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Old 19-12-2005, 01:53 AM   #1

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It kinda makes me mad when people say all this crap about "how bad" the psp is, and they dont say crap about the DS. The PSP seems like the clear choice for me, yet everyone always praises the DS and complains about the PSP. I havnt noticed any of this here yet, and i dont even know if any of you are into the new handheld gaming market, but i was bored and wanted to get you guyses opinion

They complain about psp's game selection. I do not understand this one bit. Sure, it may not have as many games as the DS, but in my book it is and always has been quality over quantity. Why pet a fake dog when you could be playing console-like GTA games, socom (single player and online), burnout legends, ssx on tour, infected, Prince of Persia, etc. It just makes no sense. Oh, and all the games that are available on both the DS and the PSP, guess which ones are better? right, the psp version... (NFS, Burnout, Spider Man, etc.). So why do people always complain that the psp has crappy games? is it because you get to pet dogs and play lame driving games on the DS? probably....

They complain about hte battery life. Why? Its not like anyone is going to be playing for more than 2 hours anyways, so with battery life in the 4-5 range i think its good to go. If your playing in a car, i got a solution! buy a psp car charger! if your playing at home, plug it into the wall! and if you are playing in none of the above, i doubt you will be unable to find an electrical outlet somewhere.

They complain about the price. again, why? sure, the ds is half the cost, but it can also only do a fraction of the features available to the psp. You dont see movies on the DS, nor picture viewing, MP3 playing or even high quality games. So get over it, in the long run it'll be worth it

They complain about other random things like dead pixels and easily scratched screen. the dead pixel problem was a launch problem, almost all consoles have these sort of problems at launch. what do you think is happening with the 360 crashing, eh? same sort of thing. Easily scratched screen? TAKE BETTER CARE OF IT for petes sake. buy a good case and some screen protectors and dont leave it lying on the floor

So all i have to ask is why. Why is the DS outselling the PSP, why do people diss the PSP so much, and why does the PSP get complained about for the little things? almost EVERY SINGLE console has "little things" that may annoy you, so why is the PSP always getting picked on, especcially over the DS???


incase the psp's game library is still being brought up, i am proud to announce to you *Drum roll* a list of games for the psp that have been made or are in development and have been officiaslly confirmed for the psp. BAM!

[Oh, come on, we didn't need all those games]

PSP TBA Games:
-communication/simulation (Sega)
-digital pet (Sega)
-education (Imagineer)
-graphic adventure (Sega)
-puzzle (D3 Publisher)
-puzzle (MTO)

and that list is only of confirmed games, not rumored games or any BS like that. i am not even sure how recent that is, there may be some missing that have just recently been announced. the whole lack of games thing was probably made up by some kid that bought a DS and now wishes he hadnt

whew. even though all i really did was copy and paste from my other posts on other forums, it sure fealt long. . . . i love my PSP
so what i dont have a real life...do you??
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Old 19-12-2005, 01:57 AM   #2
Eagle of Fire
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You'll probably think I'm stupid or something, but I have no idea what a PSP or a DS would be...
I'm on a hot streak... Literally.
Proud member of The Abandoned since 2005.
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Old 19-12-2005, 02:07 AM   #3
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Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Dec 18 2005, 09:57 PM
You'll probably think I'm stupid or something, but I have no idea what a PSP or a DS would be...
The DS is Nintendo's current top-of-the line handheld (think GameBoy) and the PSP is Sony's competing offering. Do a Google image search on 'em if you'd like, or look them up on Amazon.


dr_doom, posting the full game list was a might bit overzealous methinks.
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Old 19-12-2005, 02:37 AM   #4
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I prefer the DS.
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Old 19-12-2005, 03:01 AM   #5
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Originally posted by dr_doom@Dec 19 2005, 02:53 AM

Why pet a fake dog when you could be playing console-like GTA games, socom (single player and online), burnout legends, ssx on tour, infected, Prince of Persia, etc.

They complain about hte battery life. Why? Its not like anyone is going to be playing for more than 2 hours anyways, so with battery life in the 4-5 range i think its good to go. If your playing in a car, i got a solution! buy a psp car charger! if your playing at home, plug it into the wall! and if you are playing in none of the above, i doubt you will be unable to find an electrical outlet somewhere.

.You dont see movies on the DS, nor picture viewing, MP3 playing or even high quality games.

They complain about other random things like dead pixels and easily scratched screen. if you have dead pixels, its your fault for not waiting a couple months after it came out.

So all i have to ask is why. Why is the DS outselling the PSP, why do people diss the PSP so much, and why does the PSP get complained about for the little things? almost EVERY SINGLE console has "little things" that may annoy you, so why is the PSP always getting picked on, especcially over the DS???

A few titles on your list are Japanese. These will probably never be released outside of Japan and could make doubles on the game list if they were.

Now, i'm going to start first off by saying I don't own a DS or a PSP. So when I answer the points i've chosen to answer, it's coming out of a general view of someone who would like to decide between the two.

1) I would pet a fake dog because it's innovative and unique. Some people live in apartments or areas non-suited to large pets, and this is the perfect way to fill the void. I've played enough racing games, platformers and FPS, I want to play stuff like Harvest Moon and Seaman. You know, the games that actually stand out as being different.

2)Battery Life, hey? While it's true that you can just plug it into a wall outlet somewhere if the battery runs out, I doubt some guy working in random store 3A would let you use his outlet just to power up a portable game system. Besides, what if you're on camp or someplace in the wilderness? The purpose behind a Portable (be it DS or PSP or even the old gameboy) is that you can take it and use it in places where you can't use the bigger machines. You need all the battery power you can squeeze out of it, just in case you get caught up in a session.

Oh, and about your assumption that people aren't going to play for more than 2 hours anyway. I've finished 10-13 hour games in one session if it's good enough, and if i'm really too tired to think straight then i'll stretch it out to two.

3)Who says the games aren't high quality? I'll read user reviews on the game I want to buy, and then i'll read mag reviews and see if they differ, but ultimately the decision on whether I think a game is high quality is mine. Also, while all that other stuff is a plus, some people buy their game platforms to play games on. With two DVD players, an Xbox DVD player and a PC, I don't need more playback equipment anyway.

4) So if I bought a PSP when it first came out, got a multitude of problems with it, and decided to complain, it's MY fault for wanting to buy it in the first place? regardless of the flaws in the design which causes those things to happen? I would create a bigger argument for this, but it's just so stupid it destroys itself anyway.

Finally, 5). Yes, you are right. Every console (no almost) has a 'little thing' wrong with it. The original NES made you turn into a turbine every time there was dust in the cartridge, same with the SNES. My PSX's engine burnt out, and my original Xbox was shipped with a faulty and continually degrading laser. I could live with the dust, though. The PSX lived a long life beforehand, and I got a new laser installed for the box, but the point is if little things are left unchecked, they can turn into big things. The little things can be what makes your console sell, or obsolete.

Example, bike model A has been tested, and is found to have a strange clicking sound in the spokes on every 4th revolution (like the old maths trundle wheels). Bike model B has also been tested, and it is found that the gears can stick, your seat gets loose very easily and the brakes require a lot of pressure to function properly. (this is mountain/push bikes i'm talking about here) Which model do you think will enjoy continued sales?

Anyway, i'm done. There's my opinion on the matter. Hope it helps.
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Old 19-12-2005, 03:11 AM   #6
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I buy a game system to play games (I don't have either, but I've tried both extensively) and in that respect, I'll go with the hardcore system, the DS.
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Old 19-12-2005, 03:31 AM   #7

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Oh, and about your assumption that people aren't going to play for more than 2 hours anyway. I've finished 10-13 hour games in one session if it's good enough, and if i'm really too tired to think straight then i'll stretch it out to two.
yeah, but were those handheld games or console games? A handheld is more quickfix, whenever you find the time and dont have a console nearby. i personally could not see myself ever playing for more than 5 hours on a handheld, and even that is strechin it

With two DVD players, an Xbox DVD player and a PC, I don't need more playback equipment anyway.
yeah, but do you have 2 dvd players, an xbox, or a computer with you when you are anywhere away from home?

Who says the games aren't high quality?
Well, i was only generalizing. the DS overall has a higher bad to good game ratio, especcially with games scoring 1's and stuff. ( yes, i am talkin to you, elf bowling. if you want to see something EXTREMELY funny, watch one of the videos for this game and wonder how it was ever made) . if you go to the DS's review section on ign where it shows all the recent games, it has scores like 4.8, 2.5, 1, 2.5, 3, 3.5, etc. if you want to see for yourself, go here. sure, the ds may have some good games, but i would go for the psp since the lowest scoring recent game was a 5.5, and thats only one game.

So if I bought a PSP when it first came out, got a multitude of problems with it, and decided to complain, it's MY fault for wanting to buy it in the first place?
umm, well, you see..... OH, LOOK! A BUTTERFLY!! *edits original post*

and the launch problems werent that major, just a couple dead pixels. using your example, the psp would be the one with the annoying clicking sound while the 360 is the second one.

and thank you for giving me valid reasons instead of most forums i have been to, where it is overrun with nintendo fanboys that spout out lame excuses without actually prove anything.
so what i dont have a real life...do you??
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Old 19-12-2005, 03:43 AM   #8

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I'll go with the hardcore system, the DS.
sure, if your idea of a hardcore system is one with, at best, mediocre graphics and again, at best, mediocre games, go out and buy yourself a nintendo DS. to me, though, the PSP just has more appealing games and features that wont even compare to the DS. I would much rather play GTA:LCS, Infected, Socom (online with up to 16 players = sweeet!), burnout legends, lumines, Prince of Persia, ridge racer, and many others over the weak games that the DS has to offer. The fact that i can also watch movies, play music, view pictures, and surf the internet is just icing on the cake.

oh, on all the games that were on both your "hardcore system" and the psp, the psp version totally OWNED the ds version. i just dont see how that system can be cosidered hard core, when almost all it has is lame games. In fact, pretty much all of the good DS games were games made by nintendo, all third party games bombed. not true for the psp, not true at all. sooo yeah.

so what i dont have a real life...do you??
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Old 19-12-2005, 03:55 AM   #9
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Originally posted by dr_doom@Dec 18 2005, 11:31 PM
yeah, but do you have 2 dvd players, an xbox, or a computer with you when you are anywhere away from home?
Personally, I have at least one laptop and my portable DVD player. That's besides the point, however, as frankly, this is one of my biggest problems with the PSP (and it's not one that's easily rectified, so I'm not blaming Sony engineering on this particular point): that it doesn't actually play DVDs.

I have a collection of DVDs that's of decent size and of considerable cost. Now, with that in mind, a PSP will only play UMD movies (of which the selection is far lower than that of DVDs), an incompatible format. Hence, should I want to watch something from my current collection I would have to go out and hope to find the same titles in UMD format and lay down more money (and UMDs aren't exactly cheap) for something I already have. Now, while I'm sure that the VHS-to-DVD argument will arise, UMD is not a DVD killer or even replacement, it's just one more way Sony is trying to get people to waste money on a wacky new format that only they support (*cough*minidisc*cough*betamax*cough*etc ad infinitum).

UMD movies on the PSP are far from a selling point for most everyone I know.
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Old 19-12-2005, 04:06 AM   #10

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UMD's arent the selling point for me, either. while i share most of your complaints, at least the option is available and i might even buy a few someday. if you have a ds and want to watch a video, too bad so sad. The main selling point for me was the games. i mean, come on! a full fledged game of GTA in your pocket, with console like graphics and even a multiplayer mode that is fun? what more could you ask for? maybe a socom game with up to 16 players online? well they have that too. umd movies are sort of like those toys that used to come in your favorite type of cereal as a kid. sure, the toy may be cheap and not the coolest toy ever, but you got it with your favorite cereal so it only sweetens the deal, if you know what i mean. at least for me, anyways. . .
so what i dont have a real life...do you??
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