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Old 06-06-2017, 07:14 PM   #41

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Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post
Dear Bonk, if you think you will defeat me with mysterious extra PoE gains, you are well-mistaken.

I have been reflecting and I think I know how you got those extra PoE. You reduced the difference by 5 PoE in just 3 days!

Remember: I always defeat my opponents. Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

Poke-man is invincible and will remain invincible!

Besides, the Captain Bible with the holy blessing will strengthen me.
I call Heaven to give Mystvan strength in all dealings whether I am here or not so you are safe now Mystvan!
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Old 06-06-2017, 08:44 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by tienkhoanguyen View Post
I call Heaven to give Mystvan strength in all dealings whether I am here or not so you are safe now Mystvan!
Holy Moly! Thank God! Now I am at ease against the threats of the evil Bonk.

Official Guide on how to become a legendary Captain Bible

Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post
Ugh. When the site does not work right, it is really hard to try to guess the Abandonia Daily Screenshot Quiz, mainly because the search engine and game pages and reviews have problems and do not work right.

Well... Good luck, children! Have fun with the treasure hunt!

May the Force be with you!
What I am going to say will seem obvious to many Abandonian non-Quiz Players, but for the Abandonian Frequent Quiz Players, each screenshot does not always seem obvious, since the games are not only of 1 genre, but that mixes elements of other secondary genres.

Ugh! The worst is when the screenshot is from a cut-scene or a scene that runs away from the supposed main genre of the game.

Sometimes the only one that can motivate me to keep searching for the correct answer to the Abandonia Daily Screenshot Quiz is that I do not get outdone by Bonk in PoE scoring rankings.

Ugh ... I hate to admit it, but it looks like Bonk will beat me soon... Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

I was thinking about the reasons for this and I came to the following conclusions :

Bonk is The Hand of Fate of the legendary Go(l)d Hand (King Midas? ) whose 20 Fingers (♩♪♫♬ ♬♫♪♩ ) are Goldfingers (everything that he touches turns into PoE ???).

I think it is kind of a punishment for “honoring” Bonk on my signature... The majestic Blue Whale (Treasure Hunter) is capturing all the lost PoE out there...
My New Signature 2.0

Last edited by Japo; 22-10-2017 at 10:07 AM. Reason: spam bump/multiple post
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Old 17-06-2017, 08:59 AM   #43
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Don't worry Mystvan, you are still far ahead of me in the PoE rankings. There is obviously an element of luck in our PoE gains and a few weeks ago the system didn't accept my correct answers for severel days in a row, so you got a big lead. At the moment I am slowly closing the gap, but in the long run you still have a better PoE average than me
So just wait until luck changes again. I did accept that you are better than me, but just like you, I don't give up so easily
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Old 17-06-2017, 02:14 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Bonk View Post
Don't worry Mystvan, you are still far ahead of me in the PoE rankings. There is obviously an element of luck in our PoE gains and a few weeks ago the system didn't accept my correct answers for severel days in a row, so you got a big lead. At the moment I am slowly closing the gap, but in the long run you still have a better PoE average than me
So just wait until luck changes again. I did accept that you are better than me, but just like you, I don't give up so easily
Well, I thank you for the comfort, but I know very well that you are unstoppable and you look like a Steamroller... “Constructicons! Transform, merge into Devastator!”

But I think you should rest a little, should be without Internet for a while just for you to disconnect yourself from the world and worry free, because you are working too hard... Enjoy your life! Enjoy your life and know yourself to know your real potential.

I could be your therapist, no charges, because you are a little obsessive about PoE... I am worried about your health and your fingers...

By the way, I will hire the secret agent 007 against your Goldfingers!

I never thought Bonk was so merciless, mean, evil, and bully.

Poke-man feels that he is really in danger and doomed by pushing with the Belly of “Bully” Billy Bonk. Brazilian colloquialism “empurrar com a barriga”, literally “to push with the belly”...

I have 05 hypotheses to investigate the miracles of Bonk’s fingers, but I would rule out the 5th hypothesis because it is very improbable.

May Miss Lulu_Jane Marple help me solve the Mystery of the 20 FingersGoldfingers case. I could also call the famous Belgian detective Air-cule Parrot (the most powerful brain in Europe)...

I think I will really need a lot of hellp from the two detectives!

Originally Posted by Bonk View Post
Don't worry Mystvan, you are still far ahead of me in the PoE rankings. There is obviously an element of luck in our PoE gains and a few weeks ago the system didn't accept my correct answers for severel days in a row, so you got a big lead. At the moment I am slowly closing the gap, but in the long run you still have a better PoE average than me
So just wait until luck changes again. I did accept that you are better than me, but just like you, I don't give up so easily
Damn it! I summoned yesterday in the Spiritist session the legendary Miss Lulu_Jane Marple and Air-cule Parrot . After our consultations, I confirmed what Cyber_Bonk had done in the last few days. “I Know What You Did Last Days...”

We finally solve the Mystery of the Go(l)d Hand’s The Hand of Fate’s 20 Fingers’ Goldfingers case.

It is like Cyber_Bonk said, that depends on luck... Also, I also know it depends on a condition that I will not disclose, but maybe Cyber_Bonk knows about this condition.

If Cyber_Bonk defeats me in PoE , I delete my small, simple “tribute” to him.

The Cyber Battle between Cyber-Punk Poke-man and Cyber_Bonk for the Supremacy and the title of “The King of the Quiz Players”.

Damn it! I was not able to score yesterday due to server slowness.

Right now that I thought I was closer to the Grand marko River, he moved further away from other users by becoming the single leader breaking the 30,000 PoE barrier.

Dear marko river, it is not good to isolate yourself from others. I can relieve you of the weight of loneliness and the weight of your various badges. Could you give me some of the PoE (99.99%? )? So you would get closer to your peers and feel lighter, free from the burden of being an isolated leader and the burden of so many badges.

If you want, you could give me some of your badges, since you do not have an avatar, because with so many badges there is not enough space for you to have an avatar. The only possible avatar for you would be “.”.
My New Signature 2.0

Last edited by Japo; 22-10-2017 at 10:06 AM. Reason: spam bump/multiple post
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Old 03-07-2017, 10:51 PM   #45
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Congrats to marko river! His commitment to Abandonia makes it a well deserved 1st place.
I'm just G@mer4Life!!!
Life is tricky, it doesn't have "Load Game"!

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Old 14-11-2017, 04:30 PM   #46
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Congratulations, dear Chair-man Cyber-Bonk.

You’ve finally reached the 20,000 PoE level. As I always imagined, I can never forget to consider you as my rival.

You are too dangerous for me to have the complacency of neglecting me. And that would be flattering on my part.

Now, my estimate is that we will reach Sebastianos within 3 years if all goes well.

Otherwise, only after 3 years and a few months will we finally overcome Sebastianos, the former undefeated PoE ranking.

Originally Posted by BranjoHello View Post
Congrats to marko river! His commitment to Abandonia makes it a well deserved 1st place.
If Grand Mentat marko River stopped scoring, I believe he could be outclassed in about 4 years.

I think he has already done more than enough as Abandonia Updater and deserves a very long holiday and a good rest for his tired fingers.


11/17/2017 (17/11/2017): Poke-man: Achievement Unlocked: 7th position in the ranking of PoE.

Within a maximum of 2 weeks, the Chair-man Cyber-Bonk will be able to have the Achievement Unlocked: 8th place in the ranking of PoE.
My New Signature 2.0

Last edited by Mystvan; 02-12-2017 at 07:12 PM.
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Old 02-12-2017, 07:10 PM   #47
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Congratulations, dear Chair-man Cyber-Bonk! You finally surpass Ermuli. Now, you are the 8th in the raking of PoE - 12/02/2017 (02/12/2017): .

I have a guilty conscience as I ripped and destroyed his spinach plantation... which left him helpless in the face of our attacks... Just look at his physiognomy whose features indicate frown and / or smile...

If by then, you have not surpass me in the ranking of PoE, I promise that I will bring a balance between chaos and order in the realm of TotalAnarchy (TA). I will be like In-Betweener, the cosmic agent of Lord Chaos and Master Order, and put an end to total anarchy within 1 year...

I swear in the name of the Father, the Mother Superior / Reverend Mother and the Holy Spirit of the Sisters, full of Spirit and Grace. Amen. Alleluia!
My New Signature 2.0
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Old 04-02-2018, 02:58 PM   #48
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Greetings from Poke-man, Bonk! Bonk! dear Chair-man Cyber-Bonk. Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

As I had promised, I was able to perfect my technique to refrain your attacks. Bonk!

I believe I can still perfect my technique even more, and if that is possible, you will never be able to surpass me in the ranking of PoE!

Damn it! You always gave me a lot of headaches. *cold sweat* I will miss your Chair of Power! Yoo-hoo!
My New Signature 2.0
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Old 04-03-2018, 11:36 PM   #49
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Ugh! Chair-man Cyber-Bonk, Bonk! Bonk Bonk you have less than 100 PoE to get past me.

All my (very hard work) strategies have now worked for a short time. Before I give up trying definitely, I have one more strategy that might work. But what a real headache!

Otherwise, I will have to adopt 2 much more laborious strategies. Well, the only good thing was you forcing me out of my comfort zone!

Now, with your glorious march unimpeded, you are the true, unique and grand invincible Chair-man Cyber-Bonk. Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

I’ve already retired from being Poke-man Bonk! Bonk! and all my tools and powers will be disabled and sealed except on specific Forums.

I am resigned and awaiting the inevitable flattening of my head as a pancake by your legendary, unique and unequaled Chair of Power. Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!
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Old 18-04-2018, 12:12 AM   #50
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Angry Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

Greetings from Poke-man, Bonk! Bonk! Chair-man Cyber-Bonk. Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

Congratulations! Finally, you have overtaken me and will surpass me ever since I stopped using my Poke-powers. Bonk! Bonk!

Uh-Oh! Is it my impression or did you also want to be Poke-man Bonk! Bonk! via PM?

Not worth being Poke-man Bonk! Bonk!. For one thing, you poke around and giggle a lot. On the other hand, you only get only 02 noises Bonk! Bonk!

Already being Chair-man, Bonk! Bonk! Bonk! you get at least 03 noises Bonk! Bonk! Bonk! And if you are well inspired, you are well able to get more noises Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

However, I want you to be aware that if I want to, I can still use my 02 hidden powers (02 trump cards up my sleeve) still at any time. Do not worry, I will not do it so soon...

Maybe I should use the powers from Dark Side of the Force and the Tie Fighter to let Cyber-Bonk eat dust again! Cough! Cough!



Now, I have a cruel doubt: How will you flatten my head in the form of a pancake? As far as I know there are 02 ways:

• Flatten my head horizontally; _

• Flatten my head vertically. |

I have the photo of my 03 cats (I own 08 cats, 07 females and 01 male) when they were still puppies. If you realize, she ended up flattening the heads of her sisters, one vertically and the other horizontally! Bonk! Bonk! Bonk! I believe she was drumming on the sisters’ heads inside Mommy’s belly like Lord DarthHelmet.

Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

Shhh. Now, here between us, please keep your unique, legendary, invincible, incomparable and unequaled Chair of Power away from my head! Bonk! Bonk! Bonk! Hellp! Hellp!
My New Signature 2.0

Last edited by Mystvan; 26-04-2018 at 05:02 PM. Reason: Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!
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