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Old 19-09-2006, 06:05 PM   #71

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I had the following text file on a very old floppy disk. No idea where it originally came from, but it might help those who are handy with hex editors:

Ever wanted invincible shields in your ship in Wing Commander? Now you can
have them! Also included are the unprotect and some hints.

To unprotect wing commander to bypass the documentation check,
in WC.EXE find the hex string 75 14 B8 and replace it with EB 14 B8

5 hex bytes are listed for each ship.
Use Norton Utilitys or PC Tools to search WC.EXE for the hex string.
To maximize the shields, replace the first 4 bytes with FF 7F FF 7F

To minimize the shields, replace the first 4 bytes with 01 00 01 00

In the file WC.EXE

Human Kilrathi
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
Hornet -- 28 00 28 00 2D Salthi -- 23 00 23 00 1E
Rapier -- 50 00 4B 00 3C Dralthi -- 32 00 32 00 2D
Scimitar -- 3C 00 32 00 55 Krant -- 50 00 50 00 5A
Raptor -- 46 00 46 00 64 Gratha -- 64 00 5F 00 8C
Venture -- 96 00 96 00 6E Jalthi -- A0 00 A0 00 C8
Drayman -- 78 00 78 00 50
Tigers Claw -- F0 00 F0 00 DC
Exeter -- 2C 01 2C 01 F0

I couldn't find the codes for the Kilrathi destroyers but I'm pretty sure the
Dorkir is 46 00 46 00 50 and if you like, you could try playing around with

C8 00 78 00 C8 or 0E 01 AA 00 18

Now, in the secret missions part 1, at some point, you will come up against the
Gwenhevar - a captured Exeter with Raptors & Rapiers flown by Kilrathi.
Keep saving your game so when you hit this mission (you'll be in a Raptor),
you can exit and yank the shields for the exeter class destroyer and the
Rapier down to size. Be sure to maximize them after the mission.

In the secret missions part 2, (the above codes work for SM2.EXE as well
as WC.EXE) the Dralthi is a bit stronger and has the new code

3C 00 32 00 4B

There are 2 missions where you will fly a captured Dralthi. Best to set it to

64 00 64 00 4B Drop the Rapier down to nothing for these missions as well.

If you don't own this game, BUY IT! If we support the games we really like,
they will keep writing them!

I got most of these codes from a BBS so thanks to whoever first cracked this!

Good Luck!

Also, the manuals for all the Wing commander games can be downloaded here:


Edit: I'm sure there was a built-in cheat that allowed you to blow up targetted ships by pressing certain keys. Anyone remember what it was?
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Old 21-09-2006, 01:22 AM   #72

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cross @ Oct 29 2004, 06:49 AM) [snapback]21142[/snapback]</div>
I have the same problem on mission 2, I've tried everything... PLEASE HELP!!!
Thanks in advance...

In dosbox or whenever you run it always use Loadfix -1 wc.exe Loadfix -1

<div align="left"> Darsant


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(brnkoguy @ Mar 8 2005, 10:35 PM) [snapback]76769[/snapback]</div>
I downloaded WC, and finally got it installed and running, but I can't seem to open the file with the game controls in it. Could someone just type out the controls for the game for me. Thanks :help:

by GOPHER!!!

okay, better will come as soon as I leaf through the manual.

A : Engage Autopilot
C : Select Communications panel/clear incoming communication
D : Display ship damage
G : Select ship's gun type
L : Lock targeting Computer
M : Change message duration
N : Select navigation (press twice to view navigation screen)
P : Pause game
T : Select targeting computer/active target
V : Comm video on/off
W : Select missle type

F1 : View front
F2 : View left
F3 : View right
F4 : View rear
F5 : chase plane view
F6 : Battle view
F7 : Tactical view
F8 : Missle camera
F9 : Tailing views

+ & - increase/decrease speed
< or INSERT : roll ship left
> or DELETE : roll ship right

TAB : fire afterburners
SPACE : Fire selected guns
ENTER : Fire missles/mines

Joystick controls

Move stick : Steer ship
Button #1 : Fire selected guns
Both Buttons : Fire missle/mine
Button #2 and stick forward : Increase speed
Button #2 and stick back : Speed decrease
Button #2 and stick left : Rotate ship left
Button #2 and stick right : Rotate ship right
Double click Button #2 : Fire Afterburner

(use the above with a mouse as well)

ATL-X : Exit to DOS
CTRL-S : Sound on/off (in space only)
CTRL-E : Eject from ship
CTRL-M : Toggle music on/off
ESC : Skip animation while in the mothership/ leave Comm mode or Nav map while
in ship.

a few tidbits

To land, center your home ship (the Tiger's Claw) and press T to target it,
then press C for communications, you will be presented with 2 things to say,
press 2 to contact the Claw, and then 1 to request clearance to land, then
go to the front of the ship and the rest is automatic.

During a flight the wingman may try to inform you of something, you must press
C and you will be given an option of things to say, press a number by what you
want broadcast to your wingman.

D cycles through all internal damage to your ship, damaged areas appear red.
G changes your ship's active gun, the selected gun is highlighted in green.
W Changes your ship's active missle, the selected missle is also in green.

Targeting Display (Right Video screen) shows the outline/current damage/ and
weapons of your current targeted ship using 3 colors
GREEN = Undamaged, shields full
YELLOW = Light damage/shield damage
RED = Weapon positions, shield damage, ship damage (red weapons are not

To target a ship, position it centered on the screen and press "T", if you want
to maintain lock even when it is not in view press "L"

Contacts are as follows
WHITE = your home ship (Tiger's Claw)
DARK GREY = Terran Capital ships (your buddies)
ORANGE = Kilrathi Capital ships (your enemys)
BLUE = Terran Fighers (more buddies)
RED = Kilrathi Fighters (more enemies)
YELLOW = Missles targeted on you
The Flashing dot is you

Press C and a list of people you can talk to appears, press the number next to
the name of the pilot you want to talk to. a list of messages will appear.

Armor and Shield indicators will shrink when hit, when destroyed they will
vanish and warning lights will flash.

Blaster indicator shows the power level of your active guns, power is restored
over a period of time.

When the eject warning light comes on you had better eject quick!

You have a choice of missles

Dumb-fire : Point it and shoot, it has no homing capability
Heat-Seeking : Locks onto any heat source, foe or friendly!
Image Recognition : You must keep the target in view for a few seconds while
the missle memorizes the ship type you are attacking
Friend or Foe missle : Lock onto the nearest enemy ship, it is a smart missle
and identifies enemy ships due to the different signals
they broadcast, however if a friendly ship's Comm is
damaged, it may home in on them.
Laser Cannon : Lasers don't do a lot of damage, but they are reliable and
will kill many enemy ships.
Mass Driver Cannon : Medium range/ medium damage, a good weapon.
Neutron Guns : These do heavy damage, but they are close range only, they
also overheat and use a lot of power.
Porcupine Mines : These have a limited homing capability but only have to
get close to explode, if you are being tailed, just drop
one and he either gets out of the way or is blown up.

All capital ships have turrented guns and will shoot a lot of flak, only the
most maneuverable ship can make it past them.

This game will use Expanded memory if you have some, the game will play if you
have none, but some options are not implemented without it, the game can play
a bit slower as well.

You need a minimum of 535k free and about 500k of Expanded memory for full
gameplay, the Expanded memory is used mainly to speed-load images while play-
ing. QEMM is listed as a great Expanded Memory Manager.

Radar Display :
Outer ring : space behind you
Inner ring : space in front of you
remember, this is now three-dimentional, you can go up/down left/right. the
big white + in space is where your waypoint is, steer toward it.

And last but not least, some hints.

The name of the game is to follow your wingman (or he follows you) if you two
separate you will both be in trouble, even when the enemy is in sight you
should finish your main objective (in that area) before you attack them, this
of course will not work if THEY attack you! Each enemy is different and has
different tactics.

one quick item, you will be called to protect a transport ship or Tiger's Claw
(your base ship) do not engage oncoming ships until they are within 5000 meters
from the ship you are protecting, not 5000 meters from YOU!

Hope this gets you started, there was a book that explained the details,
history etc..

Comments about the game:

JEEZ this one is GOOD!


Enjoy Darsant

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(brnkoguy @ Mar 8 2005, 10:35 PM) [snapback]76769[/snapback]</div>
I downloaded WC, and finally got it installed and running, but I can't seem to open the file with the game controls in it. Could someone just type out the controls for the game for me. Thanks :help:

by GOPHER!!!

okay, better will come as soon as I leaf through the manual.

A : Engage Autopilot
C : Select Communications panel/clear incoming communication
D : Display ship damage
G : Select ship's gun type
L : Lock targeting Computer
M : Change message duration
N : Select navigation (press twice to view navigation screen)
P : Pause game
T : Select targeting computer/active target
V : Comm video on/off
W : Select missle type

F1 : View front
F2 : View left
F3 : View right
F4 : View rear
F5 : chase plane view
F6 : Battle view
F7 : Tactical view
F8 : Missle camera
F9 : Tailing views

+ & - increase/decrease speed
< or INSERT : roll ship left
> or DELETE : roll ship right

TAB : fire afterburners
SPACE : Fire selected guns
ENTER : Fire missles/mines

Joystick controls

Move stick : Steer ship
Button #1 : Fire selected guns
Both Buttons : Fire missle/mine
Button #2 and stick forward : Increase speed
Button #2 and stick back : Speed decrease
Button #2 and stick left : Rotate ship left
Button #2 and stick right : Rotate ship right
Double click Button #2 : Fire Afterburner

(use the above with a mouse as well)

ATL-X : Exit to DOS
CTRL-S : Sound on/off (in space only)
CTRL-E : Eject from ship
CTRL-M : Toggle music on/off
ESC : Skip animation while in the mothership/ leave Comm mode or Nav map while
in ship.

a few tidbits

To land, center your home ship (the Tiger's Claw) and press T to target it,
then press C for communications, you will be presented with 2 things to say,
press 2 to contact the Claw, and then 1 to request clearance to land, then
go to the front of the ship and the rest is automatic.

During a flight the wingman may try to inform you of something, you must press
C and you will be given an option of things to say, press a number by what you
want broadcast to your wingman.

D cycles through all internal damage to your ship, damaged areas appear red.
G changes your ship's active gun, the selected gun is highlighted in green.
W Changes your ship's active missle, the selected missle is also in green.

Targeting Display (Right Video screen) shows the outline/current damage/ and
weapons of your current targeted ship using 3 colors
GREEN = Undamaged, shields full
YELLOW = Light damage/shield damage
RED = Weapon positions, shield damage, ship damage (red weapons are not

To target a ship, position it centered on the screen and press "T", if you want
to maintain lock even when it is not in view press "L"

Contacts are as follows
WHITE = your home ship (Tiger's Claw)
DARK GREY = Terran Capital ships (your buddies)
ORANGE = Kilrathi Capital ships (your enemys)
BLUE = Terran Fighers (more buddies)
RED = Kilrathi Fighters (more enemies)
YELLOW = Missles targeted on you
The Flashing dot is you

Press C and a list of people you can talk to appears, press the number next to
the name of the pilot you want to talk to. a list of messages will appear.

Armor and Shield indicators will shrink when hit, when destroyed they will
vanish and warning lights will flash.

Blaster indicator shows the power level of your active guns, power is restored
over a period of time.

When the eject warning light comes on you had better eject quick!

You have a choice of missles

Dumb-fire : Point it and shoot, it has no homing capability
Heat-Seeking : Locks onto any heat source, foe or friendly!
Image Recognition : You must keep the target in view for a few seconds while
the missle memorizes the ship type you are attacking
Friend or Foe missle : Lock onto the nearest enemy ship, it is a smart missle
and identifies enemy ships due to the different signals
they broadcast, however if a friendly ship's Comm is
damaged, it may home in on them.
Laser Cannon : Lasers don't do a lot of damage, but they are reliable and
will kill many enemy ships.
Mass Driver Cannon : Medium range/ medium damage, a good weapon.
Neutron Guns : These do heavy damage, but they are close range only, they
also overheat and use a lot of power.
Porcupine Mines : These have a limited homing capability but only have to
get close to explode, if you are being tailed, just drop
one and he either gets out of the way or is blown up.

All capital ships have turrented guns and will shoot a lot of flak, only the
most maneuverable ship can make it past them.

This game will use Expanded memory if you have some, the game will play if you
have none, but some options are not implemented without it, the game can play
a bit slower as well.

You need a minimum of 535k free and about 500k of Expanded memory for full
gameplay, the Expanded memory is used mainly to speed-load images while play-
ing. QEMM is listed as a great Expanded Memory Manager.

Radar Display :
Outer ring : space behind you
Inner ring : space in front of you
remember, this is now three-dimentional, you can go up/down left/right. the
big white + in space is where your waypoint is, steer toward it.

And last but not least, some hints.

The name of the game is to follow your wingman (or he follows you) if you two
separate you will both be in trouble, even when the enemy is in sight you
should finish your main objective (in that area) before you attack them, this
of course will not work if THEY attack you! Each enemy is different and has
different tactics.

one quick item, you will be called to protect a transport ship or Tiger's Claw
(your base ship) do not engage oncoming ships until they are within 5000 meters
from the ship you are protecting, not 5000 meters from YOU!

Hope this gets you started, there was a book that explained the details,
history etc..

Comments about the game:

JEEZ this one is GOOD!


Enjoy Darsant

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Old 21-09-2006, 03:02 AM   #73

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Hi! I'm a newbie and a wing commander fan. used to play the game ten years back and have just found this site to download the game. :brain: used to play it in a computer shop and just had the means to have my own coputer this year. Hope you guys could guide me in playing the game once again.

Hi! I'm a newbie and a wing commander fan. used to play the game ten years back and have just found this site to download the game. :brain: used to play it in a computer shop and just had the means to have my own coputer this year. Hope you guys could guide me in playing the game once again.
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Old 10-10-2006, 01:39 AM   #74

This game must be the hardest I ever played.

I need to know...that white moving target....does it touches the enemy ship when I press fire as soon at it encircles it or do I have to make sure the enemy ship is through the central green target.

Then..and this is very hard cos when I get the ship into the green target whatever fire I press the enemy ships move too fast (I only had two kills yet in standard game) , so I want to know what these T and L lock targets controls are? I have tried T and it only does that the red square around the enemny ships becomes....errr..squarer (the red lines get filled), or have tried L to not avail.

Does lock target means your ship automatically follow the enemy ship by keeping it at centre and if yes than how do you achieve this?

It's sad there is no option to re-arrange controls.
And it's possible my game cos a little too fast.
Like my wing companions die fast.


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Old 10-10-2006, 03:49 AM   #75
Averre Davnros

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Thumbs down

Hi all

Just wanted to jump in real quick..if your having problems running Wing Commander give this site a try:


It's a site dedicated to all things Wing Commander and has a very nice tech. support, it's under "Run old games".

Cheers and happy flying
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Old 10-10-2006, 03:43 PM   #76
Forum hobbit

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Averre Davnros @ Oct 10 2006, 03:49 AM) [snapback]260386[/snapback]</div>
Hi all

Just wanted to jump in real quick..if your having problems running Wing Commander give this site a try:


It's a site dedicated to all things Wing Commander and has a very nice tech. support, it's under "Run old games".

Cheers and happy flying
i looked at that you just posted website, and did you know what i also found?
That Wingcommander was made into an animated series in 1996 or 1997.
The best thing: you can download them LEGALLY.
Yes it is legal to download the whole first season, because the producers have allowed it. They allowed it, because they have no plans of sending them out on DVD. You can download the series, as long as you dont try to sell DVDs, and make profits.

the direct link:

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Old 10-10-2006, 05:42 PM   #77
Averre Davnros

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Yes, it's a very nice fanmade site

They have screenshots, downloads of the movies from games like WC "Price of Freedom" and other little treasures for Wing Commander fans.

I'm happy that you liked it

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Old 17-10-2006, 05:29 AM   #78

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Averre Davnros @ Oct 10 2006, 03:49 AM) [snapback]260386[/snapback]</div>
Hi all

Just wanted to jump in real quick..if your having problems running Wing Commander give this site a try:


It's a site dedicated to all things Wing Commander and has a very nice tech. support, it's under "Run old games".

Cheers and happy flying

Thank you very much for the link. Am able to play the game in DosBox already. Time to rekindle the old flame of excitement i once had when i first played the game. Again, my heartfelt thanks..
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Old 03-02-2007, 07:40 PM   #79

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Hello folks;
First off, I want to thank Abandonia for providing me with a number of games that I remember playing in years gone bye...

I was able to install and run this game pretty much without a hitch, using DosBox Shell V.065 to install, and using Dfend V2 to load the game. heres a rundown of what I had to do in order to get the game to play correctly:

1: extract wing commander to its own folder (keeping in mind Dos's 7character limitation) IE: C:\Games\Origin\WC

2: start up Dosbox

3: mount the folder in which you extracted the game files using the command line:
mount C C:\Games\Origin\WC

4: Type install

5: select VGA and Sound Blaster from the installation menu

6: exit DosBox by typing exit

7: start D-Fend v2

8: click on "Profile->Add With Wizard"

9: Name the profile "Wing Commander"

10: Select "Close Dosbox after game exit" and "Game Needs Loadfix"

11: Browse to the executable for Wing Commander, which is WC.exe

12: click on the >> icon at the bottom

13: set CPU cycles to 3500 (you may have to adjust this later, depending on your processor speed- I have a pentium 4 1.6ghz for reference) if the game seems to run too fast, lower the number, if too slow, raise the number.

14: click on the >> icon

15: click on the "auto create" button, then click on the >> icon

16: under "type" select SB1 (soundblaster version 1)

17: click on the >> icon (four times, until you get to the "Memory Requirements" page)

18: allocate 63mb of ram using the drop-down menu, then click the >> icon

19: click finish

This should bring you to the D-Fend v2 main screen, where you should see an icon for Wing Commander

Double-Click on the Wing Commander icon to run it.

Note: I have been unable to get the game to run properly in full-screen mode; the sound is choppy, and the game appears to run much slower, no matter the CPU Cycle setting.. Game runs great in windowed mode though. If someone could find some settings which would enable this game to run properly in full-screen mode, I would be greatful; until then, I am happy to play it in windowed mode.

DosBox v .065: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/dosbox/...er.exe?download

D-Fend v2: http://members.home.nl/mabus/files/dfend_v2_beta_2.zip

Hope This Helps!

Health Tip: Stay away from diet pills like Lipozene Pill, MediFast Diet, Lipovox Diet, and Lipo 6 Nutrex
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Old 03-05-2007, 01:12 AM   #80
Lord Douglias

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OK I read some sage advise above but I still can't land after returning to base???
I reach Tiger Claw, hit "C"...hit "1"... So where is the front of the base?

I just bump into Tiger Claw and can't seem to disengage from it? When I do finally get clear of it I am in open space. When I go back its the same as before - large pixals and me bumping the ship. I tried going away and when I came back I must have gone to fast and crashed into Tige Claw and died...Very frustrating...Any advise?
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