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Old 11-12-2010, 02:54 PM   #51
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More bad news: the autosave do NOT use a separate saveslot. It uses the last file you saved your game. It makes making backup-copies kinda tedious.

Found 3 more enemy:
- bat-man: only one appeared yet, and it seemed event/location-related. Just like slashers coming from your behind...
Anyway, this is baddd, because it flies directly above you - where you can't hit them - and shoots you from a distance. Annoying.
- manta: ok, at least they are not piranha. But they are fast and small, so the autoaim helps little. Not to mention they appear when you swim, and that has tedious controll (up/down turns you up and down, the "jump" button makes you swim in the direction of your head. Don't even ask how you come out from water...). Also it seems many times you simply can NOT hit them, whatever you do.
- two-headed torso: these grotesques shoot you. The first opponents what are made well I say, they are queite usual compared to other shooters.

May I ask one thing from the designers? (Of course designers spit on the users, but oh well.) Why in a game with infinite opponents put them in finite resources? Hm?
Especially when the game is nonlinear, meaning you constantly re-do the areas. Not to mention you also suggested to re-visit everything when you've reached the maximum character-level?
I only hope the magic-energy will be enough to open every door (darn, you need 500 cadavearux or so just to have maximum life!) - using mana in fights seems to be an idea you instantly drop out.
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Old 12-12-2010, 11:59 AM   #52
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Woot, I played this still. This will work for me as casual-gaming.

So, what's new? Well, I learned to use all the controll-button. There are plenty, but in the actual use, it feels comfy.
But beats me if I know what "holster" does.

Some bugs:
- I thought I maybe missed a video, so I re-done some part of the game in a fast way, and when I equipped the pistol - right when I got it - instead of the left/right-hand button I hit enter. And all of a sudden I got the Assan in my inventory. Strange.
- Right at the beggining of the Temple of Life is a lava-pit you have to jump through with the help of a sinking grill. It was a pretty hard thing for me, and when I reached the other end finally, I saved and quit. When I next started the game and reload the savegame, instead of that place I was at Jaunty. No idea why. Fortunatelly I made an extra save (before that lavapit though), I used that just in case.
Oh, and the solution of that jumping was not to just jump from the end of the grill, but more importantly not to let the grill sink too much (and I don't mean being burned 'cause the sinking here).

Oh, the death-animations are unskippable. And you actually do not die, but restart from the latest warp-point. But I still don't like that, so I use reload.

I also found my first "secret". Although EVERY page on the net, even those who specify this point to the PC-version, says that the second room from the right where you get the Baton gives you the "Flaming Grill" (means burning animation constantly on the portagonist) special, I got the "Play as a Duppie" special (transforms the protaginst to some kind of beast). I doubt Abandonia (or whoever uploaded this game here) messed with this - maybe someone could tell who uses the ISO-cellar version (or have an original copy)?

Also though EVERY netpage says you get a "Book of Shadow" item with this (or any if you don't have one) secret, in this version you don't get any. You have to use the "secret" option in the option menu.
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Old 12-12-2010, 05:07 PM   #53
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I've reached Asylum the first time. Woot.

Sme discovery: skulls (mana-balls) never disappear, but there is an even better thing: the pots are replaced too when you warp between places. Well, at least not just monsters are replaced. Oh, this means life and manaorbs are replaced. Sadly cadaverauxes are not.
(I heared about a bug what makes Govis reappear too, so that way you can gather more then the 120 Dark Soul.)

There is a cheat-menu you can have in the game (PC-version, remember). This offers you invincibility, levelchange, items, even testmodes from different areas (you can include or exclude "events" for example). Half the cheats are from the root-menu, the other half is from ingame. Sadly I see no way to enter the "game shark codes", what means the secrets have to be found manually, and as there is no trustable source on those...

I also look for videos. Videos are stored in a specific menu, what is not ingame, so independent from your actual saves, what is good. Now finding all the videos is another thing, as some are at best not obvious. Of course certain videos are unavoidable, like the intro, or videos the first time you enter an area. Here are what I've found from the optional videos:
- After you entered Deadside, but before talking with Jaunti, talk with Nettie again. She'll be really pissed of you didn't talked with the snake already
- After the first time talking with Jaunty, talk to him(?) again, and also with Nettie (I'll refer them as "the two NPC from now).
- After you opened the first Shadow Door, talk with the 2 NPC.
- After you get your first Dark Soul talk with the two NPC again.
- After being level 2, talk with the 2 NPC
- After entering Asylum the first time talk with the 2 NPC

Oh, in case you wondering, there is a walkthrough with more then the basics: http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/177196-shadow-man/faqs/11447
Seems to be a good one, but many times it is washy, and at the point it says he had the first 100 cad., the list only summs at 95. Not to mention, in the second area it describes I've found 2 cad. less it seems (although I tried hard, and there not too many directins are avaiable).
So after I'll have at least all the gads (and possibly the bloodfall-climbing stuff), I'll go and make a handdrawn map on the already visited areas.
(The walkthrough is still very handy, as certain things and ways are not at all obvious.)

Last edited by twillight; 13-12-2010 at 06:32 PM. Reason: info refreshed
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Old 13-12-2010, 06:47 PM   #54
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I restarted the game, just for the heck of it, drawing a map. So, here are some cadeux-info!

In Bayou, the first time, you're able to collect 14 cadeux in all. Just go around everywhere (one is at the back of the temple). The most "tricky"-ones are in the Temple, where you have to push a crate away.

In the Marrow Gates the first time 9 are avaiable. None is really hidden, but you have to jump around for some of them. The most "hidden" two are in a hut-like building what stands on wooden poles, and a lot of dupie is in its area.

In the Prophecy Chamber you get a Dark Soul, and the "Prophecy", and another cadeux is avaiable at the lvl2 door.

Well, this was the easy part, next time comes the Wasteland, and the Temple of Life.
The worst thing that confuses me, is the Asylum, what seems to have some backdoor.
It is also disturbing that you should go and find at least one of the Five to get an extra video - where you'd whine about that you can not kill them not having the L'Eclipse.
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Old 13-12-2010, 08:03 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by twillight View Post
I restarted the game, just for the heck of it, drawing a map.

That's the spirit! .....

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Old 14-12-2010, 12:33 PM   #56
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Thx dosraider, fortunatelly I was almost the very beggining, so not much effort re-doing everything.

Sadly I've found a graphical glitch: when you go through certain passageways (which looks like made of metal, and it seems to be artificially lighted), the light simply is not there, but total darkness. This is at best annoying. At the first occasion it seemed it was connected to climbing ropes, but later proved otherwise.
I have no idea how to avoid this, maybe save, then instantly reloading helps.

I've also experienced cadeux-loss. At the beggining of the Wasteland there are on a - at that point unreachable - platform 2 pots. Both have cadeaux in it. Now when I first reached that platform, only one was there.
I THINK it had to do something with only shooting one pot open previously.

About Wasteland I can only tell for now, that it leads you in circles by design.
Most things are just about visiting everywhere, but most of the times here you'll be prevented going further by not just the usual waterfalls, but also lava. There are even cadeauxes right before you, still unreachable, because of lava. Well, have to come back later with gads. Still try dead-ends, because they can net you with a cadeaux or even a Dark Soul. Currently I have 56 cadeaux, and 5 dark soul.
The Temple of Life is even more serious, I think a full map can not even be considered to make without gad what allows you to walk on lava, because I think certain rooms can only be visited through tiny halls in the walls. We'll see.

Until this you gather 3 weapons.
The shadowgun: when you level up, it can be charged to a certain amount, meaning it'll start shooting stronger bullets by time. Still, finishing monsters never require a charge. The charging time from minimum to maximum takes the same time, independent from your level.
The assan: Here I make the note that all voodoo-weapons do function as melee-weapons when you're out of mana. And as pots respawn when you warp around, you only need some time to spend to port eg. to the Halls of Prophecy to recharge you mana if you really need that. This weapon normally shoots a projectile on the cost of mana.
The baton: Ok, here turns out that voodoo-weapons might have secondary-functions. Normally this shoots the same projectile as the assan, but if you step before an altar (it is obvious what altar when you're ingame, as there is one right where you get this), and click the attack-button (NOT the action button!), then you are teleported to the twin-altar of the used altar. Because these altars come in pairs - think on them as waypoint-teleporters. This function do NOT cost mana.

Now the tricky-parts for this time:
to reach the Temple of Life (what also gives a waypoint to your Teddy), you have to climb rocks. Where you see a seemingly unreachabe doorway high in the rocks, beside an opening what you can reach via a rope, you can reach it by going up from the ground on a skin-bridge, then after a couple of steps turn around, and you'll see the way, what otherwise tends to blend in the background. Hope this helps.

Last edited by twillight; 14-12-2010 at 02:00 PM. Reason: info updated
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Old 15-12-2010, 05:04 PM   #57
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I can't believe it: I'm bloody stuck.

But first the god news:
- sniper-mode has an adventage: it allows you a much wider aiming-range. The use of this is against the flying deadwings. Ok, they can easily hit you, and 99% of the time it is much more easier to just run through the area they occupy, but still.
- there is a rolling-move! If you run (or could have say walk, as there is not distinct running and walking), and press crouch (which usefullness in itself I highly doubt currently), you roll! Looks bloody good.

Now for the actual play, you have to teleport back from the Temple of Life to the Prophecy Chamber, and go through the lvl2 door there, then from there walk another Pass of Shadow (not that you can go any other direction).
Then you reach Asylum's Gateway, what is again full of closed doors and lavapits, so it is again bloody streightforward (and not a little literally this time).
Then you reach Asylum's gate. Because the Gateway actually starts from some outer walls. To get in - or something -, you'll have to aquire the "Engineer key", so you drop down at the Main Gate, and look for a lava-canal (hey, oh-so-much-evil-Five, applying all those lava wasn't that good idea after all, eh?). Again it is bloody obvious where to go, as although the area is hugh, there isn't a maze, or something here.
Now after some seconds I've reached a room with moving platforms (firt of this kind). My problem is, at the end of the passage I'd have to jump on a wooden platform - but I simply can not do that! Even worse: I almost every time fall INTO the platform, and the 3D-panels stick into each-other (nasty bug, happens when polygons get close to each other many times).

I even checked youtube for a visual guide, and no, there is no trick to avoid this, you just have to jump on that shit. This is really frustrating men.
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Old 15-12-2010, 06:50 PM   #58
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Ok, I've solved it. I went right next to the platou, facing it almost directly. Key word here is almost, so mike slowly reaches the lava. When that happens, in the last milisecond he grabs the platou - woot.

This time the road made an inward spiral.

There was a trick cadeaux-grabbing: there was two moving platform, and besides it a pipe with two .. barels on it I guess. Yes, that wa sit. Inside of them were cadeauxes. Now reaching the pipe is minor matter, but officially you would need at leas the basic gad to get back t the moving plaous I think. But the one brought you here CAN be reached with a little luck.

And here came a new enemy! Pigmen! At least they squeeze like pigs. But they are like that nasty serialkiller from Spawn (who killed children) with big hooks, and damage hugh.
But they are fortunatelly stupid. If you manage to be behind them (or at least not front of them) they tend to not notice you! Free shots
And although they are fast when startting waving the hooks, going backwards while shooting still helps. And you can try to walk around them too. But above all if you start shooting like mad (the hell with charging the shadow-gun!), they eventually stop.
the bad thing is, they tend to walk around long distances, so in the middle of the fight anotherone can join the fun.

One other thing to mention: these pigmen were building in a room some kinda mass from tortured souls or something. Although I saw no real point, I destroyed these, just to be on the safe side.

A nasty trick the programmers also inserted. When you climb into the shaft from the yellow corridor, you have to choose 2 holes to jump down. The one on the right, wich is even guarded by a smashing-door, leads to NOWHERE! And you can't climb back! And if you jump into the void, Mike becomes tiny, more tiny, even more tiny... Where the hell this building really is? For the fun change here into sniper-mode just to see where he landed, then reload / teleport out (this last one is not suggested, as returning here takes a looong time, and is not a life-insurance).
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Old 15-12-2010, 10:39 PM   #59
Ohne Mitleid
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Originally Posted by dosraider View Post
Hit shadowman1.rar to unzip the image file.
You can use WinRar or 7Zip to do this.
Use a new folder to store all the files that are in the archive.

You don't have to 'create' an image file, the CD image is in the archive.
The post in the ISO cellar says it's a Clone CD image, so you'll get several files.
One of them should be a *.CUE file.
Use "Write image file to disk" option in ImgBurn.
Point ImgBurn to the CUE file to burn the CD.

Now that I think about it, before you try to burn the CD maybe post what files you have.
Sometimes the providers use an extra compressor.
Can be ECM or such ..... then you need to do an extra manip before you can use the image.
This is following the theme about the Capt C's quest for ISO download and installation, dosraider, r.u.s.s. and everyone helping. My two cents...

From the download link provided by r.u.s.s. (** indicate files I don't believe are essential):
**covers.rar - Box cover and PC CD-ROM cover scanned image shots of the original game, BBFC 15 certificate warning labels, "Printed in EC" and Austrailian address for Acclaim distribution location. This works on inital testing although the lettering for confirmation on the Load/Save/Quit screen is different. If have you played any other version you would know what I meant.
**shadowcrk.zip - claims it is "Crack for Shadowman v1.0 by S810 for UK version", also includes a shadowman.exe replacement. 731kb, dated 9/20/1999.
**shadowman1.nfo - Info file, looks like it is from mobygames.com, relating to the release (does not include file listing but mentions ECM and RAR as compression types). Also includes super simplistic installation instructions.
shadowman1.r00 |
shadowman1.r01 |
shadowman1.r02 |
shadowman1.r03 |
shadowman1.r04 |--**** All of these files contain a SHADOWMAN1.img.ecm file of the same (large) size
shadowman1.r05 |
shadowman1.r06 |
shadowman1.r07 |
shadowman1.r08 - Contains a SHADOWMAN1.img.ecm file (same size as above) . Also includes: SHADOWMAN1.sub, unecm.bat, and unecm.exe.
shadowman1.rar - Contains: SHADOWMAN1.ccd, SHADOWMAN1.cue, SHADOWMAN1.img.ecm (same size as above), SHADOWMAN1.sub, unecm.bat, and unecm.exe.

**shadowman1.sfv - hkSFV file used to verify file validate checksums. I downloaded the application and all 10 files required were CRC verified as 100% OK.
**shadwfix.zip - claims to resolve "returning to the desktop or system freezes" issues and includes a Shadowman.exe replacement. 722kb, dated 6/18/1999. "Please Insert Your ShadowMan CD" dailog is displayed.
**sman-d3dcfg-bh.zip - claims to be a " SHADOWMAN D3DCONFIG.EXE NO-CD crack". This would not run on my Windows 7 operating system, not even with XP service pack 2 as the launch setup. States it is a 32 bit non-compatible application.
**smfixexe.zip - No text file included in the zip. I can only assume it is another Shadowman.exe replacement fix. 856kb, dated 8/19/1999. As with the shadowcrk.zip, this appears to be working upon initial testing.

I don't want to burn a CD, play from a virtual drive or anything else since I know it kind of worked from my hard drive. With that in mind, this is what I did to get it to work from my hard drive:
- Downloaded shadowman1.rar from the link r.u.s.s. provided (Thanks r.u.s.s.!!).
- Used 7-Zip to extract the files from the RAR to a temporary directory.
- Used UltraISO to extract the files using SHADOWMAN1.cue as the source, to an entirely different temporary install.
- Used the D3DConfigUtility.exe that came with the download from Abandonia (just the EXE file, not SETUPREG.EXE). I copied this one over the D3DConfigUtility.exe that was extracted from the SHADOWMAN1.cue.
- I tried this next step both ways. Executed D3DConfigUtility.exe and since Install or Cancel were the only options, I installed. I also executed Setup.exe and proceeded with the installation from there. NOTE: Music has to be selected as an additional option during the setup process, with the associated additional disk space usage increase.
- After attempting with no success from every angle to get the ShadowMan.exe that came from the SHADOWMAN1.cue extraction to at least launch, I finally went through and tried the files from the above download and used the ShadowMan.exe that I downloaded from Abandonia. Then I checked out all of these other executables. Three out of four executables have been working upon initial testing.

This resolved my initial issue I had with no music playback. Now there are two other known issues I am aware of which may or may not be resolved. One of the issues involves being dropped back to the desktop every time I died while playing the Asylum: Gateway level in the areas that were accessed using the Marcher Gad. Not before visits to Gateway or after (maybe because by then I was stronger and wiser and didn't die).
The other "issue", which is actually beneficial if it would glitch out consistently, was in the way I play. I would find an unknown container(s), quicksave the game, then shoot the container(s) to determine the contents. If it was something I needed to resupply, like ammo or cadeaux, I would pick them up and continue. If it was health mana which disappears if not used or something I could possibly use in the near future but not right now, I would restore from the quicksave. This would often bring about the unexpected result of random quantities of extra gold skulls floating about in the vicinity. Odd...but not unpleasant.

I don't know if I am going to play it all over again just to test out all of the working EXE files. I do know that I didn't have music initially though from the Abandonia download and yes, I did extract the music files and yes, I did download the file from Abandonia on more than one occasion, uninstalled the previous version and re-installed the latest copy with the same results. I also tried different XP configurations and even tried it on my XP notebook with the same results.

Ok, shutting up now...

Last edited by Ohne Mitleid; 15-12-2010 at 10:45 PM.
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Old 16-12-2010, 12:35 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by twillight View Post
(snippets of your quote)...
This means I want a map. But of course that doesn't exist (at least an ingame-map would be basic).

...For no appearent reason, right at the beggining, you can collect "cadaveours" - they look like human-sized ripped-out human hearts. And you can collect 13 of these just until the Temple. For no appearent reason.

Oh, and a full list of secrets would also be nice.
First issue, there is no in-game map which I guess is what a lot of people complained about with this game. But does anyone really have a real life map of unexplored "wilderness"? Here is a link to a scan of the overview map that came with the game (not my doing). http://webzoom.freewebs.com/matakishi/Shadowman-Map.JPG

I take it by now you have figured out who Loa is and what the Cadeaux are for.

RE: List of secrets. In one of the files for the game (ShadowMan\data\language\Ig_eng.txt) there is a list of Secrets. I don't know what or why everyone else is calling them something else, but I trust the people who created it first. The list:

Big head mode
Disco mode
Flame on mode
Pea soup mode
Comedy shoes mode
Giant Stetson mode
Shotgun head mode
Trippy mode
Invisible man mode
Area-51 Mode
Play as Nettie
Play as Duppie
Play as Deadwing
Play as a dog!

I got most of them except Clown shoes, play as duppie and Shotgun head mode. One of your future posts mentions the secret didn't follow a walkthrough location or something. I have played this a couple of times and the order of the secrets follows the pattern you find them in, not necessarily location specific. Sure, the location is the same, but the secret may not be.

The game grows on you after a bit
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