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Old 21-02-2007, 05:22 AM   #391

Please, can anyone explain how to install the game ? when i press intall, nothing happens, and with magic or wizards files i received a "install the game" message. I overwrited the original games files with the batch.
But nothing happens. Thanks in advance.
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Old 21-02-2007, 07:53 AM   #392
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Have you tried running the magic.exe file through Dosbox (or VDSM)?
I believe it was not necessary to install the game.
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Old 21-02-2007, 02:18 PM   #393
The Fifth Horseman
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Use DosBox or VDMSound to run the game. Whichever works better on your system.
You can get VDMSound from our programs page, and most recent version of DosBox can be downloaded here.

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Old 21-02-2007, 04:42 PM   #394

So i downloaded the game and the patch files again, also dosbox and vdmsound to see which one work better. Now the magic file says "you must have at least 2700k of expanded memory". Oh, my, looks like i am back to my good old 486 days. :wallbash:
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Old 21-02-2007, 04:47 PM   #395
The Fifth Horseman
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Does it show that error message in DosBox or in VDMSound?

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Old 21-02-2007, 05:50 PM   #396

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(the_fifth_horseman @ Feb 21 2007, 04:47 PM) [snapback]280352[/snapback]</div>
Does it show that error message in DosBox or in VDMSound?
Thanks to the quick reply. Now i´m able to play the game in dosbox, but with no sound. Can you explain me how to tried the game with vdmsound ?
And by the way, the patch files, what i should do with them ? overwrite the original ones ?
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Old 21-02-2007, 08:27 PM   #397
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However you run it you must configure your Sound Card parameters executing INSTALL.EXE. DOSBox emulates by defect a Sound Blaster 16 (compatible with Sound Blaster Pro is there's no option for 16) at port 220, with IRQ 7 and DMA 1. The parameters emulated by VDMSound must be displayed somewhere in it as well.
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Old 21-02-2007, 11:07 PM   #398

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Japofran @ Feb 21 2007, 08:27 PM) [snapback]280373[/snapback]</div>
However you run it you must configure your Sound Card parameters executing INSTALL.EXE. DOSBox emulates by defect a Sound Blaster 16 (compatible with Sound Blaster Pro is there's no option for 16) at port 220, with IRQ 7 and DMA 1. The parameters emulated by VDMSound must be displayed somewhere in it as well.
I´m playing Master of Magic in dosbox with sound !!! Thank you so much. :brain:

Just a final question: at full screen, the sound gets some interference and the picture loses quality. How can i improve this ?
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Old 22-02-2007, 01:02 AM   #399
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Those sound like two separate issues. Do you get sound interference only when playing fullscreen or always? And what do you mean exactly by "interference"? Some scratching sound like in a radio, or just that the sound is choppy, not playing at times during a fraction of a second?

I don't think it's the first one since I haven't experienced it myself but if it's so for you let me know with more details. If the sound is choppy, just increase the cycles in DOSBox pressing Ctrl+F12 repeatedly, oddly enough this game is quite demanding in this regard. There's a limit to how many cycles your machine can emulate, to double it change the emulated core to "dynamic" mode --there's a number of other things you can do to decrease the cycles needed. It's also possible that the game works poorly because the cycles are too high instead of too low, if it gets worse every time you press Ctrl+F12, try decreasing cycles with Ctrl+F11 instead.

The picture quality is because DOSBox has to make an aspect correction if it's trying to display a 640x400 image in your Windows resolution. The obvious alternative is playing in a window.
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Old 22-02-2007, 01:30 PM   #400
The Fifth Horseman
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The parameters emulated by VDMSound must be displayed somewhere in it as well.[/b]
VDMS defaults are same as DosBox defaults.

Just a final question: at full screen, the sound gets some interference and the picture loses quality. How can i improve this ?[/b]
As Japofran said, increasing the cycles and changing Core to dynamic (open Dosbox.conf to do that, you can also change the starting number of cycles and how much CTRL+F11/12 increases/decreases them) should help.

The picture quality is because DOSBox has to make an aspect correction if it's trying to display a 640x400 image in your Windows resolution.[/b]
Incorrect. The aspect correction is disabled by default.

What I suggest to do is change the following in DosBox.conf:
output=surface --> output=ddraw
fullresolution=original --> fullresolution=1024x768
aspect=false --> aspect=true

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