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Old 18-02-2005, 07:43 PM   #21
Sebatianos's Avatar

Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Ljutomer, Slovenia
Posts: 3,883

Originally posted by SixApes@Feb 17 2005, 04:25 PM
A) Introduction - How you found Abandonia
.....1) How long have you been a part of it.
B) Where you live in the world
.....1) Where you grew up.
.....2) Where you live now.
.....3) Someplace you want to live, if not where your at now. Why?
C) College
.....1) Are you going? Do you plan to? Why or why not?
D) Favorite passtimes
.....1) Favorite vacation spot
.....2) Favorite spot in town.
.....3) Favorite Game
.....4) Favorite Food
.....5) Best way for you to relax
E) Closing Paragraph
.....1) Anything you might want to add
a.1: I was looking for old games and wrote in the google search - old dos games. This place showed up. It was early summer of 2004. I moved just before, so I still had no conection at home. When I got it in late October 2004 I joined as a member.

b.1: I grew up in Ruše. The biggest village in Slovenija. Quite a lot of industry there to. It's a small but mulitcoltural place, where everybody from everywhere was welcome.
b. 2:Right now I live in Ljutomer (still in Slovenija - but about 80km away). It's a small town, but people are really open and friendly (although quite a lot of them drink way to much - but they are happy drunks, so I'm not complaining).
b. 3: I'd like to live on a tropical island. I actually enjoy being alone, but not cut off from the world. So I'd be Robinson Crusoe with a fast boat and even faster internet conection (satelite uplink). And of course Rainwife would be there with me.
c. 1: I finished the courses of English and History - making me a professor of both.
d. 1: Šibenik (dalmatia) it's my father's home town.
d. 2: an "okrepčevalnica" called Charlie (great wine, burgers and good company to play pool with).
d. 3: that would have to be Tarok (although I like many card games and board games also, not to mention computer games - I'm at the right place for that).
d. 4: Hard to say. I like to eat many things (usually things I shouldn't because they aren't healthy - but they are good). So what say you to a Bograč, or a Segedin?
d. 5: sitting or laying somwhere staring at nothing without a single thought in on my mind (unfortunately that can't happen too often, no time for that really except maybe sometimes behind the wheel - I'm still careful about the driving though).
e. 1: I'd just like to say this: There's also my favorite person - Rainwife.
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Old 18-02-2005, 10:03 PM   #22
Abandonia Homie

Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Shella, Kenya
Posts: 576

A)I was looking for some old games to download...And I found them.I was hanging around this site for three months and then (after reading some forums)I decided to join...
1)since 18february
1)In Slovakia...
2)I live in slovakia now
3)I would like to live in Australia...
1)I have started to study law :whistle:
1)swimming...I have won some competititions even regional championship :whistle: (is this still VACATION sport?)
2)My girlfriends house(guess why...)
3)Albion...becouse it was FIRST game I ever finished
4)Gyros or Kebab.Doesnt matter
5)swimming and playing mindless 3D shooters with good graphics
I just wish I would payed more attention on my english lessons :whistle:
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Old 18-02-2005, 11:05 PM   #23
Abandonia Homie

Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Shella, Kenya
Posts: 710

I think this is supposed to be an essay, according to the original post, but rather than break the current format procedure...

A) I was somewhat down, and when I'm down, there's nothing better than old Sierra games. I played them as a kid, and so it's something like comfort food for the soul.
.....1) Not too long... a month? *checks profile* Since Jan. 13th.
B ) Where you live in the world
.....1) I live in Lakeland, Florida, US. Crystal Meth & STD capital of the US. Unfortunately.
.....2) SAME DAMN PLACE. :angry:
.....3) Anywhere but here? Seriously... If outside the US, then Japan? Germany? Ireland? So many places I'd like to go.... If in the US, then Virginia... it's where I went to...
C) College
.....1) Already went. Washington & Lee University, in Lexington, Virginia.
D) Favorite passtimes
.....1) Little Gasperilla Island. My dad owns a beach house there. You can only get there by boat, and it's very private, and full of nature, no tourists!
.....2) My room.
.....3) Final Fantasy X. It made me cry.
.....4) Sushi ga daisuki yo!
.....5) Put in an anime DVD with Japanese on, close my eyes and listen.
E) Closing Paragraph
.....1) I'm a very sensitive person. Sometimes oversensitive, as some may have noticed I dislike when people argue, especially if it's illogical and pointless. Because conversely, even being an extremely emotional and sensitive person, I prize logic highly. I also value respect and courtesy towards others.
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Old 19-02-2005, 03:38 AM   #24
Abandonia nerd

Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Kalamazoo, United States
Posts: 78
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A) Introduction - How you found Abandonia
I found it by the means of fate. I think on google......

.....1) How long have you been a part of it.
I've been visiting for an uncharted amount of time. I visited several months before i joined the forums.

) Where you live in the world
.....1) Where you grew up.
I grew up in a town called Bloomington. Its located in Indiana 45 minutes south of Indianapolice. Its a cool town, kinda folky. All the people are pretty laid back and friendly.
.....2) Where you live now.
I live in Portage, Michigan. Its cold here alot. It seems like 7 months of the year are plagued by ice and snow.
.....3) Someplace you want to live, if not where your at now. Why?
I wish I could live somewhere warmer. I dont really care where. I have had a craving for the sun the last few years. I used to enjoy the winter season, but it seems to last so long here that I just grow tired of it. Im thinking somewhere in the Smokey Mountains would be nice...... I love the alltitude and the lush green forrest.

C) College
.....1) Are you going? Do you plan to? Why or why not?
I attended IU (Indiana University) obtained a degree in BA in Professional Photography. Im now attending K-Valley in Kalamazoo Michigan working on my Assoc in Computer Graphics. I want to continue my education in the computer field once I obtain my Assoc but im not sure what path im going to take yet.

D) Favorite passtimes
.....1) Favorite vacation spot
Mackinaw Island in the summer. In the winter, The mountains in South Carolina in a cabin with high speed internet. LOL

.....2) Favorite spot in town.
I dont enjoy most of the "hang outs" in town.... there is a nice piano bar downtown.... dont have anyone to take with me so..... Boomerangs is a fun place..... open mic night..... lots of good musicians.

.....3) Favorite Game
FFX; Syberia; The Longest Journey; Disciples

.....4) Favorite Food
So hard to choose favorites.... I would have to say seafood.... I love coconut shrimp. Sushi is good...
Crumb cake anyone?

.....5) Best way for you to relax
I love painting. Its a passion of mine. I work with Acrylics mostly. I can loose myself for hours in a room with nothing but tubes of paint and a canvas or poster board. I love daydreaming too.... you know.... looking at the clouds as they float by.

E) Closing Paragraph
.....1) Anything you might want to add
That is my most recent picture. Two hours ago to be more exact. Its in the room I usually paint in or record music. Its my very own laboratory. LOL
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Old 19-02-2005, 04:16 AM   #25
xcom freak
Games Master

Join Date: Jan 2005
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A) found Abandonnia same way as Tom :Tom: did : looking for x-com then i got bored of the game and i am still stuck with the nickname :ranting:

B) Joined on december 2004 coz i just wanted to thank the site for having xcom never thought id be sucked in!

1) Grew up in beyrouth Lebanon (only arab of the site but i am christian arab so dont know if it ocunts anyways..)
2)Now i am in Canada studying Pharmacy (after dropping med in Universite de Montreal) 10000 miles away from home

3) i always dreamt of living in Barcelona great people great partys....

5)best way to relax : VOdka!!!!

Closing paragraph : felt really lonely after leaving home, thx guys!
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Old 19-02-2005, 05:17 AM   #26
Game freak

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A. I was looking around for some adventure games that I haven't played in a while and the forums came up in the Google search so I checked them out and then went to the real site.
1) Only about eight days (hmm it definately seems longer though. :P)

1) I grew up in Bridgewater, Massachusetts
2) I know live in Lunenburg, Massachusetts
3) I wouldn't mind living someplace a little bit warmer than New England. Preferably someplace near the water.

1) I plan to eventually go, there's just a few problems. I don't exactly know what I want to do for a profession and there's a lot of things I'm interested in.

1) I don't get a chance to vacation too often but I know I eventually want to go to Rome and perhaps a few places in Ireland.
2) I'm not too keen on my town so I'd have to say my house :P
3) Console- Shadow Hearts 1 and 2 PC- (action) Deus Ex and System Shock 2 (adventure) Laura Bow in the Dagger of Amon Ra, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers and the Last Express
4) Buffalo chicken strips
5) Listening to eith Jazz, Opera or classical is a great way to relax me.

1) I'm pretty shy when I first start talking to people (even if it's online). After I get comfortable enough though I don't mind being a bit dorky with them. I love having conversations about various aspects of existance with people (as long as it doesn't turn into fighting since a lot of it is personal views).
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Old 19-02-2005, 05:59 AM   #27
Super Freak

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Posts: 189

A) Introduction - How you found Abandonia
.....1) How long have you been a part of it.

Well I found abandonia by following a link from another forum. I'm pretty sure it was the AGS forums. This was when the site was still fairly new and there were hardly any members in the forums.

B ) Where you live in the world
.....1) Where you grew up.
.....2) Where you live now.
.....3) Someplace you want to live, if not where your at now. Why?

Well I live in Wollongong. NSW, Australia. I grew up in a small country town up until age 15. We then moved to the city where I still live now. I want to live back in my old town because thats home to me and thats where my girlfriend lives. Well we actually broke up recently because of the distance...

C) College
.....1) Are you going? Do you plan to? Why or why not?

Or university as its called here... Well I go there, and I study Computer Science. As a matter of fact, I start my second year there on monday. It should be good.

D) Favorite passtimes
.....1) Favorite vacation spot
.....2) Favorite spot in town.
.....3) Favorite Game
.....4) Favorite Food
.....5) Best way for you to relax

Well I tend to sit around at the computer alot playing games and such. I prefer to be with friends and that, but its hard sometimes, so I just sit around.
For holidays, I like to get away from everything. I like going back to my old town, and just being in a more quiet seting. Well since my town here is pretty much a hole, I think the best place is in my home.
My favourite game is hmm... Well lets say my favourite classic games are the Space Quest series, Maniac Mansion, DotT, Grim Fandango, etc... And the game I've been playing alot now is Half Life 2 and Counter Strike: Source.
My favourite foor used to be pizza but now I work in a pizza shop, so I'm getting a bit sick of it now :P
And the best way to relex for me is tro read a good boo in a quiet place. nd if I can't do that, then music is always good. I also relax playing the guitar.

E) Closing Paragraph
.....1) Anything you might want to add

Hmm I don't have much more to say except that you guys are are a cool bunch of people. And also visit my site and sign up to my forum already... joking... or am I...

And here is a picture of me...
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Old 23-02-2005, 05:01 AM   #28
Game freak

Join Date: Nov 2004
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Posts: 107

A) Introduction - How you found Abandonia
.....1) How long have you been a part of it.

Found it recently

B) Where you live in the world
.....1) Where you grew up.


.....2) Where you live now.

Windsor, Canada

.....3) Someplace you want to live, if not where your at now. Why?

-Somewhere less polluted

C) College
.....1) Are you going? Do you plan to? Why or why not?

Currently attending University of Windsor

D) Favorite passtimes
.....1) Favorite vacation spot

I never go on vacation

.....2) Favorite spot in town.

None in particular

.....3) Favorite Game

Chess, I suppose

.....4) Favorite Food


.....5) Best way for you to relax


E) Closing Paragraph
.....1) Anything you might want to add

little trouble
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