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Old 24-11-2013, 02:52 AM   #1
Abandonia nerd
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Post Retro Games Guide To Plano (My Hometown)

I wrote a "Retro Gaming Guide" to my Home-Town, Plano, TX.
NOTE: It is unfinished; I never wrote the "DOS Gaming Supplementation" part. Just the intro stupid joke.
I can't imagine this being useful to anyone on the forum, unless they happen to live in my area of Texas.
But it's a bit fun to read anyway.
I will post something that is less home-exclusive soon.
Something that is a good story for all. Later.


You've entered StaaViinsZ's Mini-Retro Gaming Guide... In Plano!
Is it Mini and Retro... or Smally Retro?

This "Guide", If I may be so bold, is to aid, as my mind put it, "Retro Gamers On the Rise", in Plano, Tx to get started.
Yep, My mind puts it differently then my continuous stream of thought... Strange but true, my fiends, Strange, but true.

This Guide Will Go Over:

1. Places to Look For/Buy Things

2. Dos Gaming Supplementation

3. Ebay's Usefulness to Retro Gamers

Let's start with 3. Wait, that's a bit anti-normal, isn't it? Is not it? Is it not? Whatever?
Anyway, here's 1
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Chapter 1-- Places to Look For/Buy Things -- AKA PLFBT-- or PLIF-BIT.

What does it mean? WHO KNOWS! That's just it's alias. Did Smith and Jones have to explain their Alias?

Well, there is a multitude of places for Retro Gaming Supplies in Plano, so many, in fact, you may be amazed the options you have once you start. To start off, we have the obvious...

Movie Trading Company

Beginning Comments: This place is surprisingly good, and bad, for a stop.

The Good: Their collection includes Atari, Xbox, Wii, PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, SNES, NES, Gamecube, GameBoy, GameBoy Advance, Sega Genesis, and, very occasionally, DreamCast games. Not to meantion some accesories for a few of the above meantioned. They even have a few old game systems, Including PS1 and PS2. If you wanna pick up a flick for after the gaming, then you can, too. They have a clearance sometimes, too.

The Bad: Everything except Clearance is WAY overpriced. Except Atari Games. Those are pretty fair, if not great, ly priced. Still, though, PS1 games can go up to $8.99, possibly even higher for titles like the Die Hard Trilogy. The movies are almost all through the roof, AND FORGET the PS3 Games and such.

The Details: The point is, they have everything you could want... FOR A PRICE. If I may divulge from the path for a bit, eh?

Man: "Oh WOW you guys have that game from 1996 for PS1 I've been looking for!"

Cashier/Worker: "Yeah, well, you're gonna have to fork over the cash, Bucko."

<Man pulls out fork and Literally FORKS over $100>

Cashier/Worker: "What's this?! We can't accept bills with holes like this! Besides, you think $100 is gonna do it? HA! Yeah right, Poor Wimp. See you when you get a life."

Okay, okay, a bit exaggerated, but hey, that's the way I feel about their prices. After all, $8.99 for Rebel Assualt II? Gamespot says it's a good RENTAL! PAH!

The final advice: If you have to find a certain old game you want, this is a good second or third stop in Plano, but Ebay still might be your better bet. The clearance isn't that bad, should you get there the right day. If you're looking for great prices, this place isn't usually the best. That said, it is a Decent stop for old gaming.

Final Rating: 6/10
-3 for bad prices, -1 for no Dreamcast games most of the time,
+6 for Great selection, Movies and CD's on the side, friendly staff, clearance, and hard-to-find systems and standard accesories.

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You must be thinking now, wait a minute, did you meantion Gamestop? Aren't they a good place for Gaming?
That's just it. GAMING. NOT. RETRO. GAMING. I've even heard stories of people buying Disc only games that were scratched into oblivion, basically, That didn't even work.
Also, you just DON'T FIND RETRO STUFF THERE. It just doesn't happen.

Can I help you, sir?
SNES? Never heard of it.
Orignal Xbox? Ooh, we got rid of those 5 years ago.
Wii? Check the clearance.
PS2? You mean, there WAS a gaming console BEFORE the PS3?
Oh man, I've gotta tell my co-workers. They're not gonna BELIEVE THIS!
<Workers run crazed out of building in a flurry screamig "PS2!! AHH!!!">

Anyway, I haven't been there in a while, but I doubt they would have improved much. This is NOT the Retro Game Store you're looking for. You don't need to see their store for yourself. Go to Fx. Go to Fx. (Adapted from Obi-Wan)

So what we'll learn about next is...

FX Game Exchange

Beginning Comments: One of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE stops for Retro games! You'll see why in a bit, and you'll be hooked should you step in. The place is just awesome.

The Good: EVERY. SINGLE. THING. To elaborate, They have SNES, NES, GBA, GB, PS1, PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast, Atari, Gamecube, Sega Genesis, and Wii games, among others. They have a generally GREAT selection for the Genesis, PS1, and Xbox. They even have an N64 among ALMOST EVERY OTHER Retro gaming system you can think of for sale. Yes, an SNES, Atari, Sega Saturn. Intellivision? 3DO? Well, no. Even they aren't THAT good. Or bad... Depends on your opinion of the previous consoles. Most old cartridge games are only $4.95 to $9.95. Oh yeah, and they have a $.22 $.88 & $.44 CLEARANCE!!! Well, that's been drained and now it's not really that great, but it's still there, has some okay stuff, and who knows if it'll start back up again.

The Bad: The SNES selection isn't the greatest sometimes, although it progressively gets better it seems. Catridge games are probably Cart only, although I won't know until I ask. They are frequently crowded with a bunch of Gamers gathering for some sort of event that involves playing a certain competetive, usually older (Within 2000's) game. Although that's actually good for their buisness. On the extremely popular titles, they CRANK CRANK CRANK the price WAY WAY WAY up. I got Super Mario World on Ebay (More info on Ebay later) for $6.99. THEY CHARGE $24.95!! E, GAD! Sonic spinball? $2.95. Sonic the Hedgehog? $9.95! The only other thing that was a little bit questionable was that they were selling a imitation Genesis controller for $15.99 that was listed on ebay, from the original manufactuer, I believe, as $5.99.

The Details: I absolutely love this place and make it my personal goal to meantion it anytime a weekend or a game system comes up. The staff is always helpful when you first walk in the door. They also have a few racks of Movies on DVD for sale, which have really never interested me all that much. Accesseries galore as they have a whole wall and a half of hanging accessaries. They have almost anything you need, and if they don't, they will soon. I can't Speak for the Atari Games, although the Atari system was a bit high @ $49.95. Then again, that's actually pretty good if you consider the price some would charge.

Final Rating: 10/10

The place really doesn't have that much wrong with it, as my rating MAY suggest. But seriously, If you're Gonna buy DKC, (Donkey Kong Country) SMW, (Stephen Max Wendt ... Wait, no, Super Mario World) or STFII, (Street Fighter II) then do it on Ebay, people. Well, maybe not DKC. That's always way overpriced. You'll notice continually, however, that if stores fail you, Ebay won't. Except Ebay will, if it's an auction. Don't ask about DADS. (Double Auction Disapointment Syndrome)
Highly Recommend this Place.

+10 for Great Selection, Prices, (Most) Service, Accesories, and the Previously Awesome 22 44 88 Cent clearance, Some titles of which were being sold for $2.99 or even $4.99 at HPB!
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Next we have the nary-visited, (By me, at least) little corner stop called Play N' Trade. (Which isn't really a "Corner Stop", it's just small.)
Purchased a Wii game there, only to lose the manual before I could return it. The ONLY TIME I EVER lost a manual. EVER. BLEH....

Play N' Trade
(I tried to get them to name themselves "Tray N' Trade", so their abbriviation would be "TNT", but they said it just doesn't work for a name. Unless they had Trays that they had people pass the games around on or something.)

Beginning Comments: This place is decent enough. I went there twice, but I didn't get anything the second time.

The Good: They have a few Retro accessories and a good few Retro games, along with some newer stuff. Friendly enough staff. Has a membership plan.

The Bad: Some of the Retro games (Which are mostly lobbed into a big bin) are a bit overpriced, and the Gamecube stuff (As usual) is way through the nose. The newer stuff is probably all overpriced too. The membership plan? Cool, right? NOOOOOOO... You save about $.70 to $1.00 on most games. The one I bought was listed as $7.19 instead of $7.99. Lame.

The Details: I guess you COULD trade games there to get a discount, after all, they are "Play N' TRADE", But this brings up yet again the "Play Games, sell 'em for more issue". That is, I prefer to get a game, Play through it, then keep it should I ever want to go back to it. Sell one? OUT OF THE QUESTION. Only the very lamest of games I would do that to, and since I know what I'm doing, I DON'T BUY LAME GAMES. Plus my defininition of "Lame" is considerably harder to lob a game into than others' definitions. After all, I enjoyed Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi, and it got rated 4.6 on gamespot, or "Mediocre".

Final Rating: 5/10
It's hard for me to not like a game store, considering anything's better than going to Bed Bath and Beyond with Mom or such. If I had to, I would gladly rate PNT 10/10 compared to Bed Bath & Beyond, ANYDAY! But considering the comparisons that can be made against Game stores, (Think: FX, FX, FX) I suppose this one really is a somewhat mediocre stop. I do still like it, but it's not my first place to look for Retro.

-3 for somewhat high prices, -1 for bad membership, -1 for more new than Retro.
+5 for Actually having Retro Games and Accessories, along with friendly staff and a Decent all-round store.

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Even though it may seem a bit off course, {What's that Jim!? You're pullin' off the main road!!) Our next stop is Half Price Books.
HPB is surprisingly good when it come to Retro gaming, as I've gotten Fade to Black, Medal of Honor, Gex, and Star Wars Dark Forces there for the Playstation (1) alone.
I know, I know, Gex, Fade to Black, lame games, but at least I got better with my pickings later on. Just see the Playstation Story for my rising and falling opinion of the Playstation. But that's a story for another read...

Half Price Books

Beginning Comments: As you may have gathered by now, HPB is not a Game store. Rather, a Book, Record, Magazine Store. (At least that's what their sign says)
Despite these "lackings", (Yes, Having Books is a lacking) it's really rather good for a store. Especially if you're into Music & Comics, too.

The Good: They Have Games! They Have CD's! They Have Records! They Have Clearance! They Have Comics! They Have Books! Okay... Strechin' it a bit there... but seriously, they have everything a Retro gamer with way too much time on his hands could want! Their prices are good, but occasionally do drift into the "Bit High" range.
They have clearance games on occasion, and the one in Plano has $.50 comics! The Dallas location has had DOS games lately, but that's for later. In Plano, I got Medal of Honor for PS1 for $2.99, and Star Wars: Dark Forces for $4.99. Dark Forces, was, admittedly, previously marked $7.98. Ouch!

The Bad: In Music, anything but the (Extensive) Clearance is marked way up. Not quite retail, but still. In Books, (Like you really want to know) it's pretty much the same way. In the Movies' Non-clearance, forget it. It's not worth it. The point is, the highlight of the store is NOT the Non-clearance. It's the Clearance. Also, occasionally some items can get especially hiked up in price. You have to get lucky to find the deals sometimes.

The Details: The place really is one of my all-time favorite places to go, (for anything, not just video games) and everytime I do I always end up with a "Maybe Stack" WAYYY bigger than 10 bucks. Sometimes I have to skip things I'm really interested in, because they're just too much. Which, I guess, means they add up quicker than you think... but seriously, again, try going to any game store you know and walking out with 2 PS1 (like MOH or SWF) games for under $10. It's not gonna happen.

Final Rating: 9/10
I can't say much bad about this place. In fact, I can say more bad about FX, then I can about HPB. Maybe it's that old saying "Too much of a good thing". You know, since FX is all gaming, you're bound to find some faults as they have a whole store of games. However, if you had someone with the same mindset of FX, hosting a store that does much more than just books or games, that only keeps the best out of the bunch that they get, you could end up with a ultra-great little section of games in a much larger store with much more to offer.

+3 for having CD & Record Clearance, +3 for having Retro and other video games, +3 for having Comics, and $.50 Comics.
-1 for having High prices occasionally all-round, and having a lot of stuff in Non-clearance that is Genuinely overpriced.
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So, next up is my personal FAVORITE STORE in Plano. You might be thinking, "Okay, here we go, he's going off topic again. What's it this time? Herbmart? Is that his favorite store?" or something similar. Perhaps "Well, his favorite store can't be tech or games. I mean, that's just what he's writing about. It's not really his favorite thing."
Anyway, on with the guide!

Goodwill Computer Parts Store

Beginning Comments: This place is crazy good. Game consoles for crazy prices, a few games... but anyway, that's for the good. To make it even better for me, I can walk to this place from my house. Anyway, if I stay too long in the beginning comments, I'll start revealing stuff that should go in Good, so without further "N'se Poke"...

The Good: They Have game consoles (Yes, Some Retro) for less than 1/10th the price, sometimes close to 1/30th the price! I've bought a Original Xbox, PS1, Dreamcast, and probably will get a PS2 there next week. They have a few games, also. Most are $3-$5, and the ones that aren't don't exist! (In other words I typed "most 3 to 5" and then realized that there wasn't any games that cost more... and didn't just backspace and retype the whole thing.) Example of their Great Gaming console prices? Dreamcast? $15.00. PS1? $15.00 PS2? $20.00. Need I go on? Also, they have computer parts, (As the name would suggest) like hard-drives, Monitors, and RAM.
The staff is friendly enough, certainly helpful. The computer parts? greatly priced, too. $3-$5 bucks for a stick of RAM! R, AM! You know, as in, "E, GAD!" No? That doesn't work? Well, eh...

The Bad: The games that they have aren't really all that good, especially their current Playstation selection... Although they USED TO HAVE Syphon Filter 2 on PS1, a MOH game on PS1, Jurassic Park on PS1, and KOTR on Xbox... but we never did have the chance to grab them. Now their PS1 collection has dwindled to 3 Games. All sports. The staff are actually much better now, but back when I first went there, it was like they were too attentive or something. For instance, we walk in, and the guy welcomes us. then we start looking around, and all the guy can do is like, watch us, or try to act like he's not watching us. It almost seemed like he was watching us to make sure we didn't steal anything. On the bright side, he was ready to answer any questions we had, and that was helpful.

The Details: They also have a location in Dallas, called the "Computer Works" store. I was very interested in them, but I saw a news report, and they looked about the same as our store. The funny thing was, that they were talking about the fact that they have game systems, and then they said "They even have the old nintendos." Then they focused on a N64 catridge. SERIOUSLY?! N64? PAH! THAT'S NOT THE OLD NINTENDO!!! I thought that was just sad. "The old nintendos". Phffpt. Stupid.
They seem to get in a new shipment every 1 1/2 or 2-3 months, which usually includes a new batch of game systems. Which don't last forever. They stay for a bit, but not forever. So far, we've managed to get each of the ones that came there for their outrageously low prices, except Gamecube. I can play those on the Wii. Here's hoping we get that PS2! TOAST, TO THE... WORTHY? Well, I don't know if a PS2 is worthy of a Toast, but anyway, Toast to the PS2.

Final Rating: 9/10
The place is awesome. Too awesome for their own good. If our neighborhood doesn't see it, and they close down, it'll be our neighborhood's loss. The goodwill, on the other hand, might actually make some money for a change if they closed 'Em down. Where do they get these systems? How do they sell them so cheap? Talk about the Double Kind-Heart Whammy. They're giving the "Poor" Game consoles, AND the "Disabled" or "Job-needers" Jobs.

+9 for having ABSOLUTELY NUTS Game console prices, Great prices on the Comp. parts, and really good service.
-1 for in the past (Remember, not currently. It's better now.) it having been a little awkward as their only customer, being hawk-eyed at every turn.
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Chapter 2-- Dos Gaming Supplementation-- AKA DGS or DIGS!
Why? BECAUSE YOU DIGS IT! HAHA! HAHA! HAHA! HA-- Eh, well, not that funny.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter 3-- Ebay's Usefullness To Retro Gamers-- AKA EUTRG or Yuut-Rig.
It means Yuut are the one Rigging Yuutself to win on auctions. What? See what happens when I come up with a meaning? WE ALL PAY FOR IT.

This chapter we'll be explaining the things you've been wondering since Chapter one... conveniently far enough away that should any inaccuracies present themselves, you'll have forgotten them by now. I mean, all that talk about DOS gaming supplementation is enough to make you play on DosBox for days. Right? you haven't been reading this all as one entity, have you? Oh, NO! I've gotta go back and check some things I might have messed up! Be RIGHT BACK! No, wait, you can't right on paper a wait time.. Ah, forget this whole thing, No chapter 3 for you. Wait, What? Here we go again, caught between a Poke and a Nose place again, tangled up in a flurry of nonsense comments thrown one right after the other one. It's best if we just forget this happened, stop this "Convo", and just move on.


There are a multitude of ways Ebay can be useful to you. We'll try to list as many of them as possible as quickly as possible:

1. Discovering Game Titles

2. Getting Game Titles

3. Comparing Store Prices

4. Getting Hard to Find things or stuff that is "Hiked-up" at stores for a decent price, sometimes

5. Occasionally Getting Game Systems

6. Getting Anything Else You Might Be Interested In

7. Finding Monster Lots Available No Where Else (But be prepared to dish out the cash in a Bid War, Including guard and watch the last minutes of the auction to protect against Sniping)

8. Sell Anything You Might Want To Get Rid Of (If you like doing that sort of thing)

9. Getting Accesories (Try to avoid "Hong Kong" Merch.)

So, this means that you can discover game titles by searching "PS1 Games" or something like that and looking through them all, you can get specific game titles by searching for them in the search bar, you can search for a particular title you saw a store and see if it's cheaper, and you can sometimes get more popular titles (Like Super Mario World) for way cheaper than Store Price.

Along with that, you can occasionally find some great deals on Games systems, (I got a Sega Genesis for 22.35!) buy a watch or something else, find some Knutto lots that will never happen again, Sell anything you don't want anymore, and even buy some controllers and Memory cards.

Basically Ebay is a One-stop-Shop for just about everything. Although, as always, you might want to make a few other stops before. You know, to make sure you're not getting up sold, and having to wait senselessly, when you could pay a dollar less at your game store, and get it instantly.

Ebay also has it's fair share of DOS games listed. A good place to look for them first. If they aren't listed, then try google and Amazon. Amazon will almost certainly have it... but it could be high.

You'll find your own way around Ebay, and if you're dedicated or look enough you'll get some good deals. Be careful, however, about getting your hopes up about an auction that may look very good in your favor 3 days before. People will watch items and not even touch them until 10 minutes before the end. Some wait until 10s. Always be watching at the end of an auction with a higher bid (if you're willing) already filled in the space. Take note of the "Instant Bid" button. And DON'T, I REPEAT, DO NOT, think because it looks a certain way 3 or 2 or even 1 or even the ending day that you will win it. There's always a higher bidder. It's just a matter of whether or not you've managed to elude them or not. Even if your max bid is $45 and the auction is at $22.50... DON'T DO IT. I once had an auction that was this way. I told my friend who woke up briefly we were still the high bidder, confident that no one would out do $45. "I mean, come on." I thought. "$45.00 dollars! No way!" I was sadly mistaken. Just minutes after I told him the bid had gone up to $46 or so, and I was ultimately disapointed.

Let me explain the feelings you get when you think you are going to get an auction, and then don't...

First, you think "What? How did? Oh, no. This is horrible"

Then, you look at the people who made bids usernames'.

You get this feeling like they're Mocking you, that they put there username on there to aggravate you.

The anger and disapointment mounts, which usually results in many quiet "Oh, Mans" and quiet Fist bangs against the wall. (That is, if you're tame about it)

After that you try to tell yourself that the things you lost are also available many other ways, at which your mind comes back at you with "But they will cost more individually. It will take at least a few years to get them all"

You realize that there will never be another auction exactly like that for that cheap.

You hold back the tears.

You try to convince yourself and realize that the person who won it was just like you, who found something they were interested in, only that they were willing to pay a bit more.

You realize that this person will probably enjoy it as much as you would have, or more, and that you should really be glad for them.

Then, your mind, in it's self-righteous, "I'm so dissapointed and angry" mode, trying to come up with ANYTHING to justify your silent tears, tells you "But what if they're a collector? One who just puts things away, and never uses them, never enjoys them. Grrr... they didn't need it. They aren't even going to use it!"

At this point it becomes tedious and you finally start trying to think about something else. Throughout the day you think about it for brief moments and feel dissapointed, and angry. After a while, it fades, and you get over it.

You see the process you go through if you get your hopes up? See? So DON'T DO IT.

I hope you enjoy getting some great finds from the dregs of Ebay, and remember, should you come across a auction, Keep your hopes and dreams where they belong. In the bottom of the pit.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well, That's it for the Retro Gaming Guide to Plano. I hope this helps, or encourages, you to go out and get a few games for some great prices.
Remember, I shop Cheap, and there's nobody Cheaper than McCheapy. Yes, the name's Cheap. Cheap McCheapy. This is my Brother, Cheapr'an-Ed, This is my Cousin, Cousin Cheapo, My Father, Cheap Cheapdt, (Pronouned, Cheap-INT) and my Mother, Cheapagela Cheapdt.
Have you met my Cat, Cheapico? What about Cheapy? Cheaper? Cheap-Fire?
Oh yeah, then I've got my Aunts and Uncles, Cheapid McCheapain, Cheapale McCheapain, Cheapponn Cheapdt, Cheaparl Cheapdt, and Cheapuffy McCheapain.
Oh yeah, and my Half-cousin, Ed. No last name. My brother was named after him. I never could see why? His name is Cheapr'an, and Ed. What's so "Named After" about that? NUTHIN!


If anyone would like to see it finished-- Yeah right-- than just say so below!
Really, it is pretty finished, just not section 2.
Watch For "The Playstation Story" soon!

Poke Dat.
"Does seeing me as a small lizard make everything I say even MORE annoying?"

"...this forum seems like a bunch of jumbled posts all bound together, except a toddler has been tearing "Posts" out of the "Binder"."

"And here we are, in the shadows, patiently awaiting a reply to appear, in it's natural habitat."

"Why quote someone else when you alone have enough ridiculous posts for the whole forum's user base?" -All Quotes StaaViinsZ

Last edited by StaaViinsZ; 24-11-2013 at 03:04 AM.
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