pigeons - 2 Gold.
[b] Cake - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, I am glad you reconsidered. It shall be done.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29736
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Griselda. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your taste is superb. It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{A song it shall be.}
{I am sorry to hear this, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29737
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Griselda for you have
proven to be unworthy of her.}

Cluster: 2974

_MMI Phi: node 29741
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Griselda is gravely ill. She drank some ancient Cognac
and now we cannot awaken her.}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29742
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire, Griselda is gone! She left a note. It says:
'What did you expect, you mental midget?'}
_MMI Phi: node 29743
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Griselda is dead! She left a note. It says:
'Sire, I hope you pay.'}
_MMI Phi: node 29744
Griselda's nurse enters.
Sire, Griselda is greatly recovered, but she could still use a
lift. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
{As you wish.}
_MMI Phi: node 29745
Griselda's nurse enters.
{Sire, Griselda is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Make him pay...Make him pay...' Shall I call the royal ceremony

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She nods.
{As you wish.}
She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Phi: node 29746
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold to commemorate Princess Griselda.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing, but still seem nice.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{It shall be done.}
{Very good, Sire.}
{A song it shall be.}
{Very well, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29747
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You shall pay, Duke. You shall pay.}

Cluster: 2975

_MMI Phi: node 29751
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song, nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
{It shall be done, my liege.}
{Very well, my liege.}
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29752
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people ooh and ah.
Griselda laughs.
{What fools! I cannot wait to subjugate them to my will.}
_MMI Phi: node 29753
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw peat moss. The mob turns into
a rioting throng.
Griselda laughs.
{Finally, I'm having some fun!}
_MMI Phi: node 29759 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2981

_MMI Cha: node 29811
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
third daughter, Priscilla. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Phi: node 29816
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess
Priscilla, to Henri, Duke of Anjou. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
Priscilla, to Ramiro, King of Aragon. It is unfortunate
you missed your chance.}
Priscilla, to Charles, King of Valois. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
_MMI Phi: node 29818
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am sorry you are too dim to appreciate my daughters. I
shall never offer you anything again.}

Cluster: 2982

_MMI Phi: node 29821
Your newly betrothed Priscilla arrives. She has the face of a
goat and the body of a child, but she has a gorgeous neck.
{Sire, together, we shall make this kingdom great. Let us lower
taxes and liberate the people! They will be forever loyal.}

[a] Agree.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Priscilla sighs:
{Sire, you are noble indeed!}
Priscilla flushes.
{I thought you were kind. Now I don't know what to believe.
Good day.}
Priscilla flushes.
{I understand.}
_MMI Phi: node 29822
Priscilla enters. She holds her chin high.
{Henri of Anjou and I are in love. Please show your love and
free me.}

{Sire, I must go. Ramiro of Aragon and I love each
other very much, and we wish to wed.}
{Sire, I am sorry, but I am in love with Charles of Valois.
I must be with him. Please free me.}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She kisses you.
{Bless you, Sire, and farewell.}
She turns white.
{Sire, I am devastated.}
_MMI Phi: node 29823
Queen Catherine visits.
{Duke, the engagement is off. Your lowly kingdom is not worthy of my
fair Priscilla. Good day.}
_MMI Phi: node 29824
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{I love Priscilla and Priscilla loves me. Won't you be
kind and set her free?}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{I request that you free Princess Priscilla. For her, I will
give you 100 of my fastest steeds.}

A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Priscilla, or I will slash your face to

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{Sire, thou are truly great. We shall soon set our
wedding date.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Bless you for freeing Priscilla. The steeds are
on their way.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Enjoy your handsome face while it lasts. You were
wise to free her.}
A message arrives from Henri of Anjou.
{You will not let Priscilla go, so I shall be
your mortal foe.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{I am very disappointed that you will not free
Priscilla. I thought we were friends.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Kiss your face goodbye.}
_MMI Phi: node 29826
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with 100 jesters costs 2 Gold. One with scented canaries costs
1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Jesters.
[b] Canaries.
[c] Nothing.
{Excellent choice, Sire. It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
{But Sire, the people love Priscilla. You will look bad if
you don't have a parade.}

Do you choose:
[a] Jesters - 2 Gold.
[b] Canaries - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{I am very pleased. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very well, my liege.}
He sighs:
{I understand, my liege.}

Cluster: 2983

_MMI Phi: node 29831
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss roses at you and your betrothed.
Priscilla shouts:
{Rejoice, o' people of Burgundy! When I am Queen, we shall all
share alike. All men will be equal! And no more taxes!}
Your stomach churns as you watch the villagers cheer and lift her
on their shoulders.
_MMI Phi: node 29832
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The villagers hurl
rotten chard at you and Priscilla. She shouts:
{You may despise me now, but when we eliminate all taxes, you
shall love your Queen!}
The people jeer. Your sigh goes unnoticed by Priscilla.
_MMI Phi: node 29833
Priscilla strides in.
{Sire, the people are unhappy because there has been no parade.
Isn't it time to have one?}
Do you:
[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{You are kind indeed.}
She looks you in the eye.
{I pray your people don't turn against you.}
_MMI Phi: node 29834
Queen Catherine arrives.
{How dare you have no parade? Priscilla is very popular and
influential. She must be honored!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She sighs.
{I am glad you changed your mind.}
{Duke, you will regret this!}
_MMI Phi: node 29835
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with painted ponies costs 2 Gold. One with dancing monkeys
costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

Do you choose:
[a] Ponies.
[b] Monkeys.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{Very good.}
He bows his head.
{As you wish, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29836
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{A tower commemorating Princess Priscilla would cost 2 Gold, a
statue, 1 Gold. A lovely song would cost nothing, but still seem nice.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Sire, your taste is excellent. It shall be done.}
He smiles.
{Very good, Sire.}
He smiles wryly.
{A song it shall be.}
He frowns.
{I am sorry to hear this, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29837
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Priscilla. Duke, you are
dim of wit.}

Cluster: 2984

_MMI Phi: node 29841
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Priscilla is gravely ill. She ate some coddled cream this morning,
and now we cannot awaken her!}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29842
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Priscilla is gone! She left a note. It says:
'My soul guides me elsewhere. Farewell, Sire.'}
_MMI Phi: node 29843
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Priscilla is dead! She left a note. It says:
'Farewell, cruel world. I loved you so.'}
_MMI Phi: node 29844
Priscilla's nurse enters.
Priscilla's fate is still uncertain. A spiritual boost would help.
Perhaps you could commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very well.}
She nods.
{As you wish.}
_MMI Phi: node 29845
Priscilla's nurse enters.
{Priscilla is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Don't pity me. It is lovely here. So bright...'
Do you wish for a commemoration?}

[a] No.
[b] Yes.
She nods.
{As you wish.}
{I shall send for one.}
_MMI Phi: node 29846
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I suggest commemorating Princess Priscilla with a tower. It would
cost 2 Gold. A statue would cost 1 Gold, and a song would
cost nothing but still seem touching.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
He nods.
{Very good.}
He frowns.
{A song it shall be.}
He frowns.
{Very well, my liege.}
_MMI Phi: node 29847
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never forget you were responsible for this.}

Cluster: 2985

_MMI Phi: node 29851
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I recommend commemorating the princess with a bridge costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song costs nothing, but seems

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. It shall be done.}
He nods.
{It shall be done.}
He frowns.
{It shall be done.}
{But Sire! This will make you appear cruel. Please

Do you choose:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{I am very pleased.}
He smiles.
{It shall be done.}
He nods.
{As you wish, my liege.}
He frowns.
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Phi: node 29852
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people react with resounding oohs and ahs.
Priscilla beams.
{These truly are my people!}
_MMI Phi: node 29853
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw bottles.
Priscilla sighs.
{Someday they will love me!}
_MMI Phi: node 29859 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 2991

_Mother May I? Henri
_MMI Hen: node 29911
Queen Catherine calls on you.
{Duke, I have three daughters of marrying age. Your mother and I
have decided that you shall marry the eldest, Prunella.}

[a] Agree.
[b] Ask for another daughter.
[c] Refuse.
She smiles.
{Very good, Henri. Prunella will soon come to call.}
She laughs.
{Just for that, I may retract my offer. You shall hear from
me soon.}
She laughs.
{It's not your choice. The decision has been made.}

[a] Agree.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{Thou art such a good boy. Prunella will soon come
to call.}
She slaps your face.
{You hath insulted my daughter. Consider the engagement
_MMI Hen: node 29912
A messenger delivers a box of candied cherries.
{Sire, Queen Catherine brings this gift. She says she
will forgive your rude behavior if you wed Prunella.}

Do you:
[a] Accept the gift.
[b] Give it to the messenger.
[c] Send it back.
[d] Agree to get married.
He gives you the cherries.
{Enjoy, Sire.}
He bows.
{Bless you, Sire!}
He nods.
{I shall return them to Queen Catherine.}
{I shall inform Queen Catherine at once.}
_MMI Hen: node 29913
After sampling Queen Catherine's cherries, you break out in a
horrible rash. Finally, a mustard plaster body cast relieves you.
_MMI Hen: node 29914
A messenger you've never seen before enters.
{Sire, I am your new messenger, Gerald. Your former messenger
was found dead this morning, face down in a box of candied
_MMI Hen: node 29915
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You were a bad boy to return my peace offering. Marie shall hear
about this.}
_MMI Hen: node 29916
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Prunella, to
Charles, King of Valois. Eat thy heart out, Duke.}
Phillip, Duke of Burgundy. Eat thy heart out, Duke.}
Ramiro, King of Aragon. Eat thy heart out, Duke.}
_MMI Hen: node 29917
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You have made the right decision. Prunella will soon
come to call.}
_MMI Hen: node 29918
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never do business with a worm like you again.}

Cluster: 2992

_MMI Hen: node 29921
Princess Prunella arrives. She looks at you with lovely, but sad brown eyes.
{Duke, I hope we shall be happy. My mother said I shall stay at the castle
while the engagement parade is prepared. Is that also your wish?}

[a] Let her stay.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Prunella nods glumly.
{Thank you, Sire.}
Prunella smiles.
{As you wish.}
Prunella smiles.
{Thank you, Sire!}
_MMI Hen: node 29922
Prunella enters. She is crying.
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Charles of Valois.
Please free me so we may wed.}
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Phillip of Burgundy.
Please free me so I may marry him.}
{Sire, I have fallen in love with Ramiro of Aragon.
Please free me so I may be his wife.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
Prunella hugs you.
{Oh Sire, you are the kindest!}
{Oh Sire, I just want to die!}
_MMI Hen: node 29923
Queen Catherine visits.
Duke, you can forget the engagement. Your kingdom is practically
worthless. Certainly not worthy of Prunella! If you again rise to
power, I may call on you again.}
_MMI Hen: node 29924
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Prunella at once or I shall crush you.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I request that you free Princess Prunella. For her, I will
give you a tureen of jewels.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Count, if you free the fair Princess Prunella, I will give
you 50 serfs. What is your reply?}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You were wise to free Prunella. You shall live another
A tureen of jewels and a message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Prunella. Enjoy the jewels, for
I need them not. I have the brightest gem of all.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{As promised, I am sending 50 serfs. Thank you for Prunella.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Your death will come soon.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I cannot believe you will not free Prunella. I am very
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Only a fool or a child would keep Prunella from me.
This has severely damaged our relationship.}
_MMI Hen: node 29926
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with bell ringers costs 2 Gold. One featuring trained
crickets costs 1 Gold. What is your wish?}

[a] Bell ringers.
[b] Crickets.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He gasps.
{But Sire! Marie has commanded me to arrange a parade. You
must choose one.}

Do you choose:
[a] Bell ringers - 2 Gold.
[b] Crickets - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He sighs.
{As you wish. I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29927
Marie enters.
{I do not understand why you are so rude to Prunella.
You must plan the traditional parade at once.}

Do you:
[a] Ignore her.
[b] Plan the parade.
She slaps you.
{Your headstrong behavior will be your downfall.}

Cluster: 2993

_MMI Hen: node 29931
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss barley at you and your betrothed.
Prunella can barely manage a smile.
_MMI Hen: node 29932
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The surly
villagers throw peanuts at you and Prunella. She cries:
{I should have joined the circus!}
_MMI Hen: node 29933
Prunella enters. She is crying
{Sire, the people mock me because you haven't held a
parade in my honor. Won't you please show them you love me?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{Thank you, Sire.}
She falls to her knees.
{Oh Sire, I just want to die!}
_MMI Hen: node 29934
Queen Catherine arrives. Her nostrils flare with fury.
{How dare you have no parade? Prunella must be honored! Now!!}

[a] Agree.
[b] Scoff at her.
She glares.
{You had better stop rankling me, Henri.}
She bares her sharp teeth.
{You will be sorry!}
_MMI Hen: node 29935
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, a parade with trained cockatoos costs 2 Gold. One
with 50 lutes costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

[a] Cockatoos.
[b] Lutes.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
{But Sire, surely you knew a ceremony would cost something.
Why not have a small parade?}

Do you choose:
[a] The small parade.
[b] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29936
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Prunella. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing,
but still be quite touching.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29937
Queen Catherine sends a message.
{I hereby renounce your engagement to Prunella, and my other daughters
shall never be available for you.}

Cluster: 2994

_MMI Hen: node 29941
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Prunella ate some currants this morn, and now she has turned

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I shall notify your mother.}
She bows.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29942
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Prunella is gone! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I cannot accept the miserable destiny of being your
Queen. Farewell and good luck.'}
_MMI Hen: node 29943
Prunella's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Prunella is dead! She left this note:
'I am sorry, but I could not endure the thought of our marriage. With
death, I find solace in being close to God. Say hello to your mother.'}
_MMI Hen: node 29944
Prunella's nurse enters.
Prunella is greatly recovered, but she could use a spiritual
boost. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
Her eyes avoid yours.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29945
Prunella's nurse enters.
{Prunella is dead. With her last breaths, she asked for you to
remember her. Shall I call the royal ceremony planner?}

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She glares.
{As you wish. I shall notify your mother.}

She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Hen: node 29946
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{To commemorate Princess Prunella, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost only 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. I shall notify your mother.}
He smiles.
{Very good, Sire. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{A song it shall be. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I see. I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29947
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You have gone too far. I hope you roast in Hell.}

Cluster: 2995

_MMI Hen: node 29951
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. I shall notify your mother.}
He smiles.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He smiles.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{As you wish, my liege. I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 29952
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people joyously throw sawdust and oats.
Prunella chokes back a sob. She exclaims:
{I shall never forget this day!}
_MMI Hen: node 29953
Prunella's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The jeering people throw stewed prunes.
Horrified, Prunella gasps:
{I want to go home to mother!}
_MMI Hen: node 29959 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 3001

_MMI Hen: node 30011
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
second daughter, Griselda. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Hen: node 30016
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess Griselda, to
Charles, Count of Valois.}
Phillip, Duke of Burgundy.}
Ramiro, King of Aragon.}
_MMI Hen: node 30018
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{Henri, you are a spoiled child. I shall never do business with
you again.}

Cluster: 3002

_MMI Hen: node 30021
Princess Griselda arrives. She is sharp and stylish, with long,
chestnut hair. She says:
{Sire, I am sure our union will be a profitable one. Indeed, I
cannot wait for you to lavish me with my first gift.}

[a] Give her a bauble.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Promise her anything.
You give her a golden harp. She spits on it.
{A harp? That is a plaything for servants. Jewels would
certainly be more appropriate.}

[a] Give her jewels.
[b] Send her home.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Smiling, she dons a diamond tiara.
{I think we shall get along very well.}
She stomps her foot.
{How dare you treat me like a child? Sire, you are
a lout!}
She laughs.
{I wouldn't have married you anyway. You have the face
of a horse and the body of a pig!}
She spits.
{How dare you! Queen Catherine shall hear about this!}
She laughs.
{Promises are sweet, but worthless. I trust you will soon give
me something more tangible.}
_MMI Hen: node 30022
Griselda comes to see you. Her green eyes glow with determination.
{Sire, I love Charles of Valois. He is a true leader who will
someday be King of Bretagne. You must free me.}
{Sire, we must sever our engagement. I love Phillip of
Burgundy. He is so romantic, unlike thou.}
{Sire, I am love with Ramiro of Aragon. I know he is not very
smart, nor powerful, but I love him anyway. You must free me.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She smiles.
{Sire, you are thoroughly decent.}
She sneers:
{Sire, you show poor judgment indeed.}
_MMI Hen: node 30023
Queen Catherine visits.
{Sire, the engagement is off. Your kingdom is worthless,
but Griselda is not. If you ever rise to power again, maybe then
I shall call on you.}
_MMI Hen: node 30024
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Griselda, and I shall give you 200 of my
finest *****s. What is your reply?}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{If you free Princess Griselda so that we may wed, I shall
give you my entire wine cellar.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Please give Griselda to me, for our love is one of destiny.
I will e'er stick by your side if you will let Griselda be my bride.}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{As promised, I am sending 200 *****s. I hope you
will be as happy as myself.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Griselda. Enjoy the wine, for
I need it not. I have the richest intoxicant of all.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Thank you for setting Griselda free. You shall
always get respect from me.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{You are a fool to keep Griselda against her will.
This has severely damaged our relationship.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I am very disappointed that you will not free
Griselda. I thought we were friends.}
A message arrives from Ramiro, King of Aragon.
{You will not let Griselda go, so I shall be
your mortal foe.}
_MMI Hen: node 30026
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with virgin sopranos costs 2 Gold. One with magicians
costs 1 Gold. What is your desire, Sire?}

[a] Virgins.
[b] Magicians.
[c] Nothing.
He smiles.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. It shall be done.}
{I shall begin preparations.}
{But Sire! The people already complain that they scarcely
see you. You must show you are thinking of them.}

Do you choose:
[a] Virgins - 2 Gold.
[b] Magicians - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I am very pleased. It shall be done.}
{Very good, my liege.}
{Very well, Sire.}
_MMI Hen: node 30027
A messenger arrives.
{Sire, Queen Catherine is distressed that you sent Griselda home.
She says you must plan the traditional parade in honor of the engagement

[a] Refuse.
[b] Plan the parade.
{I shall deliver the message, Sire.}
{I shall notify the royal ceremony planner.}

Cluster: 3003

_MMI Hen: node 30031
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss gold coins at you and your betrothed.
Griselda beams:
{This kingdom shall be mine. All mine!}
_MMI Hen: node 30032
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The jeering
villagers hurl eggs at you and Griselda. She spits
on them and shouts:
{Laugh now, fools, for all you own shall soon be mine!}
_MMI Hen: node 30033
Griselda enters.
{Henri, the people are scoffing at me because there has been no
parade. What sort of a man are you anyway? Where is my parade?}

[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She smiles.
{I am glad you came to your senses.}
She sneers:
{You are such a worm.}
_MMI Hen: node 30034
Marie strides in and grabs your cheek.
{How dare you have no engagement parade? You must treat Griselda
with respect!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She releases you.
{You are very wise.}
She shoves you to the floor.
{You are destroying everything!}
_MMI Hen: node 30035
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with flaming entrails costs 2 Gold. One with dancing
pigs costs 1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Entrails.
[b] Pigs.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
{But Sire! Why then, did you call me? You simply must
have a parade. Marie has ordered one.}

Do you choose:
[a] Entrails - 2 Gold.
[b] Pigs - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, I am glad you reconsidered. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30036
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{Sire, it is time to commemorate Princess Griselda. A tower would
cost 2 Gold, a statue, 1 Gold. Of course, a song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30037
Queen Catherine sends a message.
I hereby renounce your engagement to Griselda for you have
proven to be unworthy of her.}

Cluster: 3004

_MMI Hen: node 30041
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Griselda is gravely ill. She ate some leftover
lamb and now we cannot awaken her.}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30042
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire, Griselda is gone! She left a note. It says:
'What did you expect, you worm?'}
_MMI Hen: node 30043
Griselda's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Griselda is dead! She left a note. It says:
'This is the happiest day of my life.'}
_MMI Hen: node 30044
Griselda's nurse enters.
Sire, Griselda is greatly recovered, but she could still use a
lift. I think this is a good time to commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{Very good, Sire.}
She bows.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30045
Griselda's nurse enters.
{Sire, Griselda is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Make him pay...Make him pay...' Shall I call the royal ceremony

[a] Refuse.
[b] Agree.
She nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
She nods.
{I shall send for him.}
_MMI Hen: node 30046
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, I suggest a tower costing 2 Gold to commemorate Princess Griselda.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30047
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{You shall pay, Sire. You shall pay.}

Cluster: 3005

_MMI Hen: node 30051
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{Sire, commemorating the princess with a bridge would cost 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. A song, nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30052
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people ooh and ah.
Griselda laughs.
{What fools! I cannot wait to ruin their lives.}
_MMI Hen: node 30053
Griselda's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw dogs and you and Griselda.
Griselda laughs.
{Finally, I'm having some fun!}
_MMI Hen: node 30059 (END OF PLOT)

Cluster: 3011

_MMI Hen: node 30111
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I have considered your request, and I consent to let you marry my
third daughter, Priscilla. She will soon come to call.}
_MMI Hen: node 30116
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter, Princess
Priscilla, to Charles, King of Valois. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
Priscilla, to Phillip, Duke of Burgundy. It is unfortunate
you missed your chance.}
Priscilla, to Ramiro, King of Aragon. It is unfortunate you
missed your chance.}
_MMI Hen: node 30118
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I am sorry my daughters do not meet your high standards. I
shall never offer you anything again.}

Cluster: 3012

_MMI Hen: node 30121
Your newly betrothed Priscilla arrives. She looks like an angel,
and she smells great, too.
{Sire, together, we shall make this kingdom great. Let us lower
taxes and liberate the people! They will be forever loyal.}

[a] Agree.
[b] Refuse.
[c] Call off the engagement.
Priscilla kisses and sighs:
{Sire, you are noble indeed!}
Priscilla flushes.
{I thought you were kind. Now I don't know what to believe.
Good day.}
Priscilla flushes.
{I understand.}
_MMI Hen: node 30122
Priscilla enters. She holds her chin high.
{Sire, I am sorry, but I am in love with Charles of Valois.
I must be with him. Please free me.}
{Sire, I must go. Phillip of Burgundy and I love each
other very much, and we wish to wed.}
{Ramiro of Aragon and I are in love. Please show your love and
free me.}

Do you:
[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
She kisses your hand.
{Bless you, Sire, and farewell.}
She turns white.
{Sire, I am devastated.}
_MMI Hen: node 30123
Queen Catherine visits.
{Sire, the engagement is off. Your lowly kingdom is not worthy of my
fair Priscilla. I am sure your mother will be very disappointed.}
_MMI Hen: node 30124
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{Free Princess Priscilla or I shall feed you to the wolves.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I request that you free Princess Priscilla. For her, I will
give you 50 steeds.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{Free Princess Priscilla, and I shall give you 50 milk cows.
What is your reply?}

[a] Free her.
[b] Keep her.
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You hath dodged an arrow by giving me Priscilla.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{Bless you for freeing Priscilla. The steeds are
on their way.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{As promised, the cows are on the way. Thank you for
freeing Priscilla.}
A message arrives from Charles of Valois.
{You shall die for keeping Priscilla.}
A message arrives from Phillip of Burgundy.
{I am very disappointed that you will not free
Priscilla. I thought we were friends.}
A message arrives from Ramiro of Aragon.
{You will regret not freeing Priscilla.}
_MMI Hen: node 30126
An advisor comes to plan the engagement parade.
{A ceremony with flower dancers costs 2 Gold. One with just flowers costs
1 Gold. Which shall it be?}

[a] Dancers.
[b] Flowers.
[c] Nothing.
{Excellent choice, Sire. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
{But Sire, the people love Priscilla. They eagerly await
a parade.}

Do you choose:
[a] Dancers - 2 Gold.
[b] Flowers - 1 Gold.
[c] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He sighs:
{I shall notify your mother.}

Cluster: 3013

_MMI Hen: node 30131
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The joyous
villagers toss roses at you and your betrothed.
Priscilla shouts:
{Rejoice, o' people of Anjou! When I am Queen, we shall all
share alike. All men will be equal! And no more taxes!}
You ignore Marie's scowl as you admire Priscilla's beauty.
_MMI Hen: node 30132
Today, the royal engagement parade is held. The villagers hurl
rotten beets at you and Priscilla. She shouts:
{You may despise me now, but when we eliminate all taxes, you
shall love your Queen!}
You ignore Marie's scowl as you admire Priscilla's beauty.
_MMI Hen: node 30133
Priscilla strides in.
{Sire, the people are unhappy because there has been no parade.
Isn't it time to have one?}
Do you:
[a] Have a parade.
[b] Refuse.
She kisses you.
{I love you, Sire.}
She looks you in the eye.
{I pray your people don't turn against you.}
_MMI Hen: node 30134
Marie enters and slaps your face.
{How dare you have no parade? Priscilla is very popular and
influential. She must be honored!}

[a] Give in.
[b] Refuse.
She slaps you again.
{I am glad you changed your mind.}
She slaps you again.
{You are a brainless child!}
_MMI Hen: node 30135
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{A parade with costumed sheep costs 2 Gold. One with male chorus
costs 1 Gold. Which do you prefer?}

Do you choose:
[a] Sheep.
[b] Chorus.
[c] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is unsurpassed. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30136
The royal ceremony planner arrives.
{A tower commemorating Princess Priscilla would cost 2 Gold, a
statue, 1 Gold. A lovely song would cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30137
Queen Catherine sends a message.
I hereby renounce your engagement to Priscilla. Henri, you are
a spoiled child.}

Cluster: 3014

_MMI Hen: node 30141
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
Sire! Priscilla is gravely ill. She ate some candied violets this morning,
and now we cannot awaken her!}

[a] Send for a doctor.
[b] Ignore it.
She bows.
{I'll fetch him right away.}
She bows.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30142
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Priscilla is gone! She left a note. It says:
'My soul guides me elsewhere. Farewell, Sire.'}
_MMI Hen: node 30143
Priscilla's handmaiden runs in.
{Sire! Priscilla is dead! She left a note. It says:
'Farewell, cruel world. I loved you so.'}
_MMI Hen: node 30144
Priscilla's nurse enters.
Priscilla's fate is still uncertain. A spiritual boost would help.
Perhaps you could commemorate your engagement.}

[a] Plan a commemoration.
[b] Refuse.
She nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
She nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30145
Priscilla's nurse enters.
{Priscilla is dead. With her last breaths, she said,
'Don't pity me. It is lovely here. So bright...'
Do you wish for a commemoration?}

[a] No.
[b] Yes.
She nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
{I shall send for one.}
_MMI Hen: node 30146
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I suggest commemorating Princess Priscilla with a tower. It would
cost 2 Gold. A statue would cost 1 Gold, and a song would
cost nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A tower.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30147
A message from Queen Catherine arrives.
{I shall never forget you were responsible for this.}

Cluster: 3015

_MMI Hen: node 30151
The royal ceremony planner enters.
{I recommend commemorating the princess with a bridge costing 2 Gold.
A statue would cost 1 Gold. Of course, a song costs nothing.}

Do you order:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
{Sire, your judgment is superb. I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
{But Sire! Princess Priscilla will be distressed. Please

Do you choose:
[a] A bridge.
[b] A statue.
[c] A song.
[d] Nothing.
He smiles.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He smiles.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He nods.
{I shall notify your mother.}
He frowns.
{I shall notify your mother.}
_MMI Hen: node 30153
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people react with resounding oohs and ahs.
Priscilla beams.
{These truly are my people!}
_MMI Hen: node 30152
Priscilla's commemoration ceremony is held today.
The people jeer and throw old bath water.
Priscilla sighs.
{Someday they will love me!}
_MMI Hen: node 30159 (END OF PLOT)
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