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Old 14-11-2004, 11:30 AM   #1
Abandonia Homie

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I wanted to tell you about one thing. Icelandic teachers.
In Iceland, we have 4 school-levels. Kindergarden (around 2-6 years old), chilren-school (6-16), college (16-20) and university (20 +).

For the past two months, the children-school teachers have been on a strike. Two months. At first, I thought it was reasonable. They don't have high salaries. But then I realized, that the demands they make are just too high.

Children-school teachers have around 20 students each. In my school (I go to college), each teacher has up to 400 students. And children-school teachers want the SAME SALARIES as the college teachers!! How stupid is that??

OK, they do deserve good salaries. But let's take two teachers as an example.


My sister's teacher (my sister is 9) has 19 students. The teacher is at work from 9-14, then some work at home. Maybe 2-3 hours at home.

Then let's take my english teacher. He works from 8-15:30, and then in the evening school from 17-22. Five days a week. And he's an average teacher, the same goes for most of the teachers. My english teacher has around 400 students, I guess.

So, is it fair that my sister's teacher gets the SAME MONTLY SALARIES as my teacher? I don't think so.

Yesterday, the goverment put law on the strike, so the teachers aren't allowed to strike anymore. About time, in my opinion. When sailors striked few years, it took the goverment a WEEK to put an end of it, withouth their salaries to get any higher.
But the teacers are f**king idiots. They are ALL going to skip work next week!! And most people don't know that, I heard it from my aunt who is a teacher (yup, there are teachers in the family ). She didn't want my sister to go to school and find nothing there.

And then yesterday, I heard another thing that blew my mind.
Kindergarden teachers now want the same salaries as children-school teachers, WHO WANT THE SAME SALARIES AS COLLEGE TEACHERS!!!!!! How fucked up is that?!?
OK, kindergarden teachers have responsibility, but all they do is sing songs and go out to play all day long!!!!! from 8-16!!
How can they expect the same salaries as college teachers?!?!? JESUS CHRIST!!!!

Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, but I'm just so angry!!!!
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Old 14-11-2004, 11:35 AM   #2

Should their demands ever be fulfilled, than the college teachers would need an increase in their salaries as well. And that would produce chaos as a result. These teachers should realize that they're threatening the entire system there... But on the other way, perhaps it's just time for a global renewal in Iceland...
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Old 14-11-2004, 11:40 AM   #3
The Niles
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I want the same salery as your college teachers as well! I think the abandonia staff should go on strike until Kosta gives into our reasonable demands! :Titan:
Rabyd Rev -- 2 Timothy 2:15
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Old 14-11-2004, 11:40 AM   #4
Home Sweet Abandonia

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Jeez... that's fucked up. I hope it all gets back to normal over soon. Recently we've had strikes from Post Office (so everyone's letters arrived two weeks late) workers (so everyone's letters arrived two weeks late) and Firemen (so the army had to go around putting out fires) all they do is piss everyone off and they never get their demands anyway, I wish people would negociate before they went on strike and used it as a last resort, not straight away.
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Old 14-11-2004, 11:44 AM   #5
Abandonia Homie

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Then there's another thing in this all, I'll try to explain it....

The guy over the children-school teachers-association (I hope it's the right word...) is MARRIED to the lady who's over the kindergarden-teachers-association!!!

And now the kindergarden teachers are about to strike!!!!! :blink:
How fuckedup is that??

Arg it makes me so angry :ranting:

Next year, when the 10th graders go to college, the colleges will be worse than they are. In my school, everybody can have classes together. I go to classess with kids of all age (most between 16-20). So even though I'll be on my third year next year, I might have classes with kids who are finishing children-school now. So the teachers has to make the classer easier, because the kids lost so much school now :ranting:

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Old 14-11-2004, 11:59 AM   #6
Home Sweet Abandonia

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I think the countries should be controlled by one enlightened ruler.
the so called 'right' to strike just makes the country mallfunction and should thus be deleted.
The press only creates conflicts between and within communities. While knowing the truth is important it should not contradict the government in such a away that the people would do things they would later regret.
This I think the government should control the press and all other media-outlets for the people's own safety.
pat b
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Old 14-11-2004, 12:00 PM   #7
Home Sweet Abandonia

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Don't get angry In Bulgaria the teachers also go striking the fact is that theyre salarys are very small and its difficult to live.Our f@#$ed goverment is jjust rising all the bills (water,heating,food) except for the salarys.There are some guys that aren't doing nothing and lives like kings and they are still complaining.

My garandma has to pay 60euro for heating when she gets only 50euro(we dint have euro but levs but this way is more clear to you)she lives with my grandpa but still it's very little. :ranting:
Some men see things as they are and ask "why?". I dream things that never were, and ask "why not?".
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Old 14-11-2004, 12:10 PM   #8

Here in Germany teachers don't get that big salaries compared to some other jobs, but they aren't striking. In fact, there's rather the problem that there're with time less and less young teachers available. Only old ones remain, and not enough young ones come to take their place, and that's because the salaries aren't high enough. Most prefer to have other jobs, so I wonder how it would look like in 5 or 6 years...
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Old 14-11-2004, 12:21 PM   #9
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And now for my humble opinion!!!
OK, it's not right that a kindergarden teache, a school teacher and a collgae teacher would have the same pay - I am a school teacher, I'd like a higher pay, but there is a hirarchy!
I think that the right to strike is a good thing!!!
The only problem is, that only those who feel secure enough strike (let's say teachers, doctors,... - I'm talking about Slovenia now). But the peolpe who really should go on strike (some factory workers) don't dare.
The thing is, that the family next door has two children (bot parents work in the same factory) and I have no idea how they survive! Both of the parents together recieve a lesser pay than mine (and I've been employed for full time only for a few months now - and have no children), and neither of them was payed for three months now!!! They should strike - they really need higher and more regularly payed wages. But they don't dare.
I do agree however that the best rulership would be an enlightened leader (but remember power corupts!!!).
About the job of a teacher, well that's another thing!
I know most of you believe that teachers don't have much to do, but believe me, that those who want to work well have more then enough work!!!
There are days I work from 7am to 5pm (every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday), I also have working Saturdays and when the children have holydays I work (but I'm an exception that proves the rule - there are only 3 other teachers that work half as much as I do)!
And when it comes down to teaching the children younger then 8 - well I teach children from ages of 7 up to 15 and I can tell you, that a class of 20 10 year olds is much more demanding then a class of 400 20 year olds (I gave 2 lectuers at South-West Texas University to two groups of 300 students - so I should know). If you don't believe me just try it your self!
Still, I don't even dream of demanding a higher pay (even if my pay is not that good). The main problem is, that my country is not so rich they could pay the government employed teacher much more money. So compared to my neighbours who work in a private factory I'm actually very rich - I get a solid pay regularly every month and can get any kind of credit I'd want.
Now I don't know what's it like in Iceland, but I know my fellow teachers here (the ones that do the least - and get higher pays then me because of their longer employed status) are complaining they have to much work and not a high enough payment. So I guess this strike is unfair!
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Old 14-11-2004, 03:27 PM   #10
Tom Henrik
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Originally posted by The Picard@Nov 14 2004, 12:40 PM
I want the same salery as your college teachers as well! I think the abandonia staff should go on strike until Kosta gives into our reasonable demands! :Titan:
We want money! We want money!

*looks at postcard I got from Kosta*

ViGERP AKA what I have been working on these last couple of years...
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