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Old 15-09-2013, 11:09 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by Scatty View Post
What? You didn't play any games based on the most famous Sci-Fi movie series of all times? No X-Wing, no Tie Fighter, no Dork Farces... err I mean Dark Forces etc? That's a fat -40 points on your game list
Kidding Still... that's almost as terrible as missing out on Doom 2 and Betrayal at Krondor.
Master, i have to pass 116 more games and Start Wars games will be between them.

I will answer all Q, even the N of my bank account..
ha ha ha
Right now my bank account is empty.

How old are y, Yagroo?
Hmmm.. about 201 years targeting 300 years.
Do not foregt what i am.

yoga is harmony
Not yoga idiot but YOGA philosophy.
Do not make personal remarks - said Alice.
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Old 15-09-2013, 03:48 PM   #72
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I have competed 2 games last week, so now im at 202

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Old 15-09-2013, 05:01 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Capo View Post
I have competed 2 games last week, so now im at 202

What are You, Caro Capo?
Game machime or human?
No, human can not withstand again great brave.
Pls prove with list or Yr profile shows passed games.
My God, give me power to smash down this aliеn.

Do not make personal remarks - said Alice.
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Old 15-09-2013, 08:49 PM   #74
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You have to trust my sign

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Old 16-09-2013, 05:56 AM   #75
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Default The Last Call for Sanity (All sane, please evacuate)

Originally Posted by yoga View Post

What are You, Caro Capo?
Game machine or human?
No, human can not withstand again great brave.
Pls prove with list or Yr profile shows passed games.

I looked at his backloggery account and it said about 259, I thought, so...
[Note: Say good bye to this page on the next post!]
"Does seeing me as a small lizard make everything I say even MORE annoying?"

"...this forum seems like a bunch of jumbled posts all bound together, except a toddler has been tearing "Posts" out of the "Binder"."

"And here we are, in the shadows, patiently awaiting a reply to appear, in it's natural habitat."

"Why quote someone else when you alone have enough ridiculous posts for the whole forum's user base?" -All Quotes StaaViinsZ
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Old 16-09-2013, 08:13 AM   #76
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Talking All Righty Then

Let us note this before beginning:

Originally Posted by Yagroo the Ambitious
Steph, You are warned!
Second round starts.
If I may say so, this is preposterous. Ha! Second Round? Well, I might mention that I believe there has already been at least 2 rounds, but that's besides the point.

The point is, how DARE this man known as "YAGROO"
insult my very means of sustenance, my means of procuring imaginary food, by even Considering starting this "Second Round"?! PAH! I've never heard anything so preposterous. NEVER! NEVER!
:r ant::ran t:

Now, we may continue.

Originally Posted by Ya-Gag-Roo-Rag
1. No, i have not any games of Star Wars. sry.
2. Yes, i have Alien Carnage. Never played. Good game. Like Gods. Style - Run, jump and shot..Funny even is not my fav.

It's only adding pure insanity to mockery as --Yagroo--, or yoga the brave, as "yoga" calls himself, since he refuses to capitalize, even as everything looks cooler when capitalized,-- totally destroys any sense of respect others had for him, in one swift stroke! (Kudos to Grand Moff Tarkin)
********END STUPID NONSENSE*********

No Star Wars, eh? Well, that's a "disappointment to mankind." (Note that as one of my quoted sayings)

Well, I'll come off of Star Wars for now, as this isn't the Lucasarts forum.

I must, however, note the fact that I said Alien Rampage, not Alien Carnage.

Okay, so maybe I'll come out of my grouchy, insult you and add sarcastic humor sound.

These are somewhat similar titles.

Still, though, Alien rampage is much higher quality than Alien Carnage. In a way. Rampage is newer, so it has better animation.

Anyway, if you haven't tried Alien Rampage, you should, as it's easy to pick up and it's on AB. Something you might find cool: Alien Rampage was originally being developed by Apogee, and was going to be a "Back to Roots" Duke Nukem game, only like 3D like Donkey Kong, or something like that. Anyway, they handed it off for lack of progress, I believe, to another company. Which, of course, had to change it to something other than Duke Nukem. So they changed it, and it eventually morphed into Alien Rampage. It was, sadly, released too late, after the platforming craze had died, for the most part. The game didn't get the notoriety it deserved.

Alien Carnage is completely different. It was originally "Halloween Harry", but re-released as Alien Carnage for fear that people would cast it off as a seasonal game. (Not to mention alien Carnage sounds a little more appropriate for an action game than "Halloween Harry". The latter sounds almost Whimsical to me.)

Alien Carnage is certainly a good game. Also, it's been re-released as free-ware!

Alien Rampage, however, was released by a little known company that doesn't even exist anymore. So it really stands little to no chance of being released as free-ware. Sad. Very sad.

Anyway, your comments on Alien Rampage?
Originally Posted by Yagroo from Romania?
Y: Duno. Maybe from Mississippi.
Alright. So you want to know what state. TX. You know that one? Texas.

Allow me, to present a Real dialogue from Mr. Calico & Me.
Also note, click on the link after each few lines to hear it spoken in British.

Mr. Calico: Staaviins, (Co-Co calls me Staaviins for short) is it true that there is an AB member who thinks that they are a better jester than you?

StaaViinsZ: Sadly, Co-Co, there is. I'm pokin' myself, only thing is, it ain't no joke.


Mr. Calico: (Suddenly speaking in British voice) I say! What form of mockery is that? Why, that's preposterous. Better Jester than you? Ha! I laugh at this insanity! They must need a spot of poking, eh Staav?


StaaViinsZ: Nay, my C'lico. 'Tis ye that needs poking.

Mr. Calico: No! No I say! This is rediculous! It ain't no joke! It' ain't no JOKE!!! it IS NOT A JOKE!!!!


StaaViinsZ: Alas, my Mr. Calico. Ye aren't up to run with the pokings. I Joke.


[Nose gets poked]

I suppose this would be sufficient to defeat you, Yagroo?
Perhaps, Perhaps not. I take no chances.

Onward we shall push!!!

And now, I quote a work which was previously written on the topic of shooting pens out of Dollar Store Toy Guns. Yes, you heard right, a whole novella written simply on the topic of Pens in Dollar Store Toy Guns.

Originally Posted by Starvio's Staaviinsz's ammo Recommendations,
Suggestions, and Downright ORDERS

Staaviinsz's ammo Recommendations,
Suggestions, and Downright ORDERS
also known as:
StuVANI's Guide To War:
A Definitive Guide To CompletE
Starvio's Destruction Handbooklet: A useful pocketbook for completely OBLITERATING your enemy anytime, anywhere.
--From Starvio's Personal resevouir of advice--
GreenBriar International Inc.
MADE IN CHINA—AKA-- Military Rifle 1170 but for longer range: 803595-20012-001-1009 --AKA-- WESTERN RANGER 1.0
Ammo 1: A.O.C.

The first listing, my Ammo Of Choice (referred to later as A.O.C.) packs the most punch in a small item.
It's a little thing i like to call
The office depot pen is esstential for anyone who wishes to wage , prematurely, juvinile like war with pens. (and succeed) Although some are content to simply use Papermate Sharpie Intro markers, I, and I alone, KNOW the SECRET to win this Fortuitous Event of waging war against one another—The Office Depot Pen---
some wage war using nerf guns...
some shoot darts out of their mouth at each other...
some simply go all out and start throwing corn seed, but,
the real men go to the dollar store at plano, and buy rifles for a buck, to shoot lethal pens at the faintest sound of a cocoa puff crunching.

Hopefully, if you are reading this, you are the latter, however, if you are something meantioned otherwise... come back tomorrow and we see what we can do about getting you into group therapy.

My ammo of choice, the office depot pen, offers an extensive range of features, from a slick, smooth surface for excellent distance and force transfer, to cheap price from office depot (buy 'em buy the pound, people!)
with this Weapon of Mass Ink Blotch,(W.M.I.B.) how can you resist driving down to YOUR local Office Depot and picking up a pack?

Ammo 2: PaperMate Sharpie Intro Marker:
Manuverable and Strong
Although some argue that the Papermate Intro Marker is the best form of ammo, for most standerd missions, for range, among other things, The office Depot Pen is the most desirable.
HOWEVER, the Papermate intro marker offers this:
Medium Range

Stays in your gun for most intense angles for downward shooting (unlike most ammo)

Offers a useful highlighter setting not present in most other ammos (mostly pens)

with this being said, the Papermate Sharpie Intro Marker could be considered a Ideal "special missions" ammo.
I myself prefer to have a few intros present in all battles just incase i have to tilt my gun more than about 3° downward.
In ammo 3, you'll learn how manufacturers solved this problem, only to the expense of millions of crazy nuts shootin' pens around at each other.

Ammo 3:PaperMate DynaGrip MED, Clip Click pens, among others: How manufacturers nearly wiped out every Dollar Store Gun enthusiast with "new & improved,'grip' " pens:
to start this section off, i'll begin with the facts,
first, the Dynagrip

offers nearly no writing, and what it does offer is spotty at best

offers grip to increase functionality (can tilt more than average ammos)

offers cool look featuring Red, Blue, and Yellow

And last, and Definatly least, a Grip.
I know what you thinking right now, "Wait Staaviinsz, you already said that" and "but the grip offer increased tilt to be more flexible in aiming!"...
But just Stop RIGHT THERE...
think about this for a moment...
(maybe if more people did that before buying them maybe it would of been less of a downfall in the market)
let's say you have a slippery table, and a piece of martierial that will slide across the table...
now, what would happen if you took a piece of rubber, and attached it to that sliding piece?
It wouldn't get 2 feet off the ground. (or down the table)
now say you take a projectile, such as a pen, make it 10% larger, and add esstentially a piece of rubber to it?
The pen barely goes flying! You can aim a few more degrees, but can barely hit your target!
Clip click pens are much the same, except their grip is more abrasive, which calls for yet another foot and a half less range, and

Good writing

interesting (and at first confusing) Clip click mechanism

easily breakable mechanisms, including Clip Click mechanism

although this pen's Clip Click is somewhat interesting, i simply find myself unwilling to buy them with out a useful purpose as ammo.
I mean, why waste the buck on a bunch of pens proven by the ANA (Armed Nuts of America)
in 2009 to be completely useless beyond 2 yards!
When you think about it, why did those CRAZY people at the factory think "hmm... we're gripping on the barrel to increase aiming flexibility...yes, gripping on the barrel should not do any thing like, resist movement, or something crazy like that, HA!"
it's almost like they where trying to crash the market!
Later... at a paperMate Clip Click Joint factory in Idaho... two managers talk...
Joe:Hey, Jim!
Jim:Yeah, joe!

Joe:You 'member that thing the other year we did, you know, we released those COMPLETELY USELESS pens for ammo with those grips on 'em?

Jim:Oh yeah, joe, that was FUNNY, i mean, one month after we released those suckers, the whole market just went bwwwwwwwwwww---BOOF!(imitates crash)

Joe:HA! HAHa! I mean, i can't believe those people fell for that, i mean, didn't they THINK before they bought 'em?
Joe and Jim; Ha! HAHaahaha!ha!haha!
Ammo 4: Z-Grip Pens: Barely enough range to kill a wicker tree:
Z-grip pens: The maniacial imagination of a complete NUT who apparently know NOTHING about the principles of ammo.

Z-grip pens: their Cheap, Write okay, look pretty cool, and are COMPLETELY WORTHLESS.

Z-grip pens are what you might call "one step lower" in society than Your cheapest PENCIL from Office Max.
They're Large, have a big grip, and couldn't touch a disenfectant can from a yard & a half away!
These pens are WORSE than Clip Click pens, and Dynagrip pens, MUCH WORSE, if your lucky enough to get them out of your barrel, it's likely they won't even go 2 yards!
This concludes our meeting for today.
Please come back tomorrow, when we will learn about other forms of ammo, such as the mechanical pencil, sponsored by Staaviins Z inc.
Ammo 5: the mechanical pencil: erase your opponents with the power of graphite.











What snappin' cappa'?
And that's what i said now, oh crap now.
You said frap now, oh scrap now, YEAH!

Sa id





Resume associated content

Ah, this brings us to ammo #5, The mechanical Pencil.
The mechanical Pencil offers this:

A wide range of colors to choose from, with tons of manufacturers

a good amount of writing, although broken easily

a fair range

A light weight

incredibly EASY to destroy

As enemys are enemys
(although sometimes simply for the duration of war) they are prone, if they get ahold of it, to possibly destroy, crush, dissaseble, break in half, burn, feed through trash compactor, slice with knife, and/or completely obliterate your ammo completely.
Although some simply prefer to reuse the ammo themselves, most deplore this tactic because of it's tendency to prolong the war unnessesarily, as most often war ends when one runs out of ammo, and of course his opponent, too.
Some deploy this tactic simply because they prefer not to waste money on destroying their valuable ammo, and the war will be over soon enough anyway.
Others hide the ammo in their secret stash and accumulate thousands of pens until their enemy finds and either completely destroys them, they obliterate you using thousands of pens, pencils, and other items,
or simply takes them all back to his personal stash and keeps them for a rainy day fund. (and/or Weapon of Mass Destruction)
most alternate between strategys, usally depending upon the situation. Example 1: there are still many pens left, and war needs to be shortend (destroys a few and keeps other to reuse)
Example 2: it's the middle of war, and you want to prolong it (destroys 1 or 2 buts reuses rest)

Example 3: it's getting tiresom, and war is ready to be ended. (destroys most, one opponent ends up with the last pen, other opponent trys to get him to shoot the last pen to give it over, but then the other opponent steps out and breaks it in half.)
Example 4: none are destroyed for use in future wars, and war is called off simply whenever the two get tired of it.
The mechanical pencil is lightweight, and offers a good range, making it the ammo of choice of some Dollor store gun enthusiasts, and making it an ok ammo in my opinion.
And now, a short segment brought to you by Staaviins Z inc.
Starvio's book within a book guide to repairing dollar store guns.
--also released as a small pamphlet under the name "Starvio's incomprehensivly incorrect guide to repairing guns"--
note to self: include illistrations illistrating what is said later.
Most dollar store guns separate at the seems, and if not there, break at the trigger, fall apart when you drop them, fall apart when you smack them, or simply just are completely obliterated by your enemy.
This is a small pamphlet illistrating how to repair the first, seperating at the seems.

When the gun begins to separate at the seems, the most practical fix is to run duct tape, packaging tape, or some form of strong tape over the seperation's location, and, for more sturdy repair, the gun can be wrapped in tape.
Also, as an adviserary, all dollar toys must eventually fall apart, it's more of a matter of when, not if.
This concludes Starvio's book within a book guide to repairing dollar store guns.
This also concludes todays meeting.
And remember, fight to conquer, fight to win, and most of all, fight FOR THE NANNY
Ammo 6: The Sharpie Marker: almost impossible to break, with a descent range
the sharpie marker, although tricky to insert properly, once you get the hang of 'em, they are an average ammo.
The sharpie marker is very difficult to break, and will shoot a descent range. The sharpie marker offers this:

extremely hard to break

permanent writing for a varity of purposes not present in most other markers

a varity of colors, sub-colors, off-colors, and other colors supposedly different from each other but really aren't

And a brand name, which always increases your chances of getting on a sharpie commercial
( i only use Sharpie markers to shoot out of my dollor store gun.)

sharpies are comparable to PaperMate sharpie intro markers, because they provide a large amount of stabilty for aiming, possible even more then the papermate sharpie intro marker it self, with only a slight decrease in range. Starvio could not make it to the market today because of an injury.(sorry folks, just testing my typing speed there for a second)
anyway, over all, the sharpie marker is an ideal ammo for "special ops" missions which require special aiming capabilitys.
starvio is not here today because of his cat.
Z-grip pens are the worst in the universe.
(most tests, people.)
also, with the monumentle strength of the sharpie marker, unless they feel like pulling out the chainsaw, it's say goodbye to trying to destroy that marker!
Marker enthusiasts, papermate haters, here's your ammo!
Ammo 7: the papermate 1.2: built-in-grip, built-in-crip(ple
We interrupt this brodcast to bring you a sponsored message brought to you by Staaviins Z inc., and S.T.E. Corp.
NEW! Introducing, from Staaviinsz's personal arsonal, Old Betsy Gun Replicas, and the NEW "NEW OLD BETSY" gun replicas, the best in dollor store weapons all-around! ALSO AVALABLE: Old betsy Handgun style, and "new old betsy" Handgun style, and M-14 style! Order today, or, head on down to STVANI'S LITTLE SHOP OF DOLLOR STORE GUNS TODAY, to get yours as soon as possible! If you visit one of our store locations, you'll find DSG's DSG's DSG's AND MORE DSG's!!!
Only ONE DOLLOR FOREVER! IT NEVER CHANGES! Come on down to Stev's factory, and pick one up, or pick 10,000 up! There dollor store guns People! They DON'T LAST a lifetime! They DON'T!!! HA!! STUVANI's and Stev's personal old betsy and new old betsy shotgun replicas, buy a few, buy a lot, but most of all, BUY 'EM!!!!
Hello, i'm STE-STO-STEVERINO, and i'm here to tell you how much you can save by swithing to STSTEV insurance company. Now that's funny, i was sure i left my biscuits and tea here on this very table. Ah well, i guess it doesn't need much convincing anyway.
(background music begins) STSTEV, you could save .0001 percent on car insurance.
Hi, i'm CAL-LICO here to tell you about the LATEST,GREATEST, MOST KITT-TACULAR GAMING SYSTEM! It's called CAL-LICO VISION, ya see, you just put these goggles on, and turn the system on, insert your favorite LICO CARTRIGE, and instead or 2-D OK vision YOU GET 3-D CAL-LICO VISION!! AUESOME DUDES, DUDETTES, and CATS AND KITTENS OF ALL SIZES!!!! LIKE, KITT-TACULAR DUDE!!
well, what are you waiting for, go on, get out there with those CAL-LICO VISION GLASSES on and BUY IT!!
and now back to regularly scdualled program, Staaviinsz's Ammo Recommendations, Suggestions, and DOWNRIGHT Orders.
The Paper-mate 1.2, my ammo of choice with a slight variation: the inclusion of built in plastic grip, fashsioned into the pen itself, not added as a seperate piece of rubber! (or whatever they make it out of these days)
this makes for two things:virtually NO decrease in range; Virtually NO INCREASE in aiming flexibility, although claiming to.
Overall, the Papermate 1.2 offers this:

Cool name

Good writing ability

Reletively cheap

Good range

the papermate 1.2 is known by many names, a few of them include:

paper-mate 1.0

Paper-mate 2.1

Paper-mate 4.7

Paper-mate 1.9521

paper-mate 1.000000000000000000601/3?

and paper-mate 9.6//kk-26-2701-4409-821-992.22v/?22.k-4417-gg29-420-QZ23.

For the rest of this book, we will refer to it by the latter.
The paper-mate 9.6//kk-26-2701-4409-821-992.22v/?22.k-4417-gg29-420-QZ23 is what some other people call the" paper-mate 2.CRAP" , the "Paper-mate .Crap" and the "Paper-mate kk-jk Crap-QZK". Most of these people have simply have bad experiences with paper-mate in the past, and judge before they shoot (although a good idea in most circumstances, NOT in this case)
Some of them have good reason though.
The paper-mate 9.6//kk-26-2701-4409-821-992.22v/?22.k-4417-gg29-420-QZ23 claimed it was a "new and great pen; increases aiming flexibility, but doesn't decrease range" it basically didn't decrease range, but didn't increase aiming flexibility, either, which explains peoples' bad thoughts about it.
The paper-mate 9.6//kk-26-2701-4409-821-992.22v/?22.k-4417-gg29-420-QZ23
is a good ammo, but, with high claims, and not much delivery except an average ammo, people got burned out, and the paper-mate 9.6//kk-26-2701-4409-821-992.22v/?22.k-4417-gg29-420-QZ23 was one of the worst selling pens marketed also as ammo for 1 year under a different name, which was marketed under a surplus company of a surplus company, which was a subsiderary of a depart store in new jersey in america Since 1901,1901 being the year they started marketing pens as ammo for dollor store guns, also the year they made pens completely out rubber. The market never fully recovered until 1952 when the grip pen Comp. was revealed as to have made it's grips out of rubber, which toned down the hate of rubber in the pen ammo market over the years.
Oh, and by the way, the worst selling pen marketed also as ammo for 1 year under a different name, which was marketed under a surplus company of a surplus company, which was a subsiderary of a depart store in DELAWARE IN AMERICA was the CAL-LICO PEN, possibly more on that later.
The paper-mate 9.6//kk-26-2701-4409-821-992.22v/?22.k-4417-gg29-420-QZ23 was definatly an improv off the 1901 "all-rubber" pens, but wasn't an improv off the office depot pen, among others.
So, as a summary, if you like paper-mate, especially the paper-mate 2.5//jj-93-9876-7608-194-376.66t~!88.y-5546-ff38-590-Xv69, (don't ask)
this is a good ammo for you.
If you hate paper-mate, then you're better off buying the office depot pen, which shoots about the same, and is probably cheaper too.
We bring you this short advertisment as a filler, simply not to waste space on the page, these things cost ten cents a piece ya know!
NEW! On Staaviins Z Network! The stephen and lakude show, a show for dog lovers, and starvio lovers... the series takes place in Staaviins's early childhood,with his dog leia, also, lakey, lakude, lakude ding-dongs, laku-do, wakey, weia, dumbo Jumbo, and junko spunko (Like Starvio, leia has many names) it follows the exploits of starvio producing his famed radio show, The Stephen and Lakude show, which in life only lasted for one episode, the pilot, which was later partially lost. It follows him through the deepest hallways, the darkest corners, the worst microphones, not to meation his HOUSE! Needless to say, ALL OF THE ABOVE! Well, maybe not the last one, but... anyway, join us for this monumentous premier occasion tomorrow at 9 P.M. Central.

Is this enough to obliterate any hope you may have left? Ha! I do not think so. There is always "Hope", the nasty little bugger. I must Destroy any chance of another round even being instituted.

Even being considered being instituted. Ever.

Prepare yourselfs.

Saying 1:
M.O.M., My Mommas!

This saying makes no sense. Really, none. It was only established because of my habit to say "Oh, Momma" at the time. It became somewhat of a "Gang Sign" between me and my family members, since quite often after it was said, it was followed by a double chest tap and a peace sign, along with a lip suck.

Photo Link for Peace sign, Lip Suck:

The only thing about it is, that no one in my family but me does it. So it's really more of a "Me" sign than a "Gang" sign, because it just ain't the gang if only the nut of 'em does it.

Saying 2:
Poke Dat!

Well, if you haven't noticed, I poke my cats' noses. Well, at least I joke about it a lot. Anyway, I joke abut poking my cats' noses. This one is just a morphing of the "Who Dat" saying. Poke Dat is sometimes used with "(Nose)" to make it more obvious.

Saying 3:
Ain't No Joke, for the Nosk that gets poked.

Senseless rhyme. For the nose that gets poked? No no no... not enough RHYME, MAN! it's NOSK! the NOSK! that gets poked.
It means it ain't a joke to the person who gets poked on the nose. Or rather, CAT who gets poked on the nose.

Saying 4:
The Living Squeegee
Another name for myself, along with a whole myriad of fictional beings, this one is basically more senseless nonsense. I once wrote an entire small story on how the living squeegees conquered the world and then lost it. If you don't believe me, look above at my novel about Pens and Markers in Dollar Store Toy Guns. Now do you believe?

Saying 5:
Poke out!

A morphing of "Peace Out", only with an Xtra 100% POKE.

Example of usage would be:
You are sitting at a table. You suddenly have the will to leave. Before getting up, say "Poke Out", poke someone, or multiple someones' Noses', or even your cat's nose, depending on the situation, and get up and leave. If you don't get poked back, consider yourself "Pokey", as in, lucky.

'Tis this enough, my fiend? Though we may do battle, Yagroo, one day, I will claim our friendship back. One day! ONE DAY!!

My dear lost Yagroo... Should you be late to a very important date? I should hope so. Then you may not have to be subjected to your utter defeat. At least, not to the point of insanity.

You, my dear, dear Yagroo, were lost in battle. I wave goodbye to you. You fought honorably. But it was your last mistake, claiming another round. Never again, Mon Amie. Never again.

I bid thee farewell, Моят панаир гайка.

Вие сте били бавно бръкна.
не е шега.

The Living Squeegee,
"Does seeing me as a small lizard make everything I say even MORE annoying?"

"...this forum seems like a bunch of jumbled posts all bound together, except a toddler has been tearing "Posts" out of the "Binder"."

"And here we are, in the shadows, patiently awaiting a reply to appear, in it's natural habitat."

"Why quote someone else when you alone have enough ridiculous posts for the whole forum's user base?" -All Quotes StaaViinsZ
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Old 16-09-2013, 03:07 PM   #77
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Longest post in the history of the forum

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Old 17-09-2013, 08:02 AM   #78
Abandonia nerd
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Talking Longest?

Originally Posted by Capo View Post
Longest post in the history of the forum
Shortest post in the history of me reading it!

Okay, that's a lame comeback...
"Does seeing me as a small lizard make everything I say even MORE annoying?"

"...this forum seems like a bunch of jumbled posts all bound together, except a toddler has been tearing "Posts" out of the "Binder"."

"And here we are, in the shadows, patiently awaiting a reply to appear, in it's natural habitat."

"Why quote someone else when you alone have enough ridiculous posts for the whole forum's user base?" -All Quotes StaaViinsZ
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Old 17-09-2013, 12:57 PM   #79
Smiling Spectre
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Originally Posted by Capo View Post
You have to trust my sign
Hmm... Interesting sig you have here...

Thank you for the idea!
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Old 17-09-2013, 02:27 PM   #80
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Actually, many years ago in the 90's I happened to play both Halloween Harry, first, and Alien Carnage, after that. Strangely, they had quite different levels from each other, at least the starting ones (I didn't play either of the two much), so somehow it must be two different games, though with the same game hero and both from Apogee.
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