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Old 24-08-2005, 04:11 AM   #31

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I think I can clear this up, A Smart Phone is a cross between a PDA and a Cell phone, as you guys already esablished that point.
Smart phones are mostly made by cell phone companies aka; moto, nokia.
However they must be able to run applications, like Microsoft Office.
So I will mention each points in small detail.

The phone part:
~For a smart phone you must be able to use all over the world hense a world phone.

The Smart Part
~ Must have WIFI, an operating system, bluetooth, good memory, and must have expandable memory.
~ Must be able to load software...
and some even have cameras

And on the point of the NIntendo DS there is a little piece of hardware called Movie advance and lets you play movies, MP3's, read e-books, and lets you look at pictures if i remeber correctly, though its acctually built for the GBA. and with th Ds' WIFI soon the will be game ie. Mario Kart DS which you can play against people for all over the world, and there is a port of Linus for the DS so you might be able to use the internet, possabily even firefox.

I think thats all I have to say.

Woot first post on page 3 :Brain:
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Old 27-09-2005, 08:23 PM   #32
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well i hate to break it but the next generation ofphones are here o yeah baby
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Old 26-09-2013, 10:47 AM   #33
Abandonia nerd
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Ha, PDA's.
They were always so cool, but every one I've ever had I've lost.
Besides, mine were some kid's brand like Spider-Man anyway.
Well, not that Spider Man is for kids. And not that Franchised PDA's aren't still ultra awesome. But that's not my point.

Anybody ever use the Sega Dreamcast's PDA compatiblility? That's what I hate about PDA's. Not enough people buy them, and they go obsolete quicker than a Iphone.
On top of that, almost no one supports them, either with the machines they build, the OS's they make, or with actual tech support.
After all, there is a reason why there isn't
"Padbandonia, the home for classic PDA software!"
I have always liked PDA'S so much, but they seem like one of those underground areas of computing. With SmartPhones and Kindles already so much better, the next PDA would be a Smartphone!
I made this post from my Kindle. Heh.
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