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Old 29-06-2005, 12:42 PM   #21
Indignus IV
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I am a complete mix of all you guys: very smart, but don't have any friends cause of my ego. Only girls who are fat ugly and slutty like me and have crushes on me.
I used to not sleep, only think, but lately (i dont know why) when I hit the sack I totally conk out. Which is good.

I also hate all people>> I have been suspended for stabbing somebody in the shoulder with a pen, a dentention for getting in a fight for no reason at all. I hate kids most of all. I am one, I know, but I hate them because of how stupid and moronic they are. The only thing they care about is sex, athletics, themselves and politics. The last thing is worst, because they know nothing about it.

They have no larger conciounse. I am not very mature, but I still have a mind that thinks about absolutely everything. So I am the "geeky, stupid" outcast at school and nobody like me cause they dont understand me.

@Prejudicesux: a bit off topic, I know, but I was reading about what you made each week, and isnt it sad how the conversion rates have gone so far up? I remember a few years ago when I would go to Italy or England 1$=1Euro=1pound, more or less. Those were the good old days. Now its like 2 dollars to the pound. The euro used to be like 1.03 dolllars. <sigh>
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Old 29-06-2005, 01:04 PM   #22
Home Sweet Abandonia
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In debt up to my eyeballs
Same for my parents
I have no love or kindness for most of humanity
Girls hate me, ooh, I wonder why
I have a real bad temper
I hate my life
people beat me up and take my lunch money...IN WALMART
I'm really thin and kind of short so people think they can call me whatever they want
I have about a million more things to list here, but I'm too lazy to.
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Old 29-06-2005, 01:11 PM   #23
Abandonia Ogre

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hey guys, i' m tempted to repeat wendymaree' s words: i was going to whine a little bit about my life but, after reading your whines i just realised i' m quite a lucky guy.

just one thing: it' s the way life is, sometimes things are ok and we are at the top and feel important, other times they are not so ok and everything seams to push us down.

just remember this: it is the way we deal each situation that makes us special. so instead of complaining and whining, lift your chin and face your problems because that 's the way to get things better

(sorry guys, i don' t want to sound like a "preacher" but i think some of you need this kind of speech)
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Old 29-06-2005, 01:20 PM   #24
Indignus IV
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We are just letting off some steam......its actually pretty satisfying.

I guess we should call this the "steam forums"
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Old 29-06-2005, 01:25 PM   #25
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Originally posted by R Havell+Jun 29 2005, 08:36 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (R Havell @ Jun 29 2005, 08:36 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin-PrejudiceSucks@Jun 29 2005, 08:35 AM
GCSEs are too much work for 14-16 year olds. We have no chance to relax (or I don't, I took 12 of them, includinng French before school) and I have just been set 3 pieces of coursework to be handed in on the last day of school (about 2 weeks away).

I've got much, much more, but I don't really want to go into it.
You're in year 10 right? Then you don't know the meaning of "too much coursework"! :tai:[/b][/quote]
I used to whine about 10th grade work too... Then I went to the university, and I basically do more in one day than I did in one month back then... So now it's "good old times, I miss them so much"

Point: There'll always be too much work according to each age, that's why we aren't put in graduation year after we're born. :bleh:

Official whine: Most girls are senseless, despicable, manipulating, sold out bitc***, and I still have to convince myself that's actually a bad thing and get away from those :w00t:
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Old 29-06-2005, 01:45 PM   #26
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As a child, I was a social paraiah because I was rather advanced. I was put in special classes with a handful of other students, and the other kids made fun of me. They didn't bully me, exactly, it was mostly just verbal abuse with a nice helping of social isolation... with the exception of a rock that was chunked at me once in the playground <_<

I was a "problem child" and practically lived in the principles office, because I drove my teachers insane.

Other things sucked too bad to talk about.

This continued until I was about 12, we had moved around a lot.

Then things got worse, and mom almost kicked me out of the house because she couldn't deal with me (though considering what most kids my age were like, I really wasn't that bad, in hindsight). Instead, she sent me to a boarding school for a while. Actually, I suppose that is sort of getting kicked out, only nicer.

I ended up at a prep school at the top of my class, involved in music, art, drama, sports, you name it, I was probably doing it (no drugs though).

I got into a top 10 university, was still fairly happy, then something bad happened, and I took a semester off to recollect myself (with only 2 to go). This made my dad so disappointed that he withdrew financial support, and I had no means to go back.

So, I tried community college for a while, and made some friends around here. They all ended up being drug addicts, as I discovered most people around here my age are.

I tried to continue on as their friend, but if you've ever known a group of people who constantly do drugs... and I mean like X, cocaine, crystal meth, etc., not just weed... then you know it's not the best sort of thing to be around.

I was dating a guy, and when I moved away to get away from it, he eventually broke up with me.

So now, I have no RL friends, a sucky job that pays nothing, no one to hang out with, and am generally very sad. My dad thinks I'm a failure, and my mom thinks I'm a freak that spends too much time on the computer, hehe. I spend most evenings taking care of my mom now because she's sick.

But I make up for it by working really hard at AR, and chatting with people here and there. It makes me feel like I am useful, and still have potential, and friends.

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Old 29-06-2005, 02:24 PM   #27
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@ Havell

Are you bloody joking? I've been given about 2/3 of my coursework (inc the year 11 stuff) in this year alone.

I've already started my Year 11 Graphic Products work, it's mental.

@ Tai

I know how you feel. I've lived in 8 different houses due to the money that can be made off the property market. My parents think it's great, but I hate it. I hardly know my old friends, it makes me sick.

I also know about that special class thing. I was in one of them when I was 10, it sucked due to amount of prejudice I got for that.

I respect what you've been through, I understand on how you feel in a lot of that.

And hey, even if we only talk to you on the internet, we're still your friends.

It'll all come good in time, Tai. Remember that.
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Old 29-06-2005, 04:07 PM   #28
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I can never raise my postcount again.
I liked the old forum.. =/
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Old 29-06-2005, 04:41 PM   #29
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Danny - You'll get over it. Unless of course they remove all posts which are in 3xBlah from your postcount too. Then you'll be gutted...
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Old 29-06-2005, 05:19 PM   #30

Since everyone else is complaining about their childhood...

As a child, I suffered from a rare illness for several years. My teachers didn't understand it at all and thought the best treatment for it was punishment. I would often spend weeks in the principal's office on end, and when I was permitted to go to recess, my bullies would gang up on me and beat me. Usually the teachers would wait until they felt I had had enough. When I finally saw a doctor who knew about my illness, my teachers played it off and acted as if they knew what it was all along. Alas, the damage had been done, and I was sent to a clinical mental health facility for three years. I'd go home every night, but my experiences there were much worse than school. After grade 4 and up until grade 9, I was also in special education.

High school was no fun; I went to a Catholic school for all of 9th grade until I was expelled after the first quarter of 10th. I was not from a rich family, and so I was avoided by pretty much everyone, including the teachers. I also had several bullies who took great delight in shoving me around before homeroom every morning (there were no hall monitors). My tenure terminated when my English teacher decided he was out to get me by refusing to accept my homework and insulting me in front of the class. It would have been nice if the students and teachers there were actually Catholic; most weren't.

My second high school, an "alternative" high school, was run by a black man who got his job as principal because of the affirmative action rule--basically the school system needed at least one black principal. He was in his 30s, yet he acted as if he had lived through the civil rights movement of the 1960s, and as such he despised all white boys, assuming we were automatically racist by nature. He knew nothing of any subject except for African-American history, and I spent many days in his office while he preached civil rights to me and accused me of being "the most racist person" he had ever met. All this because I didn't get along with one black kid (who was a silly person anyway). He didn't care that more of my enemies were white than black. My parents pulled me out of that school shortly after my 16th birthday when t the principal tried to have me arrested because one hispanic kid snuck up behind me and stole my glasses (I wear contacts now), and I didn't know where he put them. Since I was the least popular student, many classmates were mad at me for getting him in trouble. When the teachers looked away after retrieving my glasses, he shoved me into a wall and got in my face and threatened me. The principal, who was away that day, told me the next day he would have had me arrested.

My third high school was a normal high school, though I was sent to the special education classes. I was expelled after a week because someone in my class threatened to kill me because his girlfriend accused me of stalking her on the running track during PE class (you could only go in one direction on the track, and I was 20-30' behind her).

My fourth high school went alright, and I graduated with top honors as head boy. The two classmates who graduated with me barely passed. At the graduation ceremony (which included the alternative high school, my second school), the principal's students received all of the scholarships (though their best student had a C average), and I got the President's Award for Academics (which means nothing, really). Also, one of my classmates and I were asked to speak at the graduation, and two from the alternative school would speak as well. The girl from my school and I were told to "make it brief" because we had to share two minutes. However, one girl from the other school spoke for a tearful 15 minutes, followed by another girl who spoke for an additional 10 minutes. My classmate seized the podium afterwards and told everyone in the audience about our time restriction (she was one of those attitude girls).
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