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Old 28-01-2009, 03:48 AM   #1
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Default Abandonia: Aftermath


An interactive Roleplay by Fubb


The point of a roleplay is to be like a story anyone can join and play in. This means you make your own character, and play it. E.G say you want your Character to be named "Sally".

You would go;

Sally awoke one day,and realized she was not in her room, but instead infront of a crowd of cheering spectaters, wailing in laughter as the giant lion closed in one her. Well, maybe not exactly like that. Im bad ad making examples. Anyways, the point of this roleplay is to be based in a Fictional City on America's West Coast called "Abandonia" ( ), in the Aftermath of Nuclear War. No, not Fallout aftermath, i mean immidiate Aftermath.

On May 7th, 2015, the nukes fell.

The date, is May 8th.
Map of Abandonia City! Linky

Locations will be put on the map as they are found, and the map shall be updated! Areas must be found though. your starting area (if it is important) will also be put on. Areas are actually for things like starting positions and characteristics of given areas (such as what you will find in the areas)

AREAS: 1. Downtown-The ruins of Sky Scrapers, buisness buidlings, and large apartments, malls, and so on would litter this area.
2.Harbour-The ruins of things like old warehouses and fish-related things, indutrial complex's and so on will litter this area.
3. The Slums- The slums have never looked better! Well, maybe. Here the ruins of...ruins of houses and old scummy buidlings. Before the war, this was a hive of crime and villainy
4. The City- The main city, a mix of industrial, residential, and commercial buildsing will dot the landscape
5. Eastern District: Middle to upperclass housing and some light commercial buildings, were here before the war. Who knows, maybe even some mansions survived...
6.Southern District: Middle Class housing, and Apartments were here before the war
7. The Wasteland- Farms were here, but mixed with the desert, the only thing keeping the farms alive were irrigation canels, but now with no one to run them...
8. Abandonia Mountian Range: In 2013, the U.S Goverment began the construction of large underground Vaults. It is rumoured the psychotic president was a fan of a video game series, and ordered it to be done in fear. In turn, America had a serious Economic failure, but most were done, but was the rumoured "Vault 18" finished before the war...? (THE MOUNTIANS ARN'T A STARTING ZONE)

Area 1-
Area 2-
Area 3-
Area 4-
Area 5-
Area 6- Fubbs Shelter
Area 7-
Area 8-
Da Rulz

1. Be realistic. I will intervene with your fate if you find a Tank, or somehow take down 5 raiders armed with submachine guns pointed at your head
2. Only Character Control if the Character you wish to take control of isn't responding
3. Maybe in a couple years, but not now! Your not goona run into ghouls, and mutants. Raiders, yes, but not ghouls.
5. Either be evil, good or neutral. Dont kill a bunch of surviving babies, and then take care of some old grandma you come along. Keep em' all alive, or lay em' low! PLAY YOUR ROLE!
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.

Last edited by Fubb; 28-01-2009 at 03:51 AM.
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Old 28-01-2009, 04:04 AM   #2
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May 7th, 2015
8:15 P.M- "We intereupt this program for breaking news! The current time is 8:15 P.M, on May 7th, 2015. Moments ago, at 8:13 P.M, at NORAD command, 19 icons representing Nuclear Warheads have appeared to be launched from Brazilian soil. Now, just 2 minutes later, more are reported to be leaving Iranian soil..."

8:19- "We've acquired the trejectory values of the estimated Nuclear Warheads leaving Brazillian and Iranian soil, and some are Destined for the U.S, Canada, France and England. The others seem to be destined for Italy and Russia..."

8:20- "Many Nuclear warheads are leaving French soils in Retaliation to the Brazil/Iran joint Nuclear Strike, Cathy..."

8:22- "North Korea as launched it's Nuclear Arsenal into the atmosphere...I don't liek the looks of this, Cathy!"

8:23- "Pakistan and India are unleashing they're Nuclear Arsenals at eachother, Britian has launched, Russia and China have launched!"

8:25- "What ever has gone down in the white house these past few minutes has resulted in the launch of the entire American Ballistic missile arsenal! God help us all! Cathy, can you here the bomb sirens? This is channel 7 news, leaving you now, for the las-"

The rest of the program was cut short by fuzz and static. No doubt the cameras had stopped recording.

Fubb staired blankly into the fuzzing screen. Now he could here the sirens, wailing they're eerie voice's over the entire city. Looking outside his house, he could see neighbourhood families racing youngones into vands as vehicles charged into the crowded streets, trying to escape the city, in a desperate attempt to reach the vault i nthe mountians. They weren't going to make it, they were dogs meat out there.

He sighed. This was it? He lifted a few loose wooden floor panels, revealing a large, Grey metal door with a revovling wheel around it to open it. He gave the wheel a few tugs, loosening it, and then he began to turn it. The thick metal door slowly opened, to reveal a home-made Fallout shelter, with shelves lined with non-perishable food items, a powergenerater, and a small heater.

Not wasting anytime, he climbed into the shelter, and closed the shick, metal slab acting as a door, behind him.

THE DATE IS NOW MAY 8th, 2015 AT 8:00 A.M
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.
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Old 28-01-2009, 08:29 AM   #3
The (Web)Space Pirate
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Date: May 6th, 2015
Time: 21:03.47
Location: "Area 9" Sea based Island (The sea itself is area 10 )
Coordinates: Roughly left of the Downtown and harbor border. Close to the edge of the map. (exact coordinates unknown!)

Player: GTX2GvO
Type: Mercenary/"Pirate"
Mood: Not amused

I my intel is right, then there's gonna be a mess going to happen Soon.
But what are Brazil and Iran plotting?
And most of all. Why Brazil. I can understand Iran, but Brazil?
I need more information on this, cause it Ain't going to be good for busyness.

*GTX2GvO goes to sleep, still wondering what it might be that is going to happen soon*

Date: May 7th, 2015
Time: 20:14
Location: "Area 9"

Hmm. Let's turn on channel 7, That new StarGate season was about to start, If I'm Correct.

"We interrupt this program for breaking news! The current time is 8:15 P.M, on May 7th, 2015. Moments ago, at 8:13 P.M, at NORAD command, 19 icons representing Nuclear Warheads have appeared to be launched from Brazilian soil. Now, just 2 minutes later, more are reported to be leaving Iranian soil..."


*GTX runs to a makeshift control room @ an underground level*

No Time to put my above ground stuff into storage! This place HAS TO BE SEALED!

*GTX quickly tries to use the panels and manages to initiate lockdown*

Location: "Mansion" hallway
Time: 20:23

The hallway looks as if it was half cut out the rock and there were HUGE metal panels to the sides.
And roughly on the other side of the main door there was a round sort of underground tunnel.
Which led to the lower levels.
Suddenly. With the sound of metal scraping to metal a huge round door closes the Mansion from the underground base.
The door is @ an unusual 45 degree angle, indication this wasn't an official Vault.

Location: "Mansion" outside
Time: 20:23

The nukes come down and one hit's a small sub island near GTX's Island.
The Nuclear blast levels everything near, including above ground Mansion.

Date: May 8th, 2015
Time: 8:00
Location: "Area 9"

The Island is desolate now, but to a yet unknown reason, free of any radiation.
The only noticeable landmark is the eerie 45 degree lying Vault door.

Date: May 8th, 2015
Time: 8:01
Location: Inside GTX's Base

Computer. system status?

#Most of the outside sensors are destroyed. Status can't be calculated#

I asked For system Status.

#System is running fine within limit parameters#

And NOW for the outside Status.

#Despite the proximity of the closest missile there seems to be NO radiation on the Island#

That's interesting AND unusual.

#But the surface of the Island is completely devoid of anything now#

How about doors 2 and 3?

#Door 2: Aircraft bay door: Functional. Runway: Functional.#
#Door 3: Subwatercraft door: Functional.#

How about any transportation?

#Only a 1 man sub and a 1 man VTOL scout plane were inside during the assault#
#Do I have to remind you that I have NO current intel on the mainland situation#

You just did.
Hmmm.. I wonder if anyone survived this.
OH..!! ****!!! Do I have Food storage!?

#Correct. You have food storage to last 2 years if necessary#

Time: 8:05
Location: "Area 9"

GTX2GvO starts a manual inspection of his vaulted base.
Preparing anything that will help him rebuild his Mercenary reputation.
Greetings from GTX2GvO.

Member of The Victorious People's Shoutbox Liberation Army.
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Old 28-01-2009, 08:59 AM   #4
Vodka-Induced Entertainment
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May 7th, 8:25 PM

AlumiuN sits in his comfortable leather chair as the sound of static engulfs his apartment, only to be replaced by the shrill cry of sirens and the roar of an escaping city.
He walks over to the window and looks out at the ants of American civilization below. They scramble to escape what they know that they cannot hide from.

"Is this really what society has come to?"

The sound of a smashing window two floors below accompanied by a harsh scream signifies that someone realised what the masses did not, and preferred to choose their own conclusion.

"I suppose I'd best prepare."

He pulls out a small, metallic cube from his pocket. The glint reflects a sterile blue onto the white roof above as he opens his laptop to be greeted by the ironically cheerful sound of a Ubuntu 10 boot sequence.

4 years of design.

The cube now begins to emanate a small electrical hum.

One year of construction.

An empty desktop stands before him, with only a taskbar at the top of the screen to remind him that he is not using a digital photo frame.

2 years of testing.

He opens a small, simple window, with two icons. He clicks on the one labelled Zerospace, opening another window above that.

Radius: 30 metres
Allow Entry By:
User: Yes
Outsider: No
By Permission: Yes
Data: Yes

Entry Password: ********
Confirm Password: ********

Shield Space: Yes
Compression: None

He moves his mouse towards the Activate button. The sound of horns and twisted metal far outside confirms his knowledge that the general populace was doomed.

"It better bloody work."

One click produces a rapidly expanding blueish hue from the cube, stopping only once it has engulfed two full, but almost empty floors of inner-city apartment. The hum becomes louder, and the world outside fades into black.

"Come on..."

A sudden flash lights up the surrounding hills and cityscape in an eerie blue glow for a split second, before the entire room becomes pitch black.


A thousand citizens of the area designated only as '4' look on as the top two floors of an apartment complex disappear, leaving an open shell of a building. The foreshadowing is lost on their panic.

AlumiuN looks through the small port in the subspace rift created around him. He remains stationary for over two hours. Not once does he flinch as the bomb hits, as the port flickers from the EMP wave, as millions of people perish and disintegrate in front of his eyes, for he is safe.

For now.

Lies are for those who cannot handle the truth, but truth is for those who cannot handle the lies.

Last edited by AlumiuN; 28-01-2009 at 09:02 AM.
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Old 28-01-2009, 02:05 PM   #5
Surviving the Dark Age
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Attention - All characters here are fictional. I don't care your name is David, Jennifer, TA, Brian or other. You're not in this story.
Chapter I - When The Sky Fell on Earth (May 7th)

Name: TotalAnarchy
Gender: Male
Class: Angry Diplomat
General Location: Area 4 - The City
Specific Location: Street Corporation HQ
Inventory Items: Briefcase (gives extra place in inventory), Security Access Card, Pencil, Notebook, Gun, Important Message Written on Folded Paper (It reads: Niijminen 112 36)
Biography: TotalAnarchy is a government intermediary executing diverse diplomacy-related missions. Also a member of the group secretly controlling the country for more than a century. Even though the people think that the May 7th Nuclear attacks were unexpected and even the government didn't know nothing about it, the facts say otherwise. The truth is, that the government, including Mr TotalAnarchy, knew beforehand that the attacks were imminent.

1:00 AM, TA arrives in his Jaguar at Street Corp HQ, a front-company controlled mainly by the state to hide suspicious activities. TA says hello to Bob, the guard:
-Good morning Robert!
-Hi, Mr TA! What brings you back?
-Just remembered I had some important papers left at the HQ. Unfortunately they're needed by tomorrow, so I don't have much time.
-Hoh, you don't have to show me the card. 5 years already... since I started working here...I already know all the faces that went in or out of this building. Here, I'll open the gate for you!
-Thank you!

1:19 AM, Hollow corridors show their grim faces in this morbid silence. TA goes to his office, takes all the secret documents left behind and makes sure nobody sees him (new inventory item - pack of papers). Then checks David's office and does the same. He stops for a brief moment and opens his notebook.

*1 new message received (TA reads and thinks: Hmm, the higher-ups already evacuated. Guess I should hurry)

2:38 AM, TA goes to elevator and presses 0b, the floor where the hardware development division is located. First he verifies there are no curious wanderers and then goes to the lab. Past the Cryolab he faces a dead end with only a painting by Jason Gibberish on the wall. It's impossible to see, but the painting has a slot large enough for a card. TA inserts the same old access card he tried to show to Bob. Instantly, the wall moves making place for a anti-nuclear vault entrance.

2:41 AM,
Decontamination - Check
Identification - Check
Council Approval - Check
-------------------You may enter-----------------

2:45 AM, In front of you, you see David, old friend and partner:
-Hey, you made it!
-Here are the documents... (gives them to David)
-I should probably burn them.
-Don't know, they may still be useful someday...
-Yeah, someday...maybe...
-How's Jenn?
-A bit shocked, but she'll get over it fast. But I don't how the kids will react to this.
-Hey, take care. Gotta go!
-Yeah, you too. See you later!

3:05 AM, TA goes to his designated room. Room B343. Small and empty this room has only one bed, a chair, a drawer and a table. TA suddenly starts to feel lonely, then decides not to keep the documents to himself, but instead to place them in the Vault's own archive.

3:16 AM, TA places the docs in an empty file, in the archives (docs removed from inventory). Suddenly he hears a voice. It's Brian Wallyfest, one of the big bosses.
-Hey TA!
-Good morning Mr Wallyfest!
-Heard you just entered. What took you so long?
-Thought that leaving all those secret files at the Street HQ wasn't safe, so I took them with me.
-Are you mad man ?! Who's gonna find them? The whole country'll be nuked.
-With due respect, that doesn't mean that it's gonna hit the city for sure.
-Even if it doesn't, TA, the info written there has no real value for dead or contaminated people. In the end those papers would've ended in some river or something.
-Ok, it doesn't really matter. The important thing is that you made it. We'll build the country from scratch, after the war ends and it's safe to resurface...

----------RingRungRingRung---------All access to the Vault has now been closed-----------

8:00-9:00 AM, A cold quiet brise touches the tall buildings that are bathing in the morning sun. A strange distant noise cries in the horizon... And the sky fell back to the earth...

End Of Chapter 1

Last edited by TotalAnarchy; 28-01-2009 at 02:09 PM.
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Old 28-01-2009, 04:59 PM   #6
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Fubb looked at the electronic clock beside his bed.


He sighed, and staired towards the metal door seperating him from the outside world. Surely, the entire city wasn't destroyed? He hadn't even heard the nuke hit, he was fast asleep by that time. Surely nukes arn't strong enough to destroy such a big city?

He stepped up to the metal cover, and gave the door vavle a twirl. Immidiatly he was greeted by a dusty, choking atmosphere, which for some reason, was actually cold

Fubb grabbed a portable thermometer from his Fallout Shelter, and held it up to the outside world. The usual heat of 30 degrees celcious that made this city so hot, was now a chilling 10. If anything wouldn't a nuke make it hotter?

He set down his thermometer, and began to climb the metal ladder up. He then staired out over Abandonia City.

First of all, the only remains of his house, was on corner of it, just barely hanging onto some loose wood panels. The remains of his naighbor hood was just rubble, lots of rubble, and over that, he could make out distant ruins.

Not wasting anytime, he grabbed a canteen full of water, and climbed out into the wasteland.

He would need to get back to the shelter though, because Radioactive Fallout could begin to fall anypoint during the day, and thats where the real radioactive damage wa caused.

Erm, where are you other peoples, like are your "Starting" positions worth being put on the map? Also, GTX, "Mood: Not amused" , I LoL'd
Kugarfang: o hai guiz im trying to find this techno song from the radio and it goes like this:

DUN duuuunnnn dudududududun SPLOOSH duuunnnnn

We ate the horse.
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Old 29-01-2009, 12:03 AM   #7
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I'm in an infinitely small point of space somewhere over area 4. I don't really care where.

Lies are for those who cannot handle the truth, but truth is for those who cannot handle the lies.
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Old 29-01-2009, 08:29 AM   #8
The (Web)Space Pirate
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Date: May 8th, 2015
Time: 11:07
Location: "Area 9" Inside GTX's Base

GTX2GvO just finished the first round of inspection, causing him to now carry a notepad full of minor damages and various readings of the systems around the base.

*GTX2GvO walks into the "Control Room"*

#What's the results? My sensors weren't able to follow you're progress#

Well.. For starters. The region scanner still works and it's true that this Island has no radiation @ all.
The underwater communication lines are except for 1 all intact.
Too bad I can't call the EU now.

#As if you'd ever wanted that communications line#

I know.
Oh. Ehmm.. The main blast door seems to be stuck.
My guess is that some rocks gotten inside some of the mechanical parts.
So we won't be able to open that soon.
Also. The air purification chip seems to be fried.
Which means we MUST open an outside door in a day or two.
So.... Managed to get an online connection established?

#Connection status report#
#Connection: NORAD: Established#
#Connection: A51: Established#
#Connection: Airwave: 50%#
#Connection: SCHQ: Established#
#Connection: Pentagon: Failed#
#Connection: AB: Established#

#Where'd you want to check first?#


#Opening Chat line. Voice active#
#S# Hi. This is General S. Ucks. Glad you're still alive G. #S#
#G# Yeah. I flipped on that news report just in time. #G#
#G# So any news from NORAD? #G#
#S# Well.. We were lucky to see those missiles in time. #S#
#S# But. Ehhmm. We lost the Pentagon. #S#
#G# Noticed that, but anything about the cause of this? #G#
#S# Nope. WE got dumbstruck. Thought they'd hit in a day or two from now. #S#
#G# Same here. Well. I know enough now. GTX Out. #G#

#Who do you want to call now?#

Hmm.. Pentagon seems to be gone and I doubt they'd tell me anything useful Over @ Area 51.
Try the SCHQ. Maybe they're awake.

#Opening Chat line. Voice active#
#O# Operator. Who's calling? #O#
#G# GTX2GvO here. You guys all made it? #G#
#O# Of course we did. Wadda ya want? #O#
#G# The usual. Information that is correct. What did you guys know? #G#
#O# Such info isn't know by me. I'm just a com-op. #O#
#G# Any chance you can connect me to someone who can? #G#
#O# Nope. #O#
#G# Ok. GTX out. #G#

#and now?#

Looks like SCHQ knew what was happening all along.
What's the outside temperature?

#10 degrees Celsius. With a light wind coming from the north, north, west#

Hmmm. First there's no direct radiational fallout and now it's actually colder then expected.
I need to know what nukes that were.
Connect to Airwave Station.

#Connecting....... Connecting....... Connecting....... Failed.#
#Connecting....... Connecting....... Established#
#Opening Chat line. Voice active#
#A# Airwave station here. What do you want to know #A#
#G# City Ratiation status and ANY info on those nukes #G#
#A# The radiation status is simple, but i can't help you with the type of weaponry. #A#
#G# Please tell. #G#
#A# Well the radiation status is that there's NO radiation and no upper sky fallout. #A#
#A# And the weapons. Geesh. That's too tough to find out #A#
#G# Nukes that don't give out radiation? Weird. #G#

#G# What about... APAC? #G#
#A# Could be, but how would Brazil AND Iran get weapons from them? #A#
#G# Good one. Well.. How are you doing up there? #G#
#A# I'm in a space station. No-one thought of looking in my direction. #A#
#G# Thanks for the info. GTX out. #G#
#A# Good luck #A#

Hmmm.. Really weird indeed.
Well.. I'm off for the second round of inspection. Where's my tool-kit?

#sub-level 3. Corridor 5. 2nd room. You were fixing the electrical things there 3 days ago#


*GTX2GvO goes to the location where he has his tool kit*
*So he can start on the second inspection round and fix some of the minor damages*
Greetings from GTX2GvO.

Member of The Victorious People's Shoutbox Liberation Army.
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Old 29-01-2009, 08:32 AM   #9
Master of Orion
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Name: Tomekk ; "WarLord"
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Appearance: Long white hair, red eyes. Tall and strong ()
Class: Commando (Ex-U.S. Marine), Scavenger
Gear and Inventory: Customized Minigun with special scopes (24X Zoom, Nightvision, Heat-vision.) and a small grenade launcher on the bottom. [In hands]; 357 Magnum, Machete, med-kit, binoculars, some grenades, radio. [On belt]; Armor: Light-weight kevlar armor. with added metal plates for extra-protection.
Alignment: Neutral/good.
Mood: Currently pissed-off because it's already morning.


Date: 2015, May the 7th. 08:24.
Location: AB City, Sector 1. A 100 meter high, half-collapsed, skyscraper 20 meters from the coast. 10th floor, in a small room looking towards the sea.

*Clock ringing*

Damn, is it morning again? *Sigh* What's on TV?

"What ever has gone down in the white house these past few minutes has resulted in the launch of the entire American Ballistic missile arsenal! God help us all! Cathy, can you here the bomb sirens? This is channel 7 news, leaving you now, for the las-"

Ok, that's not good news... I better get the hell out of town, FAST!
*He quickly jumps out of bed, and gets geared up in 3 minutes*
Now, where did I put my "secret" nuclear-batteries? And I'll need my laptop too.
*After a few more minutes he's ready to leave.*

*Tomekk quickly "climbs down" to his garage under the skyscraper*

Ok, where's my bike?
*He uncovers an old Harley Davidson in perfect condition. He also fetches an old CD with "Highway to Hell" labeled on it* ()
*Soon, the garage door is opened and the good old sound of a Harley can be heard throughout the whole area... well if there's anyone still there.*
"I'M ON A HIGHWAY TO HELL! HIGHWAY TO HELL!" Thank god my cd-player is still working!

*Tomekk quickly went through the whole city, since most of the population was heading towards the mountains, whilst he was heading the forest on the northern side of town, where his "pet" was waiting for him.*

*20 minutes later, at a large concrete building, at the outskirts of the forest. Tomekk arrives and whistles, only to have a large robot jump towards him.*

Dog, sit down!
*Dog is Tomekk's personal robot, which he built in the past 10 years. (It looks like this) He last left Dog in the forest to guard his secret bunker.*

*Friendly beeps* Woof woof!
Nice to see you too!

*Suddenly a gang of 4 raiders show up and raise their guns towards Tomekk and Dog.*
Raiders: Step away from that bunker, and we'd might let you live!
Tomekk: Really? *Raises his minigun and shoots 2 of the raiders.*
Dog: *Angry roar.* *Jumps to the raiders and throws them away.*
Tomekk: Good boy! :amused:

*The 2 quickly climb down into the bunker, where Dog opens a 1 meter thick metal door.*

The 2 enter the safety of the bunker, just as the nuke's start ravaging through the country-side.
"I want to be able to tell some poor girl i am going to feed off of, that she will see me in her dreams as a dinosaur" - DarthHelmet86

"that's what all jrpgs are about

0: intro
1: talk talk cry talk talk graphics talk talk,
2: boring jrpg generic turn based combat
3: walk map
4: goto 1 12390482309 times
5: outro"
- _r.u.s.s.

Last edited by Tomekk; 29-01-2009 at 09:28 AM.
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Old 30-01-2009, 10:44 PM   #10
Vodka-Induced Entertainment
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AlumiuN sits at his desk, lit only by the harsh artificial glare of his laptop. He glances at the clock in the corner of the screen.

11:32 am, May 8, 2015

He looks back to the centre of his screen and continues his previous incomprehensible and self-targeted rambling as his brain processes the information on his screen.

"Hmm... wouldn't have thought... what's that... oh... maybe my - no, I... hmmm..."

He suddenly sits bolt upright before returning to his previous hunched position and scratching his day-old stubble.


He presses a small button on the side of a USB device plugged into his laptop, and the cube reappears in the centre of the room, emanating a foreboding hum and emitting its already familiar sterile, cool blue. He runs his hand along the side of the cube, and a panel is revealed. He presses a yellow button with a downwards arrow on it repeatedly, before pressing a small green button on the side. It beeps in response, and the cool blue is slowly replaced by a blood red as he walks over and quickly puts on a metallic cleansuit that was standing in the corner of the room. As the void surrounding two floors of detached apartment begins to expand and fade into a depressing view of a obliterated city, he picks up a small Geiger counter off his desk and turns it on. It clicks expectantly, before displaying the standard '5'.
A sudden flash of light illuminates the room, and the void disappears. The abandoned cars beneath the apartment that now exists in real space collapse under the weight, and the Geiger counter needle spikes for a second, before settling on '10'.

"One milliroentgen? ONLY ONE?"

The temperature sensor in the cleansuit begins to beep as it registers that the temperature is a mere 7 degrees Celcius.

"So it was a freon-based bomb. Whoever threw this bomb at us had some serious money and scientific support - more than Brazil, Iran and North Korea could ever muster, even if they combined their efforts."
"HEY! Who's using this radio channel!" comes a harsh voice through the suit speaker.
"What? Oh, sorry. I must've forgotten to turn the radio off."
"Son, this is a NORAD channel. Why is it on your radio?"
"I have no idea, sir. This is the first time I've used this out of R&D."
"R&D? By any chance, did you work at Standard?"
"Yes, sir. Abandonia City."
"Let me guess - B-class cleansuit."
"Well. I'm glad to know someone survived that. Anyway, what was that you were saying about freon?"
"I think the bombs that hit here were freon-based, sir. I picked up traces from some pieces of shrapnel in the spectrometer, and it's only 7 degrees Celsius here."
"What sort of radiation level?"
"Negligible. Only double normal background rad levels."
"Hmmm. I'll get what's left of us to see what we can dig up. In the meantime, there's someone over on a island about 10 kilometres off the coast that we've been in contact with since. Those B-class suits have the Zerospace uplink and the hoverjets, don't they?"
"Yes, sir."
"I'll send you the co-ordinates. I want you to meet him."

AlumiuN jumps out of the window onto the ground a metre below and looks around.

"OK. I'll make my way over there now."
"Good. Ucks out."

AlumiuN begins walking twoards the coast.

Lies are for those who cannot handle the truth, but truth is for those who cannot handle the lies.
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