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Old 10-11-2018, 02:10 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Benefits Obtained from my Weight Loss

Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post

I feel great after losing more than 14 kg after a more balanced, nutritious and healthy diet in conjunction with aerobic physical activities such as fast walking and running.

I think perhaps my weight reduction has slowed down after I have intensified the time of my races. Muscle gain? Who knows?

Aerobic activities, for those who have no physical restrictions, have only shown positive results such as improving sleep, improving mood, more relaxation, improved mental concentration, improved digestion, more satiety in food, etc.

Like every good thing, it would be prudent to avoid excesses or extremes, that is, neither lacking nor excessive, but in balance and patience (perseverance)...
Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post

It may be that during physical activity of walking and / or running, you do not lose weight as you expected. Never be discouraged, because there are explanations for this!

01) You are gaining muscle mass. And that is really nice! Have perseverance and patience, for surely the results will come sooner or later!
02) You may need to restrict consumption of pasta, meat and fat.

Although I lost more than 14 kg, I estimate that my muscle gain was about 3 kg. That is, maybe I have lost the weight between 14 kg and 17 kg!

Fortunately, I am already within the rankings of being a thin person and I plan to lose over 7 kg just to get me away from being an overweight person.
Benefits Obtained from my Weight Loss:

As I had explained in previous posts, I began to lose weight by eliminating sugar, reducing meat consumption (avoiding meats that are industrialized!) and exercising regularly.

My intention here would not be to be a fanatic about healthy living, but to share my experiences, both good and bad, on this journey to have a better quality and healthier lifestyle.

I’ve lost more than 17.0 kg since I started exercising regularly. The key would be jogging and running so that weight loss occurs more quickly and effectively. As I already have a silhouette (or thin build now), I intend to lose another 4.0 kg as my goal.

I jog for about 1 km (<10 minutes) and then I run between 14 to 15 km for 90 minutes. I even jest that I am running more than a professional football (soccer) player during football (soccer) matches.

Before beginning the physical activities of the day, have a healthy breakfast so that there are energies for that task.

As I said earlier, when running, I was gaining lean mass or muscle, so I stayed about 03 weeks without losing weight over the course of the 03-month journey.

This was pretty disheartening at first, but I gradually lost weight. It is necessary to have patience and objectivity in the execution of physical exercises.

I estimate that I should have gained a muscle between 3 to 5 kg, so that although I have lost gross weight of over 17.0 kg, my actual weight loss would be between 20.0 to 22.0 kg.

When I had an almost obese silhouette, the extra weight pressed my spine, knees and feet. Not to mention that I was always panting and with little breathing capacity.

To be honest, this would be the third time I run to lose weight. In the next posts, I will list the benefits of weight loss and also the harms of overdoing the running.

If anyone wants to share their own experiences, feel free to share them here.
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Old 10-11-2018, 02:14 PM   #2
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Thumbs up The Benefits I Notice after the Elimination of Sugar (in my third time)

The Benefits I Notice after the Elimination of Sugar (in my third time):

01) I stopped salivating a lot;
02) I stopped having digestive fermentation of the food ingested;
03) I have less nasal discharge in the morning;
04) Prevents cavities and gum pains;
05) Prevents unnecessary weight gain;
06) Faster and easier weight loss;
07) Increased resistance of the immune system;
08) Other effects I ignore by not being a doctor, but certainly no one benefits by consuming industrialized refined sugar.

If you want to be healthier, consume moderately sugarcane molasses or honey, as both have minerals and other nutrients that refined refined sugar is lacking. And who is saying this would be someone who really liked sweets and was a real human ant or ant-man!

I would also avoid excessive consumption of meats, even lean meats. I am prioritizing egg proteins and those of vegetable origin. And if necessary, I also ingest the vitamin B12 that plant proteins lack.

And consume the pasta also in a moderate way so that there is no weight gain.
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Old 10-11-2018, 02:16 PM   #3
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Thumbs up The Benefits I’ve noticed from Regular Exercise

The Benefits I’ve noticed from Regular Exercise:

01) I feel more relaxed;
02) Improves disposition;
03) Improved self-esteem;
04) More self-confidence;
05) Better mental concentration;
06) Less fatigue and drowsiness during the day;
07) Better breath and respiratory capacity;
08) Improves the indexes of laboratory tests (glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid, TGO, TGP, hepatic steatosis, blood pressure, etc.);
09) Increased resistance of the immune system;
10) Get out of your comfort zone.
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Old 10-11-2018, 02:20 PM   #4
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Thumbs up Wrongfulness that I noticed in case I overdo it in Physical Exercises

Wrongfulness that I noticed in case I overdo it in Physical Exercises (the first time I ran):

01) Swelling in the ankles;
02) Swelling in the shins;
03) Strong pains in the knees after climbing several times the stairs of my building;
04) Muscle pains in the back of the leg;
05) Pains on the heels;
06) Toes pain;
07) Wounds in the region near the upper thighs by prolonged contact of the clothing with the skin.
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Old 10-11-2018, 02:24 PM   #5
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Thumbs up My advice

My advice:

01) Have a healthy breakfast before starting physical activities;
02) Do stretching before beginning physical activities;
03) Wear proper and good quality sneakers;
04) Run in a relaxed way, so that the feet and legs become relaxed, as running causes a high impact on the lower limbs;
05) Respect physical limits;
06) Avoid climbing stairs over several floors unless absolutely necessary;
07) Avoid running a long route without being accustomed to this distance and time.

So the ideal would be to start running after getting used to that distance and gaining muscle. Then gradually increase the distance to be traveled as long as you respect the physical limits of the person. It is necessary to have patience and objectivity in the execution of physical exercises.
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Old 12-11-2018, 08:30 PM   #6
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Thumbs up Foot Blisters!

Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post

My advice:

01) Have a healthy breakfast before starting physical activities;
02) Do stretching before beginning physical activities;
03) Wear proper and good quality sneakers;
04) Run in a relaxed way, so that the feet and legs become relaxed, as running causes a high impact on the lower limbs;
05) Respect physical limits;
06) Avoid climbing stairs over several floors unless absolutely necessary;
07) Avoid running a long route without being accustomed to this distance and time.

So the ideal would be to start running after getting used to that distance and gaining muscle. Then gradually increase the distance to be traveled as long as you respect the physical limits of the person. It is necessary to have patience and objectivity in the execution of physical exercises.
One thing I forgot to mention would be that during physical exercise blisters could arise on the sole of the foot, primarily in the region of the toes. I remember that even with these annoyances, I persisted until the blisters were gone.

As I currently do not have this type of problem anymore, I remember that these foot blisters can arise if you exceed your physical limit of the moment. Wait until you get used to this level of physical activity intensity and gradually increasing without causing discomfort due to blisters and muscle pain.
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Old 10-11-2018, 06:40 PM   #7
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Thumbs up Relevant remarks!

Relevant remarks!

I forgot to mention a few things:

01) I am already over 40 years old. They say that after 40 years, it would be harder to lose weight even with exercise due to the lower metabolism of the body. But here I am, even after 40, with weight loss done!

02) And I am advising my acquaintances, as they have noticed my remarkable weight loss, and some of them are following some advice like diet with less sugar and meat and / or more exercise. I am happy to share my successes and mistakes so people can avoid making the same mistakes I’ve made in the past. He who warns you is a true friend!

03) With physical exercises, more relaxation and less stress, the person may be less likely to consume junk foods. Thus, after reaching the goal of the ideal weight for each person, this person can afford to eat junk food from time to time, with well seasoned meats, etc.

04) On the 1st and 2nd times I went running in the past, I did daily physical exercises which caused exhaustion of the body. Now, I am more moderate in this regard and I run races 5 times a week. And it is working, because on Wednesday, midweek, and Saturday, over the weekend, I practically sleep ( about 02 hours!) to get back from physical tiredness. This does not invalidate what I said about you being less tired during the day, with better mental concentration and more disposition;

05) I’ve had the experience of running the previous 2 times. So maybe it was easier for me to regain my old physical shape and to run regularly. I do not know if the same could be applied to those who have always walked and / or never ran regularly. I repeat: Respect the physical limits of the body! Super heroes with super powers only exist in the world of fiction (shhh! Shounen style!)!

06) I would not be willing to lose weight just for vanity and narcissist in the Johnny Bravo style. Far from it! With my almost obese silhouette came along with results of laboratory tests not very encouraging. Maybe that is the incentive for you to think seriously about losing weight. For this will be more difficult as the years go by, because the metabolic activity of the body will be less intense and certainly the weight loss will be more difficult. Sooner rather than late!
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Old 11-11-2018, 03:40 PM   #8
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Thumbs up Other Relevant Remarks!

Other relevant remarks!

I forgot to mention that since 2008 until now, I lost weight 4 times, 3 times being weight loss via regular running while the other time (penultimate time) was through consuming very little carbohydrate.

This would be an alternative for those who are not willing to practice regular physical exercises. If you consume little carbohydrate, you will feel very hungry from the beginning of the night until you sleep. If you can withstand this affliction, little by little, you will begin to lose weight.

I remember that I consumed only 50 g of whole-grain biscuit per day (preferably whole-grain carbohydrate so there are no blood glucose spikes, very frequent case for refined carbohydrate!). This would be especially recommended for those with very high glucose levels.

However, I do not recommend this method of losing weight simply by going hungry (it requires a lot of perseverance and patience) besides not enjoying the benefits of regular physical exercises (less fatigue, more mental concentration, more relaxation, muscle mass strengthening, etc.)!

I would also avoid these energy drinks (Gatorade, Red Bull, etc.), highly caloric, during physical activity if your goal is to lose weight. Those drinks, which professional athletes consume, are to replenish lost energies and maintain weight, I believe.
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Old 12-11-2018, 08:40 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post

Other relevant remarks!

I forgot to mention that since 2008 until now, I lost weight 4 times, 3 times being weight loss via regular running while the other time (penultimate time) was through consuming very little carbohydrate.

This would be an alternative for those who are not willing to practice regular physical exercises. If you consume little carbohydrate, you will feel very hungry from the beginning of the night until you sleep. If you can withstand this affliction, little by little, you will begin to lose weight.

I remember that I consumed only 50 g of whole-grain biscuit per day (preferably whole-grain carbohydrate so there are no blood glucose spikes, very frequent case for refined carbohydrate!). This would be especially recommended for those with very high glucose levels.

However, I do not recommend this method of losing weight simply by going hungry (it requires a lot of perseverance and patience) besides not enjoying the benefits of regular physical exercises (less fatigue, more mental concentration, more relaxation, muscle mass strengthening, etc.)!

I would also avoid these energy drinks (Gatorade, Red Bull, etc.), highly caloric, during physical activity if your goal is to lose weight. Those drinks, which professional athletes consume, are to replenish lost energies and maintain weight, I believe.
I forgot to mention that I did not practice this torture of modern times every day of the week.

I endured it months after months because during the weekends it was the time of plenty of food inside the stomach. Alleluia!

I consumed without restraint and without remorse on Saturdays and Sundays and later became a Buddhist Monk , Indian Fakir or the like on other days of the week. Alleluia!

After all, no one is Iron Man / Woman and even an Iron Will could give up some day if there is not at least a little truce. We can pat our belly a little, right?
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Old 01-12-2018, 01:54 PM   #10
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Continuing my narrative of the long journey towards weight loss... *Phew* *Whew*

I lost over 21.0 kg including gaining muscle mass. My BMI is <23 at the moment and I intend to get to weight with BMI 22 when I lose only another 2 kg. Alleluia!

However, if I disregard the gain of muscle mass (my silhouette is quite thin *Phew* *Whew*), my BMI could be almost 21 or <21 after losing another 2 kg... *Phew* *Whew*

In the past, I did not know the subject of the body getting used to, reducing metabolism and being harder to lose weight. Now, I am varying my physical activities:

01) Running at 10 km / h for 90 minutes on a 15 km course (high impact on the knees, heels, shins and ankles);
02) Jogging at 8 km / h for 120 minutes on a 16 km course (jogging causes less impact on the knees and heels);
03) Indoor Cycling / Spinning at 39 km / h ~ 40 km / h for 120 minutes (the problem is the seat being hard and causing discomfort over time ).

And her are my stimulus and challenge: it is never too late to start a physical activity. The most important and difficult thing is to take the first and step out of the comfort zone. Oh, also maintain perseverance, patience and optimism!

I always like these expressions, very true and wise:

01) Sooner rather than late!
02) He who warns you is a true friend!

Finally my long journey of weight reduction is coming to an end and I intend to now maintain my weight after losing another 2 kg. And I will go back to eating meat and junk food only on weekends...
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